Make hints team aware and bring it more in-line with existing commands

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2020-01-15 00:57:38 +01:00
parent aa0ac7aea8
commit 11823e43dd
1 changed files with 9 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -315,24 +315,23 @@ async def console(ctx : Context):
print("Unknown item: " + item)
if command[0] == '/hint':
team = int(command[2]) - 1 if len(command) > 2 and command[2].isdigit() else None
for client in ctx.clients:
if client.auth and == command[1].lower() and (team is None or team ==
for (team,slot), name in ctx.player_names.items():
if len(command) == 1:
print("Use /hint {Playername} {itemname}\nFor example /hint Berserker Lamp")
elif name.lower() == command[1].lower():
item = " ".join(command[2:])
if item in Items.item_table:
seeked_item_id = Items.item_table[item][3]
for check, result in ctx.locations.items():
item_id, receiving_player = result
print(receiving_player, client.slot)
if receiving_player == client.slot and item_id == seeked_item_id:
if receiving_player == slot and item_id == seeked_item_id:
location_id, finding_player = check
notify_all(ctx, f"[Hint]: P{}'s {item} can be found in {get_location_name_from_address(location_id)} in "
f"P{finding_player}'s World")
name_finder = ctx.player_names[team, finding_player]
hint = f"[Hint]: {name}'s {item} can be found in " \
f"{get_location_name_from_address(location_id)} in {name_finder}'s World"
notify_team(ctx, team, hint)
print("Unknown item: " + item)
print("Use /hint {Playername} {itemname}\nFor example /hint Berserker Lamp")
if command[0][0] != '/':
notify_all(ctx, '[Server]: ' + input)