some changes

This commit is contained in:
qadan 2020-02-06 12:20:50 -04:00
parent 766215f056
commit d22ccdedb3
6 changed files with 31 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from Utils import int16_as_bytes
class World(object):
def __init__(self, players, shuffle, logic, mode, swords, difficulty, difficulty_adjustments, timer, progressive, goal, algorithm, accessibility, shuffle_ganon, retro, custom, customitemarray, hints, text):
def __init__(self, players, shuffle, logic, mode, swords, difficulty, difficulty_adjustments, timer, progressive, goal, algorithm, accessibility, shuffle_ganon, retro, custom, customitemarray, hints):
self.players = players
self.teams = 1
self.shuffle = shuffle.copy()
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ class World(object):
self.dynamic_locations = []
self.spoiler = Spoiler(self)
self.lamps_needed_for_dark_rooms = 1
self.text = text
for player in range(1, players + 1):
def set_player_attr(attr, val):

View File

@ -276,7 +276,6 @@ def parse_arguments(argv, no_defaults=False):
parser.add_argument('--race', default=defval(False), action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--text', default=defval('text'), choices=['text', 'fantatext'])
if multiargs.multi:
for player in range(1, multiargs.multi + 1):
@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ def parse_arguments(argv, no_defaults=False):
'retro', 'accessibility', 'hints', 'beemizer',
'shufflebosses', 'shuffleenemies', 'enemy_health', 'enemy_damage', 'shufflepots',
'ow_palettes', 'uw_palettes', 'sprite', 'disablemusic', 'quickswap', 'fastmenu', 'heartcolor', 'heartbeep',
'remote_items', 'text']:
value = getattr(defaults, name) if getattr(playerargs, name) is None else getattr(playerargs, name)
if player == 1:
setattr(ret, name, {1: value})

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
start = time.process_time()
# initialize the world
world = World(args.multi, args.shuffle, args.logic, args.mode, args.swords, args.difficulty, args.item_functionality, args.timer,, args.goal, args.algorithm, args.accessibility, args.shuffleganon, args.retro, args.custom, args.customitemarray, args.hints, args.text)
world = World(args.multi, args.shuffle, args.logic, args.mode, args.swords, args.difficulty, args.item_functionality, args.timer,, args.goal, args.algorithm, args.accessibility, args.shuffleganon, args.retro, args.custom, args.customitemarray, args.hints)
logger = logging.getLogger('')
if seed is None:
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
def copy_world(world):
# ToDo: Not good yet
ret = World(world.players, world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.swords, world.difficulty, world.difficulty_adjustments, world.timer,, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.accessibility, world.shuffle_ganon, world.retro, world.custom, world.customitemarray, world.hints, world.text)
ret = World(world.players, world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.swords, world.difficulty, world.difficulty_adjustments, world.timer,, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.accessibility, world.shuffle_ganon, world.retro, world.custom, world.customitemarray, world.hints)
ret.teams = world.teams
ret.player_names = copy.deepcopy(world.player_names)
ret.remote_items = world.remote_items.copy()

View File

@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ def roll_settings(weights):
ret.heartbeep = get_choice('heartbeep', romweights)
ret.ow_palettes = get_choice('ow_palettes', romweights)
ret.uw_palettes = get_choice('uw_palettes', romweights)
ret.text = get_choice('text', romweights)
return ret

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ from Dungeons import dungeon_music_addresses
from Regions import location_table
from Text import MultiByteTextMapper, CompressedTextMapper, text_addresses, Credits
from Text import TextTable, Uncle_texts, Ganon1_texts, TavernMan_texts, Sahasrahla2_texts, Triforce_texts, Blind_texts, BombShop2_texts, junk_texts
from Text import KingsReturn_texts, Sanctuary_texts, Kakariko_texts, Blacksmiths_texts, DeathMountain_texts, LostWoods_texts, WishingWell_texts, DesertPalace_texts, MountainTower_texts, LinksHouse_texts, Lumberjacks_texts, SickKid_texts, FluteBoy_texts, Zora_texts, MagicShop_texts, Sahasrahla_names
from Utils import output_path, local_path, int16_as_bytes, int32_as_bytes, snes_to_pc
from Items import ItemFactory
from EntranceShuffle import door_addresses
@ -1534,12 +1536,6 @@ def write_string_to_rom(rom, target, string):
def write_strings(rom, world, player, team):
if world.text[player] == 'text':
from Text import TextTable, Uncle_texts, Ganon1_texts, TavernMan_texts, Sahasrahla2_texts, Triforce_texts, Blind_texts, BombShop2_texts, junk_texts
from Text import KingsReturn_texts, Sanctuary_texts, Kakariko_texts, Blacksmiths_texts, DeathMountain_texts, LostWoods_texts, WishingWell_texts, DesertPalace_texts, MountainTower_texts, LinksHouse_texts, Lumberjacks_texts, SickKid_texts, FluteBoy_texts, Zora_texts, MagicShop_texts, Sahasrahla_names
elif world.text[player] == 'fantatext':
from FantaText import TextTable, Uncle_texts, Ganon1_texts, TavernMan_texts, Sahasrahla2_texts, Triforce_texts, Blind_texts, BombShop2_texts, junk_texts
from FantaText import KingsReturn_texts, Sanctuary_texts, Kakariko_texts, Blacksmiths_texts, DeathMountain_texts, LostWoods_texts, WishingWell_texts, DesertPalace_texts, MountainTower_texts, LinksHouse_texts, Lumberjacks_texts, SickKid_texts, FluteBoy_texts, Zora_texts, MagicShop_texts, Sahasrahla_names
tt = TextTable()

View File

@ -793,6 +793,15 @@ def overworld_glitches_rules(world, player):
'Dark Blacksmith Ruins',
'Bumper Cave Ledge',
dw_bunny_accessible_locations = [
'Thieves Town',
'Graveyard Ledge Mirror Spot',
'Kings Grave Mirror Spot',
'Bumper Cave Entrance Rock',
'Village of Outcasts Pegs',
'Village of Outcasts Eastern Rocks',
# set up boots-accessible regions
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
lw_boots_accessible_entrances.append('Cave 45')
@ -807,22 +816,25 @@ def overworld_glitches_rules(world, player):
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Turtle Rock Teleporter', player), lambda state: state.has_Boots(player) and state.has('Hammer', player), 'or')
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Checkerboard Cave', player), lambda state: state.has_Boots(player) and state.can_lift_rocks(player), 'or')
# ton of boots-accessible locations.
needs_boots = lambda state: state.has_Boots(player)
needs_boots_and_pearl = lambda state: state.has_Boots(player) and state.has_Pearl(player)
for entrance in lw_boots_accessible_entrances:
add_rule(world.get_entrance(entrance, player), needs_boots_and_pearl if world.mode[player] == 'inverted' else needs_boots, 'or')
for location in lw_boots_accessible_locations:
add_rule(world.get_location(location, player), needs_boots_and_pearl if world.mode[player] == 'inverted' else needs_boots, 'or')
# no inverted rules here; no DMD bunny known so far
for entrance in dw_boots_accessible_entrances:
add_rule(world.get_entrance(entrance, player), needs_boots_and_pearl, 'or')
add_rule(world.get_entrance(entrance, player), needs_boots_and_pearl if world.mode[player] != 'inverted' else needs_boots, 'or')
for location in dw_boots_accessible_locations:
add_rule(world.get_location(location, player), needs_boots_and_pearl, 'or')
add_rule(world.get_location(location, player), needs_boots_and_pearl if world.mode[player] != 'inverted' else needs_boots, 'or')
# bunny DMD rules
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
# set up some mirror-accessible dw entrances.
boots_and_mirror = lambda state: state.has_Boots(player) and state.has_Mirror(player)
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Dark Sanctuary Hint', player), boots_and_mirror, 'or') # should suffice to give us west dark world access
for spot in world.get_region('West Dark World', player).locations:
if spot not in dw_bunny_accessible_locations:
add_rule(world.get_location(spot, player), boots_and_mirror, 'or')
for spot in world.get_region('Dark Death Mountain (East Bottom)', player).locations:
add_rule(world.get_location(spot, player), boots_and_mirror, 'or')
# dw entrances accessible with mirror and hookshot
@ -839,31 +851,13 @@ def overworld_glitches_rules(world, player):
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Mire Shed', player), boots_mirror_titans, 'or')
add_rule(world.get_location('Frog', player), boots_mirror_titans, 'or')
# all entrances you can't mirror bunny into. @todo: use for inverted
invalid_mirror_bunny_entrances_lw = [
'Bonk Rock Cave',
'Bonk Fairy (Light)',
'Blinds Hideout',
'50 Rupee Cave',
'20 Rupee Cave',
'Checkerboard Cave',
'Light Hype Fairy',
'Waterfall of Wishing',
'Light World Bomb Hut',
'Mini Moldorm Cave',
'Ice Rod Cave',
'Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance Stairs',
'Sanctuary Grave',
'Kings Grave',
'Tower of Hera',
# also, you can do mini moldorm cave and spiral cave - but you need a sword
superbunny_mirror_sword = lambda state: state.has_Boots(player) and state.has_Mirror(player) and state.has_sword(player)
# also, you can do mini moldorm cave and spiral cave - but we're going to consider it required to have a weapon that doesn't require magic and is guaranteed to kill.
superbunny_mirror_weapon = lambda state: state.has_Boots(player) and state.has_Mirror(player) and (state.has_sword(player) or state.has('Hammer', player))
mini_moldorm_cave = world.get_region('Mini Moldorm Cave', player)
if check_is_dark_world(mini_moldorm_cave):
for spot in mini_moldorm_cave.locations:
add_rule(world.get_location(spot, player), superbunny_mirror_sword, 'or')
add_rule(world.get_location('Spiral Cave', player), superbunny_mirror_sword, 'or')
add_rule(world.get_location(spot, player), superbunny_mirror_weapon, 'or')
add_rule(world.get_location('Spiral Cave', player), superbunny_mirror_weapon, 'or')
add_conditional_lamps(world, player)
@ -1487,8 +1481,8 @@ def set_inverted_bunny_rules(world, player):
# Note spiral cave may be technically passible, but it would be too absurd to require since OHKO mode is a thing.
bunny_impassable_caves = ['Bumper Cave', 'Two Brothers House', 'Hookshot Cave', 'Skull Woods First Section (Right)', 'Skull Woods First Section (Left)', 'Skull Woods First Section (Top)', 'Turtle Rock (Entrance)', 'Turtle Rock (Second Section)', 'Turtle Rock (Big Chest)', 'Skull Woods Second Section (Drop)',
'Turtle Rock (Eye Bridge)', 'Sewers', 'Pyramid', 'Spiral Cave (Top)', 'Desert Palace Main (Inner)', 'Fairy Ascension Cave (Drop)', 'The Sky']
bunny_accessible_locations = ['Link\'s Uncle', 'Sahasrahla', 'Sick Kid', 'Lost Woods Hideout', 'Lumberjack Tree', 'Checkerboard Cave', 'Potion Shop', 'Spectacle Rock Cave', 'Pyramid', 'Hype Cave - Generous Guy', 'Peg Cave', 'Bumper Cave Ledge', 'Dark Blacksmith Ruins', 'Bombos Tablet', 'Ether Tablet', 'Purple Chest']
invalid_mirror_bunny_entrances_lw = ['Bonk Rock Cave', 'Bonk Fairy (Light)', 'Blinds Hideout', '50 Rupee Cave', '20 Rupee Cave', 'Checkerboard Cave', 'Light Hype Fairy', 'Waterfall of Wishing', 'Light World Bomb Hut', 'Mini Moldorm Cave', 'Ice Rod Cave', 'Hyrule Castle Secret Entrance Stairs', 'Sanctuary Grave', 'Kings Grave', 'Tower of Hera']
def path_to_access_rule(path, entrance):
return lambda state: state.can_reach(entrance) and all(rule(state) for rule in path)
@ -1496,8 +1490,10 @@ def set_inverted_bunny_rules(world, player):
def options_to_access_rule(options):
return lambda state: any(rule(state) for rule in options)
def get_rule_to_add(region):
def get_rule_to_add(region, location = None):
if not region.is_dark_world:
if world.logic[player] == 'owglitches' and location in bunny_accessible_locations and not in invalid_mirror_bunny_entrances_lw:
return lambda state: (state.can_reach(region) and state.has_Mirror(player)) or state.has_Pearl(player)
return lambda state: state.has_Pearl(player)
# in this case we are mixed region.
# we collect possible options.
@ -1549,6 +1545,6 @@ def set_inverted_bunny_rules(world, player):
if in bunny_accessible_locations:
add_rule(location, get_rule_to_add(location.parent_region))
add_rule(location, get_rule_to_add(location.parent_region,