2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
import logging
import copy
import os
import random
import threading
from typing import Dict , Set , TextIO
2022-06-17 01:23:27 +00:00
from BaseClasses import Region , Entrance , Location , MultiWorld , Item , ItemClassification , RegionType , CollectionState , \
2022-03-18 03:53:09 +00:00
from worlds . generic . Rules import set_rule
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
import worlds . smz3 . TotalSMZ3 . Item as TotalSMZ3Item
from worlds . smz3 . TotalSMZ3 . World import World as TotalSMZ3World
from worlds . smz3 . TotalSMZ3 . Config import Config , GameMode , GanonInvincible , Goal , KeyShuffle , MorphLocation , SMLogic , SwordLocation , Z3Logic
from worlds . smz3 . TotalSMZ3 . Location import LocationType , locations_start_id , Location as TotalSMZ3Location
from worlds . smz3 . TotalSMZ3 . Patch import Patch as TotalSMZ3Patch , getWord , getWordArray
2022-05-11 18:05:53 +00:00
from . . AutoWorld import World , AutoLogicRegister , WebWorld
2022-03-18 03:53:09 +00:00
from . Rom import get_base_rom_bytes , SMZ3DeltaPatch
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
from . ips import IPS_Patch
from . Options import smz3_options
world_folder = os . path . dirname ( __file__ )
logger = logging . getLogger ( " SMZ3 " )
2022-03-18 03:53:09 +00:00
class SMZ3CollectionState ( metaclass = AutoLogicRegister ) :
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
def init_mixin ( self , parent : MultiWorld ) :
# for unit tests where MultiWorld is instantiated before worlds
if hasattr ( parent , " state " ) :
self . smz3state = { player : TotalSMZ3Item . Progression ( [ ] ) for player in parent . get_game_players ( " SMZ3 " ) }
else :
self . smz3state = { }
def copy_mixin ( self , ret ) - > CollectionState :
ret . smz3state = { player : copy . deepcopy ( self . smz3state [ player ] ) for player in self . world . get_game_players ( " SMZ3 " ) }
return ret
2022-05-11 18:05:53 +00:00
class SMZ3Web ( WebWorld ) :
tutorials = [ Tutorial (
" Multiworld Setup Guide " ,
" A guide to setting up the Archipelago Super Metroid and A Link to the Past Crossover randomizer on your computer. This guide covers single-player, multiworld, and related software. " ,
" English " ,
" multiworld_en.md " ,
" multiworld/en " ,
[ " lordlou " ]
) ]
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
class SMZ3World ( World ) :
A python port of Super Metroid & A Link To The Past Crossover Item Randomizer based on v11 .2 of Total ' s SMZ3.
This is allowed as long as we keep features and logic as close as possible as the original .
game : str = " SMZ3 "
topology_present = False
2022-03-18 03:53:09 +00:00
data_version = 1
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
options = smz3_options
item_names : Set [ str ] = frozenset ( TotalSMZ3Item . lookup_name_to_id )
location_names : Set [ str ]
item_name_to_id = TotalSMZ3Item . lookup_name_to_id
location_name_to_id : Dict [ str , int ] = { key : locations_start_id + value . Id for key , value in TotalSMZ3World ( Config ( { } ) , " " , 0 , " " ) . locationLookup . items ( ) }
2022-05-11 18:05:53 +00:00
web = SMZ3Web ( )
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
remote_items : bool = False
remote_start_inventory : bool = False
2022-04-08 09:16:36 +00:00
# first added for 0.2.6
required_client_version = ( 0 , 2 , 6 )
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
def __init__ ( self , world : MultiWorld , player : int ) :
self . rom_name_available_event = threading . Event ( )
self . locations = { }
self . unreachable = [ ]
super ( ) . __init__ ( world , player )
2022-04-30 01:37:28 +00:00
def stage_assert_generate ( cls , world ) :
base_combined_rom = get_base_rom_bytes ( )
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def generate_early ( self ) :
config = Config ( { } )
config . GameMode = GameMode . Multiworld
config . Z3Logic = Z3Logic . Normal
config . SMLogic = SMLogic ( self . world . sm_logic [ self . player ] . value )
config . SwordLocation = SwordLocation ( self . world . sword_location [ self . player ] . value )
config . MorphLocation = MorphLocation ( self . world . morph_location [ self . player ] . value )
config . Goal = Goal . DefeatBoth
config . KeyShuffle = KeyShuffle ( self . world . key_shuffle [ self . player ] . value )
config . Keysanity = config . KeyShuffle != KeyShuffle . Null
config . GanonInvincible = GanonInvincible . BeforeCrystals
self . local_random = random . Random ( self . world . random . randint ( 0 , 1000 ) )
self . smz3World = TotalSMZ3World ( config , self . world . get_player_name ( self . player ) , self . player , self . world . seed_name )
self . smz3DungeonItems = [ ]
SMZ3World . location_names = frozenset ( self . smz3World . locationLookup . keys ( ) )
self . world . state . smz3state [ self . player ] = TotalSMZ3Item . Progression ( [ ] )
def generate_basic ( self ) :
self . smz3World . Setup ( self . world . random )
self . dungeon = TotalSMZ3Item . Item . CreateDungeonPool ( self . smz3World )
self . dungeon . reverse ( )
self . progression = TotalSMZ3Item . Item . CreateProgressionPool ( self . smz3World )
self . keyCardsItems = TotalSMZ3Item . Item . CreateKeycards ( self . smz3World )
niceItems = TotalSMZ3Item . Item . CreateNicePool ( self . smz3World )
junkItems = TotalSMZ3Item . Item . CreateJunkPool ( self . smz3World )
allJunkItems = niceItems + junkItems
if ( self . smz3World . Config . Keysanity ) :
progressionItems = self . progression + self . dungeon + self . keyCardsItems
else :
progressionItems = self . progression
for item in self . keyCardsItems :
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self . world . push_precollected ( SMZ3Item ( item . Type . name , ItemClassification . filler , item . Type , self . item_name_to_id [ item . Type . name ] , self . player , item ) )
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2022-06-17 01:23:27 +00:00
itemPool = [ SMZ3Item ( item . Type . name , ItemClassification . progression , item . Type , self . item_name_to_id [ item . Type . name ] , self . player , item ) for item in progressionItems ] + \
[ SMZ3Item ( item . Type . name , ItemClassification . filler , item . Type , self . item_name_to_id [ item . Type . name ] , self . player , item ) for item in allJunkItems ]
self . smz3DungeonItems = [ SMZ3Item ( item . Type . name , ItemClassification . progression , item . Type , self . item_name_to_id [ item . Type . name ] , self . player , item ) for item in self . dungeon ]
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self . world . itempool + = itemPool
def set_rules ( self ) :
# SM G4 is logically required to access Ganon's Tower in SMZ3
self . world . completion_condition [ self . player ] = lambda state : \
self . smz3World . GetRegion ( " Ganon ' s Tower " ) . CanEnter ( state . smz3state [ self . player ] ) and \
self . smz3World . GetRegion ( " Ganon ' s Tower " ) . TowerAscend ( state . smz3state [ self . player ] )
for region in self . smz3World . Regions :
entrance = self . world . get_entrance ( ' Menu ' + " -> " + region . Name , self . player )
set_rule ( entrance , lambda state , region = region : region . CanEnter ( state . smz3state [ self . player ] ) )
for loc in region . Locations :
l = self . locations [ loc . Name ]
if self . world . accessibility [ self . player ] != ' locations ' :
l . always_allow = lambda state , item , loc = loc : \
item . game == " SMZ3 " and \
loc . alwaysAllow ( TotalSMZ3Item . Item ( TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType [ item . name ] , self . smz3World ) , state . smz3state [ self . player ] )
old_rule = l . item_rule
l . item_rule = lambda item , loc = loc , region = region : ( \
item . game != " SMZ3 " or \
loc . allow ( TotalSMZ3Item . Item ( TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType [ item . name ] , self . smz3World ) , None ) and \
region . CanFill ( TotalSMZ3Item . Item ( TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType [ item . name ] , self . smz3World ) ) ) and old_rule ( item )
set_rule ( l , lambda state , loc = loc : loc . Available ( state . smz3state [ self . player ] ) )
def create_regions ( self ) :
self . create_locations ( self . player )
startRegion = self . create_region ( self . world , self . player , ' Menu ' )
self . world . regions . append ( startRegion )
for region in self . smz3World . Regions :
currentRegion = self . create_region ( self . world , self . player , region . Name , region . locationLookup . keys ( ) , [ region . Name + " -> " + ' Menu ' ] )
self . world . regions . append ( currentRegion )
entrance = self . world . get_entrance ( region . Name + " -> " + ' Menu ' , self . player )
entrance . connect ( startRegion )
exit = Entrance ( self . player , ' Menu ' + " -> " + region . Name , startRegion )
startRegion . exits . append ( exit )
exit . connect ( currentRegion )
def apply_sm_custom_sprite ( self ) :
itemSprites = [ " off_world_prog_item.bin " , " off_world_item.bin " ]
itemSpritesAddress = [ 0xF800 , 0xF900 ]
idx = 0
offworldSprites = { }
for fileName in itemSprites :
with open ( world_folder + " /data/custom_sprite/ " + fileName , ' rb ' ) as stream :
buffer = bytearray ( stream . read ( ) )
offworldSprites [ 0x04Eff2 + 10 * ( ( 0x6B + 0x40 ) + idx ) ] = bytearray ( getWordArray ( itemSpritesAddress [ idx ] ) ) + buffer [ 0 : 8 ]
offworldSprites [ 0x090000 + itemSpritesAddress [ idx ] ] = buffer [ 8 : 264 ]
idx + = 1
return offworldSprites
def convert_to_sm_item_name ( self , itemName ) :
charMap = { " A " : 0x3CE0 ,
" B " : 0x3CE1 ,
" C " : 0x3CE2 ,
" D " : 0x3CE3 ,
" E " : 0x3CE4 ,
" F " : 0x3CE5 ,
" G " : 0x3CE6 ,
" H " : 0x3CE7 ,
" I " : 0x3CE8 ,
" J " : 0x3CE9 ,
" K " : 0x3CEA ,
" L " : 0x3CEB ,
" M " : 0x3CEC ,
" N " : 0x3CED ,
" O " : 0x3CEE ,
" P " : 0x3CEF ,
" Q " : 0x3CF0 ,
" R " : 0x3CF1 ,
" S " : 0x3CF2 ,
" T " : 0x3CF3 ,
" U " : 0x3CF4 ,
" V " : 0x3CF5 ,
" W " : 0x3CF6 ,
" X " : 0x3CF7 ,
" Y " : 0x3CF8 ,
" Z " : 0x3CF9 ,
" " : 0x3C4E ,
" ! " : 0x3CFF ,
" ? " : 0x3CFE ,
" ' " : 0x3CFD ,
" , " : 0x3CFB ,
" . " : 0x3CFA ,
" - " : 0x3CCF ,
" _ " : 0x000E ,
" 1 " : 0x3C00 ,
" 2 " : 0x3C01 ,
" 3 " : 0x3C02 ,
" 4 " : 0x3C03 ,
" 5 " : 0x3C04 ,
" 6 " : 0x3C05 ,
" 7 " : 0x3C06 ,
" 8 " : 0x3C07 ,
" 9 " : 0x3C08 ,
" 0 " : 0x3C09 ,
" % " : 0x3C0A }
data = [ ]
itemName = itemName . upper ( ) [ : 26 ]
itemName = itemName . strip ( )
itemName = itemName . center ( 26 , " " )
itemName = " ___ " + itemName + " ___ "
for char in itemName :
( w0 , w1 ) = getWord ( charMap . get ( char , 0x3C4E ) )
data . append ( w0 )
data . append ( w1 )
return data
def convert_to_lttp_item_name ( self , itemName ) :
2022-03-18 03:53:09 +00:00
return bytearray ( itemName [ : 19 ] . center ( 19 , " " ) , ' utf8 ' ) + bytearray ( 0 )
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
def apply_item_names ( self ) :
patch = { }
sm_remote_idx = 0
lttp_remote_idx = 0
for location in self . smz3World . Locations :
if self . world . worlds [ location . APLocation . item . player ] . game != self . game :
if location . Type == LocationType . Visible or location . Type == LocationType . Chozo or location . Type == LocationType . Hidden :
patch [ 0x390000 + sm_remote_idx * 64 ] = self . convert_to_sm_item_name ( location . APLocation . item . name )
sm_remote_idx + = 1
progressionItem = ( 0 if location . APLocation . item . advancement else 0x8000 ) + sm_remote_idx
patch [ 0x386000 + ( location . Id * 8 ) + 6 ] = bytearray ( getWordArray ( progressionItem ) )
else :
patch [ 0x390000 + 100 * 64 + lttp_remote_idx * 20 ] = self . convert_to_lttp_item_name ( location . APLocation . item . name )
lttp_remote_idx + = 1
progressionItem = ( 0 if location . APLocation . item . advancement else 0x8000 ) + lttp_remote_idx
patch [ 0x386000 + ( location . Id * 8 ) + 6 ] = bytearray ( getWordArray ( progressionItem ) )
return patch
def generate_output ( self , output_directory : str ) :
try :
base_combined_rom = get_base_rom_bytes ( )
basepatch = IPS_Patch . load ( world_folder + " /data/zsm.ips " )
base_combined_rom = basepatch . apply ( base_combined_rom )
patcher = TotalSMZ3Patch ( self . smz3World ,
[ world . smz3World for key , world in self . world . worlds . items ( ) if isinstance ( world , SMZ3World ) ] ,
self . world . seed_name ,
self . world . seed ,
self . local_random ,
self . world . world_name_lookup ,
2022-06-17 01:23:27 +00:00
next ( iter ( loc . player for loc in self . world . get_locations ( ) if ( loc . item . name == " SilverArrows " and loc . item . player == self . player ) ) ) )
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
patches = patcher . Create ( self . smz3World . Config )
patches . update ( self . apply_sm_custom_sprite ( ) )
patches . update ( self . apply_item_names ( ) )
for addr , bytes in patches . items ( ) :
offset = 0
for byte in bytes :
base_combined_rom [ addr + offset ] = byte
offset + = 1
outfilebase = ' AP_ ' + self . world . seed_name
outfilepname = f ' _P { self . player } '
2022-04-03 03:47:42 +00:00
outfilepname + = f " _ { self . world . get_file_safe_player_name ( self . player ) . replace ( ' ' , ' _ ' ) } " \
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
filename = os . path . join ( output_directory , f ' { outfilebase } { outfilepname } .sfc ' )
with open ( filename , " wb " ) as binary_file :
binary_file . write ( base_combined_rom )
2022-03-18 03:53:09 +00:00
patch = SMZ3DeltaPatch ( os . path . splitext ( filename ) [ 0 ] + SMZ3DeltaPatch . patch_file_ending , player = self . player ,
player_name = self . world . player_name [ self . player ] , patched_path = filename )
patch . write ( )
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
os . remove ( filename )
self . rom_name = bytearray ( patcher . title , ' utf8 ' )
except :
finally :
self . rom_name_available_event . set ( ) # make sure threading continues and errors are collected
def modify_multidata ( self , multidata : dict ) :
import base64
if ( not self . smz3World . Config . Keysanity ) :
for item_name in self . keyCardsItems :
item_id = self . item_name_to_id . get ( item_name . Type . name , None )
try :
multidata [ " precollected_items " ] [ self . player ] . remove ( item_id )
except ValueError as e :
logger . warning ( f " Attempted to remove nonexistent item id { item_id } from smz3 precollected items ( { item_name } ) " )
# wait for self.rom_name to be available.
self . rom_name_available_event . wait ( )
rom_name = getattr ( self , " rom_name " , None )
# we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised
if rom_name :
new_name = base64 . b64encode ( bytes ( self . rom_name ) ) . decode ( )
payload = multidata [ " connect_names " ] [ self . world . player_name [ self . player ] ]
multidata [ " connect_names " ] [ new_name ] = payload
def fill_slot_data ( self ) :
slot_data = { }
return slot_data
def collect ( self , state : CollectionState , item : Item ) - > bool :
state . smz3state [ item . player ] . Add ( [ TotalSMZ3Item . Item ( TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType [ item . name ] , self . smz3World ) ] )
if item . advancement :
state . prog_items [ item . name , item . player ] + = 1
return True # indicate that a logical state change has occured
return False
def remove ( self , state : CollectionState , item : Item ) - > bool :
name = self . collect_item ( state , item , True )
if name :
state . smz3state [ item . player ] . Remove ( [ TotalSMZ3Item . Item ( TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType [ item . name ] , self . smz3World ) ] )
state . prog_items [ name , item . player ] - = 1
if state . prog_items [ name , item . player ] < 1 :
del ( state . prog_items [ name , item . player ] )
return True
return False
def create_item ( self , name : str ) - > Item :
2022-06-17 01:23:27 +00:00
return SMZ3Item ( name , ItemClassification . progression ,
TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType [ name ] , self . item_name_to_id [ name ] , player = self . player )
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
def pre_fill ( self ) :
from Fill import fill_restrictive
self . InitialFillInOwnWorld ( )
if ( not self . smz3World . Config . Keysanity ) :
locations = [ loc for loc in self . locations . values ( ) if loc . item is None ]
self . world . random . shuffle ( locations )
all_state = self . world . get_all_state ( False )
for item in self . smz3DungeonItems :
all_state . remove ( item )
all_dungeonItems = self . smz3DungeonItems [ : ]
fill_restrictive ( self . world , all_state , locations , all_dungeonItems , True , True )
# some small or big keys (those always_allow) can be unreachable in-game
# while logic still collects some of them (probably to simulate the player collecting pot keys in the logic), some others don't
# so we need to remove those exceptions as progression items
if self . world . accessibility [ self . player ] != ' locations ' :
exception_item = [ TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . BigKeySW , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . BigKeySP , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . KeyTH ]
for item in self . smz3DungeonItems :
if item . item . Type in exception_item and item . location . always_allow ( all_state , item ) and not all_state . can_reach ( item . location ) :
2022-06-17 01:23:27 +00:00
item . classification = ItemClassification . filler
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
item . item . Progression = False
item . location . event = False
self . unreachable . append ( item . location )
def get_pre_fill_items ( self ) :
if ( not self . smz3World . Config . Keysanity ) :
return self . smz3DungeonItems
else :
return [ ]
def write_spoiler ( self , spoiler_handle : TextIO ) :
self . world . spoiler . unreachables . update ( self . unreachable )
def FillItemAtLocation ( self , itemPool , itemType , location ) :
itemToPlace = TotalSMZ3Item . Item . Get ( itemPool , itemType , self . smz3World )
if ( itemToPlace == None ) :
raise Exception ( f " Tried to place item { itemType } at { location . Name } , but there is no such item in the item pool " )
else :
location . Item = itemToPlace
itemFromPool = next ( ( i for i in self . world . itempool if i . player == self . player and i . name == itemToPlace . Type . name ) , None )
if itemFromPool is not None :
self . world . get_location ( location . Name , self . player ) . place_locked_item ( itemFromPool )
self . world . itempool . remove ( itemFromPool )
else :
itemFromPool = next ( ( i for i in self . smz3DungeonItems if i . player == self . player and i . name == itemToPlace . Type . name ) , None )
if itemFromPool is not None :
self . world . get_location ( location . Name , self . player ) . place_locked_item ( itemFromPool )
self . smz3DungeonItems . remove ( itemFromPool )
itemPool . remove ( itemToPlace )
def FrontFillItemInOwnWorld ( self , itemPool , itemType ) :
item = TotalSMZ3Item . Item . Get ( itemPool , itemType , self . smz3World )
location = next ( iter ( self . world . random . sample ( TotalSMZ3Location . AvailableGlobal ( TotalSMZ3Location . Empty ( self . smz3World . Locations ) , self . smz3World . Items ( ) ) , 1 ) ) , None )
if ( location == None ) :
raise Exception ( f " Tried to front fill { item . Name } in, but no location was available " )
location . Item = item
itemFromPool = next ( ( i for i in self . world . itempool if i . player == self . player and i . name == item . Type . name ) , None )
if itemFromPool is not None :
self . world . get_location ( location . Name , self . player ) . place_locked_item ( itemFromPool )
self . world . itempool . remove ( itemFromPool )
itemPool . remove ( item )
def InitialFillInOwnWorld ( self ) :
self . FillItemAtLocation ( self . dungeon , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . KeySW , self . smz3World . GetLocation ( " Skull Woods - Pinball Room " ) )
# /* Check Swords option and place as needed */
if self . smz3World . Config . SwordLocation == SwordLocation . Uncle :
self . FillItemAtLocation ( self . progression , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . ProgressiveSword , self . smz3World . GetLocation ( " Link ' s Uncle " ) )
elif self . smz3World . Config . SwordLocation == SwordLocation . Early :
self . FrontFillItemInOwnWorld ( self . progression , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . ProgressiveSword )
# /* Check Morph option and place as needed */
if self . smz3World . Config . MorphLocation == MorphLocation . Original :
self . FillItemAtLocation ( self . progression , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . Morph , self . smz3World . GetLocation ( " Morphing Ball " ) )
elif self . smz3World . Config . MorphLocation == MorphLocation . Early :
self . FrontFillItemInOwnWorld ( self . progression , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . Morph )
# /* We place a PB and Super in Sphere 1 to make sure the filler
# * doesn't start locking items behind this when there are a
# * high chance of the trash fill actually making them available */
self . FrontFillItemInOwnWorld ( self . progression , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . Super )
self . FrontFillItemInOwnWorld ( self . progression , TotalSMZ3Item . ItemType . PowerBomb )
def create_locations ( self , player : int ) :
for name , id in SMZ3World . location_name_to_id . items ( ) :
newLoc = SMZ3Location ( player , name , id )
self . locations [ name ] = newLoc
self . smz3World . locationLookup [ name ] . APLocation = newLoc
def create_region ( self , world : MultiWorld , player : int , name : str , locations = None , exits = None ) :
ret = Region ( name , RegionType . LightWorld , name , player )
ret . world = world
if locations :
for loc in locations :
location = self . locations [ loc ]
location . parent_region = ret
ret . locations . append ( location )
if exits :
for exit in exits :
ret . exits . append ( Entrance ( player , exit , ret ) )
return ret
class SMZ3Location ( Location ) :
game : str = " SMZ3 "
def __init__ ( self , player : int , name : str , address = None , parent = None ) :
super ( SMZ3Location , self ) . __init__ ( player , name , address , parent )
class SMZ3Item ( Item ) :
game = " SMZ3 "
2022-06-17 01:23:27 +00:00
def __init__ ( self , name , classification , type , code , player : int = None , item = None ) :
2022-03-15 12:55:57 +00:00
self . type = type
self . item = item
2022-06-17 01:23:27 +00:00
super ( SMZ3Item , self ) . __init__ ( name , classification , code , player )