From 2f5a3e24dda9bbee50019d3a30f5e8d7b2d096e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bonta-kun <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 11:41:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Small shops refactor, cleanup some inverted mess

---     |   8 +- | 309 +--------------------------------------------        |  25 ++--            |   7 +-         |  69 ++++------             |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 374 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index ffdf060e..7e3740cc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -898,14 +898,14 @@ class ShopType(Enum):
     UpgradeShop = 2
 class Shop(object):
-    def __init__(self, region, room_id, type, shopkeeper_config, replaceable):
+    def __init__(self, region, room_id, type, shopkeeper_config, custom, locked):
         self.region = region
         self.room_id = room_id
         self.type = type
         self.inventory = [None, None, None]
         self.shopkeeper_config = shopkeeper_config
-        self.replaceable = replaceable
- = False
+        self.custom = custom
+        self.locked = locked
     def item_count(self):
@@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ class Spoiler(object):
         self.shops = []
         for shop in
-            if not
+            if not shop.custom:
             shopdata = {'location': str(shop.region),
                         'type': 'Take Any' if shop.type == ShopType.TakeAny else 'Shop'
diff --git a/ b/
index 81422609..cfbf5ed0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import collections
-from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Entrance, RegionType, Shop, ShopType
+from BaseClasses import RegionType
+from Regions import create_lw_region, create_dw_region, create_cave_region, create_dungeon_region
 def create_inverted_regions(world, player):
@@ -302,47 +303,8 @@ def create_inverted_regions(world, player):
         create_cave_region(player, 'The Sky', 'A Dark Sky', None, ['DDM Landing','NEDW Landing', 'WDW Landing', 'SDW Landing', 'EDW Landing', 'DD Landing', 'DLHL Landing']) 
-    for region_name, (room_id, shopkeeper, replaceable) in shop_table.items():
-        region = world.get_region(region_name, player)
-        shop = Shop(region, room_id, ShopType.Shop, shopkeeper, replaceable)
- = shop
-        world.shops.append(shop)
-        for index, (item, price) in enumerate(default_shop_contents[region_name]):
-            shop.add_inventory(index, item, price)
-    region = world.get_region('Capacity Upgrade', player)
-    shop = Shop(region, 0x0115, ShopType.UpgradeShop, 0x04, False)
- = shop
-    world.shops.append(shop)
-    shop.add_inventory(0, 'Bomb Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)
-    shop.add_inventory(1, 'Arrow Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)
-def create_lw_region(player, name, locations=None, exits=None):
-    return _create_region(player, name, RegionType.LightWorld, 'Light World', locations, exits)
-def create_dw_region(player, name, locations=None, exits=None):
-    return _create_region(player, name, RegionType.DarkWorld, 'Dark World', locations, exits)
-def create_cave_region(player, name, hint='Hyrule', locations=None, exits=None):
-    return _create_region(player, name, RegionType.Cave, hint, locations, exits)
-def create_dungeon_region(player, name, hint='Hyrule', locations=None, exits=None):
-    return _create_region(player, name, RegionType.Dungeon, hint, locations, exits)
-def _create_region(player, name, type, hint='Hyrule', locations=None, exits=None):
-    ret = Region(name, type, hint, player)
-    if locations is None:
-        locations = []
-    if exits is None:
-        exits = []
-    for exit in exits:
-        ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret))
-    for location in locations:
-        address, player_address, crystal, hint_text = location_table[location]
-        ret.locations.append(Location(player, location, address, crystal, hint_text, ret, player_address))
-    return ret
 def mark_dark_world_regions(world, player):
     # cross world caves may have some sections marked as both in_light_world, and in_dark_work.
@@ -372,270 +334,3 @@ def mark_dark_world_regions(world, player):
             if exit.connected_region not in seen:
-# (room_id, shopkeeper, replaceable)
-shop_table = {
-    'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': (0x0112, 0xC1, True),
-    'Red Shield Shop': (0x0110, 0xC1, True),
-    'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, False),
-    'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, True),
-    'Village of Outcasts Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, True),
-    'Dark World Potion Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, True),
-    'Light World Death Mountain Shop': (0x00FF, 0xA0, True),
-    'Kakariko Shop': (0x011F, 0xA0, True),
-    'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': (0x0112, 0xA0, True),
-    'Potion Shop': (0x0109, 0xFF, False),
-    # Bomb Shop not currently modeled as a shop, due to special nature of items
-# region, [item]
-# slot, item, price, max=0, replacement=None, replacement_price=0
-# item = (item, price)
-_basic_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Small Heart', 10), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
-_dark_world_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
-default_shop_contents = {
-    'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Red Shield Shop': [('Red Shield', 500), ('Bee', 10), ('Arrows (10)', 30)],
-    'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': [('Blue Potion', 160), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)],
-    'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': _dark_world_shop_defaults,
-    'Village of Outcasts Shop': _dark_world_shop_defaults,
-    'Dark World Potion Shop': _dark_world_shop_defaults,
-    'Light World Death Mountain Shop': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Kakariko Shop': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Potion Shop': [('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)],
-location_table = {'Mushroom': (0x180013, 0x186338, False, 'in the woods'),
-                  'Bottle Merchant': (0x2eb18, 0x186339, False, 'with a merchant'),
-                  'Flute Spot': (0x18014a, 0x18633d, False, 'underground'),
-                  'Sunken Treasure': (0x180145, 0x186354, False, 'underwater'),
-                  'Purple Chest': (0x33d68, 0x186359, False, 'from a box'),
-                  "Blind's Hideout - Top": (0xeb0f, 0x1862e3, False, 'in a basement'),
-                  "Blind's Hideout - Left": (0xeb12, 0x1862e6, False, 'in a basement'),
-                  "Blind's Hideout - Right": (0xeb15, 0x1862e9, False, 'in a basement'),
-                  "Blind's Hideout - Far Left": (0xeb18, 0x1862ec, False, 'in a basement'),
-                  "Blind's Hideout - Far Right": (0xeb1b, 0x1862ef, False, 'in a basement'),
-                  "Link's Uncle": (0x2df45, 0x18635f, False, 'with your uncle'),
-                  'Secret Passage': (0xe971, 0x186145, False, 'near your uncle'),
-                  'King Zora': (0xee1c3, 0x186360, False, 'at a high price'),
-                  "Zora's Ledge": (0x180149, 0x186358, False, 'near Zora'),
-                  'Waterfall Fairy - Left': (0xe9b0, 0x186184, False, 'near a fairy'),
-                  'Waterfall Fairy - Right': (0xe9d1, 0x1861a5, False, 'near a fairy'),
-                  "King's Tomb": (0xe97a, 0x18614e, False, 'alone in a cave'),
-                  'Floodgate Chest': (0xe98c, 0x186160, False, 'in the dam'),
-                  "Link's House": (0xe9bc, 0x186190, False, 'in your home'),
-                  'Kakariko Tavern': (0xe9ce, 0x1861a2, False, 'in the bar'),
-                  'Chicken House': (0xe9e9, 0x1861bd, False, 'near poultry'),
-                  "Aginah's Cave": (0xe9f2, 0x1861c6, False, 'with Aginah'),
-                  "Sahasrahla's Hut - Left": (0xea82, 0x186256, False, 'near the elder'),
-                  "Sahasrahla's Hut - Middle": (0xea85, 0x186259, False, 'near the elder'),
-                  "Sahasrahla's Hut - Right": (0xea88, 0x18625c, False, 'near the elder'),
-                  'Sahasrahla': (0x2f1fc, 0x186365, False, 'with the elder'),
-                  'Kakariko Well - Top': (0xea8e, 0x186262, False, 'in a well'),
-                  'Kakariko Well - Left': (0xea91, 0x186265, False, 'in a well'),
-                  'Kakariko Well - Middle': (0xea94, 0x186268, False, 'in a well'),
-                  'Kakariko Well - Right': (0xea97, 0x18626b, False, 'in a well'),
-                  'Kakariko Well - Bottom': (0xea9a, 0x18626e, False, 'in a well'),
-                  'Blacksmith': (0x18002a, 0x186366, False, 'with the smith'),
-                  'Magic Bat': (0x180015, 0x18635e, False, 'with the bat'),
-                  'Sick Kid': (0x339cf, 0x186367, False, 'with the sick'),
-                  'Hobo': (0x33e7d, 0x186368, False, 'with the hobo'),
-                  'Lost Woods Hideout': (0x180000, 0x186348, False, 'near a thief'),
-                  'Lumberjack Tree': (0x180001, 0x186349, False, 'in a hole'),
-                  'Cave 45': (0x180003, 0x18634b, False, 'alone in a cave'),
-                  'Graveyard Cave': (0x180004, 0x18634c, False, 'alone in a cave'),
-                  'Checkerboard Cave': (0x180005, 0x18634d, False, 'alone in a cave'),
-                  'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Left': (0xeb42, 0x186316, False, 'near Moldorms'),
-                  'Mini Moldorm Cave - Left': (0xeb45, 0x186319, False, 'near Moldorms'),
-                  'Mini Moldorm Cave - Right': (0xeb48, 0x18631c, False, 'near Moldorms'),
-                  'Mini Moldorm Cave - Far Right': (0xeb4b, 0x18631f, False, 'near Moldorms'),
-                  'Mini Moldorm Cave - Generous Guy': (0x180010, 0x18635a, False, 'near Moldorms'),
-                  'Ice Rod Cave': (0xeb4e, 0x186322, False, 'in a frozen cave'),
-                  'Bonk Rock Cave': (0xeb3f, 0x186313, False, 'alone in a cave'),
-                  'Library': (0x180012, 0x18635c, False, 'near books'),
-                  'Potion Shop': (0x180014, 0x18635d, False, 'near potions'),
-                  'Lake Hylia Island': (0x180144, 0x186353, False, 'on an island'),
-                  'Maze Race': (0x180142, 0x186351, False, 'at the race'),
-                  'Desert Ledge': (0x180143, 0x186352, False, 'in the desert'),
-                  'Desert Palace - Big Chest': (0xe98f, 0x186163, False, 'in Desert Palace'),
-                  'Desert Palace - Torch': (0x180160, 0x186362, False, 'in Desert Palace'),
-                  'Desert Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9b6, 0x18618a, False, 'in Desert Palace'),
-                  'Desert Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe9cb, 0x18619f, False, 'in Desert Palace'),
-                  'Desert Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9c2, 0x186196, False, 'in Desert Palace'),
-                  'Desert Palace - Boss': (0x180151, 0x18633f, False, 'with Lanmolas'),
-                  'Eastern Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe977, 0x18614b, False, 'in Eastern Palace'),
-                  'Eastern Palace - Big Chest': (0xe97d, 0x186151, False, 'in Eastern Palace'),
-                  'Eastern Palace - Cannonball Chest': (0xe9b3, 0x186187, False, 'in Eastern Palace'),
-                  'Eastern Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9b9, 0x18618d, False, 'in Eastern Palace'),
-                  'Eastern Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9f5, 0x1861c9, False, 'in Eastern Palace'),
-                  'Eastern Palace - Boss': (0x180150, 0x18633e, False, 'with the Armos'),
-                  'Master Sword Pedestal': (0x289b0, 0x186369, False, 'at the pedestal'),
-                  'Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest': (0xe974, 0x186148, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'),
-                  'Hyrule Castle - Map Chest': (0xeb0c, 0x1862e0, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'),
-                  "Hyrule Castle - Zelda's Chest": (0xeb09, 0x1862dd, False, 'in Hyrule Castle'),
-                  'Sewers - Dark Cross': (0xe96e, 0x186142, False, 'in the sewers'),
-                  'Sewers - Secret Room - Left': (0xeb5d, 0x186331, False, 'in the sewers'),
-                  'Sewers - Secret Room - Middle': (0xeb60, 0x186334, False, 'in the sewers'),
-                  'Sewers - Secret Room - Right': (0xeb63, 0x186337, False, 'in the sewers'),
-                  'Sanctuary': (0xea79, 0x18624d, False, 'in Sanctuary'),
-                  'Castle Tower - Room 03': (0xeab5, 0x186289, False, 'in Castle Tower'),
-                  'Castle Tower - Dark Maze': (0xeab2, 0x186286, False, 'in Castle Tower'),
-                  'Old Man': (0xf69fa, 0x186364, False, 'with the old man'),
-                  'Spectacle Rock Cave': (0x180002, 0x18634a, False, 'alone in a cave'),
-                  'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Left': (0xeb2a, 0x1862fe, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'),
-                  'Paradox Cave Lower - Left': (0xeb2d, 0x186301, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'),
-                  'Paradox Cave Lower - Right': (0xeb30, 0x186304, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'),
-                  'Paradox Cave Lower - Far Right': (0xeb33, 0x186307, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'),
-                  'Paradox Cave Lower - Middle': (0xeb36, 0x18630a, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'),
-                  'Paradox Cave Upper - Left': (0xeb39, 0x18630d, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'),
-                  'Paradox Cave Upper - Right': (0xeb3c, 0x186310, False, 'in a cave with seven chests'),
-                  'Spiral Cave': (0xe9bf, 0x186193, False, 'in spiral cave'),
-                  'Ether Tablet': (0x180016, 0x18633b, False, 'at a monolith'),
-                  'Spectacle Rock': (0x180140, 0x18634f, False, 'atop a rock'),
-                  'Tower of Hera - Basement Cage': (0x180162, 0x18633a, False, 'in Tower of Hera'),
-                  'Tower of Hera - Map Chest': (0xe9ad, 0x186181, False, 'in Tower of Hera'),
-                  'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest': (0xe9e6, 0x1861ba, False, 'in Tower of Hera'),
-                  'Tower of Hera - Compass Chest': (0xe9fb, 0x1861cf, False, 'in Tower of Hera'),
-                  'Tower of Hera - Big Chest': (0xe9f8, 0x1861cc, False, 'in Tower of Hera'),
-                  'Tower of Hera - Boss': (0x180152, 0x186340, False, 'with Moldorm'),
-                  'Pyramid': (0x180147, 0x186356, False, 'on the pyramid'),
-                  'Catfish': (0xee185, 0x186361, False, 'with a catfish'),
-                  'Stumpy': (0x330c7, 0x18636a, False, 'with tree boy'),
-                  'Digging Game': (0x180148, 0x186357, False, 'underground'),
-                  'Bombos Tablet': (0x180017, 0x18633c, False, 'at a monolith'),
-                  'Hype Cave - Top': (0xeb1e, 0x1862f2, False, 'near a bat-like man'),
-                  'Hype Cave - Middle Right': (0xeb21, 0x1862f5, False, 'near a bat-like man'),
-                  'Hype Cave - Middle Left': (0xeb24, 0x1862f8, False, 'near a bat-like man'),
-                  'Hype Cave - Bottom': (0xeb27, 0x1862fb, False, 'near a bat-like man'),
-                  'Hype Cave - Generous Guy': (0x180011, 0x18635b, False, 'with a bat-like man'),
-                  'Peg Cave': (0x180006, 0x18634e, False, 'alone in a cave'),
-                  'Pyramid Fairy - Left': (0xe980, 0x186154, False, 'near a fairy'),
-                  'Pyramid Fairy - Right': (0xe983, 0x186157, False, 'near a fairy'),
-                  'Brewery': (0xe9ec, 0x1861c0, False, 'alone in a home'),
-                  'C-Shaped House': (0xe9ef, 0x1861c3, False, 'alone in a home'),
-                  'Chest Game': (0xeda8, 0x18636b, False, 'as a prize'),
-                  'Bumper Cave Ledge': (0x180146, 0x186355, False, 'on a ledge'),
-                  'Mire Shed - Left': (0xea73, 0x186247, False, 'near sparks'),
-                  'Mire Shed - Right': (0xea76, 0x18624a, False, 'near sparks'),
-                  'Superbunny Cave - Top': (0xea7c, 0x186250, False, 'in a connection'),
-                  'Superbunny Cave - Bottom': (0xea7f, 0x186253, False, 'in a connection'),
-                  'Spike Cave': (0xea8b, 0x18625f, False, 'beyond spikes'),
-                  'Hookshot Cave - Top Right': (0xeb51, 0x186325, False, 'across pits'),
-                  'Hookshot Cave - Top Left': (0xeb54, 0x186328, False, 'across pits'),
-                  'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Right': (0xeb5a, 0x18632e, False, 'across pits'),
-                  'Hookshot Cave - Bottom Left': (0xeb57, 0x18632b, False, 'across pits'),
-                  'Floating Island': (0x180141, 0x186350, False, 'on an island'),
-                  'Mimic Cave': (0xe9c5, 0x186199, False, 'in a cave of mimicry'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Entrance': (0xea9d, 0x186271, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Map Chest': (0xe986, 0x18615a, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Big Chest': (0xe989, 0x18615d, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Compass Chest': (0xeaa0, 0x186274, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xeaa6, 0x18627a, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - West Chest': (0xeaa3, 0x186277, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Left': (0xeaa9, 0x18627d, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Flooded Room - Right': (0xeaac, 0x186280, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Waterfall Room': (0xeaaf, 0x186283, False, 'in Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Boss': (0x180154, 0x186342, False, 'with Arrghus'),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Big Key Chest": (0xea04, 0x1861d8, False, "in Thieves' Town"),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Map Chest": (0xea01, 0x1861d5, False, "in Thieves' Town"),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Compass Chest": (0xea07, 0x1861db, False, "in Thieves' Town"),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Ambush Chest": (0xea0a, 0x1861de, False, "in Thieves' Town"),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Attic": (0xea0d, 0x1861e1, False, "in Thieves' Town"),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Big Chest": (0xea10, 0x1861e4, False, "in Thieves' Town"),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Blind's Cell": (0xea13, 0x1861e7, False, "in Thieves' Town"),
-                  "Thieves' Town - Boss": (0x180156, 0x186344, False, 'with Blind'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Compass Chest': (0xe992, 0x186166, False, 'in Skull Woods'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Map Chest': (0xe99b, 0x18616f, False, 'in Skull Woods'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Big Chest': (0xe998, 0x18616c, False, 'in Skull Woods'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Pot Prison': (0xe9a1, 0x186175, False, 'in Skull Woods'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Pinball Room': (0xe9c8, 0x18619c, False, 'in Skull Woods'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Big Key Chest': (0xe99e, 0x186172, False, 'in Skull Woods'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Bridge Room': (0xe9fe, 0x1861d2, False, 'near Mothula'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Boss': (0x180155, 0x186343, False, 'with Mothula'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Compass Chest': (0xe9d4, 0x1861a8, False, 'in Ice Palace'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Freezor Chest': (0xe995, 0x186169, False, 'in Ice Palace'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Big Chest': (0xe9aa, 0x18617e, False, 'in Ice Palace'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Iced T Room': (0xe9e3, 0x1861b7, False, 'in Ice Palace'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Spike Room': (0xe9e0, 0x1861b4, False, 'in Ice Palace'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Big Key Chest': (0xe9a4, 0x186178, False, 'in Ice Palace'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Map Chest': (0xe9dd, 0x1861b1, False, 'in Ice Palace'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Boss': (0x180157, 0x186345, False, 'with Kholdstare'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Big Chest': (0xea67, 0x18623b, False, 'in Misery Mire'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Map Chest': (0xea6a, 0x18623e, False, 'in Misery Mire'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Main Lobby': (0xea5e, 0x186232, False, 'in Misery Mire'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Bridge Chest': (0xea61, 0x186235, False, 'in Misery Mire'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Spike Chest': (0xe9da, 0x1861ae, False, 'in Misery Mire'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Compass Chest': (0xea64, 0x186238, False, 'in Misery Mire'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Big Key Chest': (0xea6d, 0x186241, False, 'in Misery Mire'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Boss': (0x180158, 0x186346, False, 'with Vitreous'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Compass Chest': (0xea22, 0x1861f6, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Left': (0xea1c, 0x1861f0, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Roller Room - Right': (0xea1f, 0x1861f3, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Chain Chomps': (0xea16, 0x1861ea, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest': (0xea25, 0x1861f9, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Big Chest': (0xea19, 0x1861ed, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Crystaroller Room': (0xea34, 0x186208, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Left': (0xea31, 0x186205, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Right': (0xea2e, 0x186202, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Left': (0xea2b, 0x1861ff, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Right': (0xea28, 0x1861fc, False, 'in Turtle Rock'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Boss': (0x180159, 0x186347, False, 'with Trinexx'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Shooter Room': (0xea5b, 0x18622f, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Bridge': (0xea3d, 0x186211, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Stalfos Basement': (0xea49, 0x18621d, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest': (0xea37, 0x18620b, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - The Arena - Ledge': (0xea3a, 0x18620e, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Map Chest': (0xea52, 0x186226, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Compass Chest': (0xea43, 0x186217, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Left': (0xea4c, 0x186220, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Dark Basement - Right': (0xea4f, 0x186223, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Top': (0xea55, 0x186229, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Dark Maze - Bottom': (0xea58, 0x18622c, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Big Chest': (0xea40, 0x186214, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway': (0xea46, 0x18621a, False, 'in Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Boss': (0x180153, 0x186341, False, 'with Helmasaur King'),
-                  "Ganons Tower - Bob's Torch": (0x180161, 0x186363, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Left': (0xead9, 0x1862ad, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Hope Room - Right': (0xeadc, 0x1862b0, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Tile Room': (0xeae2, 0x1862b6, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Left': (0xeae5, 0x1862b9, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Top Right': (0xeae8, 0x1862bc, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Left': (0xeaeb, 0x1862bf, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Compass Room - Bottom Right': (0xeaee, 0x1862c2, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Left': (0xeab8, 0x18628c, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Top Right': (0xeabb, 0x18628f, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Left': (0xeabe, 0x186292, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - DMs Room - Bottom Right': (0xeac1, 0x186295, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Map Chest': (0xead3, 0x1862a7, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room': (0xead0, 0x1862a4, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Left': (0xeac4, 0x186298, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Right': (0xeac7, 0x18629b, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Left': (0xeaca, 0x18629e, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Right': (0xeacd, 0x1862a1, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  "Ganons Tower - Bob's Chest": (0xeadf, 0x1862b3, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Big Chest': (0xead6, 0x1862aa, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Left': (0xeaf4, 0x1862c8, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Right': (0xeaf7, 0x1862cb, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Big Key Chest': (0xeaf1, 0x1862c5, False, "in Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Left': (0xeafd, 0x1862d1, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room - Right': (0xeb00, 0x1862d4, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest': (0xeb03, 0x1862d7, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganons Tower - Validation Chest': (0xeb06, 0x1862da, False, "atop Ganon's Tower"),
-                  'Ganon': (None, None, False, 'from me'),
-                  'Agahnim 1': (None, None, False, 'from Ganon\'s wizardry form'),
-                  'Agahnim 2': (None, None, False, 'from Ganon\'s wizardry form'),
-                  'Floodgate': (None, None, False, None),
-                  'Frog': (None, None, False, None),
-                  'Missing Smith': (None, None, False, None),
-                  'Dark Blacksmith Ruins': (None, None, False, None),
-                  'Eastern Palace - Prize': ([0x1209D, 0x53EF8, 0x53EF9, 0x180052, 0x18007C, 0xC6FE], None, True, 'Eastern Palace'),
-                  'Desert Palace - Prize': ([0x1209E, 0x53F1C, 0x53F1D, 0x180053, 0x180078, 0xC6FF], None, True, 'Desert Palace'),
-                  'Tower of Hera - Prize': ([0x120A5, 0x53F0A, 0x53F0B, 0x18005A, 0x18007A, 0xC706], None, True, 'Tower of Hera'),
-                  'Palace of Darkness - Prize': ([0x120A1, 0x53F00, 0x53F01, 0x180056, 0x18007D, 0xC702], None, True, 'Palace of Darkness'),
-                  'Swamp Palace - Prize': ([0x120A0, 0x53F6C, 0x53F6D, 0x180055, 0x180071, 0xC701], None, True, 'Swamp Palace'),
-                  'Thieves\' Town - Prize': ([0x120A6, 0x53F36, 0x53F37, 0x18005B, 0x180077, 0xC707], None, True, 'Thieves\' Town'),
-                  'Skull Woods - Prize': ([0x120A3, 0x53F12, 0x53F13, 0x180058, 0x18007B, 0xC704], None, True, 'Skull Woods'),
-                  'Ice Palace - Prize': ([0x120A4, 0x53F5A, 0x53F5B, 0x180059, 0x180073, 0xC705], None, True, 'Ice Palace'),
-                  'Misery Mire - Prize': ([0x120A2, 0x53F48, 0x53F49, 0x180057, 0x180075, 0xC703], None, True, 'Misery Mire'),
-                  'Turtle Rock - Prize': ([0x120A7, 0x53F24, 0x53F25, 0x18005C, 0x180079, 0xC708], None, True, 'Turtle Rock')}
diff --git a/ b/
index 73e40043..7355a47f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ take_any_locations = [
     'Bonk Fairy (Dark)', 'Lake Hylia Healer Fairy', 'Swamp Healer Fairy', 'Desert Healer Fairy',
     'Dark Lake Hylia Healer Fairy', 'Dark Lake Hylia Ledge Healer Fairy', 'Dark Desert Healer Fairy',
     'Dark Death Mountain Healer Fairy', 'Long Fairy Cave', 'Good Bee Cave', '20 Rupee Cave',
-    'Kakariko Gamble Game', 'Capacity Upgrade', '50 Rupee Cave', 'Lost Woods Gamble', 'Hookshot Fairy',
+    'Kakariko Gamble Game', '50 Rupee Cave', 'Lost Woods Gamble', 'Hookshot Fairy',
     'Palace of Darkness Hint', 'East Dark World Hint', 'Archery Game', 'Dark Lake Hylia Ledge Hint',
     'Dark Lake Hylia Ledge Spike Cave', 'Fortune Teller (Dark)', 'Dark Sanctuary Hint', 'Dark Desert Hint']
@@ -287,9 +287,8 @@ def set_up_take_anys(world, player):
     entrance = world.get_region(reg, player).entrances[0]
     connect_entrance(world, entrance, old_man_take_any, player) = 0x58
- = Shop(old_man_take_any, 0x0112, ShopType.TakeAny, 0xE2, True)
+ = Shop(old_man_take_any, 0x0112, ShopType.TakeAny, 0xE2, True, True)
- = True
     swords = [item for item in world.itempool if item.type == 'Sword' and item.player == player]
     if swords:
@@ -310,9 +309,8 @@ def set_up_take_anys(world, player):
         entrance = world.get_region(reg, player).entrances[0]
         connect_entrance(world, entrance, take_any, player) = target
- = Shop(take_any, room_id, ShopType.TakeAny, 0xE3, True)
+ = Shop(take_any, room_id, ShopType.TakeAny, 0xE3, True, True)
- = True, 'Blue Potion', 0, 0), 'Boss Heart Container', 0, 0)
@@ -365,26 +363,19 @@ def fill_prizes(world, attempts=15):
 def set_up_shops(world, player):
-    # Changes to basic Shops
     # TODO: move hard+ mode changes for sheilds here, utilizing the new shops
-    for shop in world.shops:
- = True
     if world.retro[player]:
         rss = world.get_region('Red Shield Shop', player).shop
- = True
-        rss.add_inventory(2, 'Single Arrow', 80)
-    # Randomized changes to Shops
-    if world.retro[player]:
-        for shop in random.sample([s for s in world.shops if s.replaceable and s.region.player == player], 5):
-   = True
+        if not rss.locked:
+            rss.add_inventory(2, 'Single Arrow', 80)
+        for shop in random.sample([s for s in world.shops if s.custom and not s.locked and s.region.player == player], 5):
+            shop.locked = True
             shop.add_inventory(0, 'Single Arrow', 80)
             shop.add_inventory(1, 'Small Key (Universal)', 100)
             shop.add_inventory(2, 'Bombs (10)', 50)
+        rss.locked = True
-    #special shop types
 def get_pool_core(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, swords, retro):
     pool = []
diff --git a/ b/
index 5d5b974a..1fb0f11b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import zlib
 from BaseClasses import World, CollectionState, Item, Region, Location, Shop
 from Items import ItemFactory
-from Regions import create_regions, mark_light_world_regions
+from Regions import create_regions, create_shops, mark_light_world_regions
 from InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions, mark_dark_world_regions
 from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances, link_inverted_entrances
 from Rom import patch_rom, patch_race_rom, patch_enemizer, apply_rom_settings, LocalRom, JsonRom
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
             create_regions(world, player)
             create_inverted_regions(world, player)
+        create_shops(world, player)
         create_dungeons(world, player)'Shuffling the World about.')
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ def copy_world(world):
             create_regions(ret, player)
             create_inverted_regions(ret, player)
+        create_shops(ret, player)
         create_dungeons(ret, player)
     copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret)
@@ -262,7 +264,6 @@ def copy_world(world):
     for shop in world.shops:
         copied_shop = ret.get_region(, shop.region.player).shop
- =
         copied_shop.inventory = copy.copy(shop.inventory)
     # connect copied world
@@ -308,7 +309,7 @@ def copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret):
         # Note: ideally exits should be copied here, but the current use case (Take anys) do not require this
-   = Shop(new_reg,,,,
+   = Shop(new_reg,,,,,
     for location in world.dynamic_locations:
diff --git a/ b/
index 93959edf..e46b21c1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -293,22 +293,9 @@ def create_regions(world, player):
         create_dw_region(player, 'Pyramid Ledge', None, ['Pyramid Entrance', 'Pyramid Drop'])
-    for region_name, (room_id, shopkeeper, replaceable) in shop_table.items():
-        region = world.get_region(region_name, player)
-        shop = Shop(region, room_id, ShopType.Shop, shopkeeper, replaceable)
- = shop
-        world.shops.append(shop)
-        for index, (item, price) in enumerate(default_shop_contents[region_name]):
-            shop.add_inventory(index, item, price)
-    region = world.get_region('Capacity Upgrade', player)
-    shop = Shop(region, 0x0115, ShopType.UpgradeShop, 0x04, False)
- = shop
-    world.shops.append(shop)
-    shop.add_inventory(0, 'Bomb Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)
-    shop.add_inventory(1, 'Arrow Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)
 def create_lw_region(player, name, locations=None, exits=None):
     return _create_region(player, name, RegionType.LightWorld, 'Light World', locations, exits)
@@ -364,37 +351,35 @@ def mark_light_world_regions(world, player):
-# (room_id, shopkeeper, replaceable)
-shop_table = {
-    'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': (0x0112, 0xC1, True),
-    'Red Shield Shop': (0x0110, 0xC1, True),
-    'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, True),
-    'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, True),
-    'Village of Outcasts Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, True),
-    'Dark World Potion Shop': (0x010F, 0xC1, True),
-    'Light World Death Mountain Shop': (0x00FF, 0xA0, True),
-    'Kakariko Shop': (0x011F, 0xA0, True),
-    'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': (0x0112, 0xA0, True),
-    'Potion Shop': (0x0109, 0xFF, False),
-    # Bomb Shop not currently modeled as a shop, due to special nature of items
-# region, [item]
-# slot, item, price, max=0, replacement=None, replacement_price=0
-# item = (item, price)
+def create_shops(world, player):
+    for region_name, (room_id, type, shopkeeper, custom, locked, inventory) in shop_table.items():
+        if world.mode[player] == 'inverted' and region_name == 'Dark Lake Hylia Shop':
+            locked = True
+            inventory = [('Blue Potion', 160), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
+        region = world.get_region(region_name, player)
+        shop = Shop(region, room_id, type, shopkeeper, custom, locked)
+ = shop
+        world.shops.append(shop)
+        for index, item in enumerate(inventory):
+            shop.add_inventory(index, *item)
+# (type, room_id, shopkeeper, custom, locked, [items])
+# item = (item, price, max=0, replacement=None, replacement_price=0)
 _basic_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Small Heart', 10), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
 _dark_world_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
-default_shop_contents = {
-    'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Red Shield Shop': [('Red Shield', 500), ('Bee', 10), ('Arrows (10)', 30)],
-    'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': _dark_world_shop_defaults,
-    'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': _dark_world_shop_defaults,
-    'Village of Outcasts Shop': _dark_world_shop_defaults,
-    'Dark World Potion Shop': _dark_world_shop_defaults,
-    'Light World Death Mountain Shop': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Kakariko Shop': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': _basic_shop_defaults,
-    'Potion Shop': [('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)],
+shop_table = {
+    'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': (0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
+    'Red Shield Shop': (0x0110, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, [('Red Shield', 500), ('Bee', 10), ('Arrows (10)', 30)]),
+    'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
+    'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
+    'Village of Outcasts Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
+    'Dark World Potion Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
+    'Light World Death Mountain Shop': (0x00FF, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
+    'Kakariko Shop': (0x011F, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
+    'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': (0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
+    'Potion Shop': (0x0109, ShopType.Shop, 0xFF, False, True, [('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)]),
+    'Capacity Upgrade': (0x0115, ShopType.UpgradeShop, 0x04, True, True, [('Bomb Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7), ('Arrow Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)])
 location_table = {'Mushroom': (0x180013, 0x186338, False, 'in the woods'),
diff --git a/ b/
index 5db57484..7ad87f63 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@ def patch_race_rom(rom):
 def write_custom_shops(rom, world, player):
-    shops = [shop for shop in world.shops if shop.replaceable and and shop.region.player == player]
+    shops = [shop for shop in world.shops if shop.custom and shop.region.player == player]
     shop_data = bytearray()
     items_data = bytearray()