update basic and normal boss shuffling with a less biased algorithm

(Issue found my TailsMK4, Potential solutions also explored by el0)
This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2021-03-26 04:05:36 +01:00
parent 4d99bb1429
commit bbf56a5a69
1 changed files with 35 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -148,19 +148,19 @@ boss_table = {
boss_location_table = [
['Ganons Tower', 'top'],
['Tower of Hera', None],
['Skull Woods', None],
['Ganons Tower', 'middle'],
['Eastern Palace', None],
['Desert Palace', None],
['Palace of Darkness', None],
['Swamp Palace', None],
['Thieves Town', None],
['Ice Palace', None],
['Misery Mire', None],
['Turtle Rock', None],
['Ganons Tower', 'bottom'],
('Ganons Tower', 'top'),
('Tower of Hera', None),
('Skull Woods', None),
('Ganons Tower', 'middle'),
('Eastern Palace', None),
('Desert Palace', None),
('Palace of Darkness', None),
('Swamp Palace', None),
('Thieves Town', None),
('Ice Palace', None),
('Misery Mire', None),
('Turtle Rock', None),
('Ganons Tower', 'bottom'),
@ -187,6 +187,10 @@ def can_place_boss(boss: str, dungeon_name: str, level: Optional[str] = None) ->
return True
restrictive_boss_locations = {}
for location in boss_location_table:
restrictive_boss_locations[location] = not all(can_place_boss(boss, *location)
for boss in boss_table if not boss.startswith("Agahnim"))
def place_boss(world, player: int, boss: str, location: str, level: Optional[str]):
if location == 'Ganons Tower' and world.mode[player] == 'inverted':
@ -194,12 +198,16 @@ def place_boss(world, player: int, boss: str, location: str, level: Optional[str
logging.debug('Placing boss %s at %s', boss, location + (' (' + level + ')' if level else ''))
world.get_dungeon(location, player).bosses[level] = BossFactory(boss, player)
def format_boss_location(location, level):
return location + (' (' + level + ')' if level else '')
def place_bosses(world, player: int):
if world.boss_shuffle[player] == 'none':
# Most to least restrictive order
boss_locations = boss_location_table.copy()
boss_locations.sort(key= lambda location: -int(restrictive_boss_locations[location]))
all_bosses = sorted(boss_table.keys()) # sorted to be deterministic on older pythons
placeable_bosses = [boss for boss in all_bosses if boss not in ['Agahnim', 'Agahnim2', 'Ganon']]
@ -225,7 +233,7 @@ def place_bosses(world, player: int):
boss_locations.remove([loc, level])
raise Exception("Cannot place", boss, "at", loc, level, "for player", player)
raise Exception(f"Cannot place {boss} at {format_boss_location(loc, level)} for player {player}.")
boss = boss.title()
boss_locations, already_placed_bosses = place_where_possible(world, player, boss, boss_locations)
@ -237,7 +245,7 @@ def place_bosses(world, player: int):
if world.boss_shuffle[player] == "basic": # vanilla bosses shuffled
bosses = placeable_bosses + ['Armos Knights', 'Lanmolas', 'Moldorm']
else: # all bosses present, the three duplicates chosen at random
bosses = all_bosses + [world.random.choice(placeable_bosses) for _ in range(3)]
bosses = placeable_bosses + world.random.sample(placeable_bosses, 3)
# there is probably a better way to do this
while already_placed_bosses:
@ -251,11 +259,17 @@ def place_bosses(world, player: int):
for loc, level in boss_locations:
boss = next((b for b in bosses if can_place_boss(b, loc, level)), None)
if not boss:
loc_text = loc + (' (' + level + ')' if level else '')
raise FillError('Could not place boss for location %s' % loc_text)
for _ in range(len(bosses)):
boss = bosses.pop()
if can_place_boss(boss, loc, level):
# put the boss back in queue
bosses.insert(0, boss) # this would be faster with deque,
# but the deque size is small enough that it should not matter
raise FillError(f'Could not place boss for location {format_boss_location(loc, level)}')
place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level)
elif shuffle_mode == "chaos": # all bosses chosen at random
@ -264,8 +278,7 @@ def place_bosses(world, player: int):
boss = world.random.choice(
[b for b in placeable_bosses if can_place_boss(b, loc, level)])
except IndexError:
loc_text = loc + (' (' + level + ')' if level else '')
raise FillError('Could not place boss for location %s' % loc_text)
raise FillError(f'Could not place boss for location {format_boss_location(loc, level)}')
place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level)