Changes to some of the texts
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,17 +90,16 @@ Triforce_texts = [
'\n Well Done!',
'You just wasted 2 hours of your life.',
'This was meant to be a trapezoid'
] * 2 + [
"\n G G",
"\n Success!", #Contributed by caitsith2
] * 2 + [
"\n GG",
"All your base\nare belong\nto us.",
"You have ended\nthe domination\nof Dr. Wily",
" Thanks for\n playing!!!",
"\n You Win!",
" Thank you!\n Your quest\n is over.",
" A winner\n is\n you!",
"\n WINNER!!",
"\n I'm sorry\n\n but your\nprincess is in\nanother castle",
"\n Success!",
"Your princess \n is in another\n castle."
"\n I'm sorry",
" Whelp…\n that just\n happened",
" Oh hey…\n it's you",
"\n Wheeeeee!!",
@ -110,10 +109,9 @@ Triforce_texts = [
"\nThe valuuue!!!",
"Cool seed,\n\nright?",
"\n We did it!",
" Spam those\n emotes in\n Wild's chat",
"\n O M G",
" Hello. Will\n you be my\n friend?",
" Beetorp\n was\n here!",
" Berserker\n was\n here!",
"The Wind Fish\nwill wake\nsoon. Hoot!",
"Meow meow meow\nMeow meow meow\n Oh my god!",
"Ahhhhhhhhh\nYa ya yaaaah\nYa ya yaaah",
@ -130,8 +128,8 @@ Triforce_texts = [
"I promise the\nnext seed will\nbe better.",
"\n Honk.",
BombShop2_texts = ['Bombs!\nBombs!\nBiggest!\nBestest!\nGreatest!\nBoomest!']
Sahasrahla2_texts = ['You already got my item, idiot.', 'Why are you still talking to me?', 'This text won\'t change.', 'Have you met my brother, Hasarahshla?']
BombShop2_texts = ['Bombs!\nBombs!\nBiggest!\nBestest!\nGreatest!\nBoomiest!']
Sahasrahla2_texts = ['You already got my item, idiot.', 'Why are you still talking to me?', 'Have you met my brother, Hasarahshla?']
Blind_texts = [
"I hate insect\npuns, they\nreally bug me.",
"I haven't seen\nthe eye doctor\nin years.",
@ -146,10 +144,7 @@ Blind_texts = [
"A baker's job\nis a piece of\ncake.",
"My optometrist\nsaid I have\nvision!",
"When you're a\nbaker, don't\nloaf around.",
"Mire requires\nEther Quake,\nor Bombos.",
"Broken pencils\nare pointless.",
"The food they\nserve guards\nlasts sentries",
"Being crushed\nby big objects\nis depressing.",
"A tap dancer's\nroutine runs\nhot and cold.",
"A weeknight is\na tiny\nnobleman.",
"The chimney\nsweep wore a\nsoot and tye.",
@ -160,13 +155,12 @@ Blind_texts = [
"Archers give\ngifts tied\nwith a bow.",
"A healed\ngambler is\nall better.",
"Any old sword\nwill make the\ncut here.",
"Lazy wyrms\nkeep dragon\ntheir feet.",
"Lazy wyrms\nkeep dragin'\ntheir feet.",
"Percussionist\nmasters drum\nup audiences.",
"Retrievers\nlove fetch\nquests.",
"Sausage is\nthe wurst.",
"I tried to\ncatch fog,\nbut I mist.",
"Winter is a\ngreat time\nto chill.",
"Do you think\nthe Ice Rod\nis cool?",
"Pyramids?\nI never saw\nthe point.",
"Stone golems\nare created as\nblank slates.",
"Desert humor\nis often dry.",
Reference in New Issue