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import math
from typing import List
Core: move option results to the World class instead of MultiWorld (#993) :crossed_fingers: * map option objects to a `World.options` dict * convert RoR2 to options dict system for testing * add temp behavior for lttp with notes * copy/paste bad * convert `set_default_common_options` to a namespace property * reorganize test call order * have fill_restrictive use the new options system * update world api * update soe tests * fix world api * core: auto initialize a dataclass on the World class with the option results * core: auto initialize a dataclass on the World class with the option results: small tying improvement * add `as_dict` method to the options dataclass * fix namespace issues with tests * have current option updates use `.value` instead of changing the option * update ror2 to use the new options system again * revert the junk pool dict since it's cased differently * fix begin_with_loop typo * write new and old options to spoiler * change factorio option behavior back * fix comparisons * move common and per_game_common options to new system * core: automatically create missing options_dataclass from legacy option_definitions * remove spoiler special casing and add back the Factorio option changing but in new system * give ArchipIDLE the default options_dataclass so its options get generated and spoilered properly * reimplement `inspect.get_annotations` * move option info generation for webhost to new system * need to include Common and PerGame common since __annotations__ doesn't include super * use get_type_hints for the options dictionary * typing.get_type_hints returns the bases too. * forgot to sweep through generate * sweep through all the tests * swap to a metaclass property * move remaining usages from get_type_hints to metaclass property * move remaining usages from __annotations__ to metaclass property * move remaining usages from legacy dictionaries to metaclass property * remove legacy dictionaries * cache the metaclass property * clarify inheritance in world api * move the messenger to new options system * add an assert for my dumb * update the doc * rename o to options * missed a spot * update new messenger options * comment spacing Co-authored-by: Doug Hoskisson <> * fix tests * fix missing import * make the documentation definition more accurate * use options system for loc creation * type cast MessengerWorld * fix typo and use quotes for cast * LTTP: set random seed in tests * ArchipIdle: remove change here as it's default on AutoWorld * Stardew: Need to set state because `set_default_common_options` used to * The Messenger: update shop rando and helpers to new system; optimize imports * Add a kwarg to `as_dict` to do the casing for you * RoR2: use new kwarg for less code * RoR2: revert some accidental reverts * The Messenger: remove an unnecessary variable * remove TypeVar that isn't used * CommonOptions not abstract * Docs: fix mistake in options Co-authored-by: Doug Hoskisson <> * create options for item link worlds * revert accidental doc removals * Item Links: set default options on group * change Zillion to new options dataclass * remove unused parameter to function * use TypeGuard for Literal narrowing * move dlc quest to new api * move overcooked 2 to new api * fixed some missed code in oc2 * - Tried to be compliant with 993 (WIP?) * - I think it all works now * - Removed last trace of me touching core * typo * It now passes all tests! * Improve options, fix all issues I hope * - Fixed init options * dlcquest: fix bad imports * missed a file * - Reduce code duplication * add as_dict documentation * - Use .items(), get option name more directly, fix slot data content * - Remove generic options from the slot data * improve slot data documentation * remove `CommonOptions.get_value` (#21) * better slot data description Co-authored-by: black-sliver <> --------- Co-authored-by: el-u <> Co-authored-by: Doug Hoskisson <> Co-authored-by: Doug Hoskisson <> Co-authored-by: black-sliver <> Co-authored-by: Alex Gilbert <>
2023-10-10 20:30:20 +00:00
from BaseClasses import Entrance, MultiWorld, Region
from . import Options
from .Locations import DLCQuestLocation, location_table
from .Rules import create_event
DLCQuestRegion = ["Movement Pack", "Behind Tree", "Psychological Warfare", "Double Jump Left",
"Double Jump Behind the Tree", "The Forest", "Final Room"]
def add_coin_lfod(region: Region, coin: int, player: int):
add_coin(region, coin, player, " coins freemium")
def add_coin_dlcquest(region: Region, coin: int, player: int):
add_coin(region, coin, player, " coins")
def add_coin(region: Region, coin: int, player: int, suffix: str):
number_coin = f"{coin}{suffix}"
location_coin = f"{}{suffix}"
location = DLCQuestLocation(player, location_coin, None, region)
location.place_locked_item(create_event(player, number_coin))
def create_regions(multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int, world_options: Options.DLCQuestOptions):
region_menu = Region("Menu", player, multiworld)
has_campaign_basic = world_options.campaign == Options.Campaign.option_basic or world_options.campaign == Options.Campaign.option_both
has_campaign_lfod = world_options.campaign == Options.Campaign.option_live_freemium_or_die or world_options.campaign == Options.Campaign.option_both
has_coinsanity = world_options.coinsanity == Options.CoinSanity.option_coin
coin_bundle_size = world_options.coinbundlequantity.value
has_item_shuffle = world_options.item_shuffle == Options.ItemShuffle.option_shuffled
create_regions_basic_campaign(has_campaign_basic, region_menu, has_item_shuffle, has_coinsanity, coin_bundle_size, player, multiworld)
create_regions_lfod_campaign(coin_bundle_size, has_campaign_lfod, has_coinsanity, has_item_shuffle, multiworld, player, region_menu)
def create_regions_basic_campaign(has_campaign_basic: bool, region_menu: Region, has_item_shuffle: bool, has_coinsanity: bool,
coin_bundle_size: int, player: int, world: MultiWorld):
if not has_campaign_basic:
region_menu.exits += [Entrance(player, "DLC Quest Basic", region_menu)]
locations_move_right = ["Movement Pack", "Animation Pack", "Audio Pack", "Pause Menu Pack"]
region_move_right = create_region_and_locations_basic("Move Right", locations_move_right, ["Moving"], player, world, 4)
create_coinsanity_locations_dlc_quest(has_coinsanity, coin_bundle_size, player, region_move_right)
locations_movement_pack = ["Time is Money Pack", "Psychological Warfare Pack", "Armor for your Horse Pack", "Shepherd Sheep"]
locations_movement_pack += conditional_location(has_item_shuffle, "Sword")
create_region_and_locations_basic("Movement Pack", locations_movement_pack, ["Tree", "Cloud"], player, world, 46)
locations_behind_tree = ["Double Jump Pack", "Map Pack", "Between Trees Sheep", "Hole in the Wall Sheep"] + conditional_location(has_item_shuffle, "Gun")
create_region_and_locations_basic("Behind Tree", locations_behind_tree, ["Behind Tree Double Jump", "Forest Entrance"], player, world, 60)
create_region_and_locations_basic("Psychological Warfare", ["West Cave Sheep"], ["Cloud Double Jump"], player, world, 100)
locations_double_jump_left = ["Pet Pack", "Top Hat Pack", "North West Alcove Sheep"]
create_region_and_locations_basic("Double Jump Total Left", locations_double_jump_left, ["Cave Tree", "Cave Roof"], player, world, 50)
create_region_and_locations_basic("Double Jump Total Left Cave", ["Top Hat Sheep"], [], player, world, 9)
create_region_and_locations_basic("Double Jump Total Left Roof", ["North West Ceiling Sheep"], [], player, world, 10)
locations_double_jump_left_ceiling = ["Sexy Outfits Pack", "Double Jump Alcove Sheep", "Sexy Outfits Sheep"]
create_region_and_locations_basic("Double Jump Behind Tree", locations_double_jump_left_ceiling, ["True Double Jump"], player, world, 89)
create_region_and_locations_basic("True Double Jump Behind Tree", ["Double Jump Floating Sheep", "Cutscene Sheep"], [], player, world, 7)
create_region_and_locations_basic("The Forest", ["Gun Pack", "Night Map Pack"], ["Behind Ogre", "Forest Double Jump"], player, world, 171)
create_region_and_locations_basic("The Forest with double Jump", ["The Zombie Pack", "Forest Low Sheep"], ["Forest True Double Jump"], player, world, 76)
create_region_and_locations_basic("The Forest with double Jump Part 2", ["Forest High Sheep"], [], player, world, 203)
region_final_boss_room = create_region_and_locations_basic("The Final Boss Room", ["Finish the Fight Pack"], [], player, world)
create_victory_event(region_final_boss_room, "Winning Basic", "Victory Basic", player)
connect_entrances_basic(player, world)
def create_regions_lfod_campaign(coin_bundle_size, has_campaign_lfod, has_coinsanity, has_item_shuffle, multiworld, player, region_menu):
if not has_campaign_lfod:
region_menu.exits += [Entrance(player, "Live Freemium or Die", region_menu)]
locations_lfod_start = ["Particles Pack", "Day One Patch Pack", "Checkpoint Pack", "Incredibly Important Pack",
"Nice Try", "Story is Important", "I Get That Reference!"] + conditional_location(has_item_shuffle, "Wooden Sword")
region_lfod_start = create_region_and_locations_lfod("Freemium Start", locations_lfod_start, ["Vines"], player, multiworld, 50)
create_coinsanity_locations_lfod(has_coinsanity, coin_bundle_size, player, region_lfod_start)
locations_behind_vines = ["Wall Jump Pack", "Health Bar Pack", "Parallax Pack"] + conditional_location(has_item_shuffle, "Pickaxe")
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Behind the Vines", locations_behind_vines, ["Wall Jump Entrance"], player, multiworld, 95)
locations_wall_jump = ["Harmless Plants Pack", "Death of Comedy Pack", "Canadian Dialog Pack", "DLC NPC Pack"]
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Wall Jump", locations_wall_jump, ["Harmless Plants", "Pickaxe Hard Cave"], player, multiworld, 150)
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Fake Ending", ["Cut Content Pack", "Name Change Pack"], ["Name Change Entrance", "Cut Content Entrance"], player,
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Hard Cave", [], ["Hard Cave Wall Jump"], player, multiworld, 20)
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Hard Cave Wall Jump", ["Increased HP Pack"], [], player, multiworld, 130)
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Cut Content", conditional_location(has_item_shuffle, "Humble Indie Bindle"), [], player, multiworld, 200)
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Name Change", conditional_location(has_item_shuffle, "Box of Various Supplies"), ["Behind Rocks"], player, multiworld)
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Top Right", ["Season Pass", "High Definition Next Gen Pack"], ["Blizzard"], player, multiworld, 90)
create_region_and_locations_lfod("Season", ["Remove Ads Pack", "Not Exactly Noble"], ["Boss Door"], player, multiworld, 154)
region_final_boss = create_region_and_locations_lfod("Final Boss", ["Big Sword Pack", "Really Big Sword Pack", "Unfathomable Sword Pack"], [], player, multiworld)
create_victory_event(region_final_boss, "Winning Freemium", "Victory Freemium", player)
connect_entrances_lfod(multiworld, player)
def conditional_location(condition: bool, location: str) -> List[str]:
return conditional_locations(condition, [location])
def conditional_locations(condition: bool, locations: List[str]) -> List[str]:
return locations if condition else []
def create_region_and_locations_basic(region_name: str, locations: List[str], exits: List[str], player: int, multiworld: MultiWorld,
number_coins: int = 0) -> Region:
return create_region_and_locations(region_name, locations, exits, player, multiworld, number_coins, 0)
def create_region_and_locations_lfod(region_name: str, locations: List[str], exits: List[str], player: int, multiworld: MultiWorld,
number_coins: int = 0) -> Region:
return create_region_and_locations(region_name, locations, exits, player, multiworld, 0, number_coins)
def create_region_and_locations(region_name: str, locations: List[str], exits: List[str], player: int, multiworld: MultiWorld,
number_coins_basic: int, number_coins_lfod: int) -> Region:
region = Region(region_name, player, multiworld)
region.exits = [Entrance(player, exit_name, region) for exit_name in exits]
region.locations += [DLCQuestLocation(player, name, location_table[name], region) for name in locations]
if number_coins_basic > 0:
add_coin_dlcquest(region, number_coins_basic, player)
if number_coins_lfod > 0:
add_coin_lfod(region, number_coins_lfod, player)
return region
def create_victory_event(region_victory: Region, event_name: str, item_name: str, player: int):
location_victory = DLCQuestLocation(player, event_name, None, region_victory)
location_victory.place_locked_item(create_event(player, item_name))
def connect_entrances_basic(player, world):
world.get_entrance("DLC Quest Basic", player).connect(world.get_region("Move Right", player))
world.get_entrance("Moving", player).connect(world.get_region("Movement Pack", player))
world.get_entrance("Tree", player).connect(world.get_region("Behind Tree", player))
world.get_entrance("Cloud", player).connect(world.get_region("Psychological Warfare", player))
world.get_entrance("Cloud Double Jump", player).connect(world.get_region("Double Jump Total Left", player))
world.get_entrance("Cave Tree", player).connect(world.get_region("Double Jump Total Left Cave", player))
world.get_entrance("Cave Roof", player).connect(world.get_region("Double Jump Total Left Roof", player))
world.get_entrance("Forest Entrance", player).connect(world.get_region("The Forest", player))
world.get_entrance("Behind Tree Double Jump", player).connect(world.get_region("Double Jump Behind Tree", player))
world.get_entrance("Behind Ogre", player).connect(world.get_region("The Final Boss Room", player))
world.get_entrance("Forest Double Jump", player).connect(world.get_region("The Forest with double Jump", player))
world.get_entrance("Forest True Double Jump", player).connect(world.get_region("The Forest with double Jump Part 2", player))
world.get_entrance("True Double Jump", player).connect(world.get_region("True Double Jump Behind Tree", player))
def connect_entrances_lfod(multiworld, player):
multiworld.get_entrance("Live Freemium or Die", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Freemium Start", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Vines", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Behind the Vines", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Wall Jump Entrance", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Wall Jump", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Harmless Plants", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Fake Ending", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Pickaxe Hard Cave", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Hard Cave", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Hard Cave Wall Jump", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Hard Cave Wall Jump", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Name Change Entrance", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Name Change", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Cut Content Entrance", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Cut Content", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Behind Rocks", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Top Right", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Blizzard", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Season", player))
multiworld.get_entrance("Boss Door", player).connect(multiworld.get_region("Final Boss", player))
def create_coinsanity_locations_dlc_quest(has_coinsanity: bool, coin_bundle_size: int, player: int, region_move_right: Region):
create_coinsanity_locations(has_coinsanity, coin_bundle_size, player, region_move_right, 825, "DLC Quest")
def create_coinsanity_locations_lfod(has_coinsanity: bool, coin_bundle_size: int, player: int, region_lfod_start: Region):
create_coinsanity_locations(has_coinsanity, coin_bundle_size, player, region_lfod_start, 889, "Live Freemium or Die")
def create_coinsanity_locations(has_coinsanity: bool, coin_bundle_size: int, player: int, region: Region, last_coin_number: int, campaign_prefix: str):
if not has_coinsanity:
coin_bundle_needed = math.ceil(last_coin_number / coin_bundle_size)
for i in range(1, coin_bundle_needed + 1):
number_coins = min(last_coin_number, coin_bundle_size * i)
item_coin = f"{campaign_prefix}: {number_coins} Coin"
region.locations += [DLCQuestLocation(player, item_coin, location_table[item_coin], region)]