Go back to the old copy_world routine, and fix it to work with dynamic connections.
This commit is contained in:
@ -307,40 +307,91 @@ def copy_world(world):
ret.timer = world.timer.copy()
ret.shufflepots = world.shufflepots.copy()
ret.extendedmsu = world.extendedmsu.copy()
ret.regions = [copy.copy(region) for region in world.regions]
ret.shops = [copy.copy(shop) for shop in world.shops]
ret.dungeons = [copy.copy(dungeon) for dungeon in world.dungeons]
ret.itempool = world.itempool
ret.precollected_items = world.precollected_items.copy()
for shop in ret.shops:
shop.inventory = shop.inventory.copy()
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
create_regions(ret, player)
create_inverted_regions(ret, player)
create_shops(ret, player)
create_dungeons(ret, player)
copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret)
# Copy locations
for region in ret.regions:
region.locations = [copy.copy(location) for location in region.locations]
for location in region.locations:
location.parent_region = region
region.entrances = [copy.copy(entrance) for entrance in region.entrances]
for entrance in region.entrances:
entrance.connected_region = region
entrance.parent_region = ret.get_region(entrance.parent_region.name, entrance.parent_region.player)
region.exits = [copy.copy(exit) for exit in region.exits]
for exit in region.exits:
exit.parent_region = region
exit.connected_region = ret.get_region(entrance.connected_region.name, entrance.connected_region.player)
# copy bosses
for dungeon in world.dungeons:
for level, boss in dungeon.bosses.items():
ret.get_dungeon(dungeon.name, dungeon.player).bosses[level] = boss
# copy state
ret.state = ret.state.copy()
ret.state.world = ret
for shop in world.shops:
copied_shop = ret.get_region(shop.region.name, shop.region.player).shop
copied_shop.inventory = copy.copy(shop.inventory)
# connect copied world
for region in world.regions:
copied_region = ret.get_region(region.name, region.player)
copied_region.is_light_world = region.is_light_world
copied_region.is_dark_world = region.is_dark_world
for exit in copied_region.exits:
old_connection = world.get_entrance(exit.name, exit.player).connected_region
exit.connect(ret.get_region(old_connection.name, old_connection.player))
# fill locations
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.item is not None:
item = Item(location.item.name, location.item.advancement, location.item.priority, location.item.type, player = location.item.player)
ret.get_location(location.name, location.player).item = item
item.location = ret.get_location(location.name, location.player)
item.world = ret
if location.event:
ret.get_location(location.name, location.player).event = True
if location.locked:
ret.get_location(location.name, location.player).locked = True
# copy remaining itempool. No item in itempool should have an assigned location
for item in world.itempool:
ret.itempool.append(Item(item.name, item.advancement, item.priority, item.type, player = item.player))
for item in world.precollected_items:
ret.push_precollected(ItemFactory(item.name, item.player))
# copy progress items in state
ret.state.prog_items = world.state.prog_items.copy()
ret.state.stale = {player: True for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
for player in range(1, world.players + 1):
set_rules(ret, player)
return ret
def copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret):
for region in world.dynamic_regions:
new_reg = Region(region.name, region.type, region.hint_text, region.player)
# Note: ideally exits should be copied here, but the current use case (Take anys) do not require this
if region.shop:
new_reg.shop = Shop(new_reg, region.shop.room_id, region.shop.type, region.shop.shopkeeper_config, region.shop.custom, region.shop.locked)
for location in world.dynamic_locations:
new_reg = ret.get_region(location.parent_region.name, location.parent_region.player)
new_loc = Location(location.player, location.name, location.address, location.crystal, location.hint_text, new_reg)
# todo: this is potentially dangerous. later refactor so we
# can apply dynamic region rules on top of copied world like other rules
new_loc.access_rule = location.access_rule
new_loc.always_allow = location.always_allow
new_loc.item_rule = location.item_rule
def create_playthrough(world):
# create a copy as we will modify it
old_world = world
Reference in New Issue