Merge remote-tracking branch 'aa/Dev' into Dev

This commit is contained in:
Kevin Cathcart 2018-03-17 13:04:14 -04:00
commit 3fd2dc662a
10 changed files with 210 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
class World(object):
def __init__(self, shuffle, logic, mode, difficulty, timer, progressive, goal, algorithm, place_dungeon_items, check_beatable_only, shuffle_ganon, quickswap, fastmenu, disable_music, keysanity, custom, customitemarray):
def __init__(self, shuffle, logic, mode, difficulty, timer, progressive, goal, algorithm, place_dungeon_items, check_beatable_only, shuffle_ganon, quickswap, fastmenu, disable_music, keysanity, retro, custom, customitemarray):
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.logic = logic
self.mode = mode
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class World(object):
self.aga_randomness = True
self.lock_aga_door_in_escape = False
self.fix_trock_doors = self.shuffle != 'vanilla'
self.save_and_quite_from_boss = False
self.save_and_quit_from_boss = False
self.check_beatable_only = check_beatable_only
self.fix_skullwoods_exit = self.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple']
self.fix_palaceofdarkness_exit = self.shuffle not in ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'dungeonssimple']
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class World(object):
self.fastmenu = fastmenu
self.disable_music = disable_music
self.keysanity = keysanity
self.retro = retro
self.custom = custom
self.customitemarray = customitemarray
self.can_take_damage = True
@ -278,6 +279,7 @@ class World(object):
assert id_value_max <= 0xFFFFFFFF
return id_value
@ -375,6 +377,13 @@ class CollectionState(object):
return item in self.prog_items
return self.item_count(item) >= count
def has_key(self, item, count=1):
return True #FIXME: This needs to check for shop access to a small key shop
if count == 1:
return item in self.prog_items
return self.item_count(item) >= count
def item_count(self, item):
return len([pritem for pritem in self.prog_items if pritem == item])

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from Items import ItemFactory
def create_dungeons(world):
def make_dungeon(name, dungeon_regions, big_key, small_keys, dungeon_items):
dungeon = Dungeon(name, dungeon_regions, big_key, small_keys, dungeon_items)
dungeon = Dungeon(name, dungeon_regions, big_key, [] if world.retro else small_keys, dungeon_items)
for region in dungeon.regions:
world.get_region(region).dungeon = dungeon
return dungeon
@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ def fill_dungeons(world):
all_state_base = world.get_all_state()
world.push_item(world.get_location('Skull Woods - Pinball Room'), ItemFactory('Small Key (Skull Woods)'), False)
if world.retro:
world.push_item(world.get_location('Skull Woods - Pinball Room'), ItemFactory('Small Key (Universal)'), False)
world.push_item(world.get_location('Skull Woods - Pinball Room'), ItemFactory('Small Key (Skull Woods)'), False)
world.get_location('Skull Woods - Pinball Room').event = True
dungeons = [(list(dungeon.regions), dungeon.big_key, list(dungeon.small_keys), list(dungeon.dungeon_items)) for dungeon in world.dungeons]
@ -110,7 +113,10 @@ def fill_dungeons_restrictive(world, shuffled_locations):
all_state_base = world.get_all_state()
skull_woods_big_chest = world.get_location('Skull Woods - Pinball Room')
world.push_item(skull_woods_big_chest, ItemFactory('Small Key (Skull Woods)'), False)
if world.retro:
world.push_item(skull_woods_big_chest, ItemFactory('Small Key (Universal)'), False)
world.push_item(skull_woods_big_chest, ItemFactory('Small Key (Skull Woods)'), False)
skull_woods_big_chest.event = True

View File

@ -165,6 +165,10 @@ def start():
Keys (and other dungeon items) are no longer restricted to
their dungeons, but can be anywhere
''', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--retro', help='''\
Keys are universal, shooting arrows costs rupees,
and a few other little things make this more like Zelda-1.
''', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--custom', default=False, help='Not supported.')
parser.add_argument('--customitemarray', default=False, help='Not supported.')
parser.add_argument('--nodungeonitems', help='''\

View File

@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ def guiMain(args=None):
quickSwapCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Enabled L/R Item quickswapping", variable=quickSwapVar)
keysanityVar = IntVar()
keysanityCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Keysanity (keys anywhere)", variable=keysanityVar)
retroVar = IntVar()
retroCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Retro mode (universal keys)", variable=retroVar)
dungeonItemsVar = IntVar()
dungeonItemsCheckbutton = Checkbutton(checkBoxFrame, text="Place Dungeon Items (Compasses/Maps)", onvalue=0, offvalue=1, variable=dungeonItemsVar)
beatableOnlyVar = IntVar()
@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ def guiMain(args=None):
suppressRomCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W)
quickSwapCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W)
keysanityCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W)
retroCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W)
dungeonItemsCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W)
beatableOnlyCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W)
disableMusicCheckbutton.pack(expand=True, anchor=W)
@ -262,6 +265,7 @@ def guiMain(args=None):
guiargs.create_spoiler = bool(createSpoilerVar.get())
guiargs.suppress_rom = bool(suppressRomVar.get())
guiargs.keysanity = bool(keysanityVar.get())
guiargs.retro = bool(retroVar.get())
guiargs.nodungeonitems = bool(dungeonItemsVar.get())
guiargs.beatableonly = bool(beatableOnlyVar.get())
guiargs.quickswap = bool(quickSwapVar.get())
@ -276,7 +280,7 @@ def guiMain(args=None):
int(redmailVar.get()), int(progmailVar.get()), int(halfmagicVar.get()), int(quartermagicVar.get()), int(bcap5Var.get()), int(bcap10Var.get()), int(acap5Var.get()), int(acap10Var.get()),
int(arrow1Var.get()), int(arrow10Var.get()), int(bomb1Var.get()), int(bomb3Var.get()), int(rupee1Var.get()), int(rupee5Var.get()), int(rupee20Var.get()), int(rupee50Var.get()), int(rupee100Var.get()),
int(rupee300Var.get()), int(rupoorVar.get()), int(blueclockVar.get()), int(greenclockVar.get()), int(redclockVar.get()), int(triforcepieceVar.get()), int(triforcecountVar.get()),
int(triforceVar.get()), int(rupoorcostVar.get())]
int(triforceVar.get()), int(rupoorcostVar.get()), int(universalkeyVar.get())]
guiargs.rom = romVar.get()
guiargs.jsonout = None
guiargs.sprite = sprite
@ -934,6 +938,14 @@ def guiMain(args=None):
redclockLabel.pack(anchor=W, side=LEFT, padx=(0,14))
universalkeyFrame = Frame(itemList5)
universalkeyLabel = Label(universalkeyFrame, text='Universal Key')
universalkeyVar = StringVar(value='0')
universalkeyEntry = Entry(universalkeyFrame, textvariable=universalkeyVar, width=3, validate='all', vcmd=vcmd)
universalkeyLabel.pack(anchor=W, side=LEFT, padx=(0,57))
triforcepieceFrame = Frame(itemList5)
triforcepieceLabel = Label(triforcepieceFrame, text='Triforce Piece')
triforcepieceVar = StringVar(value='0')
@ -978,6 +990,7 @@ def guiMain(args=None):
if args.nodungeonitems:
dungeonItemsVar.set(int(not args.nodungeonitems))

View File

@ -10,61 +10,59 @@ from Dungeons import get_dungeon_item_pool
#Some basic items that various modes require are placed here, including pendants and crystals. Medallion requirements for the two relevant entrances are also decided.
alwaysitems = ['Bombos', 'Book of Mudora', 'Bow', 'Cane of Somaria', 'Ether', 'Fire Rod', 'Flippers', 'Ocarina', 'Hammer', 'Hookshot', 'Ice Rod', 'Lamp',
'Cape', 'Magic Powder', 'Mushroom', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Quake', 'Shovel', 'Bug Catching Net', 'Cane of Byrna']
'Cape', 'Magic Powder', 'Mushroom', 'Pegasus Boots', 'Quake', 'Shovel', 'Bug Catching Net', 'Cane of Byrna', 'Blue Boomerang', 'Red Boomerang']
progressivegloves = ['Progressive Glove'] * 2
basicgloves = ['Power Glove', 'Titans Mitts']
normalbottles = ['Bottle', 'Bottle (Red Potion)', 'Bottle (Green Potion)', 'Bottle (Blue Potion)', 'Bottle (Fairy)', 'Bottle (Bee)', 'Bottle (Good Bee)']
hardbottles = ['Bottle', 'Bottle (Red Potion)', 'Bottle (Green Potion)', 'Bottle (Blue Potion)', 'Bottle (Bee)', 'Bottle (Good Bee)']
normalbaseitems = (['Blue Boomerang', 'Red Boomerang', 'Silver Arrows', 'Magic Upgrade (1/2)'] + ['Rupees (300)'] * 4 +
['Single Arrow', 'Sanctuary Heart Container', 'Arrow Upgrade (+10)', 'Bomb Upgrade (+10)'] + ['Boss Heart Container'] * 10 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 24)
normalbaseitems = (['Silver Arrows', 'Magic Upgrade (1/2)', 'Single Arrow', 'Sanctuary Heart Container', 'Arrow Upgrade (+10)', 'Bomb Upgrade (+10)'] +
['Rupees (300)'] * 4 + ['Boss Heart Container'] * 10 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 24)
normalfirst15extra = ['Rupees (100)', 'Rupees (300)', 'Rupees (50)'] + ['Arrow Upgrade (+5)'] * 6 + ['Bomb Upgrade (+5)'] * 6
normalsecond15extra = ['Bombs (3)'] * 10 + ['Rupees (50)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Rupee (1)']
normalsecond15extra = ['Bombs (3)'] * 9 + ['Rupees (50)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Rupee (1)'] + ['Bombs (10)']
normalthird10extra = ['Rupees (50)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 3 + ['Arrows (10)', 'Rupee (1)', 'Rupees (5)']
normalfourth5extra = ['Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 2 + ['Rupees (5)']
normalfinal25extra = ['Rupees (20)'] * 23 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2
easybaseitems = (['Blue Boomerang', 'Red Boomerang', 'Sanctuary Heart Container'] + ['Rupees (300)'] * 4 + ['Magic Upgrade (1/2)'] * 2 + ['Lamp'] * 2 +
['Silver Arrows'] * 2 + ['Boss Heart Container'] * 10 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 12)
easybaseitems = (['Sanctuary Heart Container'] + ['Rupees (300)'] * 4 + ['Magic Upgrade (1/2)'] * 2 + ['Lamp'] * 2 + ['Silver Arrows'] * 2 +
['Boss Heart Container'] * 10 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 12)
easyextra = ['Piece of Heart'] * 12 + ['Rupees (300)']
easylimitedextra = ['Boss Heart Container'] * 3 # collapsing down the 12 pieces of heart
easyfirst15extra = ['Rupees (100)', 'Arrow Upgrade (+10)', 'Bomb Upgrade (+10)'] + ['Arrow Upgrade (+5)'] * 6 + ['Bomb Upgrade (+5)'] * 6
easysecond10extra = ['Bombs (3)'] * 8 + ['Rupee (1)', 'Rupees (50)']
easysecond10extra = ['Bombs (3)'] * 7 + ['Rupee (1)', 'Rupees (50)', 'Bombs (10)']
easythird5extra = ['Rupees (50)'] * 2 + ['Bombs (3)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)']
easyfinal25extra = ['Rupees (50)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 14 + ['Rupee (1)'] + ['Arrows (10)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2
easytimedotherextra = ['Red Clock'] * 5
hardbaseitems = (['Silver Arrows', 'Single Arrow', 'Single Bomb'] + ['Rupees (300)'] + ['Rupees (100)'] * 3 + ['Rupees (50)'] * 5 + ['Bombs (3)'] * 5 +
['Boss Heart Container'] * 5 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 24)
hardfirst20extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 7 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 8 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 2 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)']
hardsecond10extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 7 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 3
hardthird10extra = ['Arrows (10)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 3 + ['Single Bomb'] * 3
hardfourth10extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 3 + ['Single Arrow'] * 5 + ['Single Bomb'] * 2
hardfinal20extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 4 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2 + ['Single Arrow'] * 14
hardbaseitems = ['Silver Arrows', 'Single Arrow', 'Bombs (10)'] + ['Rupees (300)'] * 4 + ['Boss Heart Container'] * 6 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 20 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 7 + ['Bombs (3)'] * 4
hardfirst20extra = ['Rupees (100)', 'Rupees (300)', 'Rupees (50)'] + ['Bombs (3)'] * 5 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 10 + ['Arrows (10)', 'Rupee (1)']
hardsecond10extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 5 + ['Rupees (50)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Rupee (1)']
hardthird10extra = ['Rupees (50)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 3 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 3
hardfourth10extra = ['Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 7 + ['Rupees (5)']
hardfinal20extra = ['Rupees (20)'] * 18 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2
expertbaseitems = (['Single Arrow', 'Rupees (300)', 'Rupees (100)', 'Bombs (3)', 'Arrows (10)'] + ['Rupees (50)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 5 +
['Rupees (20)'] * 3 + ['Single Bomb'] * 10 + ['Piece of Heart'] * 24)
expertfirst15extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 7 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 3 + ['Single Arrow'] * 5
expertsecond15extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 6 + ['Single Arrow'] * 4 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 5
expertthird10extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 3 + ['Single Bomb'] * 3 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 2 + ['Single Arrow'] * 2
expertfourth5extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 2 + ['Single Arrow'] * 3
expertfinal25extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 4 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 3 + ['Single Arrow'] * 18
expertbaseitems = (['Rupees (300)'] * 4 + ['Single Arrow', 'Silver Arrows', 'Boss Heart Container', 'Rupee (1)', 'Bombs (10)'] + ['Piece of Heart'] * 20 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2 +
['Bombs (3)'] * 9 + ['Rupees (50)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 2)
expertfirst15extra = ['Rupees (100)', 'Rupees (300)', 'Rupees (50)'] + ['Rupees (5)'] * 12
expertsecond15extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 10 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 5
expertthird10extra = ['Rupees (50)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)'] * 3 + ['Rupee (1)']
expertfourth5extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 5
expertfinal25extra = ['Rupees (20)'] * 23 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2
insanebaseitems = (['Bombs (3)', 'Arrows (10)'] + ['Rupees (50)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 10 + ['Rupees (300)'] * 5 + ['Rupees (100)'] * 4 +
['Rupee (1)'] * 8 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 4 + ['Single Bomb'] * 8 + ['Single Arrow'] * 6)
insanefirst15extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 5 + ['Single Arrow'] * 4 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 5 + ['Rupees (20)']
insanesecond15extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 5 + ['Single Arrow'] * 5 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 5
insanethird10extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 4 + ['Single Arrow'] * 3 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 3
insanefourth5extra = ['Single Bomb'] + ['Single Arrow'] * 2 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 2
insanefinal25extra = ['Single Bomb'] * 2 + ['Single Arrow'] * 10 + ['Rupee (1)'] * 7 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 6
insanebaseitems = ['Rupees (300)'] * 4 + ['Single Arrow', 'Bombs (10)', 'Rupee (1)'] + ['Rupees (5)'] * 24 + ['Bombs (3)'] * 9 + ['Rupees (50)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)'] * 2 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 5
insanefirst15extra = ['Rupees (100)', 'Rupees (300)', 'Rupees (50)'] + ['Rupees (5)'] * 12
insanesecond15extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 10 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 5
insanethird10extra = ['Rupees (50)'] * 4 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2 + ['Arrows (10)'] * 3 + ['Rupee (1)']
insanefourth5extra = ['Rupees (5)'] * 5
insanefinal25extra = ['Rupees (20)'] * 23 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 2
Difficulty = namedtuple('Difficulty',
['baseitems', 'bottles', 'bottle_count', 'same_bottle', 'progressiveshield',
'basicshield', 'progressivearmor', 'basicarmor', 'swordless',
'progressivesword', 'basicsword', 'timedohko', 'timedother',
'triforcehunt', 'triforce_pieces_required', 'conditional_extras',
'triforcehunt', 'triforce_pieces_required', 'retro', 'conditional_extras',
'extras', 'progressive_sword_limit', 'progressive_shield_limit',
'progressive_armor_limit', 'progressive_bottle_limit'])
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ def easy_conditional_extras(timer, _goal, _mode, pool, placed_items):
return easytimedotherextra
return []
def no_conditonal_extras(*_args):
def no_conditional_extras(*_args):
return []
@ -99,7 +97,8 @@ difficulties = {
timedother = ['Green Clock'] * 20 + ['Blue Clock'] * 10 + ['Red Clock'] * 10,
triforcehunt = ['Triforce Piece'] * 30,
triforce_pieces_required = 20,
conditional_extras = no_conditonal_extras,
retro = ['Small Key (Universal)'] * 17 + ['Rupees (20)'] * 10,
conditional_extras = no_conditional_extras,
extras = [normalfirst15extra, normalsecond15extra, normalthird10extra, normalfourth5extra, normalfinal25extra],
progressive_sword_limit = 4,
progressive_shield_limit = 3,
@ -122,6 +121,7 @@ difficulties = {
timedother = ['Green Clock'] * 20 + ['Blue Clock'] * 10 + ['Red Clock'] * 5, # +5 more Red Clocks if there is room
triforcehunt = ['Triforce Piece'] * 30,
triforce_pieces_required = 20,
retro = ['Small Key (Universal)'] * 27,
conditional_extras = easy_conditional_extras,
extras = [easyextra, easyfirst15extra, easysecond10extra, easythird5extra, easyfinal25extra],
progressive_sword_limit = 4,
@ -145,41 +145,43 @@ difficulties = {
timedother = ['Green Clock'] * 20 + ['Blue Clock'] * 10 + ['Red Clock'] * 10,
triforcehunt = ['Triforce Piece'] * 30,
triforce_pieces_required = 20,
conditional_extras = no_conditonal_extras,
retro = ['Small Key (Universal)'] * 12 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 15,
conditional_extras = no_conditional_extras,
extras = [hardfirst20extra, hardsecond10extra, hardthird10extra, hardfourth10extra, hardfinal20extra],
progressive_sword_limit = 3,
progressive_shield_limit = 2,
progressive_armor_limit = 1,
progressive_bottle_limit = 2,
progressive_bottle_limit = 4,
'expert': Difficulty(
baseitems = expertbaseitems,
bottles = hardbottles,
bottle_count = 4,
same_bottle = True,
progressiveshield = [],
basicshield = [],
same_bottle = False,
progressiveshield = ['Progressive Shield'] * 3,
basicshield = ['Progressive Shield'] * 3, #only the first one will upgrade, making this equivalent to two blue shields
progressivearmor = [],
basicarmor = [],
swordless = ['Rupees (20)'] * 3 + ['Silver Arrows'],
swordless = ['Rupees (20)'] * 4,
progressivesword = ['Progressive Sword'] * 3,
basicsword = ['Fighter Sword', 'Master Sword', 'Master Sword'],
timedohko = ['Green Clock'] * 20 + ['Red Clock'] * 5,
timedother = ['Green Clock'] * 20 + ['Blue Clock'] * 10 + ['Red Clock'] * 10,
triforcehunt = ['Triforce Piece'] * 30,
triforce_pieces_required = 20,
conditional_extras = no_conditonal_extras,
retro = ['Small Key (Universal)'] * 12 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 15,
conditional_extras = no_conditional_extras,
extras = [expertfirst15extra, expertsecond15extra, expertthird10extra, expertfourth5extra, expertfinal25extra],
progressive_sword_limit = 2,
progressive_shield_limit = 0,
progressive_shield_limit = 1,
progressive_armor_limit = 0,
progressive_bottle_limit = 1,
progressive_bottle_limit = 4,
'insane': Difficulty(
baseitems = insanebaseitems,
bottles = hardbottles,
bottle_count = 4,
same_bottle = True,
same_bottle = False,
progressiveshield = [],
basicshield = [],
progressivearmor = [],
@ -191,12 +193,13 @@ difficulties = {
timedother = ['Green Clock'] * 20 + ['Blue Clock'] * 10 + ['Red Clock'] * 10,
triforcehunt = ['Triforce Piece'] * 30,
triforce_pieces_required = 20,
conditional_extras = no_conditonal_extras,
retro = ['Small Key (Universal)'] * 12 + ['Rupees (5)'] * 15,
conditional_extras = no_conditional_extras,
extras = [insanefirst15extra, insanesecond15extra, insanethird10extra, insanefourth5extra, insanefinal25extra],
progressive_sword_limit = 2,
progressive_shield_limit = 0,
progressive_armor_limit = 0,
progressive_bottle_limit = 1,
progressive_bottle_limit = 4,
@ -217,10 +220,10 @@ def generate_itempool(world):
# set up item pool
if world.custom:
(pool, placed_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = make_custom_item_pool(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal, world.mode, world.customitemarray)
(pool, placed_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = make_custom_item_pool(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal, world.mode, world.retro, world.customitemarray)
world.rupoor_cost = min(world.customitemarray[67], 9999)
(pool, placed_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = get_pool_core(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal, world.mode)
(pool, placed_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms) = get_pool_core(, world.shuffle, world.difficulty, world.timer, world.goal, world.mode, world.retro)
world.itempool = ItemFactory(pool)
for (location, item) in placed_items:
world.push_item(location, ItemFactory(item), False)
@ -283,7 +286,7 @@ def fill_prizes(world, attempts=15):
def get_pool_core(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode):
def get_pool_core(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, retro):
pool = []
placed_items = []
clock_mode = None
@ -382,9 +385,20 @@ def get_pool_core(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode):
if goal == 'pedestal':
placed_items.append(('Master Sword Pedestal', 'Triforce'))
if retro:
pool = [item.replace('Single Arrow','Rupees (5)') for item in pool]
pool = [item.replace('Arrows (10)','Rupees (5)') for item in pool]
pool = [item.replace('Arrow Upgrade (+5)','Rupees (5)') for item in pool]
pool = [item.replace('Arrow Upgrade (+10)','Rupees (5)') for item in pool]
if mode == 'standard':
key_location = random.choice(['Secret Passage', 'Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest', 'Hyrule Castle - Map Chest', 'Hyrule Castle - Zelda\'s Chest', 'Sewers - Dark Cross'])
placed_items.append((key_location, 'Small Key (Universal)'))
pool.extend(['Small Key (Universal)'])
return (pool, placed_items, clock_mode, treasure_hunt_count, treasure_hunt_icon, lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms)
def make_custom_item_pool(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, customitemarray):
def make_custom_item_pool(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, retro, customitemarray):
pool = []
placed_items = []
clock_mode = None
@ -401,6 +415,7 @@ def make_custom_item_pool(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, c
for x in range(0, 65):
itemtotal = itemtotal + customitemarray[x]
itemtotal = itemtotal + customitemarray[66]
itemtotal = itemtotal + customitemarray[68]
pool.extend(['Bow'] * customitemarray[0])
pool.extend(['Silver Arrows']* customitemarray[1])
@ -508,9 +523,16 @@ def make_custom_item_pool(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, c
placed_items.append(('Link\'s Uncle', 'Progressive Sword'))
pool.extend(['Fighter Sword'] * customitemarray[32])
pool.extend(['Progressive Sword'] * max((customitemarray[36] - 1), 0))
if retro:
key_location = random.choice(['Secret Passage', 'Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest', 'Hyrule Castle - Map Chest', 'Hyrule Castle - Zelda\'s Chest', 'Sewers - Dark Cross'])
placed_items.append((key_location, 'Small Key (Universal)'))
pool.extend(['Small Key (Universal)'] * max((customitemarray[68] - 1), 0))
pool.extend(['Small Key (Universal)'] * customitemarray[68])
pool.extend(['Fighter Sword'] * customitemarray[32])
pool.extend(['Progressive Sword'] * customitemarray[36])
pool.extend(['Small Key (Universal)'] * customitemarray[68])
if shuffle == 'insanity_legacy':
placed_items.append(('Link\'s House', 'Magic Mirror'))
@ -521,6 +543,8 @@ def make_custom_item_pool(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, c
pool.extend(['Magic Mirror'] * customitemarray[22])
pool.extend(['Moon Pearl'] * customitemarray[28])
if retro:
itemtotal = itemtotal - 28 # Corrects for small keys not being in item pool in Retro Mode
if itemtotal < total_items_to_place:
pool.extend(['Nothing'] * (total_items_to_place - itemtotal))
@ -534,13 +558,15 @@ def test():
for mode in ['open', 'standard', 'swordless']:
for progressive in ['on', 'off']:
for shuffle in ['full', 'insane']:
out = get_pool_core(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode)
out = get_pool_core(progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode, retro)
count = len(out[0]) + len(out[1])
correct_count = total_items_to_place
if goal in ['pedestal']:
# pedestal goals generate one extra item
correct_count += 1
if retro:
correct_count += 28
assert count == correct_count, "expected {0} items but found {1} items for {2}".format(correct_count, count, (progressive, shuffle, difficulty, timer, goal, mode))

View File

@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ item_table = {'Bow': (True, False, None, 0x0B, 'You have\nchosen the\narcher cla
'Arrow Upgrade (+5)': (False, False, None, 0x53, 'increase arrow\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the quiver', 'quiver-enlarging kid', 'arrow boost for sale', 'witch and more skewers', 'upgrade boy sews more again'),
'Single Bomb': (False, False, None, 0x27, 'I make things\ngo BOOM! But\njust once.', 'and the explosion', 'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecracker for sale', 'blend fungus into bomb', '\'splosion boy explodes again'),
'Bombs (3)': (False, False, None, 0x28, 'I make things\ngo triple\nBOOM!!!', 'and the explosions', 'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecrackers for sale', 'blend fungus into bombs', '\'splosion boy explodes again'),
'Bombs (10)': (False, False, None, 0x31, 'I make things\ngo BOOM! Ten\ntimes!', 'and the explosions', 'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecrackers for sale', 'blend fungus into bombs', '\'splosion boy explodes again'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+10)': (False, False, None, 0x52, 'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the bomb bag', 'boom-enlarging kid', 'bomb boost for sale', 'the shroom goes boom', 'upgrade boy explodes more again'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+5)': (False, False, None, 0x51, 'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the bomb bag', 'boom-enlarging kid', 'bomb boost for sale', 'the shroom goes boom', 'upgrade boy explodes more again'),
'Blue Mail': (False, True, None, 0x22, 'Now you\'re a\nblue elf!', 'and the banana hat', 'the protected kid', 'banana hat for sale', 'the clothing store', 'tailor boy banana hatted again'),
@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ item_table = {'Bow': (True, False, None, 0x0B, 'You have\nchosen the\narcher cla
'Big Key (Ganons Tower)': (False, False, 'BigKey', 0x92, 'A big key to the evil tower', 'and the big key', 'the big-unlock kid', 'big key for sale', 'face key fungus', 'key boy opens chest again'),
'Compass (Ganons Tower)': (False, True, 'Compass', 0x82, 'Now you can find Agahnim!', 'and the compass', 'the magnetic kid', 'compass for sale', 'magnetic fungus', 'compass boy finds boss again'),
'Map (Ganons Tower)': (False, True, 'Map', 0x72, 'A tightly folded map rests here', 'and the map', 'cartography kid', 'map for sale', 'a map to shrooms', 'map boy navigates again'),
'Small Key (Universal)': (False, True, None, 0xAF, 'A small key for any door', 'and the key', 'the unlocking kid', 'keys for sale', 'unlock the fungus', 'key boy opens door again'),
'Nothing': (False, False, None, 0x5A, 'Some Hot Air', 'and the Nothing', 'the zen kid', 'outright theft', 'shroom theft', 'empty boy is bored again'),
'Beat Agahnim 1': (True, False, 'Event', None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Beat Agahnim 2': (True, False, 'Event', None, None, None, None, None, None, None)}

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
start = time.clock()
# initialize the world
world = World(args.shuffle, args.logic, args.mode, args.difficulty, args.timer,, args.goal, args.algorithm, not args.nodungeonitems, args.beatableonly, args.shuffleganon, args.quickswap, args.fastmenu, args.disablemusic, args.keysanity, args.custom, args.customitemarray)
world = World(args.shuffle, args.logic, args.mode, args.difficulty, args.timer,, args.goal, args.algorithm, not args.nodungeonitems, args.beatableonly, args.shuffleganon, args.quickswap, args.fastmenu, args.disablemusic, args.keysanity, args.retro, args.custom, args.customitemarray)
logger = logging.getLogger('')
if seed is None:
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
sprite = None
outfilebase = 'ER_%s_%s-%s-%s%s_%s-%s%s%s%s_%s' % (world.logic, world.difficulty, world.mode, world.goal, "" if world.timer in ['none', 'display'] else "-" + world.timer, world.shuffle, world.algorithm, "-keysanity" if world.keysanity else "", "-prog_" + if in ['off', 'random'] else "", "-shuffleganon" if world.shuffle_ganon else "", world.seed)
outfilebase = 'ER_%s_%s-%s-%s%s_%s-%s%s%s%s_%s' % (world.logic, world.difficulty, world.mode, world.goal, "" if world.timer in ['none', 'display'] else "-" + world.timer, world.shuffle, world.algorithm, "-keysanity" if world.keysanity else "", "-retro" if world.retro else "", "-prog_" + if in ['off', 'random'] else "", world.seed)
if not args.suppress_rom:
if args.jsonout:
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def gt_filler(world):
def copy_world(world):
# ToDo: Not good yet
ret = World(world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.difficulty, world.timer,, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.place_dungeon_items, world.check_beatable_only, world.shuffle_ganon, world.quickswap, world.fastmenu, world.disable_music, world.keysanity, world.custom, world.customitemarray)
ret = World(world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.difficulty, world.timer,, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.place_dungeon_items, world.check_beatable_only, world.shuffle_ganon, world.quickswap, world.fastmenu, world.disable_music, world.keysanity, world.retro, world.custom, world.customitemarray)
ret.required_medallions = list(world.required_medallions)
ret.swamp_patch_required = world.swamp_patch_required
ret.ganon_at_pyramid = world.ganon_at_pyramid

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def main(args):
start_time = time.clock()
# initialize the world
world = World('vanilla', 'noglitches', 'standard', 'normal', 'none', 'on', 'ganon', 'freshness', False, False, False, args.quickswap, args.fastmenu, args.disablemusic, False, False, None)
world = World('vanilla', 'noglitches', 'standard', 'normal', 'none', 'on', 'ganon', 'freshness', False, False, False, args.quickswap, args.fastmenu, args.disablemusic, False, False, False, None)
logger = logging.getLogger('')
hasher = hashlib.md5()

View File

@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, hashtable, beep='normal', color='red', sprite=None):
# Powdered Fairies Prize
rom.write_byte(0x36DD0, 0xD8) # One Heart
# potion heal amount
rom.write_byte(0x180084, 0x28) # Five Hearts
rom.write_byte(0x180084, 0x38) # Seven Hearts
# potion magic restore amount
rom.write_byte(0x180085, 0x40) # Half Magic
#Cape magic cost
@ -423,6 +423,10 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, hashtable, beep='normal', color='red', sprite=None):
overflow_replacement = GREEN_TWENTY_RUPEES
# Rupoor negative value
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180036, world.rupoor_cost)
# Set stun items
rom.write_byte(0x180180, 0x01) # Hookshot only
# Make silver arrows only usable against Ganon
rom.write_byte(0x180181, 0x01)
#Make Blue Shield more expensive
rom.write_bytes(0xF73D2, [0xFC, 0xFF])
rom.write_bytes(0xF73DA, [0x04, 0x00])
@ -443,20 +447,24 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, hashtable, beep='normal', color='red', sprite=None):
rom.write_byte(0xF723F, 0xE7)
elif world.difficulty == 'expert':
# Powdered Fairies Prize
rom.write_byte(0x36DD0, 0x79) # Bees
rom.write_byte(0x36DD0, 0xD8) # One Heart
# potion heal amount
rom.write_byte(0x180084, 0x08) # One Heart
# potion magic restore amount
rom.write_byte(0x180085, 0x20) # Quarter Magic
#Cape magic cost
rom.write_bytes(0x3ADA7, [0x02, 0x02, 0x02])
rom.write_bytes(0x3ADA7, [0x01, 0x01, 0x01])
# Byrna Invulnerability: off
rom.write_byte(0x18004F, 0x00)
#Disable catching fairies
rom.write_byte(0x34FD6, 0x80)
overflow_replacement = GREEN_TWENTY_RUPEES
# Rupoor negative value
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180036, 20)
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180036, world.rupoor_cost)
# Set stun items
rom.write_byte(0x180180, 0x00) # Nothing
# Make silver arrows only usable against Ganon
rom.write_byte(0x180181, 0x01)
#Make Blue Shield more expensive
rom.write_bytes(0xF73D2, [0xFC, 0xFF])
rom.write_bytes(0xF73DA, [0x04, 0x00])
@ -483,14 +491,18 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, hashtable, beep='normal', color='red', sprite=None):
# potion magic restore amount
rom.write_byte(0x180085, 0x00) # No healing
#Cape magic cost
rom.write_bytes(0x3ADA7, [0x02, 0x02, 0x02])
rom.write_bytes(0x3ADA7, [0x01, 0x01, 0x01])
# Byrna Invulnerability: off
rom.write_byte(0x18004F, 0x00)
#Disable catching fairies
rom.write_byte(0x34FD6, 0x80)
overflow_replacement = GREEN_TWENTY_RUPEES
# Rupoor negative value
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180036, 9999)
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180036, world.rupoor_cost)
# Set stun items
rom.write_byte(0x180180, 0x00) # Nothing
# Make silver arrows only usable against Ganon
rom.write_byte(0x180181, 0x01)
#Make Blue Shield more expensive
rom.write_bytes(0xF73D2, [0xFC, 0xFF])
rom.write_bytes(0xF73DA, [0x04, 0x00])
@ -522,6 +534,12 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, hashtable, beep='normal', color='red', sprite=None):
rom.write_byte(0x18004F, 0x01)
#Enable catching fairies
rom.write_byte(0x34FD6, 0xF0)
# Rupoor negative value
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180036, world.rupoor_cost)
# Set stun items
rom.write_byte(0x180180, 0x03) # All standard items
# Make silver arrows freely usable
rom.write_byte(0x180181, 0x00)
#Set overflow items for progressive equipment
if world.goal == 'triforcehunt':
overflow_replacement = TRIFORCE_PIECE
@ -726,9 +744,7 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, hashtable, beep='normal', color='red', sprite=None):
rom.write_byte(0x1800A0, 0x01) # return to light world on s+q without mirror
rom.write_byte(0x1800A1, 0x01) # enable overworld screen transition draining for water level inside swamp
rom.write_byte(0x180174, 0x01 if world.fix_fake_world else 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x180175, 0x00) # Arrow mode: normal
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180176, 0) # Wood Arrow Cost (rupee arrow mode)
rom.write_int16_to_rom(0x180178, 0) # Silver Arrow Cost (rupee arrow mode)
rom.write_byte(0x18017E, 0x01) # Fairy fountains only trade in bottles
rom.write_byte(0x180034, 0x0A) # starting max bombs
rom.write_byte(0x180035, 30) # starting max arrows
for x in range(0x183000, 0x18304F):
@ -769,11 +785,19 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, hashtable, beep='normal', color='red', sprite=None):
rom.write_byte(0x18003C, 0x00)
rom.write_byte(0x180045, 0xFF if world.keysanity else 0x00) # free roaming items in menu
rom.write_byte(0x180172, 0x01 if world.retro else 0x00) # universal keys
rom.write_byte(0x180175, 0x01 if world.retro else 0x00) # rupee bow
rom.write_byte(0x180176, 0x0A if world.retro else 0x00) # wood arrow cost
rom.write_byte(0x180178, 0x32 if world.retro else 0x00) # silver arrow cost
rom.write_byte(0x301FC, 0xDA if world.retro else 0xE1) # rupees replace arrows under pots
rom.write_bytes(0xECB4E, [0xA9, 0x00, 0xEA, 0xEA] if world.retro else [0xAF, 0x77, 0xF3, 0x7E]) # Thief steals rupees instead of arrows
rom.write_bytes(0xF0D96, [0xA9, 0x00, 0xEA, 0xEA] if world.retro else [0xAF, 0x77, 0xF3, 0x7E]) # Pikit steals rupees instead of arrows
rom.write_bytes(0xEDA5, [0x35, 0x41] if world.retro else [0x43, 0x44]) # Chest game gives rupees instead of arrows
digging_game_rng = random.randint(1, 30) # set rng for digging game
rom.write_byte(0x180020, digging_game_rng)
rom.write_byte(0xEFD95, digging_game_rng)
rom.write_byte(0x1800A3, 0x01) # enable correct world setting behaviour after agahnim kills
rom.write_byte(0x180042, 0x01 if world.save_and_quite_from_boss else 0x00) # Allow Save and Quite after boss kill
rom.write_byte(0x180042, 0x01 if world.save_and_quit_from_boss else 0x00) # Allow Save and Quit after boss kill
# remove shield from uncle
rom.write_bytes(0x6D253, [0x00, 0x00, 0xf6, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0E])

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_location('Zora\'s Ledge'), lambda state: state.has('Flippers'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Waterfall of Wishing'), lambda state: state.has('Flippers')) # can be fake flippered into, but is in weird state inside that might prevent you from doing things. Can be improved in future Todo
set_rule(world.get_location('Blacksmith'), lambda state: state.can_lift_heavy_rocks() and state.can_reach('West Dark World')) # Can S&Q with smith
set_rule(world.get_location('Blacksmith'), lambda state: state.can_lift_heavy_rocks() and state.can_reach('West Dark World') and state.has_Pearl()) # Can S&Q with smith
set_rule(world.get_location('Magic Bat'), lambda state: state.has('Magic Powder'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Sick Kid'), lambda state: state.has_bottle())
set_rule(world.get_location('Library'), lambda state: state.has_Boots())
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_location('Master Sword Pedestal'), lambda state: state.has('Red Pendant') and state.has('Blue Pendant') and state.has('Green Pendant'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Sahasrahla'), lambda state: state.has('Green Pendant'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Agahnims Tower'), lambda state: state.has('Cape') or state.has_beam_sword() or state.has('Beat Agahnim 1')) # barrier gets removed after killing agahnim, relevant for entrance shuffle
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Agahnim 1'), lambda state: state.has_sword() and state.has('Small Key (Agahnims Tower)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_location('Castle Tower - Dark Maze'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Agahnims Tower)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Agahnim 1'), lambda state: state.has_sword() and state.has_key('Small Key (Agahnims Tower)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_location('Castle Tower - Dark Maze'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Agahnims Tower)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Top of Pyramid'), lambda state: state.has('Beat Agahnim 1'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Old Man Cave Exit (West)'), lambda state: False) # drop cannot be climbed up
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Broken Bridge (West)'), lambda state: state.has('Hookshot'))
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock'), lambda state: state.has_Pearl() and state.has_sword() and state.has_turtle_rock_medallion() and state.can_reach('Turtle Rock (Top)', 'Region')) # sword required to cast magic (!)
set_rule(world.get_location('Mimic Cave'), lambda state: state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Sewers Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Escape)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Sewers Back Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Escape)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Sewers Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Escape)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Sewers Back Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Escape)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Eastern Palace - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Eastern Palace)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Eastern Palace - Armos Knights'), lambda state: state.has('Bow') and state.has('Big Key (Eastern Palace)'))
@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_location('Desert Palace - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Desert Palace)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Desert Palace - Torch'), lambda state: state.has_Boots())
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Desert Palace East Wing'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Desert Palace)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Desert Palace - Prize'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has('Big Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has_fire_source() and
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Desert Palace East Wing'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Desert Palace)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Desert Palace - Prize'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has('Big Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has_fire_source() and
(state.has_blunt_weapon() or state.has('Fire Rod') or state.has('Ice Rod') or state.has('Bow')))
set_rule(world.get_location('Desert Palace - Lanmolas'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has('Big Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has_fire_source() and
set_rule(world.get_location('Desert Palace - Lanmolas'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has('Big Key (Desert Palace)') and state.has_fire_source() and
(state.has_blunt_weapon() or state.has('Fire Rod') or state.has('Ice Rod') or state.has('Bow')))
for location in ['Desert Palace - Lanmolas', 'Desert Palace - Big Chest']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Big Key (Desert Palace)')
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ def global_rules(world):
for location in ['Desert Palace - Lanmolas', 'Desert Palace - Big Key Chest', 'Desert Palace - Compass Chest']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Small Key (Desert Palace)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Tower of Hera Small Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Tower of Hera)') or item_name(state, 'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest') == 'Small Key (Tower of Hera)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Tower of Hera Small Key Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Tower of Hera)') or item_name(state, 'Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest') == 'Small Key (Tower of Hera)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Tower of Hera Big Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Tower of Hera)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Tower of Hera - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Tower of Hera)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest'), lambda state: state.has_fire_source())
@ -243,11 +243,11 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_location('Tower of Hera - Prize'), lambda state: state.has_blunt_weapon())
for location in ['Tower of Hera - Moldorm', 'Tower of Hera - Big Chest', 'Tower of Hera - Compass Chest']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Big Key (Tower of Hera)')
for location in ['Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Small Key (Tower of Hera)')
# for location in ['Tower of Hera - Big Key Chest']:
# forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Small Key (Tower of Hera)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Swamp Palace Moat'), lambda state: state.has('Flippers') and state.can_reach('Dam'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Swamp Palace Small Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Swamp Palace)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Swamp Palace Small Key Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Swamp Palace)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Swamp Palace (Center)'), lambda state: state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Swamp Palace - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Swamp Palace)') or item_name(state, 'Swamp Palace - Big Chest') == 'Big Key (Swamp Palace)')
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Swamp Palace - Big Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Big Key (Swamp Palace)')
@ -258,29 +258,29 @@ def global_rules(world):
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Big Key (Swamp Palace)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Thieves Town Big Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Thieves Town)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Blind Fight'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Thieves Town)') and (state.has_blunt_weapon() or state.has('Cane of Somaria') or state.has('Cane of Byrna')))
set_rule(world.get_location('Thieves\' Town - Big Chest'), lambda state: (state.has('Small Key (Thieves Town)') or item_name(state, 'Thieves\' Town - Big Chest') == 'Small Key (Thieves Town)') and state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Blind Fight'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Thieves Town)') and (state.has_blunt_weapon() or state.has('Cane of Somaria') or state.has('Cane of Byrna')))
set_rule(world.get_location('Thieves\' Town - Big Chest'), lambda state: (state.has_key('Small Key (Thieves Town)') or item_name(state, 'Thieves\' Town - Big Chest') == 'Small Key (Thieves Town)') and state.has('Hammer'))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Thieves\' Town - Big Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Thieves Town)' and state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Thieves\' Town - Attic'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Thieves Town)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Thieves\' Town - Attic'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Thieves Town)'))
for location in ['Thieves\' Town - Attic', 'Thieves\' Town - Big Chest', 'Thieves\' Town - Blind\'s Cell', 'Thieves Town - Blind']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Big Key (Thieves Town)')
for location in ['Thieves\' Town - Attic', 'Thieves Town - Blind']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Small Key (Thieves Town)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section South Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Skull Woods)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section (Right) North Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Skull Woods)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section West Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 2)) # ideally would only be one key, but we may have spent thst key already on escaping the right section
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section (Left) Door to Exit'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section South Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Skull Woods)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section (Right) North Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Skull Woods)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section West Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 2)) # ideally would only be one key, but we may have spent thst key already on escaping the right section
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods First Section (Left) Door to Exit'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_location('Skull Woods - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Skull Woods)') or item_name(state, 'Skull Woods - Big Chest') == 'Big Key (Skull Woods)')
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Skull Woods - Big Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Big Key (Skull Woods)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods Torch Room'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 3) and state.has('Fire Rod') and state.has_sword()) # sword required for curtain
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods Torch Room'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 3) and state.has('Fire Rod') and state.has_sword()) # sword required for curtain
for location in ['Skull Woods - Mothula']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Small Key (Skull Woods)')
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ice Palace Entrance Room'), lambda state: state.has('Fire Rod') or (state.has('Bombos') and state.has_sword()))
set_rule(world.get_location('Ice Palace - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Ice Palace)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ice Palace (Kholdstare)'), lambda state: state.can_lift_rocks() and state.has('Hammer') and state.has('Big Key (Ice Palace)') and (state.has('Small Key (Ice Palace)', 2) or (state.has('Cane of Somaria') and state.has('Small Key (Ice Palace)', 1))))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ice Palace (East)'), lambda state: (state.has('Hookshot') or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ice Palace)', ['Ice Palace - Spike Room', 'Ice Palace - Big Key Chest', 'Ice Palace - Map Chest']) and state.has('Small Key (Ice Palace)'))) and ( or state.has('Hookshot') or state.has('Cape') or state.has('Cane of Byrna')))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ice Palace (Kholdstare)'), lambda state: state.can_lift_rocks() and state.has('Hammer') and state.has('Big Key (Ice Palace)') and (state.has_key('Small Key (Ice Palace)', 2) or (state.has('Cane of Somaria') and state.has_key('Small Key (Ice Palace)', 1))))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ice Palace (East)'), lambda state: (state.has('Hookshot') or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ice Palace)', ['Ice Palace - Spike Room', 'Ice Palace - Big Key Chest', 'Ice Palace - Map Chest']) and state.has_key('Small Key (Ice Palace)'))) and ( or state.has('Hookshot') or state.has('Cape') or state.has('Cane of Byrna')))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ice Palace (East Top)'), lambda state: state.can_lift_rocks() and state.has('Hammer'))
for location in ['Ice Palace - Big Chest', 'Ice Palace - Kholdstare']:
forbid_item(world.get_location(location), 'Big Key (Ice Palace)')
@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Misery Mire Big Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Misery Mire)'))
# you can squander the free small key from the pot by opening the south door to the north west switch room, locking you out of accessing a color switch ...
# big key gives backdoor access to that from the teleporter in the north west
set_rule(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Map Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 1) or state.has('Big Key (Misery Mire)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Map Chest'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 1) or state.has('Big Key (Misery Mire)'))
# in addition, you can open the door to the map room before getting access to a color switch, so this is locked behing 2 small keys or the big key...
set_rule(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Main Lobby'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 2) or state.has('Big Key (Misery Mire)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Main Lobby'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 2) or state.has_key('Big Key (Misery Mire)'))
# we can place a small key in the West wing iff it also contains/blocks the Big Key, as we cannot reach and softlock with the basement key door yet
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Misery Mire (West)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 2) if ((item_name(state, 'Misery Mire - Compass Chest') in ['Big Key (Misery Mire)']) or
(item_name(state, 'Misery Mire - Big Key Chest') in ['Big Key (Misery Mire)'])) else state.has('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Misery Mire (West)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 2) if ((item_name(state, 'Misery Mire - Compass Chest') in ['Big Key (Misery Mire)']) or
(item_name(state, 'Misery Mire - Big Key Chest') in ['Big Key (Misery Mire)'])) else state.has_key('Small Key (Misery Mire)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Compass Chest'), lambda state: state.has_fire_source())
set_rule(world.get_location('Misery Mire - Big Key Chest'), lambda state: state.has_fire_source())
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Misery Mire (Vitreous)'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Somaria') and (state.has('Bow') or state.has_blunt_weapon()))
@ -311,31 +311,31 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Turtle Rock)') and (state.has('Cane of Somaria') or state.has('Hookshot')))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Big Chest) (North)'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Somaria') or state.has('Hookshot'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Big Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Turtle Rock)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Dark Room Staircase'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Dark Room Staircase'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Dark Room) (North)'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Somaria'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Dark Room) (South)'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Somaria'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Left'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Byrna') or state.has('Cape') or state.has('Mirror Shield'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Bottom Right'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Byrna') or state.has('Cape') or state.has('Mirror Shield'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Left'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Byrna') or state.has('Cape') or state.has('Mirror Shield'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge - Top Right'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Byrna') or state.has('Cape') or state.has('Mirror Shield'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Trinexx)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 4) and state.has('Big Key (Turtle Rock)') and state.has('Cane of Somaria') and state.has('Fire Rod') and state.has('Ice Rod') and
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Trinexx)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 4) and state.has('Big Key (Turtle Rock)') and state.has('Cane of Somaria') and state.has('Fire Rod') and state.has('Ice Rod') and
(state.has('Hammer') or state.has_beam_sword() or (state.has_sword() and state.can_extend_magic(32))))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Bonk Wall'), lambda state: state.has('Bow'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Hammer Peg Drop'), lambda state: state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Bridge Room'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 1)) # If we can reach any other small key door, we already have back door access to this area
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Big Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6) and state.has('Big Key (Palace of Darkness)') and state.has('Bow') and state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness (North)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 4))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Bridge Room'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 1)) # If we can reach any other small key door, we already have back door access to this area
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Big Key Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6) and state.has('Big Key (Palace of Darkness)') and state.has('Bow') and state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness (North)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 4))
set_rule(world.get_location('Palace of Darkness - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Palace of Darkness)'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Big Key Chest Staircase'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6) or (item_name(state, 'Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest') in ['Small Key (Palace of Darkness)'] and state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 3)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Palace of Darkness)' and state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 5))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Big Key Chest Staircase'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6) or (item_name(state, 'Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest') in ['Small Key (Palace of Darkness)'] and state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 3)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Palace of Darkness - Big Key Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Palace of Darkness)' and state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 5))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Spike Statue Room Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6) or (item_name(state, 'Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway') in ['Small Key (Palace of Darkness)'] and state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 4)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Palace of Darkness)' and state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 5))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Maze Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Spike Statue Room Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6) or (item_name(state, 'Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway') in ['Small Key (Palace of Darkness)'] and state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 4)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Palace of Darkness - Harmless Hellway'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Palace of Darkness)' and state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 5))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Palace of Darkness Maze Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Palace of Darkness)', 6))
# these key rules are conservative, you might be able to get away with more lenient rules
randomizer_room_chests = ['Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Left', 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Top Right', 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Left', 'Ganons Tower - Randomizer Room - Bottom Right']
@ -345,25 +345,25 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Tile Room)'), lambda state: state.has('Cane of Somaria'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Hookshot Room)'), lambda state: state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Map Room)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4) or (item_name(state, 'Ganons Tower - Map Chest') in ['Big Key (Ganons Tower)', 'Small Key (Ganons Tower)'] and state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Map Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Ganons Tower)' and state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Map Room)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4) or (item_name(state, 'Ganons Tower - Map Chest') in ['Big Key (Ganons Tower)', 'Small Key (Ganons Tower)'] and state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Map Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Ganons Tower)' and state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))
# It is possible to need more than 2 keys to get through this entance if you spend keys elsewhere. We reflect this in the chest requirements.
# However we need to leave these at the lower values to derive that with 3 keys it is always possible to reach Bob and Ice Armos.
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Double Switch Room)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Double Switch Room)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 2))
# It is possible to need more than 3 keys ....
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Firesnake Room)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Firesnake Room)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))
#The actual requirements for these rooms to avoid key-lock
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3) or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ganons Tower)', randomizer_room_chests) and state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 2)))
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3) or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ganons Tower)', randomizer_room_chests) and state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 2)))
for location in randomizer_room_chests:
set_rule(world.get_location(location), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4) or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ganons Tower)', randomizer_room_chests) and state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3)))
set_rule(world.get_location(location), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4) or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ganons Tower)', randomizer_room_chests) and state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3)))
# Once again it is possible to need more than 3 keys...
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Tile Room) Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3) and state.has('Fire Rod'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower (Tile Room) Key Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3) and state.has('Fire Rod'))
# Actual requirements
for location in compass_room_chests:
set_rule(world.get_location(location), lambda state: state.has('Fire Rod') and (state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4) or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ganons Tower)', compass_room_chests) and state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))))
set_rule(world.get_location(location), lambda state: state.has('Fire Rod') and (state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4) or (item_in_locations(state, 'Big Key (Ganons Tower)', compass_room_chests) and state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))))
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Big Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Ganons Tower)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Left'), lambda state: state.has('Bow') or state.has_blunt_weapon())
@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ def global_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Big Key Room - Right'), lambda state: state.has('Bow') or state.has_blunt_weapon())
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower Big Key Door'), lambda state: state.has('Big Key (Ganons Tower)') and state.has('Bow'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower Torch Rooms'), lambda state: state.has_fire_source())
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower Moldorm Door'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4))
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganons Tower - Pre-Moldorm Chest'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower Moldorm Door'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Ganons Tower)', 4))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ganons Tower Moldorm Gap'), lambda state: state.has('Hookshot') and state.has_blunt_weapon())
set_rule(world.get_location('Agahnim 2'), lambda state: state.has_sword() or state.has('Hammer') or state.has('Bug Catching Net'))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Hole'), lambda state: state.has('Beat Agahnim 2'))
@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ def open_rules(world):
forbid_item(world.get_location('Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest'), 'Small Key (Escape)')
forbid_item(world.get_location('Hyrule Castle - Zelda\'s Chest'), 'Small Key (Escape)')
set_rule(world.get_location('Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Escape)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Hyrule Castle - Zelda\'s Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Escape)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Chest'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Escape)'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Hyrule Castle - Zelda\'s Chest'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Escape)'))
def swordless_rules(world):
@ -459,12 +459,12 @@ def swordless_rules(world):
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Agahnims Tower'), lambda state: state.has('Cape') or state.has('Hammer') or state.has('Beat Agahnim 1')) # barrier gets removed after killing agahnim, relevant for entrance shuffle
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Agahnim 1'), lambda state: (state.has('Hammer') or (state.has('Bug Catching Net') and (state.has('Fire Rod') or state.has('Bow') or state.has('Cane of Somaria')))) and state.has('Small Key (Agahnims Tower)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Agahnim 1'), lambda state: (state.has('Hammer') or (state.has('Bug Catching Net') and (state.has('Fire Rod') or state.has('Bow') or state.has('Cane of Somaria')))) and state.has_key('Small Key (Agahnims Tower)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_location('Ether Tablet'), lambda state: state.has('Book of Mudora') and state.has('Hammer'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Bombos Tablet'), lambda state: state.has('Book of Mudora') and state.has('Hammer') and state.has_Mirror())
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Misery Mire'), lambda state: state.has_Pearl() and state.has_misery_mire_medallion()) # sword not required to use medallion for opening in swordless (!)
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock'), lambda state: state.has_Pearl() and state.has_turtle_rock_medallion() and state.can_reach('Turtle Rock (Top)', 'Region')) # sword not required to use medallion for opening in swordless (!)
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods Torch Room'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 3) and state.has('Fire Rod')) # no curtain
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Skull Woods Torch Room'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Skull Woods)', 3) and state.has('Fire Rod')) # no curtain
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Ice Palace Entrance Room'), lambda state: state.has('Fire Rod') or state.has('Bombos')) #in swordless mode bombos pads are present in the relevant parts of ice palace
set_rule(world.get_location('Agahnim 2'), lambda state: state.has('Hammer') or state.has('Bug Catching Net'))
set_rule(world.get_location('Ganon'), lambda state: state.has('Hammer') and state.has_fire_source() and state.has('Silver Arrows') and state.has('Bow') and state.has('Crystal 1') and state.has('Crystal 2')
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ def swordless_rules(world):
def standard_rules(world):
for loc in ['Sanctuary','Sewers - Secret Room - Left', 'Sewers - Secret Room - Middle',
'Sewers - Secret Room - Right']:
add_rule(world.get_location(loc), lambda state: state.can_kill_most_things() and state.has('Small Key (Escape)'))
add_rule(world.get_location(loc), lambda state: state.can_kill_most_things() and state.has_key('Small Key (Escape)'))
# easiest way to enforce key placement not relevant for open
set_rule(world.get_location('Sewers - Dark Cross'), lambda state: state.can_kill_most_things())
@ -500,18 +500,18 @@ def set_trock_key_rules(world):
# if we have backdoor access we can waste a key on the trinexx door, then have no lamp to reverse traverse the maze room. We simply require an additional key just to be super safe then. The backdoor access to the chest is otherwise free
if not can_reach_back:
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Pokey Room'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 1))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Pokey Room'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 1))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Pokey Room'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Pokey Room'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 2))
# if we have front access this transition is useless. If we don't, it's a dead end so cannot hold any small keys
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Chain Chomp Room) (South)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 4))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Chain Chomp Room) (South)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 4))
# this is just the pokey room with one more key
if not can_reach_back:
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Chain Chomp Room) (North)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Chain Chomp Room) (North)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 2))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Chain Chomp Room) (North)'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock (Chain Chomp Room) (North)'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 3))
# the most complicated one
def tr_big_key_chest_keys_needed(state):
@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ def set_trock_key_rules(world):
# otherwise we could potentially have opened every other door already, so we need all 4 keys.
return 4
set_rule(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest'), lambda state: state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', tr_big_key_chest_keys_needed(state)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Turtle Rock)' and state.has('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 3))
set_rule(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest'), lambda state: state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', tr_big_key_chest_keys_needed(state)))
set_always_allow(world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Big Key Chest'), lambda state, item: == 'Small Key (Turtle Rock)' and state.has_key('Small Key (Turtle Rock)', 3))
# set big key restrictions
non_big_key_locations = ['Turtle Rock - Big Chest', 'Turtle Rock - Trinexx']