Allow specifying multiple items and locations to fill at once.

This commit is contained in:
CaitSith2 2021-01-06 09:55:16 -08:00
parent 8ef78cc32a
commit 3d13ab749e
1 changed files with 27 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -557,19 +557,39 @@ def roll_settings(weights, plando_options: typing.Set[str] = frozenset(("bosses"
ret.plando_items = []
if "items" in plando_options:
def add_plando_item(item: str, location: str):
if item not in item_table:
raise Exception(f"Could not plando item {item} as the item was not recognized")
if location not in location_table:
raise Exception(f"Could not plando item {item} at location {location} as the location was not recognized")
ret.plando_items.append(PlandoItem(item, location, location_world, from_pool, force))
options = weights.get("plando_items", [])
for placement in options:
if roll_percentage(get_choice("percentage", placement, 100)):
item = get_choice("item", placement)
if item not in item_table:
raise Exception(f"Could not plando item {item} as the item was not recognized")
location = get_choice("location", placement)
if location not in location_table:
raise Exception(f"Could not plando item {item} at location {location} as the location was not recognized")
from_pool = get_choice("from_pool", placement, True)
location_world = get_choice("world", placement, False)
force = get_choice("force", placement, False)
ret.plando_items.append(PlandoItem(item, location, location_world, from_pool, force))
if "items" in placement and "locations" in placement:
items = placement["items"]
locations = placement["locations"]
if isinstance(items, dict):
item_list = []
for key, value in items.items():
item_list += [key] * value
items = item_list
if not items or not locations:
raise Exception("You must specify at least one item and one location to place items.")
while items and locations:
item = items.pop()
location = locations.pop()
add_plando_item(item, location)
item = get_choice("item", placement, get_choice("items", placement))
location = get_choice("location", placement)
add_plando_item(item, location)
ret.plando_texts = {}
if "texts" in plando_options: