Factorio: add Traps
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ from MultiServer import mark_raw
import Utils
import random
from NetUtils import RawJSONtoTextParser, NetworkItem, ClientStatus, JSONtoTextParser, JSONMessagePart
from NetUtils import NetworkItem, ClientStatus, JSONtoTextParser, JSONMessagePart
from worlds.factorio.Technologies import lookup_id_to_name
from worlds.factorio import Factorio
os.makedirs("logs", exist_ok=True)
@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ async def factorio_server_watcher(ctx: FactorioContext):
transfer_item: NetworkItem = ctx.items_received[ctx.send_index]
item_id = transfer_item.item
player_name = ctx.player_names[transfer_item.player]
if item_id not in lookup_id_to_name:
logging.error(f"Cannot send unknown item ID: {item_id}")
if item_id not in Factorio.item_id_to_name:
factorio_server_logger.error(f"Cannot send unknown item ID: {item_id}")
item_name = lookup_id_to_name[item_id]
item_name = Factorio.item_id_to_name[item_id]
factorio_server_logger.info(f"Sending {item_name} to Nauvis from {player_name}.")
ctx.rcon_client.send_command(f'/ap-get-technology {item_name}\t{ctx.send_index}\t{player_name}')
ctx.send_index += 1
@ -117,6 +117,40 @@ Factorio:
burner-mining-drill: 19
stone-furnace: 19
# Note: Total amount of traps cannot exceed 4, if the sum of them is higher it will get automatically capped.
# Trap items that when received increase the enemy evolution.
0: 1
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
random: 0
random-low: 0
random-middle: 0
random-high: 0
# If present, % increase of Evolution with each trap received.
5: 0
10: 1
15: 0
20: 0
100: 0
random: 0
random-low: 0
random-middle: 0
random-high: 0
# Trap items that when received trigger an attack on your base.
0: 1
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
random: 0
random-low: 0
random-middle: 0
random-high: 0
# frequency, size, richness, terrain segmentation, starting area and water are all of https://wiki.factorio.com/Types/MapGenSize
# inverse of water scale
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import typing
from Options import Choice, OptionDict, Option, DefaultOnToggle
from Options import Choice, OptionDict, Option, DefaultOnToggle, Range
from schema import Schema, Optional, And, Or
# schema helpers
@ -125,6 +125,27 @@ class FactorioStartItems(OptionDict):
default = {"burner-mining-drill": 19, "stone-furnace": 19}
class TrapCount(Range):
range_end = 4
class AttackTrapCount(TrapCount):
"""Trap items that when received trigger an attack on your base."""
displayname = "Attack Traps"
class EvolutionTrapCount(TrapCount):
"""Trap items that when received increase the enemy evolution."""
displayname = "Evolution Traps"
class EvolutionTrapIncrease(Range):
displayname = "Evolution Trap % Effect"
range_start = 1
default = 10
range_end = 100
class FactorioWorldGen(OptionDict):
displayname = "World Generation"
# FIXME: do we want default be a rando-optimized default or in-game DS?
@ -257,9 +278,11 @@ class FactorioWorldGen(OptionDict):
raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot Convert from non-dictionary, got {type(data)}")
class ImportedBlueprint(DefaultOnToggle):
displayname = "Blueprints"
factorio_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"max_science_pack": MaxSciencePack,
"tech_tree_layout": TechTreeLayout,
@ -272,5 +295,8 @@ factorio_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {
"recipe_ingredients": RecipeIngredients,
"imported_blueprints": ImportedBlueprint,
"world_gen": FactorioWorldGen,
"progressive": Progressive
"progressive": Progressive,
"evolution_traps": EvolutionTrapCount,
"attack_traps": AttackTrapCount,
"evolution_trap_increase": EvolutionTrapIncrease,
@ -8,11 +8,10 @@ import string
import Utils
import logging
import functools
from . import Options
factorio_id = 2 ** 17
factorio_id = factorio_base_id = 2 ** 17
source_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")
with open(os.path.join(source_folder, "techs.json")) as f:
@ -38,11 +37,24 @@ class FactorioElement():
class Technology(FactorioElement): # maybe make subclass of Location?
def __init__(self, name: str, ingredients: Set[str], factorio_id: int, progressive: Tuple[str] = ()):
has_modifier: bool
factorio_id: int
name: str
ingredients: Set[str]
progressive: Tuple[str]
unlocks: Union[Set[str], bool] # bool case is for progressive technologies
def __init__(self, name: str, ingredients: Set[str], factorio_id: int, progressive: Tuple[str] = (),
has_modifier: bool = False, unlocks: Union[Set[str], bool] = None):
self.name = name
self.factorio_id = factorio_id
self.ingredients = ingredients
self.progressive = progressive
self.has_modifier = has_modifier
if unlocks:
self.unlocks = unlocks
self.unlocks = set()
def build_rule(self, player: int):
logging.debug(f"Building rules for {self.name}")
@ -63,6 +75,9 @@ class Technology(FactorioElement): # maybe make subclass of Location?
def get_custom(self, world, allowed_packs: Set[str], player: int) -> CustomTechnology:
return CustomTechnology(self, world, allowed_packs, player)
def useful(self) -> bool:
return self.has_modifier or self.unlocks
class CustomTechnology(Technology):
"""A particularly configured Technology for a world."""
@ -122,7 +137,8 @@ class Recipe(FactorioElement):
for ingredient, cost in self.ingredients.items():
if ingredient in all_product_sources:
for recipe in all_product_sources[ingredient]:
ingredients.update({name: amount*cost/recipe.products[ingredient] for name, amount in recipe.base_cost.items()})
ingredients.update({name: amount * cost / recipe.products[ingredient] for name, amount in
ingredients[ingredient] += cost
return ingredients
@ -140,33 +156,34 @@ class Recipe(FactorioElement):
return total_energy
class Machine(FactorioElement):
def __init__(self, name, categories):
self.name: str = name
self.categories: set = categories
recipe_sources: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {} # recipe_name -> technology source
# recipes and technologies can share names in Factorio
for technology_name in sorted(raw):
data = raw[technology_name]
current_ingredients = set(data["ingredients"])
technology = Technology(technology_name, current_ingredients, factorio_id)
technology = Technology(technology_name, current_ingredients, factorio_id,
has_modifier=data["has_modifier"], unlocks=set(data["unlocks"]))
factorio_id += 1
tech_table[technology_name] = technology.factorio_id
technology_table[technology_name] = technology
recipe_sources: Dict[str, str] = {} # recipe_name -> technology source
for technology, data in raw.items():
for recipe_name in data["unlocks"]:
recipe_sources.setdefault(recipe_name, set()).add(technology)
for recipe_name in technology.unlocks:
recipe_sources.setdefault(recipe_name, set()).add(technology_name)
del (raw)
recipes = {}
all_product_sources: Dict[str, Set[Recipe]] = {"character": set()}
# add uranium mining to logic graph. TODO: add to automatic extractor for mod support
raw_recipes["uranium-ore"] = {"ingredients": {"sulfuric-acid": 1}, "products": {"uranium-ore": 1}, "category": "mining", "energy": 2}
raw_recipes["uranium-ore"] = {"ingredients": {"sulfuric-acid": 1}, "products": {"uranium-ore": 1}, "category": "mining",
"energy": 2}
for recipe_name, recipe_data in raw_recipes.items():
# example:
@ -268,7 +285,6 @@ for category_name, machine_name in machine_per_category.items():
required_technologies: Dict[str, FrozenSet[Technology]] = Utils.KeyedDefaultDict(lambda ingredient_name: frozenset(
recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient_name, unlock_func=unlock)))
advancement_technologies: Set[str] = set()
for ingredient_name in all_ingredient_names:
technologies = required_technologies[ingredient_name]
@ -381,7 +397,6 @@ source_target_mapping: Dict[str, str] = {
for source, target in source_target_mapping.items():
progressive_rows[target] += progressive_rows[source]
base_tech_table = tech_table.copy() # without progressive techs
base_technology_table = technology_table.copy()
@ -393,7 +408,9 @@ for root in sorted_rows:
assert all(tech in tech_table for tech in progressive)
factorio_id += 1
progressive_technology = Technology(root, technology_table[progressive_rows[root][0]].ingredients, factorio_id,
has_modifier=any(technology_table[tech].has_modifier for tech in progressive),
unlocks=any(technology_table[tech].unlocks for tech in progressive))
progressive_tech_table[root] = progressive_technology.factorio_id
progressive_technology_table[root] = progressive_technology
if any(tech in advancement_technologies for tech in progressive):
@ -412,6 +429,9 @@ technology_table.update(progressive_technology_table)
common_tech_table: Dict[str, int] = {tech_name: tech_id for tech_name, tech_id in base_tech_table.items()
if tech_name not in progressive_tech_table}
useless_technologies: Set[str] = {tech_name for tech_name in common_tech_table
if not technology_table[tech_name].useful()}
lookup_id_to_name: Dict[int, str] = {item_id: item_name for item_name, item_id in tech_table.items()}
rel_cost = {
@ -431,6 +451,7 @@ rel_cost = {
blacklist: Set[str] = all_ingredient_names | {"rocket-part", "crude-oil", "water", "sulfuric-acid", "petroleum-gas",
"light-oil", "heavy-oil", "lubricant", "steam"}
def get_science_pack_pools() -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
def get_estimated_difficulty(recipe: Recipe):
@ -441,7 +462,6 @@ def get_science_pack_pools() -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
cost += rel_cost.get(ingredient_name, 1) * amount
return cost
science_pack_pools = {}
already_taken = blacklist.copy()
current_difficulty = 5
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, Item
from .Technologies import base_tech_table, recipe_sources, base_technology_table, advancement_technologies, \
all_ingredient_names, all_product_sources, required_technologies, get_rocket_requirements, rocket_recipes, \
progressive_technology_table, common_tech_table, tech_to_progressive_lookup, progressive_tech_table, \
get_science_pack_pools, Recipe, recipes, technology_table, tech_table
get_science_pack_pools, Recipe, recipes, technology_table, tech_table, factorio_base_id, useless_technologies
from .Shapes import get_shapes
from .Mod import generate_mod
from .Options import factorio_options, Silo
@ -18,35 +18,48 @@ class FactorioItem(Item):
game = "Factorio"
all_items = tech_table.copy()
all_items["Attack Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 1
all_items["Evolution Trap"] = factorio_base_id - 2
class Factorio(World):
game: str = "Factorio"
static_nodes = {"automation", "logistics", "rocket-silo"}
custom_recipes = {}
additional_advancement_technologies = set()
item_name_to_id = tech_table
item_name_to_id = all_items
location_name_to_id = base_tech_table
data_version = 3
data_version = 4
def generate_basic(self):
want_progressives = collections.defaultdict(lambda: self.world.progressive[self.player].
player = self.player
want_progressives = collections.defaultdict(lambda: self.world.progressive[player].
skip_silo = self.world.silo[self.player].value == Silo.option_spawn
skip_silo = self.world.silo[player].value == Silo.option_spawn
evolution_traps_wanted = self.world.evolution_traps[player].value
attack_traps_wanted = self.world.attack_traps[player].value
traps_wanted = ["Evolution Trap"] * evolution_traps_wanted + ["Attack Trap"] * attack_traps_wanted
for tech_name in base_tech_table:
if skip_silo and tech_name == "rocket-silo":
if traps_wanted and tech_name in useless_technologies:
elif skip_silo and tech_name == "rocket-silo":
progressive_item_name = tech_to_progressive_lookup.get(tech_name, tech_name)
want_progressive = want_progressives[progressive_item_name]
item_name = progressive_item_name if want_progressive else tech_name
tech_item = self.create_item(item_name)
if tech_name in self.static_nodes:
self.world.get_location(tech_name, self.player).place_locked_item(tech_item)
self.world.get_location(tech_name, player).place_locked_item(tech_item)
map_basic_settings = self.world.world_gen[self.player].value["basic"]
map_basic_settings = self.world.world_gen[player].value["basic"]
if map_basic_settings.get("seed", None) is None: # allow seed 0
map_basic_settings["seed"] = self.world.slot_seeds[self.player].randint(0, 2**32-1) # 32 bit uint
map_basic_settings["seed"] = self.world.slot_seeds[player].randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1) # 32 bit uint
generate_output = generate_mod
@ -263,7 +276,9 @@ class Factorio(World):
self.additional_advancement_technologies |= prog_add
def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item:
assert name in tech_table
if name in tech_table:
return FactorioItem(name, name in advancement_technologies or
name in self.additional_advancement_technologies,
tech_table[name], self.player)
elif name in all_items:
return FactorioItem(name, False, all_items[name], self.player)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ FREE_SAMPLES = {{ free_samples }}
SLOT_NAME = "{{ slot_name }}"
SEED_NAME = "{{ seed_name }}"
FREE_SAMPLE_BLACKLIST = {{ dict_to_lua(free_sample_blacklist) }}
TRAP_EVO_FACTOR = {{ evolution_trap_increase }} / 100
{% if not imported_blueprints -%}
function set_permissions()
@ -369,15 +370,15 @@ commands.add_command("ap-get-technology", "Grant a technology, used by the Archi
local tech
local force = game.forces["player"]
chunks = split(call.parameter, "\t")
local tech_name = chunks[1]
local item_name = chunks[1]
local index = chunks[2]
local source = chunks[3] or "Archipelago"
if progressive_technologies[tech_name] ~= nil then
if progressive_technologies[item_name] ~= nil then
if global.index_sync[index] == nil then -- not yet received prog item
global.index_sync[index] = tech_name
local tech_stack = progressive_technologies[tech_name]
for _, tech_name in ipairs(tech_stack) do
tech = force.technologies[tech_name]
global.index_sync[index] = item_name
local tech_stack = progressive_technologies[item_name]
for _, item_name in ipairs(tech_stack) do
tech = force.technologies[item_name]
if tech.researched ~= true then
game.print({"", "Received [technology=" .. tech.name .. "] from ", source})
@ -386,8 +387,8 @@ commands.add_command("ap-get-technology", "Grant a technology, used by the Archi
elseif force.technologies[tech_name] ~= nil then
tech = force.technologies[tech_name]
elseif force.technologies[item_name] ~= nil then
tech = force.technologies[item_name]
if tech ~= nil then
if global.index_sync[index] ~= nil and global.index_sync[index] ~= tech then
game.print("Warning: Desync Detected. Duplicate/Missing items may occur.")
@ -399,8 +400,21 @@ commands.add_command("ap-get-technology", "Grant a technology, used by the Archi
tech.researched = true
elseif item_name == "Attack Trap" then
if global.index_sync[index] == nil then -- not yet received trap
game.print({"", "Received Attack Trap from ", source})
global.index_sync[index] = item_name
local spawn_position = force.get_spawn_position(game.get_surface(1))
game.surfaces["nauvis"].build_enemy_base(spawn_position, 25)
elseif item_name == "Evolution Trap" then
if global.index_sync[index] == nil then -- not yet received trap
global.index_sync[index] = item_name
game.forces["enemy"].evolution_factor = game.forces["enemy"].evolution_factor + TRAP_EVO_FACTOR
game.print({"", "Received Evolution Trap from ", source, ". New factor:", game.forces["enemy"].evolution_factor})
game.print("Unknown Technology " .. tech_name)
game.print("Unknown Item " .. item_name)
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in New Issue