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OSRS: Implement New Game (#1976) * MMBN3: Press program now has proper color index when received remotely * Initial commit of OSRS untangled from MMBN3 branch * Fixes some broken region connections * Removes some locations * Rearranges locations to fill in slots left by removed locations * Adds starting area rando * Moves Oak and Willow trees to resource regions * Fixes various PEP8 violations * Refactor of regions * Fixes variable capture issue with region rules * Partial completion of brutal grind logic * Finishes can_reach_skill function * Adds skill requirements to location rules, fixes regions rules * Adds documentation for OSRS * Removes match statement * Updates Data Version to test mode to prevent item name caching * Fixes starting spawn logic for east varrock * Fixes river lum crossing logic to not assume you can phase across water * Prevents equipping items when you haven't unlocked them * Changes canoe logic to not require huge levels * Skeletoning out some data I'll need for variable task system * Adds csvs and parser for logic * Adds Items parsing * Fixes the spawning logic to not default to Chunksanity when you didn't pick it * Begins adding generation rules for data-driven logic * Moves region handling and location creating to different methods * Adds logic limits to Options * Begun the location generation has * Randomly generates tasks for each skill until populated * Mopping up improper names, adding custom logic, and fixes location rolling * Drastically cleans up the location rolling loop * Modifies generation to properly use local variables and pass unit tests * Game is now generating, but rules don't seem to work * Lambda capture, my old nemesis. We meet again * Fixes issue with Corsair Cove item requirement causing logic loop * Okay one more fix, another variable capture * On second thought lets not have skull sceptre tasks. 'Tis a silly place * Removes QP from item pool (they're events not items) * Removes Stronghold floor tasks, no varbit to track them * Loads CSV with pkutil so it can be used in apworld * Fixes logic of skill tasks and adds QP requirements to long grinds * Fixes pathing in pkgutil call * Better handling for empty task categories, no longer throws errors * Fixes order for progressive tasks, removes un-checkable spider task * Fixes logic issues related to stew and the Blurite caves * Fixes issues generating causing tests to sporadically fail * Adds missing task that caused off-by-one error * Updates to new Options API * Updates generation to function properly with the Universal Tracker (Thanks Faris) * Replaces runtime CSV parsing with pre-made python files generated from CSVs * Switches to self.random and uses random.choice instead of doing it manually * Fixes to typing, variable names, iterators, and continue conditions * Replaces Name classes with Enums * Fixes parse error on region special rules * Skill requirements check now returns an accessrule instead of being one that checks options * Updates documentation and setup guide * Adjusts maximum numbers for combat and general tasks * Fixes region names so dictionary lookup works for chunksanity * Update worlds/osrs/docs/en_Old School Co-authored-by: Nicholas Saylor <> * Update worlds/osrs/docs/en_Old School Co-authored-by: Nicholas Saylor <> * Updates and codeowners doc * Removes erroneous East Varrock -> Al Kharid connection * Changes to canoe logic to account for woodcutting level options * Fixes embarassing typo on 'Edgeville' * Moves Logic CSVs to separate repository, addresses suggested changes on PR * Fixes logic error in east/west lumbridge regions. Fixes incorrect List typing in main * Removes task types with weight 0 from the list of rollable tasks * Missed another place that the task type had to be removed if 0 weight * Prevents adding an empty task weight if levels are too restrictive for tasks to be added * Removes giant blank space in error message * Adds player name to error for not having enough available tasks --------- Co-authored-by: Nicholas Saylor <>
2024-08-06 21:13:11 +00:00
import typing
from BaseClasses import Item, Tutorial, ItemClassification, Region, MultiWorld
from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World
from worlds.generic.Rules import add_rule, CollectionRule
from .Items import OSRSItem, starting_area_dict, chunksanity_starting_chunks, QP_Items, ItemRow, \
from .Locations import OSRSLocation, LocationRow
from .Options import OSRSOptions, StartingArea
from .Names import LocationNames, ItemNames, RegionNames
from .LogicCSV.LogicCSVToPython import data_csv_tag
from .LogicCSV.items_generated import item_rows
from .LogicCSV.locations_generated import location_rows
from .LogicCSV.regions_generated import region_rows
from .LogicCSV.resources_generated import resource_rows
from .Regions import RegionRow, ResourceRow
class OSRSWeb(WebWorld):
theme = "stone"
setup_en = Tutorial(
"Multiworld Setup Guide",
"A guide to setting up the Old School Runescape Randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld",
tutorials = [setup_en]
class OSRSWorld(World):
game = "Old School Runescape"
options_dataclass = OSRSOptions
options: OSRSOptions
topology_present = True
web = OSRSWeb()
base_id = 0x070000
data_version = 1
item_name_to_id = {item_rows[i].name: 0x070000 + i for i in range(len(item_rows))}
location_name_to_id = {location_rows[i].name: 0x070000 + i for i in range(len(location_rows))}
region_name_to_data: typing.Dict[str, Region]
location_name_to_data: typing.Dict[str, OSRSLocation]
location_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, LocationRow]
region_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, RegionRow]
resource_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, ResourceRow]
item_rows_by_name: typing.Dict[str, ItemRow]
starting_area_item: str
locations_by_category: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[LocationRow]]
def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int):
super().__init__(world, player)
self.region_name_to_data = {}
self.location_name_to_data = {}
self.location_rows_by_name = {}
self.region_rows_by_name = {}
self.resource_rows_by_name = {}
self.item_rows_by_name = {}
self.starting_area_item = ""
self.locations_by_category = {}
def generate_early(self) -> None:
location_categories = [location_row.category for location_row in location_rows]
self.locations_by_category = {category:
[location_row for location_row in location_rows if
location_row.category == category]
for category in location_categories}
self.location_rows_by_name = { loc_row for loc_row in location_rows}
self.region_rows_by_name = { reg_row for reg_row in region_rows}
self.resource_rows_by_name = { rec_row for rec_row in resource_rows}
self.item_rows_by_name = { it_row for it_row in item_rows}
rnd = self.random
starting_area = self.options.starting_area
if starting_area.value == StartingArea.option_any_bank:
self.starting_area_item = rnd.choice(starting_area_dict)
elif starting_area.value < StartingArea.option_chunksanity:
self.starting_area_item = starting_area_dict[starting_area.value]
self.starting_area_item = rnd.choice(chunksanity_starting_chunks)
# Set Starting Chunk
This function pulls from LogicCSVToPython so that it sends the correct tag of the repository to the client.
_Make sure to update that value whenever the CSVs change!_
def fill_slot_data(self):
data = self.options.as_dict("brutal_grinds")
data["data_csv_tag"] = data_csv_tag
return data
def create_regions(self) -> None:
called to place player's regions into the MultiWorld's regions list. If it's hard to separate, this can be done
during generate_early or basic as well.
# First, create the "Menu" region to start
menu_region = self.create_region("Menu")
for region_row in region_rows:
for resource_row in resource_rows:
# Removes the word "Area: " from the item name to get the region it applies to.
# I figured tacking "Area: " at the beginning would make it _easier_ to tell apart. Turns out it made it worse
if self.starting_area_item in chunksanity_special_region_names:
starting_area_region = chunksanity_special_region_names[self.starting_area_item]
starting_area_region = self.starting_area_item[6:] # len("Area: ")
starting_entrance = menu_region.create_exit(f"Start->{starting_area_region}")
starting_entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(self.starting_area_item, self.player)
# Create entrances between regions
for region_row in region_rows:
region = self.region_name_to_data[]
for outbound_region_name in region_row.connections:
parsed_outbound = outbound_region_name.replace('*', '')
entrance = region.create_exit(f"{}->{parsed_outbound}")
item_name = self.region_rows_by_name[parsed_outbound].itemReq
if "*" not in outbound_region_name and "*" not in item_name:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state, item_name=item_name: state.has(item_name, self.player)
self.generate_special_rules_for(entrance, region_row, outbound_region_name)
for resource_region in region_row.resources:
if not resource_region:
entrance = region.create_exit(f"{}->{resource_region.replace('*', '')}")
if "*" not in resource_region:
self.generate_special_rules_for(entrance, region_row, resource_region)
entrance.connect(self.region_name_to_data[resource_region.replace('*', '')])
def generate_special_rules_for(self, entrance, region_row, outbound_region_name):
# print(f"Special rules required to access region {outbound_region_name} from {}")
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Cooks_Guild:
item_name = self.region_rows_by_name[outbound_region_name].itemReq.replace('*', '')
cooking_level_rule = self.get_skill_rule("cooking", 32)
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(item_name, self.player) and \
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Crafting_Guild:
item_name = self.region_rows_by_name[outbound_region_name].itemReq.replace('*', '')
crafting_level_rule = self.get_skill_rule("crafting", 40)
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(item_name, self.player) and \
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Corsair_Cove:
item_name = self.region_rows_by_name[outbound_region_name].itemReq.replace('*', '')
# Need to be able to start Corsair Curse in addition to having the item
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(item_name, self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Falador_Farm, "Region", self.player)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Falador_Farm, self.player), entrance)
if outbound_region_name == "Camdozaal*":
item_name = self.region_rows_by_name[outbound_region_name.replace('*', '')].itemReq
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(item_name, self.player) and \
state.has(ItemNames.QP_Below_Ice_Mountain, self.player)
if == "Dwarven Mountain Pass" and outbound_region_name == "Anvil*":
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(ItemNames.QP_Dorics_Quest, self.player)
# Special logic for canoes
canoe_regions = [RegionNames.Lumbridge, RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock, RegionNames.Barbarian_Village,
RegionNames.Edgeville, RegionNames.Wilderness]
if in canoe_regions:
# Skill rules for greater distances
woodcutting_rule_d1 = self.get_skill_rule("woodcutting", 12)
woodcutting_rule_d2 = self.get_skill_rule("woodcutting", 27)
woodcutting_rule_d3 = self.get_skill_rule("woodcutting", 42)
woodcutting_rule_all = self.get_skill_rule("woodcutting", 57)
if == RegionNames.Lumbridge:
# Canoe Tree access for the Location
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Canoe_Tree:
entrance.access_rule = \
lambda state: (state.can_reach_region(RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock, self.player)
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d2(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d3(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42) or \
and woodcutting_rule_all(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 57)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Barbarian_Village, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Edgeville, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Wilderness, self.player), entrance)
# Access to other chunks based on woodcutting settings
# South of Varrock does not need to be checked, because it's already adjacent
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Barbarian_Village:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d2(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Edgeville:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d3(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Wilderness:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_all(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 57
if == RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock:
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Canoe_Tree:
entrance.access_rule = \
lambda state: (state.can_reach_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player)
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d2(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d3(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Barbarian_Village, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Edgeville, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Wilderness, self.player), entrance)
# Access to other chunks based on woodcutting settings
# Lumbridge does not need to be checked, because it's already adjacent
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Barbarian_Village:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d1(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Edgeville:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d3(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Wilderness:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_all(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42
if == RegionNames.Barbarian_Village:
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Canoe_Tree:
entrance.access_rule = \
lambda state: (state.can_reach_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player)
and woodcutting_rule_d2(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d2(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Edgeville, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Wilderness, self.player), entrance)
# Access to other chunks based on woodcutting settings
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Lumbridge:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d2(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d1(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12
# Edgeville does not need to be checked, because it's already adjacent
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Wilderness:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d3(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42
if == RegionNames.Edgeville:
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Canoe_Tree:
entrance.access_rule = \
lambda state: (state.can_reach_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player)
and woodcutting_rule_d3(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d2(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Barbarian_Village, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Wilderness, self.player), entrance)
# Access to other chunks based on woodcutting settings
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Lumbridge:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d3(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d2(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27
# Barbarian Village does not need to be checked, because it's already adjacent
# Wilderness does not need to be checked, because it's already adjacent
if == RegionNames.Wilderness:
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Canoe_Tree:
entrance.access_rule = \
lambda state: (state.can_reach_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player)
and woodcutting_rule_all(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 57) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d3(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d2(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27) or \
and woodcutting_rule_d1(state) and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 12)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Lumbridge, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Barbarian_Village, self.player), entrance)
self.multiworld.get_region(RegionNames.Edgeville, self.player), entrance)
# Access to other chunks based on woodcutting settings
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Lumbridge:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_all(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 57
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.South_Of_Varrock:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d3(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 42
if outbound_region_name == RegionNames.Barbarian_Village:
entrance.access_rule = lambda state: woodcutting_rule_d2(state) \
and self.options.max_woodcutting_level >= 27
# Edgeville does not need to be checked, because it's already adjacent
def roll_locations(self):
locations_required = 0
generation_is_fake = hasattr(self.multiworld, "generation_is_fake") # UT specific override
for item_row in item_rows:
locations_required += item_row.amount
locations_added = 1 # At this point we've already added the starting area, so we start at 1 instead of 0
# Quests are always added
for i, location_row in enumerate(location_rows):
if location_row.category in {"quest", "points", "goal"}:
if location_row.category == "quest":
locations_added += 1
# Build up the weighted Task Pool
rnd = self.random
# Start with the minimum general tasks
general_tasks = [task for task in self.locations_by_category["general"]]
if not self.options.progressive_tasks:
for i in range(self.options.minimum_general_tasks):
task = general_tasks.pop()
locations_added += 1
general_weight = self.options.general_task_weight if len(general_tasks) > 0 else 0
tasks_per_task_type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[LocationRow]] = {}
weights_per_task_type: typing.Dict[str, int] = {}
task_types = ["prayer", "magic", "runecraft", "mining", "crafting",
"smithing", "fishing", "cooking", "firemaking", "woodcutting", "combat"]
for task_type in task_types:
max_level_for_task_type = getattr(self.options, f"max_{task_type}_level")
max_amount_for_task_type = getattr(self.options, f"max_{task_type}_tasks")
tasks_for_this_type = [task for task in self.locations_by_category[task_type]
if task.skills[0].level <= max_level_for_task_type]
if not self.options.progressive_tasks:
tasks_for_this_type = tasks_for_this_type[:max_amount_for_task_type]
weight_for_this_type = getattr(self.options,
if weight_for_this_type > 0 and tasks_for_this_type:
tasks_per_task_type[task_type] = tasks_for_this_type
weights_per_task_type[task_type] = weight_for_this_type
# Build a list of collections and weights in a matching order for rnd.choices later
all_tasks = []
all_weights = []
for task_type in task_types:
if task_type in tasks_per_task_type:
# Even after the initial forced generals, they can still be rolled randomly
if general_weight > 0:
while locations_added < locations_required or (generation_is_fake and len(all_tasks) > 0):
if all_tasks:
chosen_task = rnd.choices(all_tasks, all_weights)[0]
if chosen_task:
task = chosen_task.pop()
locations_added += 1
# This isn't an else because chosen_task can become empty in the process of resolving the above block
# We still want to clear this list out while we're doing that
if not chosen_task:
index = all_tasks.index(chosen_task)
del all_tasks[index]
del all_weights[index]
if len(general_tasks) == 0:
raise Exception(f"There are not enough available tasks to fill the remaining pool for OSRS " +
f"Please adjust {self.player_name}'s settings to be less restrictive of tasks.")
task = general_tasks.pop()
locations_added += 1
def add_location(self, location):
index = [i for i in range(len(location_rows)) if location_rows[i].name ==][0]
def create_items(self) -> None:
for item_row in item_rows:
if != self.starting_area_item:
for c in range(item_row.amount):
item = self.create_item(
def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str:
return self.random.choice(
[ItemNames.Progressive_Armor, ItemNames.Progressive_Weapons, ItemNames.Progressive_Magic,
ItemNames.Progressive_Tools, ItemNames.Progressive_Range_Armor, ItemNames.Progressive_Range_Weapon])
def create_and_add_location(self, row_index) -> None:
location_row = location_rows[row_index]
# print(f"Adding task {}")
# Create Location
location_id = self.base_id + row_index
if location_row.category == "points" or location_row.category == "goal":
location_id = None
location = OSRSLocation(self.player,, location_id)
self.location_name_to_data[] = location
# Add the location to its first region, or if it doesn't belong to one, to Menu
region = self.region_name_to_data["Menu"]
if location_row.regions:
region = self.region_name_to_data[location_row.regions[0]]
location.parent_region = region
def set_rules(self) -> None:
called to set access and item rules on locations and entrances.
quest_attr_names = ["Cooks_Assistant", "Demon_Slayer", "Restless_Ghost", "Romeo_Juliet",
"Sheep_Shearer", "Shield_of_Arrav", "Ernest_the_Chicken", "Vampyre_Slayer",
"Imp_Catcher", "Prince_Ali_Rescue", "Dorics_Quest", "Black_Knights_Fortress",
"Witchs_Potion", "Knights_Sword", "Goblin_Diplomacy", "Pirates_Treasure",
"Rune_Mysteries", "Misthalin_Mystery", "Corsair_Curse", "X_Marks_the_Spot",
for qp_attr_name in quest_attr_names:
loc_name = getattr(LocationNames, f"QP_{qp_attr_name}")
item_name = getattr(ItemNames, f"QP_{qp_attr_name}")
self.multiworld.get_location(loc_name, self.player) \
for quest_attr_name in quest_attr_names:
qp_loc_name = getattr(LocationNames, f"QP_{quest_attr_name}")
q_loc_name = getattr(LocationNames, f"Q_{quest_attr_name}")
add_rule(self.multiworld.get_location(qp_loc_name, self.player), lambda state, q_loc_name=q_loc_name: (
self.multiworld.get_location(q_loc_name, self.player).can_reach(state)
# place "Victory" at "Dragon Slayer" and set collection as win condition
self.multiworld.get_location(LocationNames.Q_Dragon_Slayer, self.player) \
self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: (state.has("Victory", self.player))
for location_name, location in self.location_name_to_data.items():
location_row = self.location_rows_by_name[location_name]
# Set up requirements for region
for region_required_name in location_row.regions:
region_required = self.region_name_to_data[region_required_name]
lambda state, region_required=region_required: state.can_reach(region_required, "Region",
for skill_req in location_row.skills:
add_rule(location, self.get_skill_rule(skill_req.skill, skill_req.level))
for item_req in location_row.items:
add_rule(location, lambda state, item_req=item_req: state.has(item_req, self.player))
if location_row.qp:
add_rule(location, lambda state, location_row=location_row: self.quest_points(state) > location_row.qp)
def create_region(self, name: str) -> "Region":
region = Region(name, self.player, self.multiworld)
self.region_name_to_data[name] = region
return region
def create_item(self, item_name: str) -> "Item":
items = [item for item in item_rows if == item_name]
assert len(items) > 0, f"No matching item found for name {item_name} for player {self.player_name}"
item = items[0]
OSRS: Implement New Game (#1976) * MMBN3: Press program now has proper color index when received remotely * Initial commit of OSRS untangled from MMBN3 branch * Fixes some broken region connections * Removes some locations * Rearranges locations to fill in slots left by removed locations * Adds starting area rando * Moves Oak and Willow trees to resource regions * Fixes various PEP8 violations * Refactor of regions * Fixes variable capture issue with region rules * Partial completion of brutal grind logic * Finishes can_reach_skill function * Adds skill requirements to location rules, fixes regions rules * Adds documentation for OSRS * Removes match statement * Updates Data Version to test mode to prevent item name caching * Fixes starting spawn logic for east varrock * Fixes river lum crossing logic to not assume you can phase across water * Prevents equipping items when you haven't unlocked them * Changes canoe logic to not require huge levels * Skeletoning out some data I'll need for variable task system * Adds csvs and parser for logic * Adds Items parsing * Fixes the spawning logic to not default to Chunksanity when you didn't pick it * Begins adding generation rules for data-driven logic * Moves region handling and location creating to different methods * Adds logic limits to Options * Begun the location generation has * Randomly generates tasks for each skill until populated * Mopping up improper names, adding custom logic, and fixes location rolling * Drastically cleans up the location rolling loop * Modifies generation to properly use local variables and pass unit tests * Game is now generating, but rules don't seem to work * Lambda capture, my old nemesis. We meet again * Fixes issue with Corsair Cove item requirement causing logic loop * Okay one more fix, another variable capture * On second thought lets not have skull sceptre tasks. 'Tis a silly place * Removes QP from item pool (they're events not items) * Removes Stronghold floor tasks, no varbit to track them * Loads CSV with pkutil so it can be used in apworld * Fixes logic of skill tasks and adds QP requirements to long grinds * Fixes pathing in pkgutil call * Better handling for empty task categories, no longer throws errors * Fixes order for progressive tasks, removes un-checkable spider task * Fixes logic issues related to stew and the Blurite caves * Fixes issues generating causing tests to sporadically fail * Adds missing task that caused off-by-one error * Updates to new Options API * Updates generation to function properly with the Universal Tracker (Thanks Faris) * Replaces runtime CSV parsing with pre-made python files generated from CSVs * Switches to self.random and uses random.choice instead of doing it manually * Fixes to typing, variable names, iterators, and continue conditions * Replaces Name classes with Enums * Fixes parse error on region special rules * Skill requirements check now returns an accessrule instead of being one that checks options * Updates documentation and setup guide * Adjusts maximum numbers for combat and general tasks * Fixes region names so dictionary lookup works for chunksanity * Update worlds/osrs/docs/en_Old School Co-authored-by: Nicholas Saylor <> * Update worlds/osrs/docs/en_Old School Co-authored-by: Nicholas Saylor <> * Updates and codeowners doc * Removes erroneous East Varrock -> Al Kharid connection * Changes to canoe logic to account for woodcutting level options * Fixes embarassing typo on 'Edgeville' * Moves Logic CSVs to separate repository, addresses suggested changes on PR * Fixes logic error in east/west lumbridge regions. Fixes incorrect List typing in main * Removes task types with weight 0 from the list of rollable tasks * Missed another place that the task type had to be removed if 0 weight * Prevents adding an empty task weight if levels are too restrictive for tasks to be added * Removes giant blank space in error message * Adds player name to error for not having enough available tasks --------- Co-authored-by: Nicholas Saylor <>
2024-08-06 21:13:11 +00:00
index = item_rows.index(item)
return OSRSItem(, item.progression, self.base_id + index, self.player)
def create_event(self, event: str):
# while we are at it, we can also add a helper to create events
return OSRSItem(event, ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)
def quest_points(self, state):
qp = 0
for qp_event in QP_Items:
if state.has(qp_event, self.player):
qp += int(qp_event[0])
return qp
Ensures a target level can be reached with available resources
def get_skill_rule(self, skill, level) -> CollectionRule:
if skill.lower() == "fishing":
if self.options.brutal_grinds or level < 5:
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Shrimp, "Region", self.player)
if level < 20:
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Shrimp, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Port_Sarim, "Region", self.player)
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Shrimp, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Port_Sarim, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Fly_Fish, "Region", self.player)
if skill.lower() == "mining":
if self.options.brutal_grinds or level < 15:
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Bronze_Ores, "Region", self.player) or \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Clay_Rock, "Region", self.player)
# Iron is the best way to train all the way to 99, so having access to iron is all you need to check for
return lambda state: (state.can_reach(RegionNames.Bronze_Ores, "Region", self.player) or
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Clay_Rock, "Region", self.player)) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Iron_Rock, "Region", self.player)
if skill.lower() == "woodcutting":
if self.options.brutal_grinds or level < 15:
# I've checked. There is not a single chunk in the f2p that does not have at least one normal tree.
# Even the desert.
return lambda state: True
if level < 30:
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Oak_Tree, "Region", self.player)
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Oak_Tree, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Willow_Tree, "Region", self.player)
if skill.lower() == "smithing":
if self.options.brutal_grinds:
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Bronze_Ores, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Furnace, "Region", self.player)
if level < 15:
# Lumbridge has a special bronze-only anvil. This is the only anvil of its type so it's not included
# in the "Anvil" resource region. We still need to check for it though.
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Bronze_Ores, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Furnace, "Region", self.player) and \
(state.can_reach(RegionNames.Anvil, "Region", self.player) or
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Lumbridge, "Region", self.player))
if level < 30:
# For levels between 15 and 30, the lumbridge anvil won't cut it. Only a real one will do
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Bronze_Ores, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Iron_Rock, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Furnace, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Anvil, "Region", self.player)
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Bronze_Ores, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Iron_Rock, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Coal_Rock, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Furnace, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Anvil, "Region", self.player)
if skill.lower() == "crafting":
# Crafting is really complex. Need a lot of sub-rules to make this even remotely readable
def can_spin(state):
return state.can_reach(RegionNames.Sheep, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Spinning_Wheel, "Region", self.player)
def can_pot(state):
return state.can_reach(RegionNames.Clay_Rock, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Barbarian_Village, "Region", self.player)
def can_tan(state):
return state.can_reach(RegionNames.Milk, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Al_Kharid, "Region", self.player)
def mould_access(state):
return state.can_reach(RegionNames.Al_Kharid, "Region", self.player) or \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Rimmington, "Region", self.player)
def can_silver(state):
return state.can_reach(RegionNames.Silver_Rock, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Furnace, "Region", self.player) and mould_access(state)
def can_gold(state):
return state.can_reach(RegionNames.Gold_Rock, "Region", self.player) and \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Furnace, "Region", self.player) and mould_access(state)
if self.options.brutal_grinds or level < 5:
return lambda state: can_spin(state) or can_pot(state) or can_tan(state)
can_smelt_gold = self.get_skill_rule("smithing", 40)
can_smelt_silver = self.get_skill_rule("smithing", 20)
if level < 16:
return lambda state: can_pot(state) or can_tan(state) or (can_gold(state) and can_smelt_gold(state))
return lambda state: can_tan(state) or (can_silver(state) and can_smelt_silver(state)) or \
(can_gold(state) and can_smelt_gold(state))
if skill.lower() == "Cooking":
if self.options.brutal_grinds or level < 15:
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Milk, "Region", self.player) or \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Egg, "Region", self.player) or \
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Shrimp, "Region", self.player) or \
(state.can_reach(RegionNames.Wheat, "Region", self.player) and
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Windmill, "Region", self.player))
can_catch_fly_fish = self.get_skill_rule("fishing", 20)
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Fly_Fish, "Region", self.player) and \
can_catch_fly_fish(state) and \
(state.can_reach(RegionNames.Milk, "Region", self.player) or
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Egg, "Region", self.player) or
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Shrimp, "Region", self.player) or
(state.can_reach(RegionNames.Wheat, "Region", self.player) and
state.can_reach(RegionNames.Windmill, "Region", self.player)))
if skill.lower() == "runecraft":
return lambda state: state.has(ItemNames.QP_Rune_Mysteries, self.player)
if skill.lower() == "magic":
return lambda state: state.can_reach(RegionNames.Mind_Runes, "Region", self.player)
return lambda state: True