Add VT26 style shuffling of dungeon items

Also adds new VT26 algorithm type that uses this, and makes it the default.
the new type also includes the GT junk items randomization.
This commit is contained in:
Kevin Cathcart 2017-10-15 13:52:42 -04:00
parent a244b92665
commit d78a3ce7a5
7 changed files with 45 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class World(object):
goal = ['ganon', 'pedestal', 'dungeons', 'triforcehunt', 'crystals'].index(self.goal)
shuffle = ['vanilla', 'simple', 'restricted', 'full', 'madness', 'insanity', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonssimple'].index(self.shuffle)
difficulty = ['normal', 'timed', 'timed-ohko', 'timed-countdown'].index(self.difficulty)
algorithm = ['freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25'].index(self.algorithm)
algorithm = ['freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25', 'vt26'].index(self.algorithm)
beatableonly = 1 if self.check_beatable_only else 0
shuffleganon = 1 if self.shuffle_ganon else 0
return logic | (beatableonly << 1) | (dungeonitems << 2) | (shuffleganon << 3) | (goal << 4) | (shuffle << 7) | (difficulty << 11) | (algorithm << 13) | (mode << 16)

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@ -102,6 +102,27 @@ def fill_dungeons(world):
def fill_dungeons_restrictive(world):
from Main import fill_restrictive
all_state_base = world.get_all_state()
world.push_item(world.get_location('[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - South of Big Chest'), ItemFactory('Small Key (Skull Woods)'), False)
world.get_location('[dungeon-D3-B1] Skull Woods - South of Big Chest').event = True
dungeon_items = [item for dungeon in world.dungeons for item in dungeon.all_items]
#sort in the order Big Key, Small Key, Other before placing dungeon items
dungeon_items.sort(key=lambda item:sort_order.get(item.type, 1) )
fill_restrictive(world, all_state_base, shuffled_locations, dungeon_items)
dungeon_music_addresses = {'Armos - Pendant': [0x1559A],
'Lanmolas - Pendant': [0x1559B, 0x1559C, 0x1559D, 0x1559E],
'Moldorm - Pendant': [0x155C5, 0x1107A, 0x10B8C],

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@ -71,9 +71,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
Timed mode. If time runs out, you lose (but can
still keep playing).
parser.add_argument('--algorithm', default='vt25', const='vt25', nargs='?', choices=['freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25'],
parser.add_argument('--algorithm', default='vt26', const='vt26', nargs='?', choices=['freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25', 'vt26'],
Select item filling algorithm. (default: %(default)s)
Select item filling algorithm. (default: %(default)s
vt26: Shuffle items and place them in a random location
that it is not impossible to be in. This includes
dungeon keys and items. Includes slight deliberate
bias against having too many desireable items in
Ganon's Tower.
vt25: Shuffle items and place them in a random location
that it is not impossible to be in.
vt21: Unbiased in its selection, but has tendency to put

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@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ def guiMain(args=None):
algorithmFrame = Frame(drowDownFrame)
algorithmVar = StringVar()
algorithmOptionMenu = OptionMenu(algorithmFrame, algorithmVar, 'freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25')
algorithmOptionMenu = OptionMenu(algorithmFrame, algorithmVar, 'freshness', 'flood', 'vt21', 'vt22', 'vt25', 'vt26')
algorithmLabel = Label(algorithmFrame, text='Item distribution algorithm')

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def ItemFactory(items):
return ret
# Format: Name: (Advancement, Priority, Type, Crystal, ItemCode, Altar Hint Text, Altar Credit Text, Sick Kid Credit Text, Zora Credit Text, Witch Credit Text, Flute Boy Credit Text)
# Format: Name: (Advancement, Priority, Type, ItemCode, Altar Hint Text, Altar Credit Text, Sick Kid Credit Text, Zora Credit Text, Witch Credit Text, Flute Boy Credit Text)
item_table = {'Bow': (True, False, None, 0x0B, 'You have\nchosen the\narcher class.', 'and the D', 'Ex-Adventurer', None, None, None),
'Book of Mudora': (True, False, None, 0x1D, 'This is a\nparadox?!', 'and the Paradox', 'Lazy Reader', None, None, None),
'Hammer': (True, False, None, 0x09, 'stop\nhammer time!', 'and the blunt weapon', None, None, None, None),

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from Regions import create_regions
from EntranceShuffle import link_entrances
from Rom import patch_rom, LocalRom, JsonRom
from Rules import set_rules
from Dungeons import create_dungeons, fill_dungeons
from Dungeons import create_dungeons, fill_dungeons, fill_dungeons_restrictive
from Items import ItemFactory
from collections import OrderedDict
import random
@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ def main(args, seed=None):'Placing Dungeon Items.')
if args.algorithm == 'vt26':
fill_dungeons(world)'Fill the world.')
@ -70,6 +73,8 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
elif args.algorithm == 'vt25':
distribute_items_restrictive(world, 0)
elif args.algorithm == 'vt26':
distribute_items_restrictive(world, random.randint(0, 15))'Calculating playthrough.')

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@ -113,7 +113,12 @@ Select game difficulty. Affects available itempool. (default: normal)
Select item filling algorithm.
### VT25 (Default)
### VT26 (Default)
Items and locations are shuffled like in VT25, and dungeon items are now placed using the same algorithm. It includes
a slight deliberate bias against having too many desireable items in Ganon's Tower to help counterbalance the sheer number
of chests in that single location.
### VT25
Items and locations are shuffled and placed from the top of the lists. The only thing preventing an item from being placed into a spot
is if is absolutely impossible to be there given the previous made placement choices. Leads to very uniform but guaranteed solvable distributions.