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Raw Normal View History

from Options import Toggle, Choice, Range, SpecialRange, TextChoice, DeathLink
class GameVersion(Choice):
"""Select Red or Blue version."""
display_name = "Game Version"
option_red = 1
option_blue = 0
default = "random"
class TrainerName(TextChoice):
"""Your trainer name. If not set to choose_in_game, must be a name not exceeding 7 characters, and the prompt to
name your character in-game will be skipped. See the setup guide on for a list of allowed characters."""
display_name = "Trainer Name"
option_choose_in_game = -1
default = -1
class RivalName(TextChoice):
"""Your rival's name. If not set to choose_in_game, must be a name not exceeding 7 characters, and the prompt to
name your rival in-game will be skipped. See the setup guide on for a list of allowed characters."""
display_name = "Rival's Name"
option_choose_in_game = -1
default = -1
class Goal(Choice):
"""If Professor Oak is selected, your victory condition will require challenging and defeating Oak after becoming
Champion and defeating or capturing the Pokemon at the end of Cerulean Cave."""
display_name = "Goal"
option_pokemon_league = 0
option_professor_oak = 1
default = 0
class EliteFourCondition(Range):
"""Number of badges required to challenge the Elite Four once the Indigo Plateau has been reached.
Your rival will reveal the amount needed on the first Route 22 battle (after turning in Oak's Parcel)."""
display_name = "Elite Four Condition"
range_start = 0
range_end = 8
default = 8
class VictoryRoadCondition(Range):
"""Number of badges required to reach Victory Road."""
display_name = "Victory Road Condition"
range_start = 0
range_end = 8
default = 8
class ViridianGymCondition(Range):
"""Number of badges required to enter Viridian Gym."""
display_name = "Viridian Gym Condition"
range_start = 0
range_end = 7
default = 7
class CeruleanCaveCondition(Range):
"""Number of badges, HMs, and key items (not counting items you can lose) required to access Cerulean Cave.
If extra_key_items is turned on, the number chosen will be increased by 4."""
display_name = "Cerulean Cave Condition"
range_start = 0
range_end = 26
default = 20
class SecondFossilCheckCondition(Range):
"""After choosing one of the fossil location items, you can obtain the remaining item from the Cinnabar Lab
Scientist after reviving this number of fossils."""
display_name = "Second Fossil Check Condition"
range_start = 0
range_end = 3
default = 3
class BadgeSanity(Toggle):
"""Shuffle gym badges into the general item pool. If turned off, badges will be shuffled across the 8 gyms."""
display_name = "Badgesanity"
default = 0
class BadgesNeededForHMMoves(Choice):
"""Off will remove the requirement for badges to use HM moves. Extra will give the Marsh, Volcano, and Earth Badges
a random HM move to enable. Extra Plus will additionally pick two random badges to enable a second HM move.
You will only need one of the required badges to use the HM move."""
display_name = "Badges Needed For HM Moves"
default = 1
option_on = 1
alias_true = 1
option_off = 0
alias_false = 0
option_extra = 2
option_extra_plus = 3
class OldMan(Choice):
"""With Open Viridian City, the Old Man will let you through without needing to turn in Oak's Parcel.
Early Parcel will ensure Oak's Parcel is available at the beginning of your game."""
display_name = "Old Man"
option_vanilla = 0
option_early_parcel = 1
option_open_viridian_city = 2
default = 1
class RandomizePokedex(Choice):
"""Randomize the location of the Pokedex, or start with it. It is required to receive items from Oak's Aides."""
display_name = "Randomize Pokedex"
option_vanilla = 0
option_randomize = 1
option_start_with = 2
default = 0
class Tea(Toggle):
"""Adds a Tea item to the item pool which the Saffron guards require instead of the vending machine drinks.
Adds a location check to the Celadon Mansion 1F, where Tea is acquired in FireRed and LeafGreen."""
display_name = "Tea"
default = 0
class ExtraKeyItems(Toggle):
"""Adds key items that are required to access the Rocket Hideout, Cinnabar Mansion, Safari Zone, and Power Plant.
Adds four item pickups to Rock Tunnel B1F."""
display_name = "Extra Key Items"
default = 0
class ExtraStrengthBoulders(Toggle):
"""Adds Strength Boulders blocking the Route 11 gate, and in Route 13 (can be bypassed with Surf).
This potentially increases the usefulness of Strength as well as the Bicycle."""
display_name = "Extra Strength Boulders"
default = 0
class RequireItemFinder(Toggle):
"""Require Item Finder to pick up hidden items."""
display_name = "Require Item Finder"
default = 0
class RandomizeHiddenItems(Choice):
"""Randomize hidden items. If you choose exclude, they will be randomized but will be guaranteed junk items."""
display_name = "Randomize Hidden Items"
option_on = 1
option_off = 0
alias_true = 1
alias_false = 0
option_exclude = 2
default = 0
class PrizeSanity(Toggle):
"""Shuffles the TM prizes at the Celadon Prize Corner into the item pool."""
display_name = "Prizesanity"
default = 0
class TrainerSanity(Toggle):
"""Add a location check to every trainer in the game, which can be obtained by talking to a trainer after defeating
them. Does not affect gym leaders and some scripted event battles (including all Rival, Giovanni, and
Cinnabar Gym battles)."""
display_name = "Trainersanity"
default = 0
class RequirePokedex(Toggle):
"""Require the Pokedex to obtain items from Oak's Aides or from Dexsanity checks."""
display_name = "Require Pokedex"
default = 1
class AllPokemonSeen(Toggle):
"""Start with all Pokemon "seen" in your Pokedex. This allows you to see where Pokemon can be encountered in the
wild. Pokemon found by fishing or in the Cerulean Cave are not displayed."""
default = 0
class DexSanity(Toggle):
"""Adds a location check for each Pokemon flagged "Owned" on your Pokedex. If accessibility is set to `locations`
and randomize_wild_pokemon is off, catch_em_all is not `all_pokemon` or randomize_legendary_pokemon is not `any`,
accessibility will be forced to `items` instead, as not all Dexsanity locations can be guaranteed to be considered
reachable in logic.
If Pokedex is required, the items for Pokemon acquired before acquiring the Pokedex can be found by talking to
Professor Oak or evaluating the Pokedex via Oak's PC."""
display_name = "Dexsanity"
default = 0
class FreeFlyLocation(Toggle):
"""One random fly destination will be unlocked by default."""
display_name = "Free Fly Location"
default = 1
class RandomizeRockTunnel(Toggle):
"""Randomize the layout of Rock Tunnel. This is highly experimental, if you encounter any issues (items or trainers
unreachable, trainers walking over walls, inability to reach end of tunnel, anything looking strange) to
Alchav#8826 in the Archipelago Discord (directly or in #pkmn-red-blue) along with the seed number found on the
signs outside the tunnel."""
display_name = "Randomize Rock Tunnel"
default = 0
class OaksAidRt2(Range):
"""Number of Pokemon registered in the Pokedex required to receive the item from Oak's Aide on Route 2.
Vanilla is 10."""
display_name = "Oak's Aide Route 2"
range_start = 0
range_end = 80
default = 10
class OaksAidRt11(Range):
"""Number of Pokemon registered in the Pokedex required to receive the item from Oak's Aide on Route 11.
Vanilla is 30."""
display_name = "Oak's Aide Route 11"
range_start = 0
range_end = 80
default = 20
class OaksAidRt15(Range):
"""Number of Pokemon registered in the Pokedex required to receive the item from Oak's Aide on Route 15.
Vanilla is 50."""
display_name = "Oak's Aide Route 15"
range_start = 0
range_end = 80
default = 30
class ExpModifier(SpecialRange):
"""Modifier for EXP gained. When specifying a number, exp is multiplied by this amount and divided by 16."""
display_name = "Exp Modifier"
range_start = 0
range_end = 255
default = 16
special_range_names = {
"half": default / 2,
"normal": default,
"double": default * 2,
"triple": default * 3,
"quadruple": default * 4,
"quintuple": default * 5,
"sextuple": default * 6,
"septuple": default * 7,
"octuple": default * 8,
class RandomizeWildPokemon(Choice):
"""Randomize all wild Pokemon and game corner prize Pokemon. match_types will select a Pokemon with at least one
type matching the original type of the original Pokemon. match_base_stats will prefer Pokemon with closer base stat
totals. match_types_and_base_stats will match types and will weight towards similar base stats, but there may not be
many to choose from."""
display_name = "Randomize Wild Pokemon"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_match_types = 1
option_match_base_stats = 2
option_match_types_and_base_stats = 3
option_completely_random = 4
class Area1To1Mapping(Toggle):
"""When randomizing wild Pokemon, for each zone, all instances of a particular Pokemon will be replaced with the
same Pokemon, resulting in fewer Pokemon in each area."""
default = 1
class RandomizeStarterPokemon(Choice):
"""Randomize the starter Pokemon choices."""
display_name = "Randomize Starter Pokemon"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_match_types = 1
option_match_base_stats = 2
option_match_types_and_base_stats = 3
option_completely_random = 4
class RandomizeStaticPokemon(Choice):
"""Randomize one-time gift and encountered Pokemon. These will always be first evolution stage Pokemon."""
display_name = "Randomize Static Pokemon"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_match_types = 1
option_match_base_stats = 2
option_match_types_and_base_stats = 3
option_completely_random = 4
class RandomizeLegendaryPokemon(Choice):
"""Randomize Legendaries. Mew has been added as an encounter at the Vermilion dock truck.
Shuffle will shuffle the legendaries with each other. Static will shuffle them into other static Pokemon locations.
'Any' will allow legendaries to appear anywhere based on wild and static randomization options, and their locations
will be randomized according to static Pokemon randomization options."""
display_name = "Randomize Legendary Pokemon"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_static = 2
option_any = 3
class CatchEmAll(Choice):
"""Guarantee all first evolution stage Pokemon are available, or all Pokemon of all stages.
Currently only has an effect if wild Pokemon are randomized."""
display_name = "Catch 'Em All"
default = 0
option_off = 0
alias_false = 0
option_first_stage = 1
option_all_pokemon = 2
class RandomizeTrainerParties(Choice):
"""Randomize enemy Pokemon encountered in trainer battles."""
display_name = "Randomize Trainer Parties"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_match_types = 1
option_match_base_stats = 2
option_match_types_and_base_stats = 3
option_completely_random = 4
class TrainerLegendaries(Toggle):
"""Allow legendary Pokemon in randomized trainer parties."""
display_name = "Trainer Legendaries"
default = 0
class BlindTrainers(Range):
"""Chance each frame that you are standing on a tile in a trainer's line of sight that they will fail to initiate a
battle. If you move into and out of their line of sight without stopping, this chance will only trigger once."""
display_name = "Blind Trainers"
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
default = 0
class MinimumStepsBetweenEncounters(Range):
"""Minimum number of steps between wild Pokemon encounters."""
display_name = "Minimum Steps Between Encounters"
default = 3
range_start = 0
range_end = 255
class RandomizePokemonStats(Choice):
"""Randomize base stats for each Pokemon. Shuffle will shuffle the 5 base stat values amongst each other. Randomize
will completely randomize each stat, but will still add up to the same base stat total."""
display_name = "Randomize Pokemon Stats"
default = 0
option_vanilla = 0
option_shuffle = 1
option_randomize = 2
class RandomizePokemonCatchRates(Toggle):
"""Randomize the catch rate for each Pokemon."""
display_name = "Randomize Catch Rates"
default = 0
class MinimumCatchRate(Range):
"""Minimum catch rate for each Pokemon. If randomize_catch_rates is on, this will be the minimum value that can be
chosen. Otherwise, it will raise any Pokemon's catch rate up to this value if its normal catch rate is lower."""
display_name = "Minimum Catch Rate"
range_start = 1
range_end = 255
default = 3
class MoveBalancing(Toggle):
"""All one-hit-KO moves and fixed-damage moves become normal damaging moves.
Blizzard, and moves that cause sleep have their accuracy reduced."""
display_name = "Move Balancing"
default = 0
class RandomizePokemonMovesets(Choice):
"""Randomize the moves learned by Pokemon. prefer_types will prefer moves that match the type of the Pokemon."""
display_name = "Randomize Pokemon Movesets"
option_vanilla = 0
option_prefer_types = 1
option_completely_random = 2
default = 0
class ConfineTranstormToDitto(Toggle):
"""Regardless of moveset randomization, will keep Ditto's first move as Transform no others will learn it.
If an enemy Pokemon uses transform before you catch it, it will permanently change to Ditto after capture."""
display_name = "Confine Transform to Ditto"
default = 1
class StartWithFourMoves(Toggle):
"""If movesets are randomized, this will give all Pokemon 4 starting moves."""
display_name = "Start With Four Moves"
default = 0
class SameTypeAttackBonus(Toggle):
"""Here you can disable Same Type Attack Bonus, so that a move matching a Pokemon's type has no benefit.
If disabled, all moves will gain 25% extra damage, instead of same type moves gaining 50% extra damage."""
display_name = "Same Type Attack Bonus"
default = 1
class RandomizeTMMoves(Toggle):
"""Randomize the moves taught by TMs.
All TM items will be flagged as 'filler' items regardless of how good the move they teach are."""
display_name = "Randomize TM Moves"
class TMHMCompatibility(SpecialRange):
range_start = -1
range_end = 100
special_range_names = {
"vanilla": -1,
"none": 0,
"full": 100
default = -1
class TMSameTypeCompatibility(TMHMCompatibility):
"""Chance of each TM being usable on each Pokemon whose type matches the move."""
display_name = "TM Same-Type Compatibility"
class TMNormalTypeCompatibility(TMHMCompatibility):
"""Chance of each TM being usable on each Pokemon if the move is Normal type and the Pokemon is not."""
display_name = "TM Normal-Type Compatibility"
class TMOtherTypeCompatibility(TMHMCompatibility):
"""Chance of each TM being usable on each Pokemon if the move a type other than Normal or one of the Pokemon's types."""
display_name = "TM Other-Type Compatibility"
class HMSameTypeCompatibility(TMHMCompatibility):
"""Chance of each HM being usable on each Pokemon whose type matches the move.
At least one Pokemon will always be able to learn the moves needed to meet your accessibility requirements."""
display_name = "HM Same-Type Compatibility"
class HMNormalTypeCompatibility(TMHMCompatibility):
"""Chance of each HM being usable on each Pokemon if the move is Normal type and the Pokemon is not.
At least one Pokemon will always be able to learn the moves needed to meet your accessibility requirements."""
display_name = "HM Normal-Type Compatibility"
class HMOtherTypeCompatibility(TMHMCompatibility):
"""Chance of each HM being usable on each Pokemon if the move a type other than Normal or one of the Pokemon's types.
At least one Pokemon will always be able to learn the moves needed to meet your accessibility requirements."""
display_name = "HM Other-Type Compatibility"
class InheritTMHMCompatibility(Toggle):
"""If on, evolved Pokemon will inherit their pre-evolved form's TM and HM compatibilities.
They will then roll the above set chances again at a 50% lower rate for all TMs and HMs their predecessor could not
learn, unless the evolved form has additional or different types, then moves of those new types will be rolled
at the full set chance."""
display_name = "Inherit TM/HM Compatibility"
class RandomizePokemonTypes(Choice):
"""Randomize the types of each Pokemon. Follow Evolutions will ensure Pokemon's types remain the same when evolving
(except possibly gaining a type)."""
display_name = "Pokemon Types"
option_vanilla = 0
option_follow_evolutions = 1
option_randomize = 2
default = 0
class SecondaryTypeChance(SpecialRange):
"""If randomize_pokemon_types is on, this is the chance each Pokemon will have a secondary type. If follow_evolutions
is selected, it is the chance a second type will be added at each evolution stage. vanilla will give secondary types
to Pokemon that normally have a secondary type."""
display_name = "Secondary Type Chance"
range_start = -1
range_end = 100
default = -1
special_range_names = {
"vanilla": -1
class RandomizeTypeChart(Choice):
"""Randomize the type chart. If 'randomize' is chosen, the matchup weight options will determine the weights.
If the numbers chosen across the 4 settings add up to exactly 225, they will be the exact numbers of those matchups.
Otherwise, the normal super effective, and not very effective matchup settings will be used as weights.
The immunities option will always be the exact amount of immunity matchups.
If 'chaos' is chosen, the matchup settings will be ignored and every type matchup will be given a random damage
modifier anywhere between 0 to 200% damage, in 10% increments."""
display_name = "Randomize Type Chart"
option_vanilla = 0
option_randomize = 1
option_chaos = 2
default = 0
class NormalMatchups(Range):
"""If 'randomize' is chosen for randomize_type_chart, this will be the weight for neutral matchups.
No effect if 'chaos' is chosen"""
display_name = "Normal Matchups"
default = 143
range_start = 0
range_end = 225
class SuperEffectiveMatchups(Range):
"""If 'randomize' is chosen for randomize_type_chart, this will be the weight for super effective matchups.
No effect if 'chaos' is chosen"""
display_name = "Super Effective Matchups"
default = 38
range_start = 0
range_end = 225
class NotVeryEffectiveMatchups(Range):
"""If 'randomize' is chosen for randomize_type_chart, this will be the weight for not very effective matchups.
No effect if 'chaos' is chosen"""
display_name = "Not Very Effective Matchups"
default = 38
range_start = 0
range_end = 225
class ImmunityMatchups(Range):
"""If 'randomize' is chosen for randomize_type_chart, this will be the exact number of immunities.
No effect if 'chaos' is chosen"""
display_name = "Immunity Matchups"
default = 6
range_start = 0
range_end = 100
class SafariZoneNormalBattles(Toggle):
"""Change the Safari Zone to have standard wild pokemon battles."""
display_name = "Safari Zone Normal Battles"
default = 0
class NormalizeEncounterChances(Toggle):
"""Each wild encounter table has 10 slots for Pokemon. Normally the chance for each being chosen ranges from
19.9% to 1.2%. Turn this on to normalize them all to 10% each."""
display_name = "Normalize Encounter Chances"
default = 0
class ReusableTMs(Toggle):
"""Makes TMs reusable, so they will not be consumed upon use."""
display_name = "Reusable TMs"
default = 0
class BetterShops(Choice):
"""Change every town's Pokemart to contain all normal Pokemart items. Additionally, you can add the Master Ball
to these shops."""
display_name = "Better Shops"
option_off = 0
option_on = 1
option_add_master_ball = 2
default = 0
class MasterBallPrice(Range):
"""Price for Master Balls. Can only be bought if better_shops is set to add_master_ball, but this will affect the
sell price regardless. Vanilla is 0"""
display_name = "Master Ball Price"
range_end = 999999
default = 5000
class StartingMoney(Range):
"""The amount of money you start with."""
display_name = "Starting Money"
default = 3000
range_start = 0
range_end = 999999
class LoseMoneyOnBlackout(Toggle):
"""Lose half your money when blacking out, as in vanilla."""
display_name = "Lose Money on Blackout"
default = 1
class TrapPercentage(Range):
"""Chance for each filler item to be replaced with trap items. Keep in mind that trainersanity vastly increases the
number of filler items. The trap weight options will determine which traps can be chosen from and at what likelihood."""
display_name = "Trap Percentage"
range_end = 100
default = 0
class TrapWeight(Choice):
option_low = 1
option_medium = 3
option_high = 5
option_disabled = 0
default = 3
class PoisonTrapWeight(TrapWeight):
"""Weights for Poison Traps. These apply the Poison status to all your party members."""
display_name = "Poison Trap Weight"
class FireTrapWeight(TrapWeight):
"""Weights for Fire Traps. These apply the Burn status to all your party members."""
display_name = "Fire Trap Weight"
class ParalyzeTrapWeight(TrapWeight):
"""Weights for Paralyze Traps. These apply the Paralyze status to all your party members."""
display_name = "Paralyze Trap Weight"
class IceTrapWeight(TrapWeight):
"""Weights for Ice Traps. These apply the Ice status to all your party members. Don't forget to buy Ice Heals!"""
display_name = "Ice Trap Weight"
default = 0
class RandomizePokemonPalettes(Choice):
"""Modify palettes of Pokemon. Primary Type will set Pokemons' palettes based on their primary type, Follow
Evolutions will randomize palettes but palettes will remain the same through evolutions (except Eeveelutions),
Completely Random will randomize all Pokemons' palettes individually"""
display_name = "Randomize Pokemon Palettes"
option_vanilla = 0
option_primary_type = 1
option_follow_evolutions = 2
option_completely_random = 3
pokemon_rb_options = {
"game_version": GameVersion,
"trainer_name": TrainerName,
"rival_name": RivalName,
#"goal": Goal,
"elite_four_condition": EliteFourCondition,
"victory_road_condition": VictoryRoadCondition,
"viridian_gym_condition": ViridianGymCondition,
"cerulean_cave_condition": CeruleanCaveCondition,
"second_fossil_check_condition": SecondFossilCheckCondition,
"badgesanity": BadgeSanity,
"old_man": OldMan,
"randomize_pokedex": RandomizePokedex,
"tea": Tea,
"extra_key_items": ExtraKeyItems,
"extra_strength_boulders": ExtraStrengthBoulders,
"require_item_finder": RequireItemFinder,
"randomize_hidden_items": RandomizeHiddenItems,
"prizesanity": PrizeSanity,
"trainersanity": TrainerSanity,
"require_pokedex": RequirePokedex,
"all_pokemon_seen": AllPokemonSeen,
"dexsanity": DexSanity,
"oaks_aide_rt_2": OaksAidRt2,
"oaks_aide_rt_11": OaksAidRt11,
"oaks_aide_rt_15": OaksAidRt15,
"badges_needed_for_hm_moves": BadgesNeededForHMMoves,
"free_fly_location": FreeFlyLocation,
"randomize_rock_tunnel": RandomizeRockTunnel,
"blind_trainers": BlindTrainers,
"minimum_steps_between_encounters": MinimumStepsBetweenEncounters,
"exp_modifier": ExpModifier,
"randomize_wild_pokemon": RandomizeWildPokemon,
"area_1_to_1_mapping": Area1To1Mapping,
"randomize_starter_pokemon": RandomizeStarterPokemon,
"randomize_static_pokemon": RandomizeStaticPokemon,
"randomize_legendary_pokemon": RandomizeLegendaryPokemon,
"catch_em_all": CatchEmAll,
"randomize_pokemon_stats": RandomizePokemonStats,
"randomize_pokemon_catch_rates": RandomizePokemonCatchRates,
"minimum_catch_rate": MinimumCatchRate,
"randomize_trainer_parties": RandomizeTrainerParties,
"trainer_legendaries": TrainerLegendaries,
"move_balancing": MoveBalancing,
"randomize_pokemon_movesets": RandomizePokemonMovesets,
"confine_transform_to_ditto": ConfineTranstormToDitto,
"start_with_four_moves": StartWithFourMoves,
"same_type_attack_bonus": SameTypeAttackBonus,
"randomize_tm_moves": RandomizeTMMoves,
"tm_same_type_compatibility": TMSameTypeCompatibility,
"tm_normal_type_compatibility": TMNormalTypeCompatibility,
"tm_other_type_compatibility": TMOtherTypeCompatibility,
"hm_same_type_compatibility": HMSameTypeCompatibility,
"hm_normal_type_compatibility": HMNormalTypeCompatibility,
"hm_other_type_compatibility": HMOtherTypeCompatibility,
"inherit_tm_hm_compatibility": InheritTMHMCompatibility,
"randomize_pokemon_types": RandomizePokemonTypes,
"secondary_type_chance": SecondaryTypeChance,
"randomize_type_chart": RandomizeTypeChart,
"normal_matchups": NormalMatchups,
"super_effective_matchups": SuperEffectiveMatchups,
"not_very_effective_matchups": NotVeryEffectiveMatchups,
"immunity_matchups": ImmunityMatchups,
"safari_zone_normal_battles": SafariZoneNormalBattles,
"normalize_encounter_chances": NormalizeEncounterChances,
"reusable_tms": ReusableTMs,
"better_shops": BetterShops,
"master_ball_price": MasterBallPrice,
"starting_money": StartingMoney,
"lose_money_on_blackout": LoseMoneyOnBlackout,
"trap_percentage": TrapPercentage,
"poison_trap_weight": PoisonTrapWeight,
"fire_trap_weight": FireTrapWeight,
"paralyze_trap_weight": ParalyzeTrapWeight,
"ice_trap_weight": IceTrapWeight,
"randomize_pokemon_palettes": RandomizePokemonPalettes,
"death_link": DeathLink