
1042 lines
39 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule, add_rule
from BaseClasses import CollectionState
from typing import Dict
from .Regions import Stages
def graffitiM(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, spots: int) -> bool:
return state.count_group_unique("graffitim", player) * 7 >= spots if limit \
else state.has_group("graffitim", player)
def graffitiL(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, spots: int) -> bool:
return state.count_group_unique("graffitil", player) * 6 >= spots if limit \
else state.has_group("graffitil", player)
def graffitiXL(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, spots: int) -> bool:
return state.count_group_unique("graffitixl", player) * 4 >= spots if limit \
else state.has_group("graffitixl", player)
def skateboard(state: CollectionState, player: int, movestyle: int) -> bool:
return True if movestyle == 2 else state.has_group("skateboard", player)
def inline_skates(state: CollectionState, player: int, movestyle: int) -> bool:
return True if movestyle == 3 else state.has_group("skates", player)
def bmx(state: CollectionState, player: int, movestyle: int) -> bool:
return True if movestyle == 1 else state.has_group("bmx", player)
def camera(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has("Camera App", player)
def is_girl(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return state.has_group("girl", player)
def current_chapter(state: CollectionState, player: int, chapter: int) -> bool:
return state.has("Chapter Completed", player, chapter-1)
def versum_hill_entrance(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 20)
def versum_hill_ch1_roadblock(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool) -> bool:
return graffitiL(state, player, limit, 10)
def versum_hill_challenge1(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 50)
def versum_hill_challenge2(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 58)
def versum_hill_challenge3(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 65)
def versum_hill_all_challenges(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return versum_hill_challenge3(state, player)
def versum_hill_basketball_court(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 90)
def versum_hill_oldhead(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 120)
def versum_hill_crew_battle(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
rep(state, player, 90)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 98)
return (
rep(state, player, 90)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 27)
def versum_hill_rietveld(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
current_chapter(state, player, 2)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 114)
return (
current_chapter(state, player, 2)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 67)
def versum_hill_rave(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
if current_chapter(state, player, 4):
return (
graffitiL(state, player, limit, 90)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 51)
elif current_chapter(state, player, 3):
return (
graffitiL(state, player, limit, 89)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 51)
return (
graffitiL(state, player, limit, 85)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 48)
return (
graffitiL(state, player, limit, 26)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 10)
def millennium_square_entrance(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return current_chapter(state, player, 2)
def brink_terminal_entrance(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (
is_girl(state, player)
and rep(state, player, 180)
and current_chapter(state, player, 2)
def brink_terminal_challenge1(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 188)
def brink_terminal_challenge2(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 200)
def brink_terminal_challenge3(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 220)
def brink_terminal_all_challenges(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return brink_terminal_challenge3(state, player)
def brink_terminal_plaza(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return brink_terminal_all_challenges(state, player)
def brink_terminal_tower(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 280)
def brink_terminal_oldhead_underground(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 250)
def brink_terminal_oldhead_dock(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 320)
def brink_terminal_crew_battle(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
rep(state, player, 280)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 103)
return (
rep(state, player, 280)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 62)
def brink_terminal_mesh(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
graffitiM(state, player, limit, 114)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 45)
return (
graffitiM(state, player, limit, 67)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 45)
def millennium_mall_entrance(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (
rep(state, player, 380)
and current_chapter(state, player, 3)
def millennium_mall_oldhead_ceiling(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool) -> bool:
return (
rep(state, player, 580)
or millennium_mall_theater(state, player, limit)
def millennium_mall_switch(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
graffitiM(state, player, limit, 114)
and current_chapter(state, player, 3)
return (
graffitiM(state, player, limit, 72)
and current_chapter(state, player, 3)
def millennium_mall_big(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
return millennium_mall_switch(state, player, limit, glitched)
def millennium_mall_oldhead_race(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 530)
def millennium_mall_challenge1(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 434)
def millennium_mall_challenge2(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 442)
def millennium_mall_challenge3(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 450)
def millennium_mall_challenge4(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 458)
def millennium_mall_all_challenges(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return millennium_mall_challenge4(state, player)
def millennium_mall_theater(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool) -> bool:
return (
rep(state, player, 491)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 78)
def millennium_mall_crew_battle(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
rep(state, player, 491)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 114)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 107)
return (
rep(state, player, 491)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 78)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 80)
def pyramid_island_entrance(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return current_chapter(state, player, 4)
def pyramid_island_gate(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 620)
def pyramid_island_oldhead(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 780)
def pyramid_island_challenge1(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (
rep(state, player, 630)
and current_chapter(state, player, 4)
def pyramid_island_race(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
pyramid_island_challenge1(state, player)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 108)
return (
pyramid_island_challenge1(state, player)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 93)
def pyramid_island_challenge2(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 650)
def pyramid_island_challenge3(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 660)
def pyramid_island_all_challenges(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
graffitiM(state, player, limit, 114)
and rep(state, player, 660)
return (
graffitiM(state, player, limit, 88)
and rep(state, player, 660)
def pyramid_island_upper_half(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
return pyramid_island_all_challenges(state, player, limit, glitched)
def pyramid_island_crew_battle(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
rep(state, player, 730)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 108)
return (
rep(state, player, 730)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 97)
def pyramid_island_top(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return current_chapter(state, player, 5)
def mataan_entrance(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return current_chapter(state, player, 2)
def mataan_smoke_wall(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return (
current_chapter(state, player, 5)
and rep(state, player, 850)
def mataan_challenge1(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
current_chapter(state, player, 5)
and rep(state, player, 864)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 108)
return (
current_chapter(state, player, 5)
and rep(state, player, 864)
and graffitiL(state, player, limit, 98)
def mataan_deep_city(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
return mataan_challenge1(state, player, limit, glitched)
def mataan_oldhead(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 935)
def mataan_challenge2(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
rep(state, player, 880)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 59)
return (
rep(state, player, 880)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 57)
def mataan_challenge3(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool:
return rep(state, player, 920)
def mataan_all_challenges(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
return (
mataan_challenge2(state, player, limit, glitched)
and mataan_challenge3(state, player)
def mataan_smoke_wall2(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
return (
mataan_all_challenges(state, player, limit, glitched)
and rep(state, player, 960)
def mataan_crew_battle(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
if glitched:
return (
mataan_smoke_wall2(state, player, limit, glitched)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 122)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 59)
return (
mataan_smoke_wall2(state, player, limit, glitched)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 117)
and graffitiXL(state, player, limit, 57)
def mataan_deepest(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
return mataan_crew_battle(state, player, limit, glitched)
def mataan_faux(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> bool:
return (
mataan_deepest(state, player, limit, glitched)
and graffitiM(state, player, limit, 122)
def spots_s_glitchless(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 10
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"versum_hill_entrance": 1,
"versum_hill_ch1_roadblock": 11,
"chapter2": 12,
"versum_hill_oldhead": 1,
"brink_terminal_entrance": 9,
"brink_terminal_plaza": 3,
"brink_terminal_tower": 0,
"chapter3": 6,
"brink_terminal_oldhead_dock": 1,
"millennium_mall_entrance": 3,
"millennium_mall_switch": 4,
"millennium_mall_theater": 3,
"chapter4": 2,
"pyramid_island_gate": 5,
"pyramid_island_upper_half": 8,
"pyramid_island_oldhead": 2,
"mataan_smoke_wall": 3,
"mataan_deep_city": 5,
"mataan_oldhead": 3,
"mataan_deepest": 2
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
if limit:
sprayable: int = 5 + (state.count_group_unique("characters", player) * 5)
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
return total
def spots_s_glitched(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 75
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"brink_terminal_entrance": 13,
"chapter3": 6
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
if limit:
sprayable: int = 5 + (state.count_group_unique("characters", player) * 5)
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
return total
def spots_m_glitchless(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 4
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"versum_hill_entrance": 3,
"versum_hill_ch1_roadblock": 13,
"versum_hill_all_challenges": 3,
"chapter2": 16,
"versum_hill_oldhead": 4,
"brink_terminal_entrance": 13,
"brink_terminal_plaza": 4,
"brink_terminal_tower": 0,
"chapter3": 3,
"brink_terminal_oldhead_dock": 4,
"millennium_mall_entrance": 5,
"millennium_mall_big": 6,
"millennium_mall_theater": 4,
"chapter4": 2,
"millennium_mall_oldhead_ceiling": 1,
"pyramid_island_gate": 3,
"pyramid_island_upper_half": 8,
"chapter5": 2,
"pyramid_island_oldhead": 5,
"mataan_deep_city": 7,
"skateboard": 1,
"mataan_oldhead": 1,
"mataan_smoke_wall2": 1,
"mataan_deepest": 10
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
elif access_name != "skateboard":
if limit:
sprayable: int = state.count_group_unique("graffitim", player) * 7
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
if state.has_group("graffitim", player):
return total
return 0
def spots_m_glitched(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 99
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"brink_terminal_entrance": 21,
"chapter3": 3
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
if limit:
sprayable: int = state.count_group_unique("graffitim", player) * 7
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
if state.has_group("graffitim", player):
return total
return 0
def spots_l_glitchless(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 7
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"inline_skates": 1,
"versum_hill_entrance": 2,
"versum_hill_ch1_roadblock": 13,
"versum_hill_all_challenges": 1,
"chapter2": 14,
"versum_hill_oldhead": 2,
"brink_terminal_entrance": 10,
"brink_terminal_plaza": 2,
"brink_terminal_oldhead_underground": 1,
"brink_terminal_tower": 1,
"chapter3": 4,
"brink_terminal_oldhead_dock": 4,
"millennium_mall_entrance": 3,
"millennium_mall_big": 8,
"millennium_mall_theater": 4,
"chapter4": 5,
"millennium_mall_oldhead_ceiling": 3,
"pyramid_island_gate": 4,
"pyramid_island_upper_half": 5,
"pyramid_island_crew_battle": 1,
"chapter5": 1,
"pyramid_island_oldhead": 2,
"mataan_smoke_wall": 1,
"mataan_deep_city": 2,
"skateboard": 1,
"mataan_oldhead": 2,
"mataan_deepest": 7
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
elif not (access_name == "inline_skates" or access_name == "skateboard"):
if limit:
sprayable: int = state.count_group_unique("graffitil", player) * 6
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
if state.has_group("graffitil", player):
return total
return 0
def spots_l_glitched(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 88
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"brink_terminal_entrance": 18,
"chapter3": 4,
"chapter4": 1
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
if limit:
sprayable: int = state.count_group_unique("graffitil", player) * 6
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
if state.has_group("graffitil", player):
return total
return 0
def spots_xl_glitchless(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 3
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"versum_hill_ch1_roadblock": 6,
"versum_hill_basketball_court": 1,
"chapter2": 9,
"brink_terminal_entrance": 3,
"brink_terminal_plaza": 1,
"brink_terminal_oldhead_underground": 1,
"brink_terminal_tower": 1,
"chapter3": 3,
"brink_terminal_oldhead_dock": 2,
"millennium_mall_entrance": 2,
"millennium_mall_big": 5,
"millennium_mall_theater": 5,
"chapter4": 3,
"millennium_mall_oldhead_ceiling": 1,
"pyramid_island_upper_half": 5,
"pyramid_island_oldhead": 3,
"mataan_smoke_wall": 2,
"mataan_deep_city": 2,
"mataan_oldhead": 2,
"mataan_deepest": 2
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
if limit:
sprayable: int = state.count_group_unique("graffitixl", player) * 4
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
if state.has_group("graffitixl", player):
return total
return 0
def spots_xl_glitched(state: CollectionState, player: int, limit: bool, access_cache: Dict[str, bool]) -> int:
total: int = 51
conditions: Dict[str, int] = {
"brink_terminal_entrance": 7,
"chapter3": 3,
"chapter4": 1
for access_name, graffiti_count in conditions.items():
if access_cache[access_name]:
total += graffiti_count
if limit:
sprayable: int = state.count_group_unique("graffitixl", player) * 4
if total <= sprayable:
return total
return sprayable
if state.has_group("graffitixl", player):
return total
return 0
def build_access_cache(state: CollectionState, player: int, movestyle: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool) -> Dict[str, bool]:
funcs: Dict[str, tuple] = {
"versum_hill_entrance": (state, player),
"versum_hill_ch1_roadblock": (state, player, limit),
"versum_hill_oldhead": (state, player),
"versum_hill_all_challenges": (state, player),
"versum_hill_basketball_court": (state, player),
"brink_terminal_entrance": (state, player),
"brink_terminal_oldhead_underground": (state, player),
"brink_terminal_oldhead_dock": (state, player),
"brink_terminal_plaza": (state, player),
"brink_terminal_tower": (state, player),
"millennium_mall_entrance": (state, player),
"millennium_mall_switch": (state, player, limit, glitched),
"millennium_mall_oldhead_ceiling": (state, player, limit),
"millennium_mall_big": (state, player, limit, glitched),
"millennium_mall_theater": (state, player, limit),
"pyramid_island_gate": (state, player),
"pyramid_island_oldhead": (state, player),
"pyramid_island_upper_half": (state, player, limit, glitched),
"pyramid_island_crew_battle": (state, player, limit, glitched),
"mataan_smoke_wall": (state, player),
"mataan_deep_city": (state, player, limit, glitched),
"mataan_oldhead": (state, player),
"mataan_smoke_wall2": (state, player, limit, glitched),
"mataan_deepest": (state, player, limit, glitched)
access_cache: Dict[str, bool] = {
"skateboard": skateboard(state, player, movestyle),
"inline_skates": inline_skates(state, player, movestyle),
"chapter2": current_chapter(state, player, 2),
"chapter3": current_chapter(state, player, 3),
"chapter4": current_chapter(state, player, 4),
"chapter5": current_chapter(state, player, 5)
stop: bool = False
for fname, fvars in funcs.items():
if stop:
access_cache[fname] = False
func = globals()[fname]
access: bool = func(*fvars)
access_cache[fname] = access
if not access and "oldhead" not in fname:
stop = True
return access_cache
def graffiti_spots(state: CollectionState, player: int, movestyle: int, limit: bool, glitched: bool, spots: int) -> bool:
access_cache = build_access_cache(state, player, movestyle, limit, glitched)
total: int = 0
if glitched:
total = spots_s_glitched(state, player, limit, access_cache) \
+ spots_m_glitched(state, player, limit, access_cache) \
+ spots_l_glitched(state, player, limit, access_cache) \
+ spots_xl_glitched(state, player, limit, access_cache)
total = spots_s_glitchless(state, player, limit, access_cache) \
+ spots_m_glitchless(state, player, limit, access_cache) \
+ spots_l_glitchless(state, player, limit, access_cache) \
+ spots_xl_glitchless(state, player, limit, access_cache)
return total >= spots
def rep(state: CollectionState, player: int, required: int) -> bool:
return state.has("rep", player, required)
def rules(brcworld):
multiworld = brcworld.multiworld
player = brcworld.player
movestyle = brcworld.options.starting_movestyle
limit = brcworld.options.limited_graffiti
glitched = brcworld.options.logic
extra = brcworld.options.extra_rep_required
photos = not brcworld.options.skip_polo_photos
# entrances
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.BT1, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: brink_terminal_entrance(state, player))
if not glitched:
# versum hill
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.VH1, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: versum_hill_entrance(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.VH2, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: versum_hill_ch1_roadblock(state, player, limit))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.VHO, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: versum_hill_oldhead(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.VH3, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: versum_hill_all_challenges(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.VH4, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: versum_hill_basketball_court(state, player))
# millennium square
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MS, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: millennium_square_entrance(state, player))
# brink terminal
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.BTO1, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: brink_terminal_oldhead_underground(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.BTO2, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: brink_terminal_oldhead_dock(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.BT2, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: brink_terminal_plaza(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.BT3, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: brink_terminal_tower(state, player))
# millennium mall
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MM1, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: millennium_mall_entrance(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MMO1, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: millennium_mall_oldhead_ceiling(state, player, limit))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MM2, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: millennium_mall_big(state, player, limit, glitched))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MMO2, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: millennium_mall_oldhead_race(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MM3, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: millennium_mall_theater(state, player, limit))
# pyramid island
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.PI1, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: pyramid_island_entrance(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.PI2, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: pyramid_island_gate(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.PIO, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: pyramid_island_oldhead(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.PI3, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: pyramid_island_upper_half(state, player, limit, glitched))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.PI4, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: pyramid_island_top(state, player))
# mataan
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MA1, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: mataan_entrance(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MA2, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: mataan_smoke_wall(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MA3, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: mataan_deep_city(state, player, limit, glitched))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MAO, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: mataan_oldhead(state, player))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MA4, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: mataan_smoke_wall2(state, player, limit, glitched))
for e in multiworld.get_region(Stages.MA5, player).entrances:
set_rule(e, lambda state: mataan_deepest(state, player, limit, glitched))
# locations
# hideout
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Hideout: BMX garage skateboard", player),
lambda state: bmx(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Hideout: Unlock phone app", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 2))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Hideout: Vinyl joins the crew", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 4))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Hideout: Solace joins the crew", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 5))
# versum hill
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Wallrunning challenge reward", player),
lambda state: versum_hill_challenge1(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Manual challenge reward", player),
lambda state: versum_hill_challenge2(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Corner challenge reward", player),
lambda state: versum_hill_challenge3(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: BMX gate outfit", player),
lambda state: bmx(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Glass floor skates", player),
lambda state: inline_skates(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Basketball court shortcut CD", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 2))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Rave joins the crew", player),
lambda state: versum_hill_rave(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Frank joins the crew", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 2))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Rietveld joins the crew", player),
lambda state: versum_hill_rietveld(state, player, limit, glitched))
if photos:
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Big Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Trash Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Fruit stand Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
# millennium square
if photos:
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Square: Half pipe Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
# brink terminal
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Upside grind challenge reward", player),
lambda state: brink_terminal_challenge1(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Manual challenge reward", player),
lambda state: brink_terminal_challenge2(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Score challenge reward", player),
lambda state: brink_terminal_challenge3(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: BMX gate graffiti", player),
lambda state: bmx(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Mesh's skateboard", player),
lambda state: brink_terminal_mesh(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Rooftop glass CD", player),
lambda state: inline_skates(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Mesh joins the crew", player),
lambda state: brink_terminal_mesh(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Eclipse joins the crew", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 3))
if photos:
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Behind glass Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
# millennium mall
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Glass cylinder CD", player),
lambda state: inline_skates(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Trick challenge reward", player),
lambda state: millennium_mall_challenge1(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Slide challenge reward", player),
lambda state: millennium_mall_challenge2(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Fish challenge reward", player),
lambda state: millennium_mall_challenge3(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Score challenge reward", player),
lambda state: millennium_mall_challenge4(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Atrium BMX gate BMX", player),
lambda state: bmx(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Shine joins the crew", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 4))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: DOT.EXE joins the crew", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 4))
# pyramid island
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: BMX gate BMX", player),
lambda state: bmx(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Score challenge reward", player),
lambda state: pyramid_island_challenge1(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Score challenge 2 reward", player),
lambda state: pyramid_island_challenge2(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Quarter pipe challenge reward", player),
lambda state: pyramid_island_challenge3(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Shortcut glass CD", player),
lambda state: inline_skates(state, player, movestyle))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Maze outfit", player),
lambda state: skateboard(state, player, movestyle))
if not glitched:
add_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Rise joins the crew", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Devil Theory joins the crew", player),
lambda state: current_chapter(state, player, 5))
if photos:
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Polo pile 1", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Polo pile 2", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Polo pile 3", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Polo pile 4", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Maze glass Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Maze classroom Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Maze vent Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Big maze Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Maze desk Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Maze forklift Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
# mataan
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Mataan: Race challenge reward", player),
lambda state: mataan_challenge1(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Mataan: Wallrunning challenge reward", player),
lambda state: mataan_challenge2(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Mataan: Score challenge reward", player),
lambda state: mataan_challenge3(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Mataan: Coil joins the crew", player),
lambda state: mataan_deepest(state, player, limit, glitched))
if photos:
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Mataan: Trash Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Mataan: Shopping Polo", player),
lambda state: camera(state, player))
# events
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Versum Hill: Complete Chapter 1", player),
lambda state: versum_hill_crew_battle(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Brink Terminal: Complete Chapter 2", player),
lambda state: brink_terminal_crew_battle(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Millennium Mall: Complete Chapter 3", player),
lambda state: millennium_mall_crew_battle(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Pyramid Island: Complete Chapter 4", player),
lambda state: pyramid_island_crew_battle(state, player, limit, glitched))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Defeat Faux", player),
lambda state: mataan_faux(state, player, limit, glitched))
if extra:
add_rule(multiworld.get_location("Defeat Faux", player),
lambda state: rep(state, player, 1000))
# graffiti spots
spots: int = 0
while spots < 385:
spots += 5
set_rule(multiworld.get_location(f"Tagged {spots} Graffiti Spots", player),
lambda state, spot_count=spots: graffiti_spots(state, player, movestyle, limit, glitched, spot_count))
set_rule(multiworld.get_location("Tagged 389 Graffiti Spots", player),
lambda state: graffiti_spots(state, player, movestyle, limit, glitched, 389))