diff --git a/EntranceShuffle.py b/EntranceShuffle.py index a89ac837..66a9a657 100644 --- a/EntranceShuffle.py +++ b/EntranceShuffle.py @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def link_entrances(world, player): dw_must_exits = list(DW_Entrances_Must_Exit) old_man_entrances = list(Old_Man_Entrances) caves = list(Cave_Exits + Cave_Three_Exits) - single_doors = list(Single_Cave_Doors) + bomb_shop_doors = list(Bomb_Shop_Single_Cave_Doors + Bomb_Shop_Multi_Cave_Doors) blacksmith_doors = list(Blacksmith_Single_Cave_Doors + Blacksmith_Multi_Cave_Doors) door_targets = list(Single_Cave_Targets) diff --git a/Regions.py b/Regions.py index bdef78ac..48c42df9 100644 --- a/Regions.py +++ b/Regions.py @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import collections +import typing from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Entrance, RegionType, Shop, TakeAny, UpgradeShop, ShopType @@ -450,247 +451,257 @@ key_drop_data = { 'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Key Drop': [0x14001e, 0x14001f] } -location_table = {'Mushroom': (0x180013, 0x186338, False, 'in the woods'), - 'Bottle Merchant': (0x2eb18, 0x186339, False, 'with a merchant'), - 'Flute Spot': (0x18014a, 0x18633d, False, 'underground'), - 'Sunken Treasure': (0x180145, 0x186354, False, 'underwater'), - 'Purple Chest': (0x33d68, 0x186359, False, 'from a box'), - "Blind's Hideout - Top": (0xeb0f, 0x1862e3, False, 'in a basement'), - "Blind's Hideout - Left": (0xeb12, 0x1862e6, False, 'in a basement'), - "Blind's Hideout - Right": (0xeb15, 0x1862e9, False, 'in a basement'), - "Blind's Hideout - Far Left": (0xeb18, 0x1862ec, False, 'in a basement'), - "Blind's Hideout - Far Right": (0xeb1b, 0x1862ef, False, 'in a basement'), - "Link's Uncle": (0x2df45, 0x18635f, False, 'with your uncle'), - 'Secret Passage': (0xe971, 0x186145, False, 'near your uncle'), - 'King Zora': (0xee1c3, 0x186360, False, 'at a high price'), - "Zora's Ledge": (0x180149, 0x186358, False, 'near Zora'), - 'Waterfall Fairy - Left': (0xe9b0, 0x186184, False, 'near a fairy'), - 'Waterfall Fairy - Right': (0xe9d1, 0x1861a5, False, 'near a fairy'), - "King's Tomb": (0xe97a, 0x18614e, False, 'alone in a cave'), - 'Floodgate Chest': (0xe98c, 0x186160, False, 'in the dam'), - "Link's House": (0xe9bc, 0x186190, False, 'in your home'), - 'Kakariko Tavern': (0xe9ce, 0x1861a2, False, 'in the bar'), - 'Chicken House': (0xe9e9, 0x1861bd, False, 'near poultry'), - "Aginah's Cave": (0xe9f2, 0x1861c6, False, 'with Aginah'), - "Sahasrahla's Hut - Left": (0xea82, 0x186256, False, 'near the elder'), - "Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle": (0xea85, 0x186259, False, 'near the elder'), - "Sahasrahla's Hut - Right": (0xea88, 0x18625c, False, 'near the elder'), - 'Sahasrahla': (0x2f1fc, 0x186365, False, 'with the elder'), - 'Kakariko Well - Top': (0xea8e, 0x186262, False, 'in a well'), - 'Kakariko Well - Left': (0xea91, 0x186265, False, 'in a well'), - 'Kakariko Well - Middle': (0xea94, 0x186268, False, 'in a well'), - 'Kakariko Well - Right': (0xea97, 0x18626b, False, 'in a well'), - 'Kakariko Well - Bottom': (0xea9a, 0x18626e, False, 'in a well'), - 'Blacksmith': (0x18002a, 0x186366, False, 'with the smith'), - 'Magic Bat': (0x180015, 0x18635e, False, 'with the bat'), - 'Sick Kid': (0x339cf, 0x186367, False, 'with the sick'), - 'Hobo': (0x33e7d, 0x186368, False, 'with the hobo'), - 'Lost Woods Hideout': (0x180000, 0x186348, False, 'near a thief'), - 'Lumberjack Tree': (0x180001, 0x186349, False, 'in a hole'), - 'Cave 45': (0x180003, 0x18634b, False, 'alone in a cave'), - 'Graveyard Cave': (0x180004, 0x18634c, False, 'alone in a cave'), - 'Checkerboard Cave': (0x180005, 0x18634d, False, 'alone in a cave'), - 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left': (0xeb42, 0x186316, False, 'near Moldorms'), - 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Left': (0xeb45, 0x186319, False, 'near Moldorms'), - 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Right': (0xeb48, 0x18631c, False, 'near Moldorms'), - 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right': (0xeb4b, 0x18631f, False, 'near Moldorms'), - 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy': (0x180010, 0x18635a, False, 'near Moldorms'), - 'Ice Rod Cave': (0xeb4e, 0x186322, False, 'in a frozen cave'), - 'Bonk Rock Cave': (0xeb3f, 0x186313, False, 'alone in a cave'), - 'Library': (0x180012, 0x18635c, False, 'near books'), - 'Potion Shop': (0x180014, 0x18635d, False, 'near potions'), - 'Lake Hylia Island': (0x180144, 0x186353, False, 'on an island'), - 'Maze Race': (0x180142, 0x186351, False, 'at the race'), - 'Desert Ledge': (0x180143, 0x186352, False, 'in the desert'), - 'Desert Palace - Big Chest': (0xe98f, 0x186163, False, 'in Desert Palace'), - 'Desert Palace - Torch': (0x180160, 0x186362, False, 'in Desert Palace'), - 'Desert Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9b6, 0x18618a, False, 'in Desert Palace'), - 'Desert Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe9cb, 0x18619f, False, 'in Desert Palace'), - 'Desert Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9c2, 0x186196, False, 'in Desert Palace'), - 'Desert Palace - Boss': (0x180151, 0x18633f, False, 'with Lanmolas'), - 'Eastern Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe977, 0x18614b, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), - 'Eastern Palace - Big Chest': (0xe97d, 0x186151, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), - 'Eastern Palace - Cannonball Chest': (0xe9b3, 0x186187, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), - 'Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9b9, 0x18618d, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), - 'Eastern Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9f5, 0x1861c9, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), - 'Eastern Palace - Boss': (0x180150, 0x18633e, False, 'with the Armos'), - 'Master Sword Pedestal': (0x289b0, 0x186369, False, 'at the pedestal'), - 'Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest': (0xe974, 0x186148, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'), - 'Hyrule Castle - Map Chest': (0xeb0c, 0x1862e0, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'), - "Hyrule Castle - Zelda's Chest": (0xeb09, 0x1862dd, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'), - 'Sewers - Dark Cross': (0xe96e, 0x186142, False, 'in the sewers'), - 'Sewers - Secret Room - Left': (0xeb5d, 0x186331, False, 'in the sewers'), - 'Sewers - Secret Room - Middle': (0xeb60, 0x186334, False, 'in the sewers'), - 'Sewers - Secret Room - Right': (0xeb63, 0x186337, False, 'in the sewers'), - 'Sanctuary': (0xea79, 0x18624d, False, 'in Sanctuary'), - 'Castle Tower - Room 03': (0xeab5, 0x186289, False, 'in Castle Tower'), - 'Castle Tower - Dark Maze': (0xeab2, 0x186286, False, 'in Castle Tower'), - 'Old Man': (0xf69fa, 0x186364, False, 'with the old man'), - 'Spectacle Rock Cave': (0x180002, 0x18634a, False, 'alone in a cave'), - 'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Left': (0xeb2a, 0x1862fe, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), - 'Paradox Cave Lower - Left': (0xeb2d, 0x186301, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), - 'Paradox Cave Lower - Right': (0xeb30, 0x186304, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), - 'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Right': (0xeb33, 0x186307, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), - 'Paradox Cave Lower - Middle': (0xeb36, 0x18630a, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), - 'Paradox Cave Upper - Left': (0xeb39, 0x18630d, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), - 'Paradox Cave Upper - Right': (0xeb3c, 0x186310, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), - 'Spiral Cave': (0xe9bf, 0x186193, False, 'in spiral cave'), - 'Ether Tablet': (0x180016, 0x18633b, False, 'at a monolith'), - 'Spectacle Rock': (0x180140, 0x18634f, False, 'atop a rock'), - 'Tower of Hera - Basement Cage': (0x180162, 0x18633a, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), - 'Tower of Hera - Map Chest': (0xe9ad, 0x186181, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), - 'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest': (0xe9e6, 0x1861ba, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), - 'Tower of Hera - Compass Chest': (0xe9fb, 0x1861cf, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), - 'Tower of Hera - Big Chest': (0xe9f8, 0x1861cc, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), - 'Tower of Hera - Boss': (0x180152, 0x186340, False, 'with Moldorm'), - 'Pyramid': (0x180147, 0x186356, False, 'on the pyramid'), - 'Catfish': (0xee185, 0x186361, False, 'with a catfish'), - 'Stumpy': (0x330c7, 0x18636a, False, 'with tree boy'), - 'Digging Game': (0x180148, 0x186357, False, 'underground'), - 'Bombos Tablet': (0x180017, 0x18633c, False, 'at a monolith'), - 'Hype Cave - Top': (0xeb1e, 0x1862f2, False, 'near a bat-like man'), - 'Hype Cave - Middle Right': (0xeb21, 0x1862f5, False, 'near a bat-like man'), - 'Hype Cave - Middle Left': (0xeb24, 0x1862f8, False, 'near a bat-like man'), - 'Hype Cave - Bottom': (0xeb27, 0x1862fb, False, 'near a bat-like man'), - 'Hype Cave - Generous Guy': (0x180011, 0x18635b, False, 'with a bat-like man'), - 'Peg Cave': (0x180006, 0x18634e, False, 'alone in a cave'), - 'Pyramid Fairy - Left': (0xe980, 0x186154, False, 'near a fairy'), - 'Pyramid Fairy - Right': (0xe983, 0x186157, False, 'near a fairy'), - 'Brewery': (0xe9ec, 0x1861c0, False, 'alone in a home'), - 'C-Shaped House': (0xe9ef, 0x1861c3, False, 'alone in a home'), - 'Chest Game': (0xeda8, 0x18636b, False, 'as a prize'), - 'Bumper Cave Ledge': (0x180146, 0x186355, False, 'on a ledge'), - 'Mire Shed - Left': (0xea73, 0x186247, False, 'near sparks'), - 'Mire Shed - Right': (0xea76, 0x18624a, False, 'near sparks'), - 'Superbunny Cave - Top': (0xea7c, 0x186250, False, 'in a connection'), - 'Superbunny Cave - Bottom': (0xea7f, 0x186253, False, 'in a connection'), - 'Spike Cave': (0xea8b, 0x18625f, False, 'beyond spikes'), - 'Hookshot Cave - Top Right': (0xeb51, 0x186325, False, 'across pits'), - 'Hookshot Cave - Top Left': (0xeb54, 0x186328, False, 'across pits'), - 'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Right': (0xeb5a, 0x18632e, False, 'across pits'), - 'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Left': (0xeb57, 0x18632b, False, 'across pits'), - 'Floating Island': (0x180141, 0x186350, False, 'on an island'), - 'Mimic Cave': (0xe9c5, 0x186199, False, 'in a cave of mimicry'), - 'Swamp Palace - Entrance': (0xea9d, 0x186271, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Map Chest': (0xe986, 0x18615a, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Big Chest': (0xe989, 0x18615d, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Compass Chest': (0xeaa0, 0x186274, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xeaa6, 0x18627a, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - West Chest': (0xeaa3, 0x186277, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Left': (0xeaa9, 0x18627d, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Right': (0xeaac, 0x186280, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Waterfall Room': (0xeaaf, 0x186283, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), - 'Swamp Palace - Boss': (0x180154, 0x186342, False, 'with Arrghus'), - "Thieves' Town - Big Key Chest": (0xea04, 0x1861d8, False, "in Thieves' Town"), - "Thieves' Town - Map Chest": (0xea01, 0x1861d5, False, "in Thieves' Town"), - "Thieves' Town - Compass Chest": (0xea07, 0x1861db, False, "in Thieves' Town"), - "Thieves' Town - Ambush Chest": (0xea0a, 0x1861de, False, "in Thieves' Town"), - "Thieves' Town - Attic": (0xea0d, 0x1861e1, False, "in Thieves' Town"), - "Thieves' Town - Big Chest": (0xea10, 0x1861e4, False, "in Thieves' Town"), - "Thieves' Town - Blind's Cell": (0xea13, 0x1861e7, False, "in Thieves' Town"), - "Thieves' Town - Boss": (0x180156, 0x186344, False, 'with Blind'), - 'Skull Woods - Compass Chest': (0xe992, 0x186166, False, 'in Skull Woods'), - 'Skull Woods - Map Chest': (0xe99b, 0x18616f, False, 'in Skull Woods'), - 'Skull Woods - Big Chest': (0xe998, 0x18616c, False, 'in Skull Woods'), - 'Skull Woods - Pot Prison': (0xe9a1, 0x186175, False, 'in Skull Woods'), - 'Skull Woods - Pinball Room': (0xe9c8, 0x18619c, False, 'in Skull Woods'), - 'Skull Woods - Big Key Chest': (0xe99e, 0x186172, False, 'in Skull Woods'), - 'Skull Woods - Bridge Room': (0xe9fe, 0x1861d2, False, 'near Mothula'), - 'Skull Woods - Boss': (0x180155, 0x186343, False, 'with Mothula'), - 'Ice Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe9d4, 0x1861a8, False, 'in Ice Palace'), - 'Ice Palace - Freezor Chest': (0xe995, 0x186169, False, 'in Ice Palace'), - 'Ice Palace - Big Chest': (0xe9aa, 0x18617e, False, 'in Ice Palace'), - 'Ice Palace - Iced T Room': (0xe9e3, 0x1861b7, False, 'in Ice Palace'), - 'Ice Palace - Spike Room': (0xe9e0, 0x1861b4, False, 'in Ice Palace'), - 'Ice Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9a4, 0x186178, False, 'in Ice Palace'), - 'Ice Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9dd, 0x1861b1, False, 'in Ice Palace'), - 'Ice Palace - Boss': (0x180157, 0x186345, False, 'with Kholdstare'), - 'Misery Mire - Big Chest': (0xea67, 0x18623b, False, 'in Misery Mire'), - 'Misery Mire - Map Chest': (0xea6a, 0x18623e, False, 'in Misery Mire'), - 'Misery Mire - Main Lobby': (0xea5e, 0x186232, False, 'in Misery Mire'), - 'Misery Mire - Bridge Chest': (0xea61, 0x186235, False, 'in Misery Mire'), - 'Misery Mire - Spike Chest': (0xe9da, 0x1861ae, False, 'in Misery Mire'), - 'Misery Mire - Compass Chest': (0xea64, 0x186238, False, 'in Misery Mire'), - 'Misery Mire - Big Key Chest': (0xea6d, 0x186241, False, 'in Misery Mire'), - 'Misery Mire - Boss': (0x180158, 0x186346, False, 'with Vitreous'), - 'Turtle Rock - Compass Chest': (0xea22, 0x1861f6, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Left': (0xea1c, 0x1861f0, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Right': (0xea1f, 0x1861f3, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps': (0xea16, 0x1861ea, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest': (0xea25, 0x1861f9, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Big Chest': (0xea19, 0x1861ed, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room': (0xea34, 0x186208, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Left': (0xea31, 0x186205, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Right': (0xea2e, 0x186202, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Left': (0xea2b, 0x1861ff, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Right': (0xea28, 0x1861fc, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), - 'Turtle Rock - Boss': (0x180159, 0x186347, False, 'with Trinexx'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room': (0xea5b, 0x18622f, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Bridge': (0xea3d, 0x186211, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Stalfos Basement': (0xea49, 0x18621d, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest': (0xea37, 0x18620b, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Ledge': (0xea3a, 0x18620e, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Map Chest': (0xea52, 0x186226, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Compass Chest': (0xea43, 0x186217, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Left': (0xea4c, 0x186220, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Right': (0xea4f, 0x186223, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Top': (0xea55, 0x186229, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Bottom': (0xea58, 0x18622c, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Big Chest': (0xea40, 0x186214, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway': (0xea46, 0x18621a, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Boss': (0x180153, 0x186341, False, 'with Helmasaur King'), - "Ganons Tower - Bob's Torch": (0x180161, 0x186363, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left': (0xead9, 0x1862ad, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Right': (0xeadc, 0x1862b0, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Tile Room': (0xeae2, 0x1862b6, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Left': (0xeae5, 0x1862b9, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Right': (0xeae8, 0x1862bc, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Left': (0xeaeb, 0x1862bf, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Right': (0xeaee, 0x1862c2, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Left': (0xeab8, 0x18628c, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Right': (0xeabb, 0x18628f, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Left': (0xeabe, 0x186292, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Right': (0xeac1, 0x186295, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Map Chest': (0xead3, 0x1862a7, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room': (0xead0, 0x1862a4, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Left': (0xeac4, 0x186298, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Right': (0xeac7, 0x18629b, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Left': (0xeaca, 0x18629e, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Right': (0xeacd, 0x1862a1, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - "Ganons Tower - Bob's Chest": (0xeadf, 0x1862b3, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Big Chest': (0xead6, 0x1862aa, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Left': (0xeaf4, 0x1862c8, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Right': (0xeaf7, 0x1862cb, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Chest': (0xeaf1, 0x1862c5, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Left': (0xeafd, 0x1862d1, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Right': (0xeb00, 0x1862d4, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest': (0xeb03, 0x1862d7, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganons Tower - Validation Chest': (0xeb06, 0x1862da, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), - 'Ganon': (None, None, False, 'from me'), - 'Agahnim 1': (None, None, False, 'from Ganon\'s wizardry form'), - 'Agahnim 2': (None, None, False, 'from Ganon\'s wizardry form'), - 'Floodgate': (None, None, False, None), - 'Frog': (None, None, False, None), - 'Missing Smith': (None, None, False, None), - 'Dark Blacksmith Ruins': (None, None, False, None), - 'Eastern Palace - Prize': ([0x1209D, 0x53EF8, 0x53EF9, 0x180052, 0x18007C, 0xC6FE], None, True, 'Eastern Palace'), - 'Desert Palace - Prize': ([0x1209E, 0x53F1C, 0x53F1D, 0x180053, 0x180078, 0xC6FF], None, True, 'Desert Palace'), - 'Tower of Hera - Prize': ( - [0x120A5, 0x53F0A, 0x53F0B, 0x18005A, 0x18007A, 0xC706], None, True, 'Tower of Hera'), - 'Palace of Darkness - Prize': ( - [0x120A1, 0x53F00, 0x53F01, 0x180056, 0x18007D, 0xC702], None, True, 'Palace of Darkness'), - 'Swamp Palace - Prize': ( - [0x120A0, 0x53F6C, 0x53F6D, 0x180055, 0x180071, 0xC701], None, True, 'Swamp Palace'), - 'Thieves\' Town - Prize': ( - [0x120A6, 0x53F36, 0x53F37, 0x18005B, 0x180077, 0xC707], None, True, 'Thieves\' Town'), - 'Skull Woods - Prize': ( - [0x120A3, 0x53F12, 0x53F13, 0x180058, 0x18007B, 0xC704], None, True, 'Skull Woods'), - 'Ice Palace - Prize': ( - [0x120A4, 0x53F5A, 0x53F5B, 0x180059, 0x180073, 0xC705], None, True, 'Ice Palace'), - 'Misery Mire - Prize': ( - [0x120A2, 0x53F48, 0x53F49, 0x180057, 0x180075, 0xC703], None, True, 'Misery Mire'), - 'Turtle Rock - Prize': ( - [0x120A7, 0x53F24, 0x53F25, 0x18005C, 0x180079, 0xC708], None, True, 'Turtle Rock')} +# tuple contents: +# address to write to for item +# address to write to for player getting the item +# can this location drop a crystal +# hint tile/npc text for this location +location_table: typing.Dict[str, + typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple[int, ...]]], + typing.Optional[int], + bool, + typing.Optional[str]]] = \ + {'Mushroom': (0x180013, 0x186338, False, 'in the woods'), + 'Bottle Merchant': (0x2eb18, 0x186339, False, 'with a merchant'), + 'Flute Spot': (0x18014a, 0x18633d, False, 'underground'), + 'Sunken Treasure': (0x180145, 0x186354, False, 'underwater'), + 'Purple Chest': (0x33d68, 0x186359, False, 'from a box'), + "Blind's Hideout - Top": (0xeb0f, 0x1862e3, False, 'in a basement'), + "Blind's Hideout - Left": (0xeb12, 0x1862e6, False, 'in a basement'), + "Blind's Hideout - Right": (0xeb15, 0x1862e9, False, 'in a basement'), + "Blind's Hideout - Far Left": (0xeb18, 0x1862ec, False, 'in a basement'), + "Blind's Hideout - Far Right": (0xeb1b, 0x1862ef, False, 'in a basement'), + "Link's Uncle": (0x2df45, 0x18635f, False, 'with your uncle'), + 'Secret Passage': (0xe971, 0x186145, False, 'near your uncle'), + 'King Zora': (0xee1c3, 0x186360, False, 'at a high price'), + "Zora's Ledge": (0x180149, 0x186358, False, 'near Zora'), + 'Waterfall Fairy - Left': (0xe9b0, 0x186184, False, 'near a fairy'), + 'Waterfall Fairy - Right': (0xe9d1, 0x1861a5, False, 'near a fairy'), + "King's Tomb": (0xe97a, 0x18614e, False, 'alone in a cave'), + 'Floodgate Chest': (0xe98c, 0x186160, False, 'in the dam'), + "Link's House": (0xe9bc, 0x186190, False, 'in your home'), + 'Kakariko Tavern': (0xe9ce, 0x1861a2, False, 'in the bar'), + 'Chicken House': (0xe9e9, 0x1861bd, False, 'near poultry'), + "Aginah's Cave": (0xe9f2, 0x1861c6, False, 'with Aginah'), + "Sahasrahla's Hut - Left": (0xea82, 0x186256, False, 'near the elder'), + "Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle": (0xea85, 0x186259, False, 'near the elder'), + "Sahasrahla's Hut - Right": (0xea88, 0x18625c, False, 'near the elder'), + 'Sahasrahla': (0x2f1fc, 0x186365, False, 'with the elder'), + 'Kakariko Well - Top': (0xea8e, 0x186262, False, 'in a well'), + 'Kakariko Well - Left': (0xea91, 0x186265, False, 'in a well'), + 'Kakariko Well - Middle': (0xea94, 0x186268, False, 'in a well'), + 'Kakariko Well - Right': (0xea97, 0x18626b, False, 'in a well'), + 'Kakariko Well - Bottom': (0xea9a, 0x18626e, False, 'in a well'), + 'Blacksmith': (0x18002a, 0x186366, False, 'with the smith'), + 'Magic Bat': (0x180015, 0x18635e, False, 'with the bat'), + 'Sick Kid': (0x339cf, 0x186367, False, 'with the sick'), + 'Hobo': (0x33e7d, 0x186368, False, 'with the hobo'), + 'Lost Woods Hideout': (0x180000, 0x186348, False, 'near a thief'), + 'Lumberjack Tree': (0x180001, 0x186349, False, 'in a hole'), + 'Cave 45': (0x180003, 0x18634b, False, 'alone in a cave'), + 'Graveyard Cave': (0x180004, 0x18634c, False, 'alone in a cave'), + 'Checkerboard Cave': (0x180005, 0x18634d, False, 'alone in a cave'), + 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left': (0xeb42, 0x186316, False, 'near Moldorms'), + 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Left': (0xeb45, 0x186319, False, 'near Moldorms'), + 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Right': (0xeb48, 0x18631c, False, 'near Moldorms'), + 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right': (0xeb4b, 0x18631f, False, 'near Moldorms'), + 'Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy': (0x180010, 0x18635a, False, 'near Moldorms'), + 'Ice Rod Cave': (0xeb4e, 0x186322, False, 'in a frozen cave'), + 'Bonk Rock Cave': (0xeb3f, 0x186313, False, 'alone in a cave'), + 'Library': (0x180012, 0x18635c, False, 'near books'), + 'Potion Shop': (0x180014, 0x18635d, False, 'near potions'), + 'Lake Hylia Island': (0x180144, 0x186353, False, 'on an island'), + 'Maze Race': (0x180142, 0x186351, False, 'at the race'), + 'Desert Ledge': (0x180143, 0x186352, False, 'in the desert'), + 'Desert Palace - Big Chest': (0xe98f, 0x186163, False, 'in Desert Palace'), + 'Desert Palace - Torch': (0x180160, 0x186362, False, 'in Desert Palace'), + 'Desert Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9b6, 0x18618a, False, 'in Desert Palace'), + 'Desert Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe9cb, 0x18619f, False, 'in Desert Palace'), + 'Desert Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9c2, 0x186196, False, 'in Desert Palace'), + 'Desert Palace - Boss': (0x180151, 0x18633f, False, 'with Lanmolas'), + 'Eastern Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe977, 0x18614b, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), + 'Eastern Palace - Big Chest': (0xe97d, 0x186151, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), + 'Eastern Palace - Cannonball Chest': (0xe9b3, 0x186187, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), + 'Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9b9, 0x18618d, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), + 'Eastern Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9f5, 0x1861c9, False, 'in Eastern Palace'), + 'Eastern Palace - Boss': (0x180150, 0x18633e, False, 'with the Armos'), + 'Master Sword Pedestal': (0x289b0, 0x186369, False, 'at the pedestal'), + 'Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest': (0xe974, 0x186148, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'), + 'Hyrule Castle - Map Chest': (0xeb0c, 0x1862e0, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'), + "Hyrule Castle - Zelda's Chest": (0xeb09, 0x1862dd, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'), + 'Sewers - Dark Cross': (0xe96e, 0x186142, False, 'in the sewers'), + 'Sewers - Secret Room - Left': (0xeb5d, 0x186331, False, 'in the sewers'), + 'Sewers - Secret Room - Middle': (0xeb60, 0x186334, False, 'in the sewers'), + 'Sewers - Secret Room - Right': (0xeb63, 0x186337, False, 'in the sewers'), + 'Sanctuary': (0xea79, 0x18624d, False, 'in Sanctuary'), + 'Castle Tower - Room 03': (0xeab5, 0x186289, False, 'in Castle Tower'), + 'Castle Tower - Dark Maze': (0xeab2, 0x186286, False, 'in Castle Tower'), + 'Old Man': (0xf69fa, 0x186364, False, 'with the old man'), + 'Spectacle Rock Cave': (0x180002, 0x18634a, False, 'alone in a cave'), + 'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Left': (0xeb2a, 0x1862fe, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), + 'Paradox Cave Lower - Left': (0xeb2d, 0x186301, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), + 'Paradox Cave Lower - Right': (0xeb30, 0x186304, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), + 'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Right': (0xeb33, 0x186307, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), + 'Paradox Cave Lower - Middle': (0xeb36, 0x18630a, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), + 'Paradox Cave Upper - Left': (0xeb39, 0x18630d, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), + 'Paradox Cave Upper - Right': (0xeb3c, 0x186310, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'), + 'Spiral Cave': (0xe9bf, 0x186193, False, 'in spiral cave'), + 'Ether Tablet': (0x180016, 0x18633b, False, 'at a monolith'), + 'Spectacle Rock': (0x180140, 0x18634f, False, 'atop a rock'), + 'Tower of Hera - Basement Cage': (0x180162, 0x18633a, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), + 'Tower of Hera - Map Chest': (0xe9ad, 0x186181, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), + 'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest': (0xe9e6, 0x1861ba, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), + 'Tower of Hera - Compass Chest': (0xe9fb, 0x1861cf, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), + 'Tower of Hera - Big Chest': (0xe9f8, 0x1861cc, False, 'in Tower of Hera'), + 'Tower of Hera - Boss': (0x180152, 0x186340, False, 'with Moldorm'), + 'Pyramid': (0x180147, 0x186356, False, 'on the pyramid'), + 'Catfish': (0xee185, 0x186361, False, 'with a catfish'), + 'Stumpy': (0x330c7, 0x18636a, False, 'with tree boy'), + 'Digging Game': (0x180148, 0x186357, False, 'underground'), + 'Bombos Tablet': (0x180017, 0x18633c, False, 'at a monolith'), + 'Hype Cave - Top': (0xeb1e, 0x1862f2, False, 'near a bat-like man'), + 'Hype Cave - Middle Right': (0xeb21, 0x1862f5, False, 'near a bat-like man'), + 'Hype Cave - Middle Left': (0xeb24, 0x1862f8, False, 'near a bat-like man'), + 'Hype Cave - Bottom': (0xeb27, 0x1862fb, False, 'near a bat-like man'), + 'Hype Cave - Generous Guy': (0x180011, 0x18635b, False, 'with a bat-like man'), + 'Peg Cave': (0x180006, 0x18634e, False, 'alone in a cave'), + 'Pyramid Fairy - Left': (0xe980, 0x186154, False, 'near a fairy'), + 'Pyramid Fairy - Right': (0xe983, 0x186157, False, 'near a fairy'), + 'Brewery': (0xe9ec, 0x1861c0, False, 'alone in a home'), + 'C-Shaped House': (0xe9ef, 0x1861c3, False, 'alone in a home'), + 'Chest Game': (0xeda8, 0x18636b, False, 'as a prize'), + 'Bumper Cave Ledge': (0x180146, 0x186355, False, 'on a ledge'), + 'Mire Shed - Left': (0xea73, 0x186247, False, 'near sparks'), + 'Mire Shed - Right': (0xea76, 0x18624a, False, 'near sparks'), + 'Superbunny Cave - Top': (0xea7c, 0x186250, False, 'in a connection'), + 'Superbunny Cave - Bottom': (0xea7f, 0x186253, False, 'in a connection'), + 'Spike Cave': (0xea8b, 0x18625f, False, 'beyond spikes'), + 'Hookshot Cave - Top Right': (0xeb51, 0x186325, False, 'across pits'), + 'Hookshot Cave - Top Left': (0xeb54, 0x186328, False, 'across pits'), + 'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Right': (0xeb5a, 0x18632e, False, 'across pits'), + 'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Left': (0xeb57, 0x18632b, False, 'across pits'), + 'Floating Island': (0x180141, 0x186350, False, 'on an island'), + 'Mimic Cave': (0xe9c5, 0x186199, False, 'in a cave of mimicry'), + 'Swamp Palace - Entrance': (0xea9d, 0x186271, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Map Chest': (0xe986, 0x18615a, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Big Chest': (0xe989, 0x18615d, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Compass Chest': (0xeaa0, 0x186274, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xeaa6, 0x18627a, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - West Chest': (0xeaa3, 0x186277, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Left': (0xeaa9, 0x18627d, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Right': (0xeaac, 0x186280, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Waterfall Room': (0xeaaf, 0x186283, False, 'in Swamp Palace'), + 'Swamp Palace - Boss': (0x180154, 0x186342, False, 'with Arrghus'), + "Thieves' Town - Big Key Chest": (0xea04, 0x1861d8, False, "in Thieves' Town"), + "Thieves' Town - Map Chest": (0xea01, 0x1861d5, False, "in Thieves' Town"), + "Thieves' Town - Compass Chest": (0xea07, 0x1861db, False, "in Thieves' Town"), + "Thieves' Town - Ambush Chest": (0xea0a, 0x1861de, False, "in Thieves' Town"), + "Thieves' Town - Attic": (0xea0d, 0x1861e1, False, "in Thieves' Town"), + "Thieves' Town - Big Chest": (0xea10, 0x1861e4, False, "in Thieves' Town"), + "Thieves' Town - Blind's Cell": (0xea13, 0x1861e7, False, "in Thieves' Town"), + "Thieves' Town - Boss": (0x180156, 0x186344, False, 'with Blind'), + 'Skull Woods - Compass Chest': (0xe992, 0x186166, False, 'in Skull Woods'), + 'Skull Woods - Map Chest': (0xe99b, 0x18616f, False, 'in Skull Woods'), + 'Skull Woods - Big Chest': (0xe998, 0x18616c, False, 'in Skull Woods'), + 'Skull Woods - Pot Prison': (0xe9a1, 0x186175, False, 'in Skull Woods'), + 'Skull Woods - Pinball Room': (0xe9c8, 0x18619c, False, 'in Skull Woods'), + 'Skull Woods - Big Key Chest': (0xe99e, 0x186172, False, 'in Skull Woods'), + 'Skull Woods - Bridge Room': (0xe9fe, 0x1861d2, False, 'near Mothula'), + 'Skull Woods - Boss': (0x180155, 0x186343, False, 'with Mothula'), + 'Ice Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe9d4, 0x1861a8, False, 'in Ice Palace'), + 'Ice Palace - Freezor Chest': (0xe995, 0x186169, False, 'in Ice Palace'), + 'Ice Palace - Big Chest': (0xe9aa, 0x18617e, False, 'in Ice Palace'), + 'Ice Palace - Iced T Room': (0xe9e3, 0x1861b7, False, 'in Ice Palace'), + 'Ice Palace - Spike Room': (0xe9e0, 0x1861b4, False, 'in Ice Palace'), + 'Ice Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9a4, 0x186178, False, 'in Ice Palace'), + 'Ice Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9dd, 0x1861b1, False, 'in Ice Palace'), + 'Ice Palace - Boss': (0x180157, 0x186345, False, 'with Kholdstare'), + 'Misery Mire - Big Chest': (0xea67, 0x18623b, False, 'in Misery Mire'), + 'Misery Mire - Map Chest': (0xea6a, 0x18623e, False, 'in Misery Mire'), + 'Misery Mire - Main Lobby': (0xea5e, 0x186232, False, 'in Misery Mire'), + 'Misery Mire - Bridge Chest': (0xea61, 0x186235, False, 'in Misery Mire'), + 'Misery Mire - Spike Chest': (0xe9da, 0x1861ae, False, 'in Misery Mire'), + 'Misery Mire - Compass Chest': (0xea64, 0x186238, False, 'in Misery Mire'), + 'Misery Mire - Big Key Chest': (0xea6d, 0x186241, False, 'in Misery Mire'), + 'Misery Mire - Boss': (0x180158, 0x186346, False, 'with Vitreous'), + 'Turtle Rock - Compass Chest': (0xea22, 0x1861f6, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Left': (0xea1c, 0x1861f0, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Right': (0xea1f, 0x1861f3, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps': (0xea16, 0x1861ea, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest': (0xea25, 0x1861f9, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Big Chest': (0xea19, 0x1861ed, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room': (0xea34, 0x186208, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Left': (0xea31, 0x186205, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Right': (0xea2e, 0x186202, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Left': (0xea2b, 0x1861ff, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Right': (0xea28, 0x1861fc, False, 'in Turtle Rock'), + 'Turtle Rock - Boss': (0x180159, 0x186347, False, 'with Trinexx'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room': (0xea5b, 0x18622f, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Bridge': (0xea3d, 0x186211, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Stalfos Basement': (0xea49, 0x18621d, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest': (0xea37, 0x18620b, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Ledge': (0xea3a, 0x18620e, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Map Chest': (0xea52, 0x186226, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Compass Chest': (0xea43, 0x186217, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Left': (0xea4c, 0x186220, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Right': (0xea4f, 0x186223, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Top': (0xea55, 0x186229, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Bottom': (0xea58, 0x18622c, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Big Chest': (0xea40, 0x186214, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway': (0xea46, 0x18621a, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Boss': (0x180153, 0x186341, False, 'with Helmasaur King'), + "Ganons Tower - Bob's Torch": (0x180161, 0x186363, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left': (0xead9, 0x1862ad, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Right': (0xeadc, 0x1862b0, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Tile Room': (0xeae2, 0x1862b6, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Left': (0xeae5, 0x1862b9, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Right': (0xeae8, 0x1862bc, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Left': (0xeaeb, 0x1862bf, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Right': (0xeaee, 0x1862c2, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Left': (0xeab8, 0x18628c, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Right': (0xeabb, 0x18628f, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Left': (0xeabe, 0x186292, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Right': (0xeac1, 0x186295, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Map Chest': (0xead3, 0x1862a7, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room': (0xead0, 0x1862a4, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Left': (0xeac4, 0x186298, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Right': (0xeac7, 0x18629b, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Left': (0xeaca, 0x18629e, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Right': (0xeacd, 0x1862a1, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + "Ganons Tower - Bob's Chest": (0xeadf, 0x1862b3, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Big Chest': (0xead6, 0x1862aa, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Left': (0xeaf4, 0x1862c8, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Right': (0xeaf7, 0x1862cb, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Big Key Chest': (0xeaf1, 0x1862c5, False, "in Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Left': (0xeafd, 0x1862d1, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Right': (0xeb00, 0x1862d4, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest': (0xeb03, 0x1862d7, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganons Tower - Validation Chest': (0xeb06, 0x1862da, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"), + 'Ganon': (None, None, False, 'from me'), + 'Agahnim 1': (None, None, False, 'from Ganon\'s wizardry form'), + 'Agahnim 2': (None, None, False, 'from Ganon\'s wizardry form'), + 'Floodgate': (None, None, False, None), + 'Frog': (None, None, False, None), + 'Missing Smith': (None, None, False, None), + 'Dark Blacksmith Ruins': (None, None, False, None), + 'Eastern Palace - Prize': ([0x1209D, 0x53EF8, 0x53EF9, 0x180052, 0x18007C, 0xC6FE], None, True, 'Eastern Palace'), + 'Desert Palace - Prize': ([0x1209E, 0x53F1C, 0x53F1D, 0x180053, 0x180078, 0xC6FF], None, True, 'Desert Palace'), + 'Tower of Hera - Prize': ( + [0x120A5, 0x53F0A, 0x53F0B, 0x18005A, 0x18007A, 0xC706], None, True, 'Tower of Hera'), + 'Palace of Darkness - Prize': ( + [0x120A1, 0x53F00, 0x53F01, 0x180056, 0x18007D, 0xC702], None, True, 'Palace of Darkness'), + 'Swamp Palace - Prize': ( + [0x120A0, 0x53F6C, 0x53F6D, 0x180055, 0x180071, 0xC701], None, True, 'Swamp Palace'), + 'Thieves\' Town - Prize': ( + [0x120A6, 0x53F36, 0x53F37, 0x18005B, 0x180077, 0xC707], None, True, 'Thieves\' Town'), + 'Skull Woods - Prize': ( + [0x120A3, 0x53F12, 0x53F13, 0x180058, 0x18007B, 0xC704], None, True, 'Skull Woods'), + 'Ice Palace - Prize': ( + [0x120A4, 0x53F5A, 0x53F5B, 0x180059, 0x180073, 0xC705], None, True, 'Ice Palace'), + 'Misery Mire - Prize': ( + [0x120A2, 0x53F48, 0x53F49, 0x180057, 0x180075, 0xC703], None, True, 'Misery Mire'), + 'Turtle Rock - Prize': ( + [0x120A7, 0x53F24, 0x53F25, 0x18005C, 0x180079, 0xC708], None, True, 'Turtle Rock')} lookup_id_to_name = {data[0]: name for name, data in location_table.items() if type(data[0]) == int} lookup_id_to_name = {**lookup_id_to_name, **{data[1]: name for name, data in key_drop_data.items()}, -1: "cheat console"}