2. The Subnautica game directory should now contain a `QMods` folder. Unpack the Archipelago Mod into this folder, so that `Subnautica/QMods/Archipelago/` is a valid path.
After the connection is made, start a new game. You should start to see Archipelago chat messages to appear, such as a message announcing that you joined the multiworld.
Savegames store their connection information and automatically attempt to reestablish the connection upon loading.
If the connection information is no longer valid, such as if the server's IP and/or port have changed,
you need to use the connect form on the main menu beforehand.
Warning: Currently it is not checked whether a loaded savegame belongs to the multiworld you are connecting to. Please ensure that yourself beforehand.
To enable the console in Subnautica, press `F3` and `F8`, then uncheck "Disable Console" in the top left. Press `F3` and `F8` again to close the menus.
- Do not attempt playing vanilla saves while the mod is installed, as the mod will override the scan information of the savegame.
- When exiting to the main menu the mod's state is not properly reset. Loading a savegame from here will break various things.
If you want to reload a save it is recommended you restart the game entirely.
- Attempting to load a savegame containing no longer valid connection information without entering valid information on the main menu will hang on the loading screen.
If you don't see the connect form on the main menu screen, check whether you see a file named `qmodmanager_log-Subnautica.txt` in the Subnautica game directory. If not,
QModManager4 is not correctly installed, otherwise open it and look for `Loading [Archipelago`. If the file doesn't contain this text, then