Added Super Metroid support (#46)

Varia Randomizer based implementation
LttPClient -> SNIClient
This commit is contained in:
lordlou 2021-11-12 08:00:11 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent 61ae51b30c
commit 77ec8d4141
No known key found for this signature in database
141 changed files with 43859 additions and 106 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@

View File

@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ def fill_restrictive(world: MultiWorld, base_state: CollectionState, locations,
f'Not all items placed. Game beatable anyway. (Could not place {item_to_place})')
raise FillError(f'No more spots to place {item_to_place}, locations {locations} are invalid. '
f'Already placed {len(placements)}: {", ".join(str(place) for place in placements)}')

View File

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ def mystery_argparse():
parser.add_argument('--seed', help='Define seed number to generate.', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--multi', default=defaults["players"], type=lambda value: max(int(value), 1))
parser.add_argument('--spoiler', type=int, default=defaults["spoiler"])
parser.add_argument('--rom', default=options["lttp_options"]["rom_file"], help="Path to the 1.0 JP LttP Baserom.")
parser.add_argument('--lttp_rom', default=options["lttp_options"]["rom_file"], help="Path to the 1.0 JP LttP Baserom.")
parser.add_argument('--sm_rom', default=options["sm_options"]["rom_file"], help="Path to the 1.0 JP SM Baserom.")
parser.add_argument('--enemizercli', default=defaults["enemizer_path"])
parser.add_argument('--outputpath', default=options["general_options"]["output_path"])
parser.add_argument('--race', action='store_true', default=defaults["race"])
@ -127,7 +128,8 @@ def main(args=None, callback=ERmain):
Utils.init_logging(f"Generate_{seed}.txt", loglevel=args.log_level)
erargs.rom = args.rom
erargs.lttp_rom = args.lttp_rom
erargs.sm_rom = args.sm_rom
erargs.enemizercli = args.enemizercli
settings_cache = {k: (roll_settings(v, args.plando) if args.samesettings else None)

View File

@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ def main(args, seed=None, baked_server_options: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = No
output_path.cached_path = args.outputpath
start = time.perf_counter()
# initialize the world
world = MultiWorld(args.multi)

View File

@ -11,44 +11,69 @@ from typing import Tuple, Optional
import Utils
current_patch_version = 2
current_patch_version = 3
supported_games = ["A Link to the Past", "Super Metroid"]
def generate_yaml(patch: bytes, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, game: int = GAME_ALTTP) -> bytes:
if game == GAME_ALTTP:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import JAP10HASH
elif game == GAME_SM:
from import JAP10HASH
raise RuntimeError("Selected game for base rom not found.")
def generate_yaml(patch: bytes, metadata: Optional[dict] = None) -> bytes:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import JAP10HASH
patch = yaml.dump({"meta": metadata,
"patch": patch,
"game": "A Link to the Past",
"game": supported_games[game],
# minimum version of patch system expected for patching to be successful
"compatible_version": 1,
"compatible_version": 3,
"version": current_patch_version,
"base_checksum": JAP10HASH})
return patch.encode(encoding="utf-8-sig")
def generate_patch(rom: bytes, metadata: Optional[dict] = None) -> bytes:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
def generate_patch(rom: bytes, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, game: int = GAME_ALTTP) -> bytes:
if game == GAME_ALTTP:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game == GAME_SM:
from import get_base_rom_bytes
raise RuntimeError("Selected game for base rom not found.")
if metadata is None:
metadata = {}
patch = bsdiff4.diff(get_base_rom_bytes(), rom)
return generate_yaml(patch, metadata)
return generate_yaml(patch, metadata, game)
def create_patch_file(rom_file_to_patch: str, server: str = "", destination: str = None,
player: int = 0, player_name: str = "") -> str:
player: int = 0, player_name: str = "", game: int = GAME_ALTTP) -> str:
meta = {"server": server, # allow immediate connection to server in multiworld. Empty string otherwise
"player_id": player,
"player_name": player_name}
bytes = generate_patch(load_bytes(rom_file_to_patch),
target = destination if destination else os.path.splitext(rom_file_to_patch)[0] + ".apbp"
target = destination if destination else os.path.splitext(rom_file_to_patch)[0] + (".apbp" if game == GAME_ALTTP else ".apm3")
write_lzma(bytes, target)
return target
def create_rom_bytes(patch_file: str, ignore_version: bool = False) -> Tuple[dict, str, bytearray]:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
data = Utils.parse_yaml(lzma.decompress(load_bytes(patch_file)).decode("utf-8-sig"))
game_name = data["game"]
if game_name in supported_games:
game_index = supported_games.index(game_name)
if game_index == GAME_ALTTP:
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
elif game_index == GAME_SM:
from import get_base_rom_bytes
from worlds.alttp.Rom import get_base_rom_bytes
if not ignore_version and data["compatible_version"] > current_patch_version:
raise RuntimeError("Patch file is incompatible with this patcher, likely an update is required.")
patched_data = bsdiff4.patch(get_base_rom_bytes(), data["patch"])
@ -68,7 +93,7 @@ def create_rom_file(patch_file: str) -> Tuple[dict, str]:
def update_patch_data(patch_data: bytes, server: str = "") -> bytes:
data = Utils.parse_yaml(lzma.decompress(patch_data).decode("utf-8-sig"))
data["meta"]["server"] = server
bytes = generate_yaml(data["patch"], data["meta"])
bytes = generate_yaml(data["patch"], data["meta"], data["game"])
return lzma.compress(bytes)
@ -113,7 +138,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if 'server' in data:
Utils.persistent_store("servers", data['hash'], data['server'])
print(f"Host is {data['server']}")
elif rom.endswith(".apm3"):
print(f"Applying patch {rom}")
data, target = create_rom_file(rom)
print(f"Created rom {target}.")
if 'server' in data:
Utils.persistent_store("servers", data['hash'], data['server'])
print(f"Host is {data['server']}")
elif rom.endswith(".archipelago"):
import json
import zlib
@ -139,7 +170,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
def _handle_zip_file_entry(zfinfo: zipfile.ZipInfo, server: str):
data =
if zfinfo.filename.endswith(".apbp"):
if zfinfo.filename.endswith(".apbp") or zfinfo.filename.endswith(".apm3"):
data = update_patch_data(data, server)
with ziplock:
zfw.writestr(zfinfo, data)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from json import loads, dumps
from Utils import get_item_name_from_id, init_logging
if __name__ == "__main__":
import colorama
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from worlds.alttp import Items
from worlds.alttp.Rom import ROM_PLAYER_LIMIT
import Utils
from CommonClient import CommonContext, server_loop, console_loop, ClientCommandProcessor, gui_enabled, get_base_parser
from Patch import GAME_ALTTP, GAME_SM
snes_logger = logging.getLogger("SNES")
@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ class Context(CommonContext):
self.awaiting_rom = False
self.rom = None
self.prev_rom = None
self.gameID = None
async def connection_closed(self):
await super(Context, self).connection_closed()
@ -146,7 +148,7 @@ class Context(CommonContext):
await self.send_msgs([{"cmd": 'Connect',
'password': self.password, 'name': auth, 'version': Utils.version_tuple,
'tags': self.tags,
'uuid': Utils.get_unique_identifier(), 'game': "A Link to the Past"
'uuid': Utils.get_unique_identifier(), 'game': "Super Metroid" if self.rom[:2] == b"SM" else "A Link to the Past"
def on_deathlink(self, data: dict):
@ -159,12 +161,19 @@ async def deathlink_kill_player(ctx: Context):
ctx.death_state = DeathState.killing_player
while ctx.death_state == DeathState.killing_player and \
ctx.snes_state == SNESState.SNES_ATTACHED:
snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + 0xF36D, bytes([0])) # set current health to 0
snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x0373, bytes([8])) # deal 1 full heart of damage at next opportunity
if ctx.gameID == GAME_ALTTP:
snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + 0xF36D, bytes([0])) # set current health to 0
snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x0373, bytes([8])) # deal 1 full heart of damage at next opportunity
elif ctx.gameID == GAME_SM:
snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x09C2, bytes([0, 0])) # set current health to 0
await snes_flush_writes(ctx)
await asyncio.sleep(1)
gamemode = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x10, 1)
if not gamemode or gamemode[0] in DEATH_MODES:
gamemode = None
if ctx.gameID == GAME_ALTTP:
gamemode = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x10, 1)
elif ctx.gameID == GAME_SM:
gamemode = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x0998, 1)
if not gamemode or gamemode[0] in (DEATH_MODES if ctx.gameID == GAME_ALTTP else SM_DEATH_MODES):
ctx.death_state = DeathState.dead
ctx.last_death_link = time.time()
@ -181,6 +190,7 @@ def color_item(item_id: int, green: bool = False) -> str:
# LttP
ROM_START = 0x000000
WRAM_START = 0xF50000
WRAM_SIZE = 0x20000
@ -207,7 +217,20 @@ SCOUTREPLY_ITEM_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D9 # 1 byte
SHOP_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x302 # 2 bytes
# SM
SM_INGAME_MODES = {0x07, 0x09, 0x0b}
SM_ENDGAME_MODES = {0x26, 0x27}
SM_DEATH_MODES = {0x15, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A}
location_shop_ids = set([info[0] for name, info in Shops.shop_table.items()])
@ -859,12 +882,20 @@ async def game_watcher(ctx: Context):
if not ctx.rom:
ctx.finished_game = False
rom = await snes_read(ctx, ROMNAME_START, ROMNAME_SIZE)
gameName = await snes_read(ctx, SM_ROMNAME_START, 2)
if gameName is None:
elif gameName == b"SM":
ctx.gameID = GAME_SM
ctx.gameID = GAME_ALTTP
rom = await snes_read(ctx, SM_ROMNAME_START if ctx.gameID == GAME_SM else ROMNAME_START, ROMNAME_SIZE)
if rom is None or rom == bytes([0] * ROMNAME_SIZE):
ctx.rom = rom
death_link = await snes_read(ctx, DEATH_LINK_ACTIVE_ADDR, 1)
death_link = await snes_read(ctx, DEATH_LINK_ACTIVE_ADDR if ctx.gameID == GAME_ALTTP else SM_DEATH_LINK_ACTIVE_ADDR, 1)
if death_link:
death_link = bool(death_link[0] & 0b1)
old_tags = ctx.tags.copy()
@ -886,87 +917,156 @@ async def game_watcher(ctx: Context):
snes_logger.warning("ROM change detected, please reconnect to the multiworld server")
await ctx.disconnect()
gamemode = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x10, 1)
if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and gamemode and ctx.last_death_link + 1 < time.time():
currently_dead = gamemode[0] in DEATH_MODES
# in this state we only care about triggering a death send
if ctx.death_state == DeathState.alive:
if currently_dead:
ctx.death_state = DeathState.dead
await ctx.send_death()
# in this state we care about confirming a kill, to move state to dead
elif ctx.death_state == DeathState.killing_player:
# this is being handled in deathlink_kill_player(ctx) already
# in this state we wait until the player is alive again
elif ctx.death_state == DeathState.dead:
if not currently_dead:
ctx.death_state = DeathState.alive
if ctx.gameID == GAME_ALTTP:
gamemode = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x10, 1)
if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and gamemode and ctx.last_death_link + 1 < time.time():
currently_dead = gamemode[0] in DEATH_MODES
# in this state we only care about triggering a death send
if ctx.death_state == DeathState.alive:
if currently_dead:
ctx.death_state = DeathState.dead
await ctx.send_death()
# in this state we care about confirming a kill, to move state to dead
elif ctx.death_state == DeathState.killing_player:
# this is being handled in deathlink_kill_player(ctx) already
# in this state we wait until the player is alive again
elif ctx.death_state == DeathState.dead:
if not currently_dead:
ctx.death_state = DeathState.alive
gameend = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x443, 1)
game_timer = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x42E, 4)
if gamemode is None or gameend is None or game_timer is None or \
(gamemode[0] not in INGAME_MODES and gamemode[0] not in ENDGAME_MODES):
delay = 7 if ctx.slow_mode else 2
if gameend[0]:
if not ctx.finished_game:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}])
ctx.finished_game = True
if time.perf_counter() - perf_counter < delay:
gameend = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x443, 1)
game_timer = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x42E, 4)
if gamemode is None or gameend is None or game_timer is None or \
(gamemode[0] not in INGAME_MODES and gamemode[0] not in ENDGAME_MODES):
delay = 7 if ctx.slow_mode else 2
if gameend[0]:
if not ctx.finished_game:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}])
ctx.finished_game = True
if time.perf_counter() - perf_counter < delay:
perf_counter = time.perf_counter()
perf_counter = time.perf_counter()
game_timer = game_timer[0] | (game_timer[1] << 8) | (game_timer[2] << 16) | (game_timer[3] << 24)
if abs(game_timer - prev_game_timer) < (delay * 60):
game_timer = game_timer[0] | (game_timer[1] << 8) | (game_timer[2] << 16) | (game_timer[3] << 24)
if abs(game_timer - prev_game_timer) < (delay * 60):
prev_game_timer = game_timer
if gamemode in ENDGAME_MODES: # triforce room and credits
prev_game_timer = game_timer
if gamemode in ENDGAME_MODES: # triforce room and credits
data = await snes_read(ctx, RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR, 8)
if data is None:
data = await snes_read(ctx, RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR, 8)
if data is None:
recv_index = data[0] | (data[1] << 8)
recv_item = data[2]
roomid = data[4] | (data[5] << 8)
roomdata = data[6]
scout_location = data[7]
recv_index = data[0] | (data[1] << 8)
recv_item = data[2]
roomid = data[4] | (data[5] << 8)
roomdata = data[6]
scout_location = data[7]
if recv_index < len(ctx.items_received) and recv_item == 0:
item = ctx.items_received[recv_index]
recv_index += 1'Received %s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)' % (
color(ctx.item_name_getter(item.item), 'red', 'bold'), color(ctx.player_names[item.player], 'yellow'),
ctx.location_name_getter(item.location), recv_index, len(ctx.items_received)))
if recv_index < len(ctx.items_received) and recv_item == 0:
item = ctx.items_received[recv_index]
recv_index += 1'Received %s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)' % (
color(ctx.item_name_getter(item.item), 'red', 'bold'), color(ctx.player_names[item.player], 'yellow'),
ctx.location_name_getter(item.location), recv_index, len(ctx.items_received)))
snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR,
bytes([recv_index & 0xFF, (recv_index >> 8) & 0xFF]))
snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_ITEM_ADDR,
snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_ITEM_PLAYER_ADDR,
bytes([min(ROM_PLAYER_LIMIT, item.player) if item.player != ctx.slot else 0]))
if scout_location > 0 and scout_location in ctx.locations_info:
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_LOCATION_ADDR,
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_ITEM_ADDR,
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_PLAYER_ADDR,
bytes([min(ROM_PLAYER_LIMIT, ctx.locations_info[scout_location][1])]))
snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR,
bytes([recv_index & 0xFF, (recv_index >> 8) & 0xFF]))
snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_ITEM_ADDR,
snes_buffered_write(ctx, RECV_ITEM_PLAYER_ADDR,
bytes([min(ROM_PLAYER_LIMIT, item.player) if item.player != ctx.slot else 0]))
if scout_location > 0 and scout_location in ctx.locations_info:
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_LOCATION_ADDR,
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_ITEM_ADDR,
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SCOUTREPLY_PLAYER_ADDR,
bytes([min(ROM_PLAYER_LIMIT, ctx.locations_info[scout_location][1])]))
await snes_flush_writes(ctx)
await snes_flush_writes(ctx)
if scout_location > 0 and scout_location not in ctx.locations_scouted:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": [scout_location]}])
await track_locations(ctx, roomid, roomdata)
elif ctx.gameID == GAME_SM:
gamemode = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x0998, 1)
if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and gamemode and ctx.last_death_link + 1 < time.time():
currently_dead = gamemode[0] in SM_DEATH_MODES
# in this state we only care about triggering a death send
if ctx.death_state == DeathState.alive:
if currently_dead:
ctx.death_state = DeathState.dead
await ctx.send_death()
# in this state we care about confirming a kill, to move state to dead
elif ctx.death_state == DeathState.killing_player:
# this is being handled in deathlink_kill_player(ctx) already
# in this state we wait until the player is alive again
elif ctx.death_state == DeathState.dead:
if not currently_dead:
ctx.death_state = DeathState.alive
if gamemode is not None and gamemode[0] in SM_ENDGAME_MODES:
if not ctx.finished_game:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}])
ctx.finished_game = True
if scout_location > 0 and scout_location not in ctx.locations_scouted:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": [scout_location]}])
await track_locations(ctx, roomid, roomdata)
data = await snes_read(ctx, SM_RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 0x680, 4)
if data is None:
recv_index = data[0] | (data[1] << 8)
recv_item = data[2] | (data[3] << 8)
while (recv_index < recv_item):
itemAdress = recv_index * 8
message = await snes_read(ctx, SM_RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 0x700 + itemAdress, 8)
worldId = message[0] | (message[1] << 8)
itemId = message[2] | (message[3] << 8)
itemIndex = (message[4] | (message[5] << 8)) >> 3
seq = recv_index
recv_index += 1
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SM_RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 0x680, bytes([recv_index & 0xFF, (recv_index >> 8) & 0xFF]))
from import locations_start_id
location_id = locations_start_id + itemIndex
location = ctx.location_name_getter(location_id)'New Check: {location} ({len(ctx.locations_checked)}/{len(ctx.missing_locations) + len(ctx.checked_locations)})')
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [location_id]}])
data = await snes_read(ctx, SM_RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 0x600, 4)
if data is None:
recv_itemOutPtr = data[0] | (data[1] << 8)
itemOutPtr = data[2] | (data[3] << 8)
from import items_start_id
if itemOutPtr < len(ctx.items_received):
item = ctx.items_received[itemOutPtr]
itemId = item.item - items_start_id
playerID = (item.player-1) if item.player != 0 else (len(ctx.player_names)-1)
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SM_RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + itemOutPtr * 4, bytes([playerID & 0xFF, (playerID >> 8) & 0xFF, itemId & 0xFF, (itemId >> 8) & 0xFF]))
itemOutPtr += 1
snes_buffered_write(ctx, SM_RECV_PROGRESS_ADDR + 0x602, bytes([itemOutPtr & 0xFF, (itemOutPtr >> 8) & 0xFF]))'Received %s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)' % (
color(ctx.item_name_getter(item.item), 'red', 'bold'), color(ctx.player_names[item.player], 'yellow'),
ctx.location_name_getter(item.location), itemOutPtr, len(ctx.items_received)))
await snes_flush_writes(ctx)
async def run_game(romfile):
auto_start = Utils.get_options()["lttp_options"].get("rom_start", True)
@ -1008,8 +1108,8 @@ async def main():
if gui_enabled:
input_task = None
from kvui import LttPManager
ctx.ui = LttPManager(ctx)
from kvui import SNIManager
ctx.ui = SNIManager(ctx)
ui_task = asyncio.create_task(ctx.ui.async_run(), name="UI")
input_task = asyncio.create_task(console_loop(ctx), name="Input")

View File

@ -161,6 +161,11 @@ def get_default_options() -> dict:
"factorio_options": {
"executable": "factorio\\bin\\x64\\factorio",
"sm_options": {
"rom_file": "Super Metroid (JU)[!].sfc",
"sni": "SNI",
"rom_start": True,
"lttp_options": {
"rom_file": "Zelda no Densetsu - Kamigami no Triforce (Japan).sfc",
"sni": "SNI",

View File

@ -91,6 +91,15 @@ lttp_options:
# True for operating system default program
# Alternatively, a path to a program to open the .sfc file with
rom_start: true
# File name of the v1.0 J rom
rom_file: "Super Metroid (JU)[!].sfc"
# Set this to your SNI folder location if you want the MultiClient to attempt an auto start, does nothing if not found
sni: "SNI"
# Set this to false to never autostart a rom (such as after patching)
# True for operating system default program
# Alternatively, a path to a program to open the .sfc file with
rom_start: true
executable: "factorio\\bin\\x64\\factorio"
@ -98,4 +107,5 @@ minecraft_options:
max_heap_size: "2G"
# File name of the OoT v1.0 ROM
rom_file: "The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64"
rom_file: "The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64"
rom_file: "The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64"

View File

@ -287,12 +287,12 @@ class FactorioManager(GameManager):
base_title = "Archipelago Factorio Client"
class LttPManager(GameManager):
class SNIManager(GameManager):
logging_pairs = [
("Client", "Archipelago"),
("SNES", "SNES"),
base_title = "Archipelago LttP Client"
base_title = "Archipelago SNI Client"
class TextManager(GameManager):

View File

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ game: # Pick a game to play
Subnautica: 0
Slay the Spire: 0
Ocarina of Time: 0
Super Metroid: 0
version: 0.1.7 # Version of Archipelago required for this yaml to work as expected.
# Shared Options supported by all games:
@ -57,6 +59,270 @@ progression_balancing:
# exclude_locations: # Force certain locations to never contain progression items, and always be filled with junk.
# - "Master Sword Pedestal"
Super Metroid: # see advanced tab for detailed info on each option
# start_inventory: # Begin the file with the listed items/upgrades
# Screw Attack: 1
# Bomb: 1
# Speed Booster: 1
# Grappling Beam: 1
# Space Jump: 1
# Hi-Jump Boots: 1
# Spring Ball: 1
# Charge Beam: 1
# Ice Beam: 1
# Spazer: 1
# Reserve Tank: 4
# Missile: 46
# Super Missile: 20
# Power Bomb: 20
# Energy Tank: 14
# Morph Ball: 1
# X-Ray Scope: 1
# Wave Beam: 1
# Plasma Beam: 1
# Varia Suit: 1
# Gravity Suit: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
preset: # choose one of the preset or specify "custom" to use customPreset option
newbie: 0
casual: 0
regular: 1
veteran: 0
expert: 0
master: 0
samus: 0
Season_Races: 0
SMRAT2021: 0
solution: 0
custom: 0 # see for detailed info on each preset settings
varia_custom: 0 # use an entry from the preset list on
varia_custom_preset: # use an entry from the preset list on
Ceres: 0
Landing_Site: 1
Gauntlet_Top: 0
Green_Brinstar_Elevator: 0
Big_Pink: 0
Etecoons_Supers: 0
Wrecked_Ship_Main: 0
Firefleas_Top: 0
Business_Center: 0
Bubble_Mountain: 0
Mama_Turtle: 0
Watering_Hole: 0
Aqueduct: 0
Red_Brinstar_Elevator: 0
Golden_Four: 0
easy: 0
medium: 0
hard: 0
harder: 0
hardcore: 1
mania: 0
infinity: 0
early: 1
normal: 0
on: 1
off: 0
on: 0
off: 1
missile_qty: 30 # a range between 10 and 90 that is divided by 10 as a float
super_qty: 20 # a range between 10 and 90 that is divided by 10 as a float
power_bomb_qty: 10 # a range between 10 and 90 that is divided by 10 as a float
minor_qty: 100 # a range between 7 (minimum to beat the game) and 100
ultra_sparse: 0
sparse: 0
medium: 0
vanilla: 1
on: 0
light: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 1
off: 0
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
Vanilla: 0
Balanced: 1
Progressive: 0
on: 1
off: 0
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
on: 0
off: 1
#item_sounds: always forced on due to a conflict in patching
#majors_split: not supported always "Full"
#scav_num_locs: not supported always off
#scav_randomized: not supported always off
#scav_escape: not supported always off
#progression_speed: not supported always random
#progression_difficulty: not supported always random
#hide_items: not supported always off
#minimizer: not supported always off
#minimizer_qty: not supported always off
#minimizer_tourian: not supported always off
#escape_rando: not supported always off
#remove_escape_enemies: not supported always off
#rando_speed: not supported always off
custom_preset: # see for detailed info on each preset settings
Knows: # each skill (know) has a pair [can use, perceived difficulty using one of the following values]
# easy = 1
# medium = 5
# hard = 10
# harder = 25
# hardcore = 50
# mania = 100
Mockball: [True, 1]
SimpleShortCharge: [True, 1]
InfiniteBombJump: [True, 5]
GreenGateGlitch: [True, 5]
ShortCharge: [False, 0]
GravityJump: [True, 10]
SpringBallJump: [True, 10]
SpringBallJumpFromWall: [False, 0]
GetAroundWallJump: [True, 10]
DraygonGrappleKill: [True, 5]
DraygonSparkKill: [False, 0]
MicrowaveDraygon: [True, 1]
MicrowavePhantoon: [True, 5]
IceZebSkip: [False, 0]
SpeedZebSkip: [False, 0]
HiJumpMamaTurtle: [False, 0]
GravLessLevel1: [True, 50]
GravLessLevel2: [False, 0]
GravLessLevel3: [False, 0]
CeilingDBoost: [True, 1]
BillyMays: [True, 1]
AlcatrazEscape: [True, 25]
ReverseGateGlitch: [True, 5]
ReverseGateGlitchHiJumpLess: [False, 0]
EarlyKraid: [True, 1]
XrayDboost: [False, 0]
XrayIce: [True, 10]
RedTowerClimb: [True, 25]
RonPopeilScrew: [False, 0]
OldMBWithSpeed: [False, 0]
Moondance: [False, 0]
HiJumpLessGauntletAccess: [True, 50]
HiJumpGauntletAccess: [True, 25]
LowGauntlet: [False, 0]
IceEscape: [False, 0]
WallJumpCathedralExit: [True, 5]
BubbleMountainWallJump: [True, 5]
NovaBoost: [False, 0]
NorfairReserveDBoost: [False, 0]
CrocPBsDBoost: [False, 0]
CrocPBsIce: [False, 0]
IceMissileFromCroc: [False, 0]
FrogSpeedwayWithoutSpeed: [False, 0]
LavaDive: [True, 50]
LavaDiveNoHiJump: [False, 0]
WorstRoomIceCharge: [False, 0]
ScrewAttackExit: [False, 0]
ScrewAttackExitWithoutScrew: [False, 0]
FirefleasWalljump: [True, 25]
ContinuousWallJump: [False, 0]
DiagonalBombJump: [False, 0]
MockballWs: [False, 0]
SpongeBathBombJump: [False, 0]
SpongeBathHiJump: [True, 1]
SpongeBathSpeed: [True, 5]
TediousMountEverest: [False, 0]
DoubleSpringBallJump: [False, 0]
BotwoonToDraygonWithIce: [False, 0]
DraygonRoomGrappleExit: [False, 0]
DraygonRoomCrystalFlash: [False, 0]
PreciousRoomXRayExit: [False, 0]
MochtroidClip: [True, 5]
PuyoClip: [False, 0]
PuyoClipXRay: [False, 0]
SnailClip: [False, 0]
SuitlessPuyoClip: [False, 0]
KillPlasmaPiratesWithSpark: [False, 0]
KillPlasmaPiratesWithCharge: [True, 5]
AccessSpringBallWithHiJump: [True, 1]
AccessSpringBallWithSpringBallBombJumps: [True, 10]
AccessSpringBallWithBombJumps: [False, 0]
AccessSpringBallWithSpringBallJump: [False, 0]
AccessSpringBallWithXRayClimb: [False, 0]
AccessSpringBallWithGravJump: [False, 0]
A: Jump
B: Dash
X: Shoot
Y: Item Cancel
L: Angle Down
R: Angle Up
Select: Item Select
Moonwalk: False
Ice: "Gimme energy"
MainUpperNorfair: "Gimme energy"
LowerNorfair: "Default"
Kraid: "Default"
Phantoon: "Default"
Draygon: "Default"
Ridley: "Default"
MotherBrain: "Default"
X-Ray: "I don't like spikes"
Gauntlet: "I don't like acid"
Subnautica: {}
Slay the Spire:
character: # Pick What Character you wish to play with.
@ -1415,4 +1681,4 @@ triggers:
percentage: 0 # AND has a 0 percent chance (meaning this is default disabled, just to show how it works)
options: # then inserts these options
A Link to the Past:
swordless: off
swordless: off

View File

@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ scripts = {
"": ("ArchipelagoServer", False, icon),
"": ("ArchipelagoGenerate", False, icon),
"": ("ArchipelagoTextClient", True, icon),
# LttP
"": ("ArchipelagoLttPClient", True, icon),
"": ("ArchipelagoSNIClient", True, icon),
"": ("ArchipelagoLttPAdjuster", True, icon),
# Factorio
"": ("ArchipelagoFactorioClient", True, icon),

View File

@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ def set_rules(world: MultiWorld, player: int):
set_rule(world.get_location("Victory", player),
lambda state: state._ror_has_items(player, 5 * items_per_level) and state.has("Beat Level Five", player))
world.completion_condition[player] = lambda state: state.has("Victory", player)
world.completion_condition[player] = lambda state: state.has("Victory", player)

worlds/sm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from import ItemManager
items_start_id = 83000
def gen_special_id():
special_id_value_start = 32
while True:
yield special_id_value_start
special_id_value_start += 1
gen_run = gen_special_id()
lookup_id_to_name = dict((items_start_id + (value.Id if value.Id != None else next(gen_run)), value.Name) for key, value in ItemManager.Items.items())
lookup_name_to_id = {item_name: item_id for item_id, item_name in lookup_id_to_name.items()}

worlds/sm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from import locationsDict
locations_start_id = 82000
def gen_boss_id():
boss_id_value_start = 256
while True:
yield boss_id_value_start
boss_id_value_start += 1
gen_run = gen_boss_id()
lookup_id_to_name = dict((locations_start_id + (value.Id if value.Id != None else next(gen_run)), key) for key, value in locationsDict.items())
lookup_name_to_id = {location_name: location_id for location_id, location_name in lookup_id_to_name.items()}

worlds/sm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import typing
from Options import Choice, Range, OptionDict, OptionList, Option, Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, DeathLink
class StartItemsRemovesFromPool(Toggle):
displayname = "StartItems Removes From Item Pool"
class Preset(Choice):
"""choose one of the preset or specify "varia_custom" to use varia_custom_preset option or specify "custom" to use custom_preset option"""
displayname = "Preset"
option_newbie = 0
option_casual = 1
option_regular = 2
option_veteran = 3
option_expert = 4
option_master = 5
option_samus = 6
option_Season_Races = 7
option_SMRAT2021 = 8
option_solution = 9
option_custom = 10
option_varia_custom = 11
default = 2
class StartLocation(Choice):
displayname = "Start Location"
option_Ceres = 0
option_Landing_Site = 1
option_Gauntlet_Top = 2
option_Green_Brinstar_Elevator = 3
option_Big_Pink = 4
option_Etecoons_Supers = 5
option_Wrecked_Ship_Main = 6
option_Firefleas_Top = 7
option_Business_Center = 8
option_Bubble_Mountain = 9
option_Mama_Turtle = 10
option_Watering_Hole = 11
option_Aqueduct = 12
option_Red_Brinstar_Elevator = 13
option_Golden_Four = 14
default = 1
class MaxDifficulty(Choice):
displayname = "Maximum Difficulty"
option_easy = 0
option_medium = 1
option_hard = 2
option_harder = 3
option_hardcore = 4
option_mania = 5
option_infinity = 6
default = 4
class MorphPlacement(Choice):
displayname = "Morph Placement"
option_early = 0
option_normal = 1
default = 0
class SuitsRestriction(DefaultOnToggle):
displayname = "Suits Restriction"
class StrictMinors(Toggle):
displayname = "Strict Minors"
class MissileQty(Range):
displayname = "Missile Quantity"
range_start = 10
range_end = 90
default = 30
class SuperQty(Range):
displayname = "Super Quantity"
range_start = 10
range_end = 90
default = 20
class PowerBombQty(Range):
displayname = "Power Bomb Quantity"
range_start = 10
range_end = 90
default = 10
class MinorQty(Range):
displayname = "Minor Quantity"
range_start = 7
range_end = 100
default = 100
class EnergyQty(Choice):
displayname = "Energy Quantity"
option_ultra_sparse = 0
option_sparse = 1
option_medium = 2
option_vanilla = 3
default = 3
class AreaRandomization(Choice):
displayname = "Area Randomization"
option_off = 0
option_light = 1
option_on = 2
alias_false = 0
alias_true = 2
default = 0
class AreaLayout(Toggle):
displayname = "Area Layout"
class DoorsColorsRando(Toggle):
displayname = "Doors Colors Rando"
class AllowGreyDoors(Toggle):
displayname = "Allow Grey Doors"
class BossRandomization(Toggle):
displayname = "Boss Randomization"
class FunCombat(Toggle):
displayname = "Fun Combat"
class FunMovement(Toggle):
displayname = "Fun Movement"
class FunSuits(Toggle):
displayname = "Fun Suits"
class LayoutPatches(DefaultOnToggle):
displayname = "Layout Patches"
class VariaTweaks(Toggle):
displayname = "Varia Tweaks"
class NerfedCharge(Toggle):
displayname = "Nerfed Charge"
class GravityBehaviour(Choice):
displayname = "Gravity Behaviour"
option_Vanilla = 0
option_Balanced = 1
option_Progressive = 2
default = 1
class ElevatorsDoorsSpeed(DefaultOnToggle):
displayname = "Elevators doors speed"
class SpinJumpRestart(Toggle):
displayname = "Spin Jump Restart"
class InfiniteSpaceJump(Toggle):
displayname = "Infinite Space Jump"
class RefillBeforeSave(Toggle):
displayname = "Refill Before Save"
class Hud(Toggle):
displayname = "Hud"
class Animals(Toggle):
displayname = "Animals"
class NoMusic(Toggle):
displayname = "No Music"
class RandomMusic(Toggle):
displayname = "Random Music"
class CustomPreset(OptionDict):
see for detailed info on each preset settings
knows: each skill (know) has a pair [can use, perceived difficulty using one of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 each one matching a max_difficulty]
settings: hard rooms, hellruns and bosses settings
controller: predefined controller mapping and moon walk setting
displayname = "Custom Preset"
default = { "knows": {},
"settings": {},
"controller": {}
class VariaCustomPreset(OptionList):
"""use an entry from the preset list on"""
displayname = "Varia Custom Preset"
default = {}
sm_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"start_inventory_removes_from_pool": StartItemsRemovesFromPool,
"preset": Preset,
"start_location": StartLocation,
"death_link": DeathLink,
#"majors_split": "Full",
#"scav_num_locs": "10",
#"scav_randomized": "off",
#"scav_escape": "off",
"max_difficulty": MaxDifficulty,
#"progression_speed": "medium",
#"progression_difficulty": "normal",
"morph_placement": MorphPlacement,
"suits_restriction": SuitsRestriction,
#"hide_items": "off",
"strict_minors": StrictMinors,
"missile_qty": MissileQty,
"super_qty": SuperQty,
"power_bomb_qty": PowerBombQty,
"minor_qty": MinorQty,
"energy_qty": EnergyQty,
"area_randomization": AreaRandomization,
"area_layout": AreaLayout,
"doors_colors_rando": DoorsColorsRando,
"allow_grey_doors": AllowGreyDoors,
"boss_randomization": BossRandomization,
#"minimizer": "off",
#"minimizer_qty": "45",
#"minimizer_tourian": "off",
#"escape_rando": "off",
#"remove_escape_enemies": "off",
"fun_combat": FunCombat,
"fun_movement": FunMovement,
"fun_suits": FunSuits,
"layout_patches": LayoutPatches,
"varia_tweaks": VariaTweaks,
"nerfed_charge": NerfedCharge,
"gravity_behaviour": GravityBehaviour,
#"item_sounds": "on",
"elevators_doors_speed": ElevatorsDoorsSpeed,
"spin_jump_restart": SpinJumpRestart,
#"rando_speed": "off",
"infinite_space_jump": InfiniteSpaceJump,
"refill_before_save": RefillBeforeSave,
"hud": Hud,
"animals": Animals,
"no_music": NoMusic,
"random_music": RandomMusic,
"custom_preset": CustomPreset,
"varia_custom_preset": VariaCustomPreset

worlds/sm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
def create_regions(self, world, player: int):
from . import create_region
from BaseClasses import Entrance
from logic.logic import Logic
from graph.vanilla.graph_locations import locationsDict
regions = []
for accessPoint in Logic.accessPoints:
regions.append(create_region( self,
[accessPoint.Name + "->" + key for key in accessPoint.intraTransitions.keys()]))
world.regions += regions
# create a region for each location and link each to what the location has access
# we make them one way so that the filler (and spoiler log) doesnt try to use those region as intermediary path
# this is required in AP because a location cant have multiple parent regions
locationRegions = []
for locationName, value in locationsDict.items():
locationRegions.append(create_region( self,
for key in value.AccessFrom.keys():
currentRegion =world.get_region(key, player)
currentRegion.exits.append(Entrance(player, key + "->"+ locationName, currentRegion))
world.regions += locationRegions
#create entrances
regionConcat = regions + locationRegions
for region in regionConcat:
for exit in region.exits:
exit.connect(world.get_region(["->") + 2:], player))
world.regions += [
create_region(self, world, player, 'Menu', None, ['StartAP'])

worlds/sm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import Utils
from Patch import read_rom
JAP10HASH = '21f3e98df4780ee1c667b84e57d88675'
import hashlib
import os
def get_base_rom_bytes(file_name: str = "") -> bytes:
base_rom_bytes = getattr(get_base_rom_bytes, "base_rom_bytes", None)
if not base_rom_bytes:
file_name = get_base_rom_path(file_name)
base_rom_bytes = bytes(read_rom(open(file_name, "rb")))
basemd5 = hashlib.md5()
if JAP10HASH != basemd5.hexdigest():
raise Exception('Supplied Base Rom does not match known MD5 for JAP(1.0) release. '
'Get the correct game and version, then dump it')
get_base_rom_bytes.base_rom_bytes = base_rom_bytes
return base_rom_bytes
def get_base_rom_path(file_name: str = "") -> str:
options = Utils.get_options()
if not file_name:
file_name = options["sm_options"]["rom_file"]
if not os.path.exists(file_name):
file_name = Utils.local_path(file_name)
return file_name

worlds/sm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
from ..generic.Rules import set_rule, add_rule
from graph.vanilla.graph_locations import locationsDict
from graph.graph_utils import vanillaTransitions, getAccessPoint
from logic.logic import Logic
from rom.rom_patches import RomPatches
from utils.doorsmanager import DoorsManager
def evalSMBool(smbool, maxDiff):
return smbool.bool == True and smbool.difficulty <= maxDiff
def add_accessFrom_rule(location, player, accessFrom):
add_rule(location, lambda state: any((state.can_reach(accessName, player=player) and evalSMBool(rule(state.smbm[player]), state.smbm[player].maxDiff)) for accessName, rule in accessFrom.items()))
def add_postAvailable_rule(location, player, func):
add_rule(location, lambda state: evalSMBool(func(state.smbm[player]), state.smbm[player].maxDiff))
def set_available_rule(location, player, func):
set_rule(location, lambda state: evalSMBool(func(state.smbm[player]), state.smbm[player].maxDiff))
def set_entrance_rule(entrance, player, func):
set_rule(entrance, lambda state: evalSMBool(func(state.smbm[player]), state.smbm[player].maxDiff))
def add_entrance_rule(entrance, player, func):
add_rule(entrance, lambda state: evalSMBool(func(state.smbm[player]), state.smbm[player].maxDiff))
def set_rules(world, player):
world.completion_condition[player] = lambda state: state.has('Mother Brain', player)
for key, value in locationsDict.items():
location = world.get_location(key, player)
set_available_rule(location, player, value.Available)
if value.AccessFrom is not None:
add_accessFrom_rule(location, player, value.AccessFrom)
if value.PostAvailable is not None:
add_postAvailable_rule(location, player, value.PostAvailable)
for accessPoint in Logic.accessPoints:
for key, value1 in accessPoint.intraTransitions.items():
set_entrance_rule(world.get_entrance(accessPoint.Name + "->" + key, player), player, value1)

worlds/sm/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
import logging
import copy
import os
import threading
from typing import Set
logger = logging.getLogger("Super Metroid")
from .Locations import lookup_name_to_id as locations_lookup_name_to_id
from .Items import lookup_name_to_id as items_lookup_name_to_id
from .Regions import create_regions
from .Rules import set_rules, add_entrance_rule
from .Options import sm_options
from .Rom import get_base_rom_path
import Utils
from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, MultiWorld, Item, RegionType, CollectionState
from ..AutoWorld import World
import Patch
from logic.smboolmanager import SMBoolManager
from graph.vanilla.graph_locations import locationsDict
from graph.graph_utils import getAccessPoint
from rando.ItemLocContainer import ItemLocation
from rando.Items import ItemManager
from utils.parameters import *
from logic.logic import Logic
from randomizer import VariaRandomizer
from Utils import output_path
from shutil import copy2
class SMWorld(World):
game: str = "Super Metroid"
topology_present = True
data_version = 0
options = sm_options
item_names: Set[str] = frozenset(items_lookup_name_to_id)
location_names: Set[str] = frozenset(locations_lookup_name_to_id)
item_name_to_id = items_lookup_name_to_id
location_name_to_id = locations_lookup_name_to_id
remote_items: bool = False
remote_start_inventory: bool = False
itemManager: ItemManager
locations = {}
def __init__(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int):
self.rom_name_available_event = threading.Event()
super().__init__(world, player)
def __new__(cls, world, player):
# Add necessary objects to CollectionState on initialization
orig_init = CollectionState.__init__
orig_copy = CollectionState.copy
def sm_init(self, parent: MultiWorld):
if (hasattr(parent, "state")): # for unit tests where MultiWorld is instanciated before worlds
self.smbm = {player: SMBoolManager(player, parent.state.smbm[player].maxDiff) for player in parent.get_game_players("Super Metroid")}
orig_init(self, parent)
def sm_copy(self):
ret = orig_copy(self)
ret.smbm = {player: copy.deepcopy(self.smbm[player]) for player in"Super Metroid")}
return ret
CollectionState.__init__ = sm_init
CollectionState.copy = sm_copy
if world:
world.state.smbm = {}
return super().__new__(cls)
def generate_early(self):
self.variaRando = VariaRandomizer(, get_base_rom_path(), self.player)[self.player] = SMBoolManager(self.player, self.variaRando.maxDifficulty)
# keeps Nothing items local so no player will ever pickup Nothing
# doing so reduces contribution of this world to the Multiworld the more Nothing there is though[self.player].value.add('Nothing')
if (self.variaRando.args.morphPlacement == "early"):[self.player].value.add('Morph')
def generate_basic(self):
itemPool = self.variaRando.container.itemPool
self.startItems = [variaItem for item in[self.player] for variaItem in ItemManager.Items.values() if variaItem.Name ==]
for item in self.startItems:
if (item in itemPool):
missingPool = 105 - len(itemPool) + 1
for i in range(1, missingPool):
# Generate item pool
pool = []
self.locked_items = {}
weaponCount = [0, 0, 0]
for item in itemPool:
isAdvancement = True
if item.Type == 'Missile':
if weaponCount[0] < 3:
weaponCount[0] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Type == 'Super':
if weaponCount[1] < 2:
weaponCount[1] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Type == 'PowerBomb':
if weaponCount[2] < 3:
weaponCount[2] += 1
isAdvancement = False
elif item.Type == 'Nothing':
isAdvancement = False
itemClass = ItemManager.Items[item.Type].Class
smitem = SMItem(item.Name, isAdvancement, item.Type, None if itemClass == 'Boss' else self.item_name_to_id[item.Name], player = self.player)
if itemClass == 'Boss':
self.locked_items[item.Name] = smitem
pool.append(smitem) += pool
for (location, item) in self.locked_items.items():, self.player).place_locked_item(item), self.player).address = None
startAP ='StartAP', self.player)
startAP.connect(, self.player))
for src, dest in self.variaRando.randoExec.areaGraph.InterAreaTransitions:
src_region =, self.player)
dest_region =, self.player)
src_region.exits.append(Entrance(self.player, src.Name + "->" + dest.Name, src_region))
srcDestEntrance = + "->" + dest.Name, self.player)
add_entrance_rule( + "->" + dest.Name, self.player), self.player, getAccessPoint(src.Name).traverse)
def set_rules(self):
set_rules(, self.player)
def create_regions(self):
create_locations(self, self.player)
create_regions(self,, self.player)
def getWord(self, w):
return (w & 0x00FF, (w & 0xFF00) >> 8)
# used for remote location Credits Spoiler of local items
class DummyLocation:
def __init__(self, name):
self.Name = name
def isBoss(self):
return False
def convertToROMItemName(self, itemName):
charMap = { "A" : 0x3CE0,
"B" : 0x3CE1,
"C" : 0x3CE2,
"D" : 0x3CE3,
"E" : 0x3CE4,
"F" : 0x3CE5,
"G" : 0x3CE6,
"H" : 0x3CE7,
"I" : 0x3CE8,
"J" : 0x3CE9,
"K" : 0x3CEA,
"L" : 0x3CEB,
"M" : 0x3CEC,
"N" : 0x3CED,
"O" : 0x3CEE,
"P" : 0x3CEF,
"Q" : 0x3CF0,
"R" : 0x3CF1,
"S" : 0x3CF2,
"T" : 0x3CF3,
"U" : 0x3CF4,
"V" : 0x3CF5,
"W" : 0x3CF6,
"X" : 0x3CF7,
"Y" : 0x3CF8,
"Z" : 0x3CF9,
" " : 0x3C4E,
"!" : 0x3CFF,
"?" : 0x3CFE,
"'" : 0x3CFD,
"," : 0x3CFB,
"." : 0x3CFA,
"-" : 0x3CCF,
"_" : 0x000E,
"1" : 0x3C00,
"2" : 0x3C01,
"3" : 0x3C02,
"4" : 0x3C03,
"5" : 0x3C04,
"6" : 0x3C05,
"7" : 0x3C06,
"8" : 0x3C07,
"9" : 0x3C08,
"0" : 0x3C09,
"%" : 0x3C0A}
data = []
itemName = itemName.upper()[:26]
itemName = itemName.strip()
itemName =, " ")
itemName = "___" + itemName + "___"
for char in itemName:
(w0, w1) = self.getWord(charMap.get(char, 0x3C4E))
return data
def APPatchRom(self, romPatcher):
multiWorldLocations = {}
multiWorldItems = {}
idx = 0
itemId = 0
for itemLoc in
if itemLoc.player == self.player and locationsDict[].Id != None:
if itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items:
itemId = ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type].Id
itemId = ItemManager.Items['ArchipelagoItem'].Id + idx
multiWorldItems[0x029EA3 + idx*64] = self.convertToROMItemName(
idx += 1
(w0, w1) = self.getWord(0 if itemLoc.item.player == self.player else 1)
(w2, w3) = self.getWord(itemId)
(w4, w5) = self.getWord(itemLoc.item.player - 1)
(w6, w7) = self.getWord(0 if itemLoc.item.advancement else 1)
multiWorldLocations[0x1C6000 + locationsDict[].Id*8] = [w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7]
itemSprites = ["off_world_prog_item.bin", "off_world_item.bin"]
idx = 0
offworldSprites = {}
for fileName in itemSprites:
with open(Utils.local_path("lib", "worlds", "sm", "data", "custom_sprite", fileName) if Utils.is_frozen() else Utils.local_path("worlds", "sm", "data", "custom_sprite", fileName), 'rb') as stream:
buffer = bytearray(
offworldSprites[0x027882 + 10*(21 + idx) + 2] = buffer[0:8]
offworldSprites[0x049100 + idx*256] = buffer[8:264]
idx += 1
openTourianGreyDoors = {0x07C823 + 5: [0x0C], 0x07C831 + 5: [0x0C]}
deathLink = {0x277f04: [int([self.player])]}
patchDict = { 'MultiWorldLocations': multiWorldLocations,
'MultiWorldItems': multiWorldItems,
'offworldSprites': offworldSprites,
'openTourianGreyDoors': openTourianGreyDoors,
'deathLink': deathLink}
playerNames = {}
for p in range(1, + 1):
playerNames[0x1C5000 + (p - 1) * 16] =[p][:16].upper().center(16).encode()
playerNames[0x1C5000 + ( * 16] = "Archipelago".upper().center(16).encode()
romPatcher.applyIPSPatch('PlayerName', { 'PlayerName': playerNames })
# set rom name
# 21 bytes
from Main import __version__
self.romName = bytearray(f'SM{__version__.replace(".", "")[0:3]}_{self.player}_{}\0', 'utf8')[:21]
self.romName.extend([0] * (21 - len(self.romName)))
romPatcher.applyIPSPatch('ROMName', { 'ROMName': {0x1C4F00 : self.romName, 0x007FC0 : self.romName} })
startItemROMAddressBase = 0x2FD8B9
# current, base value or bitmask, max, base value or bitmask
startItemROMDict = {'ETank': [0x8, 0x64, 0xA, 0x64],
'Missile': [0xC, 0x5, 0xE, 0x5],
'Super': [0x10, 0x5, 0x12, 0x5],
'PowerBomb': [0x14, 0x5, 0x16, 0x5],
'Reserve': [0x1A, 0x64, 0x18, 0x64],
'Morph': [0x2, 0x4, 0x0, 0x4],
'Bomb': [0x3, 0x10, 0x1, 0x10],
'SpringBall': [0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x2],
'HiJump': [0x3, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1],
'Varia': [0x2, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1],
'Gravity': [0x2, 0x20, 0x0, 0x20],
'SpeedBooster': [0x3, 0x20, 0x1, 0x20],
'SpaceJump': [0x3, 0x2, 0x1, 0x2],
'ScrewAttack': [0x2, 0x8, 0x0, 0x8],
'Charge': [0x7, 0x10, 0x5, 0x10],
'Ice': [0x6, 0x2, 0x4, 0x2],
'Wave': [0x6, 0x1, 0x4, 0x1],
'Spazer': [0x6, 0x4, 0x4, 0x4],
'Plasma': [0x6, 0x8, 0x4, 0x8],
'Grapple': [0x3, 0x40, 0x1, 0x40],
'XRayScope': [0x3, 0x80, 0x1, 0x80]
mergedData = {}
hasETank = False
hasSpazer = False
hasPlasma = False
for startItem in self.startItems:
item = startItem.Type
if item == 'ETank': hasETank = True
if item == 'Spazer': hasSpazer = True
if item == 'Plasma': hasPlasma = True
if (item in ['ETank', 'Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb', 'Reserve']):
(currentValue, currentBase, maxValue, maxBase) = startItemROMDict[item]
if (startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue) in mergedData:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue] += currentBase
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + maxValue] += maxBase
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + currentValue] = currentBase
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + maxValue] = maxBase
(collected, currentBitmask, equipped, maxBitmask) = startItemROMDict[item]
if (startItemROMAddressBase + collected) in mergedData:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + collected] |= currentBitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + equipped] |= maxBitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + collected] = currentBitmask
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + equipped] = maxBitmask
if hasETank:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0x8] += 99
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0xA] += 99
if hasSpazer and hasPlasma:
mergedData[startItemROMAddressBase + 0x4] &= ~0x4
for key, value in mergedData.items():
if (key - startItemROMAddressBase > 7):
(w0, w1) = self.getWord(value)
mergedData[key] = [w0, w1]
mergedData[key] = [value]
startItemPatch = { 'startItemPatch': mergedData }
romPatcher.applyIPSPatch('startItemPatch', startItemPatch)
itemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type if itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items else 'ArchipelagoItem'], locationsDict[], True) for itemLoc in if itemLoc.player == self.player]
itemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type], locationsDict[] if in locationsDict and itemLoc.player == self.player else self.DummyLocation( + " " +, True) for itemLoc in if itemLoc.item.player == self.player]
progItemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type], locationsDict[] if in locationsDict and itemLoc.player == self.player else self.DummyLocation( + " " +, True) for itemLoc in if itemLoc.item.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.advancement == True]
# progItemLocs = [ItemLocation(ItemManager.Items[itemLoc.item.type if itemLoc.item.type in ItemManager.Items else 'ArchipelagoItem'], locationsDict[], True) for itemLoc in if itemLoc.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.player == self.player and itemLoc.item.advancement == True]
# romPatcher.writeSplitLocs(self.variaRando.args.majorsSplit, itemLocs, progItemLocs)
romPatcher.writeSpoiler(itemLocs, progItemLocs)
romPatcher.writeRandoSettings(self.variaRando.randoExec.randoSettings, itemLocs)
def generate_output(self, output_directory: str):
outfilebase = 'AP_' +
outfilepname = f'_P{self.player}'
outfilepname += f"_{[self.player].replace(' ', '_')}" \
outputFilename = os.path.join(output_directory, f'{outfilebase}{outfilepname}.sfc')
self.variaRando.PatchRom(outputFilename, self.APPatchRom)
Patch.create_patch_file(outputFilename, player=self.player,[self.player], game=Patch.GAME_SM)
self.rom_name = self.romName
self.rom_name_available_event.set() # make sure threading continues and errors are collected
def checksum_mirror_sum(self, start, length, mask = 0x800000):
while (not(length & mask) and mask):
mask >>= 1
part1 = sum(start[:mask]) & 0xFFFF
part2 = 0
next_length = length - mask
if next_length:
part2 = self.checksum_mirror_sum(start[mask:], next_length, mask >> 1)
while (next_length < mask):
next_length += next_length
part2 += part2
length = mask + mask
return (part1 + part2) & 0xFFFF
def write_bytes(self, buffer, startaddress: int, values):
buffer[startaddress:startaddress + len(values)] = values
def write_crc(self, romName):
with open(romName, 'rb') as stream:
buffer = bytearray(
crc = self.checksum_mirror_sum(buffer, len(buffer))
inv = crc ^ 0xFFFF
self.write_bytes(buffer, 0x7FDC, [inv & 0xFF, (inv >> 8) & 0xFF, crc & 0xFF, (crc >> 8) & 0xFF])
with open(romName, 'wb') as outfile:
def modify_multidata(self, multidata: dict):
import base64
# wait for self.rom_name to be available.
rom_name = getattr(self, "rom_name", None)
# we skip in case of error, so that the original error in the output thread is the one that gets raised
if rom_name:
new_name = base64.b64encode(bytes(self.rom_name)).decode()
payload = multidata["connect_names"][[self.player]]
multidata["connect_names"][new_name] = payload
del (multidata["connect_names"][[self.player]])
def fill_slot_data(self):
slot_data = {}
return slot_data
def collect(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item) -> bool:
if item.advancement:
state.prog_items[, item.player] += 1
return True # indicate that a logical state change has occured
return False
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
item = next(x for x in ItemManager.Items.values() if x.Name == name)
return SMItem(item.Name, True, item.Type, self.item_name_to_id[item.Name], player = self.player)
def pre_fill(self):
if (self.variaRando.args.morphPlacement == "early") and next((item for item in if item.player == self.player and == "Morph Ball"), False):
viable = []
for location in
if location.player == self.player \
and location.item is None \
and location.can_reach(
key ="Morph Ball", self.player)
loc = viable.pop()
loc.place_locked_item(key)[:] = [item for item in if
item.player != self.player or != "Morph Ball"]
def post_fill(self):
# increase maxDifficulty if only bosses is too difficult to beat game
new_state = CollectionState(
for item in
if item.player == self.player:
new_state.collect(item, True)
if (any(not, self.player).can_reach(new_state) for bossLoc in self.locked_items)):
if (, self.variaRando.randoExec.setup.container)):[self.player].maxDiff = infinity
def stage_fill_hook(cls, world, progitempool, nonexcludeditempool, localrestitempool, nonlocalrestitempool,
restitempool, fill_locations):
if world.get_game_players("Super Metroid"):
key=lambda item: 1 if ( == 'Morph Ball') else 0)
def create_locations(self, player: int):
for name, id in locations_lookup_name_to_id.items():
self.locations[name] = SMLocation(player, name, id)
def create_region(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int, name: str, locations=None, exits=None):
ret = Region(name, RegionType.LightWorld, name, player) = world
if locations:
for loc in locations:
location = self.locations[loc]
location.parent_region = ret
if exits:
for exit in exits:
ret.exits.append(Entrance(player, exit, ret))
return ret
class SMLocation(Location):
game: str = "Super Metroid"
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, address=None, parent=None):
super(SMLocation, self).__init__(player, name, address, parent)
def can_fill(self, state: CollectionState, item: Item, check_access=True) -> bool:
return self.always_allow(state, item) or (self.item_rule(item) and (not check_access or self.can_reach(state)))
class SMItem(Item):
game = "Super Metroid"
def __init__(self, name, advancement, type, code, player: int = None):
super(SMItem, self).__init__(name, advancement, code, player)
self.type = type

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
{one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.}
Copyright (C) {year} {name of author}
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
{project} Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import sys
import os

View File

@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
import copy, logging
from operator import attrgetter
import utils.log
from logic.smbool import SMBool, smboolFalse
from utils.parameters import infinity
from logic.helpers import Bosses
class Path(object):
__slots__ = ( 'path', 'pdiff', 'distance' )
def __init__(self, path, pdiff, distance):
self.path = path
self.pdiff = pdiff
self.distance = distance
class AccessPoint(object):
# name : AccessPoint name
# graphArea : graph area the node is located in
# transitions : intra-area transitions
# traverse: traverse function, will be wand to the added transitions
# exitInfo : dict carrying vanilla door information : 'DoorPtr': door address, 'direction', 'cap', 'screen', 'bitFlag', 'distanceToSpawn', 'doorAsmPtr' : door properties
# entryInfo : dict carrying forced samus X/Y position with keys 'SamusX' and 'SamusY'.
# (to be updated after reading vanillaTransitions and gather entry info from matching exit door)
# roomInfo : dict with 'RoomPtr' : room address, 'area'
# shortName : short name for the credits
# internal : if true, shall not be used for connecting areas
def __init__(self, name, graphArea, transitions,
traverse=lambda sm: SMBool(True),
exitInfo=None, entryInfo=None, roomInfo=None,
internal=False, boss=False, escape=False,
self.Name = name
self.GraphArea = graphArea
self.ExitInfo = exitInfo
self.EntryInfo = entryInfo
self.RoomInfo = roomInfo
self.Internal = internal
self.Boss = boss
self.Escape = escape
self.Start = start
self.DotOrientation = dotOrientation
self.intraTransitions = self.sortTransitions(transitions)
self.transitions = copy.copy(self.intraTransitions)
self.traverse = traverse
self.distance = 0
# inter-area connection
self.ConnectedTo = None
def __copy__(self):
exitInfo = copy.deepcopy(self.ExitInfo) if self.ExitInfo is not None else None
entryInfo = copy.deepcopy(self.EntryInfo) if self.EntryInfo is not None else None
roomInfo = copy.deepcopy(self.RoomInfo) if self.RoomInfo is not None else None
start = copy.deepcopy(self.Start) if self.Start is not None else None
# in any case, do not copy connections
return AccessPoint(self.Name, self.GraphArea, self.intraTransitions, self.traverse,
exitInfo, entryInfo, roomInfo,
self.Internal, self.Boss, self.Escape,
start, self.DotOrientation)
def __str__(self):
return "[" + self.GraphArea + "] " + self.Name
def __repr__(self):
return self.Name
def sortTransitions(self, transitions=None):
# sort transitions before the loop in getNewAvailNodes.
# as of python3.7 insertion order is guaranteed in dictionaires.
if transitions is None:
transitions = self.transitions
return { key: transitions[key] for key in sorted(transitions.keys()) }
# connect to inter-area access point
def connect(self, destName):
if self.Internal is False:
self.transitions[destName] = self.traverse
self.ConnectedTo = destName
raise RuntimeError("Cannot add an internal access point as inter-are transition")
self.transitions = self.sortTransitions()
def disconnect(self):
if self.ConnectedTo is not None:
if self.ConnectedTo not in self.intraTransitions:
del self.transitions[self.ConnectedTo]
self.transitions[self.ConnectedTo] = self.intraTransitions[self.ConnectedTo]
self.ConnectedTo = None
# tells if this node is to connect areas together
def isArea(self):
return not self.Internal and not self.Boss and not self.Escape
# used by the solver to get area and boss APs
def isInternal(self):
return self.Internal or self.Escape
def isLoop(self):
return self.ConnectedTo == self.Name
class AccessGraph(object):
__slots__ = ( 'log', 'accessPoints', 'InterAreaTransitions',
'EscapeAttributes', 'apCache', '_useCache',
'availAccessPoints' )
def __init__(self, accessPointList, transitions, dotFile=None):
self.log = utils.log.get('Graph')
self.accessPoints = {}
self.InterAreaTransitions = []
self.EscapeAttributes = {
'Timer': None,
'Animals': None
for ap in accessPointList:
for srcName, dstName in transitions:
self.addTransition(srcName, dstName)
if dotFile is not None:
self.apCache = {}
self._useCache = False
# store the avail access points to display in vcr
self.availAccessPoints = {}
def useCache(self, use):
self._useCache = use
if self._useCache:
def resetCache(self):
self.apCache = {}
def printGraph(self):
if self.log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
self.log("Area graph:")
for s, d in self.InterAreaTransitions:
self.log("{} -> {}".format(s.Name, d.Name))
def addAccessPoint(self, ap):
ap.distance = 0
self.accessPoints[ap.Name] = ap
def toDot(self, dotFile):
colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'skyblue', 'violet', 'orange',
'lawngreen', 'crimson', 'chocolate', 'turquoise', 'tomato',
'navyblue', 'darkturquoise', 'green', 'blue', 'maroon', 'magenta',
'bisque', 'coral', 'chartreuse', 'chocolate', 'cyan']
with open(dotFile, "w") as f:
f.write("digraph {\n")
f.write('edge [dir="both",arrowhead="box",arrowtail="box",arrowsize=0.5,fontsize=7,style=dotted];\n')
f.write('node [shape="box",fontsize=10];\n')
for area in set([ap.GraphArea for ap in self.accessPoints.values()]):
f.write(area + ";\n") # TODO area long name and color
drawn = []
i = 0
for src, dst in self.InterAreaTransitions:
if src.Name in drawn:
f.write('%s:%s -> %s:%s [taillabel="%s",headlabel="%s",color=%s];\n' % (src.GraphArea, src.DotOrientation, dst.GraphArea, dst.DotOrientation, src.Name, dst.Name, colors[i]))
drawn += [src.Name,dst.Name]
i += 1
def addTransition(self, srcName, dstName, both=True):
src = self.accessPoints[srcName]
dst = self.accessPoints[dstName]
self.InterAreaTransitions.append((src, dst))
if both is True:
self.addTransition(dstName, srcName, False)
# availNodes: all already available nodes
# nodesToCheck: nodes we have to check transitions for
# smbm: smbm to test logic on. if None, discard logic check, assume we can reach everything
# maxDiff: difficulty limit
# return newly opened access points
def getNewAvailNodes(self, availNodes, nodesToCheck, smbm, maxDiff, item=None):
newAvailNodes = {}
# with python >= 3.6 the insertion order in a dict is keeps when looping on the keys,
# so we no longer have to sort them.
for src in nodesToCheck:
for dstName in src.transitions:
dst = self.accessPoints[dstName]
if dst in availNodes or dst in newAvailNodes:
if smbm is not None:
if self._useCache == True and (src, dst, item) in self.apCache:
diff = self.apCache[(src, dst, item)]
tFunc = src.transitions[dstName]
diff = tFunc(smbm)
if self._useCache == True:
self.apCache[(src, dst, item)] = diff
diff = SMBool(True)
if diff.bool and diff.difficulty <= maxDiff:
if src.GraphArea == dst.GraphArea:
dst.distance = src.distance + 0.01
dst.distance = src.distance + 1
newAvailNodes[dst] = { 'difficulty': diff, 'from': src }
#self.log.debug("{} -> {}: {}".format(src.Name, dstName, diff))
return newAvailNodes
# rootNode: starting AccessPoint instance
# smbm: smbm to test logic on. if None, discard logic check, assume we can reach everything
# maxDiff: difficulty limit.
# smbm: if None, discard logic check, assume we can reach everything
# return available AccessPoint list
def getAvailableAccessPoints(self, rootNode, smbm, maxDiff, item=None):
availNodes = { rootNode : { 'difficulty' : SMBool(True, 0), 'from' : None } }
newAvailNodes = availNodes
rootNode.distance = 0
while len(newAvailNodes) > 0:
newAvailNodes = self.getNewAvailNodes(availNodes, newAvailNodes, smbm, maxDiff, item)
return availNodes
# gets path from the root AP used to compute availAps
def getPath(self, dstAp, availAps):
path = []
root = dstAp
while root != None:
path = [root] + path
root = availAps[root]['from']
return path
def getAvailAPPaths(self, availAccessPoints, locsAPs):
paths = {}
for ap in availAccessPoints:
if ap.Name in locsAPs:
path = self.getPath(ap, availAccessPoints)
pdiff = SMBool.wandmax(*(availAccessPoints[ap]['difficulty'] for ap in path))
paths[ap.Name] = Path(path, pdiff, len(path))
return paths
def getSortedAPs(self, paths, locAccessFrom):
ret = []
for apName in locAccessFrom:
path = paths.get(apName, None)
if path is None:
difficulty = paths[apName].pdiff.difficulty
ret.append((difficulty if difficulty != -1 else infinity, path.distance, apName))
return [apName for diff, dist, apName in ret]
# locations: locations to check
# items: collected items
# maxDiff: difficulty limit
# rootNode: starting AccessPoint
# return available locations list, also stores difficulty in locations
def getAvailableLocations(self, locations, smbm, maxDiff, rootNode='Landing Site'):
rootAp = self.accessPoints[rootNode]
self.availAccessPoints = self.getAvailableAccessPoints(rootAp, smbm, maxDiff)
availAreas = set([ap.GraphArea for ap in self.availAccessPoints.keys()])
availLocs = []
# get all the current locations APs first to only compute these paths
locsAPs = set()
for loc in locations:
for ap in loc.AccessFrom:
# sort availAccessPoints based on difficulty to take easier paths first
availAPPaths = self.getAvailAPPaths(self.availAccessPoints, locsAPs)
for loc in locations:
if loc.GraphArea not in availAreas:
loc.distance = 30000
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {} locDiff is area nok".format(loc.Name))
locAPs = self.getSortedAPs(availAPPaths, loc.AccessFrom)
if len(locAPs) == 0:
loc.distance = 40000
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {} no aps".format(loc.Name))
for apName in locAPs:
if apName == None:
loc.distance = 20000
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {} ap is none".format(loc.Name))
tFunc = loc.AccessFrom[apName]
ap = self.accessPoints[apName]
tdiff = tFunc(smbm)
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("{} root: {} ap: {}".format(loc.Name, rootNode, apName))
if tdiff.bool == True and tdiff.difficulty <= maxDiff:
diff = loc.Available(smbm)
if diff.bool == True:
path = availAPPaths[apName].path
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("{} path: {}".format(loc.Name, [a.Name for a in path]))
pdiff = availAPPaths[apName].pdiff
(allDiff, locDiff) = self.computeLocDiff(tdiff, diff, pdiff)
if allDiff.bool == True and allDiff.difficulty <= maxDiff:
loc.distance = ap.distance + 1
loc.accessPoint = apName
loc.difficulty = allDiff
loc.path = path
# used only by solver
loc.pathDifficulty = pdiff
loc.locDifficulty = locDiff
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("{} diff: {} tdiff: {} pdiff: {}".format(loc.Name, diff, tdiff, pdiff))
loc.distance = 1000 + tdiff.difficulty
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {} allDiff is false".format(loc.Name))
loc.distance = 1000 + tdiff.difficulty
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {} allDiff is false".format(loc.Name))
loc.distance = 10000 + tdiff.difficulty
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {} tdiff is false".format(loc.Name))
if loc.difficulty is None:
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {} no difficulty in loc".format(loc.Name))
loc.distance = 100000
loc.difficulty = smboolFalse
#if loc.Name == "Kraid":
# print("loc: {}: {}".format(loc.Name, loc))
#print("availableLocs: {}".format([loc.Name for loc in availLocs]))
return availLocs
# test access from an access point to another, given an optional item
def canAccess(self, smbm, srcAccessPointName, destAccessPointName, maxDiff, item=None):
if item is not None:
#print("canAccess: item: {}, src: {}, dest: {}".format(item, srcAccessPointName, destAccessPointName))
destAccessPoint = self.accessPoints[destAccessPointName]
srcAccessPoint = self.accessPoints[srcAccessPointName]
availAccessPoints = self.getAvailableAccessPoints(srcAccessPoint, smbm, maxDiff, item)
can = destAccessPoint in availAccessPoints
# if not can:
# self.log.debug("canAccess KO: avail = {}".format([ap.Name for ap in availAccessPoints.keys()]))
if item is not None:
#print("canAccess: {}".format(can))
return can
# returns a list of AccessPoint instances from srcAccessPointName to destAccessPointName
# (not including source ap)
# or None if no possible path
def accessPath(self, smbm, srcAccessPointName, destAccessPointName, maxDiff):
destAccessPoint = self.accessPoints[destAccessPointName]
srcAccessPoint = self.accessPoints[srcAccessPointName]
availAccessPoints = self.getAvailableAccessPoints(srcAccessPoint, smbm, maxDiff)
if destAccessPoint not in availAccessPoints:
return None
return self.getPath(destAccessPoint, availAccessPoints)
# gives theoretically accessible APs in the graph (no logic check)
def getAccessibleAccessPoints(self, rootNode='Landing Site'):
rootAp = self.accessPoints[rootNode]
inBossChk = lambda ap: ap.Boss and ap.Name.endswith("In")
allAreas = {dst.GraphArea for (src, dst) in self.InterAreaTransitions if not inBossChk(dst) and not dst.isLoop()}
nonBossAPs = [ap for ap in self.getAvailableAccessPoints(rootAp, None, 0) if ap.GraphArea in allAreas]
bossesAPs = [self.accessPoints[boss+'RoomIn'] for boss in Bosses.Golden4()] + [self.accessPoints['Draygon Room Bottom']]
return nonBossAPs + bossesAPs
# gives theoretically accessible locations within a base list
# returns locations with accessible GraphArea in this graph (no logic considered)
def getAccessibleLocations(self, locations, rootNode='Landing Site'):
availAccessPoints = self.getAccessibleAccessPoints(rootNode)
self.log.debug("availAccessPoints="+str([ap.Name for ap in availAccessPoints]))
return [loc for loc in locations if any(ap.Name in loc.AccessFrom for ap in availAccessPoints)]
class AccessGraphSolver(AccessGraph):
def computeLocDiff(self, tdiff, diff, pdiff):
# tdiff: difficulty from the location's access point to the location's room
# diff: difficulty to reach the item in the location's room
# pdiff: difficulty of the path from the current access point to the location's access point
# in output we need the global difficulty but we also need to separate pdiff and (tdiff + diff)
locDiff = SMBool.wandmax(tdiff, diff)
allDiff = SMBool.wandmax(locDiff, pdiff)
return (allDiff, locDiff)
class AccessGraphRando(AccessGraph):
def computeLocDiff(self, tdiff, diff, pdiff):
allDiff = SMBool.wandmax(tdiff, diff, pdiff)
return (allDiff, None)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
import copy
import random
from logic.logic import Logic
from utils.parameters import Knows
from graph.location import locationsDict
from rom.rom import snes_to_pc
import utils.log
# order expected by ROM patches
graphAreas = [
vanillaTransitions = [
('Lower Mushrooms Left', 'Green Brinstar Elevator'),
('Morph Ball Room Left', 'Green Hill Zone Top Right'),
('Moat Right', 'West Ocean Left'),
('Keyhunter Room Bottom', 'Red Brinstar Elevator'),
('Noob Bridge Right', 'Red Tower Top Left'),
('Crab Maze Left', 'Le Coude Right'),
('Kronic Boost Room Bottom Left', 'Lava Dive Right'),
('Crocomire Speedway Bottom', 'Crocomire Room Top'),
('Three Muskateers Room Left', 'Single Chamber Top Right'),
('Warehouse Entrance Left', 'East Tunnel Right'),
('East Tunnel Top Right', 'Crab Hole Bottom Left'),
('Caterpillar Room Top Right', 'Red Fish Room Left'),
('Glass Tunnel Top', 'Main Street Bottom'),
('Green Pirates Shaft Bottom Right', 'Golden Four'),
('Warehouse Entrance Right', 'Warehouse Zeela Room Left'),
('Crab Shaft Right', 'Aqueduct Top Left')
vanillaBossesTransitions = [
('KraidRoomOut', 'KraidRoomIn'),
('PhantoonRoomOut', 'PhantoonRoomIn'),
('DraygonRoomOut', 'DraygonRoomIn'),
('RidleyRoomOut', 'RidleyRoomIn')
# vanilla escape transition in first position
vanillaEscapeTransitions = [
('Tourian Escape Room 4 Top Right', 'Climb Bottom Left'),
('Brinstar Pre-Map Room Right', 'Green Brinstar Main Shaft Top Left'),
('Wrecked Ship Map Room', 'Basement Left'),
('Norfair Map Room', 'Business Center Mid Left'),
('Maridia Map Room', 'Crab Hole Bottom Right')
vanillaEscapeAnimalsTransitions = [
('Flyway Right 0', 'Bomb Torizo Room Left'),
('Flyway Right 1', 'Bomb Torizo Room Left'),
('Flyway Right 2', 'Bomb Torizo Room Left'),
('Flyway Right 3', 'Bomb Torizo Room Left'),
('Bomb Torizo Room Left Animals', 'Flyway Right')
escapeSource = 'Tourian Escape Room 4 Top Right'
escapeTargets = ['Green Brinstar Main Shaft Top Left', 'Basement Left', 'Business Center Mid Left', 'Crab Hole Bottom Right']
locIdsByAreaAddresses = {
"Ceres": snes_to_pc(0xA1F568),
"Crateria": snes_to_pc(0xA1F569),
"GreenPinkBrinstar": snes_to_pc(0xA1F57B),
"RedBrinstar": snes_to_pc(0xA1F58C),
"WreckedShip": snes_to_pc(0xA1F592),
"Kraid": snes_to_pc(0xA1F59E),
"Norfair": snes_to_pc(0xA1F5A2),
"Crocomire": snes_to_pc(0xA1F5B2),
"LowerNorfair": snes_to_pc(0xA1F5B8),
"WestMaridia": snes_to_pc(0xA1F5C3),
"EastMaridia": snes_to_pc(0xA1F5CB),
"Tourian": snes_to_pc(0xA1F5D7)
def getAccessPoint(apName, apList=None):
if apList is None:
apList = Logic.accessPoints
return next(ap for ap in apList if ap.Name == apName)
class GraphUtils:
log = utils.log.get('GraphUtils')
def getStartAccessPointNames():
return [ap.Name for ap in Logic.accessPoints if ap.Start is not None]
def getStartAccessPointNamesCategory():
ret = {'regular': [], 'custom': [], 'area': []}
for ap in Logic.accessPoints:
if ap.Start == None:
elif 'areaMode' in ap.Start and ap.Start['areaMode'] == True:
elif GraphUtils.isStandardStart(ap.Name):
return ret
def isStandardStart(startApName):
return startApName == 'Ceres' or startApName == 'Landing Site'
def getPossibleStartAPs(areaMode, maxDiff, morphPlacement, player):
ret = []
refused = {}
allStartAPs = GraphUtils.getStartAccessPointNames()
for apName in allStartAPs:
start = getAccessPoint(apName).Start
ok = True
cause = ""
if 'knows' in start:
for k in start['knows']:
if not Knows.knowsDict[player].knows(k, maxDiff):
ok = False
cause += Knows.desc[k]['display']+" is not known. "
if 'areaMode' in start and start['areaMode'] != areaMode:
ok = False
cause += "Start location available only with area randomization enabled. "
if 'forcedEarlyMorph' in start and start['forcedEarlyMorph'] == True and morphPlacement == 'late':
ok = False
cause += "Start location unavailable with late morph placement. "
if ok:
refused[apName] = cause
return ret, refused
def updateLocClassesStart(startGraphArea, split, possibleMajLocs, preserveMajLocs, nLocs):
locs = locationsDict
preserveMajLocs = [locs[locName] for locName in preserveMajLocs if locs[locName].isClass(split)]
possLocs = [locs[locName] for locName in possibleMajLocs][:nLocs]
GraphUtils.log.debug("possLocs="+str([loc.Name for loc in possLocs]))
candidates = [loc for loc in locs.values() if loc.GraphArea == startGraphArea and loc.isClass(split) and loc not in preserveMajLocs]
remLocs = [loc for loc in locs.values() if loc not in possLocs and loc not in candidates and loc.isClass(split)]
newLocs = []
while len(newLocs) < nLocs:
if len(candidates) == 0:
candidates = remLocs
loc = possLocs.pop(random.randint(0,len(possLocs)-1))
if not loc in preserveMajLocs:
loc = candidates.pop(random.randint(0,len(candidates)-1))
def getGraphPatches(startApName):
ap = getAccessPoint(startApName)
return ap.Start['patches'] if 'patches' in ap.Start else []
def createBossesTransitions():
transitions = vanillaBossesTransitions
def isVanilla():
for t in vanillaBossesTransitions:
if t not in transitions:
return False
return True
while isVanilla():
transitions = []
srcs = []
dsts = []
for (src,dst) in vanillaBossesTransitions:
while len(srcs) > 0:
src = srcs.pop(random.randint(0,len(srcs)-1))
dst = dsts.pop(random.randint(0,len(dsts)-1))
return transitions
def createAreaTransitions(lightAreaRando=False):
if lightAreaRando:
return GraphUtils.createLightAreaTransitions()
return GraphUtils.createRegularAreaTransitions()
def createRegularAreaTransitions(apList=None, apPred=None):
if apList is None:
apList = Logic.accessPoints
if apPred is None:
apPred = lambda ap: ap.isArea()
tFrom = []
tTo = []
apNames = [ap.Name for ap in apList if apPred(ap) == True]
transitions = []
def findTo(trFrom):
ap = getAccessPoint(trFrom, apList)
fromArea = ap.GraphArea
targets = [apName for apName in apNames if apName not in tTo and getAccessPoint(apName, apList).GraphArea != fromArea]
if len(targets) == 0: # fallback if no area transition is found
targets = [apName for apName in apNames if apName != ap.Name]
if len(targets) == 0: # extreme fallback: loop on itself
targets = [ap.Name]
return random.choice(targets)
def addTransition(src, dst):
while len(apNames) > 0:
sources = [apName for apName in apNames if apName not in tFrom]
src = random.choice(sources)
dst = findTo(src)
transitions.append((src, dst))
addTransition(src, dst)
addTransition(dst, src)
toRemove = [apName for apName in apNames if apName in tFrom and apName in tTo]
for apName in toRemove:
return transitions
def getAPs(apPredicate, apList=None):
if apList is None:
apList = Logic.accessPoints
return [ap for ap in apList if apPredicate(ap) == True]
def loopUnusedTransitions(transitions, apList=None):
if apList is None:
apList = Logic.accessPoints
usedAPs = set()
for (src,dst) in transitions:
usedAPs.add(getAccessPoint(src, apList))
usedAPs.add(getAccessPoint(dst, apList))
unusedAPs = [ap for ap in apList if not ap.isInternal() and ap not in usedAPs]
for ap in unusedAPs:
transitions.append((ap.Name, ap.Name))
def createMinimizerTransitions(startApName, locLimit):
if startApName == 'Ceres':
startApName = 'Landing Site'
startAp = getAccessPoint(startApName)
def getNLocs(locsPredicate, locList=None):
if locList is None:
locList = Logic.locations
# leave out bosses and count post boss locs systematically
return len([loc for loc in locList if locsPredicate(loc) == True and not loc.SolveArea.endswith(" Boss") and not loc.isBoss()])
availAreas = list(sorted({ap.GraphArea for ap in Logic.accessPoints if ap.GraphArea != startAp.GraphArea and getNLocs(lambda loc: loc.GraphArea == ap.GraphArea) > 0}))
areas = [startAp.GraphArea]
GraphUtils.log.debug("availAreas: {}".format(availAreas))
GraphUtils.log.debug("areas: {}".format(areas))
inBossCheck = lambda ap: ap.Boss and ap.Name.endswith("In")
nLocs = 0
transitions = []
usedAPs = []
trLimit = 5
locLimit -= 3 # 3 "post boss" locs will always be available, and are filtered out in getNLocs
def openTransitions():
nonlocal areas, inBossCheck, usedAPs
return GraphUtils.getAPs(lambda ap: ap.GraphArea in areas and not ap.isInternal() and not inBossCheck(ap) and not ap in usedAPs)
while nLocs < locLimit or len(openTransitions()) < trLimit:
GraphUtils.log.debug("openTransitions="+str([ap.Name for ap in openTransitions()]))
fromAreas = availAreas
if nLocs >= locLimit:
GraphUtils.log.debug("not enough open transitions")
# we just need transitions, avoid adding a huge area
fromAreas = []
n = trLimit - len(openTransitions())
while len(fromAreas) == 0:
fromAreas = [area for area in availAreas if len(GraphUtils.getAPs(lambda ap: not ap.isInternal())) > n]
n -= 1
minLocs = min([getNLocs(lambda loc: loc.GraphArea == area) for area in fromAreas])
fromAreas = [area for area in fromAreas if getNLocs(lambda loc: loc.GraphArea == area) == minLocs]
elif len(openTransitions()) <= 1: # dont' get stuck by adding dead ends
fromAreas = [area for area in fromAreas if len(GraphUtils.getAPs(lambda ap: ap.GraphArea == area and not ap.isInternal())) > 1]
nextArea = random.choice(fromAreas)
apCheck = lambda ap: not ap.isInternal() and not inBossCheck(ap) and ap not in usedAPs
possibleSources = GraphUtils.getAPs(lambda ap: ap.GraphArea in areas and apCheck(ap))
possibleTargets = GraphUtils.getAPs(lambda ap: ap.GraphArea == nextArea and apCheck(ap))
src = random.choice(possibleSources)
dst = random.choice(possibleTargets)
usedAPs += [src,dst]
GraphUtils.log.debug("add transition: (src: {}, dst: {})".format(src.Name, dst.Name))
GraphUtils.log.debug("areas: {}".format(areas))
nLocs = getNLocs(lambda loc:loc.GraphArea in areas)
GraphUtils.log.debug("nLocs: {}".format(nLocs))
# we picked the areas, add transitions (bosses and tourian first)
sourceAPs = openTransitions()
targetAPs = GraphUtils.getAPs(lambda ap: (inBossCheck(ap) or ap.Name == "Golden Four") and not ap in usedAPs)
assert len(sourceAPs) >= len(targetAPs), "Minimizer: less source than target APs"
while len(targetAPs) > 0:
transitions.append((sourceAPs.pop().Name, targetAPs.pop().Name))
transitions += GraphUtils.createRegularAreaTransitions(sourceAPs, lambda ap: not ap.isInternal())
GraphUtils.log.debug("FINAL MINIMIZER transitions: {}".format(transitions))
GraphUtils.log.debug("FINAL MINIMIZER nLocs: "+str(nLocs+3))
GraphUtils.log.debug("FINAL MINIMIZER areas: "+str(areas))
return transitions
def createLightAreaTransitions():
# group APs by area
aps = {}
totalCount = 0
for ap in Logic.accessPoints:
if not ap.isArea():
if not ap.GraphArea in aps:
aps[ap.GraphArea] = {'totalCount': 0, 'transCount': {}, 'apNames': []}
# count number of vanilla transitions between each area
for (srcName, destName) in vanillaTransitions:
srcAP = getAccessPoint(srcName)
destAP = getAccessPoint(destName)
aps[srcAP.GraphArea]['transCount'][destAP.GraphArea] = aps[srcAP.GraphArea]['transCount'].get(destAP.GraphArea, 0) + 1
aps[srcAP.GraphArea]['totalCount'] += 1
aps[destAP.GraphArea]['transCount'][srcAP.GraphArea] = aps[destAP.GraphArea]['transCount'].get(srcAP.GraphArea, 0) + 1
aps[destAP.GraphArea]['totalCount'] += 1
totalCount += 1
transitions = []
while totalCount > 0:
# choose transition
srcArea = random.choice(list(aps.keys()))
srcName = random.choice(aps[srcArea]['apNames'])
src = getAccessPoint(srcName)
destArea = random.choice(list(aps[src.GraphArea]['transCount'].keys()))
destName = random.choice(aps[destArea]['apNames'])
transitions.append((srcName, destName))
# update counts
totalCount -= 1
aps[srcArea]['totalCount'] -= 1
aps[destArea]['totalCount'] -= 1
aps[srcArea]['transCount'][destArea] -= 1
if aps[srcArea]['transCount'][destArea] == 0:
del aps[srcArea]['transCount'][destArea]
aps[destArea]['transCount'][srcArea] -= 1
if aps[destArea]['transCount'][srcArea] == 0:
del aps[destArea]['transCount'][srcArea]
if aps[srcArea]['totalCount'] == 0:
del aps[srcArea]
if aps[destArea]['totalCount'] == 0:
del aps[destArea]
return transitions
def getVanillaExit(apName):
allVanillaTransitions = vanillaTransitions + vanillaBossesTransitions + vanillaEscapeTransitions
for (src,dst) in allVanillaTransitions:
if apName == src:
return dst
if apName == dst:
return src
return None
def isEscapeAnimals(apName):
return 'Flyway Right' in apName or 'Bomb Torizo Room Left' in apName
# gets dict like
# (RoomPtr, (vanilla entry screen X, vanilla entry screen Y)): AP
def getRooms():
rooms = {}
for ap in Logic.accessPoints:
if ap.Internal == True:
# special ap for random escape animals surprise
if GraphUtils.isEscapeAnimals(ap.Name):
roomPtr = ap.RoomInfo['RoomPtr']
vanillaExitName = GraphUtils.getVanillaExit(ap.Name)
# special ap for random escape animals surprise
if GraphUtils.isEscapeAnimals(vanillaExitName):
connAP = getAccessPoint(vanillaExitName)
entryInfo = connAP.ExitInfo
rooms[(roomPtr, entryInfo['screen'], entryInfo['direction'])] = ap
rooms[(roomPtr, entryInfo['screen'], (ap.EntryInfo['SamusX'], ap.EntryInfo['SamusY']))] = ap
# for boss rando with incompatible ridley transition, also register this one
if ap.Name == 'RidleyRoomIn':
rooms[(roomPtr, (0x0, 0x1), 0x5)] = ap
rooms[(roomPtr, (0x0, 0x1), (0xbf, 0x198))] = ap
return rooms
def escapeAnimalsTransitions(graph, possibleTargets, firstEscape):
n = len(possibleTargets)
assert (n < 4 and firstEscape is not None) or (n <= 4 and firstEscape is None), "Invalid possibleTargets list: " + str(possibleTargets)
# first get our list of 4 entries for escape patch
if n >= 1:
# get actual animals: pick one of the remaining targets
animalsAccess = possibleTargets.pop()
graph.EscapeAttributes['Animals'] = animalsAccess
# we now have at most 3 targets left, fill up to fill cycling 4 targets for animals suprise
possibleTargets.append('Climb Bottom Left')
if firstEscape is not None:
poss = possibleTargets[:]
while len(possibleTargets) < 4:
possibleTargets.append(poss.pop(random.randint(0, len(poss)-1)))
# failsafe: if not enough targets left, abort and do vanilla animals
animalsAccess = 'Flyway Right'
possibleTargets = ['Bomb Torizo Room Left'] * 4
GraphUtils.log.debug("escapeAnimalsTransitions. animalsAccess="+animalsAccess)
assert len(possibleTargets) == 4, "Invalid possibleTargets list: " + str(possibleTargets)
# actually add the 4 connections for successive escapes challenge
basePtr = 0xADAC
btDoor = getAccessPoint('Flyway Right')
for i in range(len(possibleTargets)):
ap = copy.copy(btDoor)
ap.Name += " " + str(i)
ap.ExitInfo['DoorPtr'] = basePtr + i*24
target = possibleTargets[i]
graph.addTransition(ap.Name, target)
# add the connection for animals access
bt = getAccessPoint('Bomb Torizo Room Left')
btCpy = copy.copy(bt)
btCpy.Name += " Animals"
btCpy.ExitInfo['DoorPtr'] = 0xAE00
graph.addTransition(animalsAccess, btCpy.Name)
def isHorizontal(dir):
# up: 0x3, 0x7
# down: 0x2, 0x6
# left: 0x1, 0x5
# right: 0x0, 0x4
return dir in [0x1, 0x5, 0x0, 0x4]
def removeCap(dir):
if dir < 4:
return dir
return dir - 4
def getDirection(src, dst):
exitDir = src.ExitInfo['direction']
entryDir = dst.EntryInfo['direction']
# compatible transition
if exitDir == entryDir:
return exitDir
# if incompatible but horizontal we keep entry dir (looks more natural)
if GraphUtils.isHorizontal(exitDir) and GraphUtils.isHorizontal(entryDir):
return entryDir
# otherwise keep exit direction and remove cap
return GraphUtils.removeCap(exitDir)
def getBitFlag(srcArea, dstArea, origFlag):
flags = origFlag
if srcArea == dstArea:
flags &= 0xBF
flags |= 0x40
return flags
def getDoorConnections(graph, areas=True, bosses=False,
escape=True, escapeAnimals=True):
transitions = []
if areas:
transitions += vanillaTransitions
if bosses:
transitions += vanillaBossesTransitions
if escape:
transitions += vanillaEscapeTransitions
if escapeAnimals:
transitions += vanillaEscapeAnimalsTransitions
for srcName, dstName in transitions:
src = graph.accessPoints[srcName]
dst = graph.accessPoints[dstName]
connections = []
for src, dst in graph.InterAreaTransitions:
if not (escape and src.Escape and dst.Escape):
# area only
if not bosses and src.Boss:
# boss only
if not areas and not src.Boss:
# no random escape
if not escape and src.Escape:
conn = {}
conn['ID'] = str(src) + ' -> ' + str(dst)
# remove duplicates (loop transitions)
if any(c['ID'] == conn['ID'] for c in connections):
# print(conn['ID'])
# where to write
conn['DoorPtr'] = src.ExitInfo['DoorPtr']
# door properties
conn['RoomPtr'] = dst.RoomInfo['RoomPtr']
conn['doorAsmPtr'] = dst.EntryInfo['doorAsmPtr']
if 'exitAsmPtr' in src.ExitInfo:
conn['exitAsmPtr'] = src.ExitInfo['exitAsmPtr']
conn['direction'] = GraphUtils.getDirection(src, dst)
conn['bitFlag'] = GraphUtils.getBitFlag(src.RoomInfo['area'], dst.RoomInfo['area'],
conn['cap'] = dst.EntryInfo['cap']
conn['screen'] = dst.EntryInfo['screen']
if conn['direction'] != src.ExitInfo['direction']: # incompatible transition
conn['distanceToSpawn'] = 0
conn['SamusX'] = dst.EntryInfo['SamusX']
conn['SamusY'] = dst.EntryInfo['SamusY']
if dst.Name == 'RidleyRoomIn': # special case: spawn samus on ridley platform
conn['screen'] = (0x0, 0x1)
conn['distanceToSpawn'] = dst.EntryInfo['distanceToSpawn']
if 'song' in dst.EntryInfo:
conn['song'] = dst.EntryInfo['song']
conn['songs'] = dst.RoomInfo['songs']
return connections
def getDoorsPtrs2Aps():
ret = {}
for ap in Logic.accessPoints:
if ap.Internal == True:
ret[ap.ExitInfo["DoorPtr"]] = ap.Name
return ret
def getAps2DoorsPtrs():
ret = {}
for ap in Logic.accessPoints:
if ap.Internal == True:
ret[ap.Name] = ap.ExitInfo["DoorPtr"]
return ret
def getTransitions(addresses):
# build address -> name dict
doorsPtrs = GraphUtils.getDoorsPtrs2Aps()
transitions = []
# (src.ExitInfo['DoorPtr'], dst.ExitInfo['DoorPtr'])
for (srcDoorPtr, destDoorPtr) in addresses:
transitions.append((doorsPtrs[srcDoorPtr], doorsPtrs[destDoorPtr]))
return transitions
def hasMixedTransitions(areaTransitions, bossTransitions):
vanillaAPs = []
for (src, dest) in vanillaTransitions:
vanillaAPs += [src, dest]
vanillaBossesAPs = []
for (src, dest) in vanillaBossesTransitions:
vanillaBossesAPs += [src, dest]
for (src, dest) in areaTransitions:
if src in vanillaBossesAPs or dest in vanillaBossesAPs:
return True
for (src, dest) in bossTransitions:
if src in vanillaAPs or dest in vanillaAPs:
return True
return False

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
from graph.graph import AccessPoint
from utils.parameters import Settings
from rom.rom_patches import RomPatches
from logic.smbool import SMBool
from logic.helpers import Bosses
from logic.cache import Cache
# all access points and traverse functions
accessPoints = [
### Ceres Station
AccessPoint('Ceres', 'Ceres', {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, internal=True,
start={'spawn': 0xfffe, 'doors':[0x32], 'patches':[RomPatches.BlueBrinstarBlueDoor], 'solveArea': "Crateria Landing Site"}),
### Crateria and Blue Brinstar
AccessPoint('Landing Site', 'Crateria', {
'Lower Mushrooms Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassTerminatorBombWall(),
'Keyhunter Room Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.traverse('LandingSiteRight')),
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, internal=True,
start={'spawn': 0x0000, 'doors':[0x32], 'patches':[RomPatches.BlueBrinstarBlueDoor], 'solveArea': "Crateria Landing Site"}),
AccessPoint('Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom', 'Crateria', {
'Morph Ball Room Left': lambda sm: sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Gauntlet Top', 'Crateria', {
'Green Pirates Shaft Bottom Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.canPassCrateriaGreenPirates()))
}, internal=True,
start={'spawn': 0x0006, 'solveArea': "Crateria Gauntlet", 'save':"Save_Gauntlet", 'forcedEarlyMorph':True}),
AccessPoint('Lower Mushrooms Left', 'Crateria', {
'Landing Site': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassTerminatorBombWall(False),
'Green Pirates Shaft Bottom Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9969, "area": 0x0, 'songs':[0x997a]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8c22, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x36, 'SamusY':0x88, 'song': 0x9},
dotOrientation = 'nw'),
AccessPoint('Green Pirates Shaft Bottom Right', 'Crateria', {
'Lower Mushrooms Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, traverse = Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoMoreBlueDoors),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x99bd, "area": 0x0, 'songs':[0x99ce]},
# the doorAsmPtr 7FE00 is set by the g4_skip.ips patch, we have to call it
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8c52, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xfe00},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xcc, 'SamusY':0x688, 'song': 0x9},
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('Moat Right', 'Crateria', {
'Moat Left': lambda sm: sm.canPassMoatReverse()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x95ff, "area": 0x0, 'songs':[0x9610]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8aea, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x46), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x4), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x1cf, 'SamusY':0x88, 'song': 0xc},
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Moat Left', 'Crateria', {
'Keyhunter Room Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True),
'Moat Right': lambda sm: sm.canPassMoatFromMoat()
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Keyhunter Room Bottom', 'Crateria', {
'Moat Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.traverse('KihunterRight')),
'Moat Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('KihunterRight'), sm.canPassMoat())),
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, traverse = Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoMoreBlueDoors),
roomInfo = { 'RoomPtr':0x948c, "area": 0x0, 'songs':[0x949d] },
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8a42, 'direction': 0x6, "cap": (0x6, 0x2), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x14c, 'SamusY':0x2b8, 'song': 0xc},
dotOrientation = 'se'),
AccessPoint('Morph Ball Room Left', 'Crateria', {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canUsePowerBombs()
}, roomInfo = { 'RoomPtr':0x9e9f, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8e9e, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x1e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x288},
dotOrientation = 'sw'),
# Escape APs
AccessPoint('Climb Bottom Left', 'Crateria', {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x96ba, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8b6e, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x2e, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x2, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x888},
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Flyway Right', 'Crateria', {},
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9879, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8bc2, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000,
"exitAsmPtr": 0xf030}, # setup_next_escape in rando_escape.asm
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xffff, 'SamusY':0xffff}, # unused
escape = True),
AccessPoint('Bomb Torizo Room Left', 'Crateria', {},
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9804, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8baa, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x2e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x2, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0xb8},
escape = True),
### Green and Pink Brinstar
AccessPoint('Green Brinstar Elevator', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
'Big Pink': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassDachoraRoom(),
'Etecoons Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canAccessEtecoons()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9938, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8bfe, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xcc, 'SamusY':0x88},
start = {'spawn': 0x0108, 'doors':[0x1f, 0x21, 0x26], 'patches':[RomPatches.BrinReserveBlueDoors], 'solveArea': "Green Brinstar"}, # XXX test if it would be better in brin reserve room with custom save
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Big Pink', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
'Green Hill Zone Top Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.canPassDachoraRoom()
}, internal=True, start={'spawn': 0x0100, 'solveArea': "Pink Brinstar"}),
AccessPoint('Green Hill Zone Top Right', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
'Noob Bridge Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True),
'Big Pink': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph'))
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoBlueDoors), sm.traverse('GreenHillZoneTopRight'))),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9e52, "area": 0x1 },
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8e86, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x26), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x2), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x1c7, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('Noob Bridge Right', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
'Green Hill Zone Top Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Wave'),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesOther))))
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoBlueDoors), sm.traverse('NoobBridgeRight'))),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9fba, "area": 0x1 },
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8f0a, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x46), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x4), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x5ce, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'se'),
AccessPoint('Green Brinstar Main Shaft Top Left', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9ad9, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8cb2, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x2e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x2, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x488},
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Brinstar Pre-Map Room Right', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x9b9d, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8d42, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x46), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x4), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xffff, 'SamusY':0xffff}, # unused
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Etecoons Supers', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
'Etecoons Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, internal=True,
start={'spawn': 0x0107, 'doors':[0x34], 'patches':[RomPatches.EtecoonSupersBlueDoor],
'save':"Save_Etecoons" ,'solveArea': "Green Brinstar",
'forcedEarlyMorph':True, 'needsPreRando': True}),
AccessPoint('Etecoons Bottom', 'GreenPinkBrinstar', {
'Etecoons Supers': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.EtecoonSupersBlueDoor),
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.canUsePowerBombs()
}, internal=True),
### Wrecked Ship
AccessPoint('West Ocean Left', 'WreckedShip', {
'Wrecked Ship Main': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.traverse('WestOceanRight'))
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x93fe, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x89ca, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x1e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x488},
dotOrientation = 'w'),
AccessPoint('Wrecked Ship Main', 'WreckedShip', {
'West Ocean Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True),
'Wrecked Ship Back': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon'),
sm.wand(sm.wnot(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon')),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.SpongeBathBlueDoor)))),
'PhantoonRoomOut': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('WreckedShipMainShaftBottom'), sm.canPassBombPassages()))
}, internal=True,
'doors':[0x83,0x8b], 'patches':[RomPatches.SpongeBathBlueDoor, RomPatches.WsEtankBlueDoor],
'solveArea': "WreckedShip Main",
AccessPoint('Wrecked Ship Back', 'WreckedShip', {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True),
'Crab Maze Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canPassForgottenHighway(True))
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Crab Maze Left', 'WreckedShip', {
'Wrecked Ship Back': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canPassForgottenHighway(False))
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoBlueDoors),
sm.traverse('LeCoudeBottom'))), # it is not exactly coude's door
# but it's equivalent in vanilla anyway
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x957d, "area": 0x0, 'songs':[0x958e]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8aae, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x188, 'song': 0xc},
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('PhantoonRoomOut', 'WreckedShip', {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
}, boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcc6f, "area": 0x3},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa2ac, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x49f, 'SamusY':0xb8},
traverse=lambda sm: sm.canOpenEyeDoors(),
dotOrientation = 's'),
AccessPoint('PhantoonRoomIn', 'WreckedShip', {},
boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcd13, "area": 0x3},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa2c4, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x4e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x4, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xe1fe,
"exitAsmPtr": 0xf7f0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x2e, 'SamusY':0xb8},
dotOrientation = 's'),
AccessPoint('Basement Left', 'WreckedShip', {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcc6f, "area": 0x3},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa2a0, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x2e, 'SamusY':0x88},
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Wrecked Ship Map Room', 'WreckedShip', {
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcccb, "area": 0x3},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa2b8, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xffff, 'SamusY':0xffff}, # unused
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
### Lower Norfair
AccessPoint('Lava Dive Right', 'LowerNorfair', {
'LN Entrance': lambda sm: sm.canPassLavaPit()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xaf14, "area": 0x2, 'songs':[0xaf25]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x96d2, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x11, 0x26), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x2), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x3d0, 'SamusY':0x88, 'song': 0x15},
dotOrientation = 'w'),
AccessPoint('LN Entrance', 'LowerNorfair', {
'Lava Dive Right': lambda sm: sm.canPassLavaPitReverse(),
'LN Above GT': lambda sm: sm.canPassLowerNorfairChozo(),
'Screw Attack Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
'Firefleas': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('LN Above GT', 'LowerNorfair', {
'Screw Attack Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Screw Attack Bottom', 'LowerNorfair', {
'LN Entrance': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Firefleas', 'LowerNorfair', {
'LN Entrance': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
'Three Muskateers Room Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
# check for only 3 ki hunters this way
'Ridley Zone': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
'Screw Attack Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
'Firefleas Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Firefleas Top', 'LowerNorfair', {
# this weird condition basically says: "if we start here, give heat protection"
'Firefleas': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.LowerNorfairPBRoomHeatDisable)),
}, internal=True,
'rom_patches': ['LN_PB_Heat_Disable', 'LN_Firefleas_Remove_Fune','firefleas_shot_block.ips'],
'patches':[RomPatches.LowerNorfairPBRoomHeatDisable, RomPatches.FirefleasRemoveFune],
'knows': ["FirefleasWalljump"],
'save': "Save_Firefleas", 'needsPreRando': True,
'solveArea': "Lower Norfair After Amphitheater",
AccessPoint('Ridley Zone', 'LowerNorfair', {
'Firefleas': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
'RidleyRoomOut': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']))
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Three Muskateers Room Left', 'LowerNorfair', {
'Firefleas': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xb656, "area": 0x2},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x9a4a, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x5e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x5, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x134, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'n'),
AccessPoint('RidleyRoomOut', 'LowerNorfair', {
'Ridley Zone': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']))
}, boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xb37a, "area": 0x2},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x98ca, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x2e, 'SamusY':0x98},
traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('RidleyRoomIn', 'LowerNorfair', {},
boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xb32e, "area": 0x2},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x98be, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xbf, 'SamusY':0x198}, # on Ridley's platform. entry screen has to be changed (see getDoorConnections)
dotOrientation = 'e'),
### Kraid
AccessPoint('Warehouse Zeela Room Left', 'Kraid', {
'KraidRoomOut': lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr': 0xa471, "area": 0x1, 'songs':[0xa482]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr': 0x913e, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x2e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x2, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xbd3f},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x88, 'song':0x12},
dotOrientation = 'w'),
AccessPoint('KraidRoomOut', 'Kraid', {
'Warehouse Zeela Room Left': lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
}, boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa56b, "area": 0x1,
# put red brin song in both pre-kraid rooms,
# (vanilla music only makes sense if kraid is
# vanilla)
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x91b6, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x1cd, 'SamusY':0x188, 'song':0x12},
traverse=lambda sm: sm.canOpenEyeDoors(),
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('KraidRoomIn', 'Kraid', {},
boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa59f, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x91ce, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x1e, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x188},
dotOrientation = 'e'),
### Norfair
AccessPoint('Warehouse Entrance Left', 'Norfair', {
'Warehouse Entrance Right': lambda sm: sm.canAccessKraidsLair(),
'Business Center': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa6a1, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x922e, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x40,
"screen": (0x0, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xbdd1},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'sw'),
AccessPoint('Warehouse Entrance Right', 'Norfair', {
'Warehouse Entrance Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Super'))
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr': 0xa6a1, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr': 0x923a, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX': 0x2c7, 'SamusY': 0x98},
dotOrientation = 'nw'),
AccessPoint('Business Center', 'Norfair', {
'Cathedral': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canEnterCathedral(Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Norfair Entrance -> Cathedral Missiles']['mult'])),
'Bubble Mountain': Cache.ldeco(# go through cathedral
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('CathedralRight'),
sm.canEnterCathedral(Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Norfair Entrance -> Bubble']['mult']))),
'Bubble Mountain Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster')), # frog speedway
'Crocomire Speedway Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'), # frog speedway
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Norfair Entrance -> Croc via Frog w/Wave' if sm.haveItem('Wave') else 'Norfair Entrance -> Croc via Frog']),
# below ice
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['Ice']['Norfair Entrance -> Croc via Ice'])))),
'Warehouse Entrance Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, internal=True,
start={'spawn':0x0208, 'doors':[0x4d], 'patches':[RomPatches.HiJumpAreaBlueDoor], 'solveArea': "Norfair Entrance", 'needsPreRando':True}),
AccessPoint('Single Chamber Top Right', 'Norfair', {
'Bubble Mountain Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canDestroyBombWalls(),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Single Chamber <-> Bubble Mountain'])))
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xad5e, "area": 0x2},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x95fa, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x11, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x5cf, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Cathedral', 'Norfair', {
'Business Center': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canExitCathedral(Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Cathedral Missiles'])),
'Bubble Mountain': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('CathedralRight'),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Norfair Entrance -> Cathedral Missiles'])))
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Kronic Boost Room Bottom Left', 'Norfair', {
'Bubble Mountain Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Single Chamber <-> Bubble Mountain'])),
'Bubble Mountain Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Kronic Boost Room -> Bubble Mountain Top']))), # go all the way around
'Crocomire Speedway Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Kronic Boost Room <-> Croc']),
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoBlueDoors), sm.traverse('KronicBoostBottomLeft'))),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xae74, "area": 0x2, 'songs':[0xae85]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x967e, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x3e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x3, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x134, 'SamusY':0x288, 'song': 0x15},
dotOrientation = 'se'),
AccessPoint('Crocomire Speedway Bottom', 'Norfair', {
'Business Center': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canPassFrogSpeedwayRightToLeft(),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['Ice']['Croc -> Norfair Entrance'])),
sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Croc -> Norfair Entrance']),
'Bubble Mountain Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['Ice']['Croc -> Bubble Mountain'])),
'Kronic Boost Room Bottom Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Kronic Boost Room <-> Croc']),
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.CrocBlueDoors), sm.traverse('CrocomireSpeedwayBottom'))),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa923, "area": 0x2},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x93d2, 'direction': 0x6, "cap": (0x36, 0x2), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x3, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xc57, 'SamusY':0x2b8},
dotOrientation = 'se'),
AccessPoint('Bubble Mountain', 'Norfair', {
'Business Center': lambda sm: sm.canExitCathedral(Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Norfair Entrance']),
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.canClimbBubbleMountain(),
'Cathedral': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Cathedral Missiles'])),
'Bubble Mountain Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
}, internal=True,
start={'spawn':0x0201, 'doors':[0x54,0x55], 'patches':[RomPatches.SpeedAreaBlueDoors], 'knows':['BubbleMountainWallJump'], 'solveArea': "Bubble Norfair Bottom"}),
AccessPoint('Bubble Mountain Top', 'Norfair', {
'Kronic Boost Room Bottom Left': Cache.ldeco(# go all the way around
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Kronic Boost Room wo/Bomb']))),
'Single Chamber Top Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Single Chamber <-> Bubble Mountain']),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.SingleChamberNoCrumble))),
'Bubble Mountain': lambda sm: SMBool(True),
# all the way around
'Bubble Mountain Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble Top <-> Bubble Bottom'])))
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Bubble Mountain Bottom', 'Norfair', {
'Bubble Mountain': lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages(),
'Crocomire Speedway Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Croc']),
'Kronic Boost Room Bottom Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Kronic Boost Room'])),
'Business Center': lambda sm: sm.canPassFrogSpeedwayRightToLeft(),
# all the way around
'Bubble Mountain Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble Top <-> Bubble Bottom'])))
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Business Center Mid Left', 'Norfair', {
'Warehouse Entrance Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa7de, "area": 0x2},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x9306, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x488},
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Norfair Map Room', 'Norfair', {
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xb0b4, "area": 0x2},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x97c2, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x46), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x4), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xffff, 'SamusY':0xffff}, # unused
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
### Croc
AccessPoint('Crocomire Room Top', 'Crocomire', {
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.CrocBlueDoors), sm.enoughStuffCroc())),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa98d, "area": 0x2, 'songs':[0xa9bd]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x93ea, 'direction': 0x7, "cap": (0xc6, 0x2d), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0xc, 0x2), "distanceToSpawn": 0x1c0, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000,
"exitAsmPtr": 0xf7f0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x383, 'SamusY':0x98, 'song': 0x15},
dotOrientation = 'se'),
### West Maridia
AccessPoint('Main Street Bottom', 'WestMaridia', {
'Red Fish Room Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canGoUpMtEverest(),
'Crab Hole Bottom Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
# this transition leads to EastMaridia directly
'Oasis Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MaridiaSandWarp)),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesOther)),
'Crab Shaft Left': lambda sm: sm.canPassMtEverest()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcfc9, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa39c, 'direction': 0x6, "cap": (0x6, 0x2), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x170, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x14a, 'SamusY':0x7a8},
dotOrientation = 's'),
AccessPoint('Mama Turtle', 'WestMaridia', {
'Main Street Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canJumpUnderwater()
}, internal=True,
start = {'spawn': 0x0406, 'solveArea': "Maridia Green",
'save':"Save_Mama", 'needsPreRando':True,
'rom_patches':['mama_save.ips'], 'doors': [0x8e]}),
AccessPoint('Crab Hole Bottom Left', 'WestMaridia', {
'Main Street Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canExitCrabHole(),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesOther)))),
# this transition leads to EastMaridia directly
'Oasis Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MaridiaSandWarp)),
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xd21c, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa510, 'direction': 0x5,
"cap": (0x3e, 0x6), "screen": (0x3, 0x0), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x28, 'SamusY':0x188},
dotOrientation = 'se'),
AccessPoint('Red Fish Room Left', 'WestMaridia', {
'Main Street Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')) # just go down
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xd104, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa480, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x2e, 0x36), "bitFlag": 0x40,
"screen": (0x2, 0x3), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xe367},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'w'),
AccessPoint('Crab Shaft Left', 'WestMaridia', {
'Main Street Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True), # fall down
'Beach': lambda sm: sm.canDoOuterMaridia(),
'Crab Shaft Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Watering Hole', 'WestMaridia', {
'Beach': lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph'),
'Watering Hole Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, internal=True,
start = {'spawn': 0x0407, 'solveArea': "Maridia Pink Bottom", 'save':"Save_Watering_Hole",
'patches':[RomPatches.MaridiaTubeOpened], 'rom_patches':['wh_open_tube.ips'],
AccessPoint('Watering Hole Bottom', 'WestMaridia', {
'Watering Hole': lambda sm: sm.canJumpUnderwater()
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Beach', 'WestMaridia', {
'Crab Shaft Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True), # fall down
'Watering Hole': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Crab Shaft Right', 'WestMaridia', {
'Crab Shaft Left': lambda sm: sm.canJumpUnderwater()
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.CrabShaftBlueDoor),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xd1a3, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa4c8, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x1ca, 'SamusY':0x388},
dotOrientation = 'e'),
# escape APs
AccessPoint('Crab Hole Bottom Right', 'WestMaridia', {
'Crab Hole Bottom Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xd21c, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa51c, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xd7, 'SamusY':0x188},
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Maridia Map Room', 'WestMaridia', {
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xd3b6, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa5e8, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xe356},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xffff, 'SamusY':0xffff}, # unused
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
### East Maridia
AccessPoint('Aqueduct Top Left', 'EastMaridia', {
'Aqueduct Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canUsePowerBombs()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xd5a7, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa708, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x1e, 0x36), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x3), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xe398},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x188},
dotOrientation = 'w'),
AccessPoint('Aqueduct Bottom', 'EastMaridia', {
'Aqueduct Top Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canDestroyBombWallsUnderwater(), # top left bomb blocks
'Post Botwoon': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canJumpUnderwater(),
sm.canDefeatBotwoon())), # includes botwoon hallway conditions
'Left Sandpit': lambda sm: sm.canAccessSandPits(),
'Right Sandpit': lambda sm: sm.canAccessSandPits(),
'Aqueduct': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Aqueduct', 'EastMaridia', {
'Aqueduct Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True) # go down
}, internal=True,
start = {'spawn': 0x0405, 'solveArea': "Maridia Pink Bottom",
'save':"Save_Aqueduct", 'needsPreRando':True,
'doors': [0x96]}),
AccessPoint('Post Botwoon', 'EastMaridia', {
'Aqueduct Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canJumpUnderwater(), # can't access the sand pits from the right side of the room
'Colosseum Top Right': lambda sm: sm.canBotwoonExitToColosseum(),
'Toilet Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canReachCacatacAlleyFromBotowoon(),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('West Sand Hall Left', 'EastMaridia', {
# XXX there might be some tech to do this suitless, but HJ+ice is not enough
'Oasis Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Gravity')),
'Aqueduct Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MaridiaSandWarp)),
# this goes directly to WestMaridia
'Main Street Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MaridiaSandWarp)),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesOther)))),
# this goes directly to WestMaridia
'Crab Hole Bottom Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MaridiaSandWarp)),
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Left Sandpit', 'EastMaridia', {
'West Sand Hall Left': lambda sm: sm.canAccessSandPits(),
'Oasis Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canAccessSandPits()
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Oasis Bottom', 'EastMaridia', {
'Toilet Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('OasisTop'), sm.canDestroyBombWallsUnderwater())),
'West Sand Hall Left': lambda sm: sm.canAccessSandPits()
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Right Sandpit', 'EastMaridia', {
'Oasis Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canAccessSandPits()
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Le Coude Right', 'EastMaridia', {
'Toilet Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x95a8, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8aa2, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xd1, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Toilet Top', 'EastMaridia', {
'Oasis Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('PlasmaSparkBottom'), sm.canDestroyBombWallsUnderwater())),
'Le Coude Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True),
'Colosseum Top Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Draygon'),
# suitless could be possible with this but unreasonable:
}, internal=True),
AccessPoint('Colosseum Top Right', 'EastMaridia', {
'Post Botwoon': lambda sm: sm.canColosseumToBotwoonExit(),
'Precious Room Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.traverse('ColosseumBottomRight')), # go down
}, internal = True),
AccessPoint('Precious Room Top', 'EastMaridia', {
'Colosseum Top Right': lambda sm: sm.canClimbColosseum(),
'DraygonRoomOut': lambda sm: SMBool(True) # go down
}, internal = True),
# boss APs
AccessPoint('DraygonRoomOut', 'EastMaridia', {
'Precious Room Top': lambda sm: sm.canExitPreciousRoom()
}, boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xd78f, "area": 0x4, "songs":[0xd7a5]},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa840, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x1e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x288, 'song':0x1b},
traverse=lambda sm: sm.canOpenEyeDoors(),
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('DraygonRoomIn', 'EastMaridia', {
'Draygon Room Bottom': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(Bosses.bossDead(sm, "Draygon"),
}, boss = True,
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xda60, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa96c, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x26), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x2), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xe3d9,
"exitAsmPtr": 0xf7f0},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x1c8, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('Draygon Room Bottom', 'EastMaridia', {
'DraygonRoomIn': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Draygon'), sm.canExitDraygon()))
}, internal = True),
### Red Brinstar. Main nodes: Red Tower Top Left, East Tunnel Right
AccessPoint('Red Tower Top Left', 'RedBrinstar', {
# go up
'Red Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.canClimbRedTower(),
'Caterpillar Room Top Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassRedTowerToMaridiaNode(),
# go down
'East Tunnel Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa253, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x902a, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0x5e, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x5, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x2f, 'SamusY':0x488},
dotOrientation = 'w'),
AccessPoint('Caterpillar Room Top Right', 'RedBrinstar', {
'Red Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.canPassMaridiaToRedTowerNode()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa322, "area": 0x1},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x90c6, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x40,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xbdaf},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x2cd, 'SamusY':0x388},
dotOrientation = 'ne'),
AccessPoint('Red Brinstar Elevator', 'RedBrinstar', {
'Caterpillar Room Top Right': lambda sm: sm.canPassRedTowerToMaridiaNode(),
'Red Tower Top Left': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.HellwayBlueDoor), sm.traverse('RedTowerElevatorLeft')))
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm:sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.RedTowerBlueDoors), sm.traverse('RedBrinstarElevatorTop'))),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0x962a, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x8af6, 'direction': 0x7, "cap": (0x16, 0x2d), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x2), "distanceToSpawn": 0x1c0, "doorAsmPtr": 0xb9f1},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x80, 'SamusY':0x58},
start={'spawn':0x010a, 'doors':[0x3c], 'patches':[RomPatches.HellwayBlueDoor], 'solveArea': "Red Brinstar Top", 'areaMode':True},
dotOrientation = 'n'),
AccessPoint('East Tunnel Right', 'RedBrinstar', {
'East Tunnel Top Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True), # handled by room traverse function
'Glass Tunnel Top': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
'Red Tower Top Left': lambda sm: sm.canClimbBottomRedTower()
}, roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcf80, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa384, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x6), "bitFlag": 0x40,
"screen": (0x0, 0x0), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xce, 'SamusY':0x188},
dotOrientation = 'se'),
AccessPoint('East Tunnel Top Right', 'RedBrinstar', {
'East Tunnel Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesBase),
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesBase)),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcf80, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa390, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x16), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x1), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xe356},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x3c6, 'SamusY':0x88},
dotOrientation = 'e'),
AccessPoint('Glass Tunnel Top', 'RedBrinstar', {
'East Tunnel Right': Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MaridiaTubeOpened),
}, traverse=Cache.ldeco(lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MaridiaTubeOpened),
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xcefb, "area": 0x4},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xa330, 'direction': 0x7, "cap": (0x16, 0x7d), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x1, 0x7), "distanceToSpawn": 0x200, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x81, 'SamusY':0x78},
dotOrientation = 's'),
### Tourian
AccessPoint('Golden Four', 'Tourian', {},
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xa5ed, "area": 0x0},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0x91e6, 'direction': 0x5, "cap": (0xe, 0x66), "bitFlag": 0x0,
"screen": (0x0, 0x6), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0x0000},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0x34, 'SamusY':0x88},
start={'spawn':0x0007, 'solveArea': "Tourian", "save": "Save_G4", 'areaMode':True},
dotOrientation = 'w'),
AccessPoint('Tourian Escape Room 4 Top Right', 'Tourian', {},
roomInfo = {'RoomPtr':0xdede, "area": 0x5},
exitInfo = {'DoorPtr':0xab34, 'direction': 0x4, "cap": (0x1, 0x86), "bitFlag": 0x40,
"screen": (0x0, 0x8), "distanceToSpawn": 0x8000, "doorAsmPtr": 0xe4cf},
entryInfo = {'SamusX':0xffff, 'SamusY':0xffff}, # unused
escape = True,
dotOrientation = 'ne'),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
from math import ceil
from logic.smbool import SMBool
from logic.helpers import Helpers, Bosses
from logic.cache import Cache
from rom.rom_patches import RomPatches
from graph.graph_utils import getAccessPoint
from utils.parameters import Settings
class HelpersGraph(Helpers):
def __init__(self, smbm):
self.smbm = smbm
def canEnterAndLeaveGauntletQty(self, nPB, nTanksSpark):
sm = self.smbm
# EXPLAINED: to access Gauntlet Entrance from Landing site we can either:
# -fly to it (infinite bomb jumps or space jump)
# -shinespark to it
# -wall jump with high jump boots
# -wall jump without high jump boots
# then inside it to break the bomb wals:
# -use screw attack (easy way)
# -use power bombs
# -use bombs
# -perform a simple short charge on the way in
# and use power bombs on the way out
return sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.canFly(),
sm.wor(sm.itemCountOk('PowerBomb', nPB),
sm.wand(sm.energyReserveCountOkHardRoom('Gauntlet', 0.51),
def canEnterAndLeaveGauntlet(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canShortCharge(),
sm.canEnterAndLeaveGauntletQty(2, 2)),
sm.canEnterAndLeaveGauntletQty(2, 3))
def canPassTerminatorBombWall(self, fromLandingSite=True):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'),
sm.wor(SMBool(not fromLandingSite, 0), sm.knowsSimpleShortCharge(), sm.knowsShortCharge())),
def canPassCrateriaGreenPirates(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
# from blue brin elevator
def canAccessBillyMays(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BlueBrinstarBlueDoor),
def canAccessKraidsLair(self):
sm = self.smbm
# EXPLAINED: access the upper right platform with either:
# -hijump boots (easy regular way)
# -fly (space jump or infinite bomb jump)
# -know how to wall jump on the platform without the hijump boots
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Super'),
def canPassMoat(self):
sm = self.smbm
# EXPLAINED: In the Moat we can either:
# -use grapple or space jump (easy way)
# -do a continuous wall jump (
# -do a diagonal bomb jump from the middle platform (
# -do a short charge from the Keyhunter room (
# -do a gravity jump from below the right platform
# -do a mock ball and a bounce ball (
# -with gravity, either hijump or IBJ
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Grapple'),
sm.wand(sm.knowsDiagonalBombJump(), sm.canUseBombs()),
sm.wand(sm.knowsMockballWs(), sm.canUseSpringBall()))
def canPassMoatFromMoat(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Grapple'),
sm.wand(sm.knowsDiagonalBombJump(), sm.canUseBombs()),
def canPassMoatReverse(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MoatShotBlock),
def canPassSpongeBath(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
def canPassBowling(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon'),
sm.wor(SMBool(sm.getDmgReduction()[0] >= 2),
def canAccessEtecoons(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
sm.wand(sm.knowsMoondance(), sm.canUseBombs(), sm.traverse('MainShaftBottomRight')))
def canKillBeetoms(self):
sm = self.smbm
# can technically be killed with bomb, but it's harder
return sm.wor(sm.haveMissileOrSuper(), sm.canUsePowerBombs(), sm.haveItem('ScrewAttack'))
# the water zone east of WS
def canPassForgottenHighway(self, fromWs):
sm = self.smbm
suitless = sm.wand(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), sm.knowsGravLessLevel1())
if fromWs is True and RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.EastOceanPlatforms).bool is False:
suitless = sm.wand(suitless,
sm.wor(sm.canSpringBallJump(), # two sbj on the far right
# to break water line and go through the door on the right
return sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
sm.haveItem('Morph')) # for crab maze
def canExitCrabHole(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), # morph to exit the hole
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'), # even with gravity you need some way to climb...
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Ice'), # ...on crabs...
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), sm.knowsMaridiaWallJumps()), # ...or by jumping
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'), sm.canDoSuitlessOuterMaridia()), # climbing crabs
# bottom sandpits with the evirs except west sand hall left to right
def canTraverseSandPits(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canTraverseWestSandHallLeftToRight(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.haveItem('Gravity') # FIXME find suitless condition
def canPassMaridiaToRedTowerNode(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesBase),
def canPassRedTowerToMaridiaNode(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesBase))
def canEnterCathedral(self, mult=1.0):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.traverse('CathedralEntranceRight'),
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canHellRun('MainUpperNorfair', mult),
sm.wor(sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.CathedralEntranceWallJump),
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'), # spark
sm.wand(sm.canHellRun('MainUpperNorfair', 0.5*mult),
def canClimbBubbleMountain(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('HiJump'),
def canHellRunToSpeedBooster(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Speed Booster w/Speed' if sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster') else 'Bubble -> Speed Booster'])
def canAccessDoubleChamberItems(self):
sm = self.smbm
hellRun = Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Wave']
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.traverse('SingleChamberRight'),
sm.canHellRun(hellRun['hellRun'], hellRun['mult']*0.8, hellRun['minE'])))
def canExitCathedral(self, hellRun):
# from top: can use bomb/powerbomb jumps
# from bottom: can do a shinespark or use space jump
# can do it with highjump + wall jump
# can do it with only two wall jumps (the first one is delayed like on alcatraz)
# can do it with a spring ball jump from wall
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.canHellRun(**hellRun),
sm.wand(sm.knowsSpringBallJumpFromWall(), sm.canUseSpringBall()))))
def canGrappleEscape(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wor(sm.haveItem('SpaceJump'),
sm.wand(sm.canInfiniteBombJump(), # IBJ from lava...either have grav or freeze the enemy there if hellrunning (otherwise single DBJ at the end)
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), # jump from the blocks below
sm.knowsShortCharge())), # spark from across the grapple blocks
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), sm.canSpringBallJump())) # jump from the blocks below
def canPassFrogSpeedwayRightToLeft(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'),
def canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutain(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.traverse('BubbleMountainTopLeft'),
def canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutainTop(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.traverse('BubbleMountainTopLeft'),
def canPassLavaPit(self):
sm = self.smbm
nTanks4Dive = 8 / sm.getDmgReduction()[0]
if sm.haveItem('HiJump').bool == False:
nTanks4Dive = ceil(nTanks4Dive * 1.25)
return sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'), sm.haveItem('SpaceJump')),
sm.wand(sm.knowsGravityJump(), sm.haveItem('Gravity'), sm.wor(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), sm.knowsLavaDive())),
sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.knowsLavaDive(), sm.haveItem('HiJump')),
sm.canUsePowerBombs()) # power bomb blocks left and right of LN entrance without any items before
def canPassLavaPitReverse(self):
sm = self.smbm
nTanks = 2
if sm.heatProof().bool == False:
nTanks = 6
return sm.energyReserveCountOk(nTanks)
def canPassLowerNorfairChozo(self):
sm = self.smbm
# to require one more CF if no heat protection because of distance to cover, wait times, acid...
return sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Entrance -> GT via Chozo']),
sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.LNChozoSJCheckDisabled), sm.haveItem('SpaceJump')))
def canExitScrewAttackArea(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canDestroyBombWalls(),
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('ScrewAttack'), sm.knowsScrewAttackExit()),
sm.wand(sm.canSimpleShortCharge(), # fight GT and spark out
def canPassWorstRoom(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canDestroyBombWalls(),
sm.wand(sm.knowsWorstRoomIceCharge(), sm.haveItem('Ice'), sm.canFireChargedShots()),
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.knowsGetAroundWallJump(), sm.haveItem('HiJump')),
sm.wand(sm.knowsSpringBallJumpFromWall(), sm.canUseSpringBall())))
# checks mix of super missiles/health
def canGoThroughLowerNorfairEnemy(self, nmyHealth, nbNmy, nmyHitDmg, supDmg=300.0):
sm = self.smbm
# supers only
if sm.itemCount('Super')*5*supDmg >= nbNmy*nmyHealth:
return SMBool(True, 0, items=['Super'])
# - or with taking damage as well?
(dmgRed, redItems) = sm.getDmgReduction(envDmg=False)
dmg = nmyHitDmg / dmgRed
if sm.heatProof() and (sm.itemCount('Super')*5*supDmg)/nmyHealth + (sm.energyReserveCount()*100 - 2)/dmg >= nbNmy:
# require heat proof as long as taking damage is necessary.
# display all the available energy in the solver.
return sm.wand(sm.heatProof(), SMBool(True, 0, items=redItems+['Super', '{}-ETank - {}-Reserve'.format(self.smbm.itemCount('ETank'), self.smbm.itemCount('Reserve'))]))
return sm.knowsDodgeLowerNorfairEnemies()
def canKillRedKiHunters(self, n):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Plasma'),
sm.wand(sm.heatProof(), # this takes a loooong time ...
sm.canGoThroughLowerNorfairEnemy(1800.0, float(n), 200.0))
def canPassThreeMuskateers(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.canKillRedKiHunters(6)
def canPassRedKiHunters(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.canKillRedKiHunters(3)
def canPassWastelandDessgeegas(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Plasma'),
sm.wand(sm.heatProof(), # this takes a loooong time ...
sm.itemCountOk('PowerBomb', 4),
sm.canGoThroughLowerNorfairEnemy(800.0, 3.0, 160.0))
def canPassNinjaPirates(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.itemCountOk('Missile', 10),
sm.itemCountOk('Super', 2),
sm.canShortCharge()) # echoes kill
def canPassWorstRoomPirates(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('ScrewAttack'),
sm.itemCountOk('Missile', 6),
sm.itemCountOk('Super', 3),
sm.wand(sm.canFireChargedShots(), sm.haveItem('Plasma')),
# go though the pirates room filled with acid
def canPassAmphitheaterReverse(self):
sm = self.smbm
dmgRed = sm.getDmgReduction()[0]
nTanksGrav = 4 * 4/dmgRed
nTanksNoGrav = 6 * 4/dmgRed
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
sm.knowsLavaDive())) # should be a good enough skill filter for acid wall jumps with no grav...
def canGetBackFromRidleyZone(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
sm.itemCountOk('PowerBomb', 2),
sm.canShortCharge()), # speedball
# in escape you don't have PBs and can't shoot bomb blocks in long tunnels
# in wasteland and ki hunter room
def canClimbRedTower(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.knowsRedTowerClimb(),
def canClimbBottomRedTower(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.RedTowerLeftPassage),
def canGoUpMtEverest(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canPassMtEverest(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'), sm.knowsTediousMountEverest(), sm.haveItem('Super')),
def canJumpUnderwater(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canDoSuitlessOuterMaridia(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.knowsGravLessLevel1(),
def canDoOuterMaridia(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canPassBotwoonHallway(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'),
sm.wand(sm.knowsMochtroidClip(), sm.haveItem('Ice')),
def canDefeatBotwoon(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.enoughStuffBotwoon(),
# the sandpits from aqueduct
def canAccessSandPits(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canReachCacatacAlleyFromBotowoon(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canPassCacatacAlley(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Draygon'),
def canGoThroughColosseumSuitless(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Grapple'),
sm.energyReserveCountOk(int(7.0/sm.getDmgReduction(False)[0])), # mochtroid dmg
def canBotwoonExitToColosseum(self):
sm = self.smbm
# traverse Botwoon Energy Tank Room
return sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'), sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster')),
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.canJumpUnderwater())),
# after Botwoon Energy Tank Room
# get to top right door
sm.haveItem('Ice'), # climb mochtroids
def canColosseumToBotwoonExit(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canClimbColosseum(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canClimbWestSandHole(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canAccessItemsInWestSandHole(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), # vanilla strat
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpaceJump'), # alternate strat with possible double bomb jump but no difficult wj
sm.wand(sm.canPassBombPassages(), # wjs and/or 3 tile mid air morph
def getDraygonConnection(self):
return getAccessPoint('DraygonRoomOut').ConnectedTo
def isVanillaDraygon(self):
return SMBool(self.getDraygonConnection() == 'DraygonRoomIn')
def canUseCrocRoomToChargeSpeed(self):
sm = self.smbm
crocRoom = getAccessPoint('Crocomire Room Top')
speedway = getAccessPoint('Crocomire Speedway Bottom')
return sm.wand(SMBool(crocRoom.ConnectedTo == 'Crocomire Speedway Bottom'),
def canFightDraygon(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canDraygonCrystalFlashSuit(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canCrystalFlash(),
# ask for 4 PB pack as an ugly workaround for
# a rando bug which can place a PB at space
# jump to "get you out" (this check is in
# PostAvailable condition of the Dray/Space
# Jump locs)
sm.itemCountOk('PowerBomb', 4))
def canExitDraygonRoomWithGravity(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canGrappleExitDraygon(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Grapple'),
def canExitDraygonVanilla(self):
sm = self.smbm
# to get out of draygon room:
# with gravity but without highjump/bomb/space jump: gravity jump
# to exit draygon room: grapple or crystal flash (for free shine spark)
# to exit precious room: spring ball jump, xray scope glitch or stored spark
return sm.wor(sm.canExitDraygonRoomWithGravity(),
# use the spark either to exit draygon room or precious room
# spark-less exit (no CF)
def canExitDraygonRandomized(self):
sm = self.smbm
# disregard precious room
return sm.wor(sm.canExitDraygonRoomWithGravity(),
def canExitDraygon(self):
sm = self.smbm
if self.isVanillaDraygon():
return self.canExitDraygonVanilla()
return self.canExitDraygonRandomized()
def canExitPreciousRoomVanilla(self):
return SMBool(True) # handled by canExitDraygonVanilla
def canExitPreciousRoomRandomized(self):
sm = self.smbm
suitlessRoomExit = sm.canSpringBallJump()
if suitlessRoomExit.bool == False:
if self.getDraygonConnection() == 'KraidRoomIn':
suitlessRoomExit = sm.canShortCharge() # charge spark in kraid's room
elif self.getDraygonConnection() == 'RidleyRoomIn':
suitlessRoomExit = sm.wand(sm.haveItem('XRayScope'), # get doorstuck in compatible transition
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canExitPreciousRoom(self):
if self.isVanillaDraygon():
return self.canExitPreciousRoomVanilla()
return self.canExitPreciousRoomRandomized()
def canPassDachoraRoom(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'), sm.canDestroyBombWalls())
def canTraverseCrabTunnelLeftToRight(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.traverse('MainStreetBottomRight'),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesOther)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
from logic.helpers import Bosses
from utils.parameters import Settings
from rom.rom_patches import RomPatches
from logic.smbool import SMBool
from graph.location import locationsDict
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Gauntlet"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Gauntlet"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.canEnterAndLeaveGauntlet(),
sm.canEnterAndLeaveGauntletQty(1, 0)), # thanks ponk!
locationsDict["Bomb"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Bomb"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
locationsDict["Bomb"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.knowsAlcatrazEscape(),
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Terminator"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: sm.canPassTerminatorBombWall(),
'Lower Mushrooms Left': lambda sm: sm.canPassCrateriaGreenPirates(),
'Gauntlet Top': lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Terminator"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Brinstar"].AccessFrom = {
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BrinReserveBlueDoors), sm.traverse('MainShaftRight'))
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Brinstar"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.canMockball(),
sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BrinReserveBlueDoors), sm.traverse('EarlySupersRight')))
locationsDict["Charge Beam"].AccessFrom = {
'Big Pink': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Charge Beam"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
locationsDict["Morphing Ball"].AccessFrom = {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Morphing Ball"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Brinstar Ceiling"].AccessFrom = {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BlueBrinstarBlueDoor), sm.traverse('ConstructionZoneRight'))
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Brinstar Ceiling"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.knowsCeilingDBoost(),
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Etecoons"].AccessFrom = {
'Etecoons Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Etecoons"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Waterway"].AccessFrom = {
'Big Pink': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Waterway"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
sm.canSimpleShortCharge())) # from the blocks above the water
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Brinstar Gate"].AccessFrom = {
'Big Pink': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Brinstar Gate"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('BigPinkRight'),
locationsDict["X-Ray Scope"].AccessFrom = {
'Red Tower Top Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["X-Ray Scope"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), sm.knowsXrayIce())),
locationsDict["Spazer"].AccessFrom = {
'East Tunnel Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Spazer"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('BelowSpazerTopRight'),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.SpazerShotBlock))))
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Kraid"].AccessFrom = {
'Warehouse Zeela Room Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Kraid"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Kraid'),
# kill the beetoms to unlock the door to get out
locationsDict["Kraid"].AccessFrom = {
'KraidRoomIn': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Kraid"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.enoughStuffsKraid()
locationsDict["Varia Suit"].AccessFrom = {
'KraidRoomIn': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Varia Suit"].Available = (
lambda sm: Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Kraid')
locationsDict["Ice Beam"].AccessFrom = {
'Business Center': lambda sm: sm.traverse('BusinessCenterTopLeft')
locationsDict["Ice Beam"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['Ice']['Norfair Entrance -> Ice Beam']),
sm.wor(sm.canPassBombPassages(), # to exit, or if you fail entrance
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'), # harder strat
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Crocomire"].AccessFrom = {
'Crocomire Room Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Crocomire"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.enoughStuffCroc(),
locationsDict["Hi-Jump Boots"].AccessFrom = {
'Business Center': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.HiJumpAreaBlueDoor), sm.traverse('BusinessCenterBottomLeft'))
locationsDict["Hi-Jump Boots"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Hi-Jump Boots"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.HiJumpShotBlock)))
locationsDict["Grapple Beam"].AccessFrom = {
'Crocomire Room Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Grapple Beam"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.enoughStuffCroc(),
sm.haveItem('HiJump')), # jump from the yellow plateform ennemy
locationsDict["Grapple Beam"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Morph'), # regular exit
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Super'), # grapple escape reverse
sm.wor(sm.canFly(), # Grapple Tutorial Room 2
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'), # Grapple Tutorial Room 3
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Norfair"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain': lambda sm: sm.canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutain(),
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutainTop(),
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Norfair"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Norfair Reserve']))
locationsDict["Speed Booster"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.SpeedAreaBlueDoors),
locationsDict["Speed Booster"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canHellRunToSpeedBooster()
locationsDict["Wave Beam"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.canAccessDoubleChamberItems()
locationsDict["Wave Beam"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.traverse('DoubleChamberRight')
locationsDict["Wave Beam"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Morph'), # exit through lower passage under the spikes
sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.haveItem('SpaceJump'), # exit through blue gate
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canBlueGateGlitch(), sm.heatProof()), # hell run + green gate glitch is too much
locationsDict["Ridley"].AccessFrom = {
'RidleyRoomIn': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Ridley"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']), sm.enoughStuffsRidley())
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Ridley"].AccessFrom = {
'RidleyRoomIn': lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Ridley')
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Ridley"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Screw Attack"].AccessFrom = {
'Screw Attack Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Screw Attack"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Screw Attack"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.canExitScrewAttackArea()
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Firefleas"].AccessFrom = {
'Firefleas': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Firefleas"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.FirefleasRemoveFune),
# get past the fune
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Firefleas"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.knowsFirefleasWalljump(),
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Wrecked Ship"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Wrecked Ship"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Wrecked Ship"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Back': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.WsEtankBlueDoor),
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Wrecked Ship"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon'),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.WsEtankPhantoonAlive))
locationsDict["Phantoon"].AccessFrom = {
'PhantoonRoomIn': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Phantoon"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.enoughStuffsPhantoon()
locationsDict["Right Super, Wrecked Ship"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon')
locationsDict["Right Super, Wrecked Ship"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
locationsDict["Gravity Suit"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Gravity Suit"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Mama turtle"].AccessFrom = {
'Main Street Bottom': lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canDoOuterMaridia(),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MamaTurtleBlueDoor)),
'Mama Turtle': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Mama turtle"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Plasma Beam"].AccessFrom = {
'Toilet Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Plasma Beam"].Available = (
lambda sm: Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Draygon')
locationsDict["Plasma Beam"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canShortCharge(),
# 160/80/40 dmg * 4 ground plasma pirates
# => 640/320/160 damage take required
# check below is 1099/599/299 (give margin for taking dmg a bit)
# (* 4 for nerfed charge, since you need to take hits 4 times instead of one)
sm.energyReserveCountOk(int(10.0 * sm.getPiratesPseudoScrewCoeff()/sm.getDmgReduction(False)[0]))),
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Maridia"].AccessFrom = {
'Left Sandpit': lambda sm: sm.canClimbWestSandHole()
locationsDict["Reserve Tank, Maridia"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canAccessItemsInWestSandHole()
locationsDict["Spring Ball"].AccessFrom = {
'Oasis Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canTraverseSandPits()
locationsDict["Spring Ball"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(), # in Shaktool room to let Shaktool access the sand blocks
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'), # puyo clip
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Grapple'), # go through grapple block
sm.wor(sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), sm.knowsAccessSpringBallWithHiJump()),
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpringBall'), sm.knowsAccessSpringBallWithSpringBallJump()))),
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpaceJump'), sm.knowsAccessSpringBallWithFlatley()))),
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('XRayScope'), sm.knowsAccessSpringBallWithXRayClimb()), # XRay climb
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'), sm.canUseSpringBall())) # acess the item in spring ball room
locationsDict["Spring Ball"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Botwoon"].AccessFrom = {
'Post Botwoon': lambda sm: sm.canJumpUnderwater()
locationsDict["Energy Tank, Botwoon"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Draygon"].AccessFrom = {
'Draygon Room Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Draygon"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Space Jump"].AccessFrom = {
'Draygon Room Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Space Jump"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Space Jump"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Draygon')
locationsDict["Mother Brain"].AccessFrom = {
'Golden Four': lambda sm: Bosses.allBossesDead(sm)
locationsDict["Mother Brain"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.enoughStuffTourian()
locationsDict["Power Bomb (Crateria surface)"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (Crateria surface)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('LandingSiteTopRight'),
locationsDict["Missile (outside Wrecked Ship bottom)"].AccessFrom = {
'West Ocean Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (outside Wrecked Ship bottom)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Missile (outside Wrecked Ship bottom)"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
locationsDict["Missile (outside Wrecked Ship top)"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (outside Wrecked Ship top)"].Available = (
lambda sm: Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon')
locationsDict["Missile (outside Wrecked Ship middle)"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (outside Wrecked Ship middle)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Super'), sm.haveItem('Morph'), Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon'))
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria moat)"].AccessFrom = {
'Moat Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria moat)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria bottom)"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria bottom)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.canDestroyBombWalls(),
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria gauntlet right)"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canEnterAndLeaveGauntlet(),
'Gauntlet Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria gauntlet right)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria gauntlet left)"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.canEnterAndLeaveGauntlet(),
'Gauntlet Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria gauntlet left)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (Crateria)"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (Crateria)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
# reserves are hard to trigger midspark when not having ETanks
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.energyReserveCountOk(2), sm.itemCountOk('ETank', 1)), # need energy to get out
sm.wand(sm.itemCountOk('ETank', 1),
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Grapple'), # use grapple/space or dmg protection to get out
sm.wand(sm.canSimpleShortCharge(), sm.canUsePowerBombs()))) # there's also a dboost involved in simple short charge or you have to kill the yellow enemies with some power bombs
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria middle)"].AccessFrom = {
'Landing Site': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Crateria middle)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
locationsDict["Power Bomb (green Brinstar bottom)"].AccessFrom = {
'Etecoons Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (green Brinstar bottom)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
locationsDict["Super Missile (pink Brinstar)"].AccessFrom = {
'Big Pink': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (pink Brinstar)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.traverse('BigPinkTopRight'),
# back way into spore spawn
locationsDict["Super Missile (pink Brinstar)"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canOpenGreenDoors(),
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar below super missile)"].AccessFrom = {
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BrinReserveBlueDoors), sm.traverse('MainShaftRight'))
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar below super missile)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar below super missile)"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.EarlySupersShotBlock), sm.canPassBombPassages())
locationsDict["Super Missile (green Brinstar top)"].AccessFrom = {
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BrinReserveBlueDoors), sm.traverse('MainShaftRight'))
locationsDict["Super Missile (green Brinstar top)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.canMockball(),
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar behind missile)"].AccessFrom = {
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BrinReserveBlueDoors), sm.traverse('MainShaftRight'))
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar behind missile)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar behind reserve tank)"].AccessFrom = {
'Green Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BrinReserveBlueDoors), sm.traverse('MainShaftRight'))
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar behind reserve tank)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('EarlySupersRight'),
locationsDict["Missile (pink Brinstar top)"].AccessFrom = {
'Big Pink': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (pink Brinstar top)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (pink Brinstar bottom)"].AccessFrom = {
'Big Pink': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (pink Brinstar bottom)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (pink Brinstar)"].AccessFrom = {
'Big Pink': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (pink Brinstar)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar pipe)"].AccessFrom = {
'Green Hill Zone Top Right': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (green Brinstar pipe)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Power Bomb (blue Brinstar)"].AccessFrom = {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
'Morph Ball Room Left': lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
sm.canShortCharge())) # speedball
locationsDict["Power Bomb (blue Brinstar)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar middle)"].AccessFrom = {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar middle)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BlueBrinstarMissile), sm.haveItem('Morph')),
sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.BlueBrinstarBlueDoor), sm.traverse('ConstructionZoneRight')))
locationsDict["Super Missile (green Brinstar bottom)"].AccessFrom = {
'Etecoons Supers': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (green Brinstar bottom)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar bottom)"].AccessFrom = {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar bottom)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar top)"].AccessFrom = {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar top)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canAccessBillyMays()
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar behind missile)"].AccessFrom = {
'Blue Brinstar Elevator Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (blue Brinstar behind missile)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canAccessBillyMays()
locationsDict["Power Bomb (red Brinstar sidehopper room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Red Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (red Brinstar sidehopper room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('RedTowerElevatorTopLeft'),
locationsDict["Power Bomb (red Brinstar spike room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Red Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (red Brinstar spike room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.traverse('RedTowerElevatorBottomLeft')
locationsDict["Missile (red Brinstar spike room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Red Brinstar Elevator': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (red Brinstar spike room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('RedTowerElevatorBottomLeft'),
locationsDict["Missile (Kraid)"].AccessFrom = {
'Warehouse Zeela Room Left': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Kraid)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canUsePowerBombs()
locationsDict["Missile (lava room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Cathedral': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (lava room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Missile (below Ice Beam)"].AccessFrom = {
'Business Center': lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('BusinessCenterTopLeft'),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['Ice']['Norfair Entrance -> Ice Beam']),
'Crocomire Speedway Bottom': lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUseCrocRoomToChargeSpeed(),
sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Croc -> Ice Missiles']),
locationsDict["Missile (below Ice Beam)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (above Crocomire)"].AccessFrom = {
'Crocomire Speedway Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Croc -> Grapple Escape Missiles'])
locationsDict["Missile (above Crocomire)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canGrappleEscape()
locationsDict["Missile (Hi-Jump Boots)"].AccessFrom = {
'Business Center': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.HiJumpAreaBlueDoor), sm.traverse('BusinessCenterBottomLeft'))
locationsDict["Missile (Hi-Jump Boots)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Missile (Hi-Jump Boots)"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.canPassBombPassages(),
sm.wand(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.HiJumpShotBlock), sm.haveItem('Morph')))
locationsDict["Energy Tank (Hi-Jump Boots)"].AccessFrom = {
'Business Center': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.HiJumpAreaBlueDoor), sm.traverse('BusinessCenterBottomLeft'))
locationsDict["Energy Tank (Hi-Jump Boots)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (Crocomire)"].AccessFrom = {
'Crocomire Room Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (Crocomire)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('PostCrocomireUpperLeft'),
sm.energyReserveCountOk(1)))), # spark from the room before
sm.wor(sm.haveItem('HiJump'), # run and jump from yellow platform
locationsDict["Missile (below Crocomire)"].AccessFrom = {
'Crocomire Room Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (below Crocomire)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.traverse('PostCrocomireShaftRight'), sm.enoughStuffCroc(), sm.haveItem('Morph'))
locationsDict["Missile (Grapple Beam)"].AccessFrom = {
'Crocomire Room Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Grapple Beam)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.enoughStuffCroc(),
sm.wor(sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), # from below
sm.wand(sm.canGreenGateGlitch(), # from grapple room
sm.canFly()))) # TODO::test if accessible with a spark (short charge), and how many etanks required
locationsDict["Missile (Grapple Beam)"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Morph'), # normal exit
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Super'), # go back to grapple room
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'), sm.haveItem('HiJump'))))) # jump from the yellow plateform ennemy
locationsDict["Missile (Norfair Reserve Tank)"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain': lambda sm: sm.canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutain(),
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutainTop()
locationsDict["Missile (Norfair Reserve Tank)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Norfair Reserve']))
locationsDict["Missile (bubble Norfair green door)"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain': lambda sm: sm.canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutain(),
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.canEnterNorfairReserveAreaFromBubbleMoutainTop()
locationsDict["Missile (bubble Norfair green door)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['MainUpperNorfair']['Bubble -> Norfair Reserve Missiles'])
locationsDict["Missile (bubble Norfair)"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (bubble Norfair)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Speed Booster)"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.SpeedAreaBlueDoors),
locationsDict["Missile (Speed Booster)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canHellRunToSpeedBooster()
locationsDict["Missile (Wave Beam)"].AccessFrom = {
'Bubble Mountain Top': lambda sm: sm.canAccessDoubleChamberItems()
locationsDict["Missile (Wave Beam)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Gold Torizo)"].AccessFrom = {
'LN Above GT': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Gold Torizo)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main'])
locationsDict["Missile (Gold Torizo)"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.enoughStuffGT()
locationsDict["Super Missile (Gold Torizo)"].AccessFrom = {
'Screw Attack Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (Gold Torizo)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (Gold Torizo)"].PostAvailable = (
lambda sm: sm.enoughStuffGT()
locationsDict["Missile (Mickey Mouse room)"].AccessFrom = {
'LN Entrance': lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(), sm.canPassWorstRoom()),
locationsDict["Missile (Mickey Mouse room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main'])
locationsDict["Missile (lower Norfair above fire flea room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Firefleas': lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main'])
locationsDict["Missile (lower Norfair above fire flea room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (lower Norfair above fire flea room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Firefleas Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (lower Norfair above fire flea room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Power Bomb (Power Bombs of shame)"].AccessFrom = {
'Ridley Zone': lambda sm: sm.canUsePowerBombs()
locationsDict["Power Bomb (Power Bombs of shame)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main'])
locationsDict["Missile (lower Norfair near Wave Beam)"].AccessFrom = {
'Firefleas': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (lower Norfair near Wave Beam)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canHellRun(**Settings.hellRunsTable['LowerNorfair']['Main']),
locationsDict["Missile (Wrecked Ship middle)"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Wrecked Ship middle)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canPassBombPassages()
locationsDict["Missile (Gravity Suit)"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Gravity Suit)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.canPassBowling(),
locationsDict["Missile (Wrecked Ship top)"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Wrecked Ship top)"].Available = (
lambda sm: Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon')
locationsDict["Super Missile (Wrecked Ship left)"].AccessFrom = {
'Wrecked Ship Main': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (Wrecked Ship left)"].Available = (
lambda sm: Bosses.bossDead(sm, 'Phantoon')
locationsDict["Missile (green Maridia shinespark)"].AccessFrom = {
'Main Street Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (green Maridia shinespark)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.traverse('MainStreetBottomRight'), # run from room on the right
sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.AreaRandoGatesOther),
sm.itemCountOk('ETank', 1)), # etank for the spark since sparking from low ground
sm.canSimpleShortCharge())) # run from above
locationsDict["Super Missile (green Maridia)"].AccessFrom = {
'Main Street Bottom': lambda sm: sm.canDoOuterMaridia()
locationsDict["Super Missile (green Maridia)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Missile (green Maridia tatori)"].AccessFrom = {
'Main Street Bottom': lambda sm: sm.wand(sm.wor(sm.traverse('FishTankRight'),
RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.MamaTurtleBlueDoor)),
'Mama Turtle': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (green Maridia tatori)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (yellow Maridia)"].AccessFrom = {
'Watering Hole Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (yellow Maridia)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (yellow Maridia super missile)"].AccessFrom = {
'Watering Hole Bottom': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (yellow Maridia super missile)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (yellow Maridia false wall)"].AccessFrom = {
'Beach': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (yellow Maridia false wall)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (left Maridia sand pit room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Left Sandpit': lambda sm: sm.canClimbWestSandHole()
locationsDict["Missile (left Maridia sand pit room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.canAccessItemsInWestSandHole()
locationsDict["Missile (right Maridia sand pit room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Right Sandpit': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (right Maridia sand pit room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
locationsDict["Power Bomb (right Maridia sand pit room)"].AccessFrom = {
'Right Sandpit': lambda sm: sm.haveItem('Morph')
locationsDict["Power Bomb (right Maridia sand pit room)"].Available = (
lambda sm: sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
sm.canSpringBallJump())) #
locationsDict["Missile (pink Maridia)"].AccessFrom = {
'Aqueduct': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (pink Maridia)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (pink Maridia)"].AccessFrom = {
'Aqueduct': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Super Missile (pink Maridia)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Draygon)"].AccessFrom = {
'Precious Room Top': lambda sm: SMBool(True)
locationsDict["Missile (Draygon)"].Available = (
lambda sm: SMBool(True)
# TODO::use the dict in solver/randomizer
# create the list that the solver/randomizer use
locations = [loc for loc in locationsDict.values()]
class LocationsHelper:
# used by FillerRandom to know how many front fill steps it must perform
def getRandomFillHelp(startLocation):
helpByAp = {
"Firefleas Top": 3,
"Aqueduct": 1,
"Mama Turtle": 1,
"Watering Hole": 2,
"Etecoons Supers": 2,
"Gauntlet Top":1,
"Bubble Mountain":1
return helpByAp[startLocation] if startLocation in helpByAp else 0
# for a given start AP, gives:
# - locations that can be used as majors/chozo in the start area
# - locations to preserve in the split
# - number of necessary majors locations to add in the start area,
# - number of necessary chozo locations to add in the start area
# locs are taken in the first n in the list
def getStartMajors(startLocation):
majLocsByAp = {
'Gauntlet Top': ([
"Missile (Crateria gauntlet right)",
"Missile (Crateria gauntlet left)"
], ["Energy Tank, Terminator"], 1, 2),
'Green Brinstar Elevator': ([
"Missile (green Brinstar below super missile)"
], ["Reserve Tank, Brinstar"], 1, 1),
'Big Pink': ([
"Missile (pink Brinstar top)",
"Missile (pink Brinstar bottom)"
], ["Charge Beam"], 1, 2),
'Etecoons Supers': ([
"Energy Tank, Etecoons",
"Super Missile (green Brinstar bottom)",
], ["Energy Tank, Etecoons"], 1, 2),
'Firefleas Top': ([
"Power Bomb (lower Norfair above fire flea room)",
"Energy Tank, Firefleas",
"Missile (lower Norfair near Wave Beam)",
"Missile (lower Norfair above fire flea room)"
], ["Energy Tank, Firefleas"], 3, 4),
'Business Center': ([
"Energy Tank (Hi-Jump Boots)",
], ["Hi-Jump Boots"], 1, 1),
'Bubble Mountain': ([
"Missile (bubble Norfair)"
], ["Speed Booster", "Wave Beam"], 1, 1),
'Mama Turtle': ([
"Energy Tank, Mama turtle",
"Missile (green Maridia tatori)",
"Super Missile (green Maridia)"
], ["Energy Tank, Mama turtle"], 2, 3),
'Watering Hole': ([
"Missile (yellow Maridia super missile)",
"Super Missile (yellow Maridia)",
"Missile (yellow Maridia false wall)"
], [], 2, 3),
'Aqueduct': ([
"Missile (pink Maridia)",
"Super Missile (pink Maridia)",
"Missile (right Maridia sand pit room)"
], ["Reserve Tank, Maridia"], 2, 3)
return majLocsByAp[startLocation] if startLocation in majLocsByAp else ([],[],0,0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# the caching decorator for helpers functions
class VersionedCache(object):
__slots__ = ( 'cache', 'masterCache', 'nextSlot', 'size')
def __init__(self):
self.cache = []
self.masterCache = {}
self.nextSlot = 0
self.size = 0
def reset(self):
# reinit the whole cache
self.masterCache = {}
def update(self, newKey):
cache = self.masterCache.get(newKey, None)
if cache is None:
cache = [ None ] * self.size
self.masterCache[newKey] = cache
self.cache = cache
def decorator(self, func):
return self._decorate(func.__name__, self._new_slot(), func)
# for lambdas
def ldeco(self, func):
return self._decorate(func.__code__, self._new_slot(), func)
def _new_slot(self):
slot = self.nextSlot
self.nextSlot += 1
self.size += 1
return slot
def _decorate(self, name, slot, func):
def _decorator(arg):
#ret = self.cache[slot]
#if ret is not None:
# return ret
ret = func(arg)
# self.cache[slot] = ret
return ret
return _decorator
Cache = VersionedCache()
class RequestCache(object):
def __init__(self):
self.results = {}
def request(self, request, *args):
return ''.join([request] + [str(arg) for arg in args])
def store(self, request, result):
self.results[request] = result
def get(self, request):
return self.results[request] if request in self.results else None
def reset(self):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
import math
from logic.cache import Cache
from logic.smbool import SMBool, smboolFalse
from utils.parameters import Settings, easy, medium, diff2text
from rom.rom_patches import RomPatches
from utils.utils import normalizeRounding
class Helpers(object):
def __init__(self, smbm):
self.smbm = smbm
# return bool
def haveItemCount(self, item, count):
return self.smbm.itemCount(item) >= count
# return integer
def energyReserveCount(self):
return self.smbm.itemCount('ETank') + self.smbm.itemCount('Reserve')
def energyReserveCountOkDiff(self, difficulties, mult=1.0):
if difficulties is None or len(difficulties) == 0:
return smboolFalse
def f(difficulty):
return self.smbm.energyReserveCountOk(normalizeRounding(difficulty[0] / mult), difficulty=difficulty[1])
result = f(difficulties[0])
for difficulty in difficulties[1:]:
result = self.smbm.wor(result, f(difficulty))
return result
def energyReserveCountOkHellRun(self, hellRunName, mult=1.0):
difficulties = Settings.hellRuns[hellRunName]
result = self.energyReserveCountOkDiff(difficulties, mult)
if result == True:
result.knows = [hellRunName+'HellRun']
return result
# gives damage reduction factor with the current suits
# envDmg : if true (default) will return environmental damage reduction
def getDmgReduction(self, envDmg=True):
ret = 1.0
sm = self.smbm
hasVaria = sm.haveItem('Varia')
hasGrav = sm.haveItem('Gravity')
items = []
if RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.NoGravityEnvProtection):
if hasVaria:
items = ['Varia']
if envDmg:
ret = 4.0
ret = 2.0
if hasGrav and not envDmg:
ret = 4.0
items = ['Gravity']
elif RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.ProgressiveSuits):
if hasVaria:
ret *= 2
if hasGrav:
ret *= 2
if hasVaria:
ret = 2.0
items = ['Varia']
if hasGrav:
ret = 4.0
items = ['Gravity']
return (ret, items)
# higher values for mult means room is that much "easier" (HP mult)
def energyReserveCountOkHardRoom(self, roomName, mult=1.0):
difficulties = Settings.hardRooms[roomName]
(dmgRed, items) = self.getDmgReduction()
mult *= dmgRed
result = self.energyReserveCountOkDiff(difficulties, mult)
if result == True:
result.knows = ['HardRoom-'+roomName]
if dmgRed != 1.0:
return result
def heatProof(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Varia'),
sm.wand(sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.NoGravityEnvProtection)),
sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.ProgressiveSuits)),
# helper here because we can't define "sublambdas" in locations
def getPiratesPseudoScrewCoeff(self):
sm = self.smbm
ret = 1.0
if RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.NerfedCharge).bool == True:
ret = 4.0
return ret
def canFireChargedShots(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Charge'), RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.NerfedCharge))
# higher values for mult means hell run is that much "easier" (HP mult)
def canHellRun(self, hellRun, mult=1.0, minE=2):
sm = self.smbm
items = []
isHeatProof = sm.heatProof()
if isHeatProof == True:
return isHeatProof
if sm.wand(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.ProgressiveSuits), sm.haveItem('Gravity')).bool == True:
# half heat protection
mult *= 2.0
minE /= 2.0
if self.energyReserveCount() >= minE:
if hellRun != 'LowerNorfair':
ret = self.energyReserveCountOkHellRun(hellRun, mult)
if ret.bool == True:
return ret
tanks = self.energyReserveCount()
multCF = mult
if tanks >= 14:
multCF *= 2.0
nCF = int(math.ceil(2/multCF))
ret = sm.wand(self.energyReserveCountOkHellRun(hellRun, mult),
if ret.bool == True:
if sm.haveItem('Gravity') == True:
ret.difficulty *= 0.7
elif sm.haveItem('ScrewAttack') == True:
ret.difficulty *= 0.7
#nPB = self.smbm.itemCount('PowerBomb')
#print("canHellRun LN. tanks=" + str(tanks) + ", nCF=" + str(nCF) + ", nPB=" + str(nPB) + ", mult=" + str(mult) + ", heatProof=" + str(isHeatProof.bool) + ", ret=" + str(ret))
return ret
return smboolFalse
def canMockball(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
def canFly(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('SpaceJump'),
def canSimpleShortCharge(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'),
def canShortCharge(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'), sm.knowsShortCharge())
def canUseBombs(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.haveItem('Bomb'))
def canInfiniteBombJump(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.haveItem('Bomb'), sm.knowsInfiniteBombJump())
def canInfiniteBombJumpSuitless(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.haveItem('Bomb'), sm.knowsInfiniteBombJumpSuitless())
def haveMissileOrSuper(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Missile'), sm.haveItem('Super'))
def canOpenRedDoors(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.wnot(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.RedDoorsMissileOnly)),
def canOpenEyeDoors(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.NoGadoras),
def canOpenGreenDoors(self):
return self.smbm.haveItem('Super')
def canGreenGateGlitch(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Super'),
def canBlueGateGlitch(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveMissileOrSuper(),
def canUsePowerBombs(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'), sm.haveItem('PowerBomb'))
canOpenYellowDoors = canUsePowerBombs
def canUseSpringBall(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
def canSpringBallJump(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canUseSpringBall(),
def canDoubleSpringBallJump(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canUseSpringBall(),
def canSpringBallJumpFromWall(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canUseSpringBall(),
def canDestroyBombWalls(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Morph'),
def canDestroyBombWallsUnderwater(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Gravity'),
def canPassBombPassages(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.canUseBombs(),
def canMorphJump(self):
# small hop in morph ball form
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.canPassBombPassages(), sm.haveItem('SpringBall'))
def canCrystalFlash(self, n=1):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canUsePowerBombs(),
sm.itemCountOk('Missile', 2*n),
sm.itemCountOk('Super', 2*n),
sm.itemCountOk('PowerBomb', 2*n+1))
def canCrystalFlashClip(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canCrystalFlash(),
sm.itemCountOk('PowerBomb', 4))))
def canDoLowGauntlet(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wand(sm.canShortCharge(),
sm.itemCountOk('ETank', 1),
def canUseHyperBeam(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.haveItem('Hyper')
def getBeamDamage(self):
sm = self.smbm
standardDamage = 20
if sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'),
sm.haveItem('Plasma')) == True:
standardDamage = 300
elif sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Wave'),
sm.haveItem('Plasma')) == True:
standardDamage = 250
elif sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'),
sm.haveItem('Plasma')) == True:
standardDamage = 200
elif sm.haveItem('Plasma') == True:
standardDamage = 150
elif sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'),
sm.haveItem('Spazer')) == True:
standardDamage = 100
elif sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Wave'),
sm.haveItem('Spazer')) == True:
standardDamage = 70
elif sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'),
sm.haveItem('Spazer')) == True:
standardDamage = 60
elif sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'),
sm.haveItem('Wave')) == True:
standardDamage = 60
elif sm.haveItem('Wave') == True:
standardDamage = 50
elif sm.haveItem('Spazer') == True:
standardDamage = 40
elif sm.haveItem('Ice') == True:
standardDamage = 30
return standardDamage
# returns a tuple with :
# - a floating point number : 0 if boss is unbeatable with
# current equipment, and an ammo "margin" (ex : 1.5 means we have 50%
# more firepower than absolutely necessary). Useful to compute boss
# difficulty when not having charge. If player has charge, the actual
# value is not useful, and is guaranteed to be > 2.
# - estimation of the fight duration in seconds (well not really, it
# is if you fire and land shots perfectly and constantly), giving info
# to compute boss fight difficulty
def canInflictEnoughDamages(self, bossEnergy, doubleSuper=False, charge=True, power=False, givesDrops=True, ignoreMissiles=False, ignoreSupers=False):
# TODO: handle special beam attacks ? (
sm = self.smbm
items = []
standardDamage = 0
if sm.canFireChargedShots().bool == True and charge == True:
standardDamage = self.getBeamDamage()
# charge triples the damage
chargeDamage = standardDamage
if sm.haveItem('Charge').bool == True:
chargeDamage *= 3.0
# missile 100 damages, super missile 300 damages, PBs 200 dmg, 5 in each extension
missilesAmount = sm.itemCount('Missile') * 5
if ignoreMissiles == True:
missilesDamage = 0
missilesDamage = missilesAmount * 100
if missilesAmount > 0:
supersAmount = sm.itemCount('Super') * 5
if ignoreSupers == True:
oneSuper = 0
oneSuper = 300.0
if supersAmount > 0:
if doubleSuper == True:
oneSuper *= 2
supersDamage = supersAmount * oneSuper
powerDamage = 0
powerAmount = 0
if power == True and sm.haveItem('PowerBomb') == True:
powerAmount = sm.itemCount('PowerBomb') * 5
powerDamage = powerAmount * 200
canBeatBoss = chargeDamage > 0 or givesDrops or (missilesDamage + supersDamage + powerDamage) >= bossEnergy
if not canBeatBoss:
return (0, 0, [])
ammoMargin = (missilesDamage + supersDamage + powerDamage) / bossEnergy
if chargeDamage > 0:
ammoMargin += 2
missilesDPS = Settings.algoSettings['missilesPerSecond'] * 100.0
supersDPS = Settings.algoSettings['supersPerSecond'] * 300.0
if doubleSuper == True:
supersDPS *= 2
if powerDamage > 0:
powerDPS = Settings.algoSettings['powerBombsPerSecond'] * 200.0
powerDPS = 0.0
chargeDPS = chargeDamage * Settings.algoSettings['chargedShotsPerSecond']
# print("chargeDPS=" + str(chargeDPS))
dpsDict = {
missilesDPS: (missilesAmount, 100.0),
supersDPS: (supersAmount, oneSuper),
powerDPS: (powerAmount, 200.0),
# no boss will take more 10000 charged shots
chargeDPS: (10000, chargeDamage)
secs = 0
for dps in sorted(dpsDict, reverse=True):
amount = dpsDict[dps][0]
one = dpsDict[dps][1]
if dps == 0 or one == 0 or amount == 0:
fire = min(bossEnergy / one, amount)
secs += fire * (one / dps)
bossEnergy -= fire * one
if bossEnergy <= 0:
if bossEnergy > 0:
# print ('!! drops !! ')
secs += bossEnergy * Settings.algoSettings['missileDropsPerMinute'] * 100 / 60
# print('ammoMargin = ' + str(ammoMargin) + ', secs = ' + str(secs))
return (ammoMargin, secs, items)
# return diff score, or -1 if below minimum energy in diffTbl
def computeBossDifficulty(self, ammoMargin, secs, diffTbl, energyDiff=0):
sm = self.smbm
# actual fight duration :
rate = None
if 'Rate' in diffTbl:
rate = float(diffTbl['Rate'])
if rate is None:
duration = 120.0
duration = secs / rate
# print('rate=' + str(rate) + ', duration=' + str(duration))
(suitsCoeff, items) = sm.getDmgReduction(envDmg=False)
suitsCoeff /= 2.0
energyCount = self.energyReserveCount()
energy = suitsCoeff * (1 + energyCount + energyDiff)
# print("energy="+str(energy)+", energyCount="+str(energyCount)+",energyDiff="+str(energyDiff)+",suitsCoeff="+str(suitsCoeff))
# add all energy in used items
items += sm.energyReserveCountOk(energyCount).items
energyDict = None
if 'Energy' in diffTbl:
energyDict = diffTbl['Energy']
difficulty = medium
# get difficulty by energy
if energyDict:
energyDict = {float(k):float(v) for k,v in energyDict.items()}
keyz = sorted(energyDict.keys())
if len(keyz) > 0:
current = keyz[0]
if energy < current:
return (-1, [])
sup = None
difficulty = energyDict[current]
for k in keyz:
if k > energy:
current = k
difficulty = energyDict[k]
# interpolate if we can
if energy > current and sup is not None:
difficulty += (energyDict[sup] - difficulty)/(sup - current) * (energy - current)
# print("energy=" + str(energy) + ", base diff=" + str(difficulty))
# adjust by fight duration
difficulty *= (duration / 120)
# and by ammo margin
# only augment difficulty in case of no charge, don't lower it.
# if we have charge, ammoMargin will have a huge value (see canInflictEnoughDamages),
# so this does not apply
diffAdjust = (1 - (ammoMargin - Settings.algoSettings['ammoMarginIfNoCharge']))
if diffAdjust > 1:
difficulty *= diffAdjust
# print("final diff: "+str(round(difficulty, 2)))
return (round(difficulty, 2), items)
def enoughStuffSporeSpawn(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.haveItem('Missile'), sm.haveItem('Super'), sm.haveItem('Charge'))
def enoughStuffCroc(self):
sm = self.smbm
# say croc has ~5000 energy, and ignore its useless drops
(ammoMargin, secs, items) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(5000, givesDrops=False)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return sm.wand(sm.knowsLowAmmoCroc(),
sm.wor(sm.itemCountOk("Missile", 2),
return SMBool(True, easy, items=items)
def enoughStuffBotwoon(self):
sm = self.smbm
(ammoMargin, secs, items) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(6000, givesDrops=False)
diff = SMBool(True, easy, [], items)
lowStuff = sm.knowsLowStuffBotwoon()
if ammoMargin == 0 and lowStuff.bool:
(ammoMargin, secs, items) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(3500, givesDrops=False)
diff = SMBool(lowStuff.bool, lowStuff.difficulty, lowStuff.knows, items)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return smboolFalse
fight = sm.wor(sm.energyReserveCountOk(math.ceil(4/sm.getDmgReduction(envDmg=False)[0])),
return sm.wandmax(fight, diff)
def enoughStuffGT(self):
sm = self.smbm
hasBeams = sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Charge'), sm.haveItem('Plasma')).bool
(ammoMargin, secs, items) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(9000, ignoreMissiles=True, givesDrops=hasBeams)
diff = SMBool(True, easy, [], items)
lowStuff = sm.knowsLowStuffGT()
if ammoMargin == 0 and lowStuff.bool:
(ammoMargin, secs, items) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(3000, ignoreMissiles=True)
diff = SMBool(lowStuff.bool, lowStuff.difficulty, lowStuff.knows, items)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return smboolFalse
fight = sm.wor(sm.energyReserveCountOk(math.ceil(8/sm.getDmgReduction(envDmg=False)[0])),
return sm.wandmax(fight, diff)
def enoughStuffsRidley(self):
sm = self.smbm
if not sm.haveItem('Morph') and not sm.haveItem('ScrewAttack'):
return smboolFalse
(ammoMargin, secs, ammoItems) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(18000, doubleSuper=True, power=True, givesDrops=False)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return smboolFalse
# print('RIDLEY', ammoMargin, secs)
(diff, defenseItems) = self.computeBossDifficulty(ammoMargin, secs,
if diff < 0:
return smboolFalse
return SMBool(True, diff, items=ammoItems+defenseItems)
def enoughStuffsKraid(self):
sm = self.smbm
(ammoMargin, secs, ammoItems) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(1000)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return smboolFalse
#print('KRAID True ', ammoMargin, secs)
(diff, defenseItems) = self.computeBossDifficulty(ammoMargin, secs,
if diff < 0:
return smboolFalse
return SMBool(True, diff, items=ammoItems+defenseItems)
def adjustHealthDropDiff(self, difficulty):
(dmgRed, items) = self.getDmgReduction(envDmg=False)
# 2 is Varia suit, considered standard eqt for boss fights
# there's certainly a smarter way to do this but...
if dmgRed < 2:
difficulty *= Settings.algoSettings['dmgReductionDifficultyFactor']
elif dmgRed > 2:
difficulty /= Settings.algoSettings['dmgReductionDifficultyFactor']
return difficulty
def enoughStuffsDraygon(self):
sm = self.smbm
if not sm.haveItem('Morph') and not sm.haveItem('Gravity'):
return smboolFalse
# some ammo to destroy the turrets during the fight
if not sm.haveMissileOrSuper():
return smboolFalse
(ammoMargin, secs, ammoItems) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(6000)
# print('DRAY', ammoMargin, secs)
if ammoMargin > 0:
(diff, defenseItems) = self.computeBossDifficulty(ammoMargin, secs,
if diff < 0:
fight = smboolFalse
fight = SMBool(True, diff, items=ammoItems+defenseItems)
if sm.haveItem('Gravity') == False:
fight.difficulty *= Settings.algoSettings['draygonNoGravityMalus']
if not sm.haveItem('Morph'):
fight.difficulty *= Settings.algoSettings['draygonNoMorphMalus']
if sm.haveItem('Gravity') and sm.haveItem('ScrewAttack'):
fight.difficulty /= Settings.algoSettings['draygonScrewBonus']
fight.difficulty = self.adjustHealthDropDiff(fight.difficulty)
fight = smboolFalse
# for grapple kill considers energy drained by wall socket + 2 spankings by Dray
# (original 99 energy used for rounding)
nTanksGrapple = (240/sm.getDmgReduction(envDmg=True)[0] + 2*160/sm.getDmgReduction(envDmg=False)[0])/100
return sm.wor(fight,
def enoughStuffsPhantoon(self):
sm = self.smbm
(ammoMargin, secs, ammoItems) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(2500, doubleSuper=True)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return smboolFalse
# print('PHANTOON', ammoMargin, secs)
(difficulty, defenseItems) = self.computeBossDifficulty(ammoMargin, secs,
if difficulty < 0:
return smboolFalse
hasCharge = sm.canFireChargedShots()
hasScrew = sm.haveItem('ScrewAttack')
if hasScrew:
difficulty /= Settings.algoSettings['phantoonFlamesAvoidBonusScrew']
defenseItems += hasScrew.items
elif hasCharge:
difficulty /= Settings.algoSettings['phantoonFlamesAvoidBonusCharge']
defenseItems += hasCharge.items
elif not hasCharge and sm.itemCount('Missile') <= 2: # few missiles is harder
difficulty *= Settings.algoSettings['phantoonLowMissileMalus']
difficulty = self.adjustHealthDropDiff(difficulty)
fight = SMBool(True, difficulty, items=ammoItems+defenseItems)
return sm.wor(fight,
def mbEtankCheck(self):
sm = self.smbm
if sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.NerfedRainbowBeam), RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.TourianSpeedup)):
# "add" energy for difficulty calculations
energy = 2.8 if sm.haveItem('Varia') else 2.6
return (True, energy)
nTanks = sm.energyReserveCount()
energyDiff = 0
if sm.haveItem('Varia') == False:
# "remove" 3 etanks (accounting for rainbow beam damage without varia)
if nTanks < 6:
return (False, 0)
energyDiff = -3
elif nTanks < 3:
return (False, 0)
return (True, energyDiff)
def enoughStuffsMotherbrain(self):
sm = self.smbm
# MB1 can't be hit by charge beam
(ammoMargin, secs, _) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(3000, charge=False, givesDrops=False)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return smboolFalse
# requires 10-10 to break the glass
if sm.itemCount('Missile') <= 1 or sm.itemCount('Super') <= 1:
return smboolFalse
# we actually don't give a shit about MB1 difficulty,
# since we embark its health in the following calc
(ammoMargin, secs, ammoItems) = self.canInflictEnoughDamages(18000 + 3000, givesDrops=False)
if ammoMargin == 0:
return smboolFalse
(possible, energyDiff) = self.mbEtankCheck()
if possible == False:
return smboolFalse
# print('MB2', ammoMargin, secs)
#print("ammoMargin: {}, secs: {}, settings: {}, energyDiff: {}".format(ammoMargin, secs, Settings.bossesDifficulty['MotherBrain'], energyDiff))
(diff, defenseItems) = self.computeBossDifficulty(ammoMargin, secs, Settings.bossesDifficulty['MotherBrain'], energyDiff)
if diff < 0:
return smboolFalse
return SMBool(True, diff, items=ammoItems+defenseItems)
def canPassMetroids(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'), sm.haveMissileOrSuper()),
# to avoid leaving tourian to refill power bombs
sm.itemCountOk('PowerBomb', 3))
def canPassZebetites(self):
sm = self.smbm
return sm.wor(sm.wand(sm.haveItem('Ice'), sm.knowsIceZebSkip()),
sm.wand(sm.haveItem('SpeedBooster'), sm.knowsSpeedZebSkip()),
# account for one zebetite, refill may be necessary
SMBool(self.canInflictEnoughDamages(1100, charge=False, givesDrops=False, ignoreSupers=True)[0] >= 1, 0))
def enoughStuffTourian(self):
sm = self.smbm
ret = self.smbm.wand(sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.TourianSpeedup),
sm.wand(sm.canPassMetroids(), sm.canPassZebetites())),
sm.wor(RomPatches.has(sm.player, RomPatches.OpenZebetites), sm.haveItem('Morph')))
return ret
class Pickup:
def __init__(self, itemsPickup):
self.itemsPickup = itemsPickup
def enoughMinors(self, smbm, minorLocations):
if self.itemsPickup == 'all':
return len(minorLocations) == 0
return True
def enoughMajors(self, smbm, majorLocations):
if self.itemsPickup == 'all':
return len(majorLocations) == 0
return True
class Bosses:
# bosses helpers to know if they are dead
areaBosses = {
# classic areas
'Brinstar': 'Kraid',
'Norfair': 'Ridley',
'LowerNorfair': 'Ridley',
'WreckedShip': 'Phantoon',
'Maridia': 'Draygon',
# solver areas
'Blue Brinstar': 'Kraid',
'Brinstar Hills': 'Kraid',
'Bubble Norfair': 'Ridley',
'Bubble Norfair Bottom': 'Ridley',
'Bubble Norfair Reserve': 'Ridley',
'Bubble Norfair Speed': 'Ridley',
'Bubble Norfair Wave': 'Ridley',
'Draygon Boss': 'Draygon',
'Green Brinstar': 'Kraid',
'Green Brinstar Reserve': 'Kraid',
'Kraid': 'Kraid',
'Kraid Boss': 'Kraid',
'Left Sandpit': 'Draygon',
'Lower Norfair After Amphitheater': 'Ridley',
'Lower Norfair Before Amphitheater': 'Ridley',
'Lower Norfair Screw Attack': 'Ridley',
'Maridia Forgotten Highway': 'Draygon',
'Maridia Green': 'Draygon',
'Maridia Pink Bottom': 'Draygon',
'Maridia Pink Top': 'Draygon',
'Maridia Sandpits': 'Draygon',
'Norfair Entrance': 'Ridley',
'Norfair Grapple Escape': 'Ridley',
'Norfair Ice': 'Ridley',
'Phantoon Boss': 'Phantoon',
'Pink Brinstar': 'Kraid',
'Red Brinstar': 'Kraid',
'Red Brinstar Top': 'Kraid',
'Ridley Boss': 'Ridley',
'Right Sandpit': 'Draygon',
'Warehouse': 'Kraid',
'WreckedShip': 'Phantoon',
'WreckedShip Back': 'Phantoon',
'WreckedShip Bottom': 'Phantoon',
'WreckedShip Gravity': 'Phantoon',
'WreckedShip Main': 'Phantoon',
'WreckedShip Top': 'Phantoon'
def Golden4():
return ['Draygon', 'Kraid', 'Phantoon', 'Ridley']
def bossDead(sm, boss):
return sm.haveItem(boss)
def areaBossDead(sm, area):
if area not in Bosses.areaBosses:
return True
return Bosses.bossDead(sm, Bosses.areaBosses[area])
def allBossesDead(smbm):
return smbm.wand(Bosses.bossDead(smbm, 'Kraid'),
Bosses.bossDead(smbm, 'Phantoon'),
Bosses.bossDead(smbm, 'Draygon'),
Bosses.bossDead(smbm, 'Ridley'))
def diffValue2txt(diff):
last = 0
for d in sorted(diff2text.keys()):
if diff >= last and diff < d:
return diff2text[last]
last = d
return None

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# entry point for the logic implementation
class Logic(object):
def factory(implementation):
if implementation == 'vanilla':
from graph.vanilla.graph_helpers import HelpersGraph
from graph.vanilla.graph_access import accessPoints
from graph.vanilla.graph_locations import locations
from graph.vanilla.graph_locations import LocationsHelper
Logic.locations = locations
Logic.accessPoints = accessPoints
Logic.HelpersGraph = HelpersGraph
Logic.patches = implementation
Logic.LocationsHelper = LocationsHelper
elif implementation == 'rotation':
from graph.rotation.graph_helpers import HelpersGraph
from graph.rotation.graph_access import accessPoints
from graph.rotation.graph_locations import locations
from graph.rotation.graph_locations import LocationsHelper
Logic.locations = locations
Logic.accessPoints = accessPoints
Logic.HelpersGraph = HelpersGraph
Logic.patches = implementation
Logic.LocationsHelper = LocationsHelper
Logic.implementation = implementation

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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
def flatten(l):
if type(l) is list:
return [ y for x in l for y in flatten(x) ]
return [ l ]
# super metroid boolean
class SMBool:
__slots__ = ('bool', 'difficulty', '_knows', '_items')
def __init__(self, boolean, difficulty=0, knows=[], items=[]):
self.bool = boolean
self.difficulty = difficulty
self._knows = knows
self._items = items
def knows(self):
self._knows = list(set(flatten(self._knows)))
return self._knows
def knows(self, knows):
self._knows = knows
def items(self):
self._items = list(set(flatten(self._items)))
return self._items
def items(self, items):
self._items = items
def __repr__(self):
# to display the smbool as a string
return 'SMBool({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(self.bool, self.difficulty, sorted(self.knows), sorted(self.items))
def __getitem__(self, index):
# to acces the smbool as [0] for the bool and [1] for the difficulty.
# required when we load a json preset where the smbool is stored as a list,
# and we add missing smbools to it, so we have a mix of lists and smbools.
if index == 0:
return self.bool
elif index == 1:
return self.difficulty
def __bool__(self):
# when used in boolean expressions (with and/or/not) (python3)
return self.bool
def __eq__(self, other):
# for ==
return self.bool == other
def __ne__(self, other):
# for !=
return self.bool != other
def __lt__(self, other):
# for <
if self.bool and other.bool:
return self.difficulty < other.difficulty
return self.bool
def __copy__(self):
return SMBool(self.bool, self.difficulty, self._knows, self._items)
def json(self):
# as we have slots instead of dict
return {'bool': self.bool, 'difficulty': self.difficulty, 'knows': self.knows, 'items': self.items}
def wand(*args):
# looping here is faster than using "if ... in" construct
for smb in args:
if not smb.bool:
return smboolFalse
difficulty = 0
for smb in args:
difficulty += smb.difficulty
return SMBool(True,
[ smb._knows for smb in args ],
[ smb._items for smb in args ])
def wandmax(*args):
# looping here is faster than using "if ... in" construct
for smb in args:
if not smb.bool:
return smboolFalse
difficulty = 0
for smb in args:
if smb.difficulty > difficulty:
difficulty = smb.difficulty
return SMBool(True,
[ smb._knows for smb in args ],
[ smb._items for smb in args ])
def wor(*args):
# looping here is faster than using "if ... in" construct
for smb in args:
if smb.bool:
return min(args)
return smboolFalse
# negates boolean part of the SMBool
def wnot(a):
return smboolFalse if a.bool else SMBool(True, a.difficulty)
__and__ = wand
__or__ = wor
__not__ = wnot
smboolFalse = SMBool(False)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
# object to handle the smbools and optimize them
from logic.cache import Cache
from logic.smbool import SMBool, smboolFalse
from logic.helpers import Bosses
from logic.logic import Logic
from utils.doorsmanager import DoorsManager
from utils.parameters import Knows, isKnows
import logging
import sys
class SMBoolManager(object):
items = ['ETank', 'Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb', 'Bomb', 'Charge', 'Ice', 'HiJump', 'SpeedBooster', 'Wave', 'Spazer', 'SpringBall', 'Varia', 'Plasma', 'Grapple', 'Morph', 'Reserve', 'Gravity', 'XRayScope', 'SpaceJump', 'ScrewAttack', 'Nothing', 'NoEnergy', 'MotherBrain', 'Hyper'] + Bosses.Golden4()
countItems = ['Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb', 'ETank', 'Reserve']
def __init__(self, player=0, maxDiff=sys.maxsize):
self._items = { }
self._counts = { }
self.player = player
self.maxDiff = maxDiff
# cache related
self.cacheKey = 0
self.helpers = Logic.HelpersGraph(self)
self.doorsManager = DoorsManager()
def computeItemsPositions(self):
# compute index in cache key for each items
self.itemsPositions = {}
maxBitsForCountItem = 7 # 128 values with 7 bits
for (i, item) in enumerate(self.countItems):
pos = i*maxBitsForCountItem
bitMask = (2<<(maxBitsForCountItem-1))-1
bitMask = bitMask << pos
self.itemsPositions[item] = (pos, bitMask)
for (i, item) in enumerate(self.items, (i+1)*maxBitsForCountItem+1):
if item in self.countItems:
self.itemsPositions[item] = (i, 1<<i)
def computeNewCacheKey(self, item, value):
# generate an unique integer for each items combinations which is use as key in the cache.
if item in ['Nothing', 'NoEnergy']:
(pos, bitMask) = self.itemsPositions[item]
# print("--------------------- {} {} ----------------------------".format(item, value))
# print("old: "+format(self.cacheKey, '#067b'))
self.cacheKey = (self.cacheKey & (~bitMask)) | (value<<pos)
# print("new: "+format(self.cacheKey, '#067b'))
# self.printItemsInKey(self.cacheKey)
def printItemsInKey(self, key):
# for debug purpose
print("key: "+format(key, '#067b'))
msg = ""
for (item, (pos, bitMask)) in self.itemsPositions.items():
value = (key & bitMask) >> pos
if value != 0:
msg += " {}: {}".format(item, value)
def isEmpty(self):
for item in self.items:
if self.haveItem(item):
return False
for item in self.countItems:
if self.itemCount(item) > 0:
return False
return True
def getItems(self):
# get a dict of collected items and how many (to be displayed on the solver spoiler)
itemsDict = {}
for item in self.items:
itemsDict[item] = 1 if self._items[item] == True else 0
for item in self.countItems:
itemsDict[item] = self._counts[item]
return itemsDict
def withItem(self, item, func):
ret = func(self)
return ret
def resetItems(self):
self._items = { item : smboolFalse for item in self.items }
self._counts = { item : 0 for item in self.countItems }
self.cacheKey = 0
def addItem(self, item):
# a new item is available
self._items[item] = SMBool(True, items=[item])
if self.isCountItem(item):
count = self._counts[item] + 1
self._counts[item] = count
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, count)
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, 1)
def addItems(self, items):
if len(items) == 0:
for item in items:
self._items[item] = SMBool(True, items=[item])
if self.isCountItem(item):
count = self._counts[item] + 1
self._counts[item] = count
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, count)
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, 1)
def removeItem(self, item):
# randomizer removed an item (or the item was added to test a post available)
if self.isCountItem(item):
count = self._counts[item] - 1
self._counts[item] = count
if count == 0:
self._items[item] = smboolFalse
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, count)
self._items[item] = smboolFalse
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, 0)
def createFacadeFunctions(self):
for fun in dir(self.helpers):
if fun != 'smbm' and fun[0:2] != '__':
setattr(self, fun, getattr(self.helpers, fun))
def traverse(self, doorName):
return self.doorsManager.traverse(self, doorName)
def createKnowsFunctions(self, player):
# for each knows we have a function knowsKnows (ex: knowsAlcatrazEscape()) which
# take no parameter
for knows in Knows.__dict__:
if isKnows(knows):
if knows in Knows.knowsDict[player].__dict__:
setattr(self, 'knows'+knows, lambda knows=knows: SMBool(Knows.knowsDict[player].__dict__[knows].bool,
# if knows not in preset, use default values
setattr(self, 'knows'+knows, lambda knows=knows: SMBool(Knows.__dict__[knows].bool,
def isCountItem(self, item):
return item in self.countItems
def itemCount(self, item):
# return integer
#self.state.item_count(item, self.player)
return self._counts[item]
def haveItem(self, item):
#return self.state.has(item, self.player)
return self._items[item]
wand = staticmethod(SMBool.wand)
wandmax = staticmethod(SMBool.wandmax)
wor = staticmethod(SMBool.wor)
wnot = staticmethod(SMBool.wnot)
def itemCountOk(self, item, count, difficulty=0):
if self.itemCount(item) >= count:
if item in ['ETank', 'Reserve']:
item = str(count)+'-'+item
return SMBool(True, difficulty, items = [item])
return smboolFalse
def energyReserveCountOk(self, count, difficulty=0):
if self.energyReserveCount() >= count:
nEtank = self.itemCount('ETank')
if nEtank > count:
nEtank = int(count)
items = str(nEtank)+'-ETank'
nReserve = self.itemCount('Reserve')
if nEtank < count:
nReserve = int(count) - nEtank
items += ' - '+str(nReserve)+'-Reserve'
return SMBool(True, difficulty, items = [items])
return smboolFalse
class SMBoolManagerPlando(SMBoolManager):
def __init__(self):
super(SMBoolManagerPlando, self).__init__()
def addItem(self, item):
# a new item is available
already = self.haveItem(item)
isCount = self.isCountItem(item)
if isCount or not already:
self._items[item] = SMBool(True, items=[item])
# handle duplicate major items (plandos)
self._items['dup_'+item] = True
if isCount:
count = self._counts[item] + 1
self._counts[item] = count
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, count)
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, 1)
def removeItem(self, item):
# randomizer removed an item (or the item was added to test a post available)
if self.isCountItem(item):
count = self._counts[item] - 1
self._counts[item] = count
if count == 0:
self._items[item] = smboolFalse
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, count)
dup = 'dup_'+item
if self._items.get(dup, None) is None:
self._items[item] = smboolFalse
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, 0)
del self._items[dup]
self.computeNewCacheKey(item, 1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
patches = {
"Removes_Gravity_Suit_heat_protection": {
0x06e37d: [0x01],
0x0869dd: [0x01]},
"Mother_Brain_Cutscene_Edits": {
0x148824: [0x01,0x00],
0x148848: [0x01,0x00],
0x148867: [0x01,0x00],
0x14887f: [0x01,0x00],
0x148bdb: [0x04,0x00],
0x14897d: [0x10,0x00],
0x1489af: [0x10,0x00],
0x1489e1: [0x10,0x00],
0x148a09: [0x10,0x00],
0x148a31: [0x10,0x00],
0x148a63: [0x10,0x00],
0x148a95: [0x10,0x00],
0x148b33: [0x10,0x00],
0x148dc6: [0xb0],
0x148b8d: [0x12,0x00],
0x148d74: [0x00,0x00],
0x148d86: [0x00,0x00],
0x148daf: [0x00,0x01],
0x148e51: [0x01,0x00],
0x14b93a: [0x00,0x01],
0x148eef: [0x0a,0x00],
0x148f0f: [0x60,0x00],
0x14af4e: [0x0a,0x00],
0x14af0d: [0x0a,0x00],
0x14b00d: [0x00,0x00],
0x14b132: [0x40,0x00],
0x14b16d: [0x00,0x00],
0x14b19f: [0x20,0x00],
0x14b1b2: [0x30,0x00],
0x14b20c: [0x03,0x00]},
0x278413: [0x6f]},
0x10F000: [0x0, 0x0]},
0x10F000: [0x1]},
"Escape_Animals_Open_Brinstar": {
0x784BD: [0x10]
"Escape_Animals_Open_Norfair": {
0x78B0B: [0x10]
"Escape_Animals_Open_Maridia": {
0x7C54C: [0x10]
"Enable_Backup_Saves": {
0xef20: [0x1]
'Escape_Scavenger' : {
0x10F5FC: [0x1]
# vanilla data to restore setup asm for plandos
"Escape_Animals_Disable": {
0x79867: [0xb2, 0x91],
0x798dc: [0xbb, 0x91]
# with animals suprise make the bomb blocks at alcatraz disapear with event "Zebes timebomb set" instead of "critters escaped"
"Escape_Animals_Change_Event": {
0x023B0A: [0x0E]
"LN_Chozo_SpaceJump_Check_Disable": {
0x2518f: [0xea, 0xea, 0xea, 0xea, 0xea, 0xea, 0xea, 0xea]
"LN_PB_Heat_Disable": {
0x18878: [0x80, 0x00]
"LN_Firefleas_Remove_Fune": {
0x10ABC2: [0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0x7f],
"WS_Main_Open_Grey": {
0x10BE92: [0x0]
"WS_Save_Active": {
0x7ceb0: [0xC9]
"WS_Etank": {
0x7cc4d: [0x37, 0xc3],
0x7cbfb: [0x23, 0xc3]
0x7CCAF: [0x91, 0xC2]
# has to be applied along with WS_Main_Open_Grey
"Sponge_Bath_Blinking_Door": {
0x7C276: [0x0C],
0x10CE69: [0x00]
"Infinite_Space_Jump": {
0x82493: [0x80, 0x0D]
"SpriteSomething_Disable_Spin_Attack": {
0xD93FE: [0x0, 0x0]
# custom load points for non standard start APs
"Save_G4": {
# load point entry
0x4527: [0xED, 0xA5, 0x16, 0x92, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA8, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00],
# map icon X/Y
0x1486f: [0x78, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00]
"Save_Gauntlet": {
# load point entry
0x4519: [0xBD, 0x99, 0x1A, 0x8B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00],
# music in room state header
0x799ce: [0x09],
# map icon X/Y
0x1486b: [0x58, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00]
"Save_Watering_Hole": {
# load point entry
0x4979: [0x3B, 0xD1, 0x98, 0xA4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x88, 0x00, 0xD0, 0xFF],
# music in room state header
0x7d14c: [0x1b, 0x06],
# map icon X/Y
0x14a0f: [0x68, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00]
"Save_Mama": {
# load point entry
0x496B: [0x55, 0xD0, 0xE4, 0xA3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xFF],
# music in room state header
0x7d066: [0x1b, 0x06],
# map icon X/Y
0x14a0b: [0x97, 0x00, 0x67, 0x00]
"Save_Aqueduct": {
# load point entry
0x495D: [0xA7, 0xD5, 0xD4, 0xA7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00],
# map icon X/Y
0x14a07: [0xc4, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00]
"Save_Etecoons": {
# load point entry
0x4631: [0x51, 0xA0, 0x3A, 0x8F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x98, 0x00, 0xD0, 0xFF],
# music in room state header
0x7a062: [0x0f, 0x05],
# map icon X/Y
0x148d9: [0x28, 0x00, 0x58, 0x00]
"Save_Firefleas": {
# load point entry
0x473b: [0x5A, 0xB5, 0x9E, 0x9A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00],
# music in room state header
0x7b56b: [0x18, 0x05],
# map icon X/Y
0x1493f: [0x28, 0x01, 0x38, 0x00]
# custom load points for west maridia additional saves in area rando
"Save_Crab_Shaft": {
# load point entry
0x4995: [0xa3, 0xd1, 0x68, 0xa4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x78, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00],
# map icon X/Y
0x14a17: [0x90, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00]
"Save_Main_Street": {
0x49a3: [0xC9, 0xCF, 0xD8, 0xA3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x78, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00],
# map icon X/Y
0x14a1b: [0x58, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00]
# blinking doors for area APs
'Blinking[Keyhunter Room Bottom]': {
0x78228: [0x4e, 0xc8, 0x16, 0x2d, 0x0e, 0x8c],
0x108F7B: [0x0]
'Blinking[Moat Right]': {
0x1085E0: [0x0]
'Blinking[Morph Ball Room Left]': {
0x78746: [0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x26, 0x31, 0x8c],
0x1093A8: [0x0]
'Blinking[Green Pirates Shaft Bottom Right]': {
0x78470: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0x66, 0x63, 0x8c],
0x108572: [0x0]
'Blinking[Lower Mushrooms Left]': {
0x108C0C: [0x0]
'Blinking[Golden Four]': {
0x109F60: [0x0]
'Blinking[Green Brinstar Elevator]': {
0x108585: [0x0]
'Blinking[Green Hill Zone Top Right]': {
0x78670: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x1e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c],
0x109D5B: [0x0]
'Blinking[Noob Bridge Right]': {
0x787A6: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x5e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c],
0x109325: [0x0]
'Blinking[Warehouse Zeela Room Left]': {
0x109451: [0x0]
'Blinking[KraidRoomOut]': {
# removes gadora by ending PLM list
0x78A1A: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x1e, 0x16, 0x63, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00],
0x10A056: [0x0]
'Blinking[Warehouse Entrance Right]': {
0x1098F6: [0x0]
'Blinking[Warehouse Entrance Left]': {
0x1098F6: [0x0]
'Blinking[Single Chamber Top Right]': {
0x10B88E: [0x0]
'Blinking[Kronic Boost Room Bottom Left]': {
0x78D4E: [0x48, 0xc8, 0x11, 0x26, 0x58, 0x8c],
0x10B9D7: [0x0]
'Blinking[Three Muskateers Room Left]': {
0x10BB0D: [0x0]
'Blinking[Lava Dive Right]': {
0x10AD6B: [0x0]
'Blinking[RidleyRoomOut]': {
# removes gadora by ending PLM list
0x78EA6: [0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00],
0x10B81B: [0x0]
'Blinking[West Ocean Left]': {
0x1086F6: [0x0]
'Blinking[PhantoonRoomOut]': {
# removes gadora by ending PLM list
0x7C29D: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x4e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x00],
# zero needed enemy count for both room states
0x10C3E5: [0x0],
0x10C19B: [0x0]
'Blinking[Crab Maze Left]': {
0x108B3A: [0x0]
'Blinking[Crab Hole Bottom Left]': {
0x10DE59: [0x0]
'Blinking[Main Street Bottom]': {
0x10DF2F: [0x0]
'Blinking[Red Fish Room Left]': {
0x10D3EC: [0x0]
'Blinking[Le Coude Right]': {
0x7823E: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c],
0x1085DD: [0x0]
'Blinking[DraygonRoomOut]': {
# overwrites a gadoras PLMs and replace the rest with useless arrow PLMs
# (we cannot end the list because the item is after in the list)
0x7C73B: [0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x26, 0x63, 0x8c] + [0x3b, 0xb6, 0x31, 0x26, 0x00, 0x00]*2,
0x10D111: [0x0]
'Blinking[East Tunnel Top Right]': {
0x10D5E1: [0x0]
'Blinking[East Tunnel Right]': {
0x10D5E1: [0x0]
'Blinking[Glass Tunnel Top]': {
0x10D53B: [0x0]
'Blinking[Red Tower Top Left]': {
0x109504: [0x0]
'Blinking[Caterpillar Room Top Right]': {
0x10A0B9: [0x0]
'Blinking[Red Brinstar Elevator]': {
0x78256: [0x54, 0xc8, 0x06, 0x02, 0x10, 0x8c],
0x1089F1: [0x0]
'Blinking[Crocomire Speedway Bottom]': {
0x78B96: [0x4e, 0xc8, 0xc6, 0x2d, 0x4e, 0x8c],
0x10AA8C: [0x0]
'Blinking[Crocomire Room Top]': {
0x78B9E: [0x54, 0xc8, 0x36, 0x02, 0x4f, 0x8c],
0x10BB30: [0x0]
'Blinking[Below Botwoon Energy Tank Right]': {
0x10DD9A: [0x0]
'Blinking[West Sand Hall Left]': {
0x10DACF: [0x0]
'Blinking[Aqueduct Top Left]': {
0x10D3A9: [0x0]
'Blinking[Crab Shaft Right]': {
0x7C4FB: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x1e, 0x36, 0x8f, 0x8c],
0x10D005: [0x0]
'Blinking[RidleyRoomIn]': {
0x78E98: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x5a, 0x8c],
0x10A638: [0x0]
'Blinking[DraygonRoomIn]': {
0x7C7BB: [0x42, 0xc8, 0x1e, 0x06, 0x9e, 0x8c],
0x10D356: [0x0]
'Blinking[PhantoonRoomIn]': {
0x7C2B3: [0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x86, 0x8c],
0x10CD16: [0x0]
'Blinking[KraidRoomIn]': {
0x78A34: [0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x16, 0x47, 0x8c],
0x109F37: [0x0]
additional_PLMs = {
# for escape rando seeds
"WS_Map_Grey_Door": {
'room': 0Xcc6f,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x1, 0x6, 0x61, 0x90]
"WS_Map_Grey_Door_Openable": {
'room': 0Xcc6f,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x1, 0x6, 0x61, 0x10]
# area/boss seeds
# has to be applied along with WS_Main_Open_Grey
"WS_Save_Blinking_Door": {
'room': 0xcaf6,
'state': 0xcb08,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xC8, 0x4E, 0x36, 0x62, 0x0C]
# non standard start AP seeds (morph item is not in vanilla PLM list w/ zebes awake)
"Morph_Zebes_Awake": {
'room': 0x9e9f,
'state': 0x9ecb,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0xff, 0xff, 0x45, 0x29, 0x1A, 0x00]
'locations': [("Morphing Ball", 0)]
# seal west/east maridia connection in area rando
'Maridia Sand Hall Seal': {
'room': 0xd252,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x90]
# custom save points for non standard start APs
"Save_G4": {
"room": 0xa5ed,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x3D, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x00]
"Save_Gauntlet": {
"room": 0x99bd,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x06, 0x00]
"Save_Watering_Hole": {
"room": 0xd13b,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x14, 0x0A, 0x07, 0x00]
"Save_Mama": {
"room": 0xd055,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x26, 0x0B, 0x06, 0x00]
"Save_Aqueduct": {
"room": 0xd5a7,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x59, 0x09, 0x05, 0x00]
"Save_Etecoons": {
"room": 0xa051,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x04, 0x0B, 0x07, 0x00]
"Save_Firefleas": {
"room": 0xb55a,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x07, 0x09, 0x07, 0x00]
# additional saves in west maridia for area rando
"Save_Crab_Shaft": {
"room": 0xd1a3,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x0D, 0x29, 0x09, 0x00]
"Save_Main_Street": {
"room": 0xcfc9,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x6F, 0xB7, 0x18, 0x59, 0x0A, 0x00]
# blinking doors for area APs
'Blinking[Moat Right]': {
'room': 0x95ff,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x1e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Lower Mushrooms Left]': {
'room': 0x9969,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Golden Four]': {
'room': 0xa5ed,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Green Brinstar Elevator]': {
'room': 0x9938,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Warehouse Zeela Room Left]': {
'room': 0xa471,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Warehouse Entrance Right]': {
'room': 0xa6a1,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Warehouse Entrance Left]': {
'room': 0xa6a1,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x2e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Single Chamber Top Right]': {
'room': 0xad5e,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x5e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Three Muskateers Room Left]': {
'room': 0xb656,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x11, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Lava Dive Right]': {
'room': 0xaf14,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x3e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[West Ocean Left]': {
'room': 0x93fe,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x46, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Crab Maze Left]': {
'room': 0x957d,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x16, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Crab Hole Bottom Left]': {
'room': 0xd21c,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x16, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Main Street Bottom]': {
'room': 0xcfc9,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x4e, 0xc8, 0x16, 0x7d, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Red Fish Room Left]': {
'room': 0xd104,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[East Tunnel Top Right]': {
'room': 0xcf80,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x3e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[East Tunnel Right]': {
'room': 0xcf80,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x0e, 0x16, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Glass Tunnel Top]': {
'room': 0xcefb,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x54, 0xc8, 0x06, 0x02, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Red Tower Top Left]': {
'room': 0xa253,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x46, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Caterpillar Room Top Right]': {
'room': 0xa322,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x2e, 0x36, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Below Botwoon Energy Tank Right]': {
'room': 0xd6fd,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x42, 0xc8, 0x3e, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[West Sand Hall Left]': {
'room': 0xd461,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x06, 0x63, 0x8c]
'Blinking[Aqueduct Top Left]': {
'room': 0xd5a7,
'plm_bytes_list': [
[0x48, 0xc8, 0x01, 0x16, 0x63, 0x8c]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# version 0.01
# This is a quick hack to apply IPS patches. It is distributed under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License.
if (@ARGV != 1)
print "manger"
open PAT, "$ARGV[0]" or die "Can't open $ARGV[1]";
read PAT, $data, 5;
die "Bad magic bytes in $ARGV[1]" if $data ne "PATCH";
printf("'%s': {", $ARGV[0]);
my $first = 1;
read PAT, $data, 3 or die "Read error";
if ($data eq "EOF")
if($first == 1) {
$first = 2;
} else {
# This is ugly, but unpack doesn't have anything that's
# very helpful for THREE-byte numbers.
$address = ord(substr($data,0,1))*256*256 +
ord(substr($data,1,1))*256 +
read PAT, $data, 2 or die "Read error";
$length = ord(substr($data,0,1))*256 + ord(substr($data,1,1));
if ($length)
read(PAT, $data, $length) == $length or die "Read error";
my @chars = split("", $data);
printf ("0x%lX: [", $address);
for(my $i=0; $i < $length; $i++) {
printf ("0x%lX", ord($chars[$i]));
if($i != $length - 1) {
if(($i % 38) == 0 && $i != 0) {
printf ("]");
else # RLE mode
read PAT, $data, 2 or die "Read error";
$length = ord(substr($data,0,1))*256 + ord(substr($data,1,1));
read PAT, $byte, 1 or die "Read error";
printf ("0x%lX: [", $address);
for(my $i=0; $i < $length; $i++) {
printf ("0x%lX", ord($byte));
if($i != $length - 1) {
if(($i % 38) == 0 && $i != 0) {
printf ("]");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import os, importlib
from logic.logic import Logic
from patches.common.patches import patches, additional_PLMs
from utils.parameters import appDir
from Utils import is_frozen
class PatchAccess(object):
def __init__(self):
# load all ips patches
self.patchesPath = {}
commonDir = os.path.join(appDir, 'lib' if is_frozen() else '', 'worlds/sm/variaRandomizer/patches/common/ips/')
for patch in os.listdir(commonDir):
self.patchesPath[patch] = commonDir
logicDir = os.path.join(appDir, 'lib' if is_frozen() else '', 'worlds/sm/variaRandomizer/patches/{}/ips/'.format(Logic.patches))
for patch in os.listdir(logicDir):
self.patchesPath[patch] = logicDir
# load dict patches
self.dictPatches = patches
logicPatches = importlib.import_module("patches.{}.patches".format(Logic.patches)).patches
# load additional PLMs
self.additionalPLMs = additional_PLMs
logicPLMs = importlib.import_module("patches.{}.patches".format(Logic.patches)).additional_PLMs
def getPatchPath(self, patch):
# is patch preloaded
if patch in self.patchesPath:
return os.path.join(self.patchesPath[patch], patch)
# patchs from varia_repository used by the customizer for permalinks
if os.path.exists(patch):
return patch
raise Exception("unknown patch: {}".format(patch))
def getDictPatches(self):
return self.dictPatches
def getAdditionalPLMs(self):
return self.additionalPLMs

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