- Download the [DLCQuestipelago mod release](https://github.com/agilbert1412/DLCQuestipelago/releases). If this is your first time installing the mod, or if you are not comfortable with manually editing files, you should pick the Installer. It will handle most of the work for you
- Extract the .zip archive to a location of your choice
- The installer should describe what it is doing each step of the way, and will ask for your input when necessary.
- It will allow you to choose where to install your modded game, and offer a default location
- It will **try** to find your DLCQuest game on your computer, and should it fail, it will ask you to input the path to it
- It will offer the choice of creating a desktop shortcut for the modded launcher
### Connect to the MultiServer
- Locate the file "ArchipelagoConnectionInfo.json", at the root of your modded installation. You can edit this file with any text editor, and you need to enter the server ip address, port and your slotname into the relevant fields.
- Run BepInEx.NET.Framework.Launcher.exe. If you opted for a desktop shortcut, you will find it with an icon and a more recognizable name.