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Pokémon Red and Blue: Version 4 update (#1963) ## What is this fixing or adding? Adds a large number of new options, including: - Door Shuffle - Sphere-based level scaling - Key Item and Pokedex requirement options to reach the Elite Four - Split Card Key option - Dexsanity option can be set to a percentage of Pokémon that will be checks - Stonesanity: remove the stones from the Celadon Department Store and shuffle them into the item pool, replacing 4 of the 5 Moon Stone items - Sleep Trap items option - Randomize Move Types option - Town Map Fly Location option, to unlock a flight location when finding/receiving the Town Map Many enhancements have been made, including: - Game allows you to continue your save file _from Pallet Town_ as a way to save warp back to the beginning of the game. The one-way drop from Diglett's Cave to north Route 2 that had been added to the randomizer has been removed. - Client auto-hints some locations when you are able to see the item before you can obtain it (but would only show AP Item if it is for another player), including Bike Shop, Oak's Aides, Celadon Prize Corner, and the unchosen Fossil location. Various bugs have been fixed, including: - Route 13 wild Pokémon not correctly logically requiring Cut - Vanilla tm/hm compatibility options giving compatibility for many TMs/HMs erroneously - If an item that exists in multiple quantities in the item pool is chosen for one of the locations that are pre-filled with local items, it will continue placing that same item in the remaining locations as long as more of that item exist - `start_with` option for `randomize_pokedex` still shuffling a Pokédex into the item pool - The obedience threshold levels being incorrect with 0-2 badges, with Pokémon up to level 30 obeying with 0-1 badges and up to 10 with 2 badges - Receiving a DeathLink trigger in the Safari Zone causing issues. Now, you will have your steps remaining set to 0 instead of blacking out when you're in the Safari Zone. Many location names have been changed, as location names are automatically prepended using the Region name and a large number of areas have been split into new regions as part of the overhaul to add Door Shuffle.
2023-07-23 22:46:54 +00:00
from copy import deepcopy
from . import poke_data
from .rom_addresses import rom_addresses
def set_mon_palettes(self, random, data):
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_palettes[self.player] == "vanilla":
pallet_map = {
"Poison": 0x0F,
"Normal": 0x10,
"Ice": 0x11,
"Fire": 0x12,
"Water": 0x13,
"Ghost": 0x14,
"Ground": 0x15,
"Grass": 0x16,
"Psychic": 0x17,
"Electric": 0x18,
"Rock": 0x19,
"Dragon": 0x1F,
"Flying": 0x20,
"Fighting": 0x21,
"Bug": 0x22
palettes = []
for mon in poke_data.pokemon_data:
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_palettes[self.player] == "primary_type":
pallet = pallet_map[self.local_poke_data[mon]["type1"]]
elif (self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_palettes[self.player] == "follow_evolutions" and mon in
poke_data.evolves_from and poke_data.evolves_from[mon] != "Eevee"):
pallet = palettes[-1]
else: # completely_random or follow_evolutions and it is not an evolved form (except eeveelutions)
pallet = random.choice(list(pallet_map.values()))
address = rom_addresses["Mon_Palettes"]
for pallet in palettes:
data[address] = pallet
address += 1
def choose_forced_type(chances, random):
n = random.randint(1, 100)
for chance in chances:
if chance[0] >= n:
return chance[1]
return None
def filter_moves(local_move_data, moves, type, random):
ret = []
for move in moves:
if local_move_data[move]["type"] == type or type is None:
return ret
def get_move(local_move_data, moves, chances, random, starting_move=False):
type = choose_forced_type(chances, random)
filtered_moves = filter_moves(local_move_data, moves, type, random)
for move in filtered_moves:
if (not starting_move) or (local_move_data[move]["accuracy"] > 80 and local_move_data[move]["power"] > 0):
return move
return get_move(local_move_data, moves, [], random, starting_move)
def move_power(move_data):
power = move_data["power"]
if move_data["effect"] in (29, 42):
# 29: two-to-five attacks. 42: trapping effect, two-to-five turns.
power *= 3
elif move_data["effect"] in (77, 44):
# 77: Twineedle. Two attacks and poison chance. 44: Just two attacks
power *= 2
elif move_data["effect"] == 48:
# 25% recoil damage taken. Reduce power considered by that amount
power *= 0.75
elif move_data["effect"] == 3:
# 50% absorb. Increase power considered by that amount
power *= 1.5
elif move_data["effect"] == 39 and move_data["id"] != 91:
# Takes two turns while vulnerable. Dig uses this effect ID but is semi-invulnerable
power *= 0.66
elif move_data["effect"] == 7:
# Faint user
power *= 0.5
elif move_data["id"] in (2, 75, 152, 163,):
# High critical strike moves: Karate Chop, Razor Leaf, Crabhammer, Slash
power *= 2
return power
def process_move_data(self):
self.local_move_data = deepcopy(poke_data.moves)
if self.multiworld.randomize_move_types[self.player]:
for move, data in self.local_move_data.items():
if move == "No Move":
# The chance of randomized moves choosing a normal type move is high, so we want to retain having a higher
# rate of normal type moves
data["type"] = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_ids) + (["Normal"] * 4))
if self.multiworld.move_balancing[self.player]:
self.local_move_data["Sing"]["accuracy"] = 30
self.local_move_data["Sleep Powder"]["accuracy"] = 40
self.local_move_data["Spore"]["accuracy"] = 50
self.local_move_data["Sonicboom"]["effect"] = 0
self.local_move_data["Sonicboom"]["power"] = 50
self.local_move_data["Dragon Rage"]["effect"] = 0
self.local_move_data["Dragon Rage"]["power"] = 80
self.local_move_data["Horn Drill"]["effect"] = 0
self.local_move_data["Horn Drill"]["power"] = 70
self.local_move_data["Horn Drill"]["accuracy"] = 90
self.local_move_data["Guillotine"]["effect"] = 0
self.local_move_data["Guillotine"]["power"] = 70
self.local_move_data["Guillotine"]["accuracy"] = 90
self.local_move_data["Fissure"]["effect"] = 0
self.local_move_data["Fissure"]["power"] = 70
self.local_move_data["Fissure"]["accuracy"] = 90
self.local_move_data["Blizzard"]["accuracy"] = 70
if self.multiworld.randomize_tm_moves[self.player]:
self.local_tms = self.multiworld.random.sample([move for move in poke_data.moves.keys() if move not in
["No Move"] + poke_data.hm_moves], 50)
self.local_tms = poke_data.tm_moves.copy()
def process_pokemon_data(self):
local_poke_data = deepcopy(poke_data.pokemon_data)
learnsets = deepcopy(poke_data.learnsets)
tms_hms = self.local_tms + poke_data.hm_moves
compat_hms = set()
for mon, mon_data in local_poke_data.items():
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_stats[self.player] == "shuffle":
stats = [mon_data["hp"], mon_data["atk"], mon_data["def"], mon_data["spd"], mon_data["spc"]]
if mon in poke_data.evolves_from:
stat_shuffle_map = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["stat_shuffle_map"]
stat_shuffle_map = self.multiworld.random.sample(range(0, 5), 5)
mon_data["stat_shuffle_map"] = stat_shuffle_map
mon_data["hp"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[0]]
mon_data["atk"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[1]]
mon_data["def"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[2]]
mon_data["spd"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[3]]
mon_data["spc"] = stats[stat_shuffle_map[4]]
elif self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_stats[self.player] == "randomize":
first_run = True
while (mon_data["hp"] > 255 or mon_data["atk"] > 255 or mon_data["def"] > 255 or mon_data["spd"] > 255
or mon_data["spc"] > 255 or first_run):
first_run = False
total_stats = mon_data["hp"] + mon_data["atk"] + mon_data["def"] + mon_data["spd"] + mon_data["spc"]
for stat in ("hp", "atk", "def", "spd", "spc"):
if mon in poke_data.evolves_from:
mon_data[stat] = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]][stat]
total_stats -= mon_data[stat]
elif stat == "hp":
mon_data[stat] = 20
total_stats -= 20
mon_data[stat] = 10
total_stats -= 10
assert total_stats >= 0, f"Error distributing stats for {mon} for player {self.player}"
dist = [self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 101) / 100, self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 101) / 100,
self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 101) / 100, self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 101) / 100,
self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 101) / 100]
total_dist = sum(dist)
mon_data["hp"] += int(round(dist[0] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["atk"] += int(round(dist[1] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["def"] += int(round(dist[2] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["spd"] += int(round(dist[3] / total_dist * total_stats))
mon_data["spc"] += int(round(dist[4] / total_dist * total_stats))
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_types[self.player]:
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_types[self.player].value == 1 and mon in poke_data.evolves_from:
type1 = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type1"]
type2 = local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["type2"]
if type1 == type2:
if self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value == -1:
if mon_data["type1"] != mon_data["type2"]:
while type2 == type1:
type2 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
elif self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value:
type2 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
type1 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
type2 = type1
if ((self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value == -1 and mon_data["type1"]
!= mon_data["type2"]) or self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100)
<= self.multiworld.secondary_type_chance[self.player].value):
while type2 == type1:
type2 = self.multiworld.random.choice(list(poke_data.type_names.values()))
mon_data["type1"] = type1
mon_data["type2"] = type2
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_movesets[self.player]:
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_movesets[self.player] == "prefer_types":
if mon_data["type1"] == "Normal" and mon_data["type2"] == "Normal":
chances = [[75, "Normal"]]
elif mon_data["type1"] == "Normal" or mon_data["type2"] == "Normal":
if mon_data["type1"] == "Normal":
second_type = mon_data["type2"]
second_type = mon_data["type1"]
chances = [[30, "Normal"], [85, second_type]]
elif mon_data["type1"] == mon_data["type2"]:
chances = [[60, mon_data["type1"]], [80, "Normal"]]
chances = [[50, mon_data["type1"]], [80, mon_data["type2"]], [85, "Normal"]]
chances = []
moves = list(poke_data.moves.keys())
for move in ["No Move"] + poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.multiworld.confine_transform_to_ditto[self.player]:
if self.multiworld.start_with_four_moves[self.player]:
num_moves = 4
num_moves = len([i for i in [mon_data["start move 1"], mon_data["start move 2"],
mon_data["start move 3"], mon_data["start move 4"]] if i != "No Move"])
if mon in learnsets:
num_moves += len(learnsets[mon])
non_power_moves = []
learnsets[mon] = []
for i in range(num_moves):
if i == 0 and mon == "Ditto" and self.multiworld.confine_transform_to_ditto[self.player]:
move = "Transform"
move = get_move(self.local_move_data, moves, chances, self.multiworld.random)
while move == "Transform" and self.multiworld.confine_transform_to_ditto[self.player]:
move = get_move(self.local_move_data, moves, chances, self.multiworld.random)
if self.local_move_data[move]["power"] < 5:
learnsets[mon].sort(key=lambda move: move_power(self.local_move_data[move]))
if learnsets[mon]:
for move in non_power_moves:
learnsets[mon].insert(self.multiworld.random.randint(1, len(learnsets[mon])), move)
learnsets[mon] = non_power_moves
for i in range(1, 5):
if mon_data[f"start move {i}"] != "No Move" or self.multiworld.start_with_four_moves[self.player]:
mon_data[f"start move {i}"] = learnsets[mon].pop(0)
if self.multiworld.randomize_pokemon_catch_rates[self.player]:
mon_data["catch rate"] = self.multiworld.random.randint(self.multiworld.minimum_catch_rate[self.player],
mon_data["catch rate"] = max(self.multiworld.minimum_catch_rate[self.player], mon_data["catch rate"])
def roll_tm_compat(roll_move):
if self.local_move_data[roll_move]["type"] in [mon_data["type1"], mon_data["type2"]]:
if roll_move in poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.multiworld.hm_same_type_compatibility[self.player].value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
r = self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.hm_same_type_compatibility[self.player].value
if r and mon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon:
return r
if self.multiworld.tm_same_type_compatibility[self.player].value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
return self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.tm_same_type_compatibility[self.player].value
elif self.local_move_data[roll_move]["type"] == "Normal" and "Normal" not in [mon_data["type1"], mon_data["type2"]]:
if roll_move in poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.multiworld.hm_normal_type_compatibility[self.player].value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
r = self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.hm_normal_type_compatibility[self.player].value
if r and mon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon:
return r
if self.multiworld.tm_normal_type_compatibility[self.player].value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
return self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.tm_normal_type_compatibility[self.player].value
if roll_move in poke_data.hm_moves:
if self.multiworld.hm_other_type_compatibility[self.player].value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
r = self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.hm_other_type_compatibility[self.player].value
if r and mon not in poke_data.legendary_pokemon:
return r
if self.multiworld.tm_other_type_compatibility[self.player].value == -1:
return mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8)
return self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) <= self.multiworld.tm_other_type_compatibility[self.player].value
for flag, tm_move in enumerate(tms_hms):
if mon in poke_data.evolves_from and self.multiworld.inherit_tm_hm_compatibility[self.player]:
if local_poke_data[poke_data.evolves_from[mon]]["tms"][int(flag / 8)] & 1 << (flag % 8):
# always inherit learnable tms/hms
bit = 1
if self.local_move_data[tm_move]["type"] in [mon_data["type1"], mon_data["type2"]] and \
self.local_move_data[tm_move]["type"] not in [
# the tm/hm is for a move whose type matches current mon, but not pre-evolved form
# so this gets full chance roll
bit = roll_tm_compat(tm_move)
# otherwise 50% reduced chance to add compatibility over pre-evolved form
elif self.multiworld.random.randint(1, 100) > 50 and roll_tm_compat(tm_move):
bit = 1
bit = 0
bit = roll_tm_compat(tm_move)
if bit:
mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] |= 1 << (flag % 8)
mon_data["tms"][int(flag / 8)] &= ~(1 << (flag % 8))
hm_verify = ["Surf", "Strength"]
if self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player] == "locations" or ((not
self.multiworld.badgesanity[self.player]) and max(self.multiworld.elite_four_badges_condition[self.player],
self.multiworld.route_22_gate_condition[self.player], self.multiworld.victory_road_condition[self.player])
> 7) or (self.multiworld.door_shuffle[self.player] not in ("off", "simple")):
hm_verify += ["Cut"]
if self.multiworld.accessibility[self.player] == "locations" or (not
self.multiworld.dark_rock_tunnel_logic[self.player]) and ((self.multiworld.trainersanity[self.player] or
or self.multiworld.door_shuffle[self.player]):
hm_verify += ["Flash"]
# Fly does not need to be verified. Full/Insanity door shuffle connects reachable regions to unreachable regions,
# so if Fly is available and can be learned, the towns you can fly to would be reachable, but if no Pokémon can
# learn it this simply would not occur
for hm_move in hm_verify:
if hm_move not in compat_hms:
mon = self.multiworld.random.choice([mon for mon in poke_data.pokemon_data if mon not in
flag = tms_hms.index(hm_move)
local_poke_data[mon]["tms"][int(flag / 8)] |= 1 << (flag % 8)
self.local_poke_data = local_poke_data
self.learnsets = learnsets