Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into owg_test
# Conflicts: # easy.yaml
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,8 +15,11 @@ Configuration can be found in host.yaml
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import concurrent.futures
def feedback(text:str):
def feedback(text: str):
input("Press Enter to ignore and probably crash.")
@ -133,38 +136,58 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
2: "7z",
3: "bz2"}[zip_format]
ziplock = threading.Lock()
def pack_file(file: str):
zf.write(os.path.join(output_path, file), file)
print(f"Packed {file} into zipfile {zipname}")
with ziplock:
zf.write(os.path.join(output_path, file), file)
print(f"Packed {file} into zipfile {zipname}")
def remove_zipped_file(file: str):
os.remove(os.path.join(output_path, file))
print(f"Removed {file} which is now present in the zipfile")
zipname = os.path.join(output_path, f"ER_{seedname}.{typical_zip_ending}")
print(f"Creating zipfile {zipname}")
ipv4 = (host if host else get_public_ipv4()) + ":" + str(port)
with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w", compression=compression, compresslevel=9) as zf:
for file in os.listdir(output_path):
if file.endswith(".sfc") and seedname in file:
if zip_diffs:
diff = os.path.split(create_patch_file(os.path.join(output_path, file), ipv4))[1]
if zip_diffs == 2:
if zip_roms:
if zip_roms == 2 and player_name.lower() not in file.lower():
if zip_multidata and os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)):
if zip_multidata == 2:
if zip_spoiler and create_spoiler:
if zip_spoiler == 2:
def _handle_file(file: str):
if zip_diffs:
# the main reason for using threading, the patch is created using bsdiff4, which frees the GIL
diff = os.path.split(create_patch_file(os.path.join(output_path, file), ipv4))[1]
if zip_diffs == 2:
if zip_roms:
if zip_roms == 2 and player_name.lower() not in file.lower():
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
futures = []
with zipfile.ZipFile(zipname, "w", compression=compression, compresslevel=9) as zf:
for file in os.listdir(output_path):
if file.endswith(".sfc") and seedname in file:
futures.append(pool.submit(_handle_file, file))
if zip_multidata and os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)):
if zip_multidata == 2:
if zip_spoiler and create_spoiler:
if zip_spoiler == 2:
for future in futures:
future.result() # make sure we close the zip AFTER any packing is done
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(output_path, multidataname)):
if os.path.exists("BerserkerMultiServer.exe"):
@ -1002,6 +1002,9 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, player, team, enemized):
'Big Key (Desert Palace)': (0x367, 0x10), 'Compass (Desert Palace)': (0x365, 0x10), 'Map (Desert Palace)': (0x369, 0x10),
'Big Key (Tower of Hera)': (0x366, 0x20), 'Compass (Tower of Hera)': (0x364, 0x20), 'Map (Tower of Hera)': (0x368, 0x20),
'Big Key (Escape)': (0x367, 0xC0), 'Compass (Escape)': (0x365, 0xC0), 'Map (Escape)': (0x369, 0xC0),
# doors-specific items
'Big Key (Agahnims Tower)': (0x367, 0x08), 'Compass (Agahnims Tower)': (0x365, 0x08), 'Map (Agahnims Tower)': (0x369, 0x08),
# end of doors-specific items
'Big Key (Palace of Darkness)': (0x367, 0x02), 'Compass (Palace of Darkness)': (0x365, 0x02), 'Map (Palace of Darkness)': (0x369, 0x02),
'Big Key (Thieves Town)': (0x366, 0x10), 'Compass (Thieves Town)': (0x364, 0x10), 'Map (Thieves Town)': (0x368, 0x10),
'Big Key (Skull Woods)': (0x366, 0x80), 'Compass (Skull Woods)': (0x364, 0x80), 'Map (Skull Woods)': (0x368, 0x80),
@ -1,21 +1,45 @@
#More general info here:
description: Easy/Open/Normal #please describe your options. Especially useful when you have multiple yamls for different occasions
name: PleaseEnterNameHere #your name ingame, space and "_" gets replaced with a dash "-"
none: 1 # the "regular" glitch-free mode
overworld_glitches: 0 # puts overworld glitches like fake flipper, water-walk, link-state and boots clipping in logic
no_logic: 0 # no logic at all, careful with this in multiworld as it will create item loops that put other players into glitches required
item_placement: basic #this is based on Entrance Randomizer, which does not (yet?) support advanced
map_shuffle: #to shuffle dungeon maps into the outside world and other dungeons, as well as other player's worlds in multiworld
# What is this file?
# This file contains options which allow you to configure your multiworld experience while allowing others
# to play how they want as well.
# How do I use it?
# The options in this file are weighted. This means the higher number you assign to a value, the more
# chances you have for that option to be chosen. For example, an option like this:
# map_shuffle:
# on: 5
# off: 15
# Means you have 5 chances for map shuffle to not occur, and 15 chances for map shuffle to be turned on
# I've never seen a file like this before. What characters am I allowed to use?
# This is a .yaml file. You are allowed to use most characters.
# To test if your yaml is valid or not, you can use this website:
description: Your Description Here # Used to describe your yaml. Useful if you have multiple files
name: YourName # Your name in-game. Spaces and underscores will be replaced with dashes
glitches_required: # Determine the logic required to complete the seed
none: 1 # No glitches required
overworld_glitches: 0 # Assumes the player knows how to perform overworld glitches like fake flipper, water walk, etc
no_logic: 0 # Items are places completely at random and with no regard for logic. Your fire rod could be on Trinexx
item_placement: basic # This is based on Entrance Randomizer, which does not (yet?) support advanced
meta_ignore: # Nullify options specified in the meta.yaml file. Adding an option here guarantees it will not occur in your seed, even if the .yaml file specifies it
- inverted # Never play inverted seeds
- retro # Never play retro seeds
- swordless # Never play a swordless seed
map_shuffle: # Shuffle dungeon maps into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds
on: 0
off: 1
compass_shuffle: #same for compass
compass_shuffle: # Shuffle compasses into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds
on: 0
off: 1
smallkey_shuffle: #same for small keys
smallkey_shuffle: # Shuffle small keys into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds
on: 0
off: 1
bigkey_shuffle: #same for big keys
bigkey_shuffle: # Shuffle big keys into the world and other dungeons, including other players' worlds
on: 0
off: 1
dungeon_items: # alternative to the 4 shuffles above this, does nothing until the respective 4 shuffles are deleted
@ -23,97 +47,97 @@ dungeon_items: # alternative to the 4 shuffles above this, does nothing until th
none: 1 # shuffle none of the 4
mcsb: 0 # shuffle all of the 4, any combination of m, c, s and b will shuffle the respective item, or not if it's missing, so you can add more options here
items: 0 # item accessibility means you can get all inventory items. So a key could lock itself, but you can fill your inventory
locations: 1 # location accessibility means you can access every location in your seed and get all 216 checks
none: 0 # no accessibility means your seed is "beatable only", meaning any items you do not need to beat the game can be unreachable. This can mean you have to defeat ganon with a lamp and master sword.
progressive: #not available in bonta's multiworld at this time. If you want this option, make sure the host uses the correct Multiworld
on: 1 # progressive items, you will always get progressive items like swords in their order: figher sword -> master sword -> tempered sword -> golden sword
off: 0 # turns progressive items off, so you can find, for example, silver arrows before a bow
random: 0 # rolls a 50/50 chance for each potentially progressive item. So, for example, you can have progressive swords but non-progressive mittens
none: 1 # no entrance shuffle
items: 0 # Guarantees you will be able to acquire all items, but you may not be able to access all locations
locations: 1 # Guarantees you will be able to access all locations, and therefore all items
none: 0 # Guarantees only that the game is beatable. You may not be able to access all locations or acquire all items
progressive: # Enable or disable progressive items (swords, shields, bow)
on: 1 # All items progressive
off: 0 # No items progressive
random: 0 # Randomly decides for all items. Swords could be progressive, shields might not be
entrance_shuffle: # Documentation:
none: 1 # Vanilla game map. All entrances and exits lead to their original locations. You probably want this option
dungeonssimple: 0 # shuffle just dungeons amongst each other, swapping dungeons entirely, so Hyrule Castle is always 1 dungeon
dungeonsfull: 0 # shuffle any dungeon entrance with any dungeon interior, so Hyrule Castle can be 4 different dungeons
simple: 0 #dungeons are shuffled with each other and the other entrances are shuffled with each other
restricted: 0 #dungeons still shuffle along each other but connects other entrances more feely with each other while keeping entrances in one world
full: 0 # mixes caves and dungeons freely, except for confining all entrances to one world
crossed: 0 #introduces cross world connectors
insanity: 0 #any entrance can lead to any other entrance
simple: 0 # Entrances are grouped together before being randomized. Simple uses the most strict grouping rules
restricted: 0 # Less strict than simple
full: 0 # Less strict than restricted
crossed: 0 # Less strict than full
insanity: 0 # Very few grouping rules. Good luck.
ganon: 5 #beat GT and then Ganon
fast_ganon: 4 # Just kill Ganon
dungeons: 1 # All Dungeons, including GT, and Agahnims Tower
pedestal: 0 # Pull the win out of the Pedestal
triforce-hunt: 0 # Collect 20 of 30 Triforce pieces then hand them in in front of Hyrule Castle
ganon: 1 # Climb GT, defeat Agahnim 2, then kill Ganon
fast_ganon: 0 # Only killing Ganon is required. The hole is always open. Items may still be placed in GT, however
dungeons: 0 # Defeat the boss of all dungeons, including Agahnim's tower and GT (Aga 2)
pedestal: 0 # Pull the Triforce from the Master Sword pedestal
triforce-hunt: 0 # Collect 20 of 30 Triforce pieces spread throughout the world, then turn them in to Murahadala in front of Hyrule Castle
tower_open: # Crystals required to open GT
'0': 0
'1': 0
'2': 0
'3': 0
'4': 0
'5': 0
'6': 0
'7': 0
random: 1
'0': 8
'1': 7
'2': 6
'3': 5
'4': 4
'5': 3
'6': 2
'7': 1
random: 0
ganon_open: # Crystals required to hurt Ganon
'0': 0
'1': 0
'2': 0
'3': 0
'4': 0
'5': 0
'6': 0
'7': 0
random: 1
'0': 8
'1': 7
'2': 6
'3': 5
'4': 4
'5': 3
'6': 2
'7': 1
random: 0
standard: 1 # Do standard escape to bring Zelda to Sanctuary
open: 9 # Start with the ability to skip the standard opening and go where you want
inverted: 0 # You start in the Dark World, the Light World has changes to it's Map and requires a Moon Pearl to not be Bunny
retro: 0 # Keys are universal, you have to buy a quiver, there are take any caves and some other changes. Makes it more like Z1
standard: 1 # Begin the game by rescuing Zelda from her cell and escorting her to the Sanctuary.
open: 1 # Begin the game from your choice of Link's House or the Sanctuary
inverted: 0 # Begin in the Dark World. The Moon Pearl is required to avoid bunny-state in Light World, and the Light World game map is altered
retro: 0 # Small keys are universal, you must buy a quiver, take-any caves and an old-man cave are added to the world. You may need to find your sword from the old man's cave
'on': 1 # Hint tiles can give useful item location hints on occasion
'off': 0 # You get gameplay hints, but not location/item hints
weapons: # this means swords
randomized: 5 # Your swords can be anywhere
assured: 2 # You start with a sword, the rest are anywhere
vanilla: 3 # Your swords are in vanilla locations in your own game (Uncle, Pyramid Fairy, Smiths, Pedestal)
swordless: 0 # You don't have a sword. A hammer can be used like a Master Sword in certain situations
'on': 1 # Hint tiles sometimes give item location hints
'off': 0 # Hint tiles provide gameplay tips
weapons: # Specifically, swords
randomized: 0 # Swords are placed randomly throughout the world
assured: 1 # Begin with a sword, the rest are placed randomly throughout the world
vanilla: 0 # Swords are placed in vanilla locations in your own game (Uncle, Pyramid Fairy, Smiths, Pedestal)
swordless: 0 # Your swords are replaced by rupees. Gameplay changes have been made to accommodate this change.
normal: 1
hard: 0
expert: 0
crowd_control: 0
normal: 1 # Item availability remains unchanged from the vanilla game
hard: 0 # Reduced upgrade availability (max: 14 hearts, green mail, tempered sword, fire shield, no silvers unless swordless)
expert: 0 # Minimum upgrade availability (max: 8 hearts, green mail, master sword, fighter shield, no silvers unless swordless)
crowd_control: 0 # Unless you know what you're doing, leave this at 0
normal: 1
hard: 0
expert: 0
normal: 1 # Vanilla game item functionality
hard: 0 # Reduced helpfulness of items (potions less effective, can't catch faeries, cape uses double magic, byrna does not grant invulnerability, boomerangs do not stun, silvers disabled outside ganon)
expert: 0 # Vastly helpfulness of items (potions barely effective, can't catch faeries, cape uses double magic, byrna does not grant invulnerability, boomerangs and hookshot do not stun, silvers disabled outside ganon)
none: 1
simple: 0 # existing bosses gets shuffled around
full: 0 # all bosses exist once, except 3 can appear twice
random: 0 # any boss can appear any number of times
none: 1 # No boss shuffle
simple: 0 # Existing bosses except Ganon and Agahnim are shuffled throughout dungeons
full: 0 # Replace GT bosses with random bosses, then follow simple logic
random: 0 # Choose from one of the above options
none: 1
shuffled: 0 # enemies get shuffled around
random: 0 # any enemy can appear any number of times
none: 1 # Vanilla enemy placement
shuffled: 0 # Enemies are randomized
random: 0 # Choose one of the above
default: 1
shuffled: 0 # damage tables get shuffled, however armor effects are not
random: 0 # all damages are completely shuffled, including armor effects, making it possible red mail is worse than green
default: 1 # Vanilla enemy damage
shuffled: 0 # Enemies do a randomized amount of damage
random: 0 # Choose one of the above
default: 1
easy: 0
hard: 0
expert: 0
pot_shuffle: # Shuffle pots, their contents and whatever is hiding under them. Broken with any door shuffle that is not vanilla, do not combine
on: 0
off: 1
beemizer: # replace items with bees, that will attack you
0: 1
1: 0 # max 15 hearts
2: 0 # max 10 hearts
3: 0
4: 0
default: 1 # Vanilla enemy HP
easy: 0 # Enemies have reduced health
hard: 0 # Enemies have increased health
expert: 0 # Enemies have greatly increased health
'on': 0 # Keys, items, and buttons hidden under pots in dungeons are shuffled with other pots in their supertile
'off': 1 # Default pot item locations
beemizer: # Remove items from the global item pool and replace them with single bees and bee traps
0: 1 # No bee traps are placed
1: 0 # 25% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps
2: 0 # 60% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 20% could be single bees
3: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 50% could be single bees
4: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps
none: 1
timed: 0
@ -128,39 +152,39 @@ remote_items: # Warning: currently broken. Stores all your items on the server,
on: 0 # intended for racing, as the item information is missing from the ROM
off: 1
random: 1
randomonhit: 1
link: 1 # to get other sprite names, open up gui/Creator, select a sprite and write down the sprite name as it is there
disablemusic: off # turn on for V30 MSU packs
extendedmsu: off #turn on to have V31 extended MSU support
on: 1 # press L/R to swap items without opening the menu
off: 0
sprite: # Enter the name of your preferred sprite and weight it appropriately
random: 0
randomonhit: 0
link: 1
disablemusic: off # If "on", all in-game music will be disabled
extendedmsu: on # If "on", V31 extended MSU support will be available
quickswap: # Enable switching items by pressing the L+R shoulder buttons
on: 0
off: 1
menuspeed: # Control how fast the item menu opens and closes
normal: 1
instant: 0
double: 0
triple: 0
quadruple: 0
half: 0
heartcolor: # Control the color of your health hearts
red: 1
blue: 1
green: 1
yellow: 1
blue: 0
green: 0
yellow: 0
random: 0
heartbeep: # Control the frequency of the low-health beeping
double: 0
normal: 1
half: 0
quarter: 0
off: 0
default: 1
random: 1 # shuffle the palette of overworld colors
blackout: 0 # makes everything blank, making it almost a blind playthrough
default: 1
random: 1 # shuffle the palette of dungeon/cave colors
blackout: 0 # makes everything blank, making it almost a blind playthrough
ow_palettes: # Change the colors of the overworld
default: 1 # No changes
random: 0 # Shuffle the colors
blackout: 0 # Never use this
uw_palettes: # Change the colors of caves and dungeons
default: 1 # No changes
random: 0 # Shuffle the colors
blackout: 0 # Never use this
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ multi_mystery_options:
zip_spoiler: 0
#include the multidata file in the zip, 2 -> delete the non-zipped one, which also means the server won't autostart
zip_multidata: 0
#zip algorithm to use
#zip algorithm to use. zip is recommended for patch files, 7z is recommended for roms. All of them get the job done.
zip_format: 1 # 1 -> zip, 2 -> 7z, 3->bz2
#create roms flagged as race roms
race: 0
@ -1,116 +1,133 @@
#define sourcepath "build\\"
#define MyAppName "BerserkerMultiWorld"
#define MyAppExeName "BerserkerMultiClient.exe"
#define MyAppIcon "icon.ico"
; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
OutputBaseFilename=Setup {#MyAppName}
LicenseFile= LICENSE
WizardStyle= modern
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}";
NAME: "{app}"; Flags: setntfscompression; Permissions: everyone-modify users-modify authusers-modify;
Source: "{code:GetROMPath}"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc"; Flags: external
Source: "{#sourcepath}*"; Excludes: "*.key, *.log, *.hpkey"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Source: "vc_redist.x64.exe"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: deleteafterinstall
; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName} Folder"; Filename: "{app}";
Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}";
Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName} Folder"; Filename: "{app}"; Tasks: desktopicon
Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
Filename: "{tmp}\vc_redist.x64.exe"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Check: IsVCRedist64BitNeeded; StatusMsg: "Installing VC++ redistributable..."
; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
Type: dirifempty; Name: "{app}"
Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".bmbp"; ValueData: "{#MyAppName}patch"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}patch"; ValueData: "{#MyAppName} Patch"; Flags: uninsdeletekey; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}patch\DefaultIcon"; ValueData: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName},0"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}patch\shell\open\command"; ValueData: """{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"" ""%1"""; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
// See:
function IsVCRedist64BitNeeded(): boolean;
strVersion: string;
if (RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x64', 'Version', strVersion)) then
// Is the installed version at least 14.24 ?
Log('VC Redist x64 Version : found ' + strVersion);
Result := (CompareStr(strVersion, 'v14.24.28127.4') < 0);
// Not even an old version installed
Log('VC Redist x64 is not already installed');
Result := True;
var ROMFilePage: TInputFileWizardPage;
var R : longint;
procedure InitializeWizard();
ROMFilePage :=
'Select ROM File',
'Where is your Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc located?',
'Select the file, then click Next.');
'Location of ROM file:',
'SNES ROM files|*.sfc|All files|*.*',
function GetROMPath(Param: string): string;
if Assigned(RomFilePage) then
R := CompareStr(GetMD5OfFile(ROMFilePage.Values[0]), '03a63945398191337e896e5771f77173')
if R <> 0 then
MsgBox('ROM validation failed. Very likely wrong file.', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := ROMFilePage.Values[0]
Result := '';
#define sourcepath "build\\"
#define MyAppName "BerserkerMultiWorld"
#define MyAppExeName "BerserkerMultiClient.exe"
#define MyAppIcon "icon.ico"
; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
OutputBaseFilename=Setup {#MyAppName}
LicenseFile= LICENSE
WizardStyle= modern
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}";
NAME: "{app}"; Flags: setntfscompression; Permissions: everyone-modify users-modify authusers-modify;
Source: "{code:GetROMPath}"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc"; Flags: external
Source: "{#sourcepath}*"; Excludes: "*.key, *.log, *.hpkey"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Source: "vc_redist.x64.exe"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: deleteafterinstall
; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName} Folder"; Filename: "{app}";
Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}";
Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName} Folder"; Filename: "{app}"; Tasks: desktopicon
Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
Filename: "{tmp}\vc_redist.x64.exe"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Check: IsVCRedist64BitNeeded; StatusMsg: "Installing VC++ redistributable..."
Type: dirifempty; Name: "{app}"
Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".bmbp"; ValueData: "{#MyAppName}patch"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}patch"; ValueData: "{#MyAppName} Patch"; Flags: uninsdeletekey; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}patch\DefaultIcon"; ValueData: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName},0"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "{#MyAppName}patch\shell\open\command"; ValueData: """{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"" ""%1"""; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""
// See:
function IsVCRedist64BitNeeded(): boolean;
strVersion: string;
if (RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x64', 'Version', strVersion)) then
// Is the installed version at least 14.24 ?
Log('VC Redist x64 Version : found ' + strVersion);
Result := (CompareStr(strVersion, 'v14.24.28127.4') < 0);
// Not even an old version installed
Log('VC Redist x64 is not already installed');
Result := True;
var ROMFilePage: TInputFileWizardPage;
var R : longint;
var rom: string;
procedure InitializeWizard();
rom := FileSearch('Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc', WizardDirValue());
if Length(rom) > 0 then
log('existing ROM found');
log(IntToStr(CompareStr(GetMD5OfFile(rom), '03a63945398191337e896e5771f77173')));
if CompareStr(GetMD5OfFile(rom), '03a63945398191337e896e5771f77173') = 0 then
log('existing ROM verified');
log('existing ROM failed verification');
rom := ''
ROMFilePage :=
'Select ROM File',
'Where is your Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc located?',
'Select the file, then click Next.');
'Location of ROM file:',
'SNES ROM files|*.sfc|All files|*.*',
function GetROMPath(Param: string): string;
if Length(rom) > 0 then
Result := rom
else if Assigned(RomFilePage) then
R := CompareStr(GetMD5OfFile(ROMFilePage.Values[0]), '03a63945398191337e896e5771f77173')
if R <> 0 then
MsgBox('ROM validation failed. Very likely wrong file.', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := ROMFilePage.Values[0]
Result := '';
@ -100,5 +100,11 @@ extra_data = ["LICENSE", "data", "EnemizerCLI", "host.yaml", "QUsb2Snes", "meta.
for data in extra_data:
os.makedirs(buildfolder / "Players", exist_ok=True)
shutil.copyfile("easy.yaml", buildfolder / "Players" / "easy.yaml")
qusb2sneslog = buildfolder / "QUsb2Snes" / "log.txt"
if os.path.exists(qusb2sneslog):
Reference in New Issue