139 lines
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139 lines
8.3 KiB
from BaseClasses import CollectionState
from .locations import level_name_list, level_list
def level_scaling(multiworld):
state = CollectionState(multiworld)
locations = set(multiworld.get_filled_locations())
spheres = []
while locations:
sphere = set()
for world in multiworld.get_game_worlds("Pokemon Red and Blue"):
if multiworld.level_scaling[world.player] != "by_spheres_and_distance":
regions = {multiworld.get_region("Menu", world.player)}
checked_regions = set()
distance = 0
while regions:
next_regions = set()
for region in regions:
if not getattr(region, "distance"):
region.distance = distance
next_regions.update({e.connected_region for e in region.exits if e.connected_region not in
checked_regions and e.access_rule(state)})
regions = next_regions
distance += 1
distances = {}
for location in locations:
def reachable():
if location.can_reach(state):
return True
if location.parent_region.name == "Fossil" and state.can_reach("Mt Moon B2F", "Region",
# We want areas that are accessible earlier to have lower levels. If an important item is at a
# fossil location, it may not be in logic until much later, despite your ability to potentially
# reach them earlier. We treat them both as reachable right away for this purpose
return True
if (location.name == "Route 25 - Item" and state.can_reach("Route 25", "Region", location.player)
and multiworld.blind_trainers[location.player].value < 100):
# Assume they will take their one chance to get the trainer to walk out of the way to reach
# the item behind them
return True
if (("Rock Tunnel 1F - Wild Pokemon" in location.name
and any([multiworld.get_entrance(e, location.player).connected_region.can_reach(state)
for e in ['Rock Tunnel 1F-NE to Route 10-N',
'Rock Tunnel 1F-NE to Rock Tunnel B1F-E',
'Rock Tunnel 1F-NW to Rock Tunnel B1F-E',
'Rock Tunnel 1F-NW to Rock Tunnel B1F-W',
'Rock Tunnel 1F-S to Route 10-S',
'Rock Tunnel 1F-S to Rock Tunnel B1F-W']])) or
("Rock Tunnel B1F - Wild Pokemon" in location.name and
any([multiworld.get_entrance(e, location.player).connected_region.can_reach(state)
for e in ['Rock Tunnel B1F-E to Rock Tunnel 1F-NE',
'Rock Tunnel B1F-E to Rock Tunnel 1F-NW',
'Rock Tunnel B1F-W to Rock Tunnel 1F-NW',
'Rock Tunnel B1F-W to Rock Tunnel 1F-S']]))):
# Even if checks in Rock Tunnel are out of logic due to lack of Flash, it is very easy to
# wander in the dark and encounter wild Pokémon, even unintentionally while attempting to
# leave the way you entered. We'll count the wild Pokémon as reachable as soon as the Rock
# Tunnel is reachable, so you don't have an opportunity to catch high level Pokémon early.
# If the connections between Rock Tunnel floors are vanilla, you will still potentially
# have very high level Pokémon in B1F if you reach it out of logic, but that would always
# mean intentionally breaking the logic you picked in your yaml, and may require
# defeating trainers in 1F that would be at the higher levels.
return True
return False
if reachable():
parent_region = location.parent_region
if getattr(parent_region, "distance", None) is None:
distance = 0
distance = parent_region.distance
if distance not in distances:
distances[distance] = {location}
if sphere:
for distance in sorted(distances.keys()):
locations -= distances[distance]
for location in sphere:
if not location.item:
if (location.item.game == "Pokemon Red and Blue" and (location.item.name.startswith("Missable ") or
location.item.name.startswith("Static ")) and location.name !=
"Pokemon Tower 6F - Restless Soul"):
# Normally, missable Pokemon (starters, the dojo rewards) are not considered in logic static Pokemon
# are not considered for moves or evolutions, as you could release them and potentially soft lock
# the game. However, for level scaling purposes, we will treat them as not missable or static.
# We would not want someone playing a minimal accessibility Dexsanity game to get what would be
# technically an "out of logic" Mansion Key from selecting Bulbasaur at the beginning of the game
# and end up in the Mansion early and encountering level 67 Pokémon
location.item.name.split("Missable ")[-1].split("Static ")[-1]), True, location)
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
for world in multiworld.get_game_worlds("Pokemon Red and Blue"):
if multiworld.level_scaling[world.player] == "off":
level_list_copy = level_list.copy()
for sphere in spheres:
sphere_objects = {loc.name: loc for loc in sphere if loc.player == world.player
and (loc.type == "Wild Encounter" or "Pokemon" in loc.type) and loc.level is not None}
party_objects = [loc for loc in sphere if loc.player == world.player and loc.type == "Trainer Parties"]
for parties in party_objects:
for party in parties.party_data:
if isinstance(party["level"], int):
sphere_objects[(party["party_address"][0] if isinstance(party["party_address"], list)
else party["party_address"], 0)] = parties
for i, level in enumerate(party["level"]):
sphere_objects[(party["party_address"][0] if isinstance(party["party_address"], list)
else party["party_address"], i)] = parties
ordered_sphere_objects = list(sphere_objects.keys())
ordered_sphere_objects.sort(key=lambda obj: level_name_list.index(obj))
for object in ordered_sphere_objects:
if sphere_objects[object].type == "Trainer Parties":
for party in sphere_objects[object].party_data:
if (isinstance(party["party_address"], list) and party["party_address"][0] == object[0]) or party["party_address"] == object[0]:
if isinstance(party["level"], int):
party["level"] = level_list_copy.pop(0)
party["level"][object[1]] = level_list_copy.pop(0)
sphere_objects[object].level = level_list_copy.pop(0)
for world in multiworld.get_game_worlds("Pokemon Red and Blue"):