2022-09-29 18:16:59 +00:00
import Utils
2022-09-29 22:36:30 +00:00
from worlds . Files import APDeltaPatch
2022-09-29 18:16:59 +00:00
from . Aesthetics import generate_shuffled_header_data
2022-09-29 22:36:30 +00:00
from . Levels import level_info_dict
2022-09-29 18:16:59 +00:00
from . Names . TextBox import generate_goal_text , title_text_mapping , generate_text_box
USHASH = ' cdd3c8c37322978ca8669b34bc89c804 '
import hashlib
import os
import math
ability_rom_data = {
0xBC0003 : [ [ 0x1F2C , 0x7 ] ] , # Run 0x80
0xBC0004 : [ [ 0x1F2C , 0x6 ] ] , # Carry 0x40
0xBC0005 : [ [ 0x1F2C , 0x2 ] ] , # Swim 0x04
0xBC0006 : [ [ 0x1F2C , 0x3 ] ] , # Spin Jump 0x08
0xBC0007 : [ [ 0x1F2C , 0x5 ] ] , # Climb 0x20
0xBC0008 : [ [ 0x1F2C , 0x1 ] ] , # Yoshi 0x02
0xBC0009 : [ [ 0x1F2C , 0x4 ] ] , # P-Switch 0x10
#0xBC000A: [[]]
0xBC000B : [ [ 0x1F2D , 0x3 ] ] , # P-Balloon 0x08
0xBC000D : [ [ 0x1F2D , 0x4 ] ] , # Super Star 0x10
item_rom_data = {
0xBC0001 : [ 0x18E4 , 0x1 ] , # 1-Up Mushroom
0xBC0002 : [ 0x1F24 , 0x1 , 0x1F ] , # Yoshi Egg
0xBC0012 : [ 0x1F26 , 0x1 , 0x09 ] , # Boss Token
0xBC000E : [ 0x1F28 , 0x1 , 0x1C ] , # Yellow Switch Palace
0xBC000F : [ 0x1F27 , 0x1 , 0x1C ] , # Green Switch Palace
0xBC0010 : [ 0x1F2A , 0x1 , 0x1C ] , # Red Switch Palace
0xBC0011 : [ 0x1F29 , 0x1 , 0x1C ] , # Blue Switch Palace
0xBC0013 : [ 0x0086 , 0x1 , 0x0E ] , # Ice Trap
0xBC0014 : [ 0x18BD , 0x7F , 0x18 ] , # Stun Trap
music_rom_data = [
level_music_ids = [
class SMWDeltaPatch ( APDeltaPatch ) :
hash = USHASH
game = " Super Mario World "
patch_file_ending = " .apsmw "
def get_source_data ( cls ) - > bytes :
return get_base_rom_bytes ( )
class LocalRom :
def __init__ ( self , file , patch = True , vanillaRom = None , name = None , hash = None ) :
self . name = name
self . hash = hash
self . orig_buffer = None
with open ( file , ' rb ' ) as stream :
2022-09-29 22:36:30 +00:00
self . buffer = Utils . read_snes_rom ( stream )
2022-09-29 18:16:59 +00:00
def read_bit ( self , address : int , bit_number : int ) - > bool :
bitflag = ( 1 << bit_number )
return ( ( self . buffer [ address ] & bitflag ) != 0 )
def read_byte ( self , address : int ) - > int :
return self . buffer [ address ]
def read_bytes ( self , startaddress : int , length : int ) - > bytes :
return self . buffer [ startaddress : startaddress + length ]
def write_byte ( self , address : int , value : int ) :
self . buffer [ address ] = value
def write_bytes ( self , startaddress : int , values ) :
self . buffer [ startaddress : startaddress + len ( values ) ] = values
def write_to_file ( self , file ) :
with open ( file , ' wb ' ) as outfile :
outfile . write ( self . buffer )
def read_from_file ( self , file ) :
with open ( file , ' rb ' ) as stream :
self . buffer = bytearray ( stream . read ( ) )
def handle_ability_code ( rom ) :
# Lock Abilities
#rom.write_byte(0xC581, 0x01) # No Stars
#rom.write_byte(0x62E6, 0x01) # No Star Music
#rom.write_byte(0xC300, 0x01) # No P-Balloons
#rom.write_byte(0xC305, 0x01) # No P-Balloons
# Run
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5977 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x10 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BA10
rom . write_bytes ( 0x597B , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x04 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0xDA ] ) ) # PHX
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x02 , bytearray ( [ 0x90 , 0x03 ] ) ) # BCC +0x03
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0xC8 ] ) ) # INY
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x70 ] ) ) # LDA #70
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x07 , bytearray ( [ 0xAA ] ) ) # TAX
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x80 ] ) ) # BIT #80
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x04
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x8A ] ) ) # TXA
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0xE4 , 0x13 ] ) ) # STA $13E4
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x8A ] ) ) # TXA
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x14 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x15 , bytearray ( [ 0xFA ] ) ) # PLX
rom . write_bytes ( RUN_SUB_ADDR + 0x16 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Run
# Purple Block Carry
rom . write_bytes ( 0x726F , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x28 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BA28
rom . write_bytes ( 0x7273 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x02 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x40 ] ) ) # BIT #40
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x09 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x09
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x8F , 0x14 ] ) ) # LDA $148F
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0x0D , 0x7A , 0x18 ] ) ) # ORA $187A
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x03 ] ) ) # BRA +0x03
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( PURPLE_BLOCK_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x14 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Purple Block Carry
# Springboard Carry
rom . write_bytes ( 0xE6DA , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x40 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BA40
rom . write_bytes ( 0xE6DE , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x04 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x48 ] ) ) # PHA
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x02 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x40 ] ) ) # BIT #40
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x07 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x08
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x0B ] ) ) # LDA #0B
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x9D , 0xC8 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $14C8, X
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x9E , 0x02 , 0x16 ] ) ) # STZ $1602, X
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0x68 ] ) ) # PLA
rom . write_bytes ( SPRINGBOARD_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Springboard Carry
# Shell Carry
rom . write_bytes ( 0xAA66 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( 0xAA69 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x40 ] ) ) # BIT #40
rom . write_bytes ( 0xAA6B , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x07 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x07
rom . write_bytes ( 0xAA6D , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x60 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BA60
rom . write_bytes ( 0xAA71 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x02 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x0B ] ) ) # LDA #0B
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x03 , bytearray ( [ 0x9D , 0xC8 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $14C8, X
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xEE , 0x70 , 0x14 ] ) ) # INC $1470
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x0B ] ) ) # LDA #08
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x98 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $1498
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SHELL_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Shell Carry
# Yoshi Carry
rom . write_bytes ( 0xF309 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x70 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BA70
rom . write_bytes ( 0xF30D , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x06 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x40 ] ) ) # BIT #40
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x0A ] ) ) # BEQ +0x0A
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x12 ] ) ) # LDA #12
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0xA3 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $14A3
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x21 ] ) ) # LDA #21
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0xFC , 0x1D ] ) ) # STA $1DFC
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_CARRY_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Yoshi Carry
# Climb
rom . write_bytes ( 0x4D72 , bytearray ( [ 0x5C , 0x88 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JML $03BA88
rom . write_bytes ( 0x4D76 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x03 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x20 ] ) ) # BIT #20
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x09 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x09
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0xA5 , 0x8B ] ) ) # LDA $8B
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0x85 , 0x74 ] ) ) # STA $74
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x5C , 0x17 , 0xDB , 0x00 ] ) ) # JML $00DB17
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( CLIMB_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0x5C , 0x76 , 0xCD , 0x00 ] ) ) # JML $00CD76
# End Climb
# P-Switch
rom . write_bytes ( 0xAB1A , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xA0 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BAA0
rom . write_bytes ( 0xAB1E , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x01 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x10 ] ) ) # BIT #10
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x04
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0xB0 ] ) ) # LDA #B0
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x02 ] ) ) # BRA +0x02
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x99 , 0xAD , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $14AD
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( P_SWITCH_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End P-Switch
# Spin Jump
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5645 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5648 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BIT #08
rom . write_bytes ( 0x564A , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x12 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x12
rom . write_bytes ( 0x564C , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xB8 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BAB8
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0x1A ] ) ) # INC
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x02 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x0D , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $140D
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x04 ] ) ) # LDA #04
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x07 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0xFC , 0x1D ] ) ) # STA $1DFC
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0xA4 , 0x76 ] ) ) # LDY #76
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Spin Jump
# Spin Jump from Water
rom . write_bytes ( 0x6A89 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xF8 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BBF8
rom . write_bytes ( 0x6A8D , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x05 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BIT #08
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x09 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x09
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x1A ] ) ) # INC
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x0D , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $140D
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x04 ] ) ) # LDA #04
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0xFC , 0x1D ] ) ) # STA $1DFC
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_WATER_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Spin Jump from Water
# Spin Jump from Springboard
rom . write_bytes ( 0xE693 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x0C , 0xBC , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BC0C
rom . write_bytes ( 0xE697 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x01 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BIT #08
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x05 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x05
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x0D , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $140D
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SPIN_JUMP_SPRING_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Spin Jump from Springboard
# Swim
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5A25 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xC8 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BAC8
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5A29 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x04 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x48 ] ) ) # PHA
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x02 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BIT #04
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x07 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x0C ] ) ) # BEQ +0x0C
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0x68 ] ) ) # PLA
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0xDD , 0x84 , 0xD9 ] ) ) # CMP $D489, X
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0xB0 , 0x03 ] ) ) # BCS +0x03
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0xBD , 0x84 , 0xD9 ] ) ) # LDA $D489, X
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x0A ] ) ) # BRA +0x0A
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x15 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x16 , bytearray ( [ 0x68 ] ) ) # PLA
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x17 , bytearray ( [ 0xDD , 0xBE , 0xDE ] ) ) # CMP $DEBE, X
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x1A , bytearray ( [ 0xB0 , 0x03 ] ) ) # BCS +0x03
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x1C , bytearray ( [ 0xBD , 0xBE , 0xDE ] ) ) # LDA $DEBE, X
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x1F , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Swim
# Item Swim
rom . write_bytes ( 0x59D7 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xE8 , 0xBA , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BAE8
rom . write_bytes ( 0x59DB , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x02 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x48 ] ) ) # PHA
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x02 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BIT #04
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x07 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x0A ] ) ) # BEQ +0x0A
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0x68 ] ) ) # PLA
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0xC9 , 0xF0 ] ) ) # CMP #F0
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0xB0 , 0x02 ] ) ) # BCS +0x02
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0xF0 ] ) ) # LDA #F0
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BRA +0x08
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x14 , bytearray ( [ 0x68 ] ) ) # PLA
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x15 , bytearray ( [ 0xC9 , 0xFF ] ) ) # CMP #FF
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x17 , bytearray ( [ 0xB0 , 0x02 ] ) ) # BCS +0x02
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x19 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x00 ] ) ) # LDA #00
rom . write_bytes ( SWIM_SUB_ADDR + 0x1B , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Item Swim
# Yoshi
rom . write_bytes ( 0x109FB , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x08 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB08
rom . write_bytes ( 0x109FF , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x02 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x02 ] ) ) # BIT #02
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x06 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x06
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xB9 , 0xA1 , 0x88 ] ) ) # LDA $88A1, Y
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BRA +0x04
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0xB9 , 0xA2 , 0x88 ] ) ) # LDA $88A2, Y
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0x9D , 0x1C , 0x15 ] ) ) # STA $151C, X
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x15 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Yoshi
# Baby Yoshi
rom . write_bytes ( 0xA2B8 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x20 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB20
rom . write_bytes ( 0xA2BC , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x01 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0x9C , 0x1E , 0x14 ] ) ) # STZ $141E
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2C , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2C
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x07 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x02 ] ) ) # BIT #02
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x05 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x05
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x35 ] ) ) # LDA #35
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x03 ] ) ) # BRA +0x03
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x70 ] ) ) # LDA #70
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Baby Yoshi
# Midway Gate
rom . write_bytes ( 0x72E4 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x38 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB38
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2D , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2D
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x01 ] ) ) # BIT #01
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x07 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x07
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x85 , 0x19 ] ) ) # STA $19
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x01 ] ) ) # BRA +0x01
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( MIDWAY_GATE_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Midway Gate
# Mushroom
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5156 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x50 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB50
rom . write_bytes ( 0x515A , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x04 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2D , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2D
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x01 ] ) ) # BIT #01
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x05 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x05
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xE6 , 0x19 ] ) ) # INC $19
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x01 ] ) ) # BRA +0x01
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x00 ] ) ) # LDA #00
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x85 , 0x71 ] ) ) # STA $72
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0x64 , 0x9D ] ) ) # STZ $9D
rom . write_bytes ( MUSHROOM_SUB_ADDR + 0x14 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Mushroom
# Take Damage
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5142 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x65 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB65
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5146 , bytearray ( [ 0x60 ] * 0x01 ) ) # RTS
rom . write_bytes ( DAMAGE_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x97 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $1497
rom . write_bytes ( DAMAGE_SUB_ADDR + 0x03 , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0xF4 ] ) ) # BRA -0x0C
# End Take Damage
# Fire Flower Cycle
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5187 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x6A , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB6A
rom . write_bytes ( 0x518B , bytearray ( [ 0x60 ] * 0x01 ) ) # RTS
rom . write_bytes ( PALETTE_CYCLE_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0xCE , 0x9B , 0x14 ] ) ) # DEC $149B
rom . write_bytes ( PALETTE_CYCLE_SUB_ADDR + 0x03 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0xEF ] ) ) # BEQ -0x11
rom . write_bytes ( PALETTE_CYCLE_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Fire Flower Cycle
# Pipe Exit
rom . write_bytes ( 0x526D , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x70 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB70
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5271 , bytearray ( [ 0x60 , 0xEA ] * 0x01 ) ) # RTS, NOP
rom . write_bytes ( PIPE_EXIT_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x9C , 0x19 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STZ $1419
rom . write_bytes ( PIPE_EXIT_SUB_ADDR + 0x03 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x00 ] ) ) # LDA #00
rom . write_bytes ( PIPE_EXIT_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0x85 , 0x71 ] ) ) # STA $72
rom . write_bytes ( PIPE_EXIT_SUB_ADDR + 0x07 , bytearray ( [ 0x64 , 0x9D ] ) ) # STZ $9D
rom . write_bytes ( PIPE_EXIT_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Pipe Exit
# Cape Transform
rom . write_bytes ( 0x5168 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x7A , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB7A
rom . write_bytes ( 0x516C , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x01 ) ) # RTS, NOP
rom . write_bytes ( 0x516D , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0xD1 ] ) ) # BEQ -0x2F
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_TRANSFORM_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0xA5 , 0x19 ] ) ) # LDA $19
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_TRANSFORM_SUB_ADDR + 0x02 , bytearray ( [ 0x4A ] ) ) # LSR
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_TRANSFORM_SUB_ADDR + 0x03 , bytearray ( [ 0xD0 , 0xDF ] ) ) # BNE -0x21
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_TRANSFORM_SUB_ADDR + 0x05 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Cape Transform
# Fire Flower
rom . write_bytes ( 0xC5F7 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x80 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB80
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2D , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2D
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x02 ] ) ) # BIT #02
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x07 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x07
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x03 ] ) ) # LDA #03
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x85 , 0x19 ] ) ) # STA $19
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x01 ] ) ) # BRA +0x01
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( FIRE_FLOWER_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Fire Flower
# Cape
rom . write_bytes ( 0xC598 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x91 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BB91
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2D , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2D
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BIT #04
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x07 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x07
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x02 ] ) ) # LDA #02
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x85 , 0x19 ] ) ) # STA $19
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x01 ] ) ) # BRA +0x01
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( CAPE_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Cape
# P-Balloon
rom . write_bytes ( 0xC2FF , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xA2 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BBA2
rom . write_bytes ( 0xC303 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x06 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2D , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2D
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BIT #08
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x0D ] ) ) # BEQ +0x0D
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x09 ] ) ) # LDA #09
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0xF3 , 0x13 ] ) ) # STA $13F3
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0xFF ] ) ) # LDA #FF
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x91 , 0x18 ] ) ) # STA $1891
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x0B ] ) ) # BRA +0x0B
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x15 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x16 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x18 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0xF3 , 0x13 ] ) ) # STA $13F3
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x1B , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x1D , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x91 , 0x18 ] ) ) # STA $1891
rom . write_bytes ( P_BALLOON_SUB_ADDR + 0x20 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End P-Balloon
# Star
rom . write_bytes ( 0xC580 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xC8 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BBC8
rom . write_bytes ( 0xC584 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x01 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2D , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2D
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x10 ] ) ) # BIT #10
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x08
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0xFF ] ) ) # LDA #FF
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x90 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $1490
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x06 ] ) ) # BRA +0x06
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x8D , 0x90 , 0x14 ] ) ) # STA $1490
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_SUB_ADDR + 0x16 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Star
# Star Timer
rom . write_bytes ( 0x62E3 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xE0 , 0xBB , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BBE0
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x2D , 0x1F ] ) ) # LDA $1F2D
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0x89 , 0x10 ] ) ) # BIT #10
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x07 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x07
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA5 , 0x13 ] ) ) # LDA $13
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0xC0 , 0x1E ] ) ) # CPY #1E
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x05 ] ) ) # BRA +0x05
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0xA5 , 0x13 ] ) ) # LDA $13
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x12 , bytearray ( [ 0xC0 , 0x01 ] ) ) # CPY #01
rom . write_bytes ( STAR_TIMER_SUB_ADDR + 0x14 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
# End Star Timer
def handle_yoshi_box ( rom ) :
rom . write_bytes ( 0xEC3D , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x03 ) ) # NOP Lines that cause Yoshi Rescue Box normally
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B20F , bytearray ( [ 0x20 , 0x60 , 0xDC ] ) ) # JSR $05DC60
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x26 , 0x14 ] ) ) # LDA $1426
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0xC9 , 0x03 ] ) ) # CMP #03
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x06 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x06
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xB9 , 0xD9 , 0xA5 ] ) ) # LDA $A5B9, Y
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x08 ] ) ) # BRA +0x08
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x0F , bytearray ( [ 0xDA ] ) ) # PHX
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0xBB ] ) ) # TYX
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0xBF , 0x00 , 0xC2 , 0x7E ] ) ) # LDA $7EC200, X
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x15 , bytearray ( [ 0xFA ] ) ) # PLX
rom . write_bytes ( YOSHI_BOX_SUB_ADDR + 0x16 , bytearray ( [ 0x60 ] ) ) # RTS
def handle_bowser_damage ( rom ) :
rom . write_bytes ( 0x1A509 , bytearray ( [ 0x20 , 0x50 , 0xBC ] ) ) # JSR $03BC50
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x48 , 0x0F ] ) ) # LDA $F48
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0xCF , 0xA1 , 0xBF , 0x03 ] ) ) # CMP $03BFA1
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x90 , 0x06 ] ) ) # BCC +0x06
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0A , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0xEE , 0xB8 , 0x14 ] ) ) # INC $14B8
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x01 ] ) ) # BRA +0x01
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( BOWSER_BALLS_SUB_ADDR + 0x11 , bytearray ( [ 0x60 ] ) ) # RTS
def handle_level_shuffle ( rom , active_level_dict ) :
rom . write_bytes ( 0x37600 , bytearray ( [ 0x00 ] * 0x800 ) ) # Duplicate Level Table
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2D89C , bytearray ( [ 0x00 , 0xF6 , 0x06 ] ) ) # Level Load Pointer
rom . write_bytes ( 0x20F46 , bytearray ( [ 0x00 , 0xF6 , 0x06 ] ) ) # Mid Gate Pointer
rom . write_bytes ( 0x20E7B , bytearray ( [ 0x00 , 0xF6 , 0x06 ] ) ) # Level Name Pointer
rom . write_bytes ( 0x21543 , bytearray ( [ 0x00 , 0xF6 , 0x06 ] ) ) # Also Level Name Pointer?
rom . write_bytes ( 0x20F64 , bytearray ( [ 0x00 , 0xF6 , 0x06 ] ) ) # Level Beaten Pointer
### Fix Translevel Check
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2D8AE , bytearray ( [ 0x20 , 0x00 , 0xDD ] ) ) # JSR $DD00
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2D8B1 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA ] ) ) # NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2D7CB , bytearray ( [ 0x20 , 0x00 , 0xDD ] ) ) # JSR $DD00
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2D7CE , bytearray ( [ 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA ] ) ) # NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD00 , bytearray ( [ 0xDA ] ) ) # PHX
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD01 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD02 , bytearray ( [ 0xE2 , 0x30 ] ) ) # SEP #30
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD04 , bytearray ( [ 0xAE , 0xBF , 0x13 ] ) ) # LDX $13BF
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD07 , bytearray ( [ 0xE0 , 0x25 ] ) ) # CPX #25
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD09 , bytearray ( [ 0x90 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BCC $DD0F
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD0B , bytearray ( [ 0xA2 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDX #01
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD0D , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x02 ] ) ) # BRA $DD11
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD0F , bytearray ( [ 0xA2 , 0x00 ] ) ) # LDX #00
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD11 , bytearray ( [ 0x86 , 0x0F ] ) ) # STX $0F
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD13 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD14 , bytearray ( [ 0xFA ] ) ) # PLX
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2DD15 , bytearray ( [ 0x60 ] ) ) # RTS
### End Fix Translevel Check
### Fix Snake Blocks
rom . write_bytes ( 0x192FB , bytearray ( [ 0x20 , 0x1D , 0xBC ] ) ) # JSR $03BC1D
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0xBF , 0x13 ] ) ) # LDA $13BF
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0xC9 , 0x20 ] ) ) # CMP #20
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xF0 , 0x05 ] ) ) # BEQ +0x05
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x09 , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA #01
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0B , bytearray ( [ 0x80 , 0x03 ] ) ) # BRA +0x03
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0E , bytearray ( [ 0xA9 , 0x00 ] ) ) # LDA #00
rom . write_bytes ( SNAKE_BLOCKS_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0x60 ] ) ) # RTS
### End Fix Snake Blocks
for level_id , level_data in level_info_dict . items ( ) :
if level_id not in active_level_dict . keys ( ) :
tile_id = active_level_dict [ level_id ]
tile_data = level_info_dict [ tile_id ]
if level_id > 0x80 :
level_id = level_id - 0x50
rom . write_byte ( tile_data . levelIDAddress , level_id )
rom . write_byte ( 0x2D608 + level_id , tile_data . eventIDValue )
for level_id , tile_id in active_level_dict . items ( ) :
rom . write_byte ( 0x37F70 + level_id , tile_id )
def handle_collected_paths ( rom ) :
rom . write_bytes ( 0x1F5B , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0x30 , 0xBC , 0x03 ] ) ) # JSL $03BC30
rom . write_bytes ( 0x1F5F , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x02 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x00 , bytearray ( [ 0x08 ] ) ) # PHP
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x01 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0x00 , 0x01 ] ) ) # LDA $0100
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x04 , bytearray ( [ 0xC9 , 0x0B ] ) ) # CMP #0B
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x06 , bytearray ( [ 0xD0 , 0x04 ] ) ) # BNE +0x04
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x08 , bytearray ( [ 0x22 , 0xAD , 0xDA , 0x04 ] ) ) # JSL $04DAAD
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0C , bytearray ( [ 0x28 ] ) ) # PLP
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x0D , bytearray ( [ 0xEE , 0x00 , 0x01 ] ) ) # INC $0100
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x10 , bytearray ( [ 0xAD , 0xAF , 0x0D ] ) ) # LDA $0DAF
rom . write_bytes ( COLLECTED_PATHS_SUB_ADDR + 0x13 , bytearray ( [ 0x6B ] ) ) # RTL
def handle_music_shuffle ( rom , world , player ) :
from . Aesthetics import generate_shuffled_level_music , generate_shuffled_ow_music , level_music_address_data , ow_music_address_data
shuffled_level_music = generate_shuffled_level_music ( world , player )
for i in range ( len ( shuffled_level_music ) ) :
rom . write_byte ( level_music_address_data [ i ] , shuffled_level_music [ i ] )
shuffled_ow_music = generate_shuffled_ow_music ( world , player )
for i in range ( len ( shuffled_ow_music ) ) :
for addr in ow_music_address_data [ i ] :
rom . write_byte ( addr , shuffled_ow_music [ i ] )
def handle_mario_palette ( rom , world , player ) :
from . Aesthetics import mario_palettes , fire_mario_palettes , ow_mario_palettes
chosen_palette = world . mario_palette [ player ] . value
rom . write_bytes ( 0x32C8 , bytes ( mario_palettes [ chosen_palette ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x32F0 , bytes ( fire_mario_palettes [ chosen_palette ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x359C , bytes ( ow_mario_palettes [ chosen_palette ] ) )
def handle_swap_donut_gh_exits ( rom ) :
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2567C , bytes ( [ 0xC0 ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x25873 , bytes ( [ 0xA9 ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x25875 , bytes ( [ 0x85 ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x25954 , bytes ( [ 0x92 ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x25956 , bytes ( [ 0x0A ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x25E31 , bytes ( [ 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xD8 , 0x04 , 0x24 , 0x00 , 0x98 , 0x04 , 0x48 , 0x00 , 0xD8 , 0x03 , 0x6C , 0x00 , 0x56 , 0x03 ,
0x90 , 0x00 , 0x56 , 0x03 , 0xB4 , 0x00 , 0x56 , 0x03 , 0x10 , 0x05 , 0x18 , 0x05 , 0x28 , 0x09 , 0x24 , 0x05 ,
0x38 , 0x0B , 0x14 , 0x07 , 0xEC , 0x09 , 0x12 , 0x05 , 0xF0 , 0x09 , 0xD2 , 0x04 , 0xF4 , 0x09 , 0x92 , 0x04 ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x26371 , bytes ( [ 0x32 ] ) )
def patch_rom ( world , rom , player , active_level_dict ) :
local_random = world . slot_seeds [ player ]
goal_text = generate_goal_text ( world , player )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2A6E2 , goal_text )
rom . write_byte ( 0x2B1D8 , 0x80 )
intro_text = generate_text_box ( " Bowser has stolen all of Mario ' s abilities. Can you help Mario travel across Dinosaur land to get them back and save the Princess from him? " )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2A5D9 , intro_text )
# Force all 8 Bowser's Castle Rooms
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A680 , 0xD4 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A684 , 0xD4 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A688 , 0xD4 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A68C , 0xD4 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A705 , 0xD3 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A763 , 0xD2 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A800 , 0xD1 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A83D , 0xCF )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A932 , 0xCE )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3A9E1 , 0xCD )
rom . write_byte ( 0x3AA75 , 0xCC )
# Prevent Title Screen Deaths
rom . write_byte ( 0x1C6A , 0x80 )
# Title Screen Text
player_name_bytes = bytearray ( )
player_name = world . get_player_name ( player )
for i in range ( 16 ) :
char = " "
if i < len ( player_name ) :
char = world . get_player_name ( player ) [ i ]
upper_char = char . upper ( )
if upper_char not in title_text_mapping :
for byte in title_text_mapping [ " . " ] :
player_name_bytes . append ( byte )
else :
for byte in title_text_mapping [ upper_char ] :
player_name_bytes . append ( byte )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B7F1 , player_name_bytes ) # MARIO A
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B726 , player_name_bytes ) # MARIO A
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B815 , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 ] * 0x10 ) ) # MARIO B
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B74A , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 ] * 0x10 ) ) # MARIO B
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B839 , bytearray ( [ 0x71 , 0x31 , 0x74 , 0x31 , 0x2D , 0x31 , 0x84 , 0x30 ,
0x82 , 0x30 , 0x6F , 0x31 , 0x73 , 0x31 , 0x70 , 0x31 ,
0x71 , 0x31 , 0x75 , 0x31 , 0x83 , 0x30 , 0xFC , 0x38 ,
0xFC , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 ] ) ) # MARIO C
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B76E , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 ] * 0x10 ) ) # MARIO C
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B79E , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 ] * 0x05 ) ) # EMPTY
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B7AE , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 ] * 0x05 ) ) # EMPTY
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B8A8 , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 ] * 0x0D ) ) # 2 PLAYER GAME
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B85D , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 ] * 0x0A ) ) # ERASE
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B88E , bytearray ( [ 0x2C , 0x31 , 0x73 , 0x31 , 0x75 , 0x31 , 0x82 , 0x30 , 0x30 , 0x31 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0x31 , 0x31 , 0x73 , 0x31 ,
0x73 , 0x31 , 0x7C , 0x30 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 ] ) ) # 1 Player Game
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2B6D7 , bytearray ( [ 0xFC , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0x16 , 0x38 , 0x18 , 0x38 , 0x0D , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0x0B , 0x38 , 0x22 , 0x38 ,
0xFC , 0x38 , 0x19 , 0x38 , 0x18 , 0x38 , 0x1B , 0x38 , 0x22 , 0x38 , 0x10 , 0x38 , 0x18 , 0x38 , 0x17 , 0x38 ,
0x0E , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 , 0xFC , 0x38 ] ) ) # Mod by PoryGone
# Title Options
rom . write_bytes ( 0x1E6A , bytearray ( [ 0x01 ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x1E6C , bytearray ( [ 0x01 ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x1E6E , bytearray ( [ 0x01 ] ) )
# Always allow Start+Select
rom . write_bytes ( 0x2267 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA , 0xEA ] ) )
# Always bring up save prompt on beating a level
if world . autosave [ player ] :
rom . write_bytes ( 0x20F93 , bytearray ( [ 0x00 ] ) )
# Starting Life Count
rom . write_bytes ( 0x1E25 , bytearray ( [ world . starting_life_count [ player ] . value - 1 ] ) )
# Repurpose Bonus Stars counter for Boss Token or Yoshi Eggs
rom . write_bytes ( 0x3F1AA , bytearray ( [ 0x00 ] * 0x20 ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x20F9F , bytearray ( [ 0xEA ] * 0x3B ) )
# Prevent Switch Palaces setting the Switch Palace flags
rom . write_bytes ( 0x6EC9A , bytearray ( [ 0xEA , 0xEA ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x6EB1 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA , 0xEA ] ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x6EB4 , bytearray ( [ 0xEA , 0xEA , 0xEA ] ) )
handle_ability_code ( rom )
handle_yoshi_box ( rom )
handle_bowser_damage ( rom )
handle_collected_paths ( rom )
# Handle Level Shuffle
handle_level_shuffle ( rom , active_level_dict )
# Handle Music Shuffle
if world . music_shuffle [ player ] != " none " :
handle_music_shuffle ( rom , world , player )
generate_shuffled_header_data ( rom , world , player )
if world . swap_donut_gh_exits [ player ] :
handle_swap_donut_gh_exits ( rom )
handle_mario_palette ( rom , world , player )
# Store all relevant option results in ROM
rom . write_byte ( 0x01BFA0 , world . goal [ player ] . value )
rom . write_byte ( 0x01BFA1 , world . bosses_required [ player ] . value )
required_yoshi_eggs = max ( math . floor (
world . number_of_yoshi_eggs [ player ] . value * ( world . percentage_of_yoshi_eggs [ player ] . value / 100.0 ) ) , 1 )
rom . write_byte ( 0x01BFA2 , required_yoshi_eggs )
#rom.write_byte(0x01BFA3, world.display_sent_item_popups[player].value)
rom . write_byte ( 0x01BFA4 , world . display_received_item_popups [ player ] . value )
rom . write_byte ( 0x01BFA5 , world . death_link [ player ] . value )
rom . write_byte ( 0x01BFA6 , world . dragon_coin_checks [ player ] . value )
rom . write_byte ( 0x01BFA7 , world . swap_donut_gh_exits [ player ] . value )
from Main import __version__
rom . name = bytearray ( f ' SMW { __version__ . replace ( " . " , " " ) [ 0 : 3 ] } _ { player } _ { world . seed : 11 } \0 ' , ' utf8 ' ) [ : 21 ]
rom . name . extend ( [ 0 ] * ( 21 - len ( rom . name ) ) )
rom . write_bytes ( 0x7FC0 , rom . name )
def get_base_rom_bytes ( file_name : str = " " ) - > bytes :
base_rom_bytes = getattr ( get_base_rom_bytes , " base_rom_bytes " , None )
if not base_rom_bytes :
file_name = get_base_rom_path ( file_name )
2022-09-29 22:36:30 +00:00
base_rom_bytes = bytes ( Utils . read_snes_rom ( open ( file_name , " rb " ) ) )
2022-09-29 18:16:59 +00:00
basemd5 = hashlib . md5 ( )
basemd5 . update ( base_rom_bytes )
if USHASH != basemd5 . hexdigest ( ) :
raise Exception ( ' Supplied Base Rom does not match known MD5 for US(1.0) release. '
' Get the correct game and version, then dump it ' )
get_base_rom_bytes . base_rom_bytes = base_rom_bytes
return base_rom_bytes
2022-09-29 22:36:30 +00:00
2022-09-29 18:16:59 +00:00
def get_base_rom_path ( file_name : str = " " ) - > str :
options = Utils . get_options ( )
if not file_name :
file_name = options [ " smw_options " ] [ " rom_file " ]
if not os . path . exists ( file_name ) :
file_name = Utils . local_path ( file_name )
return file_name