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Defines progression, junk and event items for The Witness
import copy
from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, Optional
from BaseClasses import Item, MultiWorld
from . import StaticWitnessLogic, WitnessPlayerLocations, WitnessPlayerLogic
from .Options import get_option_value, is_option_enabled
from fractions import Fraction
class ItemData(NamedTuple):
ItemData for an item in The Witness
code: Optional[int]
progression: bool
event: bool = False
trap: bool = False
class WitnessItem(Item):
Item from the game The Witness
game: str = "The Witness"
class StaticWitnessItems:
Class that handles Witness items independent of world settings
ALL_ITEM_TABLE: Dict[str, ItemData] = {}
# These should always add up to 1!!!
"Speed Boost": Fraction(1, 1),
# These should always add up to 1!!!
"Slowness": Fraction(8, 10),
"Power Surge": Fraction(2, 10),
def __init__(self):
item_tab = dict()
for item in StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_ITEMS:
if item[0] == "11 Lasers" or item == "7 Lasers":
item_tab[item[0]] = ItemData(158000 + item[1], True, False)
for item in StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_TRAPS:
item_tab[item[0]] = ItemData(
158000 + item[1], False, False, True
for item in StaticWitnessLogic.ALL_BOOSTS:
item_tab[item[0]] = ItemData(158000 + item[1], False, False)
item_tab = dict(sorted(
key=lambda single_item: single_item[1].code
if isinstance(single_item[1].code, int) else 0)
for key, item in item_tab.items():
self.ALL_ITEM_TABLE[key] = item
class WitnessPlayerItems:
Class that defines Items for a single world
def __init__(self, locat: WitnessPlayerLocations, world: MultiWorld, player: int, player_logic: WitnessPlayerLogic):
"""Adds event items after logic changes due to options"""
self.EVENT_ITEM_TABLE = dict()
self.ITEM_TABLE = copy.copy(StaticWitnessItems.ALL_ITEM_TABLE)
self.GOOD_ITEMS = [
"Dots", "Black/White Squares", "Stars",
"Shapers", "Symmetry"
if is_option_enabled(world, player, "shuffle_discarded_panels"):
if not is_option_enabled(world, player, "disable_non_randomized_puzzles"):
self.GOOD_ITEMS.append("Colored Squares")
for event_location in locat.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE:
location = player_logic.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS[event_location]
self.EVENT_ITEM_TABLE[location] = ItemData(None, True, True)
self.ITEM_TABLE[location] = ItemData(None, True, True)
trap_percentage = get_option_value(world, player, "trap_percentage")
self.JUNK_WEIGHTS = dict()
if trap_percentage != 0:
# I'm sure there must be some super "pythonic" way of doing this :D
for trap_name, trap_weight in StaticWitnessItems.TRAP_WEIGHTS.items():
self.JUNK_WEIGHTS[trap_name] = (trap_weight * trap_percentage) / 100
if trap_percentage != 100:
for bonus_name, bonus_weight in StaticWitnessItems.BONUS_WEIGHTS.items():
self.JUNK_WEIGHTS[bonus_name] = (bonus_weight * (100 - trap_percentage)) / 100
key: value for (key, value)
in self.JUNK_WEIGHTS.items()
if key in self.ITEM_TABLE.keys()
# JUNK_WEIGHTS will add up to 1 if the boosts weights and the trap weights each add up to 1 respectively.
for junk_item in StaticWitnessItems.ALL_JUNK_ITEMS:
if junk_item not in self.JUNK_WEIGHTS.keys():
del self.ITEM_TABLE[junk_item]