Kholdstare can now be a full singularity boss, even on swordless.

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CaitSith2 2020-09-16 22:01:03 -07:00
parent 9ac6c33ab0
commit 036f821e52
1 changed files with 0 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -84,14 +84,12 @@ def KholdstareDefeatRule(state, player: int):
state.has('Fire Rod', player) or
state.has('Bombos', player) and
# FIXME: the following only actually works for the vanilla location for swordless
(state.has_sword(player) or[player] == 'swordless')
) and
state.has_melee_weapon(player) or
(state.has('Fire Rod', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 20)) or
# FIXME: this actually only works for the vanilla location for swordless
state.has('Fire Rod', player) and
state.has('Bombos', player) and
@ -135,9 +133,6 @@ boss_table = {
def can_place_boss(world, player: int, boss: str, dungeon_name: str, level: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
if world.swords[player] in ['swordless'] and boss == 'Kholdstare' and dungeon_name != 'Ice Palace':
return False
if dungeon_name in ['Ganons Tower', 'Inverted Ganons Tower'] and level == 'top':
if boss in ["Armos Knights", "Arrghus", "Blind", "Trinexx", "Lanmolas"]:
return False
@ -204,12 +199,6 @@ def place_bosses(world, player: int):
anywhere_bosses = [boss for boss in placeable_bosses if all(
can_place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level) for loc, level in boss_locations)]
if world.boss_shuffle[player] in ["basic", "normal"]:
# temporary hack for swordless kholdstare:
if world.swords[player] == 'swordless':
place_boss(world, player, 'Kholdstare', 'Ice Palace', None)
boss_locations.remove(['Ice Palace', None])
if world.boss_shuffle[player] == "basic": # vanilla bosses shuffled
bosses = placeable_bosses + ['Armos Knights', 'Lanmolas', 'Moldorm']
else: # all bosses present, the three duplicates chosen at random