2021-09-29 07:12:23 +00:00
from ..AutoWorld import World
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from ..generic.Rules import set_rule, add_item_rule
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from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Entrance, Item
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from Utils import get_options, output_path
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import typing
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import lzma
import os
import threading
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import pyevermizer # from package
except ImportError:
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import traceback
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from . import pyevermizer # as part of the source tree
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from . import Logic # load logic mixin
from .Options import soe_options
from .Patch import generate_patch
2021-09-29 07:12:23 +00:00
In evermizer:
Items are uniquely defined by a pair of (type, id).
For most items this is their vanilla location (i.e. CHECK_GOURD, number).
Items have `provides`, which give the actual progression
instead of providing multiple events per item, we iterate through them in Logic.py
e.g. Found any weapon
Locations have `requires` and `provides`.
Requirements have to be converted to (access) rules for AP
e.g. Chest locked behind having a weapon
Provides could be events, but instead we iterate through the entire logic in Logic.py
e.g. NPC available after fighting a Boss
Rules are special locations that don't have a physical location
instead of implementing virtual locations and virtual items, we simply use them in Logic.py
e.g. 2DEs+Wheel+Gauge = Rocket
Rules and Locations live on the same logic tree returned by pyevermizer.get_logic()
TODO: for balancing we may want to generate Regions (with Entrances) for some
common rules, place the locations in those Regions and shorten the rules.
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_id_base = 64000
_id_offset: typing.Dict[int, int] = {
pyevermizer.CHECK_ALCHEMY: _id_base + 0, # alchemy 64000..64049
pyevermizer.CHECK_BOSS: _id_base + 50, # bosses 64050..6499
pyevermizer.CHECK_GOURD: _id_base + 100, # gourds 64100..64399
pyevermizer.CHECK_NPC: _id_base + 400, # npc 64400..64499
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# TODO: sniff 64500..64799
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# cache native evermizer items and locations
_items = pyevermizer.get_items()
_locations = pyevermizer.get_locations()
# fix up texts for AP
for _loc in _locations:
if _loc.type == pyevermizer.CHECK_GOURD:
_loc.name = f'{_loc.name} #{_loc.index}'
def _get_location_mapping() -> typing.Tuple[typing.Dict[str, int], typing.Dict[int, pyevermizer.Location]]:
name_to_id = {}
id_to_raw = {}
for loc in _locations:
apid = _id_offset[loc.type] + loc.index
id_to_raw[apid] = loc
name_to_id[loc.name] = apid
name_to_id['Done'] = None
return name_to_id, id_to_raw
def _get_item_mapping() -> typing.Tuple[typing.Dict[str, int], typing.Dict[int, pyevermizer.Item]]:
name_to_id = {}
id_to_raw = {}
for item in _items:
if item.name in name_to_id:
apid = _id_offset[item.type] + item.index
id_to_raw[apid] = item
name_to_id[item.name] = apid
name_to_id['Victory'] = None
return name_to_id, id_to_raw
2021-09-29 07:12:23 +00:00
class SoEWorld(World):
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Secret of Evermore is a SNES action RPG. You learn alchemy spells, fight bosses and gather rocket parts to visit a
space station where the final boss must be defeated.
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2021-11-07 14:38:02 +00:00
game: str = "Secret of Evermore"
options = soe_options
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topology_present: bool = False
remote_items: bool = False
data_version = 1
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2021-11-07 14:38:02 +00:00
item_name_to_id, item_id_to_raw = _get_item_mapping()
location_name_to_id, location_id_to_raw = _get_location_mapping()
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2021-11-07 14:38:02 +00:00
evermizer_seed: int
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connect_name: str
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def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.connect_name_available_event = threading.Event()
super(SoEWorld, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def create_event(self, event: str) -> Item:
progression = True
return SoEItem(event, progression, None, self.player)
def create_item(self, item: typing.Union[pyevermizer.Item, str], force_progression: bool = False) -> Item:
if type(item) is str:
item = self.item_id_to_raw[self.item_name_to_id[item]]
return SoEItem(item.name, force_progression or item.progression, self.item_name_to_id[item.name], self.player)
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def create_regions(self):
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# TODO: generate *some* regions from locations' requirements?
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r = Region('Menu', None, 'Menu', self.player, self.world)
r.exits = [Entrance(self.player, 'New Game', r)]
self.world.regions += [r]
r = Region('Ingame', None, 'Ingame', self.player, self.world)
r.locations = [SoELocation(self.player, loc.name, self.location_name_to_id[loc.name], r)
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for loc in _locations]
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r.locations.append(SoELocation(self.player, 'Done', None, r))
self.world.regions += [r]
self.world.get_entrance('New Game', self.player).connect(self.world.get_region('Ingame', self.player))
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def create_items(self):
# clear precollected items since we don't support them yet
if type(self.world.precollected_items) is dict:
self.world.precollected_items[self.player] = []
# add items to the pool
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self.world.itempool += list(map(lambda item: self.create_item(item), _items))
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def set_rules(self):
self.world.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has('Victory', self.player)
# set Done from goal option once we have multiple goals
set_rule(self.world.get_location('Done', self.player),
lambda state: state._soe_has(pyevermizer.P_FINAL_BOSS, self.world, self.player))
set_rule(self.world.get_entrance('New Game', self.player), lambda state: True)
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for loc in _locations:
location = self.world.get_location(loc.name, self.player)
set_rule(location, self.make_rule(loc.requires))
def make_rule(self, requires: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int]]) -> typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bool]:
def rule(state) -> bool:
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for count, progress in requires:
if not state._soe_has(progress, self.world, self.player, count):
return False
return True
return rule
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def make_item_type_limit_rule(self, item_type: int):
return lambda item: item.player != self.player or self.item_id_to_raw[item.code].type == item_type
def generate_basic(self):
# place Victory event
self.world.get_location('Done', self.player).place_locked_item(self.create_event('Victory'))
# generate stuff for later
self.evermizer_seed = self.world.random.randint(0, 2**16-1) # TODO: make this an option for "full" plando?
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str):
player_name = self.world.get_player_name(self.player)
self.connect_name = player_name[:32]
while len(self.connect_name.encode('utf-8')) > 32:
self.connect_name = self.connect_name[:-1]
placement_file = None
out_file = None
money = self.world.money_modifier[self.player].value
exp = self.world.exp_modifier[self.player].value
rom_file = get_options()['soe_options']['rom_file']
out_base = output_path(output_directory, f'AP_{self.world.seed_name}_P{self.player}_{player_name}')
out_file = out_base + '.sfc'
placement_file = out_base + '.txt'
patch_file = out_base + '.apsoe'
flags = 'l' # spoiler log
for option_name in self.options:
option = getattr(self.world, option_name)[self.player]
if hasattr(option, 'to_flag'):
flags += option.to_flag()
with open(placement_file, "wb") as f: # generate placement file
for location in filter(lambda l: l.player == self.player, self.world.get_locations()):
item = location.item
if item.code is None:
continue # skip events
loc = self.location_id_to_raw[location.address]
if item.player != self.player:
line = f'{loc.type},{loc.index}:{pyevermizer.CHECK_NONE},{item.code},{item.player}\n'
item = self.item_id_to_raw[item.code]
line = f'{loc.type},{loc.index}:{item.type},{item.index}\n'
if (pyevermizer.main(rom_file, out_file, placement_file, self.world.seed_name, self.connect_name, self.evermizer_seed,
flags, money, exp)):
raise RuntimeError()
with lzma.LZMAFile(patch_file, 'wb') as f:
f.write(generate_patch(rom_file, out_file))
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2021-11-07 14:56:43 +00:00
def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict):
# wait for self.connect_name to be available.
# we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised
if self.connect_name and self.connect_name != self.world.player_name[self.player]:
payload = multidata["connect_names"][self.world.player_name[self.player]]
multidata["connect_names"][self.connect_name] = payload
del (multidata["connect_names"][self.world.player_name[self.player]])
2021-09-29 07:12:23 +00:00
class SoEItem(Item):
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game: str = "Secret of Evermore"
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class SoELocation(Location):
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game: str = "Secret of Evermore"
2021-09-29 07:12:23 +00:00
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, address: typing.Optional[int], parent):
super().__init__(player, name, address, parent)
self.event = not address