TUNIC: Universal Tracker Support Update (#2786)
Adds better support for the Universal Tracker (see its channel in the future game design section). This does absolutely nothing regarding standard gen, just adds some checks for an attribute that only exists when UT is being used.
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,6 +59,20 @@ class TunicWorld(World):
er_portal_hints: Dict[int, str]
def generate_early(self) -> None:
# Universal tracker stuff, shouldn't do anything in standard gen
if hasattr(self.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"):
if "TUNIC" in self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough:
passthrough = self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough["TUNIC"]
self.options.start_with_sword.value = passthrough["start_with_sword"]
self.options.keys_behind_bosses.value = passthrough["keys_behind_bosses"]
self.options.sword_progression.value = passthrough["sword_progression"]
self.options.ability_shuffling.value = passthrough["ability_shuffling"]
self.options.logic_rules.value = passthrough["logic_rules"]
self.options.lanternless.value = passthrough["lanternless"]
self.options.maskless.value = passthrough["maskless"]
self.options.hexagon_quest.value = passthrough["hexagon_quest"]
self.options.entrance_rando.value = passthrough["entrance_rando"]
if self.options.start_with_sword and "Sword" not in self.options.start_inventory:
self.options.start_inventory.value["Sword"] = 1
@ -150,10 +164,20 @@ class TunicWorld(World):
self.tunic_portal_pairs = {}
self.er_portal_hints = {}
self.ability_unlocks = randomize_ability_unlocks(self.random, self.options)
# stuff for universal tracker support, can be ignored for standard gen
if hasattr(self.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"):
if "TUNIC" in self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough:
passthrough = self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough["TUNIC"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 24-25 (Prayer)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Prayer"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Holy Cross"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 52-53 (Ice Rod)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Ice Rod"]
if self.options.entrance_rando:
portal_pairs, portal_hints = create_er_regions(self)
for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items():
self.tunic_portal_pairs[portal1.scene_destination()] = portal2.scene_destination()
self.er_portal_hints = portal_hints
@ -199,6 +223,9 @@ class TunicWorld(World):
"ability_shuffling": self.options.ability_shuffling.value,
"hexagon_quest": self.options.hexagon_quest.value,
"fool_traps": self.options.fool_traps.value,
"logic_rules": self.options.logic_rules.value,
"lanternless": self.options.lanternless.value,
"maskless": self.options.maskless.value,
"entrance_rando": self.options.entrance_rando.value,
"Hexagon Quest Prayer": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 24-25 (Prayer)"],
"Hexagon Quest Holy Cross": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)"],
@ -236,44 +263,7 @@ class TunicWorld(World):
return slot_data
# for the universal tracker, doesn't get called in standard gen
def interpret_slot_data(self, slot_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
# bypassing random yaml settings
self.options.start_with_sword.value = slot_data["start_with_sword"]
self.options.keys_behind_bosses.value = slot_data["keys_behind_bosses"]
self.options.sword_progression.value = slot_data["sword_progression"]
self.options.ability_shuffling.value = slot_data["ability_shuffling"]
self.options.hexagon_quest.value = slot_data["hexagon_quest"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 24-25 (Prayer)"] = slot_data["Hexagon Quest Prayer"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)"] = slot_data["Hexagon Quest Holy Cross"]
self.ability_unlocks["Pages 52-53 (Ice Rod)"] = slot_data["Hexagon Quest Ice Rod"]
# swapping entrances around so the mapping matches what was generated
if slot_data["entrance_rando"]:
from BaseClasses import Entrance
from .er_data import portal_mapping
entrance_dict: Dict[str, Entrance] = {entrance.name: entrance
for region in self.multiworld.get_regions(self.player)
for entrance in region.entrances}
slot_portals: Dict[str, str] = slot_data["Entrance Rando"]
for portal1, portal2 in slot_portals.items():
portal_name1: str = ""
portal_name2: str = ""
entrance1 = None
entrance2 = None
for portal in portal_mapping:
if portal.scene_destination() == portal1:
portal_name1 = portal.name
if portal.scene_destination() == portal2:
portal_name2 = portal.name
for entrance_name, entrance in entrance_dict.items():
if entrance_name.startswith(portal_name1):
entrance1 = entrance
if entrance_name.startswith(portal_name2):
entrance2 = entrance
if entrance1 is None:
raise Exception("entrance1 not found, portal1 is " + portal1)
if entrance2 is None:
raise Exception("entrance2 not found, portal2 is " + portal2)
entrance1.connected_region = entrance2.parent_region
entrance2.connected_region = entrance1.parent_region
def interpret_slot_data(slot_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# returning slot_data so it regens, giving it back in multiworld.re_gen_passthrough
return slot_data
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ for p1, p2 in hallways_ur.items():
# the key is the region you have, the value is the regions you get for having that region
# this is mostly so we don't have to do something overly complex to get this information
dependent_regions: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], List[str]] = {
dependent_regions_restricted: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], List[str]] = {
("Overworld", "Overworld Belltower", "Overworld Swamp Upper Entry", "Overworld Special Shop Entry",
"Overworld West Garden Laurels Entry", "Overworld Southeast Cross Door", "Overworld Temple Door",
"Overworld Fountain Cross Door", "Overworld Town Portal", "Overworld Spawn Portal"):
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from BaseClasses import Region, ItemClassification, Item, Location
from .locations import location_table
from .er_data import Portal, tunic_er_regions, portal_mapping, hallway_helper, hallway_helper_ur, \
dependent_regions, dependent_regions_nmg, dependent_regions_ur
dependent_regions_restricted, dependent_regions_nmg, dependent_regions_ur
from .er_rules import set_er_region_rules
from worlds.generic import PlandoConnection
from . import TunicWorld
@ -22,12 +23,17 @@ def create_er_regions(world: "TunicWorld") -> Tuple[Dict[Portal, Portal], Dict[i
portal_pairs: Dict[Portal, Portal] = pair_portals(world)
logic_rules = world.options.logic_rules
# output the entrances to the spoiler log here for convenience
for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items():
world.multiworld.spoiler.set_entrance(portal1.name, portal2.name, "both", world.player)
# check if a portal leads to a hallway. if it does, update the hint text accordingly
def hint_helper(portal: Portal, hint_string: str = "") -> str:
# start by setting it as the name of the portal, for the case we're not using the hallway helper
if hint_string == "":
hint_string = portal.name
# unrestricted has fewer hallways, like the well rail
if logic_rules == "unrestricted":
hallways = hallway_helper_ur
@ -69,6 +75,7 @@ def create_er_regions(world: "TunicWorld") -> Tuple[Dict[Portal, Portal], Dict[i
return hint_string
# create our regions, give them hint text if they're in a spot where it makes sense to
# we're limiting which ones get hints so that it still gets that ER feel with a little less BS
for region_name, region_data in tunic_er_regions.items():
hint_text = "error"
if region_data.hint == 1:
@ -90,7 +97,7 @@ def create_er_regions(world: "TunicWorld") -> Tuple[Dict[Portal, Portal], Dict[i
regions[region_name] = Region(region_name, world.player, world.multiworld, hint_text)
elif region_data.hint == 3:
# only the west garden portal item for now
# west garden portal item is at a dead end in restricted, otherwise just in west garden
if region_name == "West Garden Portal Item":
if world.options.logic_rules:
for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items():
@ -178,9 +185,17 @@ def pair_portals(world: "TunicWorld") -> Dict[Portal, Portal]:
portal_pairs: Dict[Portal, Portal] = {}
dead_ends: List[Portal] = []
two_plus: List[Portal] = []
plando_connections: List[PlandoConnection] = []
fixed_shop = False
logic_rules = world.options.logic_rules.value
if not logic_rules:
dependent_regions = dependent_regions_restricted
elif logic_rules == 1:
dependent_regions = dependent_regions_nmg
dependent_regions = dependent_regions_ur
# create separate lists for dead ends and non-dead ends
if logic_rules:
for portal in portal_mapping:
@ -200,8 +215,46 @@ def pair_portals(world: "TunicWorld") -> Dict[Portal, Portal]:
start_region = "Overworld"
connected_regions.update(add_dependent_regions(start_region, logic_rules))
# universal tracker support stuff, don't need to care about region dependency
if hasattr(world.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"):
if "TUNIC" in world.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough:
# universal tracker stuff, won't do anything in normal gen
for portal1, portal2 in world.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough["TUNIC"]["Entrance Rando"].items():
portal_name1 = ""
portal_name2 = ""
# skip this if 10 fairies laurels location is on, it can be handled normally
if portal1 == "Overworld Redux, Waterfall_" and portal2 == "Waterfall, Overworld Redux_" \
and world.options.laurels_location == "10_fairies":
for portal in portal_mapping:
if portal.scene_destination() == portal1:
portal_name1 = portal.name
# connected_regions.update(add_dependent_regions(portal.region, logic_rules))
if portal.scene_destination() == portal2:
portal_name2 = portal.name
# connected_regions.update(add_dependent_regions(portal.region, logic_rules))
# shops have special handling
if not portal_name2 and portal2 == "Shop, Previous Region_":
portal_name2 = "Shop Portal"
plando_connections.append(PlandoConnection(portal_name1, portal_name2, "both"))
if plando_connections:
portal_pairs, dependent_regions, dead_ends, two_plus = \
create_plando_connections(plando_connections, dependent_regions, dead_ends, two_plus)
# if we have plando connections, our connected regions may change somewhat
while True:
test1 = len(connected_regions)
for region in connected_regions.copy():
connected_regions.update(add_dependent_regions(region, logic_rules))
test2 = len(connected_regions)
if test1 == test2:
# need to plando fairy cave, or it could end up laurels locked
# fix this later to be random? probably not?
# fix this later to be random after adding some item logic to dependent regions
if world.options.laurels_location == "10_fairies":
portal1 = None
portal2 = None
@ -217,7 +270,7 @@ def pair_portals(world: "TunicWorld") -> Dict[Portal, Portal]:
if world.options.fixed_shop:
if world.options.fixed_shop and not hasattr(world.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"):
fixed_shop = True
portal1 = None
for portal in two_plus:
@ -283,6 +336,11 @@ def pair_portals(world: "TunicWorld") -> Dict[Portal, Portal]:
shop_count = 1
shop_scenes.add("Overworld Redux")
# for universal tracker, we want to skip shop gen
if hasattr(world.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"):
if "TUNIC" in world.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough:
shop_count = 0
for i in range(shop_count):
portal1 = None
for portal in two_plus:
@ -311,10 +369,7 @@ def pair_portals(world: "TunicWorld") -> Dict[Portal, Portal]:
portal_pairs[portal1] = portal2
if len(two_plus) == 1:
raise Exception("two plus had an odd number of portals, investigate this")
for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items():
world.multiworld.spoiler.set_entrance(portal1.name, portal2.name, "both", world.player)
raise Exception("two plus had an odd number of portals, investigate this. last portal is " + two_plus[0].name)
return portal_pairs
@ -331,10 +386,11 @@ def create_randomized_entrances(portal_pairs: Dict[Portal, Portal], regions: Dic
# loop through the static connections, return regions you can reach from this region
# todo: refactor to take region_name and dependent_regions
def add_dependent_regions(region_name: str, logic_rules: int) -> Set[str]:
region_set = set()
if not logic_rules:
regions_to_add = dependent_regions
regions_to_add = dependent_regions_restricted
elif logic_rules == 1:
regions_to_add = dependent_regions_nmg
@ -451,3 +507,65 @@ def gate_before_switch(check_portal: Portal, two_plus: List[Portal]) -> bool:
# false means you're good to place the portal
return False
# this is for making the connections themselves
def create_plando_connections(plando_connections: List[PlandoConnection],
dependent_regions: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], List[str]], dead_ends: List[Portal],
two_plus: List[Portal]) \
-> Tuple[Dict[Portal, Portal], Dict[Tuple[str, ...], List[str]], List[Portal], List[Portal]]:
portal_pairs: Dict[Portal, Portal] = {}
shop_num = 1
for connection in plando_connections:
p_entrance = connection.entrance
p_exit = connection.exit
portal1 = None
portal2 = None
# search two_plus for both at once
for portal in two_plus:
if p_entrance == portal.name:
portal1 = portal
if p_exit == portal.name:
portal2 = portal
# search dead_ends individually since we can't really remove items from two_plus during the loop
if not portal1:
for portal in dead_ends:
if p_entrance == portal.name:
portal1 = portal
if not portal2:
for portal in dead_ends:
if p_exit == portal.name:
portal2 = portal
if p_exit == "Shop Portal":
portal2 = Portal(name="Shop Portal", region=f"Shop Entrance {shop_num}", destination="Previous Region_")
shop_num += 1
if not portal1:
raise Exception("could not find entrance named " + p_entrance + " for Tunic player's plando")
if not portal2:
raise Exception("could not find entrance named " + p_exit + " for Tunic player's plando")
portal_pairs[portal1] = portal2
# update dependent regions based on the plando'd connections, to make sure the portals connect well, logically
for origins, destinations in dependent_regions.items():
if portal1.region in origins:
if portal2.region in origins:
return portal_pairs, dependent_regions, dead_ends, two_plus
Reference in New Issue