## What do items from other worlds look like in TUNIC?
Items belonging to other TUNIC players will either appear as that item directly (if in a freestanding location) or in a
chest with the original chest texture for that item.
Items belonging to non-TUNIC players will either appear as a question-mark block (if in a freestanding location) or in a chest with
a question mark symbol on it. Additionally, non-TUNIC items are color-coded by classification, with green for filler, blue for useful, and gold for progression.
## Is there a tracker pack?
There is a [tracker pack](https://github.com/SapphireSapphic/TunicTracker/releases/latest). It is compatible with both Poptracker and Emotracker. Using Poptracker, it will automatically track checked locations and important items received. It can also automatically tab between maps as you traverse the world. This tracker was originally created by SapphireSapphic and ScoutJD, and has been extensively updated by Br00ty.
There is also a [standalone item tracker](https://github.com/radicoon/tunic-rando-tracker/releases/latest), which tracks what items you have received. It is great for adding an item overlay to streaming setups. This item tracker was created by Radicoon.
There is an [entrance tracker](https://scipiowright.gitlab.io/tunic-tracker/) for the entrance randomizer. This is a manual tracker that runs in your browser. This tracker was created by ScipioWright, and is a fork of the Pokémon Tracker by [Sergi "Sekii" Santana](https://gitlab.com/Sekii/pokemon-tracker).
You can also use the Universal Tracker (by Faris and qwint) to find a complete list of what checks are in logic with your current items. You can find it on the Archipelago Discord, in its post in the future-game-design channel. This tracker is an extension of the regular Archipelago Text Client.
Yes. The host needs to enable it in their `host.yaml`, and the player's yaml needs to contain a plando_connections block.
- entrance: Stick House Entrance
exit: Stick House Exit
- entrance: Special Shop Exit
exit: Stairs to Top of the Mountain
- The Entrance Randomizer option must be enabled for it to work.
- The `direction` field is not supported. Connections are always coupled.
- For a list of entrance names, check `er_data.py` in the TUNIC world folder or generate a game with the Entrance Randomizer option enabled and check the spoiler log.
- There is no limit to the number of Shops hard-coded into place.
- If you have more than one shop in a scene, you may be wrong warped when exiting a shop.
- If you have a shop in every scene, and you have an odd number of shops, it will error out.