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from Options import Choice, Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, DeathLink
class PrieDieuWarp(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Automatically unlocks the ability to warp between Prie Dieu shrines."""
display_name = "Unlock Fast Travel"
class SkipCutscenes(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Automatically skips most cutscenes."""
display_name = "Auto Skip Cutscenes"
class CorpseHints(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Changes the 34 corpses in game to give various hints about item locations."""
display_name = "Corpse Hints"
class Difficulty(Choice):
"""Adjusts the logic required to defeat bosses.
Impossible: Removes all logic requirements for bosses. Good luck."""
display_name = "Difficulty"
option_easy = 0
option_normal = 1
option_hard = 2
option_impossible = 3
default = 1
class Penitence(Toggle):
"""Allows one of the three Penitences to be chosen at the beginning of the game."""
display_name = "Penitence"
class ExpertLogic(Toggle):
"""Expands the logic used by the randomizer to allow for some difficult and/or lesser known tricks."""
display_name = "Expert Logic"
class Ending(Choice):
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"""Choose which ending is required to complete the game.
Ending A: Collect all thorn upgrades.
Ending C: Collect all thorn upgrades and the Holy Wound of Abnegation."""
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display_name = "Ending"
option_any_ending = 0
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option_ending_a = 1
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option_ending_c = 2
default = 0
class ThornShuffle(Choice):
"""Shuffles the Thorn given by Deogracias and all Thorn upgrades into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Thorn"
option_anywhere = 0
option_local_only = 1
option_vanilla = 2
default = 0
class ReliquaryShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Adds the True Torment exclusive Reliquary rosary beads into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Penitence Rewards"
class CherubShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles Children of Moonlight into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Children of Moonlight"
class LifeShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles life upgrades from the Lady of the Six Sorrows into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Life Upgrades"
class FervourShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles fervour upgrades from the Oil of the Pilgrims into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Fervour Upgrades"
class SwordShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles Mea Culpa upgrades from the Mea Culpa Altars into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Mea Culpa Upgrades"
class BlessingShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles blessings from the Lake of Silent Pilgrims into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Blessings"
class DungeonShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles rewards from completing Confessor Dungeons into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Dungeon Rewards"
class TirsoShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles rewards from delivering herbs to Tirso into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Tirso's Rewards"
class MiriamShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the prayer given by Miriam into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Miriram's Reward"
class RedentoShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles rewards from assisting Redento into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Redento's Rewards"
class JocineroShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles rewards from rescuing 20 and 38 Children of Moonlight into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Jocinero's Rewards"
class AltasgraciasShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the reward given by Altasgracias and the item left behind by them into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Altasgracias' Rewards"
class TentudiaShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the rewards from delivering Tentudia's remains to Lvdovico into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Lvdovico's Rewards"
class GeminoShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the rewards from Gemino's quest and the hidden tomb into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Gemino's Rewards"
class GuiltShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the Weight of True Guilt into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Immaculate Bead"
class OssuaryShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the rewards from delivering bones to the Ossuary into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Ossuary Rewards"
class BossShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the Tears of Atonement from defeating bosses into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Boss Tears"
class WoundShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the Holy Wounds required to pass the Bridge of the Three Cavalries into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Holy Wounds"
class MaskShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the masks required to use the elevator in Archcathedral Rooftops into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Masks"
class EyeShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the Eyes of the Traitor from defeating Isidora and Sierpes into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Traitor's Eyes"
class HerbShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the herbs required for Tirso's quest into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Herbs"
class ChurchShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the rewards from donating 5,000 and 50,000 Tears of Atonement to the Church in Albero into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Donation Rewards"
class ShopShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the items sold in Candelaria's shops into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Shop Items"
class CandleShuffle(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Shuffles the Beads of Wax and their upgrades into the item pool."""
display_name = "Shuffle Candles"
class StartWheel(Toggle):
"""Changes the beginning gift to The Young Mason's Wheel."""
display_name = "Start with Wheel"
class SkillRando(Toggle):
"""Randomizes the abilities from the skill tree into the item pool."""
display_name = "Skill Randomizer"
class EnemyRando(Choice):
"""Randomizes the enemies that appear in each room.
Shuffled: Enemies will be shuffled amongst each other, but can only appear as many times as they do in a standard game.
Randomized: Every enemy is completely random, and can appear any number of times.
Some enemies will never be randomized."""
display_name = "Enemy Randomizer"
option_disabled = 0
option_shuffled = 1
option_randomized = 2
default = 0
class EnemyGroups(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Randomized enemies will chosen from sets of specific groups.
(Weak, normal, large, flying)
Has no effect if Enemy Randomizer is disabled."""
display_name = "Enemy Groups"
class EnemyScaling(DefaultOnToggle):
"""Randomized enemies will have their stats increased or decreased depending on the area they appear in.
Has no effect if Enemy Randomizer is disabled."""
display_name = "Enemy Scaling"
class BlasphemousDeathLink(DeathLink):
"""When you die, everyone dies. The reverse is also true.
Note that Guilt Fragments will not appear when killed by Death Link."""
blasphemous_options = {
"prie_dieu_warp": PrieDieuWarp,
"skip_cutscenes": SkipCutscenes,
"corpse_hints": CorpseHints,
"difficulty": Difficulty,
"penitence": Penitence,
"expert_logic": ExpertLogic,
"ending": Ending,
"thorn_shuffle" : ThornShuffle,
"reliquary_shuffle": ReliquaryShuffle,
"cherub_shuffle" : CherubShuffle,
"life_shuffle" : LifeShuffle,
"fervour_shuffle" : FervourShuffle,
"sword_shuffle" : SwordShuffle,
"blessing_shuffle" : BlessingShuffle,
"dungeon_shuffle" : DungeonShuffle,
"tirso_shuffle" : TirsoShuffle,
"miriam_shuffle" : MiriamShuffle,
"redento_shuffle" : RedentoShuffle,
"jocinero_shuffle" : JocineroShuffle,
"altasgracias_shuffle" : AltasgraciasShuffle,
"tentudia_shuffle" : TentudiaShuffle,
"gemino_shuffle" : GeminoShuffle,
"guilt_shuffle" : GuiltShuffle,
"ossuary_shuffle" : OssuaryShuffle,
"boss_shuffle" : BossShuffle,
"wound_shuffle" : WoundShuffle,
"mask_shuffle" : MaskShuffle,
"eye_shuffle": EyeShuffle,
"herb_shuffle" : HerbShuffle,
"church_shuffle" : ChurchShuffle,
"shop_shuffle" : ShopShuffle,
"candle_shuffle" : CandleShuffle,
"start_wheel": StartWheel,
"skill_randomizer": SkillRando,
"enemy_randomizer": EnemyRando,
"enemy_groups": EnemyGroups,
"enemy_scaling": EnemyScaling,
"death_link": BlasphemousDeathLink