2024-03-15 12:05:14 +00:00
from typing import Dict, Union
from .base_logic import BaseLogicMixin, BaseLogic
from .building_logic import BuildingLogicMixin
from .combat_logic import CombatLogicMixin
from .cooking_logic import CookingLogicMixin
from .fishing_logic import FishingLogicMixin
from .has_logic import HasLogicMixin
from .mine_logic import MineLogicMixin
from .money_logic import MoneyLogicMixin
from .received_logic import ReceivedLogicMixin
from .region_logic import RegionLogicMixin
from .relationship_logic import RelationshipLogicMixin
from .season_logic import SeasonLogicMixin
from .skill_logic import SkillLogicMixin
from .time_logic import TimeLogicMixin
from .tool_logic import ToolLogicMixin
from .wallet_logic import WalletLogicMixin
from ..stardew_rule import StardewRule, Has, True_
Stardew Valley 6.x.x: The Content Update (#3478)
Focus of the Update: Compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 Released on March 19th 2024
This includes randomization for pretty much all of the new content, including but not limited to
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New Recipes, Craftables, Fish, Maps, Farm Type, Festivals and Quests
This also includes a significant reorganisation of the code into "Content Packs", to allow for easier modularity of various game mechanics between the settings and the supported mods. This improves maintainability quite a bit.
In addition to that, a few **very** requested new features have been introduced, although they weren't the focus of this update
- Walnutsanity
- Player Buffs
- More customizability in settings, such as shorter special orders, ER without farmhouse
- New Remixed Bundles
2024-07-07 13:04:25 +00:00
from ..strings.ap_names.community_upgrade_names import CommunityUpgrade
2024-03-15 12:05:14 +00:00
from ..strings.artisan_good_names import ArtisanGood
from ..strings.building_names import Building
from ..strings.craftable_names import Craftable
from ..strings.crop_names import Fruit, Vegetable
from ..strings.fish_names import Fish
from ..strings.food_names import Meal
from ..strings.forageable_names import Forageable
from ..strings.machine_names import Machine
from ..strings.material_names import Material
from ..strings.metal_names import MetalBar, Ore, Mineral
from ..strings.monster_drop_names import Loot
from ..strings.quest_names import Quest
from ..strings.region_names import Region
from ..strings.season_names import Season
from ..strings.tool_names import Tool
from ..strings.villager_names import NPC
from ..strings.wallet_item_names import Wallet
class QuestLogicMixin(BaseLogicMixin):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.quest = QuestLogic(*args, **kwargs)
class QuestLogic(BaseLogic[Union[HasLogicMixin, ReceivedLogicMixin, MoneyLogicMixin, MineLogicMixin, RegionLogicMixin, RelationshipLogicMixin, ToolLogicMixin,
Stardew Valley 6.x.x: The Content Update (#3478)
Focus of the Update: Compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 Released on March 19th 2024
This includes randomization for pretty much all of the new content, including but not limited to
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New Recipes, Craftables, Fish, Maps, Farm Type, Festivals and Quests
This also includes a significant reorganisation of the code into "Content Packs", to allow for easier modularity of various game mechanics between the settings and the supported mods. This improves maintainability quite a bit.
In addition to that, a few **very** requested new features have been introduced, although they weren't the focus of this update
- Walnutsanity
- Player Buffs
- More customizability in settings, such as shorter special orders, ER without farmhouse
- New Remixed Bundles
2024-07-07 13:04:25 +00:00
FishingLogicMixin, CookingLogicMixin, CombatLogicMixin, SeasonLogicMixin, SkillLogicMixin, WalletLogicMixin, QuestLogicMixin,
BuildingLogicMixin, TimeLogicMixin]]):
2024-03-15 12:05:14 +00:00
def initialize_rules(self):
Quest.introductions: True_(),
Quest.how_to_win_friends: self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.introductions),
Quest.getting_started: self.logic.has(Vegetable.parsnip),
Quest.to_the_beach: self.logic.region.can_reach(Region.beach),
Quest.raising_animals: self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.getting_started) & self.logic.building.has_building(Building.coop),
Stardew Valley 6.x.x: The Content Update (#3478)
Focus of the Update: Compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 Released on March 19th 2024
This includes randomization for pretty much all of the new content, including but not limited to
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New Recipes, Craftables, Fish, Maps, Farm Type, Festivals and Quests
This also includes a significant reorganisation of the code into "Content Packs", to allow for easier modularity of various game mechanics between the settings and the supported mods. This improves maintainability quite a bit.
In addition to that, a few **very** requested new features have been introduced, although they weren't the focus of this update
- Walnutsanity
- Player Buffs
- More customizability in settings, such as shorter special orders, ER without farmhouse
- New Remixed Bundles
2024-07-07 13:04:25 +00:00
Quest.feeding_animals: self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.getting_started) & self.logic.building.has_building(Building.silo),
2024-03-15 12:05:14 +00:00
Quest.advancement: self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.getting_started) & self.logic.has(Craftable.scarecrow),
Quest.archaeology: self.logic.tool.has_tool(Tool.hoe) | self.logic.mine.can_mine_in_the_mines_floor_1_40() | self.logic.skill.can_fish(),
Quest.rat_problem: self.logic.region.can_reach_all((Region.town, Region.community_center)),
Quest.meet_the_wizard: self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.rat_problem),
Quest.forging_ahead: self.logic.has(Ore.copper) & self.logic.has(Machine.furnace),
Quest.smelting: self.logic.has(MetalBar.copper),
Quest.initiation: self.logic.mine.can_mine_in_the_mines_floor_1_40(),
Quest.robins_lost_axe: self.logic.season.has(Season.spring) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.robin),
Quest.jodis_request: self.logic.season.has(Season.spring) & self.logic.has(Vegetable.cauliflower) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.jodi),
Quest.mayors_shorts: self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(NPC.marnie, 2) &
Stardew Valley 6.x.x: The Content Update (#3478)
Focus of the Update: Compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 Released on March 19th 2024
This includes randomization for pretty much all of the new content, including but not limited to
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New Recipes, Craftables, Fish, Maps, Farm Type, Festivals and Quests
This also includes a significant reorganisation of the code into "Content Packs", to allow for easier modularity of various game mechanics between the settings and the supported mods. This improves maintainability quite a bit.
In addition to that, a few **very** requested new features have been introduced, although they weren't the focus of this update
- Walnutsanity
- Player Buffs
- More customizability in settings, such as shorter special orders, ER without farmhouse
- New Remixed Bundles
2024-07-07 13:04:25 +00:00
Quest.blackberry_basket: self.logic.season.has(Season.fall) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.linus) & self.logic.region.can_reach(
2024-03-15 12:05:14 +00:00
Quest.marnies_request: self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(NPC.marnie, 3) & self.logic.has(Forageable.cave_carrot),
Quest.pam_is_thirsty: self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.logic.has(ArtisanGood.pale_ale) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.pam),
Quest.a_dark_reagent: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(Loot.void_essence) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.wizard),
Quest.cows_delight: self.logic.season.has(Season.fall) & self.logic.has(Vegetable.amaranth) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.marnie),
Quest.the_skull_key: self.logic.received(Wallet.skull_key),
Quest.crop_research: self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.logic.has(Fruit.melon) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.demetrius),
Quest.knee_therapy: self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.logic.has(Fruit.hot_pepper) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.george),
Quest.robins_request: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(Material.hardwood) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.robin),
Quest.qis_challenge: True_(), # The skull cavern floor 25 already has rules
Quest.the_mysterious_qi: (self.logic.region.can_reach_all((Region.bus_tunnel, Region.railroad, Region.mayor_house)) &
self.logic.has_all(ArtisanGood.battery_pack, Forageable.rainbow_shell, Vegetable.beet, Loot.solar_essence)),
Quest.carving_pumpkins: self.logic.season.has(Season.fall) & self.logic.has(Vegetable.pumpkin) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.caroline),
Quest.a_winter_mystery: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter),
Quest.strange_note: self.logic.has(Forageable.secret_note) & self.logic.has(ArtisanGood.maple_syrup),
Quest.cryptic_note: self.logic.has(Forageable.secret_note),
Quest.fresh_fruit: self.logic.season.has(Season.spring) & self.logic.has(Fruit.apricot) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.emily),
Quest.aquatic_research: self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.logic.has(Fish.pufferfish) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.demetrius),
Quest.a_soldiers_star: (self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.logic.time.has_year_two & self.logic.has(Fruit.starfruit) &
Quest.mayors_need: self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.logic.has(ArtisanGood.truffle_oil) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.lewis),
Quest.wanted_lobster: (self.logic.season.has(Season.fall) & self.logic.season.has(Season.fall) & self.logic.has(Fish.lobster) &
Quest.pam_needs_juice: self.logic.season.has(Season.fall) & self.logic.has(ArtisanGood.battery_pack) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.pam),
Quest.fish_casserole: self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(NPC.jodi, 4) & self.logic.has(Fish.largemouth_bass),
Quest.catch_a_squid: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(Fish.squid) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.willy),
Quest.fish_stew: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(Fish.albacore) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.gus),
Quest.pierres_notice: self.logic.season.has(Season.spring) & self.logic.has(Meal.sashimi) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.pierre),
Quest.clints_attempt: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(Mineral.amethyst) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.emily),
Quest.a_favor_for_clint: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(MetalBar.iron) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.clint),
Quest.staff_of_power: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(MetalBar.iridium) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.wizard),
Quest.grannys_gift: self.logic.season.has(Season.spring) & self.logic.has(Forageable.leek) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.evelyn),
Quest.exotic_spirits: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(Forageable.coconut) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.gus),
Quest.catch_a_lingcod: self.logic.season.has(Season.winter) & self.logic.has(Fish.lingcod) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.willy),
Quest.dark_talisman: self.logic.region.can_reach(Region.railroad) & self.logic.wallet.has_rusty_key() & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(
Quest.goblin_problem: self.logic.region.can_reach(Region.witch_swamp),
Quest.magic_ink: self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.wizard),
Quest.the_pirates_wife: self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.kent) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.gus) &
self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.sandy) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.george) &
self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.wizard) & self.logic.relationship.can_meet(NPC.willy),
Stardew Valley 6.x.x: The Content Update (#3478)
Focus of the Update: Compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 Released on March 19th 2024
This includes randomization for pretty much all of the new content, including but not limited to
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New Recipes, Craftables, Fish, Maps, Farm Type, Festivals and Quests
This also includes a significant reorganisation of the code into "Content Packs", to allow for easier modularity of various game mechanics between the settings and the supported mods. This improves maintainability quite a bit.
In addition to that, a few **very** requested new features have been introduced, although they weren't the focus of this update
- Walnutsanity
- Player Buffs
- More customizability in settings, such as shorter special orders, ER without farmhouse
- New Remixed Bundles
2024-07-07 13:04:25 +00:00
Quest.giant_stump: self.logic.has(Material.hardwood)
2024-03-15 12:05:14 +00:00
def update_rules(self, new_rules: Dict[str, StardewRule]):
def can_complete_quest(self, quest: str) -> StardewRule:
Stardew Valley 6.x.x: The Content Update (#3478)
Focus of the Update: Compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 Released on March 19th 2024
This includes randomization for pretty much all of the new content, including but not limited to
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New Recipes, Craftables, Fish, Maps, Farm Type, Festivals and Quests
This also includes a significant reorganisation of the code into "Content Packs", to allow for easier modularity of various game mechanics between the settings and the supported mods. This improves maintainability quite a bit.
In addition to that, a few **very** requested new features have been introduced, although they weren't the focus of this update
- Walnutsanity
- Player Buffs
- More customizability in settings, such as shorter special orders, ER without farmhouse
- New Remixed Bundles
2024-07-07 13:04:25 +00:00
return Has(quest, self.registry.quest_rules, "quest")
2024-03-15 12:05:14 +00:00
def has_club_card(self) -> StardewRule:
if self.options.quest_locations < 0:
return self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.the_mysterious_qi)
return self.logic.received(Wallet.club_card)
def has_magnifying_glass(self) -> StardewRule:
if self.options.quest_locations < 0:
return self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.a_winter_mystery)
return self.logic.received(Wallet.magnifying_glass)
def has_dark_talisman(self) -> StardewRule:
if self.options.quest_locations < 0:
return self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.dark_talisman)
return self.logic.received(Wallet.dark_talisman)
Stardew Valley 6.x.x: The Content Update (#3478)
Focus of the Update: Compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 Released on March 19th 2024
This includes randomization for pretty much all of the new content, including but not limited to
- Raccoon Bundles
- Booksanity
- Skill Masteries
- New Recipes, Craftables, Fish, Maps, Farm Type, Festivals and Quests
This also includes a significant reorganisation of the code into "Content Packs", to allow for easier modularity of various game mechanics between the settings and the supported mods. This improves maintainability quite a bit.
In addition to that, a few **very** requested new features have been introduced, although they weren't the focus of this update
- Walnutsanity
- Player Buffs
- More customizability in settings, such as shorter special orders, ER without farmhouse
- New Remixed Bundles
2024-07-07 13:04:25 +00:00
def has_raccoon_shop(self) -> StardewRule:
if self.options.quest_locations < 0:
return self.logic.received(CommunityUpgrade.raccoon, 2) & self.logic.quest.can_complete_quest(Quest.giant_stump)
# 1 - Break the tree
# 2 - Build the house, which summons the bundle racoon. This one is done manually if quests are turned off
# 3 - Raccoon's wife opens the shop
return self.logic.received(CommunityUpgrade.raccoon, 3)