Add some support for creating a plandomizer.

This commit is contained in:
LLCoolDave 2017-05-26 18:40:48 +02:00
parent c4bfdefbdc
commit c605046337
2 changed files with 499 additions and 0 deletions

255 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
from BaseClasses import World, CollectionState, Item
from Regions import create_regions
from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances
from Rom import patch_rom
from Rules import set_rules
from Items import ItemFactory
import random
import time
import logging
import argparse
import os
import hashlib
__version__ = '0.1-dev'
logic_hash = [182, 244, 144, 92, 149, 200, 93, 183, 124, 169, 226, 46, 111, 163, 5, 193, 13, 112, 125, 101, 128, 84, 31, 67, 107, 94, 184, 100, 189, 18, 8, 171,
142, 57, 173, 38, 37, 211, 253, 131, 98, 239, 167, 116, 32, 186, 70, 148, 66, 151, 143, 86, 59, 83, 16, 51, 240, 152, 60, 242, 190, 117, 76, 122,
15, 221, 62, 39, 174, 177, 223, 34, 150, 50, 178, 238, 95, 219, 10, 162, 222, 0, 165, 202, 74, 36, 206, 209, 251, 105, 175, 135, 121, 88, 214, 247,
154, 161, 71, 19, 85, 157, 40, 96, 225, 27, 230, 49, 231, 207, 64, 35, 249, 134, 132, 108, 63, 24, 4, 127, 255, 14, 145, 23, 81, 216, 113, 90, 194,
110, 65, 229, 43, 1, 11, 168, 147, 103, 156, 77, 80, 220, 28, 227, 213, 198, 172, 79, 75, 140, 44, 146, 188, 17, 6, 102, 56, 235, 166, 89, 218, 246,
99, 78, 187, 126, 119, 196, 69, 137, 181, 55, 20, 215, 199, 130, 9, 45, 58, 185, 91, 33, 197, 72, 115, 195, 114, 29, 30, 233, 141, 129, 155, 159, 47,
224, 236, 21, 234, 191, 136, 104, 87, 106, 26, 73, 250, 248, 228, 48, 53, 243, 237, 241, 61, 180, 12, 208, 245, 232, 192, 2, 7, 170, 123, 176, 160, 201,
153, 217, 252, 158, 25, 205, 22, 133, 254, 138, 203, 118, 210, 204, 82, 97, 52, 164, 68, 139, 120, 109, 54, 3, 41, 179, 212, 42]
def main(args, seed=None):
start = time.clock()
# initialize the world
world = World('default', 'noglitches', 'standard', 'normal', 'ganon', False)
logger = logging.getLogger('')
hasher = hashlib.md5()
with open(args.plando, 'rb') as plandofile:
buf =
world.seed = int(hasher.hexdigest(), 16) % 1000000000
world.spoiler += 'ALttP Plandomizer Version %s - Seed: %s\n\n' % (__version__, args.plando)
world.spoiler += link_entrances(world)'Calculating Access Rules.')
world.spoiler += set_rules(world)'Fill the world.')
world.spoiler += fill_world(world, args.plando)
world.spoiler += print_location_spoiler(world)'Calculating playthrough.')
world.spoiler += create_playthrough(world)'Patching ROM.')
if args.sprite is not None:
sprite = bytearray(open(args.sprite, 'rb').read())
sprite = None
rom = bytearray(open(args.rom, 'rb').read())
patched_rom = patch_rom(world, rom, logic_hash, args.quickswap, args.heartbeep, sprite)
outfilebase = 'Plando_%s_%s' % (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.plando))[0], world.seed)
with open('%s.sfc' % outfilebase, 'wb') as outfile:
if args.create_spoiler:
with open('%s_Spoiler.txt' % outfilebase, 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write(world.spoiler)'Done. Enjoy.')
logger.debug('Total Time: %s' % (time.clock() - start))
return world
def fill_world(world, plando):
mm_medallion = 'Ether'
tr_medallion = 'Quake'
logger = logging.getLogger('')
with open(plando, 'r') as plandofile:
for line in plandofile.readlines():
if ':' in line:
line = line.lstrip()
if line.startswith('#'):
if line.startswith('!'):
if line.startswith('!mm_medallion'):
_, medallionstr = line.split(':', 1)
mm_medallion = medallionstr.strip()
elif line.startswith('!tr_medallion'):
_, medallionstr = line.split(':', 1)
tr_medallion = medallionstr.strip()
elif line.startswith('!mode'):
_, modestr = line.split(':', 1)
world.mode = modestr.strip()
elif line.startswith('!logic'):
_, logicstr = line.split(':', 1)
world.logic = logicstr.strip()
elif line.startswith('!goal'):
_, goalstr = line.split(':', 1)
world.goal = goalstr.strip()
locationstr, itemstr = line.split(':', 1)
location = world.get_location(locationstr.strip())
if location is None:
logger.warn('Unknown location: %s' % locationstr)
item = ItemFactory(itemstr.strip())
if item is not None:
world.push_item(location, item)
world.required_medallions = (mm_medallion, tr_medallion)
return 'Misery Mire Medallion: %s\nTurtle Rock Medallion: %s\n\n' % (mm_medallion, tr_medallion)
def copy_world(world):
# ToDo: Not good yet
ret = World(world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.difficulty, world.goal, world.place_dungeon_items)
ret.required_medallions = list(world.required_medallions)
ret.agahnim_fix_required = world.agahnim_fix_required
ret.swamp_patch_required = world.swamp_patch_required
# connect copied world
for region in world.regions:
for entrance in region.entrances:
# fill locations
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.item is not None:
item = Item(, location.item.advancement, location.item.key)
ret.get_location( = item
item.location = ret.get_location(
# copy remaining itempool. No item in itempool should have an assigned location
for item in world.itempool:
ret.itempool.append(Item(, item.advancement, item.key))
# copy progress items in state
ret.state.prog_items = list(world.state.prog_items)
return ret
def create_playthrough(world):
# create a copy as we will modify it
world = copy_world(world)
# if we do pedestal%, ganon should not be a viable option as far as the playthrough is concerned
if world.goal == 'pedestal':
world.get_location('Ganon').item = None
# get locations containing progress items
prog_locations = [location for location in world.get_locations() if location.item is not None and location.item.advancement]
collection_spheres = []
state = CollectionState(world)
sphere_candidates = list(prog_locations)
logging.getLogger('').debug('Building up collection spheres.')
while sphere_candidates:
sphere = []
# build up spheres of collection radius. Everything in each sphere is independent from each other in dependencies and only depends on lower spheres
for location in sphere_candidates:
if state.can_reach(location):
for location in sphere:
logging.getLogger('').debug('Calculated sphere %i, containing %i of %i progress items.' % (len(collection_spheres), len(sphere), len(prog_locations)))
if not sphere:
logging.getLogger('').debug('The following items could not be placed: %s' % ['%s at %s' % (, for location in sphere_candidates])
raise RuntimeError('Not all progression items reachable. Something went terribly wrong here.')
# in the second phase, we cull each sphere such that the game is still beatable, reducing each range of influence to the bare minimum required inside it
for sphere in reversed(collection_spheres):
to_delete = []
for location in sphere:
# we remove the item at location and check if game is still beatable
logging.getLogger('').debug('Checking if %s is required to beat the game.' %
old_item = location.item
location.item = None
world._item_cache = {} # need to invalidate
if world.can_beat_game():
# still required, got to keep it around
location.item = old_item
# cull entries in spheres for spoiler walkthrough at end
for location in to_delete:
# we are now down to just the required progress items in collection_spheres in a minimum number of spheres. As a cleanup, we right trim empty spheres (can happen if we have multiple triforces)
collection_spheres = [sphere for sphere in collection_spheres if sphere]
# we can finally output our playthrough
return 'Playthrough:\n' + ''.join(['%s: {\n%s}\n' % (i + 1, ''.join([' %s: %s\n' % (location, location.item) for location in sphere])) for i, sphere in enumerate(collection_spheres)]) + '\n'
def print_location_spoiler(world):
return 'Locations:\n\n' + '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (location, location.item if location.item is not None else 'Nothing') for location in world.get_locations()]) + '\n\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('--create_spoiler', help='Output a Spoiler File', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--rom', default='Base_Rom.sfc', help='Path to a VT21 standard normal difficulty rom to use as a base.')
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default='info', const='info', nargs='?', choices=['error', 'info', 'warning', 'debug'], help='Select level of logging for output.')
parser.add_argument('--seed', help='Define seed number to generate.', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--quickswap', help='Enable quick item swapping with L and R.', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--heartbeep', default='normal', const='normal', nargs='?', choices=['normal', 'half', 'quarter', 'off'],
help='Select the rate at which the heart beep sound is played at low health.')
parser.add_argument('--sprite', help='Path to a sprite sheet to use for Link. Needs to be in binary format and have a length of 0x7000 (28672) bytes.')
parser.add_argument('--plando', help='Filled out template to use for setting up the rom.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# ToDo: Validate files further than mere existance
if not os.path.isfile(args.rom):
input('Could not find valid base rom for patching at expected path %s. Please run with -h to see help for further information. \nPress Enter to exit.' % args.rom)
if not os.path.isfile(args.plando):
input('Could not find Plandomizer distribution at expected path %s. Please run with -h to see help for further information. \nPress Enter to exit.' % args.plando)
if args.sprite is not None and not os.path.isfile(args.rom):
input('Could not find link sprite sheet at given location. \nPress Enter to exit.' % args.sprite)
# set up logger
loglevel = {'error': logging.ERROR, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'debug': logging.DEBUG}[args.loglevel]
logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=loglevel)

Plandomizer_Template.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
# Lines starting with a # are comments and ignored by the parsers
# Lines without a : are also ignored
# These are special instructions for setting the medallion requirements to enter the dungeons
!mm_medallion: Bombos
!tr_medallion: Quake
# This sets the game mode
!mode: open
# This sets the logic (for verification purposes)
!logic: noglitches
# This sets the goal (only used for generating the spoiler log)
!goal: ganon
# Now we fill in all locations
Mushroom: Mushroom
Bottle Vendor: Bottle
Haunted Grove: Ocarina
Piece of Heart (Dam): Nothing
Purple Chest: Nothing
[cave-022-B1] Thiefs hut [top chest]: Nothing
[cave-022-B1] Thiefs hut [top left chest]: Nothing
[cave-022-B1] Thiefs hut [top right chest]: Nothing
[cave-022-B1] Thiefs hut [bottom left chest]: Nothing
[cave-022-B1] Thiefs hut [bottom right chest]: Nothing
Uncle: Fighter Sword
[cave-034] Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance: Nothing
King Zora: Flippers
Piece of Heart (Zoras River): Nothing
[cave-018] Graveyard - top right grave: Cape
[cave-047] Dam: Nothing
[cave-040] Links House: Lamp
[cave-031] Tavern: Nothing
[cave-026] Chicken House: Nothing
[cave-044] Aginahs Cave: Nothing
[cave-035] Sahasrahlas Hut [left chest]: Nothing
[cave-035] Sahasrahlas Hut [center chest]: Nothing
[cave-035] Sahasrahlas Hut [right chest]: Nothing
Sahasrahla: Pegasus Boots
[cave-021] Kakariko Well [top chest]: Nothing
[cave-021] Kakariko Well [left chest row of 3]: Nothing
[cave-021] Kakariko Well [center chest row of 3]: Nothing
[cave-021] Kakariko Well [right chest row of 3]: Nothing
[cave-021] Kakariko Well [bottom chest]: Nothing
Blacksmiths: Tempered Sword
Magic Bat: Magic Upgrade (1/2)
Sick Kid: Bug Catching Net
Hobo: Bottle
Piece of Heart (Thieves Forest Hideout): Nothing
Piece of Heart (Lumberjack Tree): Nothing
Piece of Heart (Cave South of Haunted Grove): Nothing
Piece of Heart (Graveyard Cave): Nothing
Piece of Heart (Desert Cave): Nothing
[cave-050] Lake Hylia Cave [bottom left chest]: Nothing
[cave-050] Lake Hylia Cave [top left chest]: Nothing
[cave-050] Lake Hylia Cave [top right chest]: Nothing
[cave-050] Lake Hylia Cave [bottom right chest]: Nothing
[cave-050] Lake Hylia Cave [generous guy]: Nothing
[cave-051] Ice Cave: Ice Rod
[cave-016] Bonk Rock Cave: Nothing
Library: Book of Mudora
Witch: Magic Powder
Piece of Heart (Lake Hylia): Nothing
Piece of Heart (Maze Race): Nothing
Piece of Heart (Desert - west side): Nothing
[dungeon-L2-B1] Desert Palace - Big Chest: Power Glove
[dungeon-L2-B1] Desert Palace - Torch: Small Key (Desert Palace)
[dungeon-L2-B1] Desert Palace - Map Room: Nothing
[dungeon-L2-B1] Desert Palace - Compass Room: Nothing
[dungeon-L2-B1] Desert Palace - Big Key Room: Big Key (Desert Palace)
Lanmolas - Heart Container: Nothing
Lanmolas - Pendant: Blue Pendant
[dungeon-L1-1F] Eastern Palace - Compass Room: Nothing
[dungeon-L1-1F] Eastern Palace - Big Chest: Bow
[dungeon-L1-1F] Eastern Palace - Big Ball Room: Nothing
[dungeon-L1-1F] Eastern Palace - Big Key Room: Big Key (Eastern Palace)
[dungeon-L1-1F] Eastern Palace - Map Room: Nothing
Armos - Heart Container: Nothing
Armos - Pendant: Green Pendant
Altar: Master Sword
[dungeon-C-B1] Hyrule Castle - Boomerang Room: Nothing
[dungeon-C-B1] Hyrule Castle - Map Room: Nothing
[dungeon-C-B1] Hyrule Castle - Next To Zelda: Nothing
[dungeon-C-B1] Escape - First B1 Room: Small Key (Escape)
[dungeon-C-B1] Escape - Final Basement Room [left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-C-B1] Escape - Final Basement Room [middle chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-C-B1] Escape - Final Basement Room [right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-C-1F] Sanctuary: Sanctuary Heart Container
[dungeon-A1-2F] Hyrule Castle Tower - 2 Knife Guys Room: Small Key (Agahnims Tower)
[dungeon-A1-3F] Hyrule Castle Tower - Maze Room: Small Key (Agahnims Tower)
Old Mountain Man: Magic Mirror
Piece of Heart (Spectacle Rock Cave): Nothing
[cave-009-1F] Death Mountain - right cave [top left chest]: Nothing
[cave-009-1F] Death Mountain - right cave [top left middle chest]: Nothing
[cave-009-1F] Death Mountain - right cave [top right middle chest]: Nothing
[cave-009-1F] Death Mountain - right cave [top right chest]: Nothing
[cave-009-1F] Death Mountain - right cave [bottom chest]: Nothing
[cave-009-B1] Death Mountain - right cave [left chest]: Nothing
[cave-009-B1] Death Mountain - right cave [right chest]: Nothing
[cave-012-1F] Death Mountain - left cave]: Nothing
Ether Tablet: Ether
Piece of Heart (Spectacle Rock): Nothing
[dungeon-L3-1F] Tower of Hera - Freestanding Key: Small Key (Tower of Hera)
[dungeon-L3-1F] Tower of Hera - Entrance: Nothing
[dungeon-L3-1F] Tower of Hera - Basement: Big Key (Tower of Hera)
[dungeon-L3-1F] Tower of Hera - 4F [small chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-L3-1F] Tower of Hera - Big Chest: Moon Pearl
Moldorm - Heart Container: Nothing
Moldorm - Pendant: Red Pendant
Piece of Heart (Pyramid): Nothing
Catfish: Quake
Flute Boy: Shovel
Piece of Heart (Digging Game): Nothing
Bombos Tablet: Bombos
[cave-073] Cave Northeast of Swamp Palace [top chest]: Nothing
[cave-073] Cave Northeast of Swamp Palace [top middle chest]: Nothing
[cave-073] Cave Northeast of Swamp Palace [bottom middle chest]: Nothing
[cave-073] Cave Northeast of Swamp Palace [bottom chest]: Nothing
[cave-073] Cave Northeast of Swamp Palace [generous guy]: Nothing
Piece of Heart (Dark World Blacksmith Pegs): Nothing
Pyramid Fairy [left chest]: Golden Sword
Pyramid Fairy [right chest]: Silver Arrows
[cave-063] Doorless Hut: Nothing
[cave-062] C-Shaped House: Nothing
Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest Game): Nothing
Piece of Heart (Bumper Cave): Nothing
[cave-071] Misery Mire West Area [left chest]: Nothing
[cave-071] Misery Mire West Area [right chest]: Nothing
[cave-057-1F] Dark World Death Mountain Climb [top chest]: Nothing
[cave-057-1F] Dark World Death Mountain Climb [bottom chest]: Nothing
[cave-055] Spike Cave: Cane of Byrna
[cave-056] Hookshot Cave [top right chest]: Nothing
[cave-056] Hookshot Cave [top left chest]: Nothing
[cave-056] Hookshot Cave [bottom right chest]: Nothing
[cave-056] Hookshot Cave [bottom left chest]: Nothing
Piece of Heart (Death Mountain - Floating Island): Nothing
[cave-013] Mimic Cave: Nothing
[dungeon-D2-1F] Swamp Palace - First Room: Small Key (Swamp Palace)
[dungeon-D2-1F] Swamp Palace - Map Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D2-B1] Swamp Palace - Big Chest: Hookshot
[dungeon-D2-B1] Swamp Palace - South of Hookshot Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D2-B1] Swamp Palace - Big Key Chest: Big Key (Swamp Palace)
[dungeon-D2-B1] Swamp Palace - Compass Chest: Nothing
[dungeon-D2-B2] Swamp Palace - Flooded Room [left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D2-B2] Swamp Palace - Flooded Room [right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D2-B2] Swamp Palace - Waterfall Room: Nothing
Arrghus - Heart Container: Nothing
Arrghus - Crystal: Crystal 2
[dungeon-D4-B1] Thieves Town - Bottom Left of Huge Room [bottom right chest]: Big Key (Thieves Town)
[dungeon-D4-B1] Thieves Town - Bottom Left of Huge Room [top left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D4-B1] Thieves Town - Bottom Right of Huge Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D4-B1] Thieves Town - Top Left of Huge Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D4-1F] Thieves Town - Room above Boss: Nothing
[dungeon-D4-B2] Thieves Town - Big Chest: Titans Mitts
[dungeon-D4-B2] Thieves Town - Chest next to Blind: Small Key (Thieves Town)
Blind - Heart Container: Nothing
Blind - Crystal: Crystal 4
[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - Compass Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - East of Big Chest: Nothing
[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - Big Chest: Fire Rod
[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - Push Statue Room: Small Key (Skull Woods)
[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - South of Big Chest: Small Key (Skull Woods)
[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - Big Key Room: Big Key (Skull Woods)
[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - Final Section Entrance: Small Key (Skull Woods)
Mothula - Heart Container: Nothing
Mothula - Crystal: Crystal 3
[dungeon-D5-B1] Ice Palace - Compass Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D5-B4] Ice Palace - Above Big Chest: Nothing
[dungeon-D5-B5] Ice Palace - Big Chest: Blue Mail
[dungeon-D5-B5] Ice Palace - Jellyfish Room: Small Key (Ice Palace)
[dungeon-D5-B3] Ice Palace - Spike Room: Small Key (Ice Palace)
[dungeon-D5-B1] Ice Palace - Big Key Room: Big Key (Ice Palace)
[dungeon-D5-B2] Ice Palace - Map Room: Nothing
Kholdstare - Heart Container: Nothing
Kholdstare - Crystal: Crystal 5
[dungeon-D6-B1] Misery Mire - Big Chest: Cane of Somaria
[dungeon-D6-B1] Misery Mire - Map Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D6-B1] Misery Mire - Hub Room: Small Key (Misery Mire)
[dungeon-D6-B1] Misery Mire - End of Bridge: Small Key (Misery Mire)
[dungeon-D6-B1] Misery Mire - Spike Room: Small Key (Misery Mire)
[dungeon-D6-B1] Misery Mire - Compass Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D6-B1] Misery Mire - Big Key Room: Big Key (Misery Mire)
Vitreous - Heart Container: Nothing
Vitreous - Crystal: Crystal 6
[dungeon-D7-1F] Turtle Rock - Compass Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D7-1F] Turtle Rock - Map Room [left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D7-1F] Turtle Rock - Map Room [right chest]: Small Key (Turtle Rock)
[dungeon-D7-1F] Turtle Rock - Chain Chomp Room: Small Key (Turtle Rock)
[dungeon-D7-B1] Turtle Rock - Big Key Room: Big Key (Turtle Rock)
[dungeon-D7-B1] Turtle Rock - Big Chest: Mirror Shield
[dungeon-D7-B1] Turtle Rock - Roller Switch Room: Small Key (Turtle Rock)
[dungeon-D7-B2] Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge Room [bottom left chest]: Small Key (Turtle Rock)
[dungeon-D7-B2] Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge Room [bottom right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D7-B2] Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge Room [top left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D7-B2] Turtle Rock - Eye Bridge Room [top right chest]: Nothing
Trinexx - Heart Container: Nothing
Trinexx - Crystal: Crystal 7
[dungeon-D1-B1] Dark Palace - Shooter Room: Small Key (Palace of Darkness)
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Jump Room [left chest]: Small Key (Palace of Darkness)
[dungeon-D1-B1] Dark Palace - Turtle Stalfos Room: Small Key (Palace of Darkness)
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Big Key Room: Big Key (Palace of Darkness)
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Jump Room [right chest]: Small Key (Palace of Darkness)
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Statue Push Room: Nothing
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Compass Room: Nothing
# logic cannot account for hammer and small key in maze
[dungeon-D1-B1] Dark Palace - Dark Room [left chest]: Small Key (Palace of Darkness)
[dungeon-D1-B1] Dark Palace - Dark Room [right chest]: Small Key (Palace of Darkness)
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Maze Room [top chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Maze Room [bottom chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Big Chest: Hammer
[dungeon-D1-1F] Dark Palace - Spike Statue Room: Nothing
Helmasaur - Heart Container: Nothing
Helmasaur - Crystal: Crystal 1
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Torch: Small Key (Ganons Tower)
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Right Staircase [left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Right Staircase [right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Tile Room: Small Key (Ganons Tower)
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Compass Room [top left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Compass Room [top right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Compass Room [bottom left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Compass Room [bottom right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - North of Hookshot Room [top left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - North of Hookshot Room [top right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - North of Hookshot Room [bottom left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - North of Hookshot Room [bottom right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Map Room: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Firesnake Room: Small Key (Ganons Tower)
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Teleport Room [top left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Teleport Room [top right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Teleport Room [bottom left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Teleport Room [bottom right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - above Armos: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-1F] Ganons Tower - Big Chest: Red Mail
[dungeon-A2-B1] Ganons Tower - Armos Room [left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-B1] Ganons Tower - Armos Room [right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-B1] Ganons Tower - Armos Room [bottom chest]: Big Key (Ganons Tower)
[dungeon-A2-6F] Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room [left chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-6F] Ganons Tower - Mini Helmasaur Room [right chest]: Nothing
[dungeon-A2-6F] Ganons Tower - Room before Moldorm: Small Key (Ganons Tower)
[dungeon-A2-6F] Ganons Tower - Moldorm Room: Nothing
Ganon: Triforce