Merge branch 'multishop'
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ from enum import Enum, unique
import logging
import json
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter, deque
from typing import Union, Optional, List, Set, Dict, NamedTuple, Iterable
from typing import Union, Optional, List, Dict, NamedTuple, Iterable
import secrets
import random
from EntranceShuffle import door_addresses, indirect_connections
from Utils import int16_as_bytes
from EntranceShuffle import indirect_connections
from Items import item_name_groups
@ -134,6 +133,7 @@ class World(object):
set_player_attr('triforce_pieces_available', 30)
set_player_attr('triforce_pieces_required', 20)
set_player_attr('shop_shuffle', 'off')
set_player_attr('shop_shuffle_slots', 0)
set_player_attr('shuffle_prizes', "g")
set_player_attr('sprite_pool', [])
set_player_attr('dark_room_logic', "lamp")
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ class World(object):
return all((self.has_beaten_game(state, p) for p in range(1, self.players + 1)))
def can_beat_game(self, starting_state=None):
def can_beat_game(self, starting_state : Optional[CollectionState]=None):
if starting_state:
if self.has_beaten_game(starting_state):
return True
@ -447,6 +447,87 @@ class World(object):
return False
def get_spheres(self):
state = CollectionState(self)
locations = {location for location in self.get_locations()}
while locations:
sphere = set()
for location in locations:
if location.can_reach(state):
yield sphere
if not sphere:
if locations:
yield locations # unreachable locations
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
locations -= sphere
def fulfills_accessibility(self, state: Optional[CollectionState] = None):
"""Check if accessibility rules are fulfilled with current or supplied state."""
if not state:
state = CollectionState(self)
players = {"none" : set(),
"items": set(),
"locations": set()}
for player, access in self.accessibility.items():
beatable_fulfilled = False
def location_conditition(location : Location):
"""Determine if this location has to be accessible, location is already filtered by location_relevant"""
if location.player in players["none"]:
return False
return True
def location_relevant(location : Location):
"""Determine if this location is relevant to sweep."""
if location.player in players["locations"] or location.event or \
(location.item and location.item.advancement):
return True
return False
def all_done():
"""Check if all access rules are fulfilled"""
if beatable_fulfilled:
if any(location_conditition(location) for location in locations):
return False # still locations required to be collected
return True
locations = {location for location in self.get_locations() if location_relevant(location)}
while locations:
sphere = set()
for location in locations:
if location.can_reach(state):
if not sphere:
# ran out of places and did not finish yet, quit
logging.debug(f"Could not access required locations.")
return False
for location in sphere:
state.collect(location.item, True, location)
if self.has_beaten_game(state):
beatable_fulfilled = True
if all_done():
return True
return False
class CollectionState(object):
def __init__(self, parent: World):
@ -980,7 +1061,7 @@ class Dungeon(object):
def __str__(self):
return if else f'{} (Player {self.player})'
class Boss(object):
class Boss():
def __init__(self, name, enemizer_name, defeat_rule, player: int):
|||| = name
self.enemizer_name = enemizer_name
@ -990,7 +1071,13 @@ class Boss(object):
def can_defeat(self, state) -> bool:
return self.defeat_rule(state, self.player)
class Location(object):
class Location():
shop_slot: bool = False
shop_slot_disabled: bool = False
event: bool = False
locked: bool = False
def __init__(self, player: int, name: str = '', address=None, crystal: bool = False,
hint_text: Optional[str] = None, parent=None,
@ -1003,8 +1090,6 @@ class Location(object):
self.spot_type = 'Location'
self.hint_text: str = hint_text if hint_text else name
self.recursion_count = 0
self.event = False
self.locked = False
self.always_allow = lambda item, state: False
self.access_rule = lambda state: True
self.item_rule = lambda item: True
@ -1029,6 +1114,9 @@ class Location(object):
def __hash__(self):
return hash((, self.player))
def __lt__(self, other):
return (self.player, < (other.player,
class Item(object):
@ -1086,105 +1174,6 @@ class Item(object):
class Crystal(Item):
class ShopType(Enum):
Shop = 0
TakeAny = 1
UpgradeShop = 2
class Shop():
slots = 3 # slot count is not dynamic in asm, however inventory can have None as empty slots
blacklist = set() # items that don't work, todo: actually check against this
type = ShopType.Shop
def __init__(self, region: Region, room_id: int, shopkeeper_config: int, custom: bool, locked: bool):
self.region = region
self.room_id = room_id
self.inventory: List[Union[None, dict]] = [None] * self.slots
self.shopkeeper_config = shopkeeper_config
self.custom = custom
self.locked = locked
def item_count(self) -> int:
for x in range(self.slots - 1, -1, -1): # last x is 0
if self.inventory[x]:
return x + 1
return 0
def get_bytes(self) -> List[int]:
# [id][roomID-low][roomID-high][doorID][zero][shop_config][shopkeeper_config][sram_index]
entrances = self.region.entrances
config = self.item_count
if len(entrances) == 1 and entrances[0].name in door_addresses:
door_id = door_addresses[entrances[0].name][0] + 1
door_id = 0
config |= 0x40 # ignore door id
if self.type == ShopType.TakeAny:
config |= 0x80
elif self.type == ShopType.UpgradeShop:
config |= 0x10 # Alt. VRAM
return [0x00]+int16_as_bytes(self.room_id)+[door_id, 0x00, config, self.shopkeeper_config, 0x00]
def has_unlimited(self, item: str) -> bool:
for inv in self.inventory:
if inv is None:
if inv['item'] == item:
return True
if inv['max'] != 0 and inv['replacement'] is not None and inv['replacement'] == item:
return True
return False
def has(self, item: str) -> bool:
for inv in self.inventory:
if inv is None:
if inv['item'] == item:
return True
if inv['max'] != 0 and inv['replacement'] == item:
return True
return False
def clear_inventory(self):
self.inventory = [None] * self.slots
def add_inventory(self, slot: int, item: str, price: int, max: int = 0,
replacement: Optional[str] = None, replacement_price: int = 0, create_location: bool = False):
self.inventory[slot] = {
'item': item,
'price': price,
'max': max,
'replacement': replacement,
'replacement_price': replacement_price,
'create_location': create_location
def push_inventory(self, slot: int, item: str, price: int, max: int = 1):
if not self.inventory[slot]:
raise ValueError("Inventory can't be pushed back if it doesn't exist")
self.inventory[slot] = {
'item': item,
'price': price,
'max': max,
'replacement': self.inventory[slot]["item"],
'replacement_price': self.inventory[slot]["price"],
'create_location': self.inventory[slot]["create_location"]
class TakeAny(Shop):
type = ShopType.TakeAny
class UpgradeShop(Shop):
type = ShopType.UpgradeShop
# Potions break due to VRAM flags set in UpgradeShop.
# Didn't check for more things breaking as not much else can be shuffled here currently
blacklist = item_name_groups["Potions"]
class Spoiler(object):
world: World
@ -1247,6 +1236,7 @@ class Spoiler(object):
self.shops = []
from Shops import ShopType
for shop in
if not shop.custom:
@ -1257,6 +1247,10 @@ class Spoiler(object):
if item is None:
shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)] = "{} — {}".format(item['item'], item['price']) if item['price'] else item['item']
if item['player'] > 0:
shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)] = shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)].replace('—', '(Player {}) — '.format(item['player']))
if item['max'] == 0:
shopdata['item_{}'.format(index)] += " x {}".format(item['max'])
@ -1330,6 +1324,7 @@ class Spoiler(object):
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ def fill_dungeons_restrictive(world):
# sort in the order Big Key, Small Key, Other before placing dungeon items
sort_order = {"BigKey": 3, "SmallKey": 2}
dungeon_items.sort(key=lambda item: sort_order.get(item.type, 1))
fill_restrictive(world, all_state_base, locations, dungeon_items, True)
fill_restrictive(world, all_state_base, locations, dungeon_items, True, True)
dungeon_music_addresses = {'Eastern Palace - Prize': [0x1559A],
@ -326,9 +326,17 @@ def parse_arguments(argv, no_defaults=False):
parser.add_argument('--beemizer', default=defval(0), type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 0), 4))
parser.add_argument('--shop_shuffle', default='', help='''\
combine letters for options:
i: shuffle the inventories of the shops around
g: generate default inventories for light and dark world shops, and unique shops
f: generate default inventories for each shop individually
i: shuffle the default inventories of the shops around
p: randomize the prices of the items in shop inventories
u: shuffle capacity upgrades into the item pool
w: consider witch's hut like any other shop and shuffle/randomize it too
parser.add_argument('--shop_shuffle_slots', default=defval(0),
type=lambda value: min(max(int(value), 1), 96),
Maximum amount of shop slots able to be filled by items from the item pool.
parser.add_argument('--shuffle_prizes', default=defval('g'), choices=['', 'g', 'b', 'gb'])
parser.add_argument('--sprite_pool', help='''\
@ -390,7 +398,8 @@ def parse_arguments(argv, no_defaults=False):
'shufflebosses', 'enemy_shuffle', 'enemy_health', 'enemy_damage', 'shufflepots',
'ow_palettes', 'uw_palettes', 'sprite', 'disablemusic', 'quickswap', 'fastmenu', 'heartcolor',
'heartbeep', "skip_progression_balancing", "triforce_pieces_available",
"triforce_pieces_required", "shop_shuffle", "required_medallions",
"triforce_pieces_required", "shop_shuffle", "shop_shuffle_slots",
"plando_items", "plando_texts", "plando_connections",
'remote_items', 'progressive', 'dungeon_counters', 'glitch_boots', 'killable_thieves',
'tile_shuffle', 'bush_shuffle', 'shuffle_prizes', 'sprite_pool', 'dark_room_logic',
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import logging
import typing
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, PlandoItem
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, PlandoItem, Location
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import key_drop_data
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ class FillError(RuntimeError):
def fill_restrictive(world, base_state: CollectionState, locations, itempool, single_player_placement=False):
def fill_restrictive(world, base_state: CollectionState, locations, itempool, single_player_placement=False,
def sweep_from_pool():
new_state = base_state.copy()
for item in itempool:
@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ def fill_restrictive(world, base_state: CollectionState, locations, itempool, si
f'Already placed {len(placements)}: {", ".join(str(place) for place in placements)}')
world.push_item(spot_to_fill, item_to_place, False)
if lock:
spot_to_fill.locked = True
spot_to_fill.event = True
@ -168,6 +171,7 @@ def distribute_items_restrictive(world, gftower_trash=False, fill_locations=None
prioitempool, fill_locations = fast_fill(world, prioitempool, fill_locations)
restitempool, fill_locations = fast_fill(world, restitempool, fill_locations)
@ -244,6 +248,7 @@ def flood_items(world):
def balance_multiworld_progression(world):
balanceable_players = {player for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if world.progression_balancing[player]}
if not balanceable_players:
@ -331,7 +336,8 @@ def balance_multiworld_progression(world):
replacement_locations.insert(0, new_location)
new_location = replacement_locations.pop()
new_location.item, old_location.item = old_location.item, new_location.item
swap_location_item(old_location, new_location)
new_location.event, old_location.event = True, False
logging.debug(f"Progression balancing moved {new_location.item} to {new_location}, "
f"displacing {old_location.item} in {old_location}")
@ -355,6 +361,18 @@ def balance_multiworld_progression(world):
raise RuntimeError('Not all required items reachable. Something went terribly wrong here.')
def swap_location_item(location_1: Location, location_2: Location, check_locked=True):
"""Swaps Items of locations. Does NOT swap flags like event, shop_slot or locked"""
if check_locked:
if location_1.locked:
logging.warning(f"Swapping {location_1}, which is marked as locked.")
if location_2.locked:
logging.warning(f"Swapping {location_2}, which is marked as locked.")
location_2.item, location_1.item = location_1.item, location_2.item
location_1.item.location = location_1
location_2.item.location = location_2
def distribute_planned(world):
world_name_lookup = {world.player_names[player_id][0]: player_id for player_id in world.player_ids}
@ -362,7 +380,8 @@ def distribute_planned(world):
placement: PlandoItem
for placement in world.plando_items[player]:
if placement.location in key_drop_data:
placement.warn(f"Can't place '{placement.item}' at '{placement.location}', as key drop shuffle locations are not supported yet.")
f"Can't place '{placement.item}' at '{placement.location}', as key drop shuffle locations are not supported yet.")
item = ItemFactory(placement.item, player)
target_world: int =
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
from BaseClasses import Region, RegionType, ShopType, Location, TakeAny
from BaseClasses import Region, RegionType, Location
from Shops import ShopType, Shop, TakeAny, total_shop_slots
from Bosses import place_bosses
from Dungeons import get_dungeon_item_pool
from EntranceShuffle import connect_entrance
@ -460,10 +461,12 @@ def shuffle_shops(world, items, player: int):
world.random.shuffle(new_items) # Decide what gets tossed randomly if it can't insert everything.
capacityshop: Shop = None
for shop in world.shops:
if shop.type == ShopType.UpgradeShop and shop.region.player == player and \
|||| == "Capacity Upgrade":
capacityshop = shop
if world.goal[player] != 'icerodhunt':
for i, item in enumerate(items):
@ -472,7 +475,13 @@ def shuffle_shops(world, items, player: int):
if not new_items:
logging.warning(f"Not all upgrades put into Player{player}' item pool. Still missing: {new_items}")
logging.warning(f"Not all upgrades put into Player{player}' item pool. Putting remaining items in Capacity Upgrade shop instead.")
bombupgrades = sum(1 for item in new_items if 'Bomb Upgrade' in item)
arrowupgrades = sum(1 for item in new_items if 'Arrow Upgrade' in item)
if bombupgrades:
capacityshop.add_inventory(1, 'Bomb Upgrade (+5)', 100, bombupgrades)
if arrowupgrades:
capacityshop.add_inventory(1, 'Arrow Upgrade (+5)', 100, arrowupgrades)
for item in new_items:
world.push_precollected(ItemFactory(item, player))
@ -485,14 +494,19 @@ def shuffle_shops(world, items, player: int):
if shop.region.player == player:
if shop.type == ShopType.UpgradeShop:
elif shop.type == ShopType.Shop and != 'Potion Shop':
elif shop.type == ShopType.Shop:
if == 'Potion Shop' and not 'w' in option:
# don't modify potion shop
if 'p' in option:
def price_adjust(price: int) -> int:
# it is important that a base price of 0 always returns 0 as new price!
return int(price * (0.5 + world.random.random() * 1.5))
adjust = 2 if price < 100 else 5
return int((price / adjust) * (0.5 + world.random.random() * 1.5)) * adjust
def adjust_item(item):
if item:
@ -507,6 +521,7 @@ def shuffle_shops(world, items, player: int):
if 'i' in option:
i = 0
for shop in shops:
slots = shop.slots
@ -548,7 +563,7 @@ def set_up_take_anys(world, player):
entrance = world.get_region(reg, player).entrances[0]
connect_entrance(world,,, player)
|||| = 0x58
|||| = TakeAny(old_man_take_any, 0x0112, 0xE2, True, True)
|||| = TakeAny(old_man_take_any, 0x0112, 0xE2, True, True, total_shop_slots)
swords = [item for item in world.itempool if item.type == 'Sword' and item.player == player]
@ -570,7 +585,7 @@ def set_up_take_anys(world, player):
entrance = world.get_region(reg, player).entrances[0]
connect_entrance(world,,, player)
|||| = target
|||| = TakeAny(take_any, room_id, 0xE3, True, True)
|||| = TakeAny(take_any, room_id, 0xE3, True, True, total_shop_slots + num + 1)
||||, 'Blue Potion', 0, 0)
||||, 'Boss Heart Container', 0, 0)
@ -584,13 +599,14 @@ def create_dynamic_shop_locations(world, player):
if item is None:
if item['create_location']:
loc = Location(player, "{} Item {}".format(, i+1), parent=shop.region)
loc = Location(player, "{} Slot {}".format(, i + 1), parent=shop.region)
world.push_item(loc, ItemFactory(item['item'], player), False)
loc.shop_slot = True
loc.event = True
loc.locked = True
@ -611,7 +627,7 @@ def fill_prizes(world, attempts=15):
prize_locs = list(empty_crystal_locations)
fill_restrictive(world, all_state, prize_locs, prizepool, True)
fill_restrictive(world, all_state, prize_locs, prizepool, True, lock=True)
except FillError as e:
logging.getLogger('').exception("Failed to place dungeon prizes (%s). Will retry %s more times", e,
attempts - attempt)
@ -169,6 +169,12 @@ item_table = {'Bow': (True, False, None, 0x0B, 'You have\nchosen the\narcher cla
'Small Key (Universal)': (False, True, None, 0xAF, 'A small key for any door', 'and the key', 'the unlocking kid', 'keys for sale', 'unlock the fungus', 'key boy opens door again', 'a small key'),
'Nothing': (False, False, None, 0x5A, 'Some Hot Air', 'and the Nothing', 'the zen kid', 'outright theft', 'shroom theft', 'empty boy is bored again', 'nothing'),
'Bee Trap': (False, False, None, 0xB0, 'We will sting your face a whole lot!', 'and the sting buddies', 'the beekeeper kid', 'insects for sale', 'shroom pollenation', 'bottle boy has mad bees again', 'Friendship'),
'Faerie': (False, False, None, 0xB1, 'Save me and I will revive you', 'and the captive', 'the tingle kid','hostage for sale', 'fairy dust and shrooms', 'bottle boy has friend again', 'a faerie'),
'Good Bee': (False, False, None, 0xB2, 'Save me and I will sting you (sometimes)', 'and the captive', 'the tingle kid','hostage for sale', 'good dust and shrooms', 'bottle boy has friend again', 'a bee'),
'Magic Jar': (False, False, None, 0xB3, '', '', '','', '', '', ''),
'Apple': (False, False, None, 0xB4, '', '', '','', '', '', ''),
# 'Hint': (False, False, None, 0xB5, '', '', '','', '', '', ''),
# 'Bomb Trap': (False, False, None, 0xB6, '', '', '','', '', '', ''),
'Red Potion': (False, False, None, 0x2E, 'Hearty red goop!', 'and the red goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has red goo again', 'a red potion'),
'Green Potion': (False, False, None, 0x2F, 'Refreshing green goop!', 'and the green goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has green goo again', 'a green potion'),
'Blue Potion': (False, False, None, 0x30, 'Delicious blue goop!', 'and the blue goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has blue goo again', 'a blue potion'),
@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ import time
import zlib
import concurrent.futures
from BaseClasses import World, CollectionState, Item, Region, Location, PlandoItem
from BaseClasses import World, CollectionState, Item, Region, Location
from Shops import ShopSlotFill, create_shops, SHOP_ID_START, FillDisabledShopSlots
from Items import ItemFactory, item_table, item_name_groups
from Regions import create_regions, create_shops, mark_light_world_regions, lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance
from Regions import create_regions, mark_light_world_regions, lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance
from InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions, mark_dark_world_regions
from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances, link_inverted_entrances, plando_connect
from Rom import patch_rom, patch_race_rom, patch_enemizer, apply_rom_settings, LocalRom, get_hash_string
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
world.triforce_pieces_available = args.triforce_pieces_available.copy()
world.triforce_pieces_required = args.triforce_pieces_required.copy()
world.shop_shuffle = args.shop_shuffle.copy()
world.shop_shuffle_slots = args.shop_shuffle_slots.copy()
world.progression_balancing = {player: not balance for player, balance in args.skip_progression_balancing.items()}
world.shuffle_prizes = args.shuffle_prizes.copy()
world.sprite_pool = args.sprite_pool.copy()
@ -209,8 +211,14 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
if world.players > 1:
||||"Filling Shop Slots")
||||'Patching ROM.')
outfilebase = 'BM_%s' % (args.outputname if args.outputname else world.seed)
rom_names = []
@ -245,7 +253,6 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
args.fastmenu[player], args.disablemusic[player], args.sprite[player],
palettes_options, world, player, True)
mcsb_name = ''
if all([world.mapshuffle[player], world.compassshuffle[player], world.keyshuffle[player],
@ -312,7 +319,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
multidata_task = None
check_beatability_task = pool.submit(world.can_beat_game)
check_accessibility_task = pool.submit(world.fulfills_accessibility)
if not args.suppress_rom:
rom_futures = []
@ -329,13 +336,14 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
return get_entrance_to_region(entrance.parent_region)
# collect ER hint info
er_hint_data = {player: {} for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if world.shuffle[player] != "vanilla"}
er_hint_data = {player: {} for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if world.shuffle[player] != "vanilla" or world.retro[player]}
from Regions import RegionType
for region in world.regions:
if region.player in er_hint_data and region.locations:
main_entrance = get_entrance_to_region(region)
for location in region.locations:
if type(location.address) == int: # skips events and crystals
if location.address >= SHOP_ID_START + 33: continue
if lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance[location.address] !=
er_hint_data[region.player][location.address] =
@ -362,11 +370,27 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
checks_in_area[location.player]["Dark World"].append(location.address)
checks_in_area[location.player]["Total"] += 1
oldmancaves = []
for region in [world.get_region("Old Man Sword Cave", player) for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if world.retro[player]]:
item = ItemFactory([0]['item'], region.player)
player = region.player
location_id = SHOP_ID_START + 33
if region.type == RegionType.LightWorld:
checks_in_area[player]["Light World"].append(location_id)
checks_in_area[player]["Dark World"].append(location_id)
checks_in_area[player]["Total"] += 1
er_hint_data[player][location_id] = get_entrance_to_region(region).name
oldmancaves.append(((location_id, player), (item.code, player)))
precollected_items = [[] for player in range(world.players)]
for item in world.precollected_items:
precollected_items[item.player - 1].append(item.code)
def write_multidata(roms):
for future in roms:
rom_name = future.result()
@ -379,6 +403,10 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
if not args.skip_playthrough:
multidatatags.append("Play through")
minimum_versions = {"server": (1, 0, 0)}
minimum_versions["clients"] = client_versions = []
for (slot, team, name) in rom_names:
if world.shop_shuffle_slots[slot]:
client_versions.append([team, slot, [3, 6, 1]])
multidata = zlib.compress(json.dumps({"names": parsed_names,
# backwards compat for < 2.4.1
"roms": [(slot, team, list(name.encode()))
@ -389,7 +417,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
"locations": [((location.address, location.player),
(location.item.code, location.item.player))
for location in world.get_filled_locations() if
type(location.address) is int],
type(location.address) is int] + oldmancaves,
"checks_in_area": checks_in_area,
"server_options": get_options()["server_options"],
"er_hint_data": er_hint_data,
@ -403,8 +431,11 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
multidata_task = pool.submit(write_multidata, rom_futures)
if not check_beatability_task.result():
raise Exception("Game appears unbeatable. Aborting.")
if not check_accessibility_task.result():
if not world.can_beat_game():
raise Exception("Game appears is unbeatable. Aborting.")
logger.warning("Location Accessibility requirements not fulfilled.")
if not args.skip_playthrough:
||||'Calculating playthrough.')
@ -458,6 +489,7 @@ def copy_world(world):
ret.shufflepots = world.shufflepots.copy()
ret.shuffle_prizes = world.shuffle_prizes.copy()
ret.shop_shuffle = world.shop_shuffle.copy()
ret.shop_shuffle_slots = world.shop_shuffle_slots.copy()
ret.dark_room_logic = world.dark_room_logic.copy()
ret.restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss = world.restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss.copy()
@ -530,7 +562,7 @@ def copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret):
|||| =,,,
for location in world.dynamic_locations:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import shutil
from random import randrange
import Shops
from Utils import get_item_name_from_id, get_location_name_from_address, ReceivedItem
exit_func = atexit.register(input, "Press enter to close.")
@ -93,7 +94,6 @@ class Context():
self.player_names: typing.Dict[int: str] = {}
self.locations_recognized = set()
self.locations_checked = set()
self.unsafe_locations_checked = set()
self.locations_scouted = set()
self.items_received = []
self.items_missing = []
@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ class Context():
self.prev_rom = None
self.auth = None
self.found_items = found_items
self.send_unsafe = False
self.finished_game = False
self.slow_mode = False
@ -168,6 +167,11 @@ SCOUT_LOCATION_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D7 # 1 byte
SHOP_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x302 # 2 bytes
location_shop_order = [name for name, info in Shops.shop_table.items()] # probably don't leave this here. This relies on python 3.6+ dictionary keys having defined order
location_shop_ids = set([info[0] for name, info in Shops.shop_table.items()])
location_table_uw = {"Blind's Hideout - Top": (0x11d, 0x10),
"Blind's Hideout - Left": (0x11d, 0x20),
@ -878,9 +882,6 @@ async def process_server_cmd(ctx: Context, cmd, args):
raise Exception('Connection refused by the multiworld host, no reason provided')
elif cmd == 'Connected':
if ctx.send_unsafe:
ctx.send_unsafe = False
||||'Turning off sending of ALL location checks not declared as missing. If you want it on, please use /send_unsafe true')
Utils.persistent_store("servers", "default", ctx.server_address)
Utils.persistent_store("servers", ctx.rom, ctx.server_address)
||||, ctx.slot = args[0]
@ -1131,15 +1132,6 @@ class ClientCommandProcessor(CommandProcessor):
self.output("Web UI was never started.")
def _cmd_send_unsafe(self, toggle: str = ""):
"""Force sending of locations the server did not specify was actually missing. WARNING: This may brick online trackers. Turned off on reconnect."""
if toggle:
self.ctx.send_unsafe = toggle.lower() in {"1", "true", "on"}
||||'Turning {("on" if self.ctx.send_unsafe else "off")} the option to send ALL location checks to the multiserver.')
||||"You must specify /send_unsafe true explicitly.")
self.ctx.send_unsafe = False
def default(self, raw: str):
asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.send_msgs([['Say', raw]]))
@ -1169,11 +1161,11 @@ async def track_locations(ctx : Context, roomid, roomdata):
new_locations = []
def new_check(location):
check = None
if ctx.items_checked is None:
check = f'New Check: {location} ({len(ctx.unsafe_locations_checked)}/{len(Regions.lookup_name_to_id)})'
check = f'New Check: {location} ({len(ctx.locations_checked)}/{len(Regions.lookup_name_to_id)})'
items_total = len(ctx.items_missing) + len(ctx.items_checked)
if location in ctx.items_missing or location in ctx.items_checked:
@ -1184,9 +1176,21 @@ async def track_locations(ctx : Context, roomid, roomdata):
ctx.ui_node.send_location_check(ctx, location)
if roomid in location_shop_ids:
misc_data = await snes_read(ctx, SHOP_ADDR, (len(location_shop_order)*3)+5)
for cnt, b in enumerate(misc_data):
my_check = Shops.shop_table_by_location_id[Shops.SHOP_ID_START + cnt]
if int(b) > 0 and my_check not in ctx.locations_checked:
except Exception as e:
||||"Exception: {e}")
for location, (loc_roomid, loc_mask) in location_table_uw.items():
if location not in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked and loc_roomid == roomid and (roomdata << 4) & loc_mask != 0:
if location not in ctx.locations_checked and loc_roomid == roomid and (roomdata << 4) & loc_mask != 0:
except Exception as e:
logger.exception(f"Exception: {e}")
@ -1195,7 +1199,7 @@ async def track_locations(ctx : Context, roomid, roomdata):
uw_end = 0
uw_unchecked = {}
for location, (roomid, mask) in location_table_uw.items():
if location not in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked:
if location not in ctx.locations_checked:
uw_unchecked[location] = (roomid, mask)
uw_begin = min(uw_begin, roomid)
uw_end = max(uw_end, roomid + 1)
@ -1212,7 +1216,7 @@ async def track_locations(ctx : Context, roomid, roomdata):
ow_end = 0
ow_unchecked = {}
for location, screenid in location_table_ow.items():
if location not in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked:
if location not in ctx.locations_checked:
ow_unchecked[location] = screenid
ow_begin = min(ow_begin, screenid)
ow_end = max(ow_end, screenid + 1)
@ -1223,26 +1227,30 @@ async def track_locations(ctx : Context, roomid, roomdata):
if ow_data[screenid - ow_begin] & 0x40 != 0:
if not all([location in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked for location in location_table_npc.keys()]):
if not all([location in ctx.locations_checked for location in location_table_npc.keys()]):
npc_data = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x410, 2)
if npc_data is not None:
npc_value = npc_data[0] | (npc_data[1] << 8)
for location, mask in location_table_npc.items():
if npc_value & mask != 0 and location not in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked:
if npc_value & mask != 0 and location not in ctx.locations_checked:
if not all([location in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked for location in location_table_misc.keys()]):
if not all([location in ctx.locations_checked for location in location_table_misc.keys()]):
misc_data = await snes_read(ctx, SAVEDATA_START + 0x3c6, 4)
if misc_data is not None:
for location, (offset, mask) in location_table_misc.items():
assert(0x3c6 <= offset <= 0x3c9)
if misc_data[offset - 0x3c6] & mask != 0 and location not in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked:
if misc_data[offset - 0x3c6] & mask != 0 and location not in ctx.locations_checked:
for location in ctx.unsafe_locations_checked:
if (location in ctx.items_missing and location not in ctx.locations_checked) or ctx.send_unsafe:
for location in ctx.locations_checked:
my_id = Regions.lookup_name_to_id.get(location, Shops.shop_table_by_location.get(location, -1))
except Exception as e:
||||"Exception: {e}")
await ctx.send_msgs([['LocationChecks', new_locations]])
@ -1274,7 +1282,6 @@ async def game_watcher(ctx : Context):
ctx.rom = rom.decode()
if not ctx.prev_rom or ctx.prev_rom != ctx.rom:
ctx.locations_checked = set()
ctx.unsafe_locations_checked = set()
ctx.locations_scouted = set()
ctx.prev_rom = ctx.rom
@ -405,6 +405,8 @@ def roll_settings(weights, plando_options: typing.Set[str] = frozenset(("bosses"
# change minimum to required pieces to avoid problems
ret.triforce_pieces_available = min(max(ret.triforce_pieces_required, int(ret.triforce_pieces_available)), 90)
ret.shop_shuffle_slots = int(get_choice('shop_shuffle_slots', weights, '0'))
ret.shop_shuffle = get_choice('shop_shuffle', weights, '')
if not ret.shop_shuffle:
ret.shop_shuffle = ''
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import collections
import typing
from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Entrance, RegionType, Shop, TakeAny, UpgradeShop, ShopType
from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Entrance, RegionType
def create_regions(world, player):
@ -365,38 +366,6 @@ def mark_light_world_regions(world, player: int):
def create_shops(world, player: int):
cls_mapping = {ShopType.UpgradeShop: UpgradeShop,
ShopType.Shop: Shop,
ShopType.TakeAny: TakeAny}
for region_name, (room_id, type, shopkeeper, custom, locked, inventory) in shop_table.items():
if world.mode[player] == 'inverted' and region_name == 'Dark Lake Hylia Shop':
locked = True
inventory = [('Blue Potion', 160), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
region = world.get_region(region_name, player)
shop = cls_mapping[type](region, room_id, shopkeeper, custom, locked)
|||| = shop
for index, item in enumerate(inventory):
shop.add_inventory(index, *item)
# (type, room_id, shopkeeper, custom, locked, [items])
# item = (item, price, max=0, replacement=None, replacement_price=0)
_basic_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Small Heart', 10), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
_dark_world_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
shop_table = {
'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': (0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
'Red Shield Shop': (0x0110, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, [('Red Shield', 500), ('Bee', 10), ('Arrows (10)', 30)]),
'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
'Village of Outcasts Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
'Dark World Potion Shop': (0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults),
'Light World Death Mountain Shop': (0x00FF, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
'Kakariko Shop': (0x011F, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': (0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults),
'Potion Shop': (0x0109, ShopType.Shop, 0xFF, False, True, [('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)]),
'Capacity Upgrade': (0x0115, ShopType.UpgradeShop, 0x04, True, True, [('Bomb Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7), ('Arrow Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)])
old_location_address_to_new_location_address = {
0x2eb18: 0x18001b, # Bottle Merchant
@ -703,10 +672,13 @@ location_table: typing.Dict[str,
'Turtle Rock - Prize': (
[0x120A7, 0x53F24, 0x53F25, 0x18005C, 0x180079, 0xC708], None, True, 'Turtle Rock')}
from Shops import shop_table_by_location_id, shop_table_by_location
lookup_id_to_name = {data[0]: name for name, data in location_table.items() if type(data[0]) == int}
lookup_id_to_name = {**lookup_id_to_name, **{data[1]: name for name, data in key_drop_data.items()}, -1: "cheat console"}
lookup_name_to_id = {name: data[0] for name, data in location_table.items() if type(data[0]) == int}
lookup_name_to_id = {**lookup_name_to_id, **{name: data[1] for name, data in key_drop_data.items()}, "cheat console": -1}
lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance = {1572883: 'Kings Grave Inner Rocks', 191256: 'Kings Grave Inner Rocks',
1573194: 'Kings Grave Inner Rocks', 1573189: 'Kings Grave Inner Rocks',
@ -832,7 +804,18 @@ lookup_vanilla_location_to_entrance = {1572883: 'Kings Grave Inner Rocks', 19125
0x140064: 'Misery Mire',
0x140058: 'Turtle Rock', 0x140007: 'Dark Death Mountain Ledge (West)',
0x140040: 'Ganons Tower', 0x140043: 'Ganons Tower',
0x14003a: 'Ganons Tower', 0x14001f: 'Ganons Tower'}
0x14003a: 'Ganons Tower', 0x14001f: 'Ganons Tower',
0x400000: 'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)', 0x400001: 'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)', 0x400002: 'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)',
0x400003: 'Red Shield Shop', 0x400004: 'Red Shield Shop', 0x400005: 'Red Shield Shop',
0x400006: 'Dark Lake Hylia Shop', 0x400007: 'Dark Lake Hylia Shop', 0x400008: 'Dark Lake Hylia Shop',
0x400009: 'Dark World Lumberjack Shop', 0x40000a: 'Dark World Lumberjack Shop', 0x40000b: 'Dark World Lumberjack Shop',
0x40000c: 'Village of Outcasts Shop', 0x40000d: 'Village of Outcasts Shop', 0x40000e: 'Village of Outcasts Shop',
0x40000f: 'Dark World Potion Shop', 0x400010: 'Dark World Potion Shop', 0x400011: 'Dark World Potion Shop',
0x400012: 'Light World Death Mountain Shop', 0x400013: 'Light World Death Mountain Shop', 0x400014: 'Light World Death Mountain Shop',
0x400015: 'Kakariko Shop', 0x400016: 'Kakariko Shop', 0x400017: 'Kakariko Shop',
0x400018: 'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)', 0x400019: 'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)', 0x40001a: 'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)',
0x40001b: 'Potion Shop', 0x40001c: 'Potion Shop', 0x40001d: 'Potion Shop',
0x40001e: 'Capacity Upgrade', 0x40001f: 'Capacity Upgrade', 0x400020: 'Capacity Upgrade'}
lookup_prizes = {location for location in location_table if location.endswith(" - Prize")}
lookup_boss_drops = {location for location in location_table if location.endswith(" - Boss")}
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import annotations
JAP10HASH = '03a63945398191337e896e5771f77173'
RANDOMIZERBASEHASH = '5a607e36a82bbd14180536c8ec3ae49b'
RANDOMIZERBASEHASH = '93538d51eb018955a90181600e3384ba'
import io
import json
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ import xxtea
import concurrent.futures
from typing import Optional
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, ShopType, Region, Location
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, Region, Location
from Shops import ShopType
from Dungeons import dungeon_music_addresses
from Regions import location_table, old_location_address_to_new_location_address
from Text import MultiByteTextMapper, CompressedTextMapper, text_addresses, Credits, TextTable
@ -123,6 +124,9 @@ class LocalRom(object):
if not os.path.isfile(local_path('data', 'basepatch.bmbp')):
raise RuntimeError('Base patch unverified. Unable to continue.')
if os.path.isfile(local_path('data', 'basepatch.bmbp')):
_, target, buffer = Patch.create_rom_bytes(local_path('data', 'basepatch.bmbp'))
if self.verify(buffer):
@ -130,6 +134,7 @@ class LocalRom(object):
with open(local_path('basepatch.sfc'), 'wb') as stream:
raise RuntimeError('Base patch unverified. Unable to continue.')
raise RuntimeError('Could not find Base Patch. Unable to continue.')
@ -677,15 +682,13 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, player, team, enemized):
distinguished_prog_bow_loc.item.code = 0x65
# patch items
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.player != player:
if location.player != player or location.address is None or location.shop_slot:
itemid = location.item.code if location.item is not None else 0x5A
if location.address is None:
if not location.crystal:
if location.item is not None:
# Keys in their native dungeon should use the orignal item code for keys
@ -724,6 +727,7 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, player, team, enemized):
for music_address in music_addresses:
rom.write_byte(music_address, music)
if world.mapshuffle[player]:
rom.write_byte(0x155C9, local_random.choice([0x11, 0x16])) # Randomize GT music too with map shuffle
@ -1547,31 +1551,26 @@ def patch_race_rom(rom, world, player):
def write_custom_shops(rom, world, player):
shops = [shop for shop in world.shops if shop.custom and shop.region.player == player]
shops = sorted([shop for shop in world.shops if shop.custom and shop.region.player == player],
key=lambda shop: shop.sram_offset)
shop_data = bytearray()
items_data = bytearray()
sram_offset = 0
for shop_id, shop in enumerate(shops):
if shop_id == len(shops) - 1:
shop_id = 0xFF
bytes = shop.get_bytes()
bytes[0] = shop_id
bytes[-1] = sram_offset
if shop.type == ShopType.TakeAny:
sram_offset += 1
sram_offset += shop.item_count
bytes[-1] = shop.sram_offset
# [id][item][price-low][price-high][max][repl_id][repl_price-low][repl_price-high]
# [id][item][price-low][price-high][max][repl_id][repl_price-low][repl_price-high][player]
for item in shop.inventory:
if item is None:
item_data = [shop_id, ItemFactory(item['item'], player).code] + int16_as_bytes(item['price']) + [
ItemFactory(item['replacement'], player).code if item['replacement'] else 0xFF] + int16_as_bytes(
item_data = [shop_id, ItemFactory(item['item'], player).code] + int16_as_bytes(item['price']) + \
[item['max'], ItemFactory(item['replacement'], player).code if item['replacement'] else 0xFF] + \
int16_as_bytes(item['replacement_price']) + [0 if item['player'] == player else item['player']]
rom.write_bytes(0x184800, shop_data)
@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from enum import unique, Enum
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Set, NamedTuple, Dict
import logging
from BaseClasses import Location
from EntranceShuffle import door_addresses
from Items import item_name_groups, item_table, ItemFactory
from Utils import int16_as_bytes
logger = logging.getLogger("Shops")
class ShopType(Enum):
Shop = 0
TakeAny = 1
UpgradeShop = 2
class Shop():
slots: int = 3 # slot count is not dynamic in asm, however inventory can have None as empty slots
blacklist: Set[str] = set() # items that don't work, todo: actually check against this
type = ShopType.Shop
def __init__(self, region, room_id: int, shopkeeper_config: int, custom: bool, locked: bool, sram_offset: int):
self.region = region
self.room_id = room_id
self.inventory: List[Optional[dict]] = [None] * self.slots
self.shopkeeper_config = shopkeeper_config
self.custom = custom
self.locked = locked
self.sram_offset = sram_offset
def item_count(self) -> int:
for x in range(self.slots - 1, -1, -1): # last x is 0
if self.inventory[x]:
return x + 1
return 0
def get_bytes(self) -> List[int]:
# [id][roomID-low][roomID-high][doorID][zero][shop_config][shopkeeper_config][sram_index]
entrances = self.region.entrances
config = self.item_count
if len(entrances) == 1 and entrances[0].name in door_addresses:
door_id = door_addresses[entrances[0].name][0] + 1
door_id = 0
config |= 0x40 # ignore door id
if self.type == ShopType.TakeAny:
config |= 0x80
elif self.type == ShopType.UpgradeShop:
config |= 0x10 # Alt. VRAM
return [0x00] + int16_as_bytes(self.room_id) + [door_id, 0x00, config, self.shopkeeper_config, 0x00]
def has_unlimited(self, item: str) -> bool:
for inv in self.inventory:
if inv is None:
if inv['max']:
if inv['replacement'] == item:
return True
elif inv['item'] == item:
return True
return False
def has(self, item: str) -> bool:
for inv in self.inventory:
if inv is None:
if inv['item'] == item:
return True
if inv['replacement'] == item:
return True
return False
def clear_inventory(self):
self.inventory = [None] * self.slots
def add_inventory(self, slot: int, item: str, price: int, max: int = 0,
replacement: Optional[str] = None, replacement_price: int = 0, create_location: bool = False,
player: int = 0):
self.inventory[slot] = {
'item': item,
'price': price,
'max': max,
'replacement': replacement,
'replacement_price': replacement_price,
'create_location': create_location,
'player': player
def push_inventory(self, slot: int, item: str, price: int, max: int = 1, player: int = 0):
if not self.inventory[slot]:
raise ValueError("Inventory can't be pushed back if it doesn't exist")
self.inventory[slot] = {
'item': item,
'price': price,
'max': max,
'replacement': self.inventory[slot]["item"],
'replacement_price': self.inventory[slot]["price"],
'create_location': self.inventory[slot]["create_location"],
'player': player
def can_push_inventory(self, slot: int):
return self.inventory[slot] and not self.inventory[slot]["replacement"]
class TakeAny(Shop):
type = ShopType.TakeAny
class UpgradeShop(Shop):
type = ShopType.UpgradeShop
# Potions break due to VRAM flags set in UpgradeShop.
# Didn't check for more things breaking as not much else can be shuffled here currently
blacklist = item_name_groups["Potions"]
shop_class_mapping = {ShopType.UpgradeShop: UpgradeShop,
ShopType.Shop: Shop,
ShopType.TakeAny: TakeAny}
def FillDisabledShopSlots(world):
shop_slots: Set[Location] = {location for shop_locations in (shop.region.locations for shop in world.shops)
for location in shop_locations if location.shop_slot and location.shop_slot_disabled}
for location in shop_slots:
location.shop_slot_disabled = True
slot_num = int([-1]) - 1
shop: Shop =
location.item = ItemFactory(shop.inventory[slot_num]['item'], location.player)
location.item_rule = lambda item: == and item.player == location.player
def ShopSlotFill(world):
shop_slots: Set[Location] = {location for shop_locations in (shop.region.locations for shop in world.shops)
for location in shop_locations if location.shop_slot}
removed = set()
for location in shop_slots:
slot_num = int([-1]) - 1
shop: Shop =
if not shop.can_push_inventory(slot_num) or location.shop_slot_disabled:
if removed:
shop_slots -= removed
if shop_slots:
from Fill import swap_location_item
# TODO: allow each game to register a blacklist to be used here?
blacklist_words = {"Rupee"}
blacklist_words = {item_name for item_name in item_table if any(
blacklist_word in item_name for blacklist_word in blacklist_words)}
candidates_per_sphere = list(list(sphere) for sphere in world.get_spheres())
candidate_condition = lambda location: not location.locked and \
not location.shop_slot and \
not in blacklist_words
# currently special care needs to be taken so that Shop.region.locations.item is identical to Shop.inventory
# Potentially create Locations as needed and make inventory the only source, to prevent divergence
cumu_weights = []
for sphere in candidates_per_sphere:
if cumu_weights:
x = cumu_weights[-1]
x = 0
cumu_weights.append(len(sphere) + x)
for i, sphere in enumerate(candidates_per_sphere):
current_shop_slots = [location for location in sphere if location.shop_slot and not location.shop_slot_disabled]
if current_shop_slots:
for location in current_shop_slots:
shop: Shop =
swapping_sphere = world.random.choices(candidates_per_sphere[i:], cum_weights=cumu_weights[i:])[0]
for c in swapping_sphere: # chosen item locations
if candidate_condition(c) and c.item_rule(location.item) and location.item_rule(c.item):
swap_location_item(c, location, check_locked=False)
logger.debug(f'Swapping {c} into {location}:: {location.item}')
# This *should* never happen. But let's fail safely just in case.
logger.warning("Ran out of ShopShuffle Item candidate locations.")
location.shop_slot_disabled = True
item_name =
if any(x in item_name for x in ['Single Bomb', 'Single Arrow']):
price = world.random.randrange(1, 7)
elif any(x in item_name for x in ['Arrows', 'Bombs', 'Clock']):
price = world.random.randrange(4, 24)
elif any(x in item_name for x in ['Compass', 'Map', 'Small Key', 'Piece of Heart']):
price = world.random.randrange(10, 30)
price = world.random.randrange(10, 60)
price *= 5
shop.push_inventory(int([-1]) - 1, item_name, price, 1,
location.item.player if location.item.player != location.player else 0)
def create_shops(world, player: int):
option = world.shop_shuffle[player]
player_shop_table = shop_table.copy()
if "w" in option:
player_shop_table["Potion Shop"] = player_shop_table["Potion Shop"]._replace(locked=False)
dynamic_shop_slots = total_dynamic_shop_slots + 3
dynamic_shop_slots = total_dynamic_shop_slots
num_slots = min(dynamic_shop_slots, max(0, int(world.shop_shuffle_slots[player]))) # 0 to 30
single_purchase_slots: List[bool] = [True] * num_slots + [False] * (dynamic_shop_slots - num_slots)
if 'g' in option or 'f' in option:
default_shop_table = [i for l in [shop_generation_types[x] for x in ['arrows', 'bombs', 'potions', 'shields', 'bottle'] if not world.retro[player] or x != 'arrows'] for i in l]
new_basic_shop = world.random.sample(default_shop_table, k=3)
new_dark_shop = world.random.sample(default_shop_table, k=3)
for name, shop in player_shop_table.items():
typ, shop_id, keeper, custom, locked, items, sram_offset = shop
if not locked:
new_items = world.random.sample(default_shop_table, k=3)
if 'f' not in option:
if items == _basic_shop_defaults:
new_items = new_basic_shop
elif items == _dark_world_shop_defaults:
new_items = new_dark_shop
keeper = world.random.choice([0xA0, 0xC1, 0xFF])
player_shop_table[name] = ShopData(typ, shop_id, keeper, custom, locked, new_items, sram_offset)
if world.mode[player] == "inverted":
player_shop_table["Dark Lake Hylia Shop"] = \
player_shop_table["Dark Lake Hylia Shop"]._replace(locked=True, items=_inverted_hylia_shop_defaults)
for region_name, (room_id, type, shopkeeper, custom, locked, inventory, sram_offset) in player_shop_table.items():
region = world.get_region(region_name, player)
shop: Shop = shop_class_mapping[type](region, room_id, shopkeeper, custom, locked, sram_offset)
|||| = shop
for index, item in enumerate(inventory):
shop.add_inventory(index, *item)
if not locked and num_slots:
slot_name = "{} Slot {}".format(, index + 1)
loc = Location(player, slot_name, address=shop_table_by_location[slot_name],
parent=region, hint_text="for sale")
loc.shop_slot = True
loc.locked = True
if single_purchase_slots.pop():
additional_item = 'Rupees (50)' # world.random.choice(['Rupees (50)', 'Rupees (100)', 'Rupees (300)'])
loc.item = ItemFactory(additional_item, player)
loc.item = ItemFactory('Nothing', player)
loc.shop_slot_disabled = True
class ShopData(NamedTuple):
room: int
type: ShopType
shopkeeper: int
custom: bool
locked: bool
items: List
sram_offset: int
# (type, room_id, shopkeeper, custom, locked, [items], sram_offset)
# item = (item, price, max=0, replacement=None, replacement_price=0)
_basic_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Small Heart', 10), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
_dark_world_shop_defaults = [('Red Potion', 150), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
_inverted_hylia_shop_defaults = [('Blue Potion', 160), ('Blue Shield', 50), ('Bombs (10)', 50)]
shop_table: Dict[str, ShopData] = {
'Cave Shop (Dark Death Mountain)': ShopData(0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults, 0),
'Red Shield Shop': ShopData(0x0110, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False,
[('Red Shield', 500), ('Bee', 10), ('Arrows (10)', 30)], 3),
'Dark Lake Hylia Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults, 6),
'Dark World Lumberjack Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults, 9),
'Village of Outcasts Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults, 12),
'Dark World Potion Shop': ShopData(0x010F, ShopType.Shop, 0xC1, True, False, _dark_world_shop_defaults, 15),
'Light World Death Mountain Shop': ShopData(0x00FF, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults, 18),
'Kakariko Shop': ShopData(0x011F, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults, 21),
'Cave Shop (Lake Hylia)': ShopData(0x0112, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, False, _basic_shop_defaults, 24),
'Potion Shop': ShopData(0x0109, ShopType.Shop, 0xA0, True, True,
[('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)], 27),
'Capacity Upgrade': ShopData(0x0115, ShopType.UpgradeShop, 0x04, True, True,
[('Bomb Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7), ('Arrow Upgrade (+5)', 100, 7)], 30)
total_shop_slots = len(shop_table) * 3
total_dynamic_shop_slots = sum(3 for shopname, data in shop_table.items() if not data[4]) # data[4] -> locked
SHOP_ID_START = 0x400000
shop_table_by_location_id = {cnt: s for cnt, s in enumerate(
(f"{name} Slot {num}" for name in [key for key, value in sorted(shop_table.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].sram_offset)]
for num in range(1, 4)), start=SHOP_ID_START)}
shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots)] = "Old Man Sword Cave"
shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 1)] = "Take-Any #1"
shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 2)] = "Take-Any #2"
shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 3)] = "Take-Any #3"
shop_table_by_location_id[(SHOP_ID_START + total_shop_slots + 4)] = "Take-Any #4"
shop_table_by_location = {y: x for x, y in shop_table_by_location_id.items()}
shop_generation_types = {
'arrows': [('Single Arrow', 5), ('Arrows (10)', 50)],
'bombs': [('Single Bomb', 10), ('Bombs (3)', 30), ('Bombs (10)', 50)],
'shields': [('Red Shield', 500), ('Blue Shield', 50)],
'potions': [('Red Potion', 150), ('Green Potion', 90), ('Blue Potion', 190)],
'discount_potions': [('Red Potion', 120), ('Green Potion', 60), ('Blue Potion', 160)],
'bottle': [('Small Heart', 10), ('Apple', 50), ('Bee', 10), ('Good Bee', 100), ('Faerie', 100), ('Magic Jar', 100)],
'time': [('Red Clock', 100), ('Blue Clock', 200), ('Green Clock', 300)],
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Version(typing.NamedTuple):
micro: int
__version__ = "3.6.0"
__version__ = "3.6.1"
_version_tuple = tuplize_version(__version__)
import os
@ -477,9 +477,23 @@
"name": "None",
"value": "none"
"name": "Inventory",
"value": "i"
"g": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle.g",
"friendlyName": "Inventory Generate",
"description": "Generates new default base inventories of overworld and underworld shops.",
"defaultValue": 0
"f": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle.f",
"friendlyName": "Full Inventory Generate",
"description": "Generates new base inventories of each individual shop.",
"defaultValue": 0
"i": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle.i",
"friendlyName": "Inventory Shuffle",
"description": "Shuffles the inventories of shops between each other.",
"defaultValue": 0
"name": "Prices",
@ -493,9 +507,269 @@
"name": "Inventory and Prices",
"value": "ip"
"name": "Inventory, Prices, and Upgrades",
"value": "ipu"
"uip": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle.uip",
"friendlyName": "Full Shuffle",
"description": "Shuffles the inventory and randomizes the prices of items in shops. Also distributes capacity upgrades throughout the world.",
"defaultValue": 0
"shop_shuffle_slots": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle_slots",
"friendlyName": "Shop Shuffle Slots",
"description": "How Many Slots in Shops are dedicated to items from the item pool",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"0": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle_slots.0",
"friendlyName": 0,
"description": "0 slots",
"defaultValue": 50
"15": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle_slots.3",
"friendlyName": 3,
"description": "3 slots",
"defaultValue": 0
"20": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle_slots.6",
"friendlyName": 6,
"description": "6 slots",
"defaultValue": 0
"30": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle_slots.12",
"friendlyName": 12,
"description": "12 slots",
"defaultValue": 0
"40": {
"keyString": "shop_shuffle_slots.96",
"friendlyName": 96,
"description": "96 slots",
"defaultValue": 0
"potion_shop_shuffle": {
"keyString": "potion_shop_shuffle",
"friendlyName": "Potion Shop Shuffle Rules",
"description": "Influence on potion shop by shop shuffle options",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"none": {
"keyString": "potion_shop_shuffle.none",
"friendlyName": "Vanilla Shops",
"description": "Shop contents are left unchanged, only prices.",
"defaultValue": 50
"a": {
"keyString": "potion_shop_shuffle.a",
"friendlyName": "Any Items can be shuffled in and out of the shop",
"description": "",
"defaultValue": 0
"shuffle_prizes": {
"keyString": "shuffle_prizes",
"friendlyName": "Prize Shuffle",
"description": "Alters the Prizes from pulling, bonking, enemy kills, digging, and hoarders",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"none": {
"keyString": "shuffle_prizes.none",
"friendlyName": "None",
"description": "All prizes from pulling, bonking, enemy kills, digging, hoarders are vanilla.",
"defaultValue": 0
"g": {
"keyString": "shuffle_prizes.g",
"friendlyName": "\"General\" prize shuffle",
"description": "Shuffles the prizes from pulling, enemy kills, digging, hoarders",
"defaultValue": 50
"b": {
"keyString": "shuffle_prizes.b",
"friendlyName": "Bonk prize shuffle",
"description": "Shuffles the prizes from bonking into trees.",
"defaultValue": 0
"bg": {
"keyString": "",
"friendlyName": "Both",
"description": "Shuffles both of the options.",
"defaultValue": 0
"timer": {
"keyString": "timer",
"friendlyName": "Timed Modes",
"description": "Add a timer to the game UI, and cause it to have various effects.",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"none": {
"keyString": "timer.none",
"friendlyName": "Disabled",
"description": "No timed mode is applied to the game.",
"defaultValue": 50
"timed": {
"keyString": "timer.timed",
"friendlyName": "Timed Mode",
"description": "Starts with clock at zero. Green clocks subtract 4 minutes (total 20). Blue clocks subtract 2 minutes (total 10). Red clocks add two minutes (total 10). Winner is the player with the lowest time at the end.",
"defaultValue": 0
"timed_ohko": {
"keyString": "timer.timed_ohko",
"friendlyName": "Timed OHKO",
"description": "Starts the clock at ten minutes. Green clocks add five minutes (total 25). As long as the clock as at zero, Link will die in one hit.",
"defaultValue": 0
"ohko": {
"keyString": "timer.ohko",
"friendlyName": "One-Hit KO",
"description": "Timer always at zero. Permanent OHKO.",
"defaultValue": 0
"timed_countdown": {
"keyString": "timer.timed_countdown",
"friendlyName": "Timed Countdown",
"description": "Starts the clock with forty minutes. Same clocks as timed mode, but if the clock hits zero you lose. You can still keep playing, though.",
"defaultValue": 0
"display": {
"keyString": "timer.display",
"friendlyName": "Timer Only",
"description": "Displays a timer, but otherwise does not affect gameplay or the item pool.",
"defaultValue": 0
"countdown_start_time": {
"keyString": "countdown_start_time",
"friendlyName": "Countdown Starting Time",
"description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to start with in Timed Countdown and Timed OHKO modes.",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"0": {
"keyString": "countdown_start_time.0",
"friendlyName": 0,
"description": "Start with no time on the timer. In Timed OHKO mode, start in OHKO mode.",
"defaultValue": 0
"10": {
"keyString": "countdown_start_time.10",
"friendlyName": 10,
"description": "Start with 10 minutes on the timer.",
"defaultValue": 50
"20": {
"keyString": "countdown_start_time.20",
"friendlyName": 20,
"description": "Start with 20 minutes on the timer.",
"defaultValue": 0
"30": {
"keyString": "countdown_start_time.30",
"friendlyName": 30,
"description": "Start with 30 minutes on the timer.",
"defaultValue": 0
"60": {
"keyString": "countdown_start_time.60",
"friendlyName": 60,
"description": "Start with an hour on the timer.",
"defaultValue": 0
"red_clock_time": {
"keyString": "red_clock_time",
"friendlyName": "Red Clock Time",
"description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to add to or subtract from the timer upon picking up a red clock.",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"-2": {
"keyString": "red_clock_time.-2",
"friendlyName": -2,
"description": "Subtract 2 minutes from the timer upon picking up a red clock.",
"defaultValue": 0
"1": {
"keyString": "red_clock_time.1",
"friendlyName": 1,
"description": "Add a minute to the timer upon picking up a red clock.",
"defaultValue": 50
"blue_clock_time": {
"keyString": "blue_clock_time",
"friendlyName": "Blue Clock Time",
"description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to add to or subtract from the timer upon picking up a blue clock.",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"1": {
"keyString": "blue_clock_time.1",
"friendlyName": 1,
"description": "Add a minute to the timer upon picking up a blue clock.",
"defaultValue": 0
"2": {
"keyString": "blue_clock_time.2",
"friendlyName": 2,
"description": "Add 2 minutes to the timer upon picking up a blue clock.",
"defaultValue": 50
"green_clock_time": {
"keyString": "green_clock_time",
"friendlyName": "Green Clock Time",
"description": "The amount of time, in minutes, to add to or subtract from the timer upon picking up a green clock.",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"4": {
"keyString": "green_clock_time.4",
"friendlyName": 4,
"description": "Add 4 minutes to the timer upon picking up a green clock.",
"defaultValue": 50
"10": {
"keyString": "green_clock_time.10",
"friendlyName": 10,
"description": "Add 10 minutes to the timer upon picking up a green clock.",
"defaultValue": 0
"15": {
"keyString": "green_clock_time.15",
"friendlyName": 15,
"description": "Add 15 minutes to the timer upon picking up a green clock.",
"defaultValue": 0
"glitch_boots": {
"keyString": "glitch_boots",
"friendlyName": "Glitch Boots",
"description": "Start with Pegasus Boots in any glitched logic mode that makes use of them.",
"inputType": "range",
"subOptions": {
"on": {
"keyString": "glitch_boots.on",
"friendlyName": "On",
"description": "Enable glitch boots.",
"defaultValue": 50
"off": {
"keyString": "",
"friendlyName": "Off",
"description": "Disable glitch boots.",
"defaultValue": 0
Binary file not shown.
@ -211,14 +211,25 @@ beemizer: # Remove items from the global item pool and replace them with single
2: 0 # 60% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 20% could be single bees
3: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps, of which 50% could be single bees
4: 0 # 100% of the non-essential item pool is replaced with bee traps
### Shop Settings ###
shop_shuffle_slots: # Maximum amount of shop slots to be filled with regular item pool items (such as Moon Pearl)
0: 50
5: 0
15: 0
30: 0
none: 50
i: 0 # Shuffle the inventories of the shops around
g: 0 # Generate new default inventories for overworld/underworld shops, and unique shops
f: 0 # Generate new default inventories for every shop independently
i: 0 # Shuffle default inventories of the shops around
p: 0 # Randomize the prices of the items in shop inventories
u: 0 # Shuffle capacity upgrades into the item pool (and allow them to traverse the multiworld)
w: 0 # Consider witch's hut like any other shop and shuffle/randomize it too
ip: 0 # Shuffle inventories and randomize prices
fpu: 0 # Generate new inventories, randomize prices and shuffle capacity upgrades into item pool
uip: 0 # Shuffle inventories, randomize prices and shuffle capacity upgrades into the item pool
# You can add more combos
### End of Shop Section ###
shuffle_prizes: # aka drops
none: 0 # do not shuffle prize packs
g: 50 # shuffle "general" price packs, as in enemy, tree pull, dig etc.
@ -253,11 +264,6 @@ green_clock_time: # For all timer modes, the amount of time in minutes to gain o
# - "Small Keys"
# - "Big Keys"
# Can be uncommented to use it
# non_local_items: # Force certain items to appear outside your world only, always across the multiworld. Recognizes some group names, like "Swords"
# - "Moon Pearl"
# - "Small Keys"
# - "Big Keys"
# Can be uncommented to use it
# startinventory: # Begin the file with the listed items/upgrades
# Pegasus Boots: on
# Bomb Upgrade (+10): 4
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ from Dungeons import create_dungeons, get_dungeon_item_pool
from EntranceShuffle import mandatory_connections, connect_simple
from ItemPool import difficulties, generate_itempool
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import create_regions, create_shops
from Regions import create_regions
from Shops import create_shops
from Rules import set_rules
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from EntranceShuffle import link_inverted_entrances
from InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions
from ItemPool import generate_itempool, difficulties
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import mark_light_world_regions, create_shops
from Regions import mark_light_world_regions
from Shops import create_shops
from Rules import set_rules
from test.TestBase import TestBase
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from EntranceShuffle import link_inverted_entrances
from InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions
from ItemPool import generate_itempool, difficulties
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import mark_light_world_regions, create_shops
from Regions import mark_light_world_regions
from Shops import create_shops
from Rules import set_rules
from test.TestBase import TestBase
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from EntranceShuffle import link_inverted_entrances
from InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions
from ItemPool import generate_itempool, difficulties
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import mark_light_world_regions, create_shops
from Regions import mark_light_world_regions
from Shops import create_shops
from Rules import set_rules
from test.TestBase import TestBase
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances
from InvertedRegions import mark_dark_world_regions
from ItemPool import difficulties, generate_itempool
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import create_regions, create_shops
from Regions import create_regions
from Shops import create_shops
from Rules import set_rules
from test.TestBase import TestBase
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances
from InvertedRegions import mark_dark_world_regions
from ItemPool import difficulties, generate_itempool
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import create_regions, create_shops
from Regions import create_regions
from Shops import create_shops
from Rules import set_rules
from test.TestBase import TestBase
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from Shops import shop_table
from test.TestBase import TestBase
class TestSram(TestBase):
def testUniqueOffset(self):
sram_ids = set()
for shop_name, shopdata in shop_table.items():
for x in range(3):
new = shopdata.sram_offset + x
with self.subTest(shop_name, slot=x + 1, offset=new):
self.assertNotIn(new, sram_ids)
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances
from InvertedRegions import mark_dark_world_regions
from ItemPool import difficulties, generate_itempool
from Items import ItemFactory
from Regions import create_regions, create_shops
from Regions import create_regions
from Shops import create_shops
from Rules import set_rules
from test.TestBase import TestBase
Reference in New Issue