Core: don't start threads for 'pass'

Core: print output progress every 10 files (OoT output may take a while, so let's give some user feedback on progress)
Subnautica: remove empty output method
This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2021-09-03 20:35:40 +02:00
parent 2e2ca1665b
commit 89984a0d09
2 changed files with 144 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -185,169 +185,166 @@ def main(args, seed=None):'Beginning output...')
outfilebase = 'AP_' + world.seed_name
pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
output = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
with output as temp_dir:
check_accessibility_task = pool.submit(world.fulfills_accessibility)
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
check_accessibility_task = pool.submit(world.fulfills_accessibility)
output_file_futures = []
output_file_futures = []
for player in world.player_ids:
# skip starting a thread for methods that say "pass".
if AutoWorld.World.generate_output.__code__ is not world.worlds[player].generate_output.__code__:
output_file_futures.append(pool.submit(AutoWorld.call_single, world, "generate_output", player, temp_dir))
output_file_futures.append(pool.submit(AutoWorld.call_stage, world, "generate_output", temp_dir))
for player in world.player_ids:
# skip starting a thread for methods that say "pass".
if AutoWorld.World.generate_output.__code__ is not world.worlds[player].generate_output.__code__:
output_file_futures.append(pool.submit(AutoWorld.call_single, world, "generate_output", player, temp_dir))
output_file_futures.append(pool.submit(AutoWorld.call_stage, world, "generate_output", temp_dir))
def get_entrance_to_region(region: Region):
for entrance in region.entrances:
if entrance.parent_region.type in (RegionType.DarkWorld, RegionType.LightWorld, RegionType.Generic):
return entrance
for entrance in region.entrances: # BFS might be better here, trying DFS for now.
return get_entrance_to_region(entrance.parent_region)
def get_entrance_to_region(region: Region):
for entrance in region.entrances:
if entrance.parent_region.type in (RegionType.DarkWorld, RegionType.LightWorld, RegionType.Generic):
return entrance
for entrance in region.entrances: # BFS might be better here, trying DFS for now.
return get_entrance_to_region(entrance.parent_region)
# collect ER hint info
er_hint_data = {player: {} for player in world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past") if
world.shuffle[player] != "vanilla" or world.retro[player]}
# collect ER hint info
er_hint_data = {player: {} for player in world.get_game_players("A Link to the Past") if
world.shuffle[player] != "vanilla" or world.retro[player]}
for region in world.regions:
if region.player in er_hint_data and region.locations:
main_entrance = get_entrance_to_region(region)
for location in region.locations:
if type(location.address) == int: # skips events and crystals
if lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance[location.address] !=
er_hint_data[region.player][location.address] =
for region in world.regions:
if region.player in er_hint_data and region.locations:
main_entrance = get_entrance_to_region(region)
for location in region.locations:
if type(location.address) == int: # skips events and crystals
if lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance[location.address] !=
er_hint_data[region.player][location.address] =
ordered_areas = ('Light World', 'Dark World', 'Hyrule Castle', 'Agahnims Tower', 'Eastern Palace', 'Desert Palace',
'Tower of Hera', 'Palace of Darkness', 'Swamp Palace', 'Skull Woods', 'Thieves Town', 'Ice Palace',
'Misery Mire', 'Turtle Rock', 'Ganons Tower', "Total")
ordered_areas = ('Light World', 'Dark World', 'Hyrule Castle', 'Agahnims Tower', 'Eastern Palace', 'Desert Palace',
'Tower of Hera', 'Palace of Darkness', 'Swamp Palace', 'Skull Woods', 'Thieves Town', 'Ice Palace',
'Misery Mire', 'Turtle Rock', 'Ganons Tower', "Total")
checks_in_area = {player: {area: list() for area in ordered_areas}
for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
checks_in_area = {player: {area: list() for area in ordered_areas}
for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
checks_in_area[player]["Total"] = 0
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
checks_in_area[player]["Total"] = 0
for location in world.get_filled_locations():
if type(location.address) is int:
main_entrance = get_entrance_to_region(location.parent_region)
if != "A Link to the Past":
checks_in_area[location.player]["Light World"].append(location.address)
elif location.parent_region.dungeon:
dungeonname = {'Inverted Agahnims Tower': 'Agahnims Tower',
'Inverted Ganons Tower': 'Ganons Tower'} \
elif main_entrance.parent_region.type == RegionType.LightWorld:
checks_in_area[location.player]["Light World"].append(location.address)
elif main_entrance.parent_region.type == RegionType.DarkWorld:
checks_in_area[location.player]["Dark World"].append(location.address)
checks_in_area[location.player]["Total"] += 1
oldmancaves = []
takeanyregions = ["Old Man Sword Cave", "Take-Any #1", "Take-Any #2", "Take-Any #3", "Take-Any #4"]
for index, take_any in enumerate(takeanyregions):
for region in [world.get_region(take_any, player) for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if
item = world.create_item([(0 if take_any == "Old Man Sword Cave" else 1)]['item'],
player = region.player
location_id = SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + index
main_entrance = get_entrance_to_region(region)
if main_entrance.parent_region.type == RegionType.LightWorld:
checks_in_area[player]["Light World"].append(location_id)
checks_in_area[player]["Dark World"].append(location_id)
checks_in_area[player]["Total"] += 1
er_hint_data[player][location_id] =
oldmancaves.append(((location_id, player), (item.code, player)))
def write_multidata():
import NetUtils
slot_data = {}
client_versions = {}
minimum_versions = {"server": (0, 1, 1), "clients": client_versions}
games = {}
for slot in world.player_ids:
client_versions[slot] = world.worlds[slot].get_required_client_version()
games[slot] =[slot]
precollected_items = {player: [] for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
for item in world.precollected_items:
precollected_hints = {player: set() for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
# for now special case Factorio tech_tree_information
sending_visible_players = set()
for player in world.get_game_players("Factorio"):
if world.tech_tree_information[player].value == 2:
for slot in world.player_ids:
slot_data[slot] = world.worlds[slot].fill_slot_data()
locations_data: Dict[int, Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = {player: {} for player in world.player_ids}
for location in world.get_filled_locations():
if type(location.address) == int:
# item code None should be event, location.address should then also be None
assert location.item.code is not None
locations_data[location.player][location.address] = location.item.code, location.item.player
if location.player in sending_visible_players and location.item.player != location.player:
hint = NetUtils.Hint(location.item.player, location.player, location.address,
location.item.code, False)
elif in args.start_hints[location.item.player]:
hint = NetUtils.Hint(location.item.player, location.player, location.address,
location.item.code, False,
er_hint_data.get(location.player, {}).get(location.address, ""))
if type(location.address) is int:
main_entrance = get_entrance_to_region(location.parent_region)
if != "A Link to the Past":
checks_in_area[location.player]["Light World"].append(location.address)
elif location.parent_region.dungeon:
dungeonname = {'Inverted Agahnims Tower': 'Agahnims Tower',
'Inverted Ganons Tower': 'Ganons Tower'} \
elif main_entrance.parent_region.type == RegionType.LightWorld:
checks_in_area[location.player]["Light World"].append(location.address)
elif main_entrance.parent_region.type == RegionType.DarkWorld:
checks_in_area[location.player]["Dark World"].append(location.address)
checks_in_area[location.player]["Total"] += 1
multidata = {
"slot_data": slot_data,
"games": games,
"names": [[name for player, name in sorted(world.player_name.items())]],
"connect_names": {name: (0, player) for player, name in world.player_name.items()},
"remote_items": {player for player in world.player_ids if
"locations": locations_data,
"checks_in_area": checks_in_area,
"server_options": get_options()["server_options"],
"er_hint_data": er_hint_data,
"precollected_items": precollected_items,
"precollected_hints": precollected_hints,
"version": tuple(version_tuple),
"tags": ["AP"],
"minimum_versions": minimum_versions,
"seed_name": world.seed_name
AutoWorld.call_all(world, "modify_multidata", multidata)
oldmancaves = []
takeanyregions = ["Old Man Sword Cave", "Take-Any #1", "Take-Any #2", "Take-Any #3", "Take-Any #4"]
for index, take_any in enumerate(takeanyregions):
for region in [world.get_region(take_any, player) for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if
item = world.create_item([(0 if take_any == "Old Man Sword Cave" else 1)]['item'],
player = region.player
location_id = SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + index
multidata = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(multidata), 9)
main_entrance = get_entrance_to_region(region)
if main_entrance.parent_region.type == RegionType.LightWorld:
checks_in_area[player]["Light World"].append(location_id)
checks_in_area[player]["Dark World"].append(location_id)
checks_in_area[player]["Total"] += 1
with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, f'{outfilebase}.archipelago'), 'wb') as f:
f.write(bytes([1])) # version of format
er_hint_data[player][location_id] =
oldmancaves.append(((location_id, player), (item.code, player)))
multidata_task = pool.submit(write_multidata)
if not check_accessibility_task.result():
if not world.can_beat_game():
raise Exception("Game appears as unbeatable. Aborting.")
logger.warning("Location Accessibility requirements not fulfilled.")
# retrieve exceptions via .result() if they occured.
if multidata_task:
for i, future in enumerate(concurrent.futures.as_completed(output_file_futures)):
if i % 10 == 0:'Generating output files ({i}/{len(output_file_futures)}).')
def write_multidata():
import NetUtils
slot_data = {}
client_versions = {}
minimum_versions = {"server": (0, 1, 1), "clients": client_versions}
games = {}
for slot in world.player_ids:
client_versions[slot] = world.worlds[slot].get_required_client_version()
games[slot] =[slot]
precollected_items = {player: [] for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
for item in world.precollected_items:
precollected_hints = {player: set() for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
# for now special case Factorio tech_tree_information
sending_visible_players = set()
for player in world.get_game_players("Factorio"):
if world.tech_tree_information[player].value == 2:
pool.shutdown() # wait for all queued tasks to complete
for slot in world.player_ids:
slot_data[slot] = world.worlds[slot].fill_slot_data()
locations_data: Dict[int, Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = {player: {} for player in world.player_ids}
for location in world.get_filled_locations():
if type(location.address) == int:
# item code None should be event, location.address should then also be None
assert location.item.code is not None
locations_data[location.player][location.address] = location.item.code, location.item.player
if location.player in sending_visible_players and location.item.player != location.player:
hint = NetUtils.Hint(location.item.player, location.player, location.address,
location.item.code, False)
elif in args.start_hints[location.item.player]:
hint = NetUtils.Hint(location.item.player, location.player, location.address,
location.item.code, False,
er_hint_data.get(location.player, {}).get(location.address, ""))
multidata = {
"slot_data": slot_data,
"games": games,
"names": [[name for player, name in sorted(world.player_name.items())]],
"connect_names": {name: (0, player) for player, name in world.player_name.items()},
"remote_items": {player for player in world.player_ids if
"locations": locations_data,
"checks_in_area": checks_in_area,
"server_options": get_options()["server_options"],
"er_hint_data": er_hint_data,
"precollected_items": precollected_items,
"precollected_hints": precollected_hints,
"version": tuple(version_tuple),
"tags": ["AP"],
"minimum_versions": minimum_versions,
"seed_name": world.seed_name
AutoWorld.call_all(world, "modify_multidata", multidata)
multidata = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(multidata), 9)
with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, f'{outfilebase}.archipelago'), 'wb') as f:
f.write(bytes([1])) # version of format
multidata_task = pool.submit(write_multidata)
if not check_accessibility_task.result():
if not world.can_beat_game():
raise Exception("Game appears as unbeatable. Aborting.")
logger.warning("Location Accessibility requirements not fulfilled.")
# retrieve exceptions via .result() if they occured.
if multidata_task:
for i, future in enumerate(concurrent.futures.as_completed(output_file_futures)):
if i % 10 == 0:'Generating output files ({i}/{len(output_file_futures)}).')
if not args.skip_playthrough:'Calculating playthrough.')

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Currently, the following games are supported:
* Subnautica
* Slay the Spire
* Risk of Rain 2
* The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
For setup and instructions check out our [tutorials page](
Downloads can be found at [Releases](, including compiled
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ This project makes use of multiple other projects. We wouldn't be here without t
* [z3randomizer](
* [Enemizer](
* [Ocarina of Time Randomizer](
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome. We have a few asks of any new contributors.