1. Go to the page linked for sm64pclauncher, and press on the topmost entry
3. Scroll down, and download the zip file
4. Unpack the zip file in an empty folder
5. Run the Launcher and press build.
6. Set the location where you installed MSYS when prompted. Check the "Install Dependencies" Checkbox
7. Set the Repo link to `https://github.com/N00byKing/sm64ex` and the Branch to `archipelago` (Top two boxes). You can choose the folder (Secound Box) at will, as long as it does not exist yet
8. Point the Launcher to your Super Mario 64 US/JP Rom, and set the Region correspondingly
9. Set Build Options. Recommended: `-jn` where `n` is the Number of CPU Cores, to build faster.
10. SM64EX will now be compiled. The Launcher will appear to have crashed, but this is not likely the case. Best wait a bit, but there may be a problem if it takes longer than 10 Minutes
After it's done, the Build list should have another entry titled with what you named the folder in step 7.
NOTE: For some reason first start of the game always crashes the launcher. Just restart it.
If it still crashes, recheck if you typed the launch options correctly (Described in "Joining a MultiWorld Game")
# Manual Compilation (Linux/Windows)
Dependencies for Linux: `sdl2 glew cmake python make`.
Most likely you forgot to set the launch options. `--sm64ap_name YourName` and `--sm64ap_ip ServerIP:Port` are required for startup for Multiworlds, and
`--sm64ap_file FileName` is required for (offline) singleplayer.