230 lines
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230 lines
6.7 KiB
from dataclasses import dataclass
from Options import Choice, Toggle, DeathLink, DefaultOnToggle, TextChoice, Range, OptionDict, PerGameCommonOptions
from schema import Schema, And, Use, Optional
bosses = {
"Heat Man": 0,
"Air Man": 1,
"Wood Man": 2,
"Bubble Man": 3,
"Quick Man": 4,
"Flash Man": 5,
"Metal Man": 6,
"Crash Man": 7,
"Mecha Dragon": 8,
"Picopico-kun": 9,
"Guts Tank": 10,
"Boobeam Trap": 11,
"Wily Machine 2": 12,
"Alien": 13
weapons_to_id = {
"Mega Buster": 0,
"Atomic Fire": 1,
"Air Shooter": 2,
"Leaf Shield": 3,
"Bubble Lead": 4,
"Quick Boomerang": 5,
"Metal Blade": 7,
"Crash Bomber": 6,
"Time Stopper": 8,
class EnergyLink(Toggle):
Enables EnergyLink support.
When enabled, pickups dropped from enemies are sent to the EnergyLink pool, and healing/weapon energy/1-Ups can
be requested from the EnergyLink pool.
Some of the energy sent to the pool will be lost on transfer.
display_name = "EnergyLink"
class StartingRobotMaster(Choice):
The initial stage unlocked at the start.
display_name = "Starting Robot Master"
option_heat_man = 0
option_air_man = 1
option_wood_man = 2
option_bubble_man = 3
option_quick_man = 4
option_flash_man = 5
option_metal_man = 6
option_crash_man = 7
default = "random"
class YokuJumps(Toggle):
When enabled, the player is expected to be able to perform the yoku block sequence in Heat Man's
stage without Item 2.
display_name = "Yoku Block Jumps"
class EnableLasers(Toggle):
When enabled, the player is expected to complete (and acquire items within) the laser sections of Quick Man's
stage without the Time Stopper.
display_name = "Enable Lasers"
class Consumables(Choice):
When enabled, e-tanks/1-ups/health/weapon energy will be added to the pool of items and included as checks.
E-Tanks and 1-Ups add 20 checks to the pool.
Weapon/Health Energy add 27 checks to the pool.
display_name = "Consumables"
option_none = 0
option_1up_etank = 1
option_weapon_health = 2
option_all = 3
default = 1
alias_true = 3
alias_false = 0
def get_option_name(cls, value: int) -> str:
if value == 1:
return "1-Ups/E-Tanks"
if value == 2:
return "Weapon/Health Energy"
return super().get_option_name(value)
class Quickswap(DefaultOnToggle):
When enabled, the player can quickswap through all received weapons by pressing Select.
display_name = "Quickswap"
class PaletteShuffle(TextChoice):
Change the color of Mega Man and the Robot Masters.
None: The palettes are unchanged.
Shuffled: Palette colors are shuffled amongst the robot masters.
Randomized: Random (usually good) palettes are generated for each robot master.
Singularity: one palette is generated and used for all robot masters.
Supports custom palettes using HTML named colors in the
following format: Mega Buster-Lavender|Violet;randomized
The first value is the character whose palette you'd like to define, then separated by - is a set of 2 colors for
that character. separate every color with a pipe, and separate every character as well as the remaining shuffle with
a semicolon.
display_name = "Palette Shuffle"
option_none = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_randomized = 2
option_singularity = 3
class EnemyWeaknesses(Toggle):
Randomizes the damage dealt to enemies by weapons. Friender will always take damage from the buster.
display_name = "Random Enemy Weaknesses"
class StrictWeaknesses(Toggle):
Only your starting Robot Master will take damage from the Mega Buster, the rest must be defeated with weapons.
Weapons that only do 1-3 damage to bosses no longer deal damage (aside from Alien).
display_name = "Strict Boss Weaknesses"
class RandomWeaknesses(Choice):
None: Bosses will have their regular weaknesses.
Shuffled: Weapon damage will be shuffled amongst the weapons, so Metal Blade may do Bubble Lead damage.
Time Stopper will deplete half of a random Robot Master's HP.
Randomized: Weapon damage will be fully randomized.
display_name = "Random Boss Weaknesses"
option_none = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_randomized = 2
alias_false = 0
alias_true = 2
class Wily5Requirement(Range):
"""Change the number of Robot Masters that are required to be defeated for
the teleporter to the Wily Machine to appear."""
display_name = "Wily 5 Requirement"
default = 8
range_start = 1
range_end = 8
class WeaknessPlando(OptionDict):
Specify specific damage numbers for boss damage. Can be used even without strict/random weaknesses.
Robot Master:
Weapon: Damage
display_name = "Plando Weaknesses"
schema = Schema({
Optional(And(str, Use(str.title), lambda s: s in bosses)): {
And(str, Use(str.title), lambda s: s in weapons_to_id): And(int, lambda i: i in range(-1, 14))
default = {}
class ReduceFlashing(Choice):
Reduce flashing seen in gameplay, such as the stage select and when defeating a Wily boss.
Virtual Console: increases length of most flashes, changes some flashes from white to a dark gray.
Minor: VC changes + decreasing the speed of Bubble/Metal Man stage animations.
Full: VC changes + further decreasing the brightness of most flashes and
disables stage animations for Metal/Bubble Man stages.
display_name = "Reduce Flashing"
option_none = 0
option_virtual_console = 1
option_minor = 2
option_full = 3
default = 1
class RandomMusic(Choice):
Vanilla: music is unchanged
Shuffled: stage and certain menu music is shuffled.
Randomized: stage and certain menu music is randomly selected
None: no music will play
display_name = "Random Music"
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_randomized = 2
option_none = 3
class MM2Options(PerGameCommonOptions):
death_link: DeathLink
energy_link: EnergyLink
starting_robot_master: StartingRobotMaster
consumables: Consumables
yoku_jumps: YokuJumps
enable_lasers: EnableLasers
enemy_weakness: EnemyWeaknesses
strict_weakness: StrictWeaknesses
random_weakness: RandomWeaknesses
wily_5_requirement: Wily5Requirement
plando_weakness: WeaknessPlando
palette_shuffle: PaletteShuffle
quickswap: Quickswap
reduce_flashing: ReduceFlashing
random_music: RandomMusic