Update crystal placing logic to consider implications of --shuffleganon option.

This commit is contained in:
LLCoolDave 2017-07-17 22:29:32 +02:00
parent 1e644836bb
commit 1af6edf793
2 changed files with 40 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import random
# ToDo: With shuffle_ganon option, prevent gtower from linking to an exit only location through a 2 entrance cave.
def link_entrances(world):
ret = []
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ def link_entrances(world):
dungeon_exits.append(('Hyrule Castle Exit (South)', 'Hyrule Castle Exit (West)', 'Hyrule Castle Exit (East)'))
lw_entrances.append('Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)')
if world.goal == 'ganon':
if not world.shuffle_ganon:
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Ganons Tower', 'Ganons Tower Exit'))
dw_entrances.append('Ganons Tower')
@ -119,12 +121,9 @@ def link_entrances(world):
# place dam and pyramid fairy, have limited options
# ToDo Dam might be behind fat fairy if we later check for this when placing crystal 5 and 6
bomb_shop = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, bomb_shop, 'Big Bomb Shop'))
dam = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, dam, 'Dam'))
# tavern back door cannot be shuffled yet
@ -180,12 +179,9 @@ def link_entrances(world):
# place dam and pyramid fairy, have limited options
# ToDo Dam might be behind fat fairy if we later check for this when placing crystal 5 and 6
bomb_shop = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, bomb_shop, 'Big Bomb Shop'))
dam = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, dam, 'Dam'))
# tavern back door cannot be shuffled yet
@ -217,7 +213,7 @@ def link_entrances(world):
caves.append(('Hyrule Castle Exit (South)', 'Hyrule Castle Exit (West)', 'Hyrule Castle Exit (East)'))
lw_entrances.append('Hyrule Castle Entrance (South)')
if world.goal == 'ganon':
if not world.shuffle_ganon:
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Ganons Tower', 'Ganons Tower Exit'))
dw_entrances.append('Ganons Tower')
@ -261,12 +257,9 @@ def link_entrances(world):
# place dam and pyramid fairy, have limited options
# ToDo Dam might be behind fat fairy if we later check for this when placing crystal 5 and 6
bomb_shop = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, bomb_shop, 'Big Bomb Shop'))
dam = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, dam, 'Dam'))
# tavern back door cannot be shuffled yet
@ -325,7 +318,7 @@ def link_entrances(world):
hole_targets.append(('Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance Exit', 'Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance'))
lw_entrances.append('Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance Stairs')
if world.goal == 'ganon':
if not world.shuffle_ganon:
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Ganons Tower', 'Ganons Tower Exit'))
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Pyramid Entrance', 'Pyramid Exit'))
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, 'Pyramid Hole', 'Pyramid'))
@ -507,12 +500,9 @@ def link_entrances(world):
# place dam and pyramid fairy, have limited options
# ToDo Dam might be behind fat fairy if we later check for this when placing crystal 5 and 6
bomb_shop = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, bomb_shop, 'Big Bomb Shop'))
dam = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, dam, 'Dam'))
# tavern back door cannot be shuffled yet
@ -557,7 +547,7 @@ def link_entrances(world):
entrances.append('Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance Stairs')
caves.append('Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance Exit')
if world.goal == 'ganon':
if not world.shuffle_ganon:
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Ganons Tower', 'Ganons Tower Exit'))
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Pyramid Entrance', 'Pyramid Exit'))
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, 'Pyramid Hole', 'Pyramid'))
@ -652,12 +642,9 @@ def link_entrances(world):
# place dam and pyramid fairy, have limited options
# ToDo Dam might be behind fat fairy if we later check for this when placing crystal 5 and 6
bomb_shop = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, bomb_shop, 'Big Bomb Shop'))
dam = bomb_shop_doors.pop()
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, dam, 'Dam'))
# tavern back door cannot be shuffled yet
@ -750,7 +737,7 @@ def scramble_holes(world):
('Lumberjack Tree Exit', 'Lumberjack Tree (top)'),
('Sanctuary Exit', 'Sewer Drop')]
if world.goal == 'ganon':
if not world.shuffle_ganon:
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Pyramid Entrance', 'Pyramid Exit'))
ret.append(connect_entrance(world, 'Pyramid Hole', 'Pyramid'))
@ -883,7 +870,7 @@ def simple_shuffle_dungeons(world):
dungeon_entrances = ['Eastern Palace', 'Tower of Hera', 'Thieves Town', 'Skull Woods Final Section', 'Palace of Darkness', 'Ice Palace', 'Misery Mire', 'Swamp Palace']
dungeon_exits = ['Eastern Palace Exit', 'Tower of Hera Exit', 'Thieves Town Exit', 'Skull Woods Final Section Exit', 'Dark Palace Exit', 'Ice Palace Exit', 'Misery Mire Exit', 'Swamp Palace Exit']
if world.goal == 'ganon':
if not world.shuffle_ganon:
ret.append(connect_two_way(world, 'Ganons Tower', 'Ganons Tower Exit'))
dungeon_entrances.append('Ganons Tower')
@ -1179,7 +1166,8 @@ Single_Cave_Targets = ['Thiefs Hut',
'Dark World Shop',
'Lumberjack House',
'Fortune Teller (Light)',
'Kakariko Gamble Game']
'Kakariko Gamble Game',
# these are connections that cannot be shuffled and always exist. They link together separate parts of the world we need to divide into regions
mandatory_connections = [('Links House', 'Links House'), # unshuffled. For now

View File

@ -483,11 +483,35 @@ def generate_itempool(world):
world.itempool.append(ItemFactory('Magic Upgrade (1/2)'))
# distribute crystals
crystals = ItemFactory(['Green Pendant', 'Red Pendant', 'Blue Pendant', 'Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6', 'Crystal 7'])
crystal_locations = [world.get_location('Armos - Pendant'), world.get_location('Lanmolas - Pendant'), world.get_location('Moldorm - Pendant'), world.get_location('Helmasaur - Crystal'),
world.get_location('Blind - Crystal'), world.get_location('Mothula - Crystal'), world.get_location('Arrghus - Crystal'), world.get_location('Kholdstare - Crystal'),
world.get_location('Vitreous - Crystal'), world.get_location('Trinexx - Crystal')]
crystals = ItemFactory(['Green Pendant', 'Red Pendant', 'Blue Pendant'])
crystal_locations = [world.get_location('Trinexx - Crystal')]
if world.shuffle_ganon:
# ensure that no crystal gets locked inside of ganons tower location as that is unsolvable
for region, crystallocation in [('Eastern Palace', 'Armos - Pendant'), ('Desert Palace North', 'Lanmolas - Pendant'), ('Tower of Hera (Bottom)', 'Moldorm - Pendant'),
('Dark Palace (Entrance)', 'Helmasaur - Crystal'), ('Thieves Town (Entrance)', 'Blind - Crystal'), ('Skull Woods Final Section (Entrance)', 'Mothula - Crystal'),
('Swamp Palace (Entrance)', 'Arrghus - Crystal'), ('Ice Palace (Entrance)', 'Kholdstare - Crystal'), ('Misery Mire (Entrance)', 'Vitreous - Crystal')]:
if world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower').connected_region.name == region:
# can't place a crystal here
world.push_item(world.get_location(crystallocation), crystals.pop(), False)
crystal_locations += [world.get_location('Armos - Pendant'), world.get_location('Lanmolas - Pendant'), world.get_location('Moldorm - Pendant'), world.get_location('Helmasaur - Crystal'),
world.get_location('Blind - Crystal'), world.get_location('Mothula - Crystal'), world.get_location('Arrghus - Crystal'), world.get_location('Kholdstare - Crystal'),
world.get_location('Vitreous - Crystal')]
crystals.extend(ItemFactory(['Crystal 1', 'Crystal 2', 'Crystal 3', 'Crystal 4', 'Crystal 7']))
# check if dam is behind pyramid fairy, if so, swamp can't hold a crystal
if world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy').connected_region.name == 'Dam':
crystallocation = crystal_locations.pop(crystal_locations.index(world.get_location('Arrghus - Crystal')))
world.push_item(world.get_location(crystallocation), crystals.pop(), False)
crystals.extend(ItemFactory(['Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6']))
for location, crystal in zip(crystal_locations, crystals):
world.push_item(location, crystal, False)
location.event = True
@ -518,8 +542,6 @@ def copy_world(world):
for entrance in region.entrances:
# fill locations
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.item is not None:
@ -536,6 +558,8 @@ def copy_world(world):
# copy progress items in state
ret.state.prog_items = list(world.state.prog_items)
return ret