From 1c587f9ce1e357804e1802b28f67344a9435d68a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kevin Cathcart Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2018 21:17:17 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Update various texts Especially the puns. which now have more variety --- | 2 +- | 5 +- | 261 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 3 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index e121e721..01597ece 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ item_table = {'Bow': (True, False, None, 0x0B, 'You have\nchosen the\narcher cla 'Mushroom': (True, False, None, 0x29, 'I\'m a fun guy!\n\nI\'m a funghi!', 'and the legal drugs', 'the drug-dealing kid', 'legal drugs for sale', 'shroom swap', 'shroom boy sells drugs again'), 'Shovel': (True, False, None, 0x13, 'Can\n You\n Dig it?', 'and the fetch quest', 'archaeologist kid', 'dirt spade for sale', 'can you dig it', 'shovel boy digs again'), 'Lamp': (True, False, None, 0x12, 'Baby, baby,\nbaby.\nLight my way!', 'and the flashlight', 'light-shining kid', 'flashlight for sale', 'fungus for illumination', 'illuminated boy can see again'), - 'Magic Powder': (True, False, None, 0x0D, 'you can turn\nanti-faeries\ninto fairies', 'and the magic sack', 'the sack-holding kid', 'magic sack for sale', 'the witch and assistant', 'magic boy plays marbles again'), + 'Magic Powder': (True, False, None, 0x0D, 'you can turn\nanti-faeries\ninto faeries', 'and the magic sack', 'the sack-holding kid', 'magic sack for sale', 'the witch and assistant', 'magic boy plays marbles again'), 'Moon Pearl': (True, False, None, 0x1F, ' Bunny Link\n be\n gone!', 'and the jaw breaker', 'fortune-telling kid', 'lunar orb for sale', 'shrooms for moon rock', 'moon boy plays ball again'), 'Cane of Somaria': (True, False, None, 0x15, 'I make blocks\nto hold down\nswitches!', 'and the red blocks', 'the block-making kid', 'block stick for sale', 'block stick for trade', 'cane boy makes blocks again'), 'Fire Rod': (True, False, None, 0x07, 'I\'m the hot\nrod. I make\nthings burn!', 'and the flamethrower', 'fire-starting kid', 'rage rod for sale', 'fungus for rage-rod', 'firestarter boy burns again'), diff --git a/ b/ index b42b4154..03040ac2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import random from Dungeons import dungeon_music_addresses from Text import string_to_alttp_text, text_addresses, Credits from Text import Uncle_texts, Ganon1_texts, PyramidFairy_texts, TavernMan_texts, Sahasrahla2_texts, Triforce_texts, Blind_texts, BombShop2_texts -from Text import KingsReturn_texts, Sanctuary_texts, Kakariko_texts, Blacksmiths_texts, DeathMountain_texts, LostWoods_texts, WishingWell_texts, DesertPalace_texts, MountainTower_texts, LinksHouse_texts, Lumberjacks_texts, SickKid_texts, FluteBoy_texts, Zora_texts, MagicShop_texts +from Text import KingsReturn_texts, Sanctuary_texts, Kakariko_texts, Blacksmiths_texts, DeathMountain_texts, LostWoods_texts, WishingWell_texts, DesertPalace_texts, MountainTower_texts, LinksHouse_texts, Lumberjacks_texts, SickKid_texts, FluteBoy_texts, Zora_texts, MagicShop_texts, Sahasrahla_names from Utils import local_path @@ -911,7 +911,8 @@ def write_strings(rom, world): credits.update_credits_line('castle', 0, random.choice(KingsReturn_texts)) credits.update_credits_line('sancturary', 0, random.choice(Sanctuary_texts)) - credits.update_credits_line('kakariko', 0, random.choice(Kakariko_texts)) + + credits.update_credits_line('kakariko', 0, random.choice(Kakariko_texts).format(random.choice(Sahasrahla_names))) credits.update_credits_line('desert', 0, random.choice(DesertPalace_texts)) credits.update_credits_line('hera', 0, random.choice(MountainTower_texts)) credits.update_credits_line('house', 0, random.choice(LinksHouse_texts)) diff --git a/ b/ index 1e54562c..a619a22a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -16,31 +16,250 @@ text_addresses = {'Pedestal': (0x180300, 256), 'Ganon2Invincible': (0x181200, 256)} -Uncle_texts = ['Good Luck!\nYou will need it.', 'Forward this message to 10 other people or this seed will be awful.', 'I hope you like your seeds bootless and fluteless.', - '10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\nGo!', 'I have crippling depression.', 'I\'m off to visit cousin Fritzl.'] -Triforce_texts = ['Product has Hole in center. Bad seller, 0 out of 5.', 'Who stole the fourth triangle?', 'Trifource?\nMore Like Tritrice, am I right?' - '\n Well Done!', 'You just wasted 2 hours of your life.', 'This was meant to be a trapezoid'] +Uncle_texts = [ + 'Good Luck!\nYou will need it.', + 'Forward this message to 10 other people or this seed will be awful.', + 'I hope you like your seeds bootless and fluteless.', + '10\n9\n8\n7\n6\n5\n4\n3\n2\n1\nGo!', + 'I\'m off to visit cousin Fritzl.' +] * 2 + [ + "We're out of\nWeetabix. To\nthe store!", + "This seed is\nbootless\nuntil boots.", + "Why do we only\nhave one bed?", + "This is the\nonly textbox.", + "I'm going to\ngo watch the\nMoth tutorial.", + "This seed is\nthe worst.", + "Chasing tail.\nFly ladies.\nDo not follow.", + "I feel like\nI've done this\nbefore...", + "Magic cape can\npass through\nthe barrier!", + "If this is a\nKanzeon seed,\nI'm quitting.", + "I am not your\nreal uncle.", + "You're going\nto have a very\nbad time.", + "Today you\nwill have\nbad luck.", + "I am leaving\nforever.\nGoodbye.", + "Don't worry.\nI got this\ncovered.", + "Race you to\nthe castle!", + "\n hi", + "I'M JUST GOING\nOUT FOR A\nPACK OF SMOKES", + "It's dangerous\nto go alone.\nSee ya!", + "ARE YOU A BAD\nENOUGH DUDE TO\nRESCUE ZELDA?", + "\n\n I AM ERROR", + "This seed is\nsub 2 hours,\nguaranteed.", + "The chest is\na secret to\neverybody.", + "I'm off to\nfind the\nwind fish.", + "The shortcut\nto Ganon\nis this way!", + "THE MOON IS\nCRASHING! RUN\nFOR YOUR LIFE!", + "Time to fight\nhe who must\nnot be named.", + "RED MAIL\nIS FOR\nCOWARDS.", + "HEY!\n\nLISTEN!", + "Well\nexcuuuuuse me,\nprincess!", + "5,000 Rupee\nreward for >\nYou're boned", + "Welcome to\nStoops Lonk's\nHoose", + "Erreur de\ntraduction.\nsvp reessayer", + "I could beat\nit in an hour\nand one life", + "I thought this\nwas open mode?", +] +Triforce_texts = [ + 'Product has Hole in center. Bad seller, 0 out of 5.', + 'Who stole the fourth triangle?', + 'Trifource?\nMore Like Tritrice, am I right?' + '\n Well Done!', + 'You just wasted 2 hours of your life.', + 'This was meant to be a trapezoid' +] * 2 + [ + "\n G G", + "All your base\nare belong\nto us.", + "You have ended\nthe domination\nof dr. wily", + " thanks for\n playing!!!", + "\n You Win!", + " Thank you!\n your quest\n is over.", + " A winner\n is\n you!", + "\n WINNER!!", + "\n I'm sorry\n\nbut your\nprincess is in\nanother castle", + "\n success!", + " Whelp…\n that just\n happened", + " Oh hey…\n it's you", + "\n Wheeeeee!!", + " Time for\n another one?", + "and\n\n scene", + "\n GOT EM!!", + "\nTHE VALUUUE!!!", + "Cool seed,\n\nright?", + "\n We did it!", + " Spam those\n emotes in\n wilds chat", + "\n O M G", + " Hello. Will\n you be my\n friend?", + " Beetorp\n was\n here!", + "The Wind Fish\nwill wake\nsoon. Hoot!", + "meow meow meow\nmeow meow meow\n oh my god!", + "Ahhhhhhhhh\nYa ya yaaaah\nYa ya yaaah", + ".done\n\n.comment lol", +] BombShop2_texts = ['Bombs!\nBombs!\nBiggest!\nBestest!\nGreatest!\nBoomest!'] PyramidFairy_texts = ['May I talk to you about our lord and savior, Ganon?'] Sahasrahla2_texts = ['You already got my item, idiot.', 'Why are you still talking to me?', 'This text won\'t change.', 'Have you met my brother, Hasarahshla?'] -Blind_texts = ['I bet you expected a vision related pun?\n\nNot Today.\n Didn\'t see that coming, did you?', 'What do you call a blind dinosaur?\n A Doyouthinkhe-saurus', - 'A blind man walks into a bar...\n\n\n and a table\n\n\n and a door.', - 'Why can\'t blind people eat fish?\n Because it\'s see food'] -Ganon1_texts = ['\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhy are you reading an empty textbox?', 'Hi', 'Hey, can you turn off the lights?', 'Oink Oink', - 'Uncle: How do you like my Ganon cosplay?', 'I\'ll try spinning - that\'s a good trick!', 'Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?'] -TavernMan_texts = ['Did you know that talking to random NPCs wastes time in a race? I hope this information may be of use to you in the future.'] +Blind_texts = [ + "I hate insect\npuns, they\nreally bug me.", + "I haven't seen\nthe eye doctor\nin years", + "I don't see\nyou having a\nbright future", + "Are you doing\na blind run\nof this game?", + "pizza joke? no\nI think it's a\nbit too cheesy", + "A novice skier\noften jumps to\ncontusions.", + "the beach?\nI'm not shore\nI can make it.", + "Rental agents\noffer quarters\nfor dollars.", + "I got my tires\nfixed for a\nflat rate.", + "New lightbulb\ninvented?\nEnlighten me.", + "A baker's job\nis a piece of\ncake.", + "My optometrist\nsaid I have\nvision!", + "when you're a\nbaker, don't\nloaf around", + "mire requires\nether quake,\nor bombos", + "Broken pencils\nare pointless.", + "The food they\nserve guards\nlasts sentries", + "being crushed\nby big objects\nis depressing.", + "A tap dancer's\nroutine runs\nhot and cold.", + "A weeknight is\na tiny\nnobleman", + "The chimney\nsweep wore a\nsoot and tye.", + "Gardeners like\nto spring into\naction.", + "bad at nuclear\nphysics. I\nGot no fission", +] +Ganon1_texts = [ + "Start your day\nsmiling with a\ndelicious\nwholegrain\nbreakfast\ncreated for\nyour\nincredible\ninsides.", + "You drove\naway my other\nself, Agahnim\ntwo times…\nBut, I won't\ngive you the\nTriforce.\nI'll defeat\nyou!", + "Impa says that\nthe mark on\nyour hand\nmeans that you\nare the hero\nchosen to\nawaken Zelda.\nyour blood can\nresurrect me.", + "Don't stand,\n\ndon't stand so\nDon't stand so\n\nclose to me\nDon't stand so\nclose to me\nback off buddy", + "So ya\nThought ya\nMight like to\ngo to the show\nTo feel the\nwarm thrill of\nconfusion\nThat space\ncadet glow.", + "Like other\npulmonate land\ngastropods,\nthe majority\nof land slugs\nhave two pairs\nof 'feelers'\nor tentacles\non their head.", + "If you were a\nburrito, what\nkind of a\nburrito would\nyou be?\nMe, I fancy I\nwould be a\nspicy barbacoa\nburrito.", + "I am your\nfather's\nbrother's\nnephew's\ncousin's\nformer\nroommate. What\ndoes that make\nus, you ask?", + "I'll be more\neager about\nencouraging\nthinking\noutside the\nbox when there\nis evidence of\nany thinking\ninside it.", + "If we're not\nmeant to have\nmidnight\nsnacks, then\nwhy is there\na light in the\nfridge?\n", + "I feel like we\nkeep ending up\nhere.\n\nDon't you?\n\nIt's like\ndeja vu\nall over again", + "Did you know?\nThe biggest\nand heaviest\ncheese ever\nproduced\nweighed\n57,518 pounds\nand was 32\nfeet long.", + "Now there was\na time, When\nyou loved me\nso. I couldn't\ndo wrong,\nAnd now you\nneed to know.\nSo How you\nlike me now?", + "Did you know?\nNutrition\nexperts\nrecommend that\nat least half\nof our daily\ngrains come\nfrom whole\ngrain products", +] +TavernMan_texts = [ + 'Did you know that talking to random NPCs wastes time in a race? I hope this information may be of use to you in the future.' +] + [ + "What do you\ncall a blind\ndinosaur?\nadoyouthink-\nhesaurus\n", + "A blind man\nwalks into\na bar.\nAnd a table.\nAnd a chair.\n", + "What do ducks\nlike to eat?\n\nQuackers!\n", + "How do you\nset up a party\nin space?\n\nYou planet!\n", + "I'm glad I\nknow sign\nlanguage,\nit's pretty\nhandy.\n", + "What did Zelda\nsay to Link at\na secure door?\n\nTRIFORCE!\n", + "I am on a\nseafood diet.\n\nEvery time\nI see food,\nI eat it.", + "I've decided\nto sell my\nvacuum.\nIt was just\ngathering\ndust.", + "Whats the best\ntime to go to\nthe dentist?\n\nTooth-hurtie!\n", + "Why can't a\nbike stand on\nits own?\n\nIt's two-tired!\n", + "If you haven't\nfound Quake\nyet…\nit's not your\nfault.", + "Why is Peter\nPan always\nflying?\nBecause he\nNeverlands!", + "I once told a\njoke to Armos.\n\nBut he\nremained\nstone-faced!", + "Lanmola was\nlate to our\ndinner party.\nHe just came\nfor the desert", + "Moldorm is\nsuch a\nprankster.\nAnd I fall for\nit every time!", + "Helmasaur is\nthrowing a\nparty.\nI hope it's\na masquerade!", + "I'd like to\nknow Arrghus\nbetter.\nBut he won't\ncome out of\nhis shell!", + "Mothula didn't\nhave much fun\nat the party.\nHe's immune to\nspiked punch!", + "Don't set me\nup with that\nchick from\nSteve's Town.\n\n\nI'm not\ninterested in\na Blind date!", + "Kholdstare is\nafraid to go\nto the circus.\nHungry kids\nthought he was\ncotton candy!", + "I asked who\nVitreous' best\nfriends are.\nHe said,\n'Me, Myself,\nand Eye!'", + "Trinexx can be\na hothead or\nhe can be an\nice guy. In\nthe end, he's\na solid\nindividual!", + "Bari thought I\nhad moved out\nof town.\nHe was shocked\nto see me!", + "I can only get\nWeetabix\naround here.\nI have to go\nto Steve's\nTown for Count\nChocula!", + "Don't argue\nwith a frozen\nDeadrock.\nHe'll never\nchange his\nposition!", + "I offered a\ndrink to a\nself-loathing\nGhini.\nHe said he\ndidn't like\nspirits!", + "I was supposed\nto meet Gibdo\nfor lunch.\nBut he got\nwrapped up in\nsomething!", + "Goriya sure\nhas changed\nin this game.\nI hope he\ncomes back\naround!", + "Hinox actually\nwants to be a\nlawyer.\nToo bad he\nbombed the\nBar exam!", + "I'm surprised\nMoblin's tusks\nare so gross.\nHe always has\nhis Trident\nwith him!", + "Don’t tell\nStalfos I’m\nhere.\nHe has a bone\nto pick with\nme!", + "I got\nWallmaster to\nhelp me move\nfurniture.\nHe was really\nhandy!", + "Wizzrobe was\njust here.\nHe always\nvanishes right\nbefore we get\nthe check!", + "I shouldn't\nhave picked up\nZora's tab.\nThat guy\ndrinks like\na fish!", + "I was sharing\na drink with\nPoe.\nFor no reason,\nhe left in a\nheartbeat!", + "Don’t trust\nhorsemen on\nDeath Mountain\nThey’re Lynel\nthe time!", + "Today's\nspecial is\nbattered bat.\nGot slapped\nfor offering a\nlady a Keese!", + "Don’t walk\nunder\npropellered\npineapples.\nYou may end up\nwearing\na pee hat!", + "My girlfriend\nburrowed under\nthe sand.\nSo I decided\nto Leever!", + "Geldman wants\nto be a\nBroadway star.\nHe’s always\npracticing\nJazz Hands!", + "Octoballoon\nmust be mad\nat me.\nHe blows up\nat the sight\nof me!", + "Toppo is a\ntotal pothead.\n\nHe hates it\nwhen you take\naway his grass", + "I lost my\nshield by\nthat house.\nWhy did they\nput up a\nPikit fence?!", + "Know that fox\nin Steve’s\nTown?\nHe’ll Pikku\npockets if you\naren't careful", + "Dash through\nDark World\nbushes.\nYou’ll see\nGanon is tryin\nto Stal you!", + "Eyegore!\n\nYou gore!\nWe all gore\nthose jerks\nwith arrows!", + "I like my\nwhiskey neat.\n\nSome prefer it\nOctoroks!", + "I consoled\nFreezor over a\ncup of coffee.\nHis problems\njust seemed to\nmelt away!", + "Magic droplets\nof water don’t\nshut up.\nThey just\nKyameron!", + "I bought hot\nwings for\nSluggula.\nThey gave him\nexplosive\ndiarrhea!", + "Hardhat Beetle\nwon’t\nLet It Be?\nTell it to Get\nBack or give\nit a Ticket to\nRide down\na hole!", +] -KingsReturn_texts = ['Who is this even', 'The Harem'] -Sanctuary_texts = ['A Priest\'s love'] -Kakariko_texts = ['Shasschahshahsahahrahsashsa', 'Schaschlik'] -Blacksmiths_texts = ['frogs for bread', 'That\'s not a sword', 'The Rupeesmiths'] -DeathMountain_texts = ['lost again', 'Alzheimer'] -LostWoods_texts = ['thieves\' stump', 'He\'s got wood', 'Dancing pickles'] -WishingWell_texts = ['Bottle for Bottle'] -DesertPalace_texts = ['literacy moves'] -MountainTower_texts = ['up up and away'] -LinksHouse_texts = ['Home Sweet Home', 'Only one bed'] -Lumberjacks_texts = ['Chop Chop', 'logfellas'] +KingsReturn_texts = [ + 'Who is this even', + 'The Harem' +] * 2 + [ + "the return of the king", + "fellowship of the ring", + "the two towers", +] +Sanctuary_texts = [ + 'A Priest\'s love' +] * 2 + [ + "the loyal priest", + "read a book", + "sits in own pew", +] +Sahasrahla_names = [ + "sahasralah", "sabotaging", "sacahuista", "sacahuiste", "saccharase", "saccharide", "saccharify", + "saccharine", "saccharins", "sacerdotal", "sackcloths", "salmonella", "saltarelli", "saltarello", + "saltations", "saltbushes", "saltcellar", "saltshaker", "salubrious", "sandgrouse", "sandlotter", + "sandstorms", "sandwiched", "sauerkraut", "schipperke", "schismatic", "schizocarp", "schmalzier", + "schmeering", "schmoosing", "shibboleth", "shovelnose", "sahananana", "sarararara", "salamander", + "sharshalah", "shahabadoo", "sassafrass", +] + +Kakariko_texts = ["{}'s homecoming"] +Blacksmiths_texts = [ + 'frogs for bread', + 'That\'s not a sword', + 'The Rupeesmiths' +] * 1 + [ + "the dwarven breadsmiths" +] +DeathMountain_texts = [ + "the lost old man", + "gary the old man", + "Your ad here" +] +LostWoods_texts = [ + 'thieves\' stump', + 'He\'s got wood', +] * 2 + [ + "the forest thief", + "dancing pickles", + "flying vultures", +] +WishingWell_texts = [ + "venus. queen of faeries", + "Venus was her name", + "I'm your Venus", + "Yeah, baby, shes got it", + "Venus, I'm your fire", + "Venus, At your desire", +] +DesertPalace_texts = ['vultures rule the desert', 'literacy moves'] +MountainTower_texts = ['the bully makes a friend', 'up up and away'] +LinksHouse_texts = ['your uncle recovers', 'Home Sweet Home', 'Only one bed'] +Lumberjacks_texts = [ + 'Chop Chop' +] * 2 + [ + "twin lumberjacks", + "fresh flapjacks", + "two woodchoppers", + "double lumberman", + "lumberclones", + "woodfellas", +] SickKid_texts = ['Next Time Stay Down'] Zora_texts = ['Splashes For Sale', 'Slippery when wet'] MagicShop_texts = ['Drug deal', 'Shrooms for days']