fix some fun auto-reformat-code

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2020-02-16 15:41:05 +01:00
parent a990249762
commit d3519dbaa1
1 changed files with 35 additions and 100 deletions

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@ -51,100 +51,39 @@ item_table = {'Bow': (True, False, None, 0x0B, 'You have\nchosen the\narcher cla
'Bottle (Red Potion)': (True, False, None, 0x2B, 'Hearty red goop!', 'and the red goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has red goo again', 'a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Green Potion)': (True, False, None, 0x2C, 'Refreshing green goop!', 'and the green goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has green goo again', 'a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Blue Potion)': (True, False, None, 0x2D, 'Delicious blue goop!', 'and the blue goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has blue goo again', 'a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Fairy)': (
True, False, None, 0x3D, 'Save me and I will revive you', 'and the captive', 'the tingle kid',
'hostage for sale', 'fairy dust and shrooms', 'bottle boy has friend again', 'a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Bee)': (
True, False, None, 0x3C, 'I will sting your foes a few times', 'and the sting buddy', 'the beekeeper kid',
'insect for sale', 'shroom pollenation', 'bottle boy has mad bee again', 'a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Good Bee)': (
True, False, None, 0x48, 'I will sting your foes a whole lot!', 'and the sparkle sting',
'the beekeeper kid', 'insect for sale', 'shroom pollenation', 'bottle boy has beetor again', 'a Bottle'),
'Master Sword': (
True, False, 'Sword', 0x50, 'I beat barries and pigs alike', 'and the master sword', 'sword-wielding kid',
'glow sword for sale', 'fungus for blue slasher', 'sword boy fights again', 'the Master Sword'),
'Tempered Sword': (True, False, 'Sword', 0x02, 'I stole the\nblacksmith\'s\njob!', 'the tempered sword',
'sword-wielding kid', 'flame sword for sale', 'fungus for red slasher',
'sword boy fights again', 'the Tempered Sword'),
'Fighter Sword': (
True, False, 'Sword', 0x49, 'A pathetic\nsword rests\nhere!', 'the tiny sword', 'sword-wielding kid',
'tiny sword for sale', 'fungus for tiny slasher', 'sword boy fights again', 'the small sword'),
'Golden Sword': (True, False, 'Sword', 0x03, 'The butter\nsword rests\nhere!', 'and the butter sword',
'sword-wielding kid', 'butter for sale', 'cap churned to butter',
'sword boy fights again', 'the Golden Sword'),
'Progressive Sword': (
True, False, 'Sword', 0x5E, 'a better copy\nof your sword\nfor your time', 'the unknown sword',
'sword-wielding kid', 'sword for sale', 'fungus for some slasher', 'sword boy fights again', 'a sword'),
'Progressive Glove': (
True, False, None, 0x61, 'a way to lift\nheavier things', 'and the lift upgrade', 'body-building kid',
'some glove for sale', 'fungus for gloves', 'body-building boy lifts again', 'a glove'),
'Silver Arrows': (True, False, None, 0x58, 'Do you fancy\nsilver tipped\narrows?', 'and the ganonsbane',
'ganon-killing kid', 'ganon doom for sale', 'fungus for pork',
'archer boy shines again', 'the silver arrows'),
'Green Pendant': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x04, 0x38, 0x62, 0x00, 0x69, 0x01), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Red Pendant': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x02, 0x34, 0x60, 0x00, 0x69, 0x02), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Blue Pendant': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x01, 0x32, 0x60, 0x00, 0x69, 0x03), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Triforce': (
True, False, None, 0x6A, '\n YOU WIN!', 'and the triforce', 'victorious kid', 'victory for sale',
'fungus for the win', 'greedy boy wins game again', 'the Triforce'),
'Power Star': (
True, False, None, 0x6B, 'a small victory', 'and the power star', 'star-struck kid', 'star for sale',
'see stars with shroom', 'mario powers up again', 'a Power Star'),
'Triforce Piece': (
True, False, None, 0x6C, 'a small victory', 'and the thirdforce', 'triangular kid', 'triangle for sale',
'fungus for triangle', 'wise boy has triangle again', 'a Triforce Piece'),
'Crystal 1': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x02, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x7F, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 2': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x10, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x79, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 3': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x40, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6C, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 4': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x20, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6D, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 5': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x04, 0x32, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6E, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 6': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x01, 0x32, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6F, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 7': (
True, False, 'Crystal', (0x08, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x7C, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Single Arrow': (
False, False, None, 0x43, 'a lonely arrow\nsits here.', 'and the arrow', 'stick-collecting kid',
'sewing needle for sale', 'fungus for arrow', 'archer boy sews again', 'an arrow'),
'Arrows (10)': (
False, False, None, 0x44, 'This will give\nyou ten shots\nwith your bow!', 'and the arrow pack',
'stick-collecting kid', 'sewing kit for sale', 'fungus for arrows', 'archer boy sews again',
'ten arrows'),
'Arrow Upgrade (+10)': (
False, False, None, 0x54, 'increase arrow\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the quiver',
'quiver-enlarging kid', 'arrow boost for sale', 'witch and more skewers', 'upgrade boy sews more again',
'arrow capacity'),
'Arrow Upgrade (+5)': (
False, False, None, 0x53, 'increase arrow\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the quiver',
'quiver-enlarging kid', 'arrow boost for sale', 'witch and more skewers', 'upgrade boy sews more again',
'arrow capacity'),
'Single Bomb': (False, False, None, 0x27, 'I make things\ngo BOOM! But\njust once.', 'and the explosion',
'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecracker for sale', 'blend fungus into bomb',
'\'splosion boy explodes again', 'a bomb'),
'Bombs (3)': (False, False, None, 0x28, 'I make things\ngo triple\nBOOM!!!', 'and the explosions',
'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecrackers for sale', 'blend fungus into bombs',
'\'splosion boy explodes again', 'three bombs'),
'Bombs (10)': (False, False, None, 0x31, 'I make things\ngo BOOM! Ten\ntimes!', 'and the explosions',
'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecrackers for sale', 'blend fungus into bombs',
'\'splosion boy explodes again', 'ten bombs'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+10)': (
False, False, None, 0x52, 'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the bomb bag',
'boom-enlarging kid', 'bomb boost for sale', 'the shroom goes boom', 'upgrade boy explodes more again',
'bomb capacity'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+5)': (
False, False, None, 0x51, 'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the bomb bag',
'boom-enlarging kid', 'bomb boost for sale', 'the shroom goes boom', 'upgrade boy explodes more again',
'bomb capacity'),
'Blue Mail': (
False, True, None, 0x22, 'Now you\'re a\nblue elf!', 'and the banana hat', 'the protected kid',
'banana hat for sale', 'the clothing store', 'tailor boy banana hatted again', 'the blue mail'),
'Bottle (Fairy)': (True, False, None, 0x3D, 'Save me and I will revive you', 'and the captive', 'the tingle kid','hostage for sale', 'fairy dust and shrooms', 'bottle boy has friend again', 'a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Bee)': (True, False, None, 0x3C, 'I will sting your foes a few times', 'and the sting buddy', 'the beekeeper kid', 'insect for sale', 'shroom pollenation', 'bottle boy has mad bee again', 'a Bottle'),
'Bottle (Good Bee)': (True, False, None, 0x48, 'I will sting your foes a whole lot!', 'and the sparkle sting', 'the beekeeper kid', 'insect for sale', 'shroom pollenation', 'bottle boy has beetor again', 'a Bottle'),
'Master Sword': (True, False, 'Sword', 0x50, 'I beat barries and pigs alike', 'and the master sword', 'sword-wielding kid', 'glow sword for sale', 'fungus for blue slasher', 'sword boy fights again', 'the Master Sword'),
'Tempered Sword': (True, False, 'Sword', 0x02, 'I stole the\nblacksmith\'s\njob!', 'the tempered sword', 'sword-wielding kid', 'flame sword for sale', 'fungus for red slasher', 'sword boy fights again', 'the Tempered Sword'),
'Fighter Sword': (True, False, 'Sword', 0x49, 'A pathetic\nsword rests\nhere!', 'the tiny sword', 'sword-wielding kid', 'tiny sword for sale', 'fungus for tiny slasher', 'sword boy fights again', 'the small sword'),
'Golden Sword': (True, False, 'Sword', 0x03, 'The butter\nsword rests\nhere!', 'and the butter sword', 'sword-wielding kid', 'butter for sale', 'cap churned to butter', 'sword boy fights again', 'the Golden Sword'),
'Progressive Sword': (True, False, 'Sword', 0x5E, 'a better copy\nof your sword\nfor your time', 'the unknown sword', 'sword-wielding kid', 'sword for sale', 'fungus for some slasher', 'sword boy fights again', 'a sword'),
'Progressive Glove': (True, False, None, 0x61, 'a way to lift\nheavier things', 'and the lift upgrade', 'body-building kid', 'some glove for sale', 'fungus for gloves', 'body-building boy lifts again', 'a glove'),
'Silver Arrows': (True, False, None, 0x58, 'Do you fancy\nsilver tipped\narrows?', 'and the ganonsbane', 'ganon-killing kid', 'ganon doom for sale', 'fungus for pork', 'archer boy shines again', 'the silver arrows'),
'Green Pendant': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x04, 0x38, 0x62, 0x00, 0x69, 0x01), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Red Pendant': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x02, 0x34, 0x60, 0x00, 0x69, 0x02), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Blue Pendant': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x01, 0x32, 0x60, 0x00, 0x69, 0x03), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Triforce': (True, False, None, 0x6A, '\n YOU WIN!', 'and the triforce', 'victorious kid', 'victory for sale', 'fungus for the win', 'greedy boy wins game again', 'the Triforce'),
'Power Star': (True, False, None, 0x6B, 'a small victory', 'and the power star', 'star-struck kid', 'star for sale', 'see stars with shroom', 'mario powers up again', 'a Power Star'),
'Triforce Piece': (True, False, None, 0x6C, 'a small victory', 'and the thirdforce', 'triangular kid', 'triangle for sale', 'fungus for triangle', 'wise boy has triangle again', 'a Triforce Piece'),
'Crystal 1': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x02, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x7F, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 2': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x10, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x79, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 3': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x40, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6C, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 4': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x20, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6D, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 5': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x04, 0x32, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6E, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 6': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x01, 0x32, 0x64, 0x40, 0x6F, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Crystal 7': (True, False, 'Crystal', (0x08, 0x34, 0x64, 0x40, 0x7C, 0x06), None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Single Arrow': (False, False, None, 0x43, 'a lonely arrow\nsits here.', 'and the arrow', 'stick-collecting kid', 'sewing needle for sale', 'fungus for arrow', 'archer boy sews again', 'an arrow'),
'Arrows (10)': (False, False, None, 0x44, 'This will give\nyou ten shots\nwith your bow!', 'and the arrow pack', 'stick-collecting kid', 'sewing kit for sale', 'fungus for arrows', 'archer boy sews again', 'ten arrows'),
'Arrow Upgrade (+10)': (False, False, None, 0x54, 'increase arrow\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the quiver', 'quiver-enlarging kid', 'arrow boost for sale', 'witch and more skewers', 'upgrade boy sews more again', 'arrow capacity'),
'Arrow Upgrade (+5)': (False, False, None, 0x53, 'increase arrow\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the quiver', 'quiver-enlarging kid', 'arrow boost for sale', 'witch and more skewers', 'upgrade boy sews more again', 'arrow capacity'),
'Single Bomb': (False, False, None, 0x27, 'I make things\ngo BOOM! But\njust once.', 'and the explosion', 'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecracker for sale', 'blend fungus into bomb', '\'splosion boy explodes again', 'a bomb'),
'Bombs (3)': (False, False, None, 0x28, 'I make things\ngo triple\nBOOM!!!', 'and the explosions', 'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecrackers for sale', 'blend fungus into bombs', '\'splosion boy explodes again', 'three bombs'),
'Bombs (10)': (False, False, None, 0x31, 'I make things\ngo BOOM! Ten\ntimes!', 'and the explosions', 'the bomb-holding kid', 'firecrackers for sale', 'blend fungus into bombs', '\'splosion boy explodes again', 'ten bombs'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+10)': (False, False, None, 0x52, 'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the bomb bag', 'boom-enlarging kid', 'bomb boost for sale', 'the shroom goes boom', 'upgrade boy explodes more again', 'bomb capacity'),
'Bomb Upgrade (+5)': (False, False, None, 0x51, 'increase bomb\nstorage, low\nlow price', 'and the bomb bag', 'boom-enlarging kid', 'bomb boost for sale', 'the shroom goes boom', 'upgrade boy explodes more again', 'bomb capacity'),
'Blue Mail': (False, True, None, 0x22, 'Now you\'re a\nblue elf!', 'and the banana hat', 'the protected kid', 'banana hat for sale', 'the clothing store', 'tailor boy banana hatted again', 'the blue mail'),
'Red Mail': (False, True, None, 0x23, 'Now you\'re a\nred elf!', 'and the eggplant hat', 'well-protected kid', 'purple hat for sale', 'the nice clothing store', 'tailor boy fears nothing again', 'the red mail'),
'Progressive Armor': (False, True, None, 0x60, 'time for a\nchange of\nclothes?', 'and the unknown hat', 'the protected kid', 'new hat for sale', 'the clothing store', 'tailor boy has threads again', 'some armor'),
'Blue Boomerang': (True, False, None, 0x0C, 'No matter what\nyou do, blue\nreturns to you', 'and the bluemarang', 'the bat-throwing kid', 'bent stick for sale', 'fungus for puma-stick', 'throwing boy plays fetch again', 'the blue boomerang'),
@ -227,12 +166,8 @@ item_table = {'Bow': (True, False, None, 0x0B, 'You have\nchosen the\narcher cla
'Red Potion': (False, False, None, 0x2E, 'Hearty red goop!', 'and the red goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has red goo again', 'a red potion'),
'Green Potion': (False, False, None, 0x2F, 'Refreshing green goop!', 'and the green goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has green goo again', 'a green potion'),
'Blue Potion': (False, False, None, 0x30, 'Delicious blue goop!', 'and the blue goo', 'the liquid kid', 'potion for sale', 'free samples', 'bottle boy has blue goo again', 'a blue potion'),
'Bee': (False, False, None, 0x0E, 'I will sting your foes a few times', 'and the sting buddy',
'the beekeeper kid', 'insect for sale', 'shroom pollenation', 'bottle boy has mad bee again',
'a bee'),
'Small Heart': (
False, False, None, 0x42, 'Just a little\npiece of love!', 'and the heart', 'the life-giving kid',
'little love for sale', 'fungus for life', 'life boy feels some love again', 'a heart'),
'Bee': (False, False, None, 0x0E, 'I will sting your foes a few times', 'and the sting buddy', 'the beekeeper kid', 'insect for sale', 'shroom pollenation', 'bottle boy has mad bee again', 'a bee'),
'Small Heart': (False, False, None, 0x42, 'Just a little\npiece of love!', 'and the heart', 'the life-giving kid', 'little love for sale', 'fungus for life', 'life boy feels some love again', 'a heart'),
'Beat Agahnim 1': (True, False, 'Event', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Beat Agahnim 2': (True, False, 'Event', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None),
'Get Frog': (True, False, 'Event', None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None),