
150 lines
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Raw Normal View History

from .data import ename, iname, rname
from .stages import get_stage_info
from .options import CV64Options
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
# # # KEY # # #
# "connection" = The name of the Region the Entrance connects into. If it's a Tuple[str, str], we take the stage in
# active_stage_exits given in the second string and then the stage given in that stage's slot given in
# the first string, and take the start or end Region of that stage.
# "rule" = What rule should be applied to the Entrance during set_rules, as defined in self.rules in the CV64Rules class
# definition in
# "add conds" = A list of player options conditions that must be satisfied for the Entrance to be added. Can be of
# varying length depending on how many conditions need to be satisfied. In the add_conds dict's tuples,
# the first element is the name of the option, the second is the option value to check for, and the third
# is a boolean for whether we are evaluating for the option value or not.
entrance_info = {
# Forest of Silence
ename.forest_dbridge_gate: {"connection": rname.forest_mid},
ename.forest_werewolf_gate: {"connection": rname.forest_end},
ename.forest_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.forest_of_silence)},
# Castle Wall
ename.cw_portcullis_c: {"connection": rname.cw_exit},
ename.cw_lt_skip: {"connection": ("next", rname.castle_wall), "add conds": ["hard"]},
ename.cw_lt_door: {"connection": rname.cw_ltower, "rule": iname.left_tower_key},
ename.cw_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.castle_wall)},
# Villa
ename.villa_dog_gates: {"connection": rname.villa_main},
ename.villa_snipe_dogs: {"connection": rname.villa_start, "add conds": ["carrie", "hard"]},
ename.villa_to_storeroom: {"connection": rname.villa_storeroom, "rule": iname.storeroom_key},
ename.villa_to_archives: {"connection": rname.villa_archives, "rule": iname.archives_key},
ename.villa_renon: {"connection": rname.renon, "add conds": ["shopsanity"]},
ename.villa_to_maze: {"connection": rname.villa_maze, "rule": iname.garden_key},
ename.villa_from_storeroom: {"connection": rname.villa_main, "rule": iname.storeroom_key},
ename.villa_from_maze: {"connection": rname.villa_servants, "rule": iname.garden_key},
ename.villa_servant_door: {"connection": rname.villa_main},
ename.villa_copper_door: {"connection": rname.villa_crypt, "rule": iname.copper_key,
"add conds": ["not hard"]},
ename.villa_copper_skip: {"connection": rname.villa_crypt, "add conds": ["hard"]},
ename.villa_bridge_door: {"connection": rname.villa_maze},
ename.villa_end_r: {"connection": ("next", rname.villa)},
ename.villa_end_c: {"connection": ("alt", rname.villa)},
# Tunnel
ename.tunnel_start_renon: {"connection": rname.renon, "add conds": ["shopsanity"]},
ename.tunnel_gondolas: {"connection": rname.tunnel_end},
ename.tunnel_end_renon: {"connection": rname.renon, "add conds": ["shopsanity"]},
ename.tunnel_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.tunnel)},
# Underground Waterway
ename.uw_renon: {"connection": rname.renon, "add conds": ["shopsanity"]},
ename.uw_final_waterfall: {"connection": rname.uw_end},
ename.uw_waterfall_skip: {"connection": rname.uw_main, "add conds": ["hard"]},
ename.uw_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.underground_waterway)},
# Castle Center
ename.cc_tc_door: {"connection": rname.cc_torture_chamber, "rule": iname.chamber_key},
ename.cc_renon: {"connection": rname.renon, "add conds": ["shopsanity"]},
ename.cc_lower_wall: {"connection": rname.cc_crystal, "rule": "Bomb 2"},
ename.cc_upper_wall: {"connection": rname.cc_library, "rule": "Bomb 1"},
ename.cc_elevator: {"connection": rname.cc_elev_top},
ename.cc_exit_r: {"connection": ("next", rname.castle_center)},
ename.cc_exit_c: {"connection": ("alt", rname.castle_center)},
# Duel Tower
ename.dt_start: {"connection": ("prev", rname.duel_tower)},
ename.dt_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.duel_tower)},
# Tower of Execution
ename.toe_start: {"connection": ("prev", rname.tower_of_execution)},
ename.toe_gate: {"connection": rname.toe_ledge, "rule": iname.execution_key,
"add conds": ["not hard"]},
ename.toe_gate_skip: {"connection": rname.toe_ledge, "add conds": ["hard"]},
ename.toe_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.tower_of_execution)},
# Tower of Science
ename.tosci_start: {"connection": ("prev", rname.tower_of_science)},
ename.tosci_key1_door: {"connection": rname.tosci_three_doors, "rule": iname.science_key1},
ename.tosci_to_key2_door: {"connection": rname.tosci_conveyors, "rule": iname.science_key2},
ename.tosci_from_key2_door: {"connection": rname.tosci_start, "rule": iname.science_key2},
ename.tosci_key3_door: {"connection": rname.tosci_key3, "rule": iname.science_key3},
ename.tosci_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.tower_of_science)},
# Tower of Sorcery
ename.tosor_start: {"connection": ("prev", rname.tower_of_sorcery)},
ename.tosor_end: {"connection": ("next", rname.tower_of_sorcery)},
# Room of Clocks
ename.roc_gate: {"connection": ("next", rname.room_of_clocks)},
# Clock Tower
ename.ct_to_door1: {"connection": rname.ct_middle, "rule": iname.clocktower_key1},
ename.ct_from_door1: {"connection": rname.ct_start, "rule": iname.clocktower_key1},
ename.ct_to_door2: {"connection": rname.ct_end, "rule": iname.clocktower_key2},
ename.ct_from_door2: {"connection": rname.ct_middle, "rule": iname.clocktower_key2},
ename.ct_renon: {"connection": rname.renon, "add conds": ["shopsanity"]},
ename.ct_door_3: {"connection": ("next", rname.clock_tower), "rule": iname.clocktower_key3},
# Castle Keep
ename.ck_slope_jump: {"connection": rname.roc_main, "add conds": ["hard"]},
ename.ck_drac_door: {"connection": rname.ck_drac_chamber, "rule": "Dracula"}
add_conds = {"carrie": ("carrie_logic", True, True),
"hard": ("hard_logic", True, True),
"not hard": ("hard_logic", False, True),
"shopsanity": ("shopsanity", True, True)}
stage_connection_types = {"prev": "end region",
"next": "start region",
"alt": "start region"}
def get_entrance_info(entrance: str, info: str) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, str], List[str], None]:
return entrance_info[entrance].get(info, None)
def get_warp_entrances(active_warp_list: List[str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
# Create the starting stage Entrance.
warp_entrances = {get_stage_info(active_warp_list[0], "start region"): "Start stage"}
# Create the warp Entrances.
for i in range(1, len(active_warp_list)):
mid_stage_region = get_stage_info(active_warp_list[i], "mid region")
warp_entrances.update({mid_stage_region: f"Warp {i}"})
return warp_entrances
def verify_entrances(options: CV64Options, entrances: List[str],
active_stage_exits: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, int, None]]]) -> Dict[str, str]:
verified_entrances = {}
for ent_name in entrances:
ent_add_conds = get_entrance_info(ent_name, "add conds")
# Check any options that might be associated with the Entrance before adding it.
add_it = True
if ent_add_conds is not None:
for cond in ent_add_conds:
if not ((getattr(options, add_conds[cond][0]).value == add_conds[cond][1]) == add_conds[cond][2]):
add_it = False
if not add_it:
# Add the Entrance to the verified Entrances if the above check passes.
connection = get_entrance_info(ent_name, "connection")
# If the Entrance is a connection to a different stage, get the corresponding other stage Region.
if isinstance(connection, tuple):
connecting_stage = active_stage_exits[connection[1]][connection[0]]
# Stages that lead backwards at the beginning of the line will appear leading to "Menu".
if connecting_stage in ["Menu", None]:
connection = get_stage_info(connecting_stage, stage_connection_types[connection[0]])
verified_entrances.update({connection: ent_name})
return verified_entrances