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location_table = {
'Humble Beginnings: Caesar': 53001,
'Humble Beginnings: Chest 1': 53002,
'Humble Beginnings: Chest 2': 53003,
'Humble Beginnings: Victory': 53004,
'Best Friendssss: Find Sedge': 53005,
'Best Friendssss: Victory': 53006,
'A Knight\'s Folly: Caesar': 53007,
'A Knight\'s Folly: Victory': 53008,
'Denrunaway: Chest': 53009,
'Denrunaway: Victory': 53010,
'Dragon Freeway: Victory': 53011,
'Deep Thicket: Find Sedge': 53012,
'Deep Thicket: Victory': 53013,
'Corrupted Inlet: Victory': 53014,
'Mage Mayhem: Caesar': 53015,
'Mage Mayhem: Victory': 53016,
'Endless Knight: Victory': 53017,
'Ambushed in the Middle: Victory (Blue)': 53018,
'Ambushed in the Middle: Victory (Green)': 53019,
'The Churning Sea: Victory': 53020,
'Frigid Archery: Light the Torch': 53021,
'Frigid Archery: Victory': 53022,
'Archery Lessons: Chest': 53023,
'Archery Lessons: Victory': 53024,
'Surrounded: Caesar': 53025,
'Surrounded: Victory': 53026,
'Darkest Knight: Victory': 53027,
'Robbed: Victory': 53028,
'Open Season: Caesar': 53029,
'Open Season: Victory': 53030,
'Doggo Mountain: Find all the Dogs': 53031,
'Doggo Mountain: Victory': 53032,
'Tenri\'s Fall: Victory': 53033,
'Master of the Lake: Victory': 53034,
'A Ballista\'s Revenge: Victory': 53035,
'Rebel Village: Victory (Pink)': 53036,
'Rebel Village: Victory (Red)': 53037,
'Foolish Canal: Victory': 53038,
'Wargroove Finale: Victory': None,