remove IRH special rule now that it's a 1/1 triforce piece hunt

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2021-06-13 07:57:34 +02:00
parent 86b612f3b5
commit cea2f81b86
3 changed files with 8 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import typing
import collections
import itertools
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, PlandoItem, Location
from BaseClasses import CollectionState, PlandoItem, Location, MultiWorld
from worlds.alttp.Items import ItemFactory
from worlds.alttp.Regions import key_drop_data
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class FillError(RuntimeError):
def fill_restrictive(world, base_state: CollectionState, locations, itempool, single_player_placement=False,
def fill_restrictive(world: MultiWorld, base_state: CollectionState, locations, itempool, single_player_placement=False,
def sweep_from_pool():
new_state = base_state.copy()
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def fill_restrictive(world, base_state: CollectionState, locations, itempool, si
def distribute_items_restrictive(world, gftower_trash=False, fill_locations=None):
def distribute_items_restrictive(world: MultiWorld, gftower_trash=False, fill_locations=None):
# If not passed in, then get a shuffled list of locations to fill in
if not fill_locations:
fill_locations = world.get_unfilled_locations()
@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ def distribute_items_restrictive(world, gftower_trash=False, fill_locations=None
logging.warning(f'Unplaced items({len(unplaced)}): {unplaced} - Unfilled Locations({len(unfilled)}): {unfilled}')
def fast_fill(world, item_pool: typing.List, fill_locations: typing.List) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List, typing.List]:
def fast_fill(world: MultiWorld, item_pool: typing.List, fill_locations: typing.List) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List, typing.List]:
placing = min(len(item_pool), len(fill_locations))
for item, location in zip(item_pool, fill_locations):
world.push_item(location, item, False)
return item_pool[placing:], fill_locations[placing:]
def flood_items(world):
def flood_items(world: MultiWorld):
# get items to distribute
itempool = world.itempool
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ def flood_items(world):
def balance_multiworld_progression(world):
def balance_multiworld_progression(world: MultiWorld):
balanceable_players = {player for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if world.progression_balancing[player]}
if not balanceable_players:'Skipping multiworld progression balancing.')
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ def swap_location_item(location_1: Location, location_2: Location, check_locked=
location_1.event, location_2.event = location_2.event, location_1.event
def distribute_planned(world):
def distribute_planned(world: MultiWorld):
world_name_lookup = world.world_name_lookup
for player in world.player_ids:

View File

@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ SCOUTREPLY_ITEM_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x4D9 # 1 byte
SHOP_ADDR = SAVEDATA_START + 0x302 # 2 bytes
location_shop_order = [name for name, info in
Shops.shop_table.items()] # probably don't leave this here. This relies on python 3.6+ dictionary keys having defined order
location_shop_ids = set([info[0] for name, info in Shops.shop_table.items()])
location_table_uw = {"Blind's Hideout - Top": (0x11d, 0x10),
@ -704,9 +702,6 @@ def get_tags(ctx: Context):
return tags
async def track_locations(ctx: Context, roomid, roomdata):
new_locations = []
@ -718,7 +713,7 @@ async def track_locations(ctx: Context, roomid, roomdata):
if roomid in location_shop_ids:
misc_data = await snes_read(ctx, SHOP_ADDR, (len(location_shop_order) * 3) + 5)
misc_data = await snes_read(ctx, SHOP_ADDR, (len(Shops.shop_table) * 3) + 5)
for cnt, b in enumerate(misc_data):
if int(b) and (Shops.SHOP_ID_START + cnt) not in ctx.locations_checked:
new_check(Shops.SHOP_ID_START + cnt)

View File

@ -241,8 +241,6 @@ def generate_itempool(world, player: int):
world.push_item(world.get_location('Ganon', player), ItemFactory('Triforce', player), False)
if world.goal[player] == 'icerodhunt':
world.progression_balancing[player] = False
loc = world.get_location('Turtle Rock - Boss', player)
@ -255,7 +253,6 @@ def generate_itempool(world, player: int):
logging.warning(f'Cannot guarantee that Trinexx is the boss of Turtle Rock for player {player}')
loc.event = True
loc.locked = True
forbid_items_for_player(loc, {'Red Pendant', 'Green Pendant', 'Blue Pendant', 'Crystal 5', 'Crystal 6'}, player)
itemdiff = difficulties[world.difficulty[player]]
itempool = []