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from typing import Dict
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from Options import AssembleOptions, Choice, DeathLink, DefaultOnToggle, Range, StartInventoryPool
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class PathOption(Choice):
"""Choose where you would like Hidden Chest and Pedestal checks to be placed.
Main Path includes the main 7 biomes you typically go through to get to the final boss.
Side Path includes the Lukki Lair and Fungal Caverns. 9 biomes total.
Main World includes the full world (excluding parallel worlds). 14 biomes total.
Note: The Collapsed Mines have been combined into the Mines as the biome is tiny."""
display_name = "Path Option"
option_main_path = 1
option_side_path = 2
option_main_world = 3
default = 1
class HiddenChests(Range):
"""Number of hidden chest checks added to the applicable biomes."""
display_name = "Hidden Chests per Biome"
range_start = 0
range_end = 20
default = 3
class PedestalChecks(Range):
"""Number of checks that will spawn on pedestals in the applicable biomes."""
display_name = "Pedestal Checks per Biome"
range_start = 0
range_end = 20
default = 6
class Traps(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Whether negative effects on the Noita world are added to the item pool."""
display_name = "Traps"
class OrbsAsChecks(Choice):
"""Decides whether finding the orbs that naturally spawn in the world count as checks.
The Main Path option includes only the Floating Island and Abyss Orb Room orbs.
The Side Path option includes the Main Path, Magical Temple, Lukki Lair, and Lava Lake orbs.
The Main World option includes all 11 orbs."""
display_name = "Orbs as Location Checks"
option_no_orbs = 0
option_main_path = 1
option_side_path = 2
option_main_world = 3
default = 0
class BossesAsChecks(Choice):
"""Makes bosses count as location checks. The boss only needs to die, you do not need the kill credit.
The Main Path option includes Gate Guardian, Suomuhauki, and Kolmisilmä.
The Side Path option includes the Main Path bosses, Sauvojen Tuntija, and Ylialkemisti.
The All Bosses option includes all 12 bosses."""
display_name = "Bosses as Location Checks"
option_no_bosses = 0
option_main_path = 1
option_side_path = 2
option_all_bosses = 3
default = 0
# Note: the Sampo is an item that is picked up to trigger the boss fight at the normal ending location.
# The sampo is required for every ending (having orbs and bringing the sampo to a different spot changes the ending).
class VictoryCondition(Choice):
"""Greed is to get to the bottom, beat the boss, and win the game.
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Pure is to get 11 orbs, grab the sampo, and bring it to the mountain altar.
Peaceful is to get all 33 orbs, grab the sampo, and bring it to the mountain altar.
Orbs will be added to the randomizer pool based on which victory condition you chose.
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The base game orbs will not count towards these victory conditions."""
display_name = "Victory Condition"
option_greed_ending = 0
option_pure_ending = 1
option_peaceful_ending = 2
default = 0
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class ExtraOrbs(Range):
"""Add extra orbs to your item pool, to prevent you from needing to wait as long
for the last orb you need for your victory condition.
Extra orbs received past your victory condition's amount will be received as hearts instead.
Can be turned on for the Greed Ending goal, but will only really make it harder."""
display_name = "Extra Orbs"
range_start = 0
range_end = 10
default = 0
class ShopPrice(Choice):
"""Reduce the costs of Archipelago items in shops.
By default, the price of Archipelago items matches the price of wands at that shop."""
display_name = "Shop Price Reduction"
option_full_price = 100
option_25_percent_off = 75
option_50_percent_off = 50
option_75_percent_off = 25
default = 100
noita_options: Dict[str, AssembleOptions] = {
"start_inventory_from_pool": StartInventoryPool,
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"death_link": DeathLink,
"bad_effects": Traps,
"victory_condition": VictoryCondition,
"path_option": PathOption,
"hidden_chests": HiddenChests,
"pedestal_checks": PedestalChecks,
"orbs_as_checks": OrbsAsChecks,
"bosses_as_checks": BossesAsChecks,
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"extra_orbs": ExtraOrbs,
"shop_price": ShopPrice,
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