Patch: consolidate some if trees

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2021-11-14 21:03:17 +01:00
parent 16cd2760a4
commit 2dc8b77ddc
1 changed files with 17 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -47,19 +47,9 @@ def generate_yaml(patch: bytes, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, game: str = GAM
def generate_patch(rom: bytes, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, game: str = GAME_ALTTP) -> bytes:
if game == GAME_ALTTP:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game == GAME_SM:
from import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game == GAME_SOE:
file_name = Utils.get_options()["soe_options"]["rom"]
get_base_rom_bytes = lambda: bytes(read_rom(open(file_name, "rb")))
raise RuntimeError("Selected game for base rom not found.")
if metadata is None:
metadata = {}
patch = bsdiff4.diff(get_base_rom_bytes(), rom)
patch = bsdiff4.diff(get_base_rom_data(game), rom)
return generate_yaml(patch, metadata, game)
@ -80,27 +70,30 @@ def create_patch_file(rom_file_to_patch: str, server: str = "", destination: str
def create_rom_bytes(patch_file: str, ignore_version: bool = False) -> Tuple[dict, str, bytearray]:
data = Utils.parse_yaml(lzma.decompress(load_bytes(patch_file)).decode("utf-8-sig"))
game_name = data["game"]
if game_name in supported_games:
if game_name == GAME_ALTTP:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game_name == GAME_SM:
from import get_base_rom_bytes
raise Exception(f"No Patch handler for game {game_name}")
elif game_name == "alttp": # old version for A Link to the Past
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
raise Exception(f"Cannot handle game {game_name}")
if not ignore_version and data["compatible_version"] > current_patch_version:
raise RuntimeError("Patch file is incompatible with this patcher, likely an update is required.")
patched_data = bsdiff4.patch(get_base_rom_bytes(), data["patch"])
patched_data = bsdiff4.patch(get_base_rom_data(game_name), data["patch"])
rom_hash = patched_data[int(0x7FC0):int(0x7FD5)]
data["meta"]["hash"] = "".join(chr(x) for x in rom_hash)
target = os.path.splitext(patch_file)[0] + ".sfc"
return data["meta"], target, patched_data
def get_base_rom_data(game: str):
if game == GAME_ALTTP:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game == "alttp": # old version for A Link to the Past
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game == GAME_SM:
from import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game == GAME_SOE:
file_name = Utils.get_options()["soe_options"]["rom"]
get_base_rom_bytes = lambda: bytes(read_rom(open(file_name, "rb")))
raise RuntimeError("Selected game for base rom not found.")
return get_base_rom_bytes()
def create_rom_file(patch_file: str) -> Tuple[dict, str]:
data, target, patched_data = create_rom_bytes(patch_file)
with open(target, "wb") as f: