2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
# reports
SecretAnsemsReport1 = "Secret Ansem's Report 1"
SecretAnsemsReport2 = "Secret Ansem's Report 2"
SecretAnsemsReport3 = "Secret Ansem's Report 3"
SecretAnsemsReport4 = "Secret Ansem's Report 4"
SecretAnsemsReport5 = "Secret Ansem's Report 5"
SecretAnsemsReport6 = "Secret Ansem's Report 6"
SecretAnsemsReport7 = "Secret Ansem's Report 7"
SecretAnsemsReport8 = "Secret Ansem's Report 8"
SecretAnsemsReport9 = "Secret Ansem's Report 9"
SecretAnsemsReport10 = "Secret Ansem's Report 10"
SecretAnsemsReport11 = "Secret Ansem's Report 11"
SecretAnsemsReport12 = "Secret Ansem's Report 12"
SecretAnsemsReport13 = "Secret Ansem's Report 13"
2023-11-25 14:46:00 +00:00
# proofs, visit unlocks and forms
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
ProofofConnection = "Proof of Connection"
ProofofNonexistence = "Proof of Nonexistence"
ProofofPeace = "Proof of Peace"
PromiseCharm = "Promise Charm"
BattlefieldsofWar = "Battlefields of War"
SwordoftheAncestor = "Sword of the Ancestor"
BeastsClaw = "Beast's Claw"
BoneFist = "Bone Fist"
ProudFang = "Proud Fang"
SkillandCrossbones = "Skill and Crossbones"
Scimitar = "Scimitar"
MembershipCard = "Membership Card"
IceCream = "Ice Cream"
WaytotheDawn = "Way to the Dawn"
IdentityDisk = "Identity Disk"
NamineSketches = "Namine Sketches"
CastleKey = "Disney Castle Key"
TornPages = "Torn Page"
ValorForm = "Valor Form"
WisdomForm = "Wisdom Form"
LimitForm = "Limit Form"
MasterForm = "Master Form"
FinalForm = "Final Form"
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AntiForm = "Anti Form"
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# magic and summons
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FireElement = "Fire Element"
BlizzardElement = "Blizzard Element"
ThunderElement = "Thunder Element"
CureElement = "Cure Element"
MagnetElement = "Magnet Element"
ReflectElement = "Reflect Element"
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
Genie = "Genie"
PeterPan = "Peter Pan"
Stitch = "Stitch"
ChickenLittle = "Chicken Little"
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# movement
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HighJump = "High Jump"
QuickRun = "Quick Run"
AerialDodge = "Aerial Dodge"
Glide = "Glide"
DodgeRoll = "Dodge Roll"
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# keyblades
2023-03-20 16:19:55 +00:00
Oathkeeper = "Oathkeeper"
Oblivion = "Oblivion"
StarSeeker = "Star Seeker"
HiddenDragon = "Hidden Dragon"
HerosCrest = "Hero's Crest"
Monochrome = "Monochrome"
FollowtheWind = "Follow the Wind"
CircleofLife = "Circle of Life"
PhotonDebugger = "Photon Debugger"
GullWing = "Gull Wing"
RumblingRose = "Rumbling Rose"
GuardianSoul = "Guardian Soul"
WishingLamp = "Wishing Lamp"
DecisivePumpkin = "Decisive Pumpkin"
SleepingLion = "Sleeping Lion"
SweetMemories = "Sweet Memories"
MysteriousAbyss = "Mysterious Abyss"
TwoBecomeOne = "Two Become One"
FatalCrest = "Fatal Crest"
BondofFlame = "Bond of Flame"
Fenrir = "Fenrir"
UltimaWeapon = "Ultima Weapon"
WinnersProof = "Winner's Proof"
Pureblood = "Pureblood"
# stafs
HammerStaff = "Hammer Staff"
LordsBroom = "Lord's Broom"
MagesStaff = "Mages Staff"
MeteorStaff = "Meteor Staff"
CometStaff = "Comet Staff"
Centurion2 = "Centurion+"
NobodyLance = "Nobody Lance"
PreciousMushroom = "Precious Mushroom"
PreciousMushroom2 = "Precious Mushroom+"
PremiumMushroom = "Premium Mushroom"
RisingDragon = "Rising Dragon"
SaveTheQueen2 = "Save The Queen+"
ShamansRelic = "Shaman's Relic"
VictoryBell = "Victory Bell"
WisdomWand = "Wisdom Wand"
# shelds
AkashicRecord = "Akashic Record"
FrozenPride2 = "Frozen Pride+"
GenjiShield = "Genji Shield"
MajesticMushroom = "Majestic Mushroom"
MajesticMushroom2 = "Majestic Mushroom+"
NobodyGuard = "Nobody Guard"
OgreShield = "Ogre Shield"
SaveTheKing2 = "Save The King+"
UltimateMushroom = "Ultimate Mushroom"
# accesrosies
AbilityRing = "Ability Ring"
EngineersRing = "Engineer's Ring"
TechniciansRing = "Technician's Ring"
SkillRing = "Skill Ring"
SkillfulRing = "Skillful Ring"
ExpertsRing = "Expert's Ring"
MastersRing = "Master's Ring"
CosmicRing = "Cosmic Ring"
ExecutivesRing = "Executive's Ring"
SardonyxRing = "Sardonyx Ring"
TourmalineRing = "Tourmaline Ring"
AquamarineRing = "Aquamarine Ring"
GarnetRing = "Garnet Ring"
DiamondRing = "Diamond Ring"
SilverRing = "Silver Ring"
GoldRing = "Gold Ring"
PlatinumRing = "Platinum Ring"
MythrilRing = "Mythril Ring"
OrichalcumRing = "Orichalcum Ring"
SoldierEarring = "Soldier Earring"
FencerEarring = "Fencer Earring"
MageEarring = "Mage Earring"
SlayerEarring = "Slayer Earring"
Medal = "Medal"
MoonAmulet = "Moon Amulet"
StarCharm = "Star Charm"
CosmicArts = "Cosmic Arts"
ShadowArchive = "Shadow Archive"
ShadowArchive2 = "Shadow Archive+"
FullBloom = "Full Bloom"
FullBloom2 = "Full Bloom+"
DrawRing = "Draw Ring"
LuckyRing = "Lucky Ring"
# armorers
ElvenBandana = "Elven Bandana"
DivineBandana = "Divine Bandana"
ProtectBelt = "Protect Belt"
GaiaBelt = "Gaia Belt"
PowerBand = "Power Band"
BusterBand = "Buster Band"
CosmicBelt = "Cosmic Belt"
FireBangle = "Fire Bangle"
FiraBangle = "Fira Bangle"
FiragaBangle = "Firaga Bangle"
FiragunBangle = "Firagun Bangle"
BlizzardArmlet = "Blizzard Armlet"
BlizzaraArmlet = "Blizzara Armlet"
BlizzagaArmlet = "Blizzaga Armlet"
BlizzagunArmlet = "Blizzagun Armlet"
ThunderTrinket = "Thunder Trinket"
ThundaraTrinket = "Thundara Trinket"
ThundagaTrinket = "Thundaga Trinket"
ThundagunTrinket = "Thundagun Trinket"
ShockCharm = "Shock Charm"
ShockCharm2 = "Shock Charm+"
ShadowAnklet = "Shadow Anklet"
DarkAnklet = "Dark Anklet"
MidnightAnklet = "Midnight Anklet"
ChaosAnklet = "Chaos Anklet"
ChampionBelt = "Champion Belt"
AbasChain = "Abas Chain"
AegisChain = "Aegis Chain"
Acrisius = "Acrisius"
Acrisius2 = "Acrisius+"
CosmicChain = "Cosmic Chain"
PetiteRibbon = "Petite Ribbon"
Ribbon = "Ribbon"
GrandRibbon = "Grand Ribbon"
# usefull and stat incre
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MickeyMunnyPouch = "Mickey Munny Pouch"
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OletteMunnyPouch = "Olette Munny Pouch"
HadesCupTrophy = "Hades Cup Trophy"
UnknownDisk = "Unknown Disk"
OlympusStone = "Olympus Stone"
MaxHPUp = "Max HP Up"
MaxMPUp = "Max MP Up"
DriveGaugeUp = "Drive Gauge Up"
ArmorSlotUp = "Armor Slot Up"
AccessorySlotUp = "Accessory Slot Up"
ItemSlotUp = "Item Slot Up"
# support abilitys
Scan = "Scan"
AerialRecovery = "Aerial Recovery"
ComboMaster = "Combo Master"
ComboPlus = "Combo Plus"
AirComboPlus = "Air Combo Plus"
ComboBoost = "Combo Boost"
AirComboBoost = "Air Combo Boost"
ReactionBoost = "Reaction Boost"
FinishingPlus = "Finishing Plus"
NegativeCombo = "Negative Combo"
BerserkCharge = "Berserk Charge"
DamageDrive = "Damage Drive"
DriveBoost = "Drive Boost"
FormBoost = "Form Boost"
SummonBoost = "Summon Boost"
ExperienceBoost = "Experience Boost"
Draw = "Draw"
Jackpot = "Jackpot"
LuckyLucky = "Lucky Lucky"
DriveConverter = "Drive Converter"
FireBoost = "Fire Boost"
BlizzardBoost = "Blizzard Boost"
ThunderBoost = "Thunder Boost"
ItemBoost = "Item Boost"
MPRage = "MP Rage"
MPHaste = "MP Haste"
MPHastera = "MP Hastera"
MPHastega = "MP Hastega"
Defender = "Defender"
DamageControl = "Damage Control"
NoExperience = "No Experience"
LightDarkness = "Light & Darkness"
# level ability
MagicLock = "Magic Lock-On"
LeafBracer = "Leaf Bracer"
CombinationBoost = "Combination Boost"
OnceMore = "Once More"
SecondChance = "Second Chance"
# action abilitys
Guard = "Guard"
UpperSlash = "Upper Slash"
HorizontalSlash = "Horizontal Slash"
FinishingLeap = "Finishing Leap"
RetaliatingSlash = "Retaliating Slash"
Slapshot = "Slapshot"
DodgeSlash = "Dodge Slash"
FlashStep = "Flash Step"
SlideDash = "Slide Dash"
VicinityBreak = "Vicinity Break"
GuardBreak = "Guard Break"
Explosion = "Explosion"
AerialSweep = "Aerial Sweep"
AerialDive = "Aerial Dive"
AerialSpiral = "Aerial Spiral"
AerialFinish = "Aerial Finish"
MagnetBurst = "Magnet Burst"
Counterguard = "Counterguard"
AutoValor = "Auto Valor"
AutoWisdom = "Auto Wisdom"
AutoLimit = "Auto Limit"
AutoMaster = "Auto Master"
AutoFinal = "Auto Final"
AutoSummon = "Auto Summon"
TrinityLimit = "Trinity Limit"
# items
Potion = "Potion"
HiPotion = "Hi-Potion"
Ether = "Ether"
Elixir = "Elixir"
MegaPotion = "Mega-Potion"
MegaEther = "Mega-Ether"
Megalixir = "Megalixir"
Tent = "Tent"
DriveRecovery = "Drive Recovery"
HighDriveRecovery = "High Drive Recovery"
PowerBoost = "Power Boost"
MagicBoost = "Magic Boost"
DefenseBoost = "Defense Boost"
APBoost = "AP Boost"
# donald abilitys
DonaldFire = "Donald Fire"
DonaldBlizzard = "Donald Blizzard"
DonaldThunder = "Donald Thunder"
DonaldCure = "Donald Cure"
Fantasia = "Donald Fantasia"
FlareForce = "Donald Flare Force"
DonaldMPRage = "Donald MP Rage"
DonaldJackpot = "Donald Jackpot"
DonaldLuckyLucky = "Donald Lucky Lucky"
DonaldFireBoost = "Donald Fire Boost"
DonaldBlizzardBoost = "Donald Blizzard Boost"
DonaldThunderBoost = "Donald Thunder Boost"
DonaldMPHastera = "Donald MP Hastera"
DonaldAutoLimit = "Donald Auto Limit"
DonaldHyperHealing = "Donald Hyper Healing"
DonaldAutoHealing = "Donald Auto Healing"
DonaldMPHastega = "Donald MP Hastega"
DonaldItemBoost = "Donald Item Boost"
DonaldDamageControl = "Donald Damage Control"
DonaldMPHaste = "Donald MP Haste"
DonaldDraw = "Donald Draw"
# goofy abili
GoofyTornado = "Goofy Tornado"
GoofyTurbo = "Goofy Turbo"
GoofyBash = "Goofy Bash"
TornadoFusion = "Tornado Fusion"
Teamwork = "Teamwork"
GoofyDraw = "Goofy Draw"
GoofyJackpot = "Goofy Jackpot"
GoofyLuckyLucky = "Goofy Lucky Lucky"
GoofyItemBoost = "Goofy Item Boost"
GoofyMPRage = "Goofy MP Rage"
GoofyDefender = "Goofy Defender"
GoofyDamageControl = "Goofy Damage Control"
GoofyAutoLimit = "Goofy Auto Limit"
GoofySecondChance = "Goofy Second Chance"
GoofyOnceMore = "Goofy Once More"
GoofyAutoChange = "Goofy Auto Change"
GoofyHyperHealing = "Goofy Hyper Healing"
GoofyAutoHealing = "Goofy Auto Healing"
GoofyMPHaste = "Goofy MP Haste"
GoofyMPHastera = "Goofy MP Hastera"
GoofyMPHastega = "Goofy MP Hastega"
GoofyProtect = "Goofy Protect"
GoofyProtera = "Goofy Protera"
GoofyProtega = "Goofy Protega"
Victory = "Victory"
LuckyEmblem = "Lucky Emblem"
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Bounty = "Bounty"
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# UniversalKey = "Universal Key"
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# Keyblade Slots
FAKESlot = "FAKE (Slot)"
DetectionSaberSlot = "Detection Saber (Slot)"
EdgeofUltimaSlot = "Edge of Ultima (Slot)"
KingdomKeySlot = "Kingdom Key (Slot)"
OathkeeperSlot = "Oathkeeper (Slot)"
OblivionSlot = "Oblivion (Slot)"
StarSeekerSlot = "Star Seeker (Slot)"
HiddenDragonSlot = "Hidden Dragon (Slot)"
HerosCrestSlot = "Hero's Crest (Slot)"
MonochromeSlot = "Monochrome (Slot)"
FollowtheWindSlot = "Follow the Wind (Slot)"
CircleofLifeSlot = "Circle of Life (Slot)"
PhotonDebuggerSlot = "Photon Debugger (Slot)"
GullWingSlot = "Gull Wing (Slot)"
RumblingRoseSlot = "Rumbling Rose (Slot)"
GuardianSoulSlot = "Guardian Soul (Slot)"
WishingLampSlot = "Wishing Lamp (Slot)"
DecisivePumpkinSlot = "Decisive Pumpkin (Slot)"
SweetMemoriesSlot = "Sweet Memories (Slot)"
MysteriousAbyssSlot = "Mysterious Abyss (Slot)"
SleepingLionSlot = "Sleeping Lion (Slot)"
BondofFlameSlot = "Bond of Flame (Slot)"
TwoBecomeOneSlot = "Two Become One (Slot)"
FatalCrestSlot = "Fatal Crest (Slot)"
FenrirSlot = "Fenrir (Slot)"
UltimaWeaponSlot = "Ultima Weapon (Slot)"
WinnersProofSlot = "Winner's Proof (Slot)"
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# events
HostileProgramEvent = "Hostile Program Event"
McpEvent = "Master Control Program Event"
ASLarxeneEvent = "AS Larxene Event"
DataLarxeneEvent = "Data Larxene Event"
BarbosaEvent = "Barbosa Event"
GrimReaper1Event = "Grim Reaper 1 Event"
GrimReaper2Event = "Grim Reaper 2 Event"
DataLuxordEvent = "Data Luxord Event"
DataAxelEvent = "Data Axel Event"
CerberusEvent = "Cerberus Event"
OlympusPeteEvent = "Olympus Pete Event"
HydraEvent = "Hydra Event"
OcPainAndPanicCupEvent = "Pain and Panic Cup Event"
OcCerberusCupEvent = "Cerberus Cup Event"
HadesEvent = "Hades Event"
ASZexionEvent = "AS Zexion Event"
DataZexionEvent = "Data Zexion Event"
Oc2TitanCupEvent = "Titan Cup Event"
Oc2GofCupEvent = "Goddess of Fate Cup Event"
Oc2CupsEvent = "Olympus Coliseum Cups Event"
HadesCupEvents = "Olympus Coliseum Hade's Paradox Event"
PrisonKeeperEvent = "Prison Keeper Event"
OogieBoogieEvent = "Oogie Boogie Event"
ExperimentEvent = "The Experiment Event"
ASVexenEvent = "AS Vexen Event"
DataVexenEvent = "Data Vexen Event"
ShanYuEvent = "Shan Yu Event"
AnsemRikuEvent = "Ansem Riku Event"
StormRiderEvent = "Storm Rider Event"
DataXigbarEvent = "Data Xigbar Event"
RoxasEvent = "Roxas Event"
XigbarEvent = "Xigbar Event"
LuxordEvent = "Luxord Event"
SaixEvent = "Saix Event"
XemnasEvent = "Xemnas Event"
ArmoredXemnasEvent = "Armored Xemnas Event"
ArmoredXemnas2Event = "Armored Xemnas 2 Event"
FinalXemnasEvent = "Final Xemnas Event"
DataXemnasEvent = "Data Xemnas Event"
ThresholderEvent = "Thresholder Event"
BeastEvent = "Beast Event"
DarkThornEvent = "Dark Thorn Event"
XaldinEvent = "Xaldin Event"
DataXaldinEvent = "Data Xaldin Event"
TwinLordsEvent = "Twin Lords Event"
GenieJafarEvent = "Genie Jafar Event"
ASLexaeusEvent = "AS Lexaeus Event"
DataLexaeusEvent = "Data Lexaeus Event"
ScarEvent = "Scar Event"
GroundShakerEvent = "Groundshaker Event"
DataSaixEvent = "Data Saix Event"
HBDemyxEvent = "Hollow Bastion Demyx Event"
ThousandHeartlessEvent = "Thousand Heartless Event"
Mushroom13Event = "Mushroom 13 Event"
SephiEvent = "Sephiroth Event"
DataDemyxEvent = "Data Demyx Event"
CorFirstFightEvent = "Cavern of Rememberance:Fight 1 Event"
CorSecondFightEvent = "Cavern of Rememberance:Fight 2 Event"
TransportEvent = "Transport to Rememberance Event"
OldPeteEvent = "Old Pete Event"
FuturePeteEvent = "Future Pete Event"
ASMarluxiaEvent = "AS Marluxia Event"
DataMarluxiaEvent = "Data Marluxia Event"
TerraEvent = "Terra Event"
TwilightThornEvent = "Twilight Thorn Event"
Axel1Event = "Axel 1 Event"
Axel2Event = "Axel 2 Event"
DataRoxasEvent = "Data Roxas Event"