2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
import os
import asyncio
import ModuleUpdate
import json
import Utils
from pymem import pymem
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
from worlds.kh2.Items import exclusionItem_table, CheckDupingItems
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
from worlds.kh2 import all_locations, item_dictionary_table, exclusion_table
from worlds.kh2.WorldLocations import *
from worlds import network_data_package
if __name__ == "__main__":
Utils.init_logging("KH2Client", exception_logger="Client")
from NetUtils import ClientStatus
from CommonClient import gui_enabled, logger, get_base_parser, ClientCommandProcessor, \
CommonContext, server_loop
kh2_loc_name_to_id = network_data_package["games"]["Kingdom Hearts 2"]["location_name_to_id"]
# class KH2CommandProcessor(ClientCommandProcessor):
class KH2Context(CommonContext):
# command_processor: int = KH2CommandProcessor
game = "Kingdom Hearts 2"
items_handling = 0b101 # Indicates you get items sent from other worlds.
def __init__(self, server_address, password):
super(KH2Context, self).__init__(server_address, password)
self.kh2LocalItems = None
self.ability = None
self.growthlevel = None
self.KH2_sync_task = None
self.syncing = False
self.kh2connected = False
self.serverconneced = False
self.item_name_to_data = {name: data for name, data, in item_dictionary_table.items()}
self.location_name_to_data = {name: data for name, data, in all_locations.items()}
self.lookup_id_to_item: typing.Dict[int, str] = {data.code: item_name for item_name, data in
item_dictionary_table.items() if data.code}
self.lookup_id_to_Location: typing.Dict[int, str] = {data.code: item_name for item_name, data in
all_locations.items() if data.code}
self.location_name_to_worlddata = {name: data for name, data, in all_world_locations.items()}
self.location_table = {}
self.collectible_table = {}
self.collectible_override_flags_address = 0
self.collectible_offsets = {}
self.sending = []
# flag for if the player has gotten their starting inventory from the server
self.hasStartingInvo = False
# list used to keep track of locations+items player has. Used for disoneccting
self.kh2seedsave = {"checked_locations": {"0": []},
"starting_inventory": self.hasStartingInvo,
# Character: [back of invo, front of invo]
"SoraInvo": [0x25CC, 0x2546],
"DonaldInvo": [0x2678, 0x2658],
"GoofyInvo": [0x278E, 0x276C],
"AmountInvo": {
"ServerItems": {
"Ability": {},
"Amount": {},
"Growth": {"High Jump": 0, "Quick Run": 0, "Dodge Roll": 0, "Aerial Dodge": 0,
"Glide": 0},
"Bitmask": [],
"Weapon": {"Sora": [], "Donald": [], "Goofy": []},
"Equipment": [],
"Magic": {},
"StatIncrease": {},
"Boost": {},
"LocalItems": {
"Ability": {},
"Amount": {},
"Growth": {"High Jump": 0, "Quick Run": 0, "Dodge Roll": 0,
"Aerial Dodge": 0, "Glide": 0},
"Bitmask": [],
"Weapon": {"Sora": [], "Donald": [], "Goofy": []},
"Equipment": [],
"Magic": {},
"StatIncrease": {},
"Boost": {},
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
# 1,3,255 are in this list in case the player gets locations in those "worlds" and I need to still have them checked
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
"worldIdChecks": {
"1": [], # world of darkness (story cutscenes)
"2": [],
"3": [], # destiny island doesn't have checks to ima put tt checks here
"4": [],
"5": [],
"6": [],
"7": [],
"8": [],
"9": [],
"10": [],
"11": [],
# atlantica isn't a supported world. if you go in atlantica it will check dc
"12": [],
"13": [],
"14": [],
"15": [],
# world map, but you only go to the world map while on the way to goa so checking hb
"16": [],
"17": [],
"18": [],
"255": [], # starting screen
"Levels": {
"SoraLevel": 0,
"ValorLevel": 0,
"WisdomLevel": 0,
"LimitLevel": 0,
"MasterLevel": 0,
"FinalLevel": 0,
self.slotDataProgressionNames = {}
self.kh2seedname = None
self.kh2slotdata = None
self.itemamount = {}
# sora equipped, valor equipped, master equipped, final equipped
self.keybladeAnchorList = (0x24F0, 0x32F4, 0x339C, 0x33D4)
if "localappdata" in os.environ:
self.game_communication_path = os.path.expandvars(r"%localappdata%\KH2AP")
self.amountOfPieces = 0
# hooked object
self.kh2 = None
self.ItemIsSafe = False
self.game_connected = False
self.finalxemnas = False
self.worldid = {
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
# 1: {}, # world of darkness (story cutscenes)
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
2: TT_Checks,
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
# 3: {}, # destiny island doesn't have checks to ima put tt checks here
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
4: HB_Checks,
5: BC_Checks,
6: Oc_Checks,
7: AG_Checks,
8: LoD_Checks,
9: HundredAcreChecks,
10: PL_Checks,
11: DC_Checks, # atlantica isn't a supported world. if you go in atlantica it will check dc
12: DC_Checks,
13: TR_Checks,
14: HT_Checks,
15: HB_Checks, # world map, but you only go to the world map while on the way to goa so checking hb
16: PR_Checks,
17: SP_Checks,
18: TWTNW_Checks,
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
# 255: {}, # starting screen
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
# 0x2A09C00+0x40 is the sve anchor. +1 is the last saved room
self.sveroom = 0x2A09C00 + 0x41
# 0 not in battle 1 in yellow battle 2 red battle #short
self.inBattle = 0x2A0EAC4 + 0x40
self.onDeath = 0xAB9078
# PC Address anchors
self.Now = 0x0714DB8
self.Save = 0x09A70B0
self.Sys3 = 0x2A59DF0
self.Bt10 = 0x2A74880
self.BtlEnd = 0x2A0D3E0
self.Slot1 = 0x2A20C98
self.chest_set = set(exclusion_table["Chests"])
self.keyblade_set = set(CheckDupingItems["Weapons"]["Keyblades"])
self.staff_set = set(CheckDupingItems["Weapons"]["Staffs"])
self.shield_set = set(CheckDupingItems["Weapons"]["Shields"])
self.all_weapons = self.keyblade_set.union(self.staff_set).union(self.shield_set)
self.equipment_categories = CheckDupingItems["Equipment"]
self.armor_set = set(self.equipment_categories["Armor"])
self.accessories_set = set(self.equipment_categories["Accessories"])
self.all_equipment = self.armor_set.union(self.accessories_set)
self.Equipment_Anchor_Dict = {
"Armor": [0x2504, 0x2506, 0x2508, 0x250A],
"Accessories": [0x2514, 0x2516, 0x2518, 0x251A]}
self.AbilityQuantityDict = {}
self.ability_categories = CheckDupingItems["Abilities"]
self.sora_ability_set = set(self.ability_categories["Sora"])
self.donald_ability_set = set(self.ability_categories["Donald"])
self.goofy_ability_set = set(self.ability_categories["Goofy"])
self.all_abilities = self.sora_ability_set.union(self.donald_ability_set).union(self.goofy_ability_set)
self.boost_set = set(CheckDupingItems["Boosts"])
self.stat_increase_set = set(CheckDupingItems["Stat Increases"])
self.AbilityQuantityDict = {item: self.item_name_to_data[item].quantity for item in self.all_abilities}
# Growth:[level 1,level 4,slot]
self.growth_values_dict = {"High Jump": [0x05E, 0x061, 0x25CE],
"Quick Run": [0x62, 0x65, 0x25D0],
"Dodge Roll": [0x234, 0x237, 0x25D2],
"Aerial Dodge": [0x066, 0x069, 0x25D4],
"Glide": [0x6A, 0x6D, 0x25D6]}
self.boost_to_anchor_dict = {
"Power Boost": 0x24F9,
"Magic Boost": 0x24FA,
"Defense Boost": 0x24FB,
"AP Boost": 0x24F8}
self.AbilityCodeList = [self.item_name_to_data[item].code for item in exclusionItem_table["Ability"]]
self.master_growth = {"High Jump", "Quick Run", "Dodge Roll", "Aerial Dodge", "Glide"}
self.bitmask_item_code = [
0x130000, 0x130001, 0x130002, 0x130003, 0x130004, 0x130005, 0x130006, 0x130007
, 0x130008, 0x130009, 0x13000A, 0x13000B, 0x13000C
, 0x13001F, 0x130020, 0x130021, 0x130022, 0x130023
, 0x13002A, 0x13002B, 0x13002C, 0x13002D]
async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False):
if password_requested and not self.password:
await super(KH2Context, self).server_auth(password_requested)
await self.get_username()
await self.send_connect()
async def connection_closed(self):
self.kh2connected = False
self.serverconneced = False
if self.kh2seedname is not None and self.auth is not None:
with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, f"kh2save{self.kh2seedname}{self.auth}.json"),
'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(self.kh2seedsave, indent=4))
await super(KH2Context, self).connection_closed()
async def disconnect(self, allow_autoreconnect: bool = False):
self.kh2connected = False
self.serverconneced = False
if self.kh2seedname not in {None} and self.auth not in {None}:
with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, f"kh2save{self.kh2seedname}{self.auth}.json"),
'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(self.kh2seedsave, indent=4))
await super(KH2Context, self).disconnect()
def endpoints(self):
if self.server:
return [self.server]
return []
async def shutdown(self):
if self.kh2seedname not in {None} and self.auth not in {None}:
with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, f"kh2save{self.kh2seedname}{self.auth}.json"),
'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(self.kh2seedsave, indent=4))
await super(KH2Context, self).shutdown()
def on_package(self, cmd: str, args: dict):
if cmd in {"RoomInfo"}:
self.kh2seedname = args['seed_name']
if not os.path.exists(self.game_communication_path):
if not os.path.exists(self.game_communication_path + f"\kh2save{self.kh2seedname}{self.auth}.json"):
with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, f"kh2save{self.kh2seedname}{self.auth}.json"),
'wt') as f:
elif os.path.exists(self.game_communication_path + f"\kh2save{self.kh2seedname}{self.auth}.json"):
with open(self.game_communication_path + f"\kh2save{self.kh2seedname}{self.auth}.json", 'r') as f:
self.kh2seedsave = json.load(f)
if cmd in {"Connected"}:
for player in args['players']:
if str(player.slot) not in self.kh2seedsave["checked_locations"]:
self.kh2seedsave["checked_locations"].update({str(player.slot): []})
self.kh2slotdata = args['slot_data']
self.serverconneced = True
self.kh2LocalItems = {int(location): item for location, item in self.kh2slotdata["LocalItems"].items()}
self.kh2 = pymem.Pymem(process_name="KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX")
logger.info("You are now auto-tracking")
self.kh2connected = True
except Exception as e:
logger.info("Line 247")
if self.kh2connected:
logger.info("Connection Lost")
self.kh2connected = False
if cmd in {"ReceivedItems"}:
start_index = args["index"]
if start_index != len(self.items_received):
for item in args['items']:
# starting invo from server
if item.location in {-2}:
if not self.kh2seedsave["starting_inventory"]:
# if location is not already given or is !getitem
elif item.location not in self.kh2seedsave["checked_locations"][str(item.player)] \
or item.location in {-1}:
if item.location not in self.kh2seedsave["checked_locations"][str(item.player)] \
and item.location not in {-1, -2}:
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
if not self.kh2seedsave["starting_inventory"]:
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
self.kh2seedsave["starting_inventory"] = True
if cmd in {"RoomUpdate"}:
if "checked_locations" in args:
new_locations = set(args["checked_locations"])
# TODO: make this take locations from other players on the same slot so proper coop happens
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
# items_to_give = [self.kh2slotdata["LocalItems"][str(location_id)] for location_id in new_locations if
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
# location_id in self.kh2LocalItems.keys()]
self.checked_locations |= new_locations
async def checkWorldLocations(self):
currentworldint = int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + 0x0714DB8, 1), "big")
2023-03-22 14:21:41 +00:00
if currentworldint in self.worldid:
curworldid = self.worldid[currentworldint]
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
for location, data in curworldid.items():
if location not in self.locations_checked \
and (int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + data.addrObtained, 1),
"big") & 0x1 << data.bitIndex) > 0:
self.sending = self.sending + [(int(kh2_loc_name_to_id[location]))]
except Exception as e:
logger.info("Line 285")
if self.kh2connected:
logger.info("Connection Lost.")
self.kh2connected = False
async def checkLevels(self):
for location, data in SoraLevels.items():
currentLevel = int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x24FF, 1), "big")
if location not in self.locations_checked \
and currentLevel >= data.bitIndex:
if self.kh2seedsave["Levels"]["SoraLevel"] < currentLevel:
self.kh2seedsave["Levels"]["SoraLevel"] = currentLevel
self.sending = self.sending + [(int(kh2_loc_name_to_id[location]))]
formDict = {
0: ["ValorLevel", ValorLevels], 1: ["WisdomLevel", WisdomLevels], 2: ["LimitLevel", LimitLevels],
3: ["MasterLevel", MasterLevels], 4: ["FinalLevel", FinalLevels]}
for i in range(5):
for location, data in formDict[i][1].items():
formlevel = int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + data.addrObtained, 1), "big")
if location not in self.locations_checked \
and formlevel >= data.bitIndex:
if formlevel > self.kh2seedsave["Levels"][formDict[i][0]]:
self.kh2seedsave["Levels"][formDict[i][0]] = formlevel
self.sending = self.sending + [(int(kh2_loc_name_to_id[location]))]
except Exception as e:
logger.info("Line 312")
if self.kh2connected:
logger.info("Connection Lost.")
self.kh2connected = False
async def checkSlots(self):
for location, data in weaponSlots.items():
if location not in self.locations_checked:
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + data.addrObtained, 1),
"big") > 0:
self.sending = self.sending + [(int(kh2_loc_name_to_id[location]))]
for location, data in formSlots.items():
if location not in self.locations_checked:
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + data.addrObtained, 1),
"big") & 0x1 << data.bitIndex > 0:
self.sending = self.sending + [(int(kh2_loc_name_to_id[location]))]
except Exception as e:
if self.kh2connected:
logger.info("Line 333")
logger.info("Connection Lost.")
self.kh2connected = False
async def verifyChests(self):
currentworld = str(int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + 0x0714DB8, 1), "big"))
for location in self.kh2seedsave["worldIdChecks"][currentworld]:
locationName = self.lookup_id_to_Location[location]
if locationName in self.chest_set:
if locationName in self.location_name_to_worlddata.keys():
locationData = self.location_name_to_worlddata[locationName]
if int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + locationData.addrObtained, 1),
"big") & 0x1 << locationData.bitIndex == 0:
roomData = int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + locationData.addrObtained,
1), "big")
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + locationData.addrObtained,
(roomData | 0x01 << locationData.bitIndex).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
except Exception as e:
if self.kh2connected:
logger.info("Line 350")
logger.info("Connection Lost.")
self.kh2connected = False
async def verifyLevel(self):
for leveltype, anchor in {"SoraLevel": 0x24FF,
"ValorLevel": 0x32F6,
"WisdomLevel": 0x332E,
"LimitLevel": 0x3366,
"MasterLevel": 0x339E,
"FinalLevel": 0x33D6}.items():
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + anchor, 1), "big") < \
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + anchor,
(self.kh2seedsave["Levels"][leveltype]).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
def verifyLocation(self, location):
locationData = self.location_name_to_worlddata[location]
locationName = self.lookup_id_to_Location[location]
isChecked = True
if locationName not in levels_locations:
if (int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + locationData.addrObtained, 1),
"big") & 0x1 << locationData.bitIndex) == 0:
isChecked = False
elif locationName in SoraLevels:
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x24FF, 1),
"big") < locationData.bitIndex:
isChecked = False
elif int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + locationData.addrObtained, 1),
"big") < locationData.bitIndex:
isChecked = False
return isChecked
async def give_item(self, item, ItemType="ServerItems"):
itemname = self.lookup_id_to_item[item]
itemcode = self.item_name_to_data[itemname]
if itemcode.ability:
abilityInvoType = 0
TwilightZone = 2
if ItemType == "LocalItems":
abilityInvoType = 1
TwilightZone = -2
if itemname in {"High Jump", "Quick Run", "Dodge Roll", "Aerial Dodge", "Glide"}:
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Growth"][itemname] += 1
if itemname not in self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Ability"]:
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Ability"][itemname] = []
# appending the slot that the ability should be in
if len(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Ability"][itemname]) < \
if itemname in self.sora_ability_set:
self.kh2seedsave["SoraInvo"][abilityInvoType] -= TwilightZone
elif itemname in self.donald_ability_set:
self.kh2seedsave["DonaldInvo"][abilityInvoType] -= TwilightZone
self.kh2seedsave["GoofyInvo"][abilityInvoType] -= TwilightZone
elif itemcode.code in self.bitmask_item_code:
if itemname not in self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Bitmask"]:
elif itemcode.memaddr in {0x3594, 0x3595, 0x3596, 0x3597, 0x35CF, 0x35D0}:
if itemname in self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Magic"]:
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Magic"][itemname] += 1
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Magic"][itemname] = 1
elif itemname in self.all_equipment:
elif itemname in self.all_weapons:
if itemname in self.keyblade_set:
elif itemname in self.staff_set:
elif itemname in self.boost_set:
if itemname in self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Boost"]:
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Boost"][itemname] += 1
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Boost"][itemname] = 1
elif itemname in self.stat_increase_set:
if itemname in self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["StatIncrease"]:
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["StatIncrease"][itemname] += 1
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["StatIncrease"][itemname] = 1
if itemname in self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Amount"]:
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Amount"][itemname] += 1
self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"][ItemType]["Amount"][itemname] = 1
except Exception as e:
if self.kh2connected:
logger.info("Line 398")
logger.info("Connection Lost.")
self.kh2connected = False
def run_gui(self):
"""Import kivy UI system and start running it as self.ui_task."""
from kvui import GameManager
class KH2Manager(GameManager):
logging_pairs = [
("Client", "Archipelago")
base_title = "Archipelago KH2 Client"
self.ui = KH2Manager(self)
self.ui_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ui.async_run(), name="UI")
async def verifyItems(self):
local_amount = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Amount"].keys())
server_amount = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Amount"].keys())
master_amount = local_amount | server_amount
local_ability = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Ability"].keys())
server_ability = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Ability"].keys())
master_ability = local_ability | server_ability
local_bitmask = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Bitmask"])
server_bitmask = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Bitmask"])
master_bitmask = local_bitmask | server_bitmask
local_keyblade = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Weapon"]["Sora"])
local_staff = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Weapon"]["Donald"])
local_shield = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Weapon"]["Goofy"])
server_keyblade = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Weapon"]["Sora"])
server_staff = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Weapon"]["Donald"])
server_shield = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Weapon"]["Goofy"])
master_keyblade = local_keyblade | server_keyblade
master_staff = local_staff | server_staff
master_shield = local_shield | server_shield
local_equipment = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Equipment"])
server_equipment = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Equipment"])
master_equipment = local_equipment | server_equipment
local_magic = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Magic"].keys())
server_magic = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Magic"].keys())
master_magic = local_magic | server_magic
local_stat = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["StatIncrease"].keys())
server_stat = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["StatIncrease"].keys())
master_stat = local_stat | server_stat
local_boost = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Boost"].keys())
server_boost = set(self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Boost"].keys())
master_boost = local_boost | server_boost
for itemName in master_amount:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
amountOfItems = 0
if itemName in local_amount:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Amount"][itemName]
if itemName in server_amount:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Amount"][itemName]
if itemName == "Torn Page":
# Torn Pages are handled differently because they can be consumed.
# Will check the progression in 100 acre and - the amount of visits
# amountofitems-amount of visits done
for location, data in tornPageLocks.items():
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + data.addrObtained, 1),
"big") & 0x1 << data.bitIndex > 0:
amountOfItems -= 1
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") != amountOfItems and amountOfItems >= 0:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
amountOfItems.to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_keyblade:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
# if the inventory slot for that keyblade is less than the amount they should have
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") <= 0:
# Checking form anchors for the keyblade
if self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x24F0) == itemData.kh2id \
or self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x32F4) == itemData.kh2id \
or self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x339C) == itemData.kh2id \
or self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x33D4) == itemData.kh2id:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(0).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_staff:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") != 1 \
and self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x2604) != itemData.kh2id:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_shield:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") != 1 \
and self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + 0x2718) != itemData.kh2id:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_ability:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
ability_slot = []
if itemName in local_ability:
ability_slot += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Ability"][itemName]
if itemName in server_ability:
ability_slot += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Ability"][itemName]
for slot in ability_slot:
current = self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + slot)
ability = current & 0x0FFF
if ability | 0x8000 != (0x8000 + itemData.memaddr):
self.kh2.write_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + slot, itemData.memaddr)
for itemName in self.master_growth:
growthLevel = self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Growth"][itemName] \
+ self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Growth"][itemName]
if growthLevel > 0:
slot = self.growth_values_dict[itemName][2]
min_growth = self.growth_values_dict[itemName][0]
max_growth = self.growth_values_dict[itemName][1]
if growthLevel > 4:
growthLevel = 4
current_growth_level = self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + slot)
ability = current_growth_level & 0x0FFF
# if the player should be getting a growth ability
if ability | 0x8000 != 0x8000 + min_growth - 1 + growthLevel:
# if it should be level one of that growth
if 0x8000 + min_growth - 1 + growthLevel <= 0x8000 + min_growth or ability < min_growth:
self.kh2.write_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + slot, min_growth)
# if it is already in the inventory
elif ability | 0x8000 < (0x8000 + max_growth):
self.kh2.write_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + slot, current_growth_level + 1)
for itemName in master_bitmask:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
itemMemory = int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1), "big")
if (int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") & 0x1 << itemData.bitmask) == 0:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(itemMemory | 0x01 << itemData.bitmask).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_equipment:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
isThere = False
if itemName in self.accessories_set:
Equipment_Anchor_List = self.Equipment_Anchor_Dict["Accessories"]
Equipment_Anchor_List = self.Equipment_Anchor_Dict["Armor"]
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") != 1:
# Checking form anchors for the equipment
for slot in Equipment_Anchor_List:
if self.kh2.read_short(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + slot) == itemData.kh2id:
isThere = True
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(0).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
if not isThere:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_magic:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
amountOfItems = 0
if itemName in local_magic:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Magic"][itemName]
if itemName in server_magic:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Magic"][itemName]
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") != amountOfItems \
and int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + 0x741320, 1), "big") in {10, 8}:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
amountOfItems.to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_stat:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
amountOfItems = 0
if itemName in local_stat:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["StatIncrease"][itemName]
if itemName in server_stat:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["StatIncrease"][itemName]
if int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
"big") != amountOfItems \
and int.from_bytes(self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Slot1 + 0x1B2, 1),
"big") >= 5:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
amountOfItems.to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
for itemName in master_boost:
itemData = self.item_name_to_data[itemName]
amountOfItems = 0
if itemName in local_boost:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["LocalItems"]["Boost"][itemName]
if itemName in server_boost:
amountOfItems += self.kh2seedsave["AmountInvo"]["ServerItems"]["Boost"][itemName]
amountOfBoostsInInvo = int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr, 1),
amountOfUsedBoosts = int.from_bytes(
self.kh2.read_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + self.boost_to_anchor_dict[itemName], 1),
# Ap Boots start at +50 for some reason
if itemName == "AP Boost":
amountOfUsedBoosts -= 50
if (amountOfBoostsInInvo + amountOfUsedBoosts) <= amountOfItems and amountOfBoostsInInvo < 255:
self.kh2.write_bytes(self.kh2.base_address + self.Save + itemData.memaddr,
(amountOfBoostsInInvo + 1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
except Exception as e:
logger.info("Line 573")
if self.kh2connected:
logger.info("Connection Lost.")
self.kh2connected = False
def finishedGame(ctx: KH2Context, message):
if ctx.kh2slotdata['FinalXemnas'] == 1:
if 0x1301ED in message[0]["locations"]:
ctx.finalxemnas = True
# three proofs
if ctx.kh2slotdata['Goal'] == 0:
if int.from_bytes(ctx.kh2.read_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B2, 1), "big") > 0 \
and int.from_bytes(ctx.kh2.read_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B3, 1), "big") > 0 \
and int.from_bytes(ctx.kh2.read_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B4, 1), "big") > 0:
if ctx.kh2slotdata['FinalXemnas'] == 1:
if ctx.finalxemnas:
return True
return False
return True
return False
elif ctx.kh2slotdata['Goal'] == 1:
if int.from_bytes(ctx.kh2.read_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x3641, 1), "big") >= \
ctx.kh2.write_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B2, (1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
ctx.kh2.write_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B3, (1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
ctx.kh2.write_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B4, (1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
if ctx.kh2slotdata['FinalXemnas'] == 1:
if ctx.finalxemnas:
return True
return False
return True
return False
elif ctx.kh2slotdata['Goal'] == 2:
for boss in ctx.kh2slotdata["hitlist"]:
if boss in message[0]["locations"]:
ctx.amountOfPieces += 1
if ctx.amountOfPieces >= ctx.kh2slotdata["BountyRequired"]:
ctx.kh2.write_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B2, (1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
ctx.kh2.write_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B3, (1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
ctx.kh2.write_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + ctx.Save + 0x36B4, (1).to_bytes(1, 'big'), 1)
if ctx.kh2slotdata['FinalXemnas'] == 1:
if ctx.finalxemnas:
return True
return False
return True
return False
async def kh2_watcher(ctx: KH2Context):
while not ctx.exit_event.is_set():
if ctx.kh2connected and ctx.serverconneced:
ctx.sending = []
await asyncio.create_task(ctx.checkWorldLocations())
await asyncio.create_task(ctx.checkLevels())
await asyncio.create_task(ctx.checkSlots())
await asyncio.create_task(ctx.verifyChests())
await asyncio.create_task(ctx.verifyItems())
await asyncio.create_task(ctx.verifyLevel())
message = [{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": ctx.sending}]
if finishedGame(ctx, message):
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}])
ctx.finished_game = True
location_ids = []
location_ids = [location for location in message[0]["locations"] if location not in location_ids]
for location in location_ids:
currentWorld = int.from_bytes(ctx.kh2.read_bytes(ctx.kh2.base_address + 0x0714DB8, 1), "big")
if location not in ctx.kh2seedsave["worldIdChecks"][str(currentWorld)]:
if location in ctx.kh2LocalItems:
item = ctx.kh2slotdata["LocalItems"][str(location)]
await asyncio.create_task(ctx.give_item(item, "LocalItems"))
await ctx.send_msgs(message)
elif not ctx.kh2connected and ctx.serverconneced:
logger.info("Game is not open. Disconnecting from Server.")
await ctx.disconnect()
except Exception as e:
logger.info("Line 661")
if ctx.kh2connected:
logger.info("Connection Lost.")
ctx.kh2connected = False
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
async def main(args):
ctx = KH2Context(args.connect, args.password)
ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="server loop")
if gui_enabled:
progression_watcher = asyncio.create_task(
kh2_watcher(ctx), name="KH2ProgressionWatcher")
await ctx.exit_event.wait()
ctx.server_address = None
await progression_watcher
await ctx.shutdown()
import colorama
parser = get_base_parser(description="KH2 Client, for text interfacing.")
args, rest = parser.parse_known_args()