Factorio: fix random rocket recipe

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Fabian Dill 2021-09-22 08:08:29 +02:00
parent 104df1915d
commit 3da028415f
1 changed files with 23 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class Factorio(World):
if self.world.recipe_ingredients[self.player]:
custom_recipe = self.custom_recipes[ingredient]
location.access_rule = lambda state, ingredient=ingredient, custom_recipe = custom_recipe: \
location.access_rule = lambda state, ingredient=ingredient, custom_recipe=custom_recipe: \
(ingredient not in technology_table or state.has(ingredient, player)) and \
all(state.has(technology.name, player) for sub_ingredient in custom_recipe.ingredients
for technology in required_technologies[sub_ingredient])
@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ class Factorio(World):
locations=locations: all(state.can_reach(loc) for loc in locations))
silo_recipe = None if self.world.silo[self.player].value == Silo.option_spawn \
else self.custom_recipes["rocket-silo"] \
if "rocket-silo" in self.custom_recipes \
else next(iter(all_product_sources.get("rocket-silo")))
else self.custom_recipes["rocket-silo"] \
if "rocket-silo" in self.custom_recipes \
else next(iter(all_product_sources.get("rocket-silo")))
part_recipe = self.custom_recipes["rocket-part"]
victory_tech_names = get_rocket_requirements(silo_recipe, part_recipe)
world.get_location("Rocket Launch", player).access_rule = lambda state: all(state.has(technology, player)
@ -189,21 +189,24 @@ class Factorio(World):
max_energy = remaining_energy * 0.75
min_energy = (remaining_energy - max_energy) / remaining_num_ingredients
ingredient = pool.pop()
if ingredient in ['stone', 'iron-ore', 'copper-ore', 'coal']:
ingredient_recipe = min(all_product_sources[ingredient], key=lambda recipe: recipe.rel_cost)
ingredient_raw = sum((count for ingredient, count in ingredient_recipe.base_cost.items()))
ingredient_energy = ingredient_recipe.total_energy
min_num_raw = min_raw/ingredient_raw
max_num_raw = max_raw/ingredient_raw
min_num_energy = min_energy/ingredient_energy
max_num_energy = max_energy/ingredient_energy
if ingredient in all_product_sources:
ingredient_recipe = min(all_product_sources[ingredient], key=lambda recipe: recipe.rel_cost)
ingredient_raw = sum((count for ingredient, count in ingredient_recipe.base_cost.items()))
ingredient_energy = ingredient_recipe.total_energy
# assume simple ore TODO: remove if tree when mining data is harvested from Factorio
ingredient_raw = 1
ingredient_energy = 2
min_num_raw = min_raw / ingredient_raw
max_num_raw = max_raw / ingredient_raw
min_num_energy = min_energy / ingredient_energy
max_num_energy = max_energy / ingredient_energy
min_num = int(max(1, min_num_raw, min_num_energy))
max_num = int(min(1000, max_num_raw, max_num_energy))
if min_num > max_num:
continue # can't use that ingredient
num = self.world.random.randint(min_num,max_num)
continue # can't use that ingredient
num = self.world.random.randint(min_num, max_num)
new_ingredients[ingredient] = num
remaining_raw -= num * ingredient_raw
remaining_energy -= num * ingredient_energy
@ -219,8 +222,8 @@ class Factorio(World):
ingredient_recipe = recipes[ingredient]
ingredient_raw = sum((count for ingredient, count in ingredient_recipe.base_cost.items()))
ingredient_energy = ingredient_recipe.total_energy
num_raw = remaining_raw/ingredient_raw/remaining_num_ingredients
num_energy = remaining_energy/ingredient_energy/remaining_num_ingredients
num_raw = remaining_raw / ingredient_raw / remaining_num_ingredients
num_energy = remaining_energy / ingredient_energy / remaining_num_ingredients
num = int(min(num_raw, num_energy))
if num < 1: continue
new_ingredients[ingredient] = num
@ -246,7 +249,7 @@ class Factorio(World):
valid_pool = sorted(science_pack_pools[self.world.max_science_pack[self.player].get_max_pack()])
self.custom_recipes = {"rocket-part": Recipe("rocket-part", original_rocket_part.category,
{valid_pool[x] : 10 for x in range(3)},
{valid_pool[x]: 10 for x in range(3)},
self.additional_advancement_technologies = {tech.name for tech in
@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ class Factorio(World):
for pack in self.world.max_science_pack[self.player].get_ordered_science_packs():
valid_pool += sorted(science_pack_pools[pack])
if pack in recipes: # skips over space science pack
if pack in recipes: # skips over space science pack
original = recipes[pack]
new_ingredients = {}
for _ in original.ingredients:
@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ class Factorio(World):
for pack in self.world.max_science_pack[self.player].get_allowed_packs():
valid_pool += sorted(science_pack_pools[pack])
new_recipe = self.make_balanced_recipe(recipes["rocket-silo"], valid_pool,
factor = (self.world.max_science_pack[self.player].value+1)/7)
factor=(self.world.max_science_pack[self.player].value + 1) / 7)
self.additional_advancement_technologies |= {tech.name for tech in
self.custom_recipes["rocket-silo"] = new_recipe