LttP: Remove no longer reachable code

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2021-08-09 06:19:01 +02:00
parent f19878fcb8
commit cc458ca5b1
1 changed files with 1 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -285,64 +285,11 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
reduceflashing=args.reduceflashing[player] or args.race,
mcsb_name = ''
if all([world.mapshuffle[player], world.compassshuffle[player], world.keyshuffle[player],
mcsb_name = '-keysanity'
elif [world.mapshuffle[player], world.compassshuffle[player], world.keyshuffle[player],
world.bigkeyshuffle[player]].count(True) == 1:
mcsb_name = '-mapshuffle' if world.mapshuffle[player] else \
'-compassshuffle' if world.compassshuffle[player] else \
'-universal_keys' if world.keyshuffle[player] == "universal" else \
'-keyshuffle' if world.keyshuffle[player] else '-bigkeyshuffle'
elif any([world.mapshuffle[player], world.compassshuffle[player], world.keyshuffle[player],
mcsb_name = '-%s%s%s%sshuffle' % (
'M' if world.mapshuffle[player] else '', 'C' if world.compassshuffle[player] else '',
'U' if world.keyshuffle[player] == "universal" else 'S' if world.keyshuffle[player] else '',
'B' if world.bigkeyshuffle[player] else '')
outfilepname = f'_P{player}'
outfilepname += f"_{world.player_names[player][team].replace(' ', '_')}" \
if world.player_names[player][team] != 'Player%d' % player else ''
outfilestuffs = {
"logic": world.logic[player], # 0
"difficulty": world.difficulty[player], # 1
"item_functionality": world.item_functionality[player], # 2
"mode": world.mode[player], # 3
"goal": world.goal[player], # 4
"timer": str(world.timer[player]), # 5
"shuffle": world.shuffle[player], # 6
"algorithm": world.algorithm, # 7
"mscb": mcsb_name, # 8
"retro": world.retro[player], # 9
"progressive":, # A
"hints": 'True' if world.hints[player] else 'False' # B
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B
outfilesuffix = ('_%s_%s-%s-%s-%s%s_%s-%s%s%s%s%s' % (
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C
# _noglitches_normal-normal-open-ganon-ohko_simple-balanced-keysanity-retro-prog_random-nohints
# _noglitches_normal-normal-open-ganon _simple-balanced-keysanity-retro
# _noglitches_normal-normal-open-ganon _simple-balanced-keysanity -prog_random
# _noglitches_normal-normal-open-ganon _simple-balanced-keysanity -nohints
outfilestuffs["logic"], # 0
outfilestuffs["difficulty"], # 1
outfilestuffs["item_functionality"], # 2
outfilestuffs["mode"], # 3
outfilestuffs["goal"], # 4
"" if outfilestuffs["timer"] in ['False', 'none', 'display'] else "-" + outfilestuffs["timer"], # 5
outfilestuffs["shuffle"], # 6
outfilestuffs["algorithm"], # 7
outfilestuffs["mscb"], # 8
"-retro" if outfilestuffs["retro"] == "True" else "", # 9
"-prog_" + outfilestuffs["progressive"] if outfilestuffs["progressive"] in ['off', 'random'] else "", # A
"-nohints" if not outfilestuffs["hints"] == "True" else "") # B
) if not args.outputname else ''
rompath = os.path.join(output_directory, f'{outfilebase}{outfilepname}{outfilesuffix}.sfc')
rompath = os.path.join(output_directory, f'{outfilebase}{outfilepname}.sfc')
rom.write_to_file(rompath, hide_enemizer=True)
Patch.create_patch_file(rompath, player=player, player_name=world.player_names[player][team])