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import math
from typing import Union
from Utils import cache_self1
from .base_logic import BaseLogic, BaseLogicMixin
from .building_logic import BuildingLogicMixin
from .gift_logic import GiftLogicMixin
from .has_logic import HasLogicMixin
from .received_logic import ReceivedLogicMixin
from .region_logic import RegionLogicMixin
from .season_logic import SeasonLogicMixin
from .time_logic import TimeLogicMixin
from ..content.feature import friendsanity
from import Villager
from ..stardew_rule import StardewRule, True_, false_, true_
from ..strings.ap_names.mods.mod_items import SVEQuestItem
from ..strings.crop_names import Fruit
from ..strings.generic_names import Generic
from ..strings.gift_names import Gift
from ..strings.region_names import Region
from ..strings.season_names import Season
from ..strings.villager_names import NPC, ModNPC
possible_kids = ("Cute Baby", "Ugly Baby")
def heart_item_name(npc: Union[str, Villager]) -> str:
if isinstance(npc, Villager):
npc =
return f"{npc} <3"
class RelationshipLogicMixin(BaseLogicMixin):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.relationship = RelationshipLogic(*args, **kwargs)
class RelationshipLogic(BaseLogic[Union[RelationshipLogicMixin, BuildingLogicMixin, SeasonLogicMixin, TimeLogicMixin, GiftLogicMixin, RegionLogicMixin,
ReceivedLogicMixin, HasLogicMixin]]):
def can_date(self, npc: str) -> StardewRule:
return self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(npc, 8) & self.logic.has(Gift.bouquet)
def can_marry(self, npc: str) -> StardewRule:
return self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(npc, 10) & self.logic.has(Gift.mermaid_pendant)
def can_get_married(self) -> StardewRule:
return self.logic.relationship.has_hearts_with_any_bachelor(10) & self.logic.has(Gift.mermaid_pendant)
def has_children(self, number_children: int) -> StardewRule:
assert number_children >= 0, "Can't have a negative amount of children."
if number_children == 0:
return True_()
if not self.content.features.friendsanity.is_enabled:
return self.logic.relationship.can_reproduce(number_children)
return self.logic.received_n(*possible_kids, count=number_children) & self.logic.building.has_house(2)
def can_reproduce(self, number_children: int = 1) -> StardewRule:
assert number_children >= 0, "Can't have a negative amount of children."
if number_children == 0:
return True_()
baby_rules = [self.logic.relationship.can_get_married(),
self.logic.relationship.has_children(number_children - 1)]
return self.logic.and_(*baby_rules)
def has_hearts_with_any_bachelor(self, hearts: int = 1) -> StardewRule:
assert hearts >= 0, f"Can't have a negative hearts with any bachelor."
if hearts == 0:
return True_()
return self.logic.or_(*(self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(name, hearts)
for name, villager in self.content.villagers.items()
if villager.bachelor))
def has_hearts_with_any(self, hearts: int = 1) -> StardewRule:
assert hearts >= 0, f"Can't have a negative hearts with any npc."
if hearts == 0:
return True_()
return self.logic.or_(*(self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(name, hearts)
for name, villager in self.content.villagers.items()))
def has_hearts_with_n(self, amount: int, hearts: int = 1) -> StardewRule:
assert hearts >= 0, f"Can't have a negative hearts with any npc."
assert amount >= 0, f"Can't have a negative amount of npc."
if hearts == 0 or amount == 0:
return True_()
return self.logic.count(amount, *(self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(name, hearts)
for name, villager in self.content.villagers.items()))
# Should be cached
def has_hearts(self, npc: str, hearts: int = 1) -> StardewRule:
assert hearts >= 0, f"Can't have a negative hearts with {npc}."
villager = self.content.villagers.get(npc)
if villager is None:
return false_
if hearts == 0:
return true_
heart_steps = self.content.features.friendsanity.get_randomized_hearts(villager)
if not heart_steps or hearts > heart_steps[-1]: # Hearts are sorted, bigger is the last one.
return self.logic.relationship.can_earn_relationship(npc, hearts)
return self.logic.relationship.received_hearts(villager, hearts)
# Should be cached
def received_hearts(self, villager: Villager, hearts: int) -> StardewRule:
heart_item = friendsanity.to_item_name(
number_required = math.ceil(hearts / self.content.features.friendsanity.heart_size)
return self.logic.received(heart_item, number_required) & self.can_meet(
def can_meet(self, npc: str) -> StardewRule:
villager = self.content.villagers.get(npc)
if villager is None:
return false_
rules = [self.logic.region.can_reach_any(villager.locations)]
if npc == NPC.kent:
elif npc == NPC.leo:
rules.append(self.logic.received("Island North Turtle"))
elif npc == ModNPC.lance:
elif npc == ModNPC.apples:
elif npc == ModNPC.scarlett:
scarlett_job = self.logic.received(SVEQuestItem.scarlett_job_offer)
scarlett_spring = self.logic.season.has(Season.spring) & self.can_meet(ModNPC.andy)
scarlett_summer = self.logic.season.has(Season.summer) & self.can_meet(ModNPC.susan)
scarlett_fall = self.logic.season.has(Season.fall) & self.can_meet(ModNPC.sophia)
rules.append(scarlett_job & (scarlett_spring | scarlett_summer | scarlett_fall))
elif npc == ModNPC.morgan:
elif npc == ModNPC.goblin:
rules.append(self.logic.region.can_reach_all((Region.witch_hut, Region.wizard_tower)))
return self.logic.and_(*rules)
def can_give_loved_gifts_to_everyone(self) -> StardewRule:
rules = []
for npc in self.content.villagers:
meet_rule = self.logic.relationship.can_meet(npc)
return self.logic.and_(*rules)
# Should be cached
def can_earn_relationship(self, npc: str, hearts: int = 0) -> StardewRule:
assert hearts >= 0, f"Can't have a negative hearts with {npc}."
villager = self.content.villagers.get(npc)
if villager is None:
return false_
if hearts == 0:
return True_()
rules = [self.logic.relationship.can_meet(npc)]
heart_size = self.content.features.friendsanity.heart_size
max_randomized_hearts = self.content.features.friendsanity.get_randomized_hearts(villager)
if max_randomized_hearts:
if hearts > max_randomized_hearts[-1]:
rules.append(self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(npc, hearts - 1))
previous_heart = max(hearts - heart_size, 0)
rules.append(self.logic.relationship.has_hearts(npc, previous_heart))
if hearts > 2 or hearts > heart_size:
if villager.birthday == Generic.any:
rules.append(self.logic.season.has_all() | self.logic.time.has_year_three) # push logic back for any birthday-less villager
if villager.bachelor:
if hearts > 10:
elif hearts > 8:
return self.logic.and_(*rules)