2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
import typing
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from Options import Choice, Option, PerGameCommonOptions, Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, Range, ItemsAccessibility, StartInventoryPool
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from dataclasses import dataclass
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
class SMLogic(Choice):
"""This option selects what kind of logic to use for item placement inside
Super Metroid.
Normal - Normal logic includes only what Super Metroid teaches players
itself. Anything that's not demonstrated in-game or by the intro cutscenes
will not be required here.
Hard - Hard logic is based upon the "no major glitches" ruleset and
includes most tricks that are considered minor glitches, with some
restrictions. You'll want to be somewhat of a Super Metroid veteran for
this logic.
See https://samus.link/information for required moves."""
display_name = "SMLogic"
option_Normal = 0
option_Hard = 1
default = 0
class SwordLocation(Choice):
"""This option decides where the first sword will be placed.
Randomized - The sword can be placed anywhere.
Early - The sword will be placed in a location accessible from the start of
the game.
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Uncle - The sword will always be placed on Link's Uncle."""
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display_name = "Sword Location"
option_Randomized = 0
option_Early = 1
option_Uncle = 2
default = 0
class MorphLocation(Choice):
"""This option decides where the morph ball will be placed.
Randomized - The morph ball can be placed anywhere.
Early - The morph ball will be placed in a location accessible from the
start of the game.
Original location - The morph ball will always be placed at its original
display_name = "Morph Location"
option_Randomized = 0
option_Early = 1
option_Original = 2
default = 0
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class Goal(Choice):
"""This option decides what goal is required to finish the randomizer.
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Defeat Ganon and Mother Brain - Find the required crystals and boss tokens to kill both bosses.
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Fast Ganon and Defeat Mother Brain - The hole to ganon is open without having to defeat Agahnim in
Ganon's Tower and Ganon can be defeat as soon you have the required
crystals to make Ganon vulnerable. For keysanity, this mode also removes
the Crateria Boss Key requirement from Tourian to allow faster access.
All Dungeons and Defeat Mother Brain - Similar to "Defeat Ganon and Mother Brain", but also requires all dungeons
to be beaten including Castle Tower and Agahnim."""
display_name = "Goal"
option_DefeatBoth = 0
option_FastGanonDefeatMotherBrain = 1
option_AllDungeonsDefeatMotherBrain = 2
default = 0
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class KeyShuffle(Choice):
"""This option decides how dungeon items such as keys are shuffled.
None - A Link to the Past dungeon items can only be placed inside the
dungeon they belong to, and there are no changes to Super Metroid.
Keysanity - See https://samus.link/information"""
display_name = "Key Shuffle"
option_None = 0
option_Keysanity = 1
default = 0
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class OpenTower(Range):
"""The amount of crystals required to be able to enter Ganon's Tower.
If this is set to Random, the amount can be found in-game on a sign next to Ganon's Tower."""
display_name = "Open Tower"
range_start = 0
range_end = 7
default = 7
class GanonVulnerable(Range):
"""The amount of crystals required to be able to harm Ganon. The amount can be found
in-game on a sign near the top of the Pyramid."""
display_name = "Ganon Vulnerable"
range_start = 0
range_end = 7
default = 7
class OpenTourian(Range):
"""The amount of boss tokens required to enter Tourian. The amount can be found in-game
on a sign above the door leading to the Tourian entrance."""
display_name = "Open Tourian"
range_start = 0
range_end = 4
default = 4
class SpinJumpsAnimation(Toggle):
"""Enable separate space/screw jump animations"""
display_name = "Spin Jumps Animation"
class HeartBeepSpeed(Choice):
"""Sets the speed of the heart beep sound in A Link to the Past."""
display_name = "Heart Beep Speed"
option_Off = 0
option_Quarter = 1
option_Half = 2
option_Normal = 3
option_Double = 4
default = 3
class HeartColor(Choice):
"""Changes the color of the hearts in the HUD for A Link to the Past."""
display_name = "Heart Color"
option_Red = 0
option_Green = 1
option_Blue = 2
option_Yellow = 3
default = 0
class QuickSwap(Toggle):
"""When enabled, lets you switch items in ALTTP with L/R"""
display_name = "Quick Swap"
class EnergyBeep(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Toggles the low health energy beep in Super Metroid."""
display_name = "Energy Beep"
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class SMZ3Options(PerGameCommonOptions):
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start_inventory_from_pool: StartInventoryPool
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accessibility: ItemsAccessibility
sm_logic: SMLogic
sword_location: SwordLocation
morph_location: MorphLocation
goal: Goal
key_shuffle: KeyShuffle
open_tower: OpenTower
ganon_vulnerable: GanonVulnerable
open_tourian: OpenTourian
spin_jumps_animation: SpinJumpsAnimation
heart_beep_speed: HeartBeepSpeed
heart_color: HeartColor
quick_swap: QuickSwap
energy_beep: EnergyBeep