- For a single player game, any emulator (or a Sega Master System) can be used, but there are additional features with RetroArch and the Zillion Client.
- If you press reset or restore a save state and return to the surface in the game, the Zillion Client will keep open all the doors that you have opened.
## Joining a MultiWorld Game
1. Provide your config (yaml) file to the host and obtain your patch file.
- When you join a multiworld game, you will be asked to provide your config file to whoever is hosting. Once that is done, the host will provide you with either a link to download your patch file, or with a zip file containing everyone's patch files. Your patch file should have a `.apzl` extension.
- If you activate the "room generation" option in your config (yaml), you might want to tell your host that the generation will take longer than normal. It takes approximately 20 seconds longer for each Zillion player that enables this option.
2. Create your ROM.
- Linux
- In the Archipelago Launcher, choose "Open Patch" and select your `.apzl` patch file.
- Windows
- Put your patch file on your desktop or somewhere convenient, and double click it.
- This should automatically launch the client, and will also create your ROM in the same place as your patch file.
3. Connect to the client.
- Use RetroArch to open the ROM that was generated.
- The patch file which launched your client should have automatically connected you to the AP Server. There are a few reasons this may not happen however, including if the game is hosted on the website but was generated elsewhere. If the client window shows "Server Status: Not Connected", simply ask the host for the address of the server, and copy/paste it into the "Server" input field then press enter.
- The client will attempt to reconnect to the new server address, and should momentarily show "Server Status: Connected".
5. Play the game.
- When the client shows both Game and Server as connected, you're ready to begin playing. Congratulations on successfully joining a multiworld game!
## Hosting a MultiWorld game
The recommended way to host a game is to use our hosting service. The process is relatively simple:
1. Collect config files from your players.
2. Create a zip file containing your players' config files.
3. Upload that zip file to the [Generation page](/generate).